Unit 9 Reading and Integrating(人教版高三英語上冊教案教學設計)

發(fā)布時間:2016-10-5 編輯:互聯網 手機版

Background: THE DISEASE

What is SARS?

Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a viral respiratory illness that was recognized as a global threat in March 2003, after first appearing in Southern China in November 2002.

What are the symptoms and signs of SARS?

The illness usually begins with a high fever (measured temperature greater than 100.4°F [>38.0°C]). The fever is sometimes associated with chills or other symptoms, including headache, general feeling of discomfort, and body aches. Some people also experience mild respiratory symptoms at the outset. Diarrhea is seen in approximately 10 percent to 20 percent of patients. After 2 to 7 days, SARS patients may develop a dry, nonproductive cough that might be accompanied by or progress to a condition in which the oxygen levels in the blood are low (hypoxia). In 10 percent to 20 percent of cases, patients require mechanical ventilation. Most patients develop pneumonia.

What is the cause of SARS?

SARS is caused by a previously unrecognized coronavirus, called SARS-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV). It is possible that other infectious agents might have a role in some cases of SARS.

How is SARS spread?

The primary way that SARS appears to spread is by close person-to-person contact. SARS-CoV is thought to be transmitted most readily by respiratory droplets (droplet spread) produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Droplet spread can happen when droplets from the cough or sneeze of an infected person are propelled a short distance (generally up to 3 feet) through the air and deposited on the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, or eyes of persons who are nearby. The virus also can spread when a person touches a surface or object contaminated with infectious droplets and then touches his or her mouth, nose, or eye(s). In addition, it is possible that SARS-CoV might be spread more broadly through the air (airborne spread) or by other ways that are not now known.

What does "close contact" mean?

Close contact is defined as having cared for or lived with a person known to have SARS or having a high likelihood of direct contact with respiratory secretions and/or body fluids of a patient known to have SARS. Examples include kissing or embracing, sharing eating or drinking utensils, close conversation (within 3 feet), physical examination, and any other direct physical contact between people. Close contact does not include activities such as walking by a person or briefly sitting across a waiting room or office.

If I were exposed to SARS-CoV, how long would it take for me to become sick?

The time between exposure to SARS-CoV and the onset of symptoms is called the "incubation period." The incubation period for SARS is typically 2 to 7 days, although in some cases it may be as long as 10 days. In a very small proportion of cases, incubation periods of up to 14 days have been reported.

How long is a person with SARS infectious to others?

Available information suggests that persons with SARS are most likely to be contagious only when they have symptoms, such as fever or cough. Patients are most contagious during the second week of illness. However, as a precaution against spreading the disease, CDC recommends that persons with SARS limit their interactions outside the home (for example, by not going to work or to school) until 10 days after their fever has gone away and their respiratory (breathing) symptoms have gotten better.

Is a person with SARS contagious before symptoms appear?

To date, no cases of SARS have been reported among persons who were exposed to a SARS patient before the onset of the patient's symptoms.

What medical treatment is recommended for patients with SARS?

CDC recommends that patients with SARS receive the same treatment that would be used for a patient with any serious community-acquired atypical pneumonia. SARS-CoV is being tested against various antiviral drugs to see if an effective treatment can be found.

If there is another outbreak of SARS, how can I protect myself?

If transmission of SARS-CoV recurs, there are some common-sense precautions that you can take that apply to many infectious diseases. The most important is frequent hand washing with soap and water or use of an alcohol-based hand rub. You should also avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unclean hands and encourage people around you to cover their nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing.


How many people contracted SARS worldwide during the 2003 outbreak? How many people died of SARS worldwide?

During November 2002 through July 2003, a total of 8,098 people worldwide became sick with severe acute respiratory syndrome that was accompanied by either pneumonia or respiratory distress syndrome (probable cases), according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Of these, 774 died. By late July 2003, no new cases were being reported, and WHO declared the global outbreak to be over. For more information on the global SARS outbreak of 2003, visit WHO's SARS website.

How many people contracted SARS in the United States during the 2003 outbreak? How many people died of SARS in the United States?

In the United States, only eight persons were laboratory-confirmed as SARS cases. There were no SARS-related deaths in the United States. All of the eight persons with laboratory-confirmed SARS had traveled to areas where SARS-CoV transmission was occurring.

Teaching aims:


Learn about health care

Practise expressing opinions and making decisions

Review the Subjunctive Mood (2)

Write a letter

2.Special focus:

Improve reading skills and enlarge vocabulary.

a.Direct Ss to read the 3 passages on the text book;

b.Guide Ss to learn to use the following words and expressions:

Medical insurance, poverty, unemployment, AIDS, housing, income, economic development, essential, desperate, fundamental, statistics, pressure, constant, allowance, re-employment, sacrifice, aggressive, intelligence, sense of responsibility, sympathy, willingness, observation, resident, laid-off, vow, mould, etc.

Reading A Helping Hand (p75)

Step 1 Lead in

1.Can you think of the situations where people need help?

Serious illness, jobless, accidents, wars, disasters…

2.While one is in such situations, which organization can help besides the people around him or her ?

The WHO together with the government.

Step 2 Listen and answer:

1.Was Wang Lin cured or not?

2. How much was spent on the poor people by 2003?

3.What is another big challenge for the government?

Step 3 Scanning

Read the passage and try to come up with the general idea of each paragraph. Then ask students to fill in the chart to see if they have got a general understanding of the whole passage.

Main Idea

Paragraph A A man suffering from a serious disease was unable to pay for treatment.

Paragraph B With a health care project’s help, Wang Lin’s disease was cured.

Paragraph C A new health project is aimed at exploring and developing a new health care model for China.

Paragraph D Many urban Chinese are living on money given by the government.

Paragraph E Millions of Chinese people in urban areas cannot afford proper health care.

Paragraph F Health care project is very important in our country’s efforts to fight poverty.

Paragraph G The Chinese government is taking measures to prevent the spread of AIDS.

Paragraph H People must help each other if society is to develop and prosper.

Paragraph I Our country is working hard to fight poverty and improve health care.

The main idea of the passage: The Passage gives a brief introduction to the health care condition in our country, and it emphasizes on the efforts that our government is making to fight poverty and improve health care by giving examples of Wang Lin.

Step 4 Careful-reading

1.In what way is Wang Lin’s situation similar to that of other low-income families?

They all can only make ends meet on their low income, and if someone in their families becomes seriously ill, the family is forced into poverty, and has to ask for help from the government.

2. Why is medical insurance so important to low-income families?

Because medical insurance can provide easy access to hospitals and clinics for low-income families.

3. What is the government doing about AIDS in China?

Chinese government has vowed to provide free AIDS tests for the general public as well as free treatment for those who cannot afford the treatment fees. And we learn from news that our government has decided to control the number within 1.5 million before 2010.

4. What can we do to care for the weakest members of our society?

Our country decided to move forward without leaving anyone behind. Now we are taking measures, such as reducing poverty, helping sick people get treated properly and providing medical insurance for the poor. And we all know that the famous programme “Developing the West”, it is an important measure to put an end to poverty. Only by helping each other, can our country develop and prosper.

Step 5 Comprehension

Unemployment-poverty---bad housing condition/ no healthy diet/ cannot afford to purchase medical insurance/ no good education-AIDS/ accidents-- government programmes

Step 6. Post-reading

A. Choose the best answers:

1.Thanks to______, Wang Lin was able to receive a treatment in time to prevent the disease from ruining his health. 答案:C

A. his son in college B. the insurance for his family

C. the health care project D. the kindness of his family and neighbors

2.According to the text, if Wang Lin had had______, the sickness wouldn’t have caused such a big problem. 答案:C

A. a good job B. a high income C. insurance D. a good doctor to consult

3.What’s the aim of new health care project? 答案:D

A. Helping people get rid of poverty.

B. Exploring and developing a new health care model for China.

C. Letting sick people treated properly.

D. Providing medical insurance for the poor.

4.According to the United Nations AIDS agency’s report, how many people will be infected by AIDS in China by 2002 unless more is done to prevent the spread of the disease? 答案:B

A.9 million. B.10 million. C.11 million. D.12 million.

5.In how many cities is the health project being treated?

A.4. B.5. C.10. D.14. 答案:A

6.The text “A Helping Hand” is mainly about______. 答案:C

A. millions of Chinese people in urban areas can’t afford proper health care

B. the Chinese government is taking measures to prevent the spread of AIDS

C. a new health care project is being explored and developed in China

D. people must help each other if society is to develop and prosper

B. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with one to three words.

The poverty and the poor health care of low-income families The government’s efforts to fight poverty and poor health care

Low-income families cannot afford to pay for 1________, that is to say, they cannot afford to 2 _____a doctor or 3______medicine. ① The government encourages health care form and reduces poverty by designing a health care project which provides poor patients with treatment at 7____or less to help them get treated properly.

② The Chinese government is working with other countries and international organizations to explore and develop a new 8_______ for China.

③ The government encourages people to 9_________ in order that other measures to fight poverty will work.

④ The government has vowed to stop the spread of AIDS by providing free 10_______

Low-income families cannot provide 4___ for their children.

Many low-income families cannot afford to 5_______.

Low-income families live on allowance 6____________.

Keys:1. medical treatment 2. consult 3.purchase/buy 4. a healthy diet 5. purchase medical insurance. 6. given by the government 7. half the cost 8. health care model 9. purchase medical insurance 10. tests and treatment

C. Answering the questions on P77.

Step 7 Homework

Finish all the exercises on Word Study and Grammar on p77-79.

Integrating Reading Skills The Little Mould That Could (P79)

Step 1. Scan the passage

A. find the main idea

Paragraph 1 Fleming was excited about his discovery, which he called Penicillin, but other scientists showed no interest.

Paragraph 2 Penicillin played a very important role during the World War II and at present as well.

Paragraph 3 Fleming discovered a mould that can kill bacteria by accident.

Paragraph 4 Health care in the past was often dangerous and risky.

Paragraph 5 Alexander Fleming invented many ways to treat the wounded during the World War I

B. answer after scanning the passage as quickly as possible.

1. What could the little mould do? The little mould that could treat/cure/fight infection.

2.Who discovered it? When was it discovered? In 1928, Sir Alexander Fleming discovered it

3.What is its name? It is called penicillin (In 1928, Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin that could treat/cure/fight infection.)

Step 2 Careful reading

Choose the best answers:

1.Who discovered penicillin? 答案:B

A. Howard Walter Florey. B. Alexander Fleming.

C. Paul Ehrlich. D. Earnst Boris Chain.

2.It was not until_____that the importance of Fleming’s discovery was fully recognized? 答案:B

A. World WarⅠ B. World WarⅡ C.1928 D.1929

3.When did Fleming receive the Nobel Prize with the two other scientists? 答案:D

A. In 1914. B. In 1928. C. In 1929. D. In 1945.

4.From Paragraph 4 of the text “The Little Mould That Could” we can see that Fleming was all the following except______. 答案:D

A. confident B. strong-willed C. hard-working D. kind and warm-hearted

Step 3. Read the passage again and retell the life experience of Fleming and how he discovered penicillin.

Alexander Fleming was a young doctor in the early 1900s when a German chemist developed a chemical treatment to cure an incurable disease. Fleming began using it in his clinic. Then in 1914, he had to go to the battlefield to treat wounded soldiers during World WarⅠ, when he invented many ways to treat the wounded. After returning from the war, he went on with the search for the

chemical because he believed it could treat infections. One day, he found a mould was growing in some old glass containers. To his surprise, the bacteria he had been growing had died. He believed that it was the mould, which later he called penicillin that killed the bacteria. Penicillin was a great

discovery. It played a very important role during World War Ⅱ and as well as at present time. Fleming was awarded Nobel Prize for his great discovery in 1945.

Alexander Fleming discovered Penicillin


1.take measures to do sth.

2.a laid-off worker

3.have an income of

4.to make matters worse

5.take a bank loan

6.put extra pressure on the family

7.keep a healthy diet

8.live in poverty

9.make ends meet

10.look forward to

11.ready-made clothes

12.cure many diseases

13.a story of hard work

14.search for

15.clean up

16.in a good mood

17.set a goal

18.be effective in

Reading on P213 Angels In White (Florence Nightingale)

She is remembered as a pioneer of nursing and a reformer of hospital sanitation methods. For most of her ninety years, Nightingale pushed for the reform of the British military health-care system.

Main idea

Para.1 (Para1): Fear had gripped the nation when SARS broke out.

Parts2(Para2-7): Thanks to the quick and forceful action the country took and the sacrifices the health care staff made, SARS ended in he summer of 2003.

Part 3 (Para 8): We will never forget the “Angels in White”.

1. thanks to

owing to

because of

Thanks to your advice, I am keeping a healthy diet now.

Owing to the rain ,the match was cancelled.

2. as a result of (造成某種結果的)原因

as a result 結果是

result from 因…的結果發(fā)生

result in 結果是

She won the scholarship as a result of her hard work.

Illness often results from poverty.

I’m sure the government’s efforts to stop the spread of AIDS will result in success.

3.despite =in spite of 盡管;不管;縱使

Despite the bad weather we enjoyed our holiday.

Sir Fleming remained modest despite his achievements.

4. as is (was) the case with… 與…情況一樣

He is late again this morning, as is often the case.


1. abuse咒.濫用;虐待;辱罵

vt.1.) 濫用,妄用 He abused his power while in office.他在職時濫用權力。

2.) 辱罵;毀謗 You are always abusing and offending people.你總是出言不遜得罪人。

3.) 虐待,傷害 Those captives were physically abused. 那些俘虜遭受了肉體上的摧殘。

n.1.) 濫用,妄用[C][U] There is no freedom that is not open to abuse. 任何自由都可能被濫用。

2.) 辱罵[U] She greeted me with a stream of abuse.她一見我就吐出一連串的污言穢語。

3.) 虐待;傷害[U] Child abuse is widespread in this country.這個國家虐待孩子的情況很普遍。

[舉例](1)an abuse of trust辜負別人的信任

(2)The prisoners were treated with abuse.囚犯受到虐待。

(3)He greeted me with a stream of abuse.他一見到我就不停地謾罵。

[搭配]greet sb.with a steam of abuse一見某人就破口大罵

shower abuse on sb.大罵某人


(1)1 won’t allow you to abuse that dog.我不允許你虐待那條狗。

(2)Don’t abuse your power/position.不要濫用你的權力/地位。

(3)Don’t abuse your eyes.不要過度用眼。,

2.outbreak n.爆發(fā);突然發(fā)生


[舉例]an outbreak of disease/insects/fighting疾病的突然蔓延/蟲害的突然出現/戰(zhàn)爭的爆發(fā)

3.1ay off解雇;不理會;使下崗

[舉例]They laid US off for three months.他們把我們暫時解雇了三個月。

[拓展]lay off停止工作或活動;休息;停止做惹人生氣或煩惱之事

[舉例](1)The doctor told me to lay off for a month.醫(yī)生要我休息一星期。

(2)I hear you’ve been pestering my sister again-well,you can just lay off.



4.at the cost of以……的價格;以……為代價

[舉例](1)He had the dictionary at the cost of one hundred yuan.


(2)The game was at the cost of two players injure.


(3)We are determined to get our rights at all costs.


[記憶]at all costs/at any costs不惜代價,不計任何犧牲,無論如何

count the cost行動之前考慮得失,考慮后果或不利之處

to one’s cost對某人有損失/不利,使某人受累

5.make matters worse情況更加困難或更危險

[用法]make matters worse相當于what is worse,相當于一個副詞,意為“更糟的是”,亦可寫成to make matters worse或(to)make the matter worse,往往在上文中要陳述一種或幾種困難或危險,然后再作進一步的陳述。

[舉例lit got dark,and what was worse,it began to rain.天黑了,而更糟的是,開始下起雨來了。

6.hopeless adj.沒有希望的;令人絕望的;不可救藥的

[舉例](1)a hopeless case無希望的情況

(2)a hopeless illness絕癥

(3)hopeless tears絕望的眼淚

(4)The doctor said Ann’s illness was hopeless.醫(yī)生說安的病情是醫(yī)治不好的。


[舉例Your work is hopeless,and so are you.你的工作一無是處,你這個人也是如此。-

[記憶]hopelessly adv.hopelessness n.

7.get/be rid of擺脫;解脫;除去

[用法]get rid of常指擺脫疾病,麻煩或一切不太好的東西或事情,意為“除去,去掉,除掉,扔掉,驅逐”等。

[舉例](1)These shoes are difficult to get rid of.這些鞋子很難賣掉。

(2)I have not got rid of my bad cold yet.我的重感冒還沒有好。

(3)How can we get rid of this unwelcome visitor?


[拓展]be rid of與get rid of同義,多用于表狀態(tài)。

[舉例](1)we were glad to be rid of our overcoats.我們很高興脫掉了外套。

(2)I am rid of debt now.我現在已還清我的債務了。

8.consult vt.&v/.向……咨詢;查閱vt.1.) 與...商量

I’ll do nothing without consulting you. 我采取行動之前一定和你商量。

2.) 找(醫(yī)生)看病;請教 He went to town to consult his doctor.他進城去看醫(yī)生。

3.) 查閱(詞典、參考書等) He consulted his notebook repeatedly during his speech.


vi.1.) 商議,磋商[(+with)] We will consult together about her education.我們將一起商議她的教育事宜。

2.) 當顧問[(+for)] The retired executive consults for several large companies.


[舉例](1)Have you consulted your doctor about your illness? 關于你的病情,你找你的醫(yī)生看過了嗎? (2)to consult one’s lawyer/a map/the dictionary咨詢律師/查閱地圖/查字典


[舉例]We must consult his convenience.我們必須顧及他的方便。

9.Pressure n. 壓力n.1.) 壓;按;擠;榨[U]

The small box was flattened by the pressure of the heavy book on it.小盒子被這本厚厚的書壓扁了。

2.) 壓力;壓迫;緊迫;催促[U][C]He works well under pressure.他在有壓力的情況下工作很出色。

3.) 困擾;艱難[U]These old people are unaccustomed to the pressure of modern life.


[舉例](1)Is he suffering from pressure of work?他目前是不是受到工作的壓力?

(2)the pressure of a famous person做名人的壓力

[搭配]at high/low pressure緊張地/悠閑地

put/bring pressure on/upon對……施加壓力

under the pressure of在……的逼迫/壓力下

[舉例](1)The class are preparing for the final exam at high pressure.


(2)They put/brought pressure on me to sell my precious land.


[拓展]pressure也可作及物動詞,相當于press,常見的結構有pressure sb.into doing sth./to do sth.強迫某人做某事。

10.nationwide adj.&adv.遍及全國的(地);全國性的(地)

[舉例a nationwide broadcast全國性廣播-

[記憶]nation n.國家;民族 ’

national adj.國家的;民族的

nationality n.國籍

native adj.本國的;本土的

11.incident n.事情;(政治性)事件;(引起公眾注意的)事件

[舉例](1) In a recent incident tWO bombs exploded.在最近發(fā)生的事件中,兩枚炸彈爆炸了。

(2)He told me of an incident that took place on his first day at school.


(3)the July 7th Incident of 1937 1937年的七七(盧溝橋)事變

(4)frontier incidents 邊界糾紛





[舉例](1)understand the significance of a remark了解某句話的意義

(2)a look of deep significance含意深刻的一瞥

(3)an industry of great significance to the country對國家極為重要的一項工業(yè)


Significant adj.有特殊意義的;有含義的;重要的

signification n.意義;含義

significative adj.提供證據的;有意義的

13.Devotion n.獻身;忠心;熱愛;專心 n.1.) 獻身;奉獻[U][(+to)]

We appreciated his devotion of time and money to the project.我們感謝他為這一項目花費的時間和金錢。

His devotion to science is well known.他對科學的獻身精神為人熟知。

2.) 忠誠;摯愛,熱愛[U][(+to/for)]devotion to music 熱愛音樂


[舉例](1)The devotion of too much time to sports leaves too little time for studying.


(2)the spirit of utter devotion to others without any thought of self


(3)devotion to duty忠于職守

[拓展]devote(to) v. 獻身;致力于,把……專用于……

devoted adj.忠誠的;摯愛的;關心的

devotee n.仰慕者;熱愛……的人

[舉例](1)He has devoted his life to helping blind people.他把畢生奉獻給幫助盲人的事業(yè)。

(2)She is devoted to her children.她熱愛她的子女。

(3)a devotee of Bach/sport熱心巴赫音樂的人/體育迷

15.aggressive adj.有進取心的;過分自信的;好斗的

[舉例](1)If you want to be successful in business,you must be aggressive.


(2)He’s very aggressive,he’s always arguing..他好找碴兒,總是同別人爭論

16.insurance n.1.) 保險;保險契約[U] 保險業(yè)[U] I found a job selling insurance.我找到一份推銷保險的工作。 She works in insurance.她從事保險業(yè)。

2.) 保險金額;賠償金[U][(+on)] He has $100,000 life insurance, which his wife will receive if he dies first.


3.) 預防措施;安全保證[U][S1][(+against)]

I bought some new locks as an additional insurance against burglary.我買了一些新鎖具以進一步防止盜竊。

4.) 保險費[U] The insurance on my house is very high.我的房屋保險費很高。

allowance n.1.) 津貼,補貼;零用錢[C]The child has a weekly allowance of five dollars.


2.) 分配額;允許額[C] His allowance for food is $100.他撥出一百美元用于購買食物。

3.) 承認;允許[U] the allowance of a claim對要求權的允準

4.) 認可;容忍[C][U]the allowance of segregation對種族隔離的容忍

17.fee n.1.) (付給律師、醫(yī)生等的)酬金,服務費[C]

I’m afraid I can’t afford the doctor’s fee.恐怕我付不起給醫(yī)生的酬金。

2.) 費(如學費、會費、入場費等)[C] They charge a small registration fee.他們收一點注冊費。

3.) 賞金,小帳[C]

vt.付費(或小帳)給 She feed the waiter.她付給侍者小費。

18.significance n.1.) 重要性, 重要[U]

The proposals they put forward at the meeting were of little significance.他們在會上提出的建議無足輕重。

2.) 意義, 含義; 意思[U][S] He did not understand the significance of my wink.



1.abuse n.& vt.濫用,虐待,辱罵


drug abuse濫用麻醉藥品

child abuse虐待兒童


put an end to abuses 廢止不正當的習俗


Don’t abuse your authority.


2.insurance n.保險,保險業(yè),保險費


When her husband died,she received $20 000 insurance.


He pays out $100 in insurance every year.



insurance policy 保險單

How many insurances have you?


3.lay off 解雇,不理會,使下崗


During the recession they laid us off for three months.



The doctor told me to lay off for a week.


4.income n. 收入

Half of our income goes on rent.


a private income私人所得

income tax(個人)所得稅

5.make matters worse使情況更困難或更危險

(1)to make matters worse

=what’s worse

=worse still

=to make things worse

=even worse


what’s more而且,另外

in other words換句話說

by the way順便說一下

all in all 總而言之

on the other hand另一方面

in short 簡而言之

judging from... 從……方面來判斷

generally speaking 通常來講

to tell you the truth 實話告訴你

to be honest 誠實講

6.get rid of (1)擺脫,丟掉

I’ve tried all sorts of medicines to get rid of this cold.



How can we get rid of all these flies in the kitchen?


He just sat there talking all the evening and I couldn’t get rid of him.


7.pressure n. 壓力


He only agreed to do it under pressure from his parents.


We’re trying to put pressure on the government to change the law.


He only agreed to leave the country under pressure.



I’d like to help out,but I really haven’t got time-pressure of work,you know!


8.consult with 向……咨詢;查閱


to consult a dictionary查閱字典

to consult a lawyer向律師咨詢

Have you consulted a doctor about your disease?


(2)consult with(很少用被動語態(tài))與……交換意見,與……協商

Before we can accept the management’s offer we must consult with the workers again.


9.depend on(1)相信,依賴,憑靠(某人)

You can’t depend on John-he nearly always arrives late.


(2)depend on sb. to do/doing sth.相信某人做某事

We’re depending on you to finish the job/on you finishing the job by Friday.



The country depends heavily on its tourist trade.



The amount you pay depends on where you live.


(5)That depends.=It all depends.



(1)阻止;妨礙(常常構成固定搭配 prevent ...from,from在主動語態(tài)中可省略)

prevent sb.(from)doing sth. 阻止某人做某事

be prevented from doing sth. 被阻止做某事

Nothing could prevent him(from)going there.



prevent war 防止戰(zhàn)爭

prevent disease預防疾病

11.aim (1)v.(將武器等)瞄準,對準……(以便射擊)

I aimed at the door but hit the window.



The programme aimed at young teenagers.



The factory must aim at/for increased productions.


(4)aim to do sth.

He aims to be a successful writer.


(5)aim n.目標,目的,意圖

What’s your aim in life?


The aim of the meeting was to reach agreement about next year’s prices.


12.vow發(fā)誓,起誓;swear (swore, sworn) 極其認真、明確或鄭重地說或允諾;(使某人)就(某事)宣誓

In order to meet this challenge, the Chinese government has vowed to provide free AIDS tests for the general public as well as free treatment. She swore that she had never seen it.

Are you willing to swear in court that you saw him do it?

Witnesses have to swear on Bible (to tell the truth).




This medicine will cure you of your cough.



There’s still no cure for the common cold.


知識拓展:treat v.治療,醫(yī)治

My sister is being treated for a heart condition.


注意:醫(yī)生治療病人用treat,如果表示開藥、指定特別食物、指導做運動等的具體治療活動方式則用give treatment,如果用cure就表示治好了病人。

2.as a result 結果

as a/the result(of)由于……的結果

result from 是……的后果,是……的結果

result in(無被動語態(tài))導致,造成

I forget to take my umbrella,as a result,I was wet all over.


As a result of the rain,I was late.


The terrible accident resulted from his carelessness.


His attempt resulted in failure.


Important sentences:

1. Three months later, however, Wang Lin was told about a health care project that provides treatment at half the cost or less, depending on the needs of the patient.

2. The project that saved Wang Lin’s life is one of the many government programmes aimed at improving the situation for the poorest people in China.

3. The government’s efforts to fight poverty and improve health care cover several aspects, reducing poverty, helping sick people get treated properly and providing medical insurance for the poor.

It was not until World War II that the importance of Fleming’s discovery was fully recognized.


1.去掉about 2. life 改為lives3.value改為valuing4. over前加was5. naming改為named

6.去掉was broken 改為broke7. her改為whose 8. don’t改為not 或don’t 后加 you

9. fact后加that10. playing后加with

Unit 9 Health Care

A. Choose the best answers:

1.Thanks to______, Wang Lin was able to receive a treatment in time to prevent the disease from ruining his health.

A. his son in college B. the insurance for his family

C. the health care project D. the kindness of his family and neighbors

2.According to the text, if Wang Lin had had______, the sickness wouldn’t have caused such a big problem.

A. a good job B. a high income C. insurance D. a good doctor to consult

3.What’s the aim of new health care project?

A. Helping people get rid of poverty.

B. Exploring and developing a new health care model for China.

C. Letting sick people treated properly.

D. Providing medical insurance for the poor.

4.According to the United Nations AIDS agency’s report, how many people will be infected by AIDS in China by 2002 unless more is done to prevent the spread of the disease?

A.9 million. B.10 million. C.11 million. D.12 million.

5.In how many cities is the health project being treated?

A.4. B.5. C.10. D.14.

6.The text “A Helping Hand” is mainly about______.

A. millions of Chinese people in urban areas can’t afford proper health care

B. the Chinese government is taking measures to prevent the spread of AIDS

C. a new health care project is being explored and developed in China

D. people must help each other if society is to develop and prosper

B. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with one to three words.

The poverty and the poor health care of low-income families The government’s efforts to fight poverty and poor health care

Low-income families cannot afford to pay for 1________, that is to say, they cannot afford to 2 _____a doctor or 3______medicine. ⑤ The government encourages health care form and reduces poverty by designing a health care project which provides poor patients with treatment at 7____or less to help them get treated properly.

⑥ The Chinese government is working with other countries and international organizations to explore and develop a new 8_______ for China.

⑦ The government encourages people to 9_________ in order that other measures to fight poverty will work.

⑧ The government has vowed to stop the spread of AIDS by providing free 10_______

Low-income families cannot provide 4___ for their children.

Many low-income families cannot afford to 5_______.

Low-income families live on allowance 6____________.

1.Who discovered penicillin?

A. Howard Walter Florey. B. Alexander Fleming.

C. Paul Ehrlich. D. Earnst Boris Chain.

2.It was not until_____that the importance of Fleming’s discovery was fully recognized?

A. World WarⅠ B. World WarⅡ C.1928 D.1929

3.When did Fleming receive the Nobel Prize with the two other scientists?

A. In 1914. B. In 1928. C. In 1929. D. In 1945.

4.From Paragraph 4 of the text “The Little Mould That Could” we can see that Fleming was all the following except______.

A. confident B. strong-willed C. hard-working D. kind and warm-hearted



1.They discussed about the matter with each other.

2.About 200 people lost their life in the fire.

3.We should form the habit of value time.

4.When the party over, we took the notebooks by mistake.

5.One day an English girl naming Jane came to the airport and sang by chance.

6.The Second World War was broken out in 1939.

7.The girl, her mother was badly hurt, hurried to hospital.

8.Why don’t ask the police for help when you are in trouble?

9.In some places, if you take notice, you will see the fact most smokers are young people.

10.The youngest child was playing his new toy car when a woman came in.

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