Aims and demands:
Importance and difficulty:
1. words and expressions:
rush sb. off his feet, change, action, repair, work on, fix up
2. important sentences:
A. It is better to ask for help at the beginning rather than to wait until a busy period when everyone is rushed off their feet.
B. What is more, this “information line” operates 24 hours a day.
C. It did not take the firefighters long to pot out the fire, and they at once started to look for causes of the fire.
D. They had to work inside the ship, cutting away old metal, fixing new metal plate, drilling holes, laying electrical and phone wires and fixing new pipes for water and steam.
3. Grammar: review –ing form, to do form and predicative
4. Useful expressions:
A. May I speak to …?
B. Hello. Who’s that speaking?
C. I called to tell you…..
D. Hold on, please.
E. Wait a moment.
F. Can I take ( leave ) a message?
Lesson 69 The office
Aims and demands:
Develop the Ss’ reading ability
Importance and difficulty: Have a deeper understanding of the text.
Teaching aid: tape recorder and some slides
Teaching methods: reading, speaking
Teaching procedure:
Step 1. Riddle
I can store and recall as much information as possible, and I can work at a very high speed. In modern times, you can’t work without me. What am I? ( computer )
Step 2. Warming up
T: Where can you find computer?
S: They are mostly found in offices……
T: What else may you expect find in a large modern office?
( write these words on the blackboard and read after the teacher)
the office
fax machine
word processor
answering machine
choose the right title for each section
Step 3. Deal with the text
T: What is the fax machine? How does it work?
S: When you place a sheet of paper in a fax machine, the machine “reads” the writing on the page and changes the shapes of letters into electronic signals. It then sends these signals down an ordinary telephone line to another fax machine, which changes the signals back into the shapes of letters.
T: What are the advantages of sending a fax?
Ss: Speed. You can send texts, pictures, diagrams, designs maps and so on .
T: What are the disadvantages of sending a fax?
Ss: It is expensive and not private. ( it can be read by anyone)
T: What is the photocopier? How does it work?
Ss: It can copy a long report and sort the copies and pin them together.
T: What can modern photocopying machines do?
Ss: Modern machines can make the copy bigger or smaller , lighter or darker and copy onto both sides of the paper.
T: What is the word processor? How many parts is the word processor made up of?
Ss: It is made up of three parts . ( a typewriter keyboard, a printer and a computer )
T: What are the advantages of a word processor?
Ss: You can make changes easily and can print a report very quickly.
T: What is the answering machine?
Ss: It is a telephone with a tape recorder.
T: What are the advantage of an answering machine?
Ss: It can receive messages when no one is in the office and can give information.
Step 4. Listening for general understanding
Listen to the tape and write down the headings above the right sections of the text.
Step 5. Comprehension
1. Work book on Page 93
2. Paper comprehension
Comprehension exercise for Unit 18 Lesson 69 (3B)
I. Main facts: DBAC
Read fast to get a general idea of the passage and fill in the following blanks with one of the four choices below.
A. The word processor
B. The fax machine
C. The answering machine
D. The photocopier
1. ____ is a type of machine used to make copies from newspapers, books or reports.
2. ____ is used to send messages including words , pictures, designs and maps.
3. ____ is a kind of machine used to type materials, save them for future use and make changes if necessary.
4. ____ is used to record telephone messages when the receiver is absent.
II. Further comprehension CCADC DBBD
1. Which is WRRONG about learning to use office equipment?
A. It can make the work in offices go smoothly .
B. It is necessary for beginners in offices.
C. It should be learnt during a busy period.
D. It may help you to get a promotion (普升機會).
2. Which is correct about sending a fax?
A. It can be done only during working hours.
B. Sometimes it might take a week or so.
C. It isn’t a good choice to send top-secret information by fax machine.
D. Reports in English cannot be faxed.
3. A word processor ____.
A. can type a long report and make changes
B. can produce colour copies when necessary
C. can send information both at home and abroad
D. includes a keyboard, a photocopier and a computer
4. ____ can be used to answer a phone call automatically (自動地) when you are out.
A. The photocopier B. The fax machine
C. The word processor D. The answering machine
5. What is one disadvantage of sending a fax?
A. We can send a fax only in the office hours.
B. Message sent by a fax are hard to read.
C. We cannot send secret information through a fax machine.
D. Foreigners cannot understand Chinese letters sent by a fax.
6. What can’t a word processor do?
A. Typing a letter.
B. Printing documents.
C. Coping a on report.
D. Sending picture.
7. What does “be rushed off one’s feet” mean in paragraph 1?
A. be on business B. be busy and tired
C. be tired out D. run out of the office
8. The writer says “The fax has greatly changed office work, especially in China.” Because ____.
A. it can send information quickly
B. it is much easier to change Chinese characters into electronic signals
C. it can do a lot of work for the Chinese people such as making copies, posting letters
D. it makes office work easy to do
9.“The fax has greatly changed office work,especially in China.” The underlined word means ____.
A. properly B. immediately
C. slightly D. particularly
Lesson 70 What causes the fire
Aims and demands:
Aims and demands:
Develop the Ss’ reading ability
Importance and difficulty: Have a deeper understanding of the text.
Teaching aid: tape recorder and some slides
Teaching methods: reading, speaking
Teaching procedure:
Step 1. Presentation
Talk about the picture
T: What may cause a fire?
---- smoking, playing with fire ……
T: What is often used to put out the fire?
---- Water, CO……
T: What kind of gas do we breathe?
( Name some of the gases in the air we breathe. )
---- Oxygen, hydrogen……
People may be in danger if there is not enough oxygen. But too much oxygen may cause danger to people , too.
Step 2. Reading for general understanding
Read the text and find out :
1. Where did the fire happen?
----- In a ship which was in a port in Scotland for repairs.
2. What started the fire?
----- A worker fixed the air-line to a supply of oxygen instead of compressed air.
Step 3. Problem solving
See which pair of Ss can find out the correct answer before the others.
---- The man actually connected the air-line to the oxygen supply line.
Step 4. Comprehension
1. put these events in the correct order
2. workbook Ex I
3.reading comprehension
Comprehension for Unit 18 Lesson 70 (3B) BDBCD ACAB
1. An extra team of men were sent to repair the ship because ___.
A. this ship was a huge ship
B. this ship needed to be repaired quickly
C. they were skilled workers
D. there was a lot of work to do
2. The man took a long time to connect the rubber pipe to the air supply pipe because ___.
A. he smoked a cigarette during the working hours
B. he had to drill holes and lay electrical wires first
C. he found something strange in the air and stopped to have a check
D. the fittings did not match
3. There was a strange smell when one man lit a cigarette because ___.
A. the cigarette had the smell itself
B. the smell was caused by the oxygen
C. there was something wrong with the man’s nose
D. the ship was beginning to burn
4. Which of the following is true?
A. The fire caused great damage to the ship.
B. There was an explosion happened inside the ship.
C. No damage was done to the deck at the end of the ship.
D. The fuel on ship caused the fire.
5. What measures were taken to prevent a fire accident?
A. Talks on safety were given to new workers.
B. Smoking was not allowed in the workplace.
C. All the supply lines and taps were marked with signs and warnings.
D. Both A and C.
6. In the ship the “air-line” provides ____.
A. compressed air B. water and steam
C. fuel and gas D. fresh air
7. When the fire broke out, ____.
A. some men sounded the fire alarm
B. all the men jumped into the sea
C. most of the men managed to escape
D. they fought against the fire
8. The men’s cigarettes burned strangely and tasted bad because ____ .
A. there was too much oxygen inside
B. something was wrong with the cigarettes
C. oxygen had a strong smell
D. lots of compressed air was inside
9. What was the real cause of the fire?
A. The third person struck a match for a cigarette.
B. The air-line was fixed to a supply line of oxygen instead of compressed air.
C. Too many workers smoked in the ship.
D. The fittings the workers had used to repair the ship didn’t match.
4. slides
Rearrange the following events ( Lesson 70 )
a. It took him some time to connect the long rubber pipe to the air supply pipe that ran round the port, but at last it was done and as a result work was able to progress much faster.
b. Half an hour later, another man struck a match for a cigarette and this time the whole of the inside of the ship caught fire.
c. They had to work inside the ship.
d. A navy ship was in a port in Scotland for repairs.
e. It was important to carry out the work quickly, so an extra team of men were asked to work on the repairs one evening.
f. Another man lit a cigarette but it burnt strangely and so he too put it out.
g. One man was told to fix up an “air-line” to provide compressed air for the machines they were using.
h. After three hours, the men stopped for a meal break. When work continued, one man lit a cigarette as he was working, but, finding it had a strange taste, he put it out.
Step 5. practice ----- Ex 2
Lesson 69~70
Translate the following sentences (Lesson 69~70)
1. 一旦他作出決定就不會改變。
Once she made the decision, she wouldn’t change her mind.
2. 我到過那兒一次。
I have been there once.
3. 這是她父親曾經工作過的地方。
This is the place where her father once worked.
4. 該去的是約翰而不是杰克。
John should go rather than Jack.
5. 這些鞋子穿起來很舒服,但并不漂亮。
These shoes are comfortable rather than pretty.
I love swimming rather than skating.
I decided to write rather than ( to ) telephone.
We ought to check up, rather than just accept what he says / accepting what he says.
6. 與其讓這些蔬菜爛掉,他寧愿以一半的價格把他們賣掉。
Rather than allow the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price.
Would / had rather do sth than do…
Would / had rather sb. did…
I would rather you knew that now than afterwards.
7. 他們播種忙得個不可開交。( rush sb. off one’s feet )
They are rushed off their feet with the sowing.
8. 沒有必要對這個計劃作出修改。
It is not necessary to make any changes in the plan.
9. 我覺得是我該采取行動的時候了。
I felt it ( was ) time for me to take ( an ) action.
10. 我沒有去看望王先生,因為那天下大雨. 再說,我身邊也沒有他的地址。
I didn’t go to see Mr. Smith , because it was raining hard. What’s more, I didn’t have his address.
11. 中國有許多人正在從事一項“希望工程”,幫助窮苦孩子們上學。
Many people in China are working on a “Project Hope” , helping poor children to go to school.
12. 他在致力于發明一種辦公用的新式機器。
He is working on inventing a new type of machine for office work.
13. 他不得不工作到六十多歲。
He has to work on until he was sixty.
14. 政府給無家可歸的人提供食宿。
The government provided food and shelter for those who were homeless / the homeless.
The government supplied (provide ) the homeless with food and shelter.
15. 他們在忙著安裝電燈。
They are busy fixing up the lights.
A. He fixed up the broken chair. 修理
B. I can easily fix you up for the night. 給…... 安排住處
C. We have fixed up a date for the picnic. 確定
D. I’ve fixed up a visit to the theater for next Friday. 安排
E. Do I have to fix up to go to the party. 打扮
16. 花了我一整天的時間修理這臺彩電。
It took me a whole day to fix up the colour TV set.
17. 你應該爭取盡快趕到那兒。
You should try to get there as soon as you can.
You should try to get there as soon as possible.
18. 許多人逃出大火著火了。
Many people escaped from the big fire, with their clothes on fire.
19. 老師走進教室,手里拿著一本書。
The teacher came into the classroom, with a book in his hand.
( book in hand )
20. 她似乎(已經)聽到了這件事。
She appeared / seemed to have heard about it already.
It seemed / appeared that she had already heard about it.
21. 房子燒了,準是有什么原因。
The house was burned down. There must have been some cause.
22. 這嬰孩昨夜哭個不停,他準是得了病。
The baby kept crying last night . He must have been ill.