
時間:2021-09-13 17:41:16 導游詞 我要投稿





  Badaguan is a famous tourist resort in China. In the early 1930s, whenQingdao municipal government planned to build Zhanshan special area, it builteight roads named after China's famous passes, named "Badaguan". Later, two moreroads were added to form ten scenic spots with the main streets named after thepass, but they were traditionally called "Badaguan".

  One of the characteristics of Badaguan is the diversity of thearchitectural style of the villas. According to statistics, the buildings in thescenic area represent the architectural styles of 24 countries in Russia,Germany, Britain and France, so it has the reputation of "World ArchitectureExpo".

  Badaguan street green space is one of the landscapes attracting tourists.Every road in the scenic area has a special tree species as representative, suchas the peach trees in Shaoguan Road, the French Wutong of Shanhaiguan Road, thecedar of the city road of the purple Jing Guan Road, and so on, which forms thedistinctive landscape characteristics of the driver and Lu Lu Hua.

  Badaguan's beautiful environment and colorful buildings not only attracttourists, but also attract the attention of the film and television industry.Many film and television bureaus choose Badaguan as the location. Early famousfilms "peach blossom after robbery", "go to nature", as well as the SovietUnion, Germany, Japan and other foreign film and television circles have alsoshot location here. Therefore, Badaguan is also known as a natural studio.

  Now what we see is No.17 Shanhaiguan road. It is a Japanese style buildingbuilt by Japanese in Qingdao in 1940. There are four rooms in the building. Oneof the Japanese style apartments is inlaid with a cherry tree on the wall.According to Japanese research, the cherry tree is thousands of years old, whichis very rare. There is a nickname "Marshal building" in the building because sixmarshals, including Xu Qianxiang and Peng Dehuai, who are the top ten marshalsof the people's Republic of China, once lived in the building.

  Next we see the "Badaguan auditorium", which is the most important part ofBadaguan hotel. It was built in 1959 and is a hall building with strong nationalcharacteristics. The project code of this building is "project 505", and it isplanned to build an international conference center. In 1962, due to politicaland economic reasons, only one floor above ground and one floor underground werebuilt, thus forming this unique architectural appearance. What we are seeing nowis the most representative building of the eight grand views Princess building.It is a typical Danish building, which was built in the 1930s. The wholebuilding is unique in shape and style.

  There is also a beautiful story about the origin of Princess building. Itis said that in 1929, a prince of the kingdom of Denmark came to Qingdao forsightseeing on the "Fionia" luxury cruise. He was attracted by the beautifulseaside scenery of Badaguan. The prince of Denmark then commissioned the firstDanish consul to buy land at badagouan seaside. According to the artisticconception of Andersen's fairy tales, he designed the Danish classicalarchitecture and prepared to give it to the Danish Princess as a gift. Althoughthe Danish Princess did not come to Qingdao in the end, the name of "Princessbuilding" spread widely.

  Next we see 14 Juyongguan Road, which is an American style residentialbuilding. It was once selected as the shooting site for the TV series SoongChing Ling and her sisters. The content of the shooting is a segment of the lifeof the Soong Sisters living in the United States when they were young. After theTV series was broadcasted, it was called "Song's garden".

  Members: what we are seeing now is the north gate of No.9 Shanhaiguan Road,a new building built in 1993. It is decorated according to the standards offive-star hotels, and is an important place to receive the highest politicaltasks. So it is commonly known as "state guesthouse". After the completion ofthe new building, the new generation of Party and state leaders Jiang Zemin, ZhuRongji and Wan Li all stayed here.

  The villa in front of the courtyard is 9 Shanhaiguan road. It's an Americanstyle building. Originally owned by the US consulate in Qingdao, the villa wasbuilt before the Pacific War and later confiscated by the Japanese army. Afterthe surrender of Japan, the building was the residence of admiral Kirk,commander of the seventh fleet of the U.S. Navy, whose interior furniture wasall shipped from the United States. At that time, the United States supportedChiang Kai Shek in fighting the civil war, so Kirk was highly respected andpraised by the Kuomintang military and political authorities in Qingdao. AfterKirk returned home, it became the residence of admiral Berger, commander of theUS Navy's western Pacific Fleet. Until May 1949, on the eve of the liberation ofQingdao, Berger led the US Navy to withdraw from Qingdao. Liu Shaoqi and ZhouEnlai all stayed here. What we drove to was a Russian style building, in which alarge number of stone inlays with patterns were used, which was known as"huashilou".

  The building was built in 1931 by a Russian nobleman (Belarus) who was inexile in China. The owner's name is "laibichi". Because of its uniquearchitectural style and elegant environment, it has attracted the attention ofthe world.

  After the liberation of Qingdao, huashilou was managed by the communicationdepartment of Qingdao people's government, and became a place to receive Chineseand foreign distinguished guests. Party and state leaders Dong Biwu and Chen Yionce stayed in huashilou. Marshal Chen Yi wrote the long poem "traveling inQingdao" in Qingdao, which was written by him when he first came to Qingdao torecuperate and live in huashilou.

  Badaguan scenic spot in Qingdao

  Friends, next we are going to visit Badaguan scenic resort, a famous scenicspot in Qingdao. It is famous for its trees, flowers, fresh air and beautifulenvironment, especially for its gorgeous western style villas. It is also knownas the "World Architecture Expo" because of its collection of numerous nationalstyle buildings. The reason why it is called Badaguan is that there were eightroads named after the pass, so it is called Badaguan. These roads are: ShaoguanRoad, Jiayuguan Road, Shanhaiguan road, Wushengguan Road, Hanguguan Road,Zhengyangguan Road, Linhuaiguan Road, ningwuguan Road, Zijingguan Road,Juyongguan road.

  The villas here are Russian, English, French, German, Danish, Greek,Spanish, Swiss, Japanese and other architectural styles of more than 20countries. The beautiful environment makes Badaguan scenic spot a "naturalstudio" for Chinese and foreign films and TV location shooting. Movies like"peach blossom after robbery" and "going to nature" before liberation, secretdrawings "," Miao Miao "and" sea storm "after the founding of the people'sRepublic of China, More than 40 films such as "the second spring" and more than20 TV dramas such as "Magic Cave No.13" and "express mail" were filmed onlocation here. You will feel familiar when you walk on the street. It must beassociated with a movie scene

  Badaguan scenic area is facing the second bathing beach. There is apromontory extending into the sea at its east end, where huashilou is located.In 1932, it is said that a wealthy Belarusian named grasimov built this seasidevilla near the sea. It is a European castle style building. Because the insideof the building is covered with marble and the outside is also covered withpebbles, it has been called "huashirao" for many years. It is also a famousbuilding with distinctive features in Qingdao. It is said that beforeliberation, Dai Li, the spy chief, and Bai Guang, the film star of the time,lived here. After liberation, huashilou became a house for Chinese and foreignguests, with the house number of No. 18 Huanghai Road. Party and state leadersDong Biwu and Chen Yi all stayed here. Chen yiyuanshuai lived in huashilou whenhe first arrived in Qingdao, He said: during the May 4th movement, he knew thatthere was a Qingdao in China. During the war of liberation, he fought inShandong for many years and finally came to Qingdao. He also borrowed jiaoaochronicle, read the history of Qingdao in detail, and wrote a long poem, firstvisit to Qingdao. The movies, such as sacred mission, murder in Baiwu street andaction of the president, were shot here for interior and exterior scenes

  In the west of huashilou, there is a large group of brown reefs. The coasthere is abrupt, the cliffs are like knives, and black pines are planted all overthe bank. The winding paths here are vertical and horizontal, and you can godown the long stone steps to the second bathing beach. After liberation, manyChinese leaders have swam in this bathing beach, leaving unforgettable memories,Chairman Mao likes backstroke. He has to swim for more than an hour each time.Sometimes, he will dive into the water for a long time, which often makes afalse alarm to the security personnel. Here, the chairman also presided over theenlarged meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, He also madea report on the situation in the summer of 1975, which was later included in thefifth volume of selected works .

  Qingdao Zhanqiao Waterfront

  My friends, Qianhai trestle is the symbol of Qingdao. When we walk alongthe trestle, we can see that Qingdao Bay is like a crescent moon, the trestle islike a rainbow, and the Huilan Pavilion is shining. In the distance, littleQingdao is as small as a snail. The trees on the island are whirling and theshade is thick. A white lighthouse stands in the sky. Little Qingdao is theorigin of the name of Qingdao

  On the Bank of the bay is a picturesque trestle park. The park is coveredwith pines, green grass like mushrooms, vines around the corridor, and flowersblooming. There are many chairs in the park, which are specially for tourists torest. Qianhai trestle, which protrudes from the center of the park, connectswith Zhongshan road in the north, and goes deep into the deep part of QingdaoBay in the south. At the end, Huilan Pavilion, with angled cornice, is unique.The history of the trestle has been more than 100 years, After Zhang Gaoyuan,the commander of Dengzhou garrison, was ordered to garrison in Qingdao, he firstbuilt the Yamen of the commander in chief in Qingdao Village (now the people'sHall), and then built a simple wharf with a length of about 200 meters inQianhai. At that time, it was only for military use, and its name was Zhanqiao.After the German occupation of Qingdao in 1897, the trestle was expanded totransport military supplies from Europe. The bridge was extended to 350 meters,and the north section was made of stone, Later, the Dagang Wharf (today'sQingdao port) was built, and the trestle was no longer used as a wharf and beganto be opened to tourists. In 1923, the north end of the bridge was turned into apark on both sides, which became a famous tourist attraction in Qingdao. InSeptember 1931, the Qingdao municipal government paid a huge sum of money tocontract the reconstruction of the bridge, which was extended to 440 meters and8 meters wide, At the south end of the bridge, a triangular breakwater is added.On the breakwater, there is a Chinese style double-layer cornice and octagonal"Huilan Pavilion". The top of the pavilion is covered with golden glazed tiles,and the inside of the pavilion is a two-story circular hall. The whole projectwas completed in April 1933, and the trestle became the first scenic spot inQingdao

  In the Bay on the west side of the trestle, the reefs protrude at bothends, and there is a sandy beach in the middle. It is the sixth bathing beach inQingdao. In the west of the bath, there are many modern buildings, which arevery spectacular. The ball like Pearl building is the palace on the sea, whichis a high-grade food and entertainment place. The scenery in this area is namedafter eight canyons, so it is also called badaxia scenic area


  Erlong mountain is the hinterland of Laoshan National Forest Park. In theplanning scenic area, there are towering ancient trees, many strange stones, andmisty clouds all the year round. The greening rate of the mountain is more than90%. Tangziguan reservoir is surrounded by stone carvings from the Northern SongDynasty, Ming and Qing Dynasties and poems written by calligrapher Zhaomenglaiyou of the Song Dynasty. Xie Lidong, where the two princesses lived whenthe Song Dynasty was in trouble, has more than 50 scenic spots, such asxingshishan, xianrenbai, huanglinghou, Hutou mountain, thumb, guangguanggu, etc.There is a long tea culture in this area. Laoshan tea has been planted forthousands of mu, and the oldest tea tree has been more than 30 years. Withabundant water resources, the Xiaowang river basin covers an area of 16 squarekilometers. A 1.5 million cubic meter Xiaowang reservoir and a 120000 cubicmeter tangziguan reservoir have been built. The underground water is moreabundant and of high quality. Now eight Laoshan water production plants havebeen put into operation. There are countless rivers and streams in the touristarea. The reservoirs overlap and flow all the year round.

  Erlong mountain scenic spot is an eco-tourism industry vigorously developedby Xiaowang community in Laoshan District. Xiaowang community is located in theeast foot of Laoshan Mountain, Yangkou Bay, wanggezhuang street, with apopulation of more than 3100 and a total area of about 12.2 square kilometers.It has beautiful scenery, pleasant climate, convenient transportation and richproducts. With the deepening of rural economic restructuring, Xiaowang communityhas made full use of its resource advantages and location advantages, vigorouslydeveloped urban agriculture and eco-tourism tourism industry, and its economicand social benefits have been greatly improved. Xiaowang community has beenawarded "national agricultural tourism demonstration site", Shandong Province"tourism characteristic village", and Erlongshan eco-tourism area has beenawarded the national "AA scenic spot" "Qingdao pollution-free agriculturalproducts production base", "Qingdao science popularization education base","Qingdao science popularization demonstration base", Qingdao "one village, oneproduct" demonstration village, "Shandong Tea Culture Association group memberunit" and street "advanced economic development village".

  Over the years, Xiaowang community has made great efforts to develop Valleyeco-tourism sightseeing, Laoshan Tea Culture Festival, tea town custom tour,peasant feast, tea town family and other characteristic projects with mountaineco-tourism characteristics, forming a relatively perfect folk eco-tourismsystem. It has successively invested in the construction of China Tea CultureMuseum, Laoshan tea Museum, Laoshan Taoist Culture Museum, Erlong mountainscenic spot and tourism park Thousand mu tea garden and other projects havedeveloped the eco-tourism area into a comprehensive tourism area integratingtourism, vacation, sightseeing, leisure, entertainment and shopping.


  Qingdao Jinsha wax museum is a professional wax art exhibition hall inChina, the first professional exhibition hall of celebrity wax in ShandongProvince.

  It is adjacent to the famous scenic spot Qingdao Underwater World in theEast, and the coastal wooden plank road in the west, which is connected withQingdao plank bridge. Excellent geographical location, vivid celebrity wax, redtiles, green trees, blue sea and blue sky set off each other, forming a uniqueart palace, becoming the first stop of Qingdao tourism!

  There are eight theme exhibition areas in the museum, displaying more than100 lifelike wax figures and cartoon characters of celebrities. With themagnificent audio-visual effects and rich interactive experience, visitors canfeel as if they are in close contact with their idols through time andspace.

  Want to shake hands with movie idols? Avatar, wolverine, Pirates of theCaribbean, Captain America, Superman, Spiderman, director of the one eyed dragonshield.... Many idols will make you scream.

  Do you want to compete with martial arts experts? World boxing championTyson and Chinese Kung Fu Bruce Lee will make you marvel.

  Do you want to take a picture with stars and celebrities? Marilyn Monroe,Leonardo, Fan Bingbing, Coco Lee? US President Barack Obama, African PresidentMandela, apple founder Steve Jobs? Your dream will come true and you will besatisfied.

  Do you want to travel through the fairy tale kingdom? Aladdin lamp willsatisfy your wishes. Kung Fu Panda, snow white, seven dwarfs and penguins fromMadagascar will take you into the magical animation world... Travel through timeand space to find stars. Qingdao Jinsha wax museum invites you to travel.


  The Erlong Mountain Ecotourism Zone is located in the north of Yangkouscenic spot, adjacent to Yangkou scenic spot and Laoshan National Forest Park inthe south, wanggezhuang office and Qingdao seaside sightseeing Avenue in thenorth. The scenic spot has pleasant climate, beautiful scenery, completeinfrastructure and superior geographical location. There are two Xiaowangreservoir and tangziguan reservoir, which are the birthplace of high-qualityLaoshan water. Binyang highway traverses it, and the traffic and communicationconditions are very convenient.

  Erlong mountain is the hinterland of Laoshan National Forest Park. In theplanning scenic area, there are towering ancient trees, many strange stones, andmisty clouds all the year round. The greening rate of the mountain is more than90%. Tangziguan reservoir is surrounded by stone carvings from the Northern SongDynasty, Ming and Qing Dynasties and poems written by calligrapher Zhaomenglaiyou of the Song Dynasty. Xie Lidong, where the two princesses lived whenthe Song Dynasty was in trouble, has more than 50 scenic spots, such asxingshishan, xianrenbai, huanglinghou, Hutou mountain, thumb, guangguanggu, etc.There is a long tea culture in this area. Laoshan tea has been planted forthousands of mu, and the oldest tea tree has been more than 30 years. Withabundant water resources, the Xiaowang river basin covers an area of 16 squarekilometers. A 1.5 million cubic meter Xiaowang reservoir and a 120000 cubicmeter tangziguan reservoir have been built. The underground water is moreabundant and of high quality. Now eight Laoshan water production plants havebeen put into operation. There are countless rivers and streams in the touristarea. The reservoirs overlap and flow all the year round.

  Erlong mountain scenic spot is an eco-tourism industry vigorously developedby Xiaowang community in Laoshan District. Xiaowang community is located in theeast foot of Laoshan Mountain, Yangkou Bay, wanggezhuang street, with apopulation of more than 3100 and a total area of about 12.2 square kilometers.It has beautiful scenery, pleasant climate, convenient transportation and richproducts. With the deepening of rural economic restructuring, Xiaowang communityhas made full use of its resource advantages and location advantages, vigorouslydeveloped urban agriculture and eco-tourism tourism industry, and its economicand social benefits have been greatly improved. Xiaowang community has beenawarded "national agricultural tourism demonstration site", Shandong Province"tourism characteristic village", and Erlongshan eco-tourism area "AA" It hasbeen awarded the titles of "grade a scenic spot", "Qingdao pollution-freeagricultural products production base", "Qingdao science popularizationeducation base", "Qingdao science popularization demonstration base", Qingdao"one village, one product" demonstration village, "Shandong Tea CultureAssociation group member unit" and "economic development advanced village".

  Over the years, Xiaowang community has made great efforts to develop Valleyeco-tourism sightseeing, Laoshan Tea Culture Festival, tea town custom tour,peasant feast, tea town family and other characteristic projects with mountaineco-tourism characteristics, forming a relatively perfect folk eco-tourismsystem. It has successively invested in the construction of China Tea CultureMuseum, Laoshan tea Museum, Laoshan Taoist Culture Museum, Erlong mountainscenic spot and tourism park Thousand mu tea garden and other projects havedeveloped the eco-tourism area into a comprehensive tourism area integratingtourism, vacation, sightseeing, leisure, entertainment and shopping.


  Qingdao is located in the Yellow Sea, and China has always set the sealevel of the Yellow Sea as the national elevation datum. The level zero of thepeople's Republic of China from this can most intuitively experience thewonderful feeling that the height starts from the foot! Usually, after touristscome to Qingdao, the level zero is a must visit point, because the height startsfrom here, it represents higher and higher, higher and higher!

  Located on the east side of Fushan Bay in Qingdao, adjacent to QingdaoOlympic Sailing Center and May 4th Square, China zero scenic spot is a nationalAAAA scenic spot. It is a theme park with China's altitude zero as the core. Itis a unique scenic spot in China. Former President Hu Jintao visited it inperson.

  China zero scenic spot is a new type of scenic spot in Qingdao, whichintegrates surveying and mapping culture, navigation culture and marine culture.It has China's only level zero of the people's Republic of China, China's firstinternational yacht and sailing industry development base, the world's highestsculpture of "Mazu goddess on the sea", the world's first mechanicallyretractable Rainbow Bridge on the sea, the sailing capital sightseeing tower andthe Maritime Science and Technology Museum.

  China's leveling zero is located in the "people's Republic of Chinaleveling zero" in Yinhai world, Donghai Middle Road, Qingdao, which is the onlyleveling zero in China. The leveling zero is the starting surface of theelevation of the ground point. The average sea level measured by the tide gaugeat different locations is different. In order to unify the national elevationsystem, an average sea level is selected as the elevation datum.

  Qingdao Yinhai International Yacht Club scenic spot was rated as nationalAAAA scenic spot by the National Tourism Administration in 20xx. It is the firstnew tourism resource with yacht club as the main body and knowledge of OlympicGames, ocean, sailing and surveying and mapping. It has unique ornamental,knowledge, interest and experience.












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