Lesson plan of Unit 9 When was he born? 教案教學設計(人教版英語八年級)

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Lesson plan of Unit 9

When was he born?





本節課的教學內容是Go for it八年級上冊Unit9 When was he born? 本單元.主要語言功能項目是談論自己崇拜的名人以及名人的職業生涯.以人物簡歷為線索展開語言交際和語言實踐活動。Section B的第一課時,在掌握Section A部分內容的基礎上學會使用描述性形容詞 talented, outstanding , unusual, creative…etc來描述自己崇拜的人以及名人。并通過聽力練習的訓練,學生可以了解成功人士的生活及成長經歷,并且能夠熟練的使用英文介紹名人及成功人士的職業生涯。


通過對本單元Section A的學習,同學們對學習本節課的新知識奠定了認知基礎.他們熱愛并崇拜喬丹,鄧亞萍,貝克漢姆,姚明等名人。對他們的人生歷程充滿好奇.因此在教學中,教師可充分利用學生這一心理特點,利用他們已有的知識,引導學生深入探究,自主地解決問題。


1. 語言技能目標

(1) 能對別人的身份進行問答:Who’s this/that? She is Den Ya ping. She is a great Chinese ping-pong player. Who do you admire? I admire Michael Jordan.

Why do you admire him/her? Because he/she is a famous/ an outstanding basketball player.

(2) 能對別人的出生年月進行問答,如:When was he/she born?

He/She was born in/on…

(3) 能對別人的經歷進行詢問,如:When did he/she start playing ping-pong/basketball?

How long did he/she play ping-pong/basketball?

2. 語言知識目標

(1) 詞匯:

(2) 句型Who do you admire?

I admire Den Yaping/....

Why do you admire her/him?

Because she/he is a famous/an outstanding …player.

Who is that?

That’s Zhang Yiling. She is a great ping-pong player.

When was she born?

When did she start/stop…?

How long did she start…?

(3) 掌握由Who/ Why /when 引導的狀語從句和由how long/when 引導的特殊疑問句.



1、Who’s this/that? Who do you admire?Why do you admire him/her? When was he/she born? When did he/she start…? How long did he/she…? 難點為重點句型的實際運用及when引導的狀語從句和特殊疑問句.




Step 1:Preparation : (Warming-up and revision) (8 minutes)

1. Greetings and sing an English song.

2. A guessing game (Get the students to review how to describe some famous people )

T: The whole class , please. She is Chinese .She plays table tennis very well. She is short .She was born in 1973.She is very great and famous . Do you know who she is?

S:Is she Den Ya ping ?

T: Yes, you are right. When did Deng Yaping start playing ping-pong?

S: She started playing ping-pong in 1978.

T:When did she stop playing ping-pong?

S:She stopped in 1997.

T:How long did she play ping-pong?

S:She played for 19 years.

T: Yes, great. Now please try to describe the famous persons .

3. Teacher can have a few Ss describe some famous persons and let other Ss guess who he/she is .

. 【設計說明:課前教師簡單的問候能拉進師生之間的距離,歌曲熱身將學生的心收之于課堂。利用猜一猜這一游戲環節,使學生在輕松的交流中復習學過的句型: Who...? When did ...? How long...? When was she /he born? 再現SectionA 中有關名人的生平簡歷 , 為教學新課做好鋪墊,通過多媒體呈現人物進行操練,形象生動,激發學生興趣。】

Step 2 Presentation (10 minutes)

This activity introduces the difficult points. Teacher can Use flashcards to present the next:

1. A: Who’s that?

B: that’s Zhang Yining .

A: When did Zhang Yining start playing ping-pong?

B:She started playing ping-pong in 1986.

A:When did she stop playing ping-pong?

B:She stopped in 2009.

A:How long did she play ping-pong?

B:She played for 23 years.

1)Ask the students to practice the sample conversation, then make up similar conversations.

2) Ask several pairs of students to perform their conversations.


3. Teacher continue talking about Zhang Yining and ask:

(1) A: Do you admire Zhang Yining?

B: Yes, I do.

A: Why do you admire her?

B: Because she is a great and famous Chinese ping-pong player .She is also a talented player. So I admire her.

A:And except Zhang Yining who else you admire

B: Michael Jordan.

A: Why?

B:Because he is an outgoing and talented basketball player. He is very famous in the world. He is talented in basketball.

A: What else do you know about him?

B:I know he was born in America in 1963.

(2) Get the Ss to talk about other famous persons in pairs and then have some pairs perform their conversations.

(3)Then choose some individuals to introduce some famous persons he/she knows.

【設計說明:通過師生問答式的交流,既能對SectionA 中內容進行復習與鞏固。鍛煉語言思維,提高語言表達流暢度。實際上SectionB中的內容就是對SectionA中知識的延伸于拓展,讓學生在實際的語言操練中,不僅學會使用描述性的形容詞,而且會把描述性的形容詞放到一段話中去描述名人或成功人士。讓語言與實際生活緊密的聯系在一起,這樣語言才真實,才具有實際魅力。】

Step 3 Practice (10 minutes)

1.Now we are going to talk about some unusual people.

Look at these pictures in 1a and talk about these persons

T: Look these persons. Are they usual?

Ss: No, they are unusual.

T: Why? Now please write one or two words to describe the persons with the words given in 1a. (1 minute)

T: Who’s this/that?

S1: This is Arthur.

T: Do you admire him?

S1: Yes.

T: Why?

S1: I admire him because he is loving and kind. He is a loving grandfather. He always spends all his free time with his grandson. He is kind and he loves his grandson very much. So He is loving. ( help the student answer)

2. Repeat with other persons in the same way.

3. Imagine you know the persons in the pictures in 1a. Tell your partner about each person like this: (1b)

A: Sarah is a beautiful girl. She is a famous tennis player. She plays tennis very well. She is outstanding in tennis.

4. Get some individuals to report their answers to the class.


Step 4 Production (12 minutes)

1. In our daily life ,there are lots of people that we admire .Next, We will hear a conversation .There are two people talking about people they admire, Please listen and circle the words in the list in 1a that you hear. Then answer the question “ Who are the two people the two persons are talking about?”

2. Check the answers with the class.

3. Listen the recording again and write “M” or “L” on the lines in 2b

4. Check the answers. Then listen again and let two students talk about Midori and Laura like this: Midori is a famous violinist. She was born in 1971. I saw her play when I was eight. She toured the U.S. when she was fourteen years old.


Step 5 Progress(5 minutes)

1.Ask the students to take out the photos about the famous people they have prepared and introduce them

2. Ask some students to report their answers to the class.

3. Sum-up : Think about what we have learned today

4. Write down a list of famous TV/ movie/... stars about their ages、 birthdays、,hobbies and achievements an4d then write a short passage about them.

5. Make a survey about famous people around you and learn more about them.



本節課在多媒體的輔助下,直觀生動地呈現給學生學習語言需要的材料,為學生搭建了一個很好的語言練習平臺。在導入環節中,通過唱英語歌曲和猜一猜,營造了輕松愉快的氛圍,學生積極參與,作為教學前奏,為后面的學習作了很好的鋪墊。我們不難看出,在課堂教學中,如果教師設計了一個輕松愉快的接近生活的語言環境,創造一個學生沒有心理壓力,不受任何約束,又能充分展現自我的課堂氛圍,這就自然地使他們放松,激起他們開口說英語的欲望。通過多種形式的聽、說、讀、寫語言實踐活動 讓學生體味到了英語語言的真正魅力所在。因此,有目的,有樂趣的課堂活動不失為一種鼓勵學生大膽說英語的好方法。施之以教,貴在引導”。教師通過自己的主導作用發揮學生的主體作用通過豐富多彩的任務情境調動學生的學習積極性,主動地投入學習。

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