Unit 2 Is this your pencil?(新目標版七年級英語上冊教案教學設計)

發布時間:2016-7-13 編輯:互聯網 手機版


與其他每個單元一樣,本單元共六頁(6 pages),其中包括Section A,Section B和Self check。

Section A (Pages1,2&3) 提供了本單元教學的基本詞匯和語言結構,為本單元的目標句型提供示例和指導性練習,并通過簡單的語言活動進行操練和鞏固;Page1,2,有聽、說、讀和Grammar focus, Page3是語言運用。

Section B (Pages4&5) 的教學是在已有的基礎上開展的,許多知識點都是以舊帶新,但學習任務的難度在逐漸遞升,口頭訓練也過度到筆頭訓練,通過這部分的學習,使學生能夠對已學過的目標句型運用自如。

Self check是課后自我檢測和評價,包括對本單元所學詞匯的檢測,詞匯擴展訓練,以及語言運用能力的檢測和評價。通過這部分內容的訓練,使學生對本單元的語言目標的掌握程度有較為明確的認識。


本單元的語言功能是辨別物品的所有者 “Is this your/her/his…?”, 中心話題是Things in the classroom (P.1,BooKI(上冊),Go for it), 學習和掌握新詞匯:pencil, pen, book, eraser, ruler, pencil case, dictionary, backpack, baseball, watch, key, computer game, notebook, ring .

語言結構有:指示代詞this & that, What questions, Yes/No questions and short answers, How do you spell it? 語言目標是掌握句型: Is this your…? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t. What’s this in English? It’s a… How do you spell it? P-E-N.



A) 詞匯: pencil, pen, book, eraser, ruler, pencil case, dictionary, backpack, baseball, watch, key, computer game, notebook, ring .

B)語言結構:指示代詞this & that, What questions, Yes/No questions and short answers, How do you spell it?

C)語言功能:詢問物品屬性What’s this/that…?和辨別物品所有者 Is this your/her/his…?”




1.知識基礎: 絕大部分學生掌握的詞匯、語句還很少,缺少語言基礎,表達的句子也較單一,對任務的完成還會有一定的難度,對剛剛學完的字母、數字和單詞也需要進一步地練習、鞏固和運用。


3.思維能力: 該年齡段的學生有很強的記憶力和模仿能力,有待培養知識的擴展和運用的能力。


1. 語言知識目標:

A)詞匯:pencil, pen, book, eraser, ruler, pencil case, dictionary, backpack, baseball, watch, key, computer game, notebook, ring .


Is this your…? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.

What’s this in English? It’s a…

How do you spell it? P-E-N.

2. 語言技能目標:通過各種活動,培養學生靈活運用語言知識和創新的能力。

3. 情感目標:

A) 激發學生學習英語的興趣,發揮學生學習英語的主動性。

B) 通過小組活動、組間競賽等,培養學生的合作意識和團隊精神。

C) 學習英語文明禮貌的詢問和回答方式,拾金不昧的做人原則和助人為樂的優良品質。













Period One (Section A 1a,1b. Self check1,2)

Step1. Warming-up

Listen to a song “Is this your pencil-box?” 讓學生從聽歌的過程中感受新的語言項目: Is this your… ?

Ss listen to it and learn to sing it.

Step2. Presentation

Show and learn our shool things. 復習句型: What’s this in English? It’s a/an…,

Teacher show some things first and ask 引入新句型:Is this / that your…? Yes, it is./ No,it

“What’s this in English?”, and then every isn’t. 鼓勵學生主動參與,開口說英語, 增強

student is asked to say a sentence in English 初學者用英語表達意思的愿望,激發興趣,提高

one by one ,like “This is my/his/her…” 自信心,也體現了聽說領先的原則。

Step3. Practice

Section A--1a 學生還是剛剛熟悉字母,朗讀單詞和句子,

After doing it, read the new words and 可以幫助學生了解單詞的發音,熟悉句型,為下

sentences. 一步的學習打好基礎。

Step4.Word challenge

Show the things as quickly as possible, 活動有效訓練學生的注意力和瞬間記憶力,同時

have a competition between boys and 在真實的語境使所學的語言知識得到強化。

girls. Get them to name the things they


Step5. Listen, number them and read

Section A -- 1b 訓練聽的能力,培養語感。

Step6. Practice

Do self-check 1. 通過學生自我檢測,自我評價,進一步鞏固單詞 。

Step7 .Pair work

Practise the conversations in 1b, then 結對合作學習,嘗試用英語交際,體會合作帶來

make own conversations. 的快樂。

Step8. Group task: A game

Group of four, find the owner. Each student 小組合作學習單詞,增強趣味性。

put one or two things on the desk, then ask

questions one another. Using: Is this your/his/



Write the new words they learned today 激勵每個學生不甘落后,學有所獲。

without looking at the books,see who will

be the best.

Period 2 (Section A 2a,2b,2c, 3, 4a,4b,Grammar focus)

Step1.Warming-up: A word game

Read the letters, and then form the right 通過游戲形式來檢查學生已學知識的掌握情

words, see who is the best. 況,在輕松愉快的課堂氣氛中,學生的積極性

e.g , K,O,O,B →book, 容易被調動,思維容易被激活。

E,N,P →pen.

To remind Ss of the Vowel Alphabet.

Step2. Greetings and revision

Good morning, Hi, Excuse me, Is 師生互動,既促進了師生情誼,溝通了情感,

this your/her/his…?What’s this 也復習鞏固了語言項目。

/that in English? How do you spell it?

Step3. Listen and say

1) Section A,2a 2a的單句聽力,復習鞏固,2b的情景聽力,

2) Section A, 2b 體會語言的交際功能,學生開始接觸較長對

Advice: to read the conversations 話,可通過說、讀,培養語感。

some times, and then make the similar



Section A, 2c 學生在結對合作和小組合作的學生過程中,


Step5. Group work 的過程中得到運用和鞏固。教師可鼓勵學生

Section A, 3 提問、獲得幫助,培養主動學習的好習慣。

Step6. Grammar Focus

To remind Ss of the use of the Personal 初學者容易把“Is this/that…”回答成

Pronoun it. “Yes, this/that is”等,適當的語法講解有助


Step7. Game

1) Section A,4a 在游戲中,學生運用語言知識解決實際問

To use : This is my …, here you are. 題,也再次復習鞏固了語言項目,活躍了

2) Section A, 4b, group work. 氣氛,把整節課推向高潮。


1) To write down at least 5 words about shool things 學生自我小結與評估,同時為發展語言

which they think are the most important. 打好基礎。

2) To write the sentences they learnt today, like

“What’s this/that…?” “Is this/that…?”

Period 3(Section B, 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2c, Self check3)

Step1.Warming-up: Play a game

Listen to the words read by teacher on the 在游戲中檢查學生對已學單詞的掌握

flashcards and show left or right with your 情況。此活動帶來的愉快感受能讓學

hands. See who is better at judging left or 生積極地投入到接下去的學習中。


Step2. Look and say

Section B, 1a. 師生互動,活躍課堂氣氛,加強學習效

Teacher show the pictures one by one, Ss 果,學生從中掌握單詞。

say them in English. Then match the words

in SB.

Step3. Do pair work

Section B, 1b.

Do it in pair first. Then ask some demonstration 學生用英語在真實的情景中進行交際,

pair to show their dialogues before the whole 使語言在完成任務的過程中得到運用和

class. 鞏固。教師應鼓勵學生大膽開口,不怕出錯。

Step4. Listening

Section B, 2a 通過此活動,發展學生的聽、寫技能,

Section B, 2b 使學生能對已學過的知識運用自如,從而調動積極性,提高自信心。

Step5. Do pair work again

Section B, 2c 再次通過結對合作活動,既訓練學生的注意力,又鞏固了單詞,并復習了his,


Step6. Practice

Do Self check 3. 發展寫的技能,熟練掌握本單元語言項目,同時,也為下節課的內容做好鋪墊。

Step7. Group work:

To fill in the school things that you often 通過此活動,讓學生在小組合作中體會

lost, see who has the same ones as yours. 學習的快樂。

Name 1 2 3

S1 watch football computer game





1.Introduce the things in your pencil case and in your 學會自我小結,自我評估。

backpack / schoolbag. Write down the words of the

things in the exercise books:

In my school bag:…

In my pencil case:…

2. Try to write a Lost & Found notice.

Period 4.( Section B,3a,3b,3c,4)


1)According to the picture which is yet unfinished, 豐富學生的想象力,有效激活學生的探究

guess what it is in English. See who is quicker 欲望,很快把學生卷入到單詞記憶的記憶

in guessing them right. 中,也檢查了學生的知識掌握情況。

2)Number chant:

Three two one o, Let’s go! Let’s go. 在這一步中,培養學生對數字的反應能力。

One two three four, Please go and close the door. 也較好地培養學生的語感。

Five six seven eight, Hurry up! Don’t be late.

Nine ten nine ten, Get a ruler and a pen.

Step2. Group work

Section B, 4

Get Ss to draw a picture , the other students 小組活動,合作探究,充分體現“做中學”

guess what it is. 原則。

Using: What is it in English?

Is it a/an…?

Step3. Presentation

To learn “Found Notice” and “Lost Notice”. 通過教師呈現的情景對話,讓學生領會其

Make two conversations like: 含義,為進一步學習作好鋪墊。

1) “Excuse me, Mr Liu, that is my book..My

name is…” “Here you are.” “Thanks.”…

2) Oh, where’s my watch? Do you see my


Step4. Practice

1) Do Section B, 3a. 培養學生自主學習能力和探究精神。在完

Here are four notices in this part. 成此任務的過程中,體現了“做中學”的

T: For Notice1 and Notice2, if necessary, 原則,而游戲的形式更增強了趣味性,激

help Ss read and understand the messages after 發了學生的求知欲望。

they learn themselves first.

For Notice3 and Notice4, give Ss some

questions about name and phone number

to help them understand better.

2) Group work: Do Section B, 3b.

A game: In each group of four , everyone

has a hogged piece on which there is the

incomplete message, then put them together

to make a whole message.

Make a “Lost message” like this.

Step5. Group task:

Act about “Lost and Found” 情景編演劇 “Lost and Found”,該任務需要

Reference language: 學生綜合運用本單元語言知識,需要小組

I found/ lost a… Who lost/found it? 做出盡快反應,能提高學生的合作意識,

Is this your…? What color is it? What’s 反應能力和發散思維,培養學生拾金不

in it?... 昧,助人為樂的優良品質。

Ask four demonstration groups to act out 發展語言技能,學以致用。

their own dialogues, then Ss are required

to write a message about one of the dialogues.


Section B,3c 學生的基礎和能力存在差異,允許他們將

To finish writing your own message 課內未完成的內容在課后完成。這個任

according to what you learnt today. 務也是將課內學到的內容,在課外鞏固發展,


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