Unit 6 重點詞匯、短語 和重點句子理解(人教版高三英語上冊教案教學設計)

發布時間:2016-9-14 編輯:互聯網 手機版

1. believe in 信任;信賴

2. stand for 代表;代替

3 .adapt to 適宜

4. lose heart 灰心;泄氣

5. be cast away (被)拋棄

6. give up 放棄

7. less than 少于;不足

8. set off for 開始(旅程;賽跑);出發

9. move on 繼續前進

10. take the way 出發;首途

11. lose one’s way 迷路

12. hang out 伸出

13. in desperate need of 在極度需要的(時候)

14. on our feet=on foot 步行

15. be accustomed to doing sth.


16. suffer from 患病;遭受……之苦

17. hurry on to (with) 趕緊辦理;急急忙忙地去做某事

18. stop to do sth. 停下來去做某事

19. start doing sth. 開始做某事

20. go on all fours 用四肢

21. (at)the edge of of (在)……邊緣

22. stare at 瞪視; 凝視

23. come to an end 結束;終止

24. a race against time 與時間賽跑

25. save…from 挽救……免于

26 .take up to 占用(時間;空間)

27. at stake 在危險中;關系重大

28. risk one’s life to 冒險去做某事

29. apply…to… 運用;應用

30.add up (兩個或兩個以上的數量或量)加起來

31. take it easy 別緊張;放松點

32. keep up 維持;保持;使某事處于高水平

33. common sense 常識;情理

34. leave behind 忘帶;留下

35. live through sth. 經歷某事物而幸存

36. tie up 系;拴;捆

37. go for 為……去;努力獲取

38 more…than …說…不如說 39 in anxiety of sth or doing sth. 焦急,急切

40 get onto one’s knees, 跪下 41 on all fours 四肢著地(像四足動物一樣行走)

42 promised land: 樂土, 福地, 希望之鄉

quit vt. 1.) 離開;退出 He quitted Paris after a week. 他一周后離開了巴黎。

2.) 放棄[+v-ing] He has quit smoking. 他已戒了煙。

3.) 解除,免除[(+of)] She finally quit herself of fear. 她終于消除了恐懼。

4.) 【美】停止[+v-ing] Quit muttering! 別嘀咕!

vi. 1.) 離開;遷出

If he doesn’t pay his rent, he will receive notice to quit. 如果他不付房租,他將被通知搬出去。

2.) 停止 It’s almost 5 o’clock; time to quit. 都快五點鐘了;該下班了。

apply vt. 1.) 應用;實施[(+to)]

We should apply both theories in the language classroom. 我們應把兩種理論都運用到語言教室中去。

2.) 使起作用;使適用 [(+to)]

This rule can not be applied to every case. 這條規則并不是在每種情況下都能適用的。

3.) (后常接oneself)使致力(于),使專心從事[(+to)]

He applied himself to learning French. 他致力于學習法語。

vi. 1.) 申請,請求[(+for/to)][+to-v] He has applied for a post in England. 他已申請在英國供職。

2.) 起作用;適用 [(+to)] This rule applies to freshmen only. 此項規定僅適用于大學一年級學生。

assessment n. 1.) (為征稅對財產所作的)估價[U]

2.) 被估定的金額[C] my tax assessment for 1994 我一九九四年的稅額

3.) 評價;估計[C] He made a careful assessment of the situation. 他對形勢作了細致的評估。

assess vt. 1.) (為征稅)估定(財產)的價值[(+at)]

The value of this property was assessed at one million dollars. 這財產的價值估定為一百萬元。

2.) 確定(稅、罰款、賠償金等)的金額 assess damage after an accident 事故后確定損害賠償金額

3.) 對...進行估價,評價 It is too early to assess the effects of the new legislation.


burden n.[C] 1.) 重負,重擔;負擔,沉重的責任

The old man bent with a heavy burden on his back. 老人因背著重負而彎腰。

2. )(船的)裝載噸數,噸位[the S][(+of)] vt. 1.) 加重壓于,加負擔于,煩擾[(+with)]

The government burdened the nation with heavy taxes. 政府使國民負擔重稅。

2.) 加負荷于,使載重[(+with)] He was burdened with a large bundle of magazines. 他吃力地捧著一大捆雜志。

desperate adj. 1.) 情急拼命的,鋌而走險的 A desperate man will stop at nothing to get what he wants.


2.) 危急的;絕望的 He was desperate when he lost all his money. 當他丟了所有的錢時,他絕望了。

3.) 極度渴望的[F][(+for)][+to-v] He was desperate for work to provide for a large family.


accustomed sb’s accustomed cheerfulness 某人一貫的樂觀情緒

be accustomed to working/ to work hard 習慣于苦干

relief n. 1.) (痛苦,負擔等的)緩和,減輕;解除[U] [(+of/from/on)]

The pills gave her some relief. 藥片減輕她一些痛苦。

2.) 輕松,寬心,慰藉[U] Hearing the news, he breathed a sigh of relief. 一聽到消息,他如釋重負地松了口氣。

3.) 救濟物品,救濟金[U] Relief was flown to the flood-hit areas. 救濟物品被空運到洪水泛濫區。

deliver vt. 1.) 投遞;傳送;運送[(+to)] The mailman delivered the letters promptly. 那個郵差準時地投遞信件。

2.) 發表;講;宣布 He delivered an important report at the meeting. 他在會上作了重要報告。

3.) 給...接生;生(嬰兒) She delivered twins in the evening. 晚上她生了一對雙胞胎。

4.) 解救;解脫;釋放[(+from)] Education delivered him from ignorance. 教育把他從無知中解救出來。

vi. 1.) 投遞;送貨;傳送

2.) 履行,實現[(+on)] I am certain that he will deliver on his promise. 我確信他會履行諾言。

1. By the middle of October we set off for our journey across the continent : a journey of about a year ,

across more than 2500 miles


2. I was so weak and tired that I got onto my knees and started moving across the sands on all fours.


3. Sometimes the wagons had to be lifted and pulled up ,where there were no roads.


4. Water that was shown on the map proved to be salty ponds and not drinkable.


5. The animals dragged their legs, too weak to pull their burden, and their tongues hung out in desperate need of water. 牲畜們慢慢地走著,累得都拉不動車了,它們的舌頭也伸了出來,急切地渴望得到水。

6. Lying around them were chains , guns , tools , clothing and many other articles.


7. Eighty years ago, it was front-page news all over the world, but outside Alaska most people have now

forgotten how twenty brave people and their dogs saved hundreds of people from death.

80年前,它在全世界都是頭版新聞,但現在,在阿拉斯加州之外,大部分人都忘掉了那20位勇敢的人和他們的狗是如何挽救 數百人性命的故事了.

8. …,Dr Curtis Welch discovered that some children had a terrible disease for which he had no medicine. …, 卡特斯. 威爾世博士發現一些孩子得了一種可怕的病,對此他也無藥可治.

9. The only way to prevent a catastrophe was to get more as quickly as possible.


10. The only way would be a relay of dog teams over the 674 miles between Nenana and Nome.


11. Each team covered a distance of 18 to 53 miles. 每一隊走了大約18到53英里的距離不等.

12. No pains , no gains. 不勞無獲。

1. 信任;信耐

2. 代表;代替

3. 灰心;泄氣

4. 放棄

5. 迷路

6. 伸出

7. 在極度需要的(時候)

8. (通常用于被動語態)習慣于

9. 患病;遭受……之苦

10 瞪視; 凝視

11 結束;終止

12 占用(時間;空間)

13 在危險中;關系重大

14 運用;應用

15 別緊張;放松點

16 維持;保持;使某事處于高水平

17 忘帶;留下

18 開始做某事

1. 我見到你那天出了什么事?

2. 這就是我們去年參觀過的那所學校。

3. 我不知道如何處理這件事。

4. 我不知道誰為此負責。

5. 請你在有問題的地方做個記號。

6. 拆除這些舊房子的目的就是為一條新的高速公路騰出空間。

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