仁愛版英語九年級上冊Unit4 Amazing Science Topic( Section A) 教學案例(仁愛版英語九年級)

發布時間:2016-11-7 編輯:互聯網 手機版

一、 概述

本節課是仁愛版英語教材九年級上冊 Unit 4Topic 1 Section A部分。本課是本單元的重要組成部分,也是核心教學,一課時完成。本課以口語練習為主,學生學習談論“神州”五號和“嫦娥”一號,進而涉及電腦科技在航天領域的應用。本部分內容從令人關注的“神州”五號和“嫦娥”一號入手,貼近生活,時代感強。然后由飛船的成功運行聯想到電腦科技。本部分是前后知識的載體。本話題的表達在今后的英語學習中都占有重要的地位。

二、 教學目標分析


學習詞匯 hero launch spaceship prove lunar probe achieve manned send up legend the Soviet Union astronaut mankind

學習句型(1)Who is the first Chinese to travel into space?

(2)China is the third nation to send a person into space..

(3)I hope I can travel to the moon one day.

(4)All of you must be very proud.

(5)That proves that China has made great progress in its space industry.


如:That proves that China has made great progress in its space industry.

China is the third nation to send a person into space..










三、 學習者特征分析


1. 學生是閩清縣杉村中學九年級的學生;英語基礎普遍偏差。

2. 學生已經掌握了一些基本的詞匯。但語言表達能力不強。

3. 本班的學生經過兩年多的學習,有了一定的英語基礎知識和聽說能力,正逐漸向讀、寫過渡,有了初步的自主、合作、探究、實驗的能力;

4. 本班學生基礎比較薄弱,但對英語有較大的興趣,能夠積極參與課堂活動;

5. 本班學生抽象思維能力較低,形象思維能力強,但注意力容易分散,對片面零碎的材料尚缺乏一定的概括分析能力。

四、 教學策略選擇與設計


1. 任務型教學法:以完成任務為動力,把知識和技能融為一體,提倡學生主動參與,以學生為主體,師生合作、生生合作,體現教與學的互動交往;

2. 情景教學法:設置情景,激發學生興趣,提高語言交際能力,突顯語言交際功能;

3. 聽說法:用師生互動的方式使學生對新知識的識記經過一個由形象思維到抽象思維的轉化過程,加強記憶效果。除此之外本人還在教學設計中滲透聽力訓練法、多媒體輔助教學等。

五、 教學資源與工具設計

1. 本課教材;

2. 相關的實物:錄音機/聶海勝,費俊龍的照片/楊利偉的照片/米老鼠、唐老鴨及嫦娥奔月的圖片/多媒體

3. 教學環境:多媒體教室



Step 1 Review(復習)(5’)

Step 2 Presentation(呈現)(6’)

Step 3 Consolidation(鞏固)(20’)

Step 4 Practice( 練習)(6’)

Step 5 Project(綜合探究活動)(8’)

Step 1 Review 第一步 復習(時間:8分鐘)

(復習舊知,導入話題。出示一幅Michey Mouse和Donald Duck的圖片。)

T: Who are they?

Ss: They are Michey Mouse and Donald Duck.

T: Yes, they are so nice cartoon characters. Are they beautiful?

Ss: Yes.

T: Now we know, English shows us a beautiful world about western culture. As a matter of fact, in Chinese culture, there are also lots of beautiful characters.


T: Do you know who she is?

S1: She is Chang’e.

T: Yes. She is a beautiful goddess.


goddess. n.

This is an ancient legend.


legend. n.

The story of her flying to the moon has been known by all the Chinese. It shows we have dreamed of exploring space for thousands of years.

Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈現(時間:10分鐘)

1. (師生互動,緊承復習中的話題,以對話方式引出新的詞匯。出示楊利偉走出太空艙的圖片。)

T: Do you know who he is?

S2: He is Yang Liwei.

T: What does he do?

Ss: 宇航員。

T: Yes. He is an astronaut.


astronaut. n.

He is the first person to travel into space in China. He is our national hero. In 2003, he traveled around the earth in Shenzhou Ⅴ for 21 hours. Shenzhou Ⅴ is the first manned spaceship in China.


hero→heroes (pl.) n.

manned. adj.

spaceship. n.

China is the third nation to send a man into space. Are we all proud?

Ss: Yes. All of us are proud.

T: What’s more, two years later, we sent up another spaceship.


send up = launch v.

Who knows its name?

S3: Shenzhou Ⅵ.

T: Yes. It’s Shenzhou Ⅵ. There are two astronauts in it. Who are they?


S4: Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng.

T: Well done. They are great. Do you think so? Do you want to be an astronaut when you grow up?

Ss: Yes.

T: Great. OK. Let’s begin to learn the new lesson.


2. (播放1a錄音,讓學生聽并回答問題。聽完一遍后,讓學生對1a有個整體的感知。)

T: Boys and girls, now let’s listen to the tape and try to answer the question:

What’s China’s first lunar probe? (要求學生了解詞組lunar probe。)

Ss:Chang’e Ⅰ.


T: Good. Listen to the tape again and try to repeat it.

(然后,板書文中一些習慣用語和詞組,分析解釋,并要求掌握prove, achieve, point to。)

dream of doing sth.

It shows we have dreamed of exploring space for thousands of years.

point to

make great progress in doing sth.

lunar probe

achieve one’s dream

Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 鞏固(時間:10分鐘)

1. (1)(讓學生認真閱讀1a, 以學生相互問答的方式完成1b。)

1. Who is Yang Liwei?

2. How many manned spaceships have been sent up into space by China?

3. What was the temperature in Shenzhou Ⅵ?

4. Do you know the legend of Chang’e? Please tell it to your classmates.

T: Read the dialog carefully, ask and answer the questions on the blackboard in pairs.

S5: Who is Yang Liwei?

S6: He is the first person to travel into space in China.

S7: How many manned spaceships have been sent up into space by China?

S8: …


T: Now, let’s read the dialog in roles with three students in a group. Are you ready?

S9 (畫外音)

S10 (Michael)

S11 (Kangkang)


T: Now I’d like to ask two groups to act it out. Who would like to do it first?

S12: …

S13: …

S14: …


T: I’ll ask two students to retell the dialog. You should use your own words.


Step 4 Practice 第四步 練習(時間:10分鐘)

1. (1) (展示神五的視頻和圖片,接著播放新聞點評,進行師生互動回答。)

T: Who is the man in the picture?

Ss: He is …

T: What is he famous for?

Ss: He is famous for …

T: Where did he go?

Ss: He went …

T: How long has he stayed in space?

Ss: He has stayed in space for …

(2) (讓學生聽2a錄音填空,完成2a,核對答案。板書,解釋。)

are being made


T: Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.

(3) (再聽2a錄音, 寫出關鍵詞或短語,嘗試復述。)

T: Listen to 2a, write down the key words and try to retell it.

first, 21 hours, 14 times, land, hero, After, second, 4:30, Oct. 17th, 2005, five, last, big plans, are being made, a space station

2. (根據1a和2a, 完成2b。進行男女復述課文比賽。)

T: We have learned something about Shenzhou Ⅴ and Ⅵ. Now let’s finish 2b. Boys discuss and fill out the table about Shenzhou Ⅴ. Girls discuss and fill out the table about Shenzhou Ⅵ. And then I’ll ask some of boys and girls to retell them.

Step 5 Project 第五步 綜合探究活動(時間:7分鐘)

1. (創設情景,兩人編對話,談論神五/六著陸時的心情感受。)

T: You may make dialogs with your partner. Talk about what you were doing when … landed successfully? How was your feeling then? What do you think about it?

S15: What were you doing when Shenzhou Ⅵ landed successfully?

S16: I was watching it on TV.

S15: How was your feeling then?

S16: I was very happy and proud.

2. (讓學生給楊利偉發一封e-mail, 表達崇敬之情和向他們學習的決心,并希望他來學校做客,愿意與他交朋友。)

3. Homework:




1. 飛行員pilot

2. 中國太空訓練 the China’s Space Program

3. 授予 award


Spaceships are mainly controlled by computers.

Section A

hero - heroes(pl. ) It has proved that China has made great

point to progress in developing its space industry.

send up I think you can achieve your dream in the

It shows we have dreamed of exploring future.

space for thousands of years.



本課主要通過小組競賽的方式進行評價,把全班學生分為四組(Group1、 Group2、Group3、Group4), 評價內容主要包括學生朗誦課文、參與課堂游戲、單詞或句子朗讀、聽力競賽、兩兩對話、情景表演等幾個環節,積累圖標最多的小組獲勝。










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