江蘇省啟東中學初二英語教案book4 lesson 9(人教版八年級英語上冊教案教學設計)

發布時間:2016-8-7 編輯:互聯網 手機版

Word Study



a bridge across the river架在河上的橋

Don't cross the bridge until you come to it.(諺)不要杞人憂天。;莫自尋煩惱。

the Nanjing Changjiang River Bridge

cross the bridge


橋牌, 一種紙牌游戲

play bridge打橋牌

It takes four persons to play bridge.橋牌要四個人玩。




a field of maize一塊玉米地



an oilfield油田


the field of politics政治領域

Our field of vision is limited by that tall building.我們的視野受到了那座高層建筑物的限制。





Traffic police are sometimes very polite.交通警察非常有禮貌。


The city streets are full of traffic.城市的街道上滿是行人車輛

traffic jam交通擁塞

a traffic in ideas意見的溝通

the unlawful traffic in drugs非法的毒品買賣

The bridge is open to traffic.此橋可以通車。



vt., vi.

built, building


He built a model ship out of wood.他用木頭造了個模型船。

The Crystal Palace was built in Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of 1851.`水晶宮'是為1851年的`世界博覽會'在海德公園建造的。

The ancient temple was built of wood.這所廟宇是木結構的。

They are building in that area now.他們正在那個地區建房子。

The wind began to build.風力開始增大。build



rose, risen, rising


The sun rose at seven o'clock.太陽七點鐘升起。


The river is rising after the rain.雨后河水漲了。

The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet."這時飛機能上升了,并在距山頭400英尺的高度飛越了山頭。"

The steps of the palace rise in easy flights.宮殿臺階上升的坡度不大。

Prices have risen steadily during the past decade.過去十年間物價一直在上漲。



The river Rhine rises in Switzerland.rise from table

rise above the ordinary level超出一般水平

The flood has risen two feet.洪水上漲兩英尺。

His voice rose in excitement.他激動得聲音提高了。

Prices[Funds] rose sharply.價格[資金]急劇上漲[增長]。

Our confidence rises.我們的信心增強。

His colour rose.他氣色好起來了。

The tower rises 40 feet.這塔高40尺。

My gorge [stomach] rises at it.我一看見這東西就惡心。

The river rises in the mountains.這河發源于群山之中。

The quarrel rose from a mere trifle.爭吵由小事引起。

The assembly will rise next Friday.大會將在星期五閉幕。

They rose to the occasion.他們能應付那情勢。



the rise of the Roman Empire羅馬帝國的興起

The decrease in the number of bicycles and cars might give rise to another new set of problems.自行車和小汽車數量減少會造成一些新的問題。


a rise in prices物價上漲

The rise in the house rent has added to our difficulties.房租漲價增加了我們的困難。

at rise of sun太陽升起的時候

the rise and fall of the tide潮之漲落

a rise in prices物價升高

have a rise in wages提高工資

a rise in the ground一個向上的斜坡




The stream flowed rapidly.溪水暢流。

The cars flowed in a steady stream along the main road.汽車在干道上不停地駛過。

Her tears flowed fast at the bad news."她一聽到這傷心消息,眼淚就一涌而出。"

The river flowed over its banks.河水泛濫。



Rivers flow into the sea.江河流入海中。

Time flows.光陰流逝。

The river flowed over its banks.河水泛濫。

Our motherland flows with natural resources.我們祖國蘊藏著豐富的天然資源。




They live among the mountains.他們住在群山之中。

Share the fruit among your friends.把水果分給你的朋友們。

I was among the crowd.我處身在人群中。


She is among my most welcome visitors.她是我最歡迎的來訪者之一。

She is among the best of our typists.她是我們最好打字員之一。

a village among hills群山環抱的村莊

among the children在孩子們中間

among the trees在樹叢中

among ourselves嚴守秘密, 只可你我知道

from among從... 中

one among a thousand千里挑一的人

You are only one among many who need help.你不過是許多需要幫助的人之一。

Shenyang is among the largest industrial cities in China.沈陽是中國最大工業城市之一。

They fought among themselves.他們互相殘殺。

among -between

都含有“在...中間”的意思。 較正式、標準的用法是:

among用于“三者或三者以上之間”, 如:

He often went among the masses.


而 between 則用于“兩者之間”, 如:

Between the peoples of China and the Soviet Union there is a profound friendship.





Rocky Mountains落基山

Qomolangma is the highest mountain in the world.珠穆朗瑪峰是世界上最高的山峰。


overcome mountains of difficulties克服重重困難

mountains of work大量工作

The waves were like mountains.波浪象群山。



西; 西部

[the West ]西方, 歐美; 美[英]國西部; 【史】西羅馬帝國


go to the West到西部去

He lives in the west of England.他住在英國西部。

Korea lies to the west of Japan.朝鮮位于日本西邊。


西方的; 西部的; 在西的; 朝西的


the west end of the island島的西端

a west wind西風

West Point(美國)西點軍校

West Pointer(美國)西點軍校學員或畢業生


vi., vt.


The driver was rushed to casualty after the car accident."車禍后,司機被迅速送到急救室搶救。"

He rushed headlong into marriage.他倉促輕率地結了婚。


rush up the stairs猛沖上樓

She rushed into the room to tell us the news.她沖進房間告訴我們這個消息。

They had rushed up to her and tried to steal her handbag."他們向她沖來,并且企圖奪取她的手提包。"



prep., conj.


wait till ten o'clock一直等到10點鐘

Wait till I return等到我回來!

till then到那時止, 在那時以前

from morning till night從早到晚

He didn't return till ten o'clock.他到十點才回來。

Walk till you come to a white house.走下去, 一直走到一座白房子為止。

People do not know the value of health till they lose it.人們直到失去健康, 才知道健康的可貴。

【說明】①till 與 until 的意義和用法相同, 但句首一般不用 till 而用 until。②兩者皆可用作介詞和連詞, 但兩者都不能沒有賓語, 因此都不是副詞。③要注意在使用 until 或 till 表示漢語“直到...才”的時候, 常常要把漢語的肯定句改為否定句。




Our building faces east.我們的大樓朝東。

"The room faces East, so we get the morning sun.""這個房間朝東,所以早晨的太陽照到我們房間里來。"

The sun rises in the east.紅太陽在東方升起。


a strong east wind一股強勁的東風

an east wind東風

east China華東


在東方; 從東方來; 向[往]東方

travel east向東方 旅行

face east朝東

Down East[美口]新英格蘭(指美國東北部緬因州一帶)

China is in the east of Asia.中國位于亞洲東部。

China faces the Pacific on the east.中國東臨太平洋。

Japan lies to the east of China.日本在中國之東。




useful life使用壽命

That is a useful knife.那是把有用的小刀。

a pretty useful performance相當精采的演出

She makes herself generally useful.她能干各式各樣的工作。

He's a useful member of the team.他是該隊的一名強手。

His wife is very useful at cooking.他的妻子擅長烹調。




a gentle wind和風




Our future seems very uncertain.我們的未來似難預測。

The ability to do this will be necessary in future flights to distant planets."在將來向遙遠的行星飛行的時候,需要這樣的能力。"


I wish you a happy future.祝你前途美好。

There's no future in trying to sell furs in a hot country.在氣候炎熱的國家里做皮貨生意是不會有前途的。



We're leaving this city; our future home will be in Paris."我們就要離開這座城市了,我們未來的家將在巴黎。

a future life來世


停放(車輛); 停車

Don't park the car in this street.不得在這條街上停車。

Please park your car in the parking lot and hike in."請把車停在外面停車場,步行進去。"


Don't park your books on my desk! (喻)不要把你的書堆放在我的書桌上!

He parked himself in an easy chair.他坐在安樂椅中。


He parked his baby at his aunt's.他把嬰兒寄放在姑母處。

No Parking on the bridge

get on

be open to traffic

the East China Sea




That big tree on the bank of the river might afford us shelter from the rain.河岸上那棵大樹也許可供我們避雨。

There are many trees on both sides of the river

from place to place

make good use of

the Yellow River

the Bohai Sea


vt., vi.

dried, drying


The clothes dried quickly outside.衣服在外面干得快。

She dried her hair in the sun.她在太陽底下把頭發曬干。


dried fruit水果干

dry up



a deep river一條很深的河

deep seas深海



a deep border遙遠的邊境線


a hole two feet deep兩英尺深的洞


He's a deep one.他是個深不可測的人。


a deep dark secret高深莫測的秘密。

a deep question一個深奧的問題


a deep mind高超的思想


deep feelings強烈的感受

Her love for the child was very deep.她對孩子的愛是很深的。


He has deep brown eyes.他有一雙深棕色的眼睛。


He has a deep voice.他的嗓音低沉。

deep in debt債臺高筑

deep red深 紅

a deep drinker酒量很大的人

be deep in work埋頭工作

be deep in thought沉思著

Cheer up



words of cheer鼓勵話

Christmas cheer圣誕佳肴

Let's give three cheers for the visitors.讓我們向來賓三次歡呼。

A good meal brought cheer to our hearts.一頓美餐使我們心中愉快。


cheer the victory為勝利而歡呼

The boys cheered their football team.男孩子們為他們的足球隊喊加油。

Everyone was cheered by the good news.每個人都為聽到這個消息而高興。


vt., vi.

-stood, -standing


I can't understand classical literature.我不懂古典文學。

Do you understand Spain?你懂西班牙語嗎?

The porter, however, could not understand me.可是,那個搬運工人聽不懂我的話。

Then he spoke slowly, but I could not understand him.接著他說得慢了,但是我聽不懂他的話。

The English understand each other, but I don't understand them!英國人彼此間聽得懂,可我就是聽不懂他們的話!


A good teacher must understand children.一個好的老師應該了解孩子們。


I understand you're coming to work for us.我聽說你要到我們這兒來工作。I don't understand you.


A good teacher must understand children.一個好的教師必須了解孩子。

It is understood that you will come.相信你會來的。

What did you understand him to say?你認為他說的是什么意思呢?

In this case the verb may be understood.在這種情況下這動詞可以省略。

No Photos



He dropped the glass as he stood up.他站起來時,把杯子摔了.

He was watching TV as we were busy doing our homework.




my favorite book我愛讀的書

Oranges are my favorite fruit.柑橘是我最喜愛的水果。

Baked apples are his favourite dish.烘蘋果是他愛吃的菜。


David's a great favourite with his teacher.大衛是他的老師最為喜歡的學生。

These novels are my favourites.這些是我最喜歡的小說書。


A teacher shouldn't have favorites.一個教師不應過分寵愛某些學生。



The moon is setting.月亮正在落下(日, 月等)落, 下沉

The sun sets in the west.日落西方。

It will be cooler when the sun has set.太陽落后, 天就會涼爽些。

His star has set.[喻]他的好運已過去了。

放[裝, 設, 布]置, 豎立, 貼, 靠, 鋪, 砌; 安置, 安排

set a pot on the fire把鍋放在火上

set a ladder against the wall把梯子靠在墻上

set a receiver to the ear把(電話)聽筒放到耳邊

set the table for dinner在桌上擺設餐具準備開飯

He set the stake in the ground.他將樁子豎在地上。

Please set the box on its end.請把這箱子豎著放。

致, 使; 使處于某種狀態, 使(某人)做某事

A spark set the woods on fire.星星之火使整個森林燃燒起來。

I must set my affairs in order.我必須使我的事情搞得井井有條。

Why didn't you set the boy right?你為什么不糾正那孩子的錯誤呢?

A good night's rest will set you right.酣睡一夜將使你的精神得到恢復。

My jokes set the whole table laughing.我說的笑話使全桌人大笑起來。

Set a thief to catch a thief.[諺]以賊捉賊; 以毒攻毒。

傾注; 使下決心

set one's heart on the common good一心為公

set one's hope on becoming a teacher渴望成為一名教師

He has set himself to learn from her.他決心向她學習。

Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.世上無難事, 只怕有心人。

使(雞)孵卵, 使(卵)受孵

set a hen使母雞孵卵

set eggs把蛋給母雞孵

種, 播, 植, 栽

set seeds播種

set plants栽植物

set a tree植樹

點燃; 放(火)

set a match to old papers擦火柴點燃舊報紙

set fire to the enemy's ammunition dump放火燒敵人的彈藥庫

Forests are sometimes set ablaze by lightning.森林有時因雷擊而起火。

鑲嵌; 點綴

set a diamond in a ring在戒指上嵌鉆石

The tops of the walls were set with broken glass.墻頂嵌上碎玻璃。

The sky seemed to be set with diamonds.天空似乎鑲嵌了鉆石。

The sky was set with myriads of stars.無數星星點綴著夜空。

使凝結[固]; 使牢固; 使固定; 使(骨等)復位; 使(頭發)成波浪形

set a butterfly把蝴蝶固定住作標本

set a broken leg接合斷腿

She had her hair set.她把頭發做成波浪形。

指定, 規定(日期, 價格, 限度等); 制定(規則等); 頒布; 估計; 評價

set a price on sth.定價格

set a date for a meeting確定會議日期

set the targets of production定生產指標

set a price on sb.'s head懸賞捉[殺]某人

set a rule制定規則

set a limit定一限度

set a distance定距離

簽(字); 蓋(印); 印上(痕記), 寫, 記錄

set one's hand and seal to a document在文件上簽名蓋章

The years have set their mark on his brow.年歲在他的額上打下了印記。

樹立(榜樣), 創造(紀錄)

set a new production record創造新的生產紀錄

The heroes set us a noble example.英雄們給我們樹立了崇高的榜樣。

分配, 提出(任務), 指定(作業), 出[命](題目, 試題)

The manager set the clerks various tasks.經理向職員們分配各項任務。

Who will set the papers for the examination?這次考試由誰來命題?

調整, 校正(儀器); 撥準(鐘表); 銼(鋸齒), 撥(鋸路); 磨快, 修平(剃刀等)

set the camera lens調整照相鏡頭

set a plough調整犁頭于待用位置

set the alarm-clock撥好鬧鐘

set one's watch by the time-signal on the radio按收音機報時信號對表

set a saw撥鋸路

為...譜曲, 改寫樂曲; 為...布景, 以...為背景

set words to music為詞譜曲

set piano music for the violin將鋼琴曲改寫成小提琴曲

set new words to an old tune set為舊調配新詞

set the stage為舞臺布景

The story is set in the early days of World WarⅡ. 此故事是以第二次世界大戰初期為背景的。

設(陷阱); 張(羅網); 揚(帆), 鉤住(魚顎)

set a trap for a mouse放置捕鼠器

set sail揚帆

排(鉛字), 排版


Ⅰ. 翻譯下列短語

1. 更好地利用 ______________ 2. 禁止拍照! ___________

2. 5,000米長 ______________ 4. 第三大國家 ___________

5. 在將來 __________________ 6. 起先 ________

7. 奔騰不息 _______________ 8. 從一處到另一處 _________

9. 數百公里 ___________ 10. 太多的食物 _____________

make better use of No photos 5000 metres long the third largest country in the future at first rush on and on from place and place hundreds of kilometers too much food


1. build (名詞) ________ 2. rise (過去式) _______

2. rush (第三人稱單數) _________ 4. till (同義詞) ________

5. use (形容詞) ________ 6. carry (第三人稱單數形式) _______

7. gentle (副詞) ________ 8. deep (副詞) _______

9. twelve (序數詞) ______ 10. high (比較級) _______

building rose rushes until useful carries gently deeply twelfth higher


1. There are some ______ (橋) over the river.

2. The workers are ______ (建造) a high building in our school.

3. The sun ______ (升起) in the east every morning.

4. There’s a sign, it says “No _______ (停車) on the bridge!”

5. He often ______ (運送) water for the old man.

6. I will drive you over the _______(橋).

7. It was open to _______ (交通) in March, 2000.

8. The Changjiang River Bridge 2100 ______ (公里) long.

9. The river flows down from among the ______ (山脈) in the west of China.

10. Let’s go and tell the _______ (其余的) to join us.

Bridges building rises parking carries

Bridge traffic kilometers mountains others


1. Helen always drives _______ (care).

2. Changjiang is the _______ (three) longest in the world.

3. It is a very ______ (use) river.

4. People have done much to make _______ (good) use of the water.

5. Those _______ (America) don’t like Chinese food.

6. I’ve never seen such high ______ before. (build)

7. The teacher often says to us ______. (gentle)

8. This book is very ______, you’d better read it. (use)

9. We are learning the ______ Lesson. (twelve)

10. The Nile is the ______ river in the world. (long)

Carefully third useful better Americans

Buildings gently useful twelfth longest


1. No _______ (swim) in the river.

2. He _____ (park) his car and went out.

3. The workers _______ (build) some bridges over the river so far.

4. The teacher said the sun ______ (rise) in the east.

5. The teacher told me _______ (not watch) TV in the evening.

6. We _______ (not begin) the meeting till the teacher comes.

7. When I saw him, he ______ (write) a letter.

8. Are you interested in _______ (fish)?

9. Be careful _______ (not do) this in the sunlight.

10. He is tired, but he doesn't stop _________ (work).

11. The teacher said the earth ______ (go) around the sun.

12. How many English words ______ you _____ (learn) by now?

13. I haven’t seen the film. I _____ (see) it with you.

14. Don’t talk! They ______ (have) a meeting.

15. When _____ they _____ (arrive) here? Just two days ago.

16. Do you enjoy _______ (watch) TV?

17. The doctor asked him ______ (take) the medicine three times a day.

18. He _______ (write) a letter when I came in.

19. You must try your best ______ (learn) English well.

20. _______ (not talk) in class, please!

Swimming parked have built rises not to watch won’t begin was writing fishing

Not to do working Goes have learned will see are having did arrive watching to take was writing to learn Don’t talk


1. The park is very beautiful. (感嘆句)

______ _______ the park is!

2. The river is about 7,000 metres long. (對劃線部分提問)

______ _______ is the river?

3. They will come here in a week. (同上)

______ ______ will they come here?

4. Remember to send the letter for me. (同義句)

_______ _______to send the letter for me.

5. He knows nothing about it. (改為反意問句)

He knows nothing about it, ______ ______?

How beautiful How long How soon Don’t forget does he


1. My home is about five lis far away from our school.

2. English is becoming more important and more important,you can’t give it up.

3. The Changjiang River is the longest river in China and the third longer in the world.

4. English an useful subject, you must learn it well.

5. – How long have you joined the League? -- For about a year.

6. The man is very fat, he eats much too food every day.

7. What an interesting news it is! I’ve never heard of such one.

8. The boy is the second taller student in our class.

9. The teacher said the sun rose in the east.

10. I won’t go to bed till I will finish my homework this evening.

Li more and more important longest a been in Too much an去掉 tallest rises finish

Ⅱ. 選擇最佳選項

( ) 1. _____ wide the river is!

A. What B. What a C. How D. How a

( ) 2. The street is about _____.

A. thirty metre wide B. thirty metres longer

C. thirty metres widely D. thirty metres wide

( ) 3. Now get _____ the bus. I'll drive you ______ the bridge.

A. on, over B. off, over C. into, on D. out of, on

( ) 4. ______ will they finish the work? In about two hours.

A. How long B. How soon C. How often D. How

( ) 5. They're going to build _______.

A. a little more bridges B. a few more bridges

C. more a few bridges D. a little bridges more

( ) 6. My home is about _____ from here.

A. ten lis far B. ten li far away

C. ten lis away D. ten li away

( ) 7. -- Can you see that sign?

-- Yes. It _____. "No swimming here!"

A. writes B. says C. read D. written

( ) 8. The Changjiang River is _____ river in the world.

A. the longest B. the longer C. the third longest D. the long

( ) 9. He knows nothing about it, ______?

A. does he B. doesn't he C. is he D. isn't he

( ) 10. When I saw him in the street, I stopped ______ with him.

A. to talk B. talking C. talk D. talked

( ) 11. There's a desk _____.

A. among him and me B. between he and I

C. among he and I D. between him and me

( ) 12. I won't go home till he _____ here.

A. will come B. comes C. came D. would come

( ) 13. He is clever, _____ he doesn't study hard.

A. and B. then C. but D. because

( ) 14. I ______ the Party for about five years.

A. have joined B. have taken part in

C. have joined in D. have been in

( ) 15. There's _____ "u" in the word "use".

A. an B. the C. a D./

( ) 16. There is ______ water in the river.

A. much too B. too much C. more D. very much

( ) 17. I ______ think you ______ right.

A. don't, aren't B. don't, don't C. /, don't D. don't, are

( ) 18. There are ______ people in the square (廣場).

A. thousand B. thousands C. thousands of D. thousand of

( ) 19. The boy is getting ________.

A. higher and higher B. taller and taller

C. more and more high D. more and more tall

( ) 20. He writes ______ than I.

A. much carefully B, much more careful

C. much more carefully D. more more carefully

( ) 21. Shanghai is __________ China.

A. in the east of B. to the east

C. in the west of D. to the west of

( )22. _______ big fish it is!

A. How B. How a C. What D. What a

( )23. Would you like ______ a cup of tea?

A. drinking B. drink C. to drink D. drinks

( )24. He likes football. So ______ I

A. does B. do C. like D. like

( )25. He

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