
發布時間:2016-9-24 編輯:互聯網 手機版

New words:

1.frightening adj.

fright---n. the feeling of fear 驚嚇;恐怖

with fright =with fear

I was shocked with fright/ fear.

frighten-vt. fill with fear 使吃驚;驚嚇

frighten sb.

sb. be frightened by


to do


You frightened me.

The explosion frightened me.

The child was frightened by the big dog.

She was frightened by the height of the cliff.

He was frightened at the thought of his coming examination.

She was frightened to look down from the top of the tall building.

The little girl was frightened that her mother wouldn’t come back.


He has had a ___ (frightened, frightening) experience.

He threw me a quick ___ ( frightened, frightening )glance.

The ___ (frightened; frightening) horse ran away from the fire.

*frighten sb. into/ into doing 嚇得某人做某事/不做某事

persuade sb. into doing

argue sb. into (out of ) doing

He frightened the old lady into/ out of signing the paper.


*be frightened of= be afraid of

She was frightened of police.


typhoon –n.臺風

volcano –n。火山



tornado –n.龍卷風


under threat of 在。。。的威脅下

I obeyed, but only under thread of death. 我僅僅是在死亡威脅下 屈服了。

make a threat 威脅

2)possible danger 可能的危險;兇兆(常用單)

The killer is a threat to everyone.

The flood was a thread to our homes.


There is a threat of rain.

The clouds brought a threat of rain.

threaten –v. 威脅;有。。。的危險

threaten to do

sb。with 威脅著要。。。

She threatened to murder me.

I was threatened with punishment if I don’t obey. 如果我不服


The clouds threatened rain.云顯得要下雨了。

4. on end –1)of time continuously(指時間)連續地

He sat there for hours on end.

He studied for days on end.

2)up right直立;豎起來

stand on end (使)豎起來

We had to stand the table on end to get it through the door.

When he heard the strange cry, his hair stood on end.

The sight of the dead man made his hair stand on end.

*come to an end

*come to … end

* in the end

*make ends meet

*put an end to

v. end in 以。。。告終;結果。。。

The plan ended in failure.

The match ended in a win for us.

The battle ended in a victory(in everyone going home.

end up 最后(有某種結局);最后(成了)

If you drive your car like that, you’ll end up in hospital.

If you go on doing that kind of thing you’ll end up in prison.

end up with =close with 以。。。結束

We started with soup, and had fruit to end up with.

We ended the dinner up with fruit and coffee.

5.terrify-vt. 使害怕;使驚恐

Your views terrified me.

be terrified by

She was terrified by his appearance.

Terrified by the sight of lion, Bill climbed a tree.

be terrified of 害怕

The old lady was terrified of crossing such a busy road.

定語:The terrified girl ran home.

That must have been a terrifying experience for you.

6.bury-vt.埋葬put into the grave;掩藏hide away esp. in the ground

After the battle they buried the dead.

He buried his head ( face) in his hands.他用手捂住頭(臉)。

7.at hand


When he writes he always keeps a dictionary at hand.

I haven’t my book at hand, but I’ll show it to you later.

2)就要到來,不遠了on the way; be upon sb.

around the corner (同just連用) 即將來臨,在拐角處(Unit17SI)

The examinations are at hand/ on the way/ upon us..

Christmas is at hand./ upon us/ on the way

But changes were just around the corner.

by hand手工(做的);送來的(不是寄來的)

My shoes were made by hand.

The note was delivered by hand.

from hand to hand 從一個人傳到另一個人

give (lend) sb. a hand 幫一下忙

Could you lend me a hand with the parcel?

hand in hand

hands up

hands off不要碰;不要干預

on hand 手邊(有。。);手頭(有事做)

I have no cash on hand to pay for the gas。

on the one hand…on the other一方面。。。另一方面

On the one hand I admired his gifts, but on the other I distrust his judgment.

on the other hand (可是)另一方面

He is clever, but on the other hand, he makes many mistakes.

8.flee/ fled/ fled –vi. vt.(正式)逃跑;逃走

=escape from

=get away from

The frightened people fled from the fire.

Over the years, thousands of citizens fled to the neighboring countries.

The enemy fled in disorder.敵人潰逃。

He fled the kidnappers and phoned the police.

They all fled ( from ) the burning ship.

9.urge –vt. 敦促;懇求;強烈要求 beg or strongly persuade

urge sb. to do sth.

that do


They urged us to go with them.

My mother urged me not to tell you anything about it.

He urged that they go to Europe.

She urged that he write and accept the post.

They urged prison reform.


an urge to do

She felt an/ the urge to hit him. 她感到一股沖動想揍他。

He a sudden urge to go to Italy.

10.arrival –n.到達;到來[u]

upon arrival 后跟表動態的名詞或動名詞,表“ 在。。。時;當發生。。。時

Upon arrival, they went in search of a hotel.

She was joyful upon seeing her child take his first steps.她看到孩子開始走路了,很開心。

They gave him a warm welcome on his arrival.

On my arrival home, I was greeted by my parents.

as soon as one arrives

on arriving

鏈接:refusal/ survival

11.bath –n. an act of washing one’s whole body at one time

take/ have a bath

bathe/ bathed/ bathing vt. vi

He is bathing the baby.


at once

right away


without delay We must leave without delay.

in no time I’ll come back in no time.

In no time will I come back.

13.board –n.船舷;木板;邊緣

on board 上船(火車;公共汽車;飛機等)in or on (a ship or public vehicle)

They got on board the train.他們上了火車。

She enjoys life on board ship.她在船上過得很愉快。

14.knock about接連的打擊

knock about/ around 漫游(各地)

knock back狂飲,痛飲

knock sb./sth. down摧毀;拆除;推倒

Our house is being knocked down to make way for a new road.

knock off 1)停止做(某事,尤指工作)2)削價

knock out 使某人睡覺

knock into把。。。敲入;撞到某人身上

He walked in the dark and knocked into a man.

15.all of a sudden

all at once


16.live through度過;經受住

He managed to live through two world wars.

live with 忍受;接受

I don’t enjoy the pain but I can live with it.


1)in a voice that may be heard出聲;高聲

The teacher asked him to read the poem aloud.

2)in a loud voice大聲

The pain caused him to cry aloud.

loud-adv. in a loud way 大聲地;喧鬧地;響亮地

Try to sing louder.

adj. noisy; not quiet響亮的;高聲的;吵鬧的

loud music

a loud radio

loudly –adv.

18.swear –swore/ sworn

1) vi (at)use bad language咒罵;說臟話

Stop swearing in front of children.

2)vt. 發誓:cause to take an oath

I can tell you anything about it; I’ve been sworn to secrecy.

3)宣誓:promise formally or by an OATH

swear to do/ that

He swore to obey.

swear / take an oath 宣誓


1.frighten 使害怕



alarm-We don’t wish to alarm the child.

make sb.’s hair stand使人驚嚇得毛骨悚然

make one’s hair stand on end

panic-The crowd panicked at the sound of the guns.

be afraid of / to do / that害怕

be frightened (to death) / of / to do / by / at / that

be scared (to death) / by / of / to do / that

be terrified by/ of / at

be fearful of / that

2….my mother drew my uncle’s attention to…我母親讓我叔叔注意

draw / attract (one’s) attention (to) (使某人)注意。。。

He drew attention to the rising unemployment rates.

I drew her attention to her dirty fingernails.

call ( one’s) attention (to) 引起某人注意某事

He called my attention to some new evidence.他促使我注意到某些新的證據。

Before I closed I must call your attention to a problem we have to face.

catch/ arrest one’s attention引起某人的注意

The bright light caught/ arrested the boy’s attention.明亮的燈光吸引了孩子的注意力。

pay attention to

He didn’t pay any close attention to the details.

devote attention to 關注;重視

Much attention has been devoted to the matter. 對于這個問題已經給予了足夠的重視。

turn one’s attention to把注意力轉向

His attention was turned to the pretty young girl.

focus/ center/ concentrate (one’s) attention on 把注意力集中在。。。

All his attention was focused on the stars.

bring sth. to one’s attention 使某人注意到謀事

I feel it my duty to bring to your attention the following facts.我感到要你注意下面這些事實是我的職責。

3.The sight of it awoke the scientist in my uncle to go and see it from closer at hand.。一看到這種情景,叔叔身上的科學精神被喚醒了,他要靠近火山去看個究竟。(擬人,sight喚醒 the scientist in my uncle常見

The study says there must be a complete overhaul of air traffic control system.研究表明必須對航空控制系統作全面,徹底的修正。

Dusk found him crying in the street.

4.way out (克服困難的)辦法,出路

He was trying to think of a way out, but it was impossible to find one.它試圖想出解決問題的辦法,但不可能找到。

In fact, I’m sure that’s the only satisfactory way out. 我肯定那是唯一令人滿意的辦法。

5. at hand 在手邊;在跟前

I haven’t the dictionary at hand, but I will show it to you later.

I want you to be at hand during my interview with the applicants.申請人面試時我希望你在跟前。

6.call for 要求;需要

The workers are calling for strike action.工人們要求罷工行動。

The work calls for endurance and patience.這工作需要耐力和耐心。

7.darker and more, the closer they went

The more… the more

The more you practice, the more perfect you will be. 你越練習就越熟練。

9.the other way 另一個方向;相反

He turned the other way when he saw the police coming.她看見警察后轉向另一方向。

the other way around 相反地;從相反方向;用相反方式(Unit1SII)

Galileo’s observations show that Copernicus, another great astronomer, was right and that the earth moves around the sun, not the other way around.

He thought it would be easier to go there than to come back, but it was just the other way.他以為去時用的時間比來時短,其實正相反。

right 徑直地;立即地

The ship went right to the bottom. 輪船直沉江底。

He turned on the TV right after he came into the room.

10. a rain of 量詞,表burning rocks 的量之多

a shower of rock

11. It was daylight now in other parts of the world, but there the darkness was darker and thicker than any night.

注意:night前沒有other.這是因為it 指daytime而不是night.如指night,就不能少other.

12.Helped by two slaves he stood up, and immediately fell down dead.

He returned home, full of fear.

Strong, proud and united, the people of St Petersburg are the modern heroes of Russia.圣彼得堡的人民堅強,自豪,團結一致,他們是當代的俄羅斯英雄。(當主語比較短時,常放句首)

Confident,selfless and honest, she is my good role model.她自信,無私,誠實,是我的楷模。

Capable and warm-hearted, she is always helping my grandma with the housework. 她能干而且熱心,總是幫助我奶奶做家務。

He returned home, tired and hungry. (形容詞說主語的狀態,副詞說謂語)

The old man went to bed slowly.

13. more A than B與其說 B,不如說 A

A rather than B與其說 B,不如說 A

Don’t be too hard on him. He is more misled than stupid. 不要對他太苛刻。與其說他傻倒不如說他是被誤導了。

He is more an artist than a philosopher.

=He is an artist rather than a philosopher.


It was what he meant rather than what he said.

14.You can pick out the important bits for it is one thing to write a letter, another to write history, one thing to write to a friend, another to write for the public.你可以從中挑選重要的片斷。寫信跟寫歷史是兩碼事,寫信是給朋友的,而書是為公眾的寫的。

It is one thing to do…, another to do…


It is one thing for you to stay here, another for me to ask you to stay here. 你要留下是一回事,我請你留下是另外一回事。

15There is some dirt weather knocking about.壞天氣馬上就要來了。

knock about 漫游,閑逛,接連打擊,(浪等)沖擊,碰撞

He’s knocked about in Africa for years.他在非洲漫游了好幾年。

As a young man he suffered a lot from poverty, He used to knock about at the market, trying to find a job for a few coins.年輕時他很窮,經常在市場里閑逛,找些零活掙些小錢。

16.come on 開始

I can feel a cold coming on.

The movie comes on at eight o’clock.

17.incredible 不相信



18.The hurricane, with its power to sink ships and to destroy strong walls, and found this little ship in its path. 颶風威力無比,它能沉掉船只,推倒墻,颶風一路風馳電掣來到小船前。

with its power to sink…walls 是定語,修飾hurricane

see, find 等動詞的主語有時是物:

This old house has seen better days. 這些老房子曾有過風光的日子。

National Day found people singing and dancing happily in a street


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