NSEFC-II Unit07The Second Period(人教版高二英語上冊教案教學設計)

發布時間:2016-3-10 編輯:互聯網 手機版

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn and master the following words and phrases:defenseless,i11ness,treatment,liquid,unprotected,sex, 1ack,proper,discourage,cheer,cheer up, network, specialist

2.Train the students’ reading ability.

3.Practise talking about imaginary situation.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Master the following words and phrases: a lack of,cheer up,deal with,wish, as if

2.Understand the text exactly.

Teaching Difficult Points:

How to help the students understand the text exactly,especially some sentences with special verb-forms used in the Subjunctive Mood.

Teaching Methods:

1.Pre-reading activity to predict what the text tells about.

2.Fast-reading to get a general idea and careful reading to further understand the text.

3.Post reading to check the students’ understanding of the text.

4.Explaining to help the students understand the text better.

Teaching Aids:

1.a tape recorder

2.a projector

3.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step I Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step II Revision and Lead-in

T:Yesterday we had an AIDS quiz,by which we’ve known more about AIDS.Can you tell me if AIDS is curable?

Ss: No,it's incurable.but it can be treated.

T:Do people with HIV look different from anyone else?


T:Can only bad people get AIDS?


T:Is it safe to be friends with people who are living with AlDS?


T:Very good.Today we are going to read a text about a person living with AIDS.First,let’s learn the new words in this period.Look at the screen.

(Teacher shows the screen and deals with them briefly.)

△immune/ I′mju:n/ adj.

i1lness/′IlnIs / n.



lack/laek/n.;ut.& ut.

discourage/dI′sk rId3/ut.

network/′naetwэ: k/n.


treatment/′tri: tm nt/n.

unprotected/ npr ′tektId/adj.

△transfusion/traens′ fju:зn/n.

proper/ ′prDp (r)/adj.

cheer/t I (r)/vi

specialist/′spe 1Ist/n.

Step 111 Reading

T:Well, so much for the new words.Before reading the text.please write down four questions you think will be answered in the text.I give you two minutes to prepare. Then I’ll collect your questions.

Predicted questions:

1.What kind of person is he / she?

2.How did he/she get AIDS?

3.Can people contact him/her?

4.Does he / she feel discouraged?

(After that)

T:OK.Now read the text at Page 51 quickly and find the answers to the questions you listed just now.If there are any questions that the text did not answer,try to think why those questions were not answered.Are you clear?


T:You can begin now.

(After a while, teacher asks some students to answer their predicted questions.)

Suggested answers:

1.She is l5一year-old teenager.

2.She got AIDS through birth.

3.Yes,they can.

4.No, she doesn't.

T:Well done.Now,please read it carefully again and add more questions to your list so that you have at least one question for each of the main points in the text.Then work in pairs to ask your partner to answer your questions.You can begin now.

(Teacher may check their work a few minutes later.)

Suggested questions and answers:

1.Q:What kind of disease is AIDS?

A:AIDS is a disease that breaks down the body’s immune system and 1eaves a person defenseless against infections and illness.

2.Q:Where is the disease spreading faster? And why?

A:In Africa and parts of Asia.Mainly because of a lack of proper health care, prevention and education.

3.Q:Which kind of people suffers the most?

A:The young.

4.Q:What did Xiao Hua decide to do after she knew she got AIDS?

A:She decided to use the limited time she has left to do something to help others.

5.Q:Is the disease the only thing that AIDS patients have to suffer from ?

A:No.They also have to deal with people’s fear of the disease.

6.Q:What is the best way to show that you care about AIDS patients ?

A:Giving an AIDS patient a hug.

T:Well,now please scan the reading passage and find out the difference between AIDS and HIV and the ways of AIDS spreading.

(Teacher allows the students to read for a while,and then check the answers.)

T:Are you ready?


T:Who’d like to tell the difference between AIDS and HIV?

S1:Let me have a try.HIV is the virus that caused AIDS.AIDS is a kind of incurable disease.People get AIDS after having been infected with HIV virus.

T:Thank you.Sit down.In what way does AIDS spread? Any volunteer?

S2:AIDS spreads through b1ood and other body liquids.People transmit HIV by having unprotected sex,by receiving infected b1ood transfusions or through birth.

T:Well done.Now 1et’s learn some useful phrases in the text.Look at the screen.

(Teacher shows the screen and gives brief explanations.)

1. break down:cause sth.to collapse;destroy sth.

e.g.How can we break down the barriers of fear and hostility which divide the two communities ?

2.a 1ack of:absence or shortage(of sth. that is needed)

e.g.The poor girl felt 1onely because of a 1ack of care.

The project had to be abandoned for? lack of funds.

3.cheer(…)up:(cause sb.to)become happier or more cheerful

e.g.Try and cheer up a bit;life isn’t that bad!

You look as though you need cheering up(= to be cheered up).

4.suffer from:feel pain,discomfort,great sorrow, etc.

e.g.Do you suffer from headaches? She’s suffering from loss of memory.

5.deal with:attend to(a problem,task, etc)

e.g.You dealt with an awkward situation very tactfully.

(Bb:break down,a lack of,cheer(…)up,suffer from, deal with)

(After explaining the phrases,teacher says the following.)

T:So much for the phrases.If you still have any difficulty in understanding the text,you can ask me.

S:Why in some sentences “were” is used after “I” and “she”,especially after“ I wish”,“as if ”and “if”?

T:Oh, you are careful.I'1l explain to you.Here “were ”is used as the subjunctive form to talk about events and situations which are not certain to hap-pen--which we hope will happen,or imagine might happen or want to hap-pen.For example, the sentence “I wish I could remember more about my mum.”means “It is a great pity that I don’t remember much about my mum.”The sentence “If I were to live long enough to have a job,I would choose to be a doctor,helping these AIDS patients “means” I want to become a doctor, helping these AIDS patients, but I can’t, because l won’t live long enough to have a job.”The sentence“…not act as if I were a bad or dangerous person.”means “I hope people don’t treat me as a bad or dangerous person.”1s that clear?


T:Well, now please listen to the tape and try to understand it further.Then read it aloud for a while and talks about these two questions on the screen in groups of four.

(Teacher shows the questions on the screen.)

1.How do you think you would react if you were Xiao Hua?

2.How should we act towards people who have AIDS What can we do to help them?

(After the students listen to the tape and talk about the questions for a few minutes, teacher asks some students to give their opinions.)

T:Well,stop.Who’d like to give us your opinion about the first question? Volunteers?

S1:If I were Xiao Hua,I might be discouraged,but after l read the story about her,l think l should try to live 1ike her and do some meaningful things for the AIDS patients and the society.

S2:If 1 were Xiao Hua.I think 1 would appreciate every minutes of each day before my death and leave my smiles to my friends and patients.


T:What about the second question?

S4:We should not have the wrong attitude towards people who have AIDS.Don’t consider them as bad and dangerous persons and look down upon them.On the contrary,we should try our best to help them and care about them.We can help to spread the knowledge about AIDS, such as the major ways for HIV to spread and prevention and treatment treasures. This way, AIDS patients would feel less lonely and more people can be prevented from being infected.


T:You all did very well.Thank you.Sit down,please.

Step V Summary and Homework

T:In this class,we’ve not only learned more about AIDS, but also 1earnt how to act towards people who have A1DS.We should call on a11 the people to fight against AIDS.Besides, we’ve 1earned some useful words and phrases as well as some useful structures with the Subjunctive Mood used in it.After class,please read the text more times to make sure you’ve really understood it and master the useful language points.

Step VI The Design of the writing on the Blackboard

Unit 7 Living with disease The Second Period

I. Useful expressions:

break down, a lack of, cheer(…)up, deal with, suffer from

II. Sentence structures:

… were

1. I wish / as if

… would / could do

were…, …

2. If I

were to…, …

Step VII Record after Teaching

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