Unit 8 learning a foreign language語言點詳解(人教版高三英語上冊教案教學設計)

發布時間:2016-7-10 編輯:互聯網 手機版


Language points in reading

1. motivation: motive n.(CN) 動機 目的

motivate vt. 作為┉的動機;激發

motivation n . (UN) 動機;積極性

I’m suffering from a lack of motivation. My new job is really boring.


The stronger the _________is, the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language.

A.acquisition B. comprehension C. association D. motivation

He was ___________ by love, and expected nothing in return.

A. driven B. motivated C. forced D. compelled (強迫)

What's the best way to learn English? Different people have different ideas. In a word love is the mother of success in Learning English. So as a teacher of English, we may know more about motivation. In this way we may do our best to motivate our students in English learning. In reading this paper, you may have a better understand in motivation. Take your role for motivating students, you'll become better in teaching.

2. memorize/memorise: to learn by heart memorise( vt ) 記住,背熟 memorise a poem 背熟一首詩

"He memorized the list of dates, but neglected the main facts corresponding to them.“ "他記住了那一系列日期,但卻忽略了與其有關的主要事實。"Some programmable phones can now memorize up to 100 numbers.

有些程控電話現在能存儲將近一百個號碼3. dictation: The pupils wrote at their teacher’s dictation.學生按照老師的口述寫下來。The teacher gave us a French dictation.老師給我們作了一次法語聽寫。 She was tired of her husband’s dictation.她對丈夫的發號施令感到厭煩。

I did it at my father's dictation. 我遵照父親的話去做。

dictate v.口授,讀出,強行規定,指令,指定,

The teacher dictated a passage to the class.教師讀出一段文章讓全班聽寫。

You can’t dictate to people how they should live.不能強行規定人民怎樣生活。

dictate terms to a defeated enmey向戰敗的敵人指定條件

dictate to sb 指使,向……發號施令

I refuse to be dictated to by you.我不愿被你喚來喚去的。


Follow the dictates of common sense.=Do what common sense tells you to do.按常識行事。

4. correction: Correction is act of making something right.訂正,修改;校正[U][C]

Look carefully at the corrections which I have written in your essay.


These papers are in need of correction. 這些卷子需要批改。


The prisoner was sent to a labour camp for correction.囚犯被送往勞工營改過自新。

make final correction 做最后的修改 make necessary corrections 做必要的修改

the corrected homework修改后的作業

5.stick (n). 枝條;柴枝[C] 棍,棒,杖;手杖[C]

Grandpa still walks without a stick. 爺爺走路仍不拄拐杖。

vt. 刺;戮;刺死 stick a pig 宰豬

釘住;插牢 stick a butterfly釘制蝴蝶標本

粘貼;張貼 They stuck the notice on the wall. 他們把通知貼在墻上。

stick out伸,伸出 Don't stick your head out of the train window. 不要把頭伸出火車窗外面。

be stuck in 陷入

The ship has been stuck here for a week by bad weather. 由于天氣惡劣,船只被阻在此已經一周。

Mike had the back wheel of his bus _________ in the snow.

A. to stick B stick C sticking D stuck

vi. 粘住;釘住 This stamp won't stick. 這張郵票貼不上。

陷住;梗塞;被困住 A fish-bone stuck in his throat. 他喉嚨里卡了一根魚刺。

stick to 堅持(立場、觀點、崗位、諾言)

No matter what you say, I shall __________ my opinion.

A carry out B keep up C insist on D stick to

get stuck in/into sth積極地開始做…..

We got stuck in/into the job immediately.我們立刻動手干了起來。

6.Instead we learnt or acquired our mother tongue by communicating with the people around us.相反我們是通過同周圍的人進行交流來學到或習得母語的。

With greater control and stronger sense of achievement,active learners are able to acquire new skills faster

and put what they know to better use.由于具有較好的自控力和較強的成就感,積極主動的學習者能夠更


The less anxious and more relaxed the learner,the better their language acquisition.學習者越不緊張,越能放松自己,語言習得的效果約好。

▲acquire vt. 學到(知識等);獲得

It is through learning that the individual ___________ many habitual ways of reacting to situations.

A. retains B. gains C. achieves D. acquires


She acquired an American accent while living in New York.


He has acquired a good command/ knowledge of the French language.他的法語學得很好。

We finally managed to acquire the committee’s approval of our plans.


Some people go back for their education to acquire another degree or diploma to impress the society.


acquire, get和gain:這三個詞都有“獲得”的意思,但側重點各不相同。


It is not easy to acquire a knowledge of painting.學畫畫不是件容易的事。


He had got what he wanted.他得到了他要的東西。


to gain the victory after a bloody battle.血戰之后,贏得了勝利

▲acquisition n. the act of acquiring; something acquired獲/取/學得;獲得物

This motorcycle is my latest acquisition. 這輛摩托車是我最新購置的。

▲anxious adj.


He was anxious for the safety of his family. 他擔心家人的安全。


The week of the flood was an anxious time for all of us.


渴望的 [(+for)][+to-v][+that]

We’re anxious for your safe return. 我們盼望你平安歸來。

We were anxious that there be no misunderstanding. 我們極愿沒有誤解。

I could see that she was anxious for Laura to go. 我看得出她巴望勞拉去。

I'm really anxious to see him. 我急于見他

▲put...to use 利用,使用 come into use 開始被使用

make/good/full/little use of (好好/充分/不充分)利用 be of(no) use 有用(沒用)

be in use 使用之中,使用著

The lab is in use.實驗室在使用著。

We must make full use of our books.我們要充分利用我們的書籍。

Put your brains to good use.善用你的頭腦吧。

7.And,perhaps most puzzling of all,how were we able to make sense of what we heard and distinguish the mistakes and errors from”good language”?也許更令人迷惑不截的是,我們怎樣才能把所聽到的聲音變成有意義的語言,怎樣把錯誤同“好的”語言區別開來呢?

make sense of 弄懂…的意思

Even though the speaker had a strong accent,Henry could catch on to his story,but Tom couldn't make sense of it at all 盡管演講者地方口音很重,但是亨利能聽懂他的話,而湯姆卻一點兒也聽不懂。 I can't make sense of either the Chinese or Korean language,and that's why I can't tell them apart.

我既不懂漢語,也不懂朝鮮語,這就是我分不清這兩種語言的原因。 復習:

▲make sense 講得通 ,有意義

It doesn’t make any sense to grow economic plants in such a poor country.


No matter how I tried to read it, the sentence didn't make sense to me.

It just doesn't make sense - why would she do a thing like that?

It makes sense (it is sensible) to take care of your health.

It makes sense to save money while you can.

in a sense = in a way在某種意義上

▲distinguish…from… 把與區別開來(tell…from)

distinguish vt.& vi. show the difference in; show the difference; make a distinction 區別;辨別

He could not distinguish cotton from wool. 他不能辨認是棉花還是羊毛。(tell…from)

You are confusing things, let me distinguish. 你把事情越弄越糟,讓我來把它區分出來。


tell the difference between A and B說出A和B的區別,辨別A與B

tell A from B 區別,辨別A與B

What’s the difference between A and B?A和B有什么不同?

A be different from B A不同與B

do sth.differently from...做起某事來與……不同

tell ...apart 把……區分開來

8.Some believe that we are equipped with a special ability to learn language and that our brain adjusts itself to the language we hear around us.有人認為,我們具有學習語言的特殊能力,而且我們的大腦會自動調節接受我們所聽到的身邊的語言。

▲復習:equip vt.(1)配備,裝備

equip a ship for a voyage裝備船只準備出航

be equipped with modern machines 配備著現代化機械


equip a child with education 供給孩子受教育

You’d better equip your bike with a head light.你最好在自行車裝個前燈。

They have equipped the army with modern weapons. 他們已經為部隊裝備了現代化的武器。

The army has been equipped with modern weapons. (被動語態)

adjust to 調整;調節;使適合;使便于使用

Take it easy. You will soon adjust yourself to student life

▲注意比較下面的:adapt oneself to,apply oneself to

9.Others think that we learn language in the same way we learn other things,such as walking or solving problems,and that what we are born with is a general ability to learn and adapt,not a language-specific part of the brain.還有人認為我們學習語言正如我們學習其他技能,例如走路、學習解決問題等,我們天生具有學習和適應的能力,而不是大腦中有學習語言的專門區域。


Our eyes slowly the dark.

A.agreed with B.agreed to C.adapted to D.took in

解析:adapt to適應(新環境);agree with(氣候、食物等)適合;agree to同意,贊成(計劃,提議,安排等);take in接受,吸收。答案:C

I don’t think I shall ever adapt myself to this hot weather.

They are adapted to various climates,soil and other natural conditions.

He is adapting the novel fortelevision.他在把這部小說改編成電視劇。

復習對比:apply (…) to … use; put into practice 應用;運用

We should apply theory to practice. 我們應當把理論運用到實踐中去。

The nurse applied a bandage to the wound.護士將傷口包上繃帶。

You can’t apply this rule to every case.這規則并不能適用于所有的狀況。

What you said doesn’t apply to me.你所說的對我不適用。


請求;申請vi I want to apply for the job.

apply… to… 涂,敷,抹; 適用;把…應用于…vt, to put to or adapt for a special use:

Apply some medicine to his wound. 給他的傷口敷藥。

New technology _is being applied to almost every industrial process.

apply oneself to 專心致力于…, apply one’s mind to專心從事于 ;

Students should apply themselves to their study.

We must apply our minds to finding a solution. 我們要動動腦筋找出解決的辦法來。

Windows _____to isolate different physical environments while allowing light to pass.

A. are applied B. applying C. applied

Eco-agriculture _____to more Chinese farmland

A. applied B. is to apply C. will be applied

▲對比adapt和adopt:If we want to become successful language learners, we should try to adopt some of the study habits and characteristics described above.


adopt a new technique/ method/idea

Circumstances will force us finally to adopt this policy.情況最終會迫使我們采用這項政策。

The government decided to adopt the plan.政府決定采納這個計劃。


Mr. and Mrs. Williams adopted a child whose parents were dead.


Mr. Kern adopted the orphan as his own son. 克恩先生將那孤兒收養為自己的兒子。

an adopted son 養子

As they haven’t a child of their own,they are going to ___________ a little girl.

A. adapt B. adopt C. accept D. receive


The agenda was adopted after some discussion. 經過討論,議事日程獲得通過。

10.Regardless of their theories,these languages experts do agree that life is a very successful language school: virtually everyone learns to use a language and has mastered the basic by the age of five.不管他們的理論如何,這些語言學家都一致同意:生活是一個卓有成效的語言學校,每個人事實上在5歲之前就學會了使用語言,并且掌握了語言最基本的東西。

The club welcomes all new members regardless of age.不論年齡

11….in other words,you were studying the language all day long.

in a/one word 總而言之;總共=in all/in total in word and in deed在言語上和行動上

word for word 逐字地 have a word with sb. have words with sb.

12.You did this for five years,so that is an awful lot of hours.

awful adj. causing fear; terrible 恐懼的;可怕的

An awful accident has happened. 一件可怕的事故發生了。

adj. very great; ugly 非常;極為

The room is in an awful mess. 屋子亂七八糟。

13.We also have textbooks,teachers and classmates to instruct and assist us in the process,and we can learn more about study methods and skills.That means we can be much more efficient.在學習過程中我們有課本、老師和同學來指導,幫助我們。我們可以學到更多的有關學習方法和技巧方面的東西。那就是說我們的學習效率會高得多。

▲instruct 指示,命令,吩咐=order, instruct sb to do sth 命令某人干某事

He instructed me to deliver it to a customer. 他吩咐我把東西送去給顧客。

The judge instructed the witness that he should tell the whole truth.法官命令見證人講實話。

教授;訓練;指導[(+in)] =teach, instruct sb in sth 教導某人某事

My job is to instruct her in English. 我的工作是教她英語。

Children must ___________ road safety before they are allowed to ride a bike on the road.

A instruct in B instruct C be instructed in D be instructed


My agent has instructed me that you still owe me $150. 我的代理人告訴我你還欠我一百五十美元。

instruction n.教授;命令;用法說明,操作指南

Make sure you read the instructions before you turn on the engine.打開機器之前一定要看用法說明。

receive /follow the instruction(s)接受指導, 遵從指示

give sb instructions to do命令/吩咐某人做

▲efficient adj. 效率高的,有效的,能干的 [反義詞] inefficient 效率低的,不能勝任的an efficient secretary 能干的秘書

The new secretary is a quick, efficient worker, and the boss is quite satisfied with her.


This new copy machine is more efficient than the old one. 這臺新復印機比那臺舊的效率高。

14.The data suggests that what successful language learners have in common is,among other things,that they are interested in understanding their own thinking,curious about the world,willing to take chances and confident in their ability. 有數據表明,除了其他特點外,成功的語言學習者都有以下特點:有興趣去認識自己的思想,對周圍的世界具有好奇心,會主動抓住機遇,對自己的能力有信心。


data communications; data updates.數據通訊;數據更新

15.Self-confident,secure students are more successful language leaners.那些自信心強、有把握的學生是比較成功的語言學習者。

secure adj.


Now my house is secure against burglary. 現在我的房子無被盜竊之危險。


You have made me feel secure. 你使我覺得放心。


Our success is secure. 我們的成功是有把握的。

16.They are more willing to take risks and to place themselves in new learning situations.他們更愿意去冒險,把自己放到新的語言學習環境中去。

take a risk: 冒險(run the risk of 冒險)He took a risk when he crossed the old bridge. 他冒險過這座舊橋。

They took a risk in driving on, despite the storm.盡管有暴風雨,他們還是冒險駕車趕路。risk one’s life 冒著生命危險 risk failure 冒著失敗的危險

risk doing sth 冒險做某事 at one’s own risk自擔風險

17.If they were not,they would not be ready to experiment with new forms and to make mistakes,both of which contribute to their increased ability to learn.如果不是這樣,他們就很可能不會準備去嘗試新的形式,不準備去犯錯誤,而這兩點恰恰對提高他們的學習能力是有好處的。

experiment with進行實驗,嘗試They experimented with new reagents and succeeded. 他們用新試劑做了試驗,獲得了成功。

experiment on/upon sb/animals

They experimented with new methods on the students


1.effective adj. giving an effect working well 有效的

The new law has been very effective. 新的法律很有效。

effective: adj.有效的an effective method 有效方法

The medicine is an effective cure for a headache. 這種藥治頭痛有很好的療效。

"After the government had taken some effective measures, prices began to level off.“ "政府采取了一些有效措施后,物價開始穩定了。"


have an effect on/upon…對……有影響,起作用

have an impact on/upon…對……有影響,起作用

have influence on/upon…對……有影響

2.level n.


The village is 1,000 meters above sea level. 這村子海拔一千米。


The flood rose to a level of 50 feet. 洪水漲到五十英尺高。


These students have not reached an advanced level yet. 這些學生尚未達到高級班的程度。


They are holding a conference at ministerial level. 他們正在舉行部長級會議。

3. association n.


Have you joined the teachers\' association? 你加入教師協會了嗎?


I benefited much from my association with him. 我跟他的交往中獲益匪淺。


What association do you have with the color green? 綠色會使你產生什么聯想?

4.Broaden vi 變寬,變闊;擴大

One’s views broaden at college. 一個人的見解在大學時代變得開闊起來。

使寬,使闊;使擴大 This narrow highway should be broadened. 這條狹窄的公路應該加寬。

5.If you were to spend as many hours studying English, you would make great progress.


be to + 動詞原形

① 表示安排或計劃中即將發生的動作。

We are to meet at the school gate. 我們約定在校門口碰頭。

② 表示禁止、命令等。

You are not to cheat in the examination.考試中不許作弊。

③ 表示注定要發生什么事。

His acting style was to be famous all over the world.他的表演風格注定會聞名于世。

④ 表示假設。

Certain skills must be learned if one is to use English effectively.


will do 表示單純的將來,無意識的即時性行動。

be going to do “打算、計劃、準備、即將”做某事

be to do 見上面

be about to do 眼看著就要發生某事,常與when連用。

6.Every time I take part in a group discussion or try to speak English to someone , I find it difficult to express myself.(P66)

every time/each time, the first time, (the)last time, (the) next time, the moment, the minute等名詞短語用作連詞,引導時間狀語從句

①Every time I am will , my parents will drag me to hospital.

②The moment he saw the picture, he was attracted by its beauty.

2.But once you consider the situation further, you will realize that this is indeed the case.(P67)

This is (not) the case.

If that is the case, you will have to work much harder.

7.But you know if I hadn’t noticed the little girl crossing the street all of a sudden, I wouldn’t have knocked her down.

knock down撞倒; knock into sb.撞倒; knock out of…從..中敲出來;

knock against 撞到…上;=run into/come across

knock at/on敲… knock over打倒;打翻

knock about漫游,漂泊,閑逛

knock off 終止(工作)

Let's knock off early today and go to see a ball game.我們今天早點下班去看球賽。

knock out 擊昏He received a blow on the head which knocked him out.他頭上被打了一拳就昏倒了。

knock up 敲門叫醒某人Every day I had to knock him up.

8.fall behind落后


back 后退,撤退

off 從…掉下,

over 跌倒

into 陷入

9.be concerned about/for sth/ sb = be worried about sth/sb

with sth/sb. 關心;和..有關

in sth. 參與。

10. easygoing: adj. 平和的,悠閑的 Our manager's an easygoing person; she never gets angry.


After he retired, he lived an easygoing life.[近似詞匯]

outgoing adj. 友好的,友善的11. Overweight adj.Parents should not criticize their children for being overweight. Such attitudes could put children at risk for eating disorders, which are equal or even greater dangers to health.

12.option n選擇;選擇自由, 供選擇的事物

You have no option.你沒有選擇的余地。

There are three options open to us in that matter. 在這個問題上我們有三個選擇的可能。

The government has two options, to reduce spending or to increase taxes.


choice 廣泛地指從一組人或物中進行選擇的自由:

The store offers a wide choice of fruits and vegetables. 商店提供許多可供選擇的水果和蔬菜。option 常常側重于已經被權威等所授予的一種選擇能力或自由:

The option lies between accepting the candidate the administration proposes and reconstituting the search committee. 可以在接受由領導提名的候選人以及重組選拔委員會之間作出選擇。selection 含有可供選擇的許多不同的人或物的意思:

Parents should exercise care in their selection of the movies their young children see. 家長們在為他們年幼的孩子們挑選所看的電影時應小心謹慎。election 特別強調選擇時使用判斷力:

The university recommends the election of courses in composition and literature. 校方建議選擇有關寫作與文學的課程.

phonetic adj. representing or connected with the sounds made with the voice


Each new word in this dictionary has phonetic symbols after it to show you how to say the word.


alphabet n. the letters of the English language from A to Z字母表

There are twenty-six letters in the English alphabet. 英語字母有二十六個。

comprehension n. the act or power of understanding理解(力)

Algebra is beyond the comprehension of lower-class pupils.代數是低年級學生所無法理解的。

translator n. one that translates翻譯家;譯者(指筆譯)

interpreter n. someone who can interpret 口譯者;譯員

Maria was my interpreter. 瑪麗亞是我的翻譯。

everyday adj. done or happening each day 每日的;日常的

everyday 是形容詞,只作定語,表示“日常的,平常的”。

The everyday English should be learnt by heart.


every day 是副詞詞組,作狀語,表示“每天,天天”。

We speak English every day.我們天天講英語。

I learn everyday English. 我學習常用英語。

pile n. a lot of things lying one upon another; heap 堆

The pile of magazines should be picked up. 應該把那一堆雜志拾起來。

n. a large amount 大量;大數目;大堆

We have a pile of/piles of homework to do. 我們有許多作業要作。

teens n. the ages from 13 to 19 十三歲到十九歲的年齡;青少年

boys in their teens 少男;十三到十九歲的男孩

operation n.[c] the act of a surgeon who cuts the body of a patient(外科)手術

He has to have an operation to undergo at once. 他不得不馬上動手術。

n.[u] working, the way something works 工作;運轉

The machine came into operation. 機器開始運轉了。

junior adj. the younger; of lower rank or position年少的;等級較低的

He is three years junior to me. 他比我小三歲。

After graduation from a junior middle school, he entered a senior middle school.


n. a younger person 年少者;晚輩

She is my junior by seven years. 她比我小七歲。

I am his junior in life. 我是她的晚輩。

senior adj. older 年長的

I am five years senior to him. 我比他大五歲。

adj. more advanced in education 較高年級的

He studies in a senior middle school. 他念高中。

n. an older person 年長者

Paul is my senior by two years. 保羅長我兩歲。

n. a person of longer service, higher rank 上司;前輩

He was my senior. 他過去是我的上級。

broaden v. to make or become broad or broader.(使)變寬,(使)擴大

For college students to do a part-time job will broaden their outlook.


appropriate adj. right 適合的;適當的

Choose the appropriate words from the list below. 從下表中選擇適當的詞。

proficiency n. the state or quality of being proficient; competence 熟練;精通

attain proficiency in spoken English 精通英語會話

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