最新仁愛英語七年級上冊unit1 topic1 教學設計 (仁愛版英語七年級)

發布時間:2016-4-22 編輯:互聯網 手機版

Topic 1 Welcome to China!

Section A

The main activities are 1a, 2a and 3a. 本課重點活動是1a, 2a和3a。

Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands 教學目標

1.(1)Learn the letters Aa-Gg.

(2)Learn some new words:

good, morning, welcome, to, China, thank, you, hello, I, am, are, yes, no, not, nice, meet, too

2. Learn about greetings and introductions:

(1)-Good morning.

-Good morning.

(2)-Welcome to China!

-Thank you./Thanks.



(4)-I’m … Are you …?

-Yes, I am./No, I’m not. I’m …

(5)-Nice to meet you.

-Nice to meet you, too.

Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教學方案

Step 1 Introduction 第一步 介紹(時間:6分鐘)


Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈現(時間:9分鐘)


1. (運用真實情境,讓學生學會如何與他人簡單地打招呼。)


T: Hello!

S1: Hello!(啟發學生回答。)




T: Hello!

Ss: Hello!


-Hello! = -Hi!(非正式)

-Hello! -Hi!


T: Please look at us and see how we are greeting. Then you can use your names to greet each other.(教師給以適當的漢語提示。)

T: Hi, Li Lei!

S2: Hi, Mr./Miss××.

S3: Hi, Zhang Hua!

S4: Hi, Chen Jun!

S5: Hello, Zhou Jie!

S6: Hello, Zheng Hua!


T: Good morning!


Ss: Good morning!


Good morning!

(讓學生猜測Good morning!的意思,教師給予提示:早上見面問好可用Good morning!代替Hello!師生互動操練Good morning!)

(教師讓學生用自己的真實姓名互動操練Hi!/Hello!/Good morning!)

S7: Hi! S8.

S8: Hi! S7.

S9: Hello! S10.

S10:Hello! S9.

S11:Good morning! S12.

S12:Good morning! S11.


2. (用投影儀或教學掛圖出示1a,圖中康康在接機大廳接人,三個外國學生剛下飛機。問學生:他們之間應該怎樣打招呼呢?)

Ss: Hi!/Hello!/Good morning!



T: Good morning! Welcome to China!

Ss: Good morning! Thank you./Thanks.(幫助學生回答。)


-Welcome to China!

-Thank you./Thanks.


3. (播放1a錄音, 讓學生跟讀, 注意模仿語音語調。)

T: Listen to the tape and follow. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

4. (出示四個小主人公的人物圖,讓學生認識他們,并教學生讀Kangkang, Michael, Jane,


Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 鞏固(時間:12分鐘)


1. (1)(教學I’m … Are you …? Yes, I am./No, I’m not.)

(教師找兩名男生和兩名女生分別扮演Kangkang, Michael, Jane, Maria。分別教他們說I’m Kangkang. I’m Michael. I’m Jane. I’m Maria. 引出I’m=I am. 再問Are you …? Yes, I am./ No, I am not.)


-I’m …

-Are you …?

-Yes, I am./ No, I’m not.


T: Hi!/Hello! I’m … (教師手指著自己,并引導學生做自我介紹。)

S1: Hi!/Hello! I’m Wu San. (S1站起來。)

S2: Hi!/Hello! I’m Wang Xiang. (S2站起來。)

S3: Hi!/Hello! I’m Wei Hua. (S3站起來。)


T: I’m … Are you Wei Hua?

S3: Yes, I am. (學生點頭,這時教師引導學生作答。)

T: I’m … Are you Li Feng?

S2: No, I’m not. I’m Wang Xiang.


(2)(再找來一名學生S4,教學Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.的情景用法。板書重點句子。)

-Nice to meet you.

-Nice to meet you, too.


T: Hello! I’m … Are you Liu Siyang?

S4: No, I’m not. I’m Wendy.

T: Oh, nice to meet you, Wendy.

S4: Nice to meet you, too. (教師引導學生作答。)


2. (播放3a錄音,讓學生跟讀,注意模仿語音語調并進行人機對話。完成3a。)

T: Listen to the tape and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation, please. Then practice the dialog with the tape. (教師給以適當漢語提示。)

3. (讓學生自由組合操練1a和3a,然后兩人一組上講臺表演。進行小組競賽,鞏固1a和3a所學內容。完成3b。)

T: Practice a dialog according to 1a and 3a in pairs, then act it out. (教師給以適當漢語提示。)

S1: Good morning!

S2: Good morning!

S1: I’m … Are you …?

S2: Yes, I am.

S1: Nice to meet you.

S2: Nice to meet you, too.

S1: Welcome to China!

S2: Thanks./Thank you.

4. (再讓學生四人一組上臺表演打招呼和做自我介紹。)

T: Act out the dialog with your own names.

S3: Hi!

S4: Hi!

S3: I’m … Are you …?

S4: Yes, I am.

S3: Hello! Are you …?

S5: No, I’m not. I’m …

S3: Nice to meet you.

S5: Nice to meet you, too.

S3: Hi! Are you …?

S6: Yes, I am.

S3: Welcome to China!

S6: Thanks./Thank you.

Step 4 Practice 第四步 練習(時間:10分鐘)


1. (學習字母Aa-Gg。)


T: Listen to me and read the letters after me. Learn Aa-Gg by heart.

(教師先教學字母Aa-Gg,然后全體學生跟讀Aa ,Bb , Cc , Dd , Ee , Ff , Gg 。)

T: Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg

Ss: Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg


T: Now let’s learn how to write the letters.

2. (1)(英語字母接力游戲。)

T: Now let’s play a game.


T: The first student in the first row says “A” quickly, and the second student says “B” and then other students say C, D, E, F, G, A, B … one by one. (教師給以漢語提示。)


T: Well done! Now the first one says “AB”, the second one says “BC” quickly, the third one says “CD” and so on. (教師給以漢語提示。)


T: Pair work. Form the capital letters with your bodies and read them aloud.

3. (教師講解2b的做題方法并示范,讓學生聽錄音,完成2b。)

T: Now let’s listen and circle the letters you hear. Then try to find the rule.

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg

4. (把標注中的大小寫字母放在四線格上相應的大小寫字母旁邊。做配對練習,讓學生自主完成4,最后核對答案。提醒學生,字母是該動物單詞的首字母,來引發其興趣。)

T: Match and write down the letters on the line.

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg

Step 5 Project 第五步 綜合探究活動(時間:8分鐘)


1. (讓學生想象并列舉生活中有哪些物體與正在學習的英文字母A-G形狀相似。如:板凳腿像A,耳朵像B,殘月像C、D等。)

T: Can you imagine and list some objects which have the same shapes with English letters? For example: The legs of bench are like “A”, ears are like “B”, the moon is like “C” or “D”, etc. (教師用漢語給以提示。)

2. (做游戲:字母配對)(Letter Matching)









3. (小組活動。七名學生一組分別取名為Aa-Gg,用學過的打招呼用語和問候語進行對話。)

T: Group work. A group of seven students act as Aa-Gg, greeting each other.


SA: Hello!

SB: Hello!

SA: Are you Cc?

SB: No, I’m not. I’m Bb.

SA: Nice to meet you.

SB: Nice to meet you, too.

4. (教師用投影儀或小黑板展示句子,配對。鞏固本課所學句型。)

T: Match the sentences in Column A with those in Column B.


(1)Hi! a.Thanks./Thank you.

(2)Welcome to China! b.Hello!

(3)Nice to meet you. c.Nice to meet you, too.

(4)Good morning! d.Good morning!

(5)Hello! e.Yes, I am.

(6)I’m Kangkang. Are you Michael? f. Hi!

5. Homework:





Welcome to China!

Section A

1.- Good morning! 5.- Are you Maria?

- Good morning! - No, I’m not. I’m Jane.

2.- Hello! 6.- Nice to meet you.

- Hello! - Nice to meet you, too.

3.- Hi! 7.- Welcome to China.

- Hi! - Thanks./Thank you.

4.- I’m Kangkang. Are you Michael?

- Yes, I am.

Section B

The main activities are 1a, 2a and 3a. 本課重點活動是1a, 2a和3a。

Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教學目標

1. (1) Learn the letters Hh-Nn.

(2) Learn some new words:

Miss, this, is, Mr.=Mister, see, my, mom, teacher, how, do

2. Learn about greetings and introductions:

(1)Miss Wang, this is Michael. Michael, this is Miss Wang.

(2)-Nice to see you.

-Nice to see you, too.

(3)-How do you do?

-How do you do?

Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教學方案

Step 1 Review 第一步 復習(時間:10分鐘)


1. (讓學生做上節課的字母接力游戲,復習字母Aa-Gg。也可以讓兩位學生在黑板上聽寫,要求遵守在四線格上書寫的規則。特別強調學生在書寫時要用手寫體。)

2. (教師用小黑板展示上節課所學功能用語,讓學生配對。)

T: Match the sentences in Column A with those in Column B.



1.Hello! a.Thanks.

2.Welcome to China! b.Nice to meet you, too.

3.Good morning! c.No, I’m not. I’m Wei Hua.

4.Nice to meet you. d.Hello!

5.Are you Kangkang? e.Good morning!


3. (師生對話,導出新詞。)

T: Good morning, S1!

S1: Good morning, …

T: Oh. I’m …, you can call me Mr./Miss … (教師給以漢語提示。)


Mr. = Mister


T: Good morning, boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning, Mr./Miss …

T: Hi, S2! Nice to see you.

S2: Hi, Mr./Miss … Nice to see you, too. (如果學生答錯或答不出來,教師給以幫助。)



-Nice to see you.

-Nice to see you, too.

4. (教師用多媒體出示其他老師的照片做介紹,引出This is … 這一句型。)

T: This is Mr. …/This is Miss …


This is …

5. (出示1a教學掛圖,導入新課。)

T: Now Kangkang, Michael and Miss Wang meet at the school gate. What are they saying? Do you want to know? Let’s come to 1a together. (教師給以漢語提示。)

Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈現(時間:8分鐘)


1. (放1a錄音,讓學生結合掛圖了解1a對話的大致內容,必要時可放兩遍。)

2. (再放1a錄音,讓學生跟讀并模仿語音語調,然后找兩位同學一起表演對話。)

T: Listen to 1a again and repeat, and imitate the pronunciation and intonation. Then practice the dialog with me.

S1: Good morning, Miss Wang!

T: Good morning, S1!

S1: Miss Wang, this is S2. S2, this is Miss Wang.

S2: Nice to meet you.

T: Nice to meet you, too.

3. (讓學生三人一組練習1a對話,然后找2~3組同學表演,對表演好的小組給予表揚和鼓勵,完成1a。)

T: Please practice 1a in groups, then act it out.

4. (讓學生根據1a,介紹自己的新同學給其他同學,完成1b。)

T: Introduce your new classmates to others, using “This is …”. Then make your own conversations according to 1a.

Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 鞏固(時間:10分鐘)


1. (教師出示3a教學掛圖,讓學生根據圖中情境,猜出How do you do?的意思。)

(板書并教學How do you do?的用法,要求學生掌握。)

-How do you do?

-How do you do?

2. (讓學生聽3a錄音,結合圖片理解對話情境。)

3. (再放3a錄音,讓學生跟讀,并模仿語音語調,然后進行人機對話。)

T: Listen to 3a and repeat, and imitate the pronunciation and intonation. Then practice the dialog with the tape.

4. (讓學生三人一組,分角色練習3a對話,然后表演,完成3a。)

T: Please practice 3a in groups. Then act it out.

(指導學生根據3a對話,完成3b中的對話,鞏固練習重點句式This is …和How do you do?的用法。找幾組同學表演所填的對話。)

T: Please complete the conversation in 3b. Then act it out.

5. (學生獨立完成4。核對答案。)

T: Read the sentences in 4 and match them.

6. (根據4,學生兩兩對話,復習重點句型,鞏固4。)

T: Practice some dialogs according to 4 in pairs. Please practice after the examples.


S1: How do you do?

S2: How do you do?

S3: Welcome to Beijing!

S4: Thank you.

S5: Nice to meet you.

S6: Nice to meet you, too.

S7: Are you Jane?

S8: Yes, I am.

S9: Good morning!

S10: Good morning!

Step 4 Practice 第四步 練習(時間:10分鐘)


1. (做Which one is missing?游戲,復習字母Aa-Gg。)


T: Now, let’s play a game together: Which one is missing?

2. (教學字母Hh-Nn,讓學生掌握字母大小寫的筆畫順序,完成2a。)


T: Please look at 2a, listen to the tape and repeat, then read together. Later I’ll ask some of you to read these letters by yourselves.

(2)(板書字母Hh-Nn, 教學字母的寫法。可參見Section A中教學Aa-Gg的方法。)

T: Please look at the blackboard. Let’s learn how to write these letters.



T: Let’s play a game. I’ll show you some letter cards. Then you must say the neighbours of the letters as quickly as you can. The one who says the right letters first is the winner.

3. (寫出大寫字母的小寫形式和小寫字母的大寫形式,讓學生完成2c。)

T: Please rewrite the words using small or capital letters in 2c.

4. (聽錄音,完成2b。)

T: Listen and circle the letters you hear in 2b. Then try to find the rule.

5. (播放5錄音,讓學生跟讀,鼓勵學生說出其中文含義,教師給以適當幫助和補充,完成5。)

T: Listen to the tape and repeat. Then tell me their meanings in Chinese, please.

Step 5 Project 第五步 綜合探究活動(時間:7分鐘)


1. (明星會:把班里同學分成若干組,每組十人左右,請每位同學各自模仿一位“明星”,開一個聚會。在聚會上,明星相互介紹、問候、交朋友。)


A: Good morning. I’m Liu Xiang. Are you Yao Ming?

B: Yes, I am. Nice to meet you.

A: Nice to meet you, too.

A: Hi, Li Yong! This is Yao Ming. Yao Ming, this is Li Yong.

2. (鼓勵學生在各學科教材上找出著名人物,如歷史人物、天文學家、地理學家、化學家等,用This is …句型把他們介紹給同學。)

T: Please find out the famous people and introduce them to us.

3. (做字母找朋友游戲。)



T: Let’s play another game. Please put the letters in the right order.

4. Homework:





Welcome to China!

Section B

1. This is Mr. … 3. -Mr. Lee, this is my mom.

This is Miss … -Mom, this is my teacher, Mr. Lee.

2. -Nice to see you. 4. -How do you do?

-Nice to see you, too. -How do you do?

Section C

The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本課重點活動是1a和2a。

Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教學目標

1.(1) Learn the letters Oo-Zz.

(2) Learn some new words:

afternoon, fine, goodbye, bye, evening, and, OK

2.Learn about greetings and farewells:

(1)-Good afternoon/evening, Miss Wang!

-Good afternoon/evening, Mr. Lee!

(2)-How are you?

-I’m fine. Thank you. / Fine, thanks. And you?

-I’m OK.

(3)-Goodbye, Mr. Chen.


(4)-See you later, Mr. Lee.

-See you.

Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教學方案

Step 1 Review 第一步 復習(時間:15分鐘)


1. (利用字母卡片,復習字母Aa-Nn。)

T: Let’s review the letters from Aa to Nn with some letter cards.

2. (利用形體表演字母,增加趣味性。)

T: Let’s play a guessing game. First I’ll ask one student to act a letter. Then let the others guess what letter it is.

3. (做字母接龍游戲,使學生熟悉字母順序。)

T: Please say the letters from Aa to Nn, one says Aa, the next one says Bb. Then Cc… OK?

4. (師生復習打招呼用語和介紹用語。)

T: Good morning, S1.

S1: Good morning, Mr./Miss××.

T: Nice to see you.

S1: Nice to see you, too.

T: S1, this is S2. S2, this is S1.

S1: Nice to meet you.

S2: Nice to meet you, too.


5. (頭腦風暴。教師快速說出已學過的打招呼用語,學生迅速作出反應,導入How are you?的用法。)

T: Hello!/Hi!

Ss: Hello!/Hi!

T: Good morning!

Ss: Good morning!

(教師利用指針指向下午兩點的時鐘的簡筆畫,教學Good afternoon!)

T: It’s 2:00 p.m. now. Good afternoon, class!

Ss: Good afternoon, Miss Wang!


Good afternoon!

(用同樣方法教學Good evening!)


Good evening!

T: Nice to meet you.

Ss: Nice to meet you, too.

T: How are you?

Ss: I’m fine, thank you.(幫助學生回答。)


How are you?

I’m fine, thank you.

(教師解釋How are you?的意思和用法。鏈式操練,熟悉該用語。)


T: How are you?

S3: I’m fine, thank you.


S3: How are you?

S4: I’m fine, thank you.(面向S5) How are you?

S5: I’m fine, thank you.(面向S6) How are you?

S6: …


T: How are you?

S7: Fine, thanks. And you?(幫助學生回答。)

T: I’m OK.


and, OK


6. (教師運用肢體語言。讓學生使用英語表達他們所熟悉的情景。)

T: I’ll do some actions, then you say their meanings.

Ss: Good! (教師豎起大拇指。)

Ss: OK! (教師做OK手勢。)

Ss: Nice to meet you./How do you do? (教師握住學生的手。)

Ss: Goodbye./Bye./See you later./See you. (教師做再見手勢,幫助學生回答。)




See you later.

See you.

7. (教師向不同的學生說Goodbye./See you later.,并做相應手勢,讓學生做相應回答。導入1a。)

T: Now let’s look at the pictures. How do they greet?

Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈現(時間:6分鐘)


1. (出示1a掛圖,播放1a錄音,讓學生觀察圖中的人物及其手勢,理解對話情境。)

2. (再次播放1a錄音,讓學生跟讀并模仿語音語調。)

T: Listen to 1a and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

3. (讓學生兩人一組練習1a。)

T: Now, please read the dialogs in 1a in pairs.

Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 鞏固(時間:8分鐘)


1. (出示1a前兩幅掛圖,師生情景表演:教師站在門外演Xiao Zeng,一名學生在室內演Mr. Chen。)

T: Good afternoon, Mr. Chen!

S1: Good afternoon, Xiao Zeng!

T: How are you?

S1: I’m fine, thank you.

T: Goodbye, Mr. Chen.

S1: Bye.


2. (看掛圖,創設情景,仿照1a對話。)

T: Well, look at the pictures, then imitate the dialogs.

3. (讓學生用自己的真實姓名表演1a,完成1b。)

T: Practice the conversations in 1a with your partner using your own names. Then change partners and practice again.

Step 4 Practice 第四步 練習(時間:8分鐘)


1. (教學字母Oo-Zz。完成2a。)

T: Let’s learn the letters from Oo to Zz in 2a. First, look at 2a and listen to the tape, then read after the tape for three times. At last, read the letters together.


(2)(板書字母Oo-Zz,教學字母的寫法。可參見Section A中教學Aa-Gg的方法。)



T: Can you say something like the letters? For example: the round moon looks like “O”, the advertisement board is like “T”. Can you say some other ones?

2. (鞏固英語字母。)


(1)(把字母表的掛圖展示給學生,并特別指出彩色的五個元音字母, 讓學生讀出來。教師板書A、E、I、O、U,并說明它們是元音字母及其在英語單詞中的重要地位。然后讓學生一起大聲朗讀這些字母。)


3. (播放2b錄音,完成2b。)

T: Now please listen and fill in the blanks in 2b. Then listen again and pay attention to the rule of each group.

4. (小組活動。四人一個小組,利用課前準備好的火柴擺字母,看哪組擺得最多,評出獲勝組。完成3。)

T: Please make some letters with your matches after the models in 3 and then read them out.

Step 5 Project 第五步 綜合探究活動(時間:8分鐘)


1. (字母游戲:教師把字母卡片分發給每個學生,每個字母的卡片數量相同。教師隨意說出某個字母,所有持該字母卡片的學生均須高舉卡片,并大聲讀出該字母。)

2. (找鄰居:教師在黑板上畫三個以上的小方框,在中間一個方框內填上字母,讓學生填出與它相鄰的字母。)

3. (這個小丑是由26個英文字母組成的,讓我們一起找找看,看誰找得又準又快!)

4. (用簡筆畫畫出人物之間打招呼的不同姿勢,讓學生觀察簡筆畫,寫出相應的招呼用語。)

5. (播放4錄音,學唱ABC歌。)

6. Homework:



如:寫在第二格的有: 寫在第一、二格的有: 寫在第二、三格的有:



Welcome to China!

Section C

1.-How are you? 3.-See you later.

-I’m fine, thank you./Fine, thanks. And you? -See you.

-I’m OK. 4.-Good afternoon/evening!

2.-Goodbye. -Good afternoon/evening!

-Bye. 5. A, E, I, O, U

Section D

The main activities are 1 and 5. 本課重點活動是1和5。

Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教學目標

1. (1)Review greetings:

①Good morning/afternoon/evening!


③-How are you?

-I’m fine, thank you./Fine, thanks. And you?

④-How do you do?

-How do you do?

⑤-Nice to meet/see you.

-Nice to meet/see you, too.

⑥-Welcome to China!

-Thanks./Thank you.

(2)Review introductions:

①-I’m … Are you …?

-Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. I’m …

②This is …

(3)Review farewells:

①-See you later.

-See you.



2. Review the letters Aa-Zz.

Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教學方案

Step 1 Review 第一步 復習(時間:8分鐘)


1. (師生互動和生生互動復習上節課所學問候語及告別語,鞏固問候語及告別語的英文表達法。)

T: Let’s review greetings and farewells.

T: Hi, class!(教師做揮手打招呼狀。)

Ss: Hi, Mr. …/Miss …

T: Nice to meet/see you.(教師做握手狀。)

Ss: Nice to meet/see you, too.

T: How are you?

Ss: I’m fine, thank you.

T: See you later./Goodbye.(教師做揮手告別狀。)

Ss: See you./Bye.


2. (教師出示2中的掛圖,讓學生觀察這幾幅圖中的情境,并根據情境兩人一組做對話練習。)

T: Look at the pictures. Find out how Kangkang greets his teacher, Miss Wang. Then practice the dialog in pairs.

S1: How are you?

S2: I’m fine, thanks.

Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈現(時間:8分鐘)


1. (讓學生聽2錄音,完成排序。)

T: Please listen and number the pictures in 2.

2. (根據書上的這幾幅圖,先師生后生生進行對話操練。練習2。)

T: Let’s make a conversation and perform it.

S1: Good morning, Miss Wang!

T: Good morning, Kangkang!

S1: Nice to see you.

T: Nice to see you, too.

S1: How are you?

T: Fine, thanks.

S1: Goodbye, Miss Wang.

T: Bye.


3. (兩人一組表演這個對話,對表演得非常流暢的學生給予掌聲鼓勵。)


Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 鞏固(時間:12分鐘)


1. (利用小黑板出示語法重點里的句子,讓學生觀察并總結be動詞用法。)

T: Look at the blackboard. Let’s review the grammar focus.

I’m Kangkang. I’m=I am

Are you Maria? Yes, I am./No, I’m not.

Miss Wang, this is Michael.


2. (小組競賽。讓學生四人一組找出本話題有用的表達,在規定時間內,哪組找得最快最準確,哪組獲勝。評出優勝組。完成4b。)

T: Let’s review these useful expressions.

Good morning/afternoon/evening! Good morning/afternoon/evening!

Welcome to China! Thank you./Thanks.

Hello!/Hi! Hello!/Hi!

Nice to meet/see you. Nice to meet/see you, too.

How do you do? How do you do?

How are you ? I’m fine, thank you./Fine, thanks.

Goodbye. Bye.

See you later. See you.


3. (讓學生各自模仿一位“名人”,進行一次“名人會”。會上“名人”互相介紹認識,復習本話題的主要功能用語和語法句。)

T: Now suppose you all are the famous persons, use your new names to introduce yourselves, get to know others, and make an introduction to your friends. For example:

S1: Hello, I’m Zhou Yu. Are you Zhuge Liang(諸葛亮)?

S2: Yes, I am. Nice to meet you.

S1: Nice to meet you, too.

S2: Hi, Liu Bei. How are you?

S3: I’m fine. Thank you. And you?

S2: I’m OK. Zhou Yu, this is my friend Liu Bei. Liu Bei, this is Zhou Yu.

S3: How do you do?

S1: How do you do?


Step 4 Practice 第四步 練習(時間:10分鐘)


1. (復習字母Aa-Zz。)

T: Let’s recite English letters together. OK?

Ss: OK.

T: One, two, three, go!

Ss: Aa Bb Cc … Zz

2. (讓學生將字母按相同音素分類。教師板書歸類后的字母,并要求掌握。)

T: Well done! Now can you find out the letters with the same vowel phoneme?

Aa Hh Jj Kk

Ee Bb Cc Dd Gg Pp Tt Vv Zz

Ii Yy

Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx

Uu Qq Ww




3. (教師先讓學生理解教材1中的圖片,然后播放錄音,完成1。)

T: Listen to the tape and finish 1.

4. (讓學生看3中的縮寫詞,盡可能多地說出中文意思,說不出的教師補充。播放3的錄音,學生跟讀。讓學生小組討論他們還知道哪些縮寫詞,和同學一起分享。)

Step 5 Project 第五步 綜合探究活動(時間:7分鐘)


1. (組織學生做下列字母游戲,檢查學生對字母的掌握情況。)

T: Let’s play a game with the English letter cards.





(2)拿出字母卡片,按發音規律給二十六個字母歸類。男女學生各兩名,黑板中間畫豎線,一分為二,男左女右。教師做出如下提示:①// ②// ③// ④// ⑤// ⑥Don’t forget // and //。學生按教師的提示把手中的字母按順序貼在黑板上,最先完成的為獲勝者。

2. (教會學生制作英文名字的名片,完成5。)

T: Let’s learn how to make an English name card.







T: Act out a conversation according to the information on your card.


S1=Kangkang S2=Jane S3=Li Ming

S1: Hello! I’m Kangkang. Are you Jane?

S2: Yes, I am.

S1: Nice to meet you.

S2: Nice to meet you, too.

S1: Hi! Li Ming. This is Jane. Jane, this is Li Ming.

S2: How do you do?

S3: How do you do?

S1& S3: Welcome to China!

S2: Thank you.

S1& S3: Goodbye, Jane.

S2: Bye.

3. Homework:





Welcome to China!

Section D

1.Aa Hh Jj Kk 3.Miss Wang, this is Michael.

Ee Bb Cc Dd Gg Pp Tt Vv Zz 4.-Good morning/afternoon!

Ii Yy -Good morning/afternoon!

Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx 5.-Nice to meet/see you.

Uu Qq Ww -Nice to meet/see you, too.

Oo 6.-How are you?

Rr -I’m fine, thank you./ Fine, thanks.

2.-Are you Maria? 7.-See you later.

-Yes, I am./No, I’m not. -See you.

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