unit 14-16 教案1(新課標版高二英語教案教學設計)

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Unit 14 Festivals

Teaching aims and demands


1. Talking about festivals and customs

2. Practise expressing and supporting an opinion

3. Use the Modal Verbs---must, have to and have got to

4. Write an invitation for a festival

Useful expressions:

Expressing and supporting an opinion

 In my opinion we should...      I believe we should...

 I don't think it's necessary to...  We must decide...

 I hope we can make a decision.    If we do this, we can...

 I think that...should... 

Useful phrases:

dress up; in one's opinion; play a trick on sb; take in

Grammar: Modal Verbs---must, have to and have got to

Teaching plan I

I. Warming up

Step 1: Presentation.

Do you know what is called the Christmas of China? The Spring Festival. Yes. The oldest and most important festival in China is the Spring Festival. Each country and each nation has its own festivals. Today we are going to learn something about the different festivals.

Step 2: Get the students to look at the pictures and discuss the questions.

Step 3: If the Ss cannot easily discuss these questions in pairs, put them into small groups of four.

Step 4: Encourage Ss to answer these questions as best they can and not to worry too much about finding correct responses.

II. Listening

Step 1: Listen to the tape and finish the exercises.

Step 2: The festival that pairs choose to discuss may be either a Chinese or foreign festival. If it is a Chinese festival, pairs should discuss how it is celebrated in different areas.

Step 3: Ss can think of questions to ask one another in groups or they can use the chart on page 8 in the SB.

III. Speaking

Step 1: Work in groups of four and discuss why your holiday is the best one.

Step 2: Four topics: 1. Peace Day 2. Happiness Day 3. Friendship Day 4. Nature Day

Step 3: Write a role card using the model provided if needed.

IV. Language points

1>If you don't know of any festivals, you can ask your teacher for help.

 know of

 [用法]知道;了解,懂得(同know about)

 [舉例]There is one or two things I'd like to know about.


 ask for

 [用法]1. 要,要求 2. 找(人)

 [舉例]The miners are asking for another increase in pay.


    There's an old man at the door, asking for you.


2>When is the festival celebrated?


 [用法]vt. 慶祝 vi. 慶祝,過節

 [舉例]We held a party to celebrate our success.


    Today is his birthday, so we're going to celebrate.


 [聯想]celebration n. 1.慶祝 2.慶;顒,慶典[C]

 [舉例]The party was in celebration of Mother's silver wedding.


    A Fourth of July celebration includes a display of fireworks.


3>What are some important themes, for example 'family' and 'peace'?


 [用法]n.[C]1. 論題,話題,題目 2. 主題,主題思想;題材 3. (學生的)作文,文章

 [舉例]The main theme of discussion was press censorship.


    The theme of the poem is love and peace.


    Our school themes must be written in ink and on white paper.


4>The two main popular symbols of Easter are the Easter Bunny and Easter egg.


 [用法]n.[C]1. 象征,標志[(+of)] 2. 記號,符號[(+for)]

 [舉例]The white bird is a symbol of freedom.


    We use x as the symbol for an unknown quantity.


5>No fighting or conflicts are allowed on Peace Day.


 [用法]n.[C]1. 沖突,抵觸,不一致,分歧(+between) 2. 斗爭,爭執,戰斗(+between)

 [舉例]This is an irreconcilable conflict.


    Armed conflict is likely to break out between the two countries.


6>No pollution or destruction of natures is allowed.


 [用法]n.1. 破壞; 毀滅; 消滅

 [舉例]The flood caused serious destruction to the railway.


 [聯想]construction n.1. 建造, 建設; 建造術 2. 建筑物,建造物[C]

 [舉例]The new school is still under construction.


    The building is a construction of wood.


V. Homework

1. Finish doing the listening exercise on workbook.

2. Prepare for the reading text.

Teaching plan II for Reading

I. Pre-reading

Step 1. Presentation

All Chinese know something about the Spring Festival. All Americans know something about Christmas. Both of them are important holiday in the world. Do you want to know about some other festivals, such as Kwanzaa? Today your curiosity will be met.

Step 2. Tell the students to work in groups. One student in each group asks the other group members the four pre-reading questions. Visit each group and make sure that each group member participates. Help the students with vocabulary if necessary.

Step 3. Ask the group leaders to summarize the discussion and report to the class. Compare answers from different groups and have a short discussion.

II. Reading

Step 1. Tell the students to read the text once and then make an outline of the text.

Step 2. Read the text fast and find out why and when Kwanzaa was born.

Step 3. Get the students to read the text again and find the answers to the following questions.

1. When was Kwanzaa born?

2. Why did people celebrate Kwanzaa?

3. What was the largest language in Africa?

4. What are the seven principles of Kwanzaa?

5. When do people celebrate Kwanzaa?

Reference answers:

1. In 1966

2. African-Americans wanted to celebrate their history and culture.

3. Swahili

4. Unity, Self-determination, living together, working together, purpose, creativity, Faith

5. From December 26 to January 1

Step 4. Play the tape and ask the students to listen and follow.

III. Notes

1>The day following Christmas Day, many African-American families get together to greet the new year.

 get together


 [聯想]get-together n. 聚會;聯歡會

2>The African-American festivals had many things in common: people would get together to celebrate their harvest.

 have sth in common

 [用法]見高一上冊 unit 11



 [舉例]He would sit silent for hours.


3>They used to honour their ancestors, celebrate their past, and the group or society they lived in.


 [用法]n.1. 榮譽;名譽,面子 2.光榮的事或人(+to) 3. 敬意

    vt.1. 使增光;給...以榮譽 2. 尊敬

 [舉例]We fight for the honor of our country.


    He is an honor to our school.


    Children should be taught to show honor to their elders.


    You honor us with your presence.


    Will you honor me with a visit?


    He honors his teachers.


4>The festivals were a way to celebrate history and culture, as well as the new year.

 as well as

 [用法]見高一上冊 unit 3

5>We should believe in our family, our people, our teachers and our leaders.

 believe in

 [用法]1. 信仰 2. 信任 3. 相信...的效用

 [舉例]Christians believe in Jesus.


    We believe in him.


    Jim believes in fresh air and morning exercises.


6>People celebrate Kwanzaa can enjoy the spirit of their holidays without all the commercial activities of Christmas.


 [用法]a.1. 商業的;商務的 2. 營利本位的;商業性的

    n. (電視、廣播中的)商業廣告[C]

 [舉例]a commercial traveller


    commercial records


    The TV show was interrupted by too many commercials.


7>People celebrate it by lighting a candle each day and discuss one of the seven principles of Kwanzaa.


 [用法]vt.1. 點(火);點燃(+up) 2. 照亮(+up) 3. 使容光煥發(+up)

    vi.1. 點著 2. 變亮

 [舉例]He lit a match.


    The room is brilliantly lighted up and full of guests.


    A smile of triumph lit up her face.


    The match lights easily.


    Her face lighted up at the good news.



 [用法]n. 原則;原理[C]

 [舉例]I take this seriously. It's a matter of principle.


8>Each time we celebrate a festival it changes a little and in that way we keep our culture alive.

 Each time

 [用法]這里,同 every time,在句中做連詞。類似的用法還有一些,請大家注意積累。

9>Our ancestors celebrated the birth of children by giving away red eggs.

 give away

 [用法] 贈送;分發

 [舉例]She gave away all her money to the poor.


10>They made peace after Peter treated her to a nice lunch.


 [用法]招待;款待。詳見高一上冊 unit 12

IV. Post-reading

Discuss the questions in groups, and finish doing them one by one.

Answers to the exercises:

1. 1 People created the holiday so African-Americans could celebrate their history and culture.

2 Many holidays celebrate the arrival of a mew season or a new harvest.

3 All three reunite families.

4 As these questions are a matter of opinion, answers will vary. Of course, some of the principles listed in the reading passage must be included in any good response.

2. False: 1 4 5 True: 2 3 6

V. Homework

1. Ask the Ss to remember to new words and phrases learned in class.

2. Finish doing the vocabulary exercises both on student book and workbook.

3. Prepare for the part of Grammar.

Teaching plan III for Language study

I. Word study

Answers to the exercises:

1. theme, faith, purpose

2. nations, determination

3. joy, ancestors, birth

4. peace, treated

II. Grammar: the Passive Voice

Step 1. Presentation

In the Spring Festival, something is not allowed. For example, floors may not be swept on the first day of New Year. Anyone who breaks a dish or a glass on this day must quickly say "Peace for all time" to avoid incurring misfortune. So if you want to say it is necessary for someone to do something, you use "must" or "have to". Today we'll learn Grammar-Modal Verbs: must, have to.

Step 2. Get the students to know about Modal Verbs(2)--must, have to, have got to.

1 能夠用英語表達做某事的重要性或必要性---must/have to/have got to

 2 能夠用英語表達做某事不重要或不必要---don't have to/haven't got to

 3 能夠用英語堅決表達某事不可接受或不可取---must not

Step 3. Look at the table and decide which is necessary and which is not. Make sentences using “must, have to, have got to”.

Step 4. Help the Ss finish doing the exercises of this part.

III. Homework

1. Ask the students to finish Grammar Ex. on Wb.

2. Prepare for integrating skills.

Teaching plan IV for Integrating Skills

Step 1. Play the tape for the students to listen.

Step 2. Read the text quickly and work in pairs and ask the questions according to the table. One asks the question. The other answers. Try to form as many questions as possible.

Step 3. Reading and writing

1. Ask the student to complete the chart in the book and use the outline to write a comparison essay.

2. Create your own festival. Fill in the blank on Page 14.

Step 4. List the language points.

1>It is the reminder that we need to care about the world we live in.


 [用法]n.[C]1. 提醒者,提醒物,令人回憶的東西

       2. 提示,幫助記憶的記號

2>The festival honours both the living and the dead.

 the living and the dead


3>It is not a sad day, but rather a time to celebrate the cycle of life.


 [用法]n.[C]1. 周期;循環;一轉 2. 整個系列;整個過程 3. 腳踏車;摩托車

    vi./vt. (使)循環,輪轉 vi. 騎腳踏車(或摩托車)

 [舉例]The seasons of the year make a cycle.


    He studied the cycle of events leading to the Great Depression.


    She goes to work on her cycle.


    The machine cycles automatically.


    I cycled to the beach.


4>Our friends play tricks on us and try to fool us.


 [用法]n. 1. 詭計;騙局;謀略;花招 2. 惡作劇 3.戲法,把戲;特技,妙計

    vt./vi.1. 哄騙

 [舉例]He got into the castle by a trick.


    Daily practice is the trick in learning a foreign language.


    No one understood how I did the card trick.


    Magicians often perform tricks such as pulling a rabbit out of a hat.


    They tricked me into making a mistake.


5>If a person is taken in, he or she is called 'April Fool'.

 take in

 [用法]1. 讓...進入;接受 2. (此處)欺騙

Step 5. Homework:

1. Preview the reading AMERICAN COUNTRY MUSIC on Wb.

2. Finish the Writing on P150.

Teaching plan V for Exercises and Revision

Step 1. Check the Ss’ work to make sure if they have finished their homework.

Step 2. Check the answers of the exercises on workbook and list the language points on workbook.

1>It is likely that people have celebrated harvest festivals even since they began to plant and gather food.


 [用法]a.1. 很可能的[+to-v][+that] 2. 適當的,正合要求的[(+for)]

 [舉例]John is likely to be in London this autumn.


    The park is a likely place for the picnic.


2>On each day there is a special event: a parade of elephants, fireworks and dances.


 [用法]n. 行進,行列,游行[C]

    vt. 在...游行,在...列隊行進

    vi. 游行,列隊行進

 [舉例]A parade was held on New Year's Day.


    The circus performers and animals paraded the streets.


    The soldiers paraded by.


3>The boats used are beautifully painted and decorated with flowers.


 [用法]vt./vi. 裝飾,修飾

 [舉例]The great hall was decorated with flowers.


4>The king is so popular that the gods become jealous and send him away.


 [用法]a. 妒忌的(+of)

 [舉例]He was jealous of his friend's reputation.


    Why is he so jealous?


5>A very special event takes place the night before ChuSuk.

 take place

 [用法]用法見高一上冊 unit 4

6>...the yearly festivals represent our love for family, friends and life.


 [用法]a. 每年的,一年一次的 ad. 每年;一年一度

 [舉例]I make a yearly trip to the mountains.


    Interest is paid yearly.


Step 3. Let the students ask questions if they get any problem while doing the exercises.

Step 4. review the useful expressions:

Expressing and supporting an opinion

 In my opinion we should...      I believe we should...

 I don't think it's necessary to...  We must decide...

 I hope we can make a decision.    If we do this, we can...

 I think that...should... 

Step 5. Review the useful words and phrases:

dress up; in one's opinion; play a trick on sb; take in

Step6. Review the grammar: the Passive Voice

1 能夠用英語表達做某事的重要性或必要性---must/have to/have got to

 2 能夠用英語表達做某事不重要或不必要---don't have to/haven't got to

 3 能夠用英語堅決表達某事不可接受或不可取---must not

Step 7. Homework

1. Remember the new words and phrases of this unit.

2. Prepare for the next unit .

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