參考教案 教學建議 教學建議(Suggested teaching notes )
本單元的中心話題是當代人類最為關注的人口問題。除了聽力材料(有關語言的使用),說、讀和寫的練習絕大部分都是圍繞中心話題的。閱讀課文Standing room only(只有立足之地)以雄辯的事實對學生進行人口教育。本單元所涉及的語言教學重點有以下幾個:
(一)數詞的表達方法。特別是10,000-1 billion的讀法。
(三)理解用過去進行時 was ( were ) going to 表示從過去某時看打算、準備做的事情,但只限于某些表示位置移動的動詞,如:leave, come, arrive, go , start 等。
(四)有關詢問人口的句型: What's the population of…? (……有多少人口?)問某個國家有多少人口(population)時,用 what 提問,而不用 how much或how many。
Numbers Chinese English
10,000 一萬 ten thousand
100,000 十萬 hundred thousand
1,000,000 百萬 million
10,000,000 千萬 ten million
100,000,000 億 hundred million
1,000,000,000 十億 thousand million / billion
在處理第三部分 Ask and answer時,可用世界地圖,從中國人口談起,如: This is China. How many people are there in China? 然后換句話問: What's the population of China? 鼓勵學生從上下文中猜測population的詞義。引導學生答出:About 1,200,000,000,接下來再問: Do you think it will grow? 等。這樣反復練習幾個國家后,再讓學生打開書分小組做替換練習。
(二)第78課課文“只有立足之地”通過介紹世界人口迅速增長的狀況,說明控制人口增長的重要性和必然性。可以在讓學生打開書前,問一些有關問題,如: The world's population is growing very fast. This is a big problem. Can anyone tell me why? 引導學生認識到世界人口的迅速增長會帶來糧食缺少,就業困難和住房緊張等問題,并由此引出課文題目Standing room only。在解釋課文題目時,可以讓學生打開書看課文插圖,或通過切身體會談人口多的弊病與生活空間狹小的麻煩。可以引導學生通過閱讀課文理解課文題目的含義,也可以先初步了解課文題目的意思預測課文中要談到的內容。有意識地培養學生利用課文題目和課文插圖預測課文內容的能力。在閱讀課文前,可以給學生一個快速查閱(scanning)的任務,例如讓他們在一分鐘內,從課文中找出有關世界人口增長的一組數字。如:
the number of babies born in one minute
the number of babies born in one hour
the world's population two thousand years ago
the world's population in 1990
閱讀課文后,可以讓學生分組討論課文中提出的人口增長的問題,進一步認識到中國實行計劃生育(Family planning)政策的必要性和深遠意義。也可以做角色表演(Role play),其中一人是《中學生報》記者,另一人是人口問題專家,小記者和人口問題專家可根據課文內容就世界人口問題進行問答,然后互換角色。練習冊中的練習在課上口頭作完后,還可以留作家庭作業進一步練習、鞏固。
(三)第79課前兩部分Read and learn和 Ask and answer進一步練習大數字的讀法。教師可用簡易的英語舉一些國家的例子說明 the more developed countries和the less developed countries的概念。然后讓學生兩人一組做問答,最后一句一句地放錄音中的問題讓單個學生回答,師生共同檢查答案。
第三部分 Make sentences,為學生理解過去將來時提供了范例。最好在學生做這個練習前由教師利用本單元話題引出過去將來時態。如:In 1950, the population of the less developed countries was 1,693,000,000. They never knew that population would be a big problem. At that time, many families in China wanted three or four or even five children. They never knew that China's population would grow so fast. 等等。
(四)本單元的語法重點是過去將來時。過去將來時是表示對過去某一時間來說將要發生的動作或狀況。通常用 would或was / were going to + 動詞原形來表示。如:
He said he would go to his home town for the Spring Festival. 他說他將回家鄉去過春節。
They told me that they would visit China the next week. 他們告訴我他們下星期將訪問中國。
She said that she was going to do some shopping the next day. 她說她第二天將去買東西。過去將來時通常在以下幾種情況下使用。
1.主句為過去時,在賓語從句中表示將來的事情用過去將來時。如第79課中第3部分Make sentences 中的句子。第一、二句的意思是:“我當時不知道那時他快要有孩子了。”“我叔叔當時不知道中國的人口將會增長得如此迅速。”
She was our new teacher and she would be 30 years old that year. We all liked her very much and we were going to have a party for her birthday. 她那時是我們的新老師。她那一年就到30歲了。我們非常喜歡她,打算為她舉辦一次生日聚會。
The small children did not know who would fill their stockings. 小孩子們不知道誰將往他們的襪子里塞東西。
They didn't know what would be in their stockings. 他們不知道襪子里將會有什么東西。
I didn't know that they would be all there. 我不知道他們都會去那兒。
They didn't know whether we would win or not. 他們不知道我們是否會取勝。
He told Jim not to worry. He would take care of Polly. 他告訴吉姆不必擔心。他會照看波利的。
He said he was going to send me a Christmas card. 他說他將給我寄一張圣誕卡。
I couldn't decide which school I would go to. 我當時無法決定上哪一所學校。
參考教案 Unit 20 The worlds population 教學參考資料 示例二
教學參考資料(Reference for teaching)
補充注釋(Additional notes)
1.What's the population of Germany? 德國有多少人口?
population指總人口數,后面的謂語動詞用單數形式。表示人口的“多”、“少”可用large 或small。如:
China has a large population. 中國人口眾多。
2.Standing room only 只有立足之地。
There is room for one more. 還有一個人的地方。(還能擠下一個人。)
There is only standing room in the bus. 公共汽車上只有站的地方了。
3. Maybe you think that is't many. 也許你認為那不算多。
that指上文提到的 174 babies were born in the world in one minute, 是代詞,作賓語從句的主語,而不是連詞,不能省略。
4.So it goes on, hour after hour. 情況就像這樣一小時接一小時地繼續下去。在after前后連接一個相同的單數名詞,表示“一個接著一個的”。類似的說法還有:
day after day 日復一日
year after year 年復一年
bus after bus 一輛又一輛公共汽車
letter after letter 一封又一封信
5.The world's population is growing faster and faster. 世界人口增長越來越快。
He ran faster and faster. 他越跑越快。
Our country is getting stronger and stronger. 我們國家越來越強大。
6 .at the beginning of 在……開始時;在……之初,指時間。如:
at the beginning of the new term 在新學期開始時
at the beginning of July 在七月初
at the beginning of 還可指位置,意思是“在……的開頭”。如:
You'll find the sentence at the beginning of the text. 你可以在課文開頭找到這句話。
7.A UN report says that the world population will pass six billion by the end of the twentieth century. 一份聯合國的報告說,世界人口到20世紀末將超過60億。
We have learned 800 new words by the end of this school year. 到這個學年末,我們已經學了800個生詞。
He will be 15 years old by the end of next month. 他到下個月底就15歲了。
參考教案 Unit 20 The worlds population 教學步驟 示例二
教學步驟(Teaching steps)
Lesson 77
Step 1 Revision
1 Check the homework.
2 Revise numbers between 1 and 100 by giving the Ss a quick numbers dictation 19, 34, 8, 95, 21, 47, 60, 82, 53, 76. Let the Ss check their answers in pairs. Then write the answers on the Bb.
Step 2 Presentation
Use flashcards or numbers on the Bb to revise one hundred Present a thousand in the same way. Then present ten thousand / a hundred thousand/ a million / and a billion.
Give the Ss plenty of practice in reading these numbers.
Point out the difference between English and Chinese for 10,000 and 100,000: in English the name depends on the position of the comma; i. e. 100,000 = one hundred thousand ( one hundred comes before the comma ).
Write the following on the Bb, which can help the Ss to learn big numbers
100 one hundred
1,000 one thousand
10,000 ten thousand
100,000 one hundred thousand
1,000,000 one million
10,000,000 ten million
100,000,000 one hundred million
1,000,000,000 one billion
Remind the Ss to look at the Notes to the Text, page 109.
Step 3 Drill
SB page 77, Part 1. Speech Cassette Lesson 77. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat.
Write numbers on the Bb, or hold up flash cards, to give the Ss more practice in saying the numbers.
Step 4 Presentation
Present more difficult numbers: e. g. 119 = a hundred and nineteen. Remind the Ss to use the word and after hundred.
Present and practise numbers such as 1,119 = one thousand, one hundred and nineteen. Note, again, the use of and after hundred.
SB page 77, Part 2. Go through the model. Point out how commas are used in the name of the number in the same place as in the number itself.
Let the Ss try to say the numbers in this exercise. Then Speech Cassette Lesson 77. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat.
Step 5 Practice
Write some mathematical problems on the Bb, like these:
Get the Ss to work out the answers and read the answers aloud. Let the Ss make up and solve mathematics problems in pairs.
Step 6 Ask and answer
SB page 77, Part 3. Use a map of the world if possible. Go through the contents of the table. See if the Ss can guess the meaning of population. Ask the class some questions as a model: let the Ss answer using About…. Finally, get the Ss to ask and answer in pairs.
Step 7 Workbook
Wb Lesson 77, Exx. 1 and 2. Do Ex. 1 orally with the whole class, then let the Ss write down their answers Check the answers. The answers are: 45,000,000; 57, 218, 000; 1, 132, 000, 000;
1, 336, 820, 000; 308, 000, 000; 403, 590, 087. For Ex. 2, let the Ss work on their own, writing answers in their exercise books. Check the answers by asking them to read the numbers aloud. The answers are: nine hundred and eighty-seven; six hundred and fifty-four; seven hundred and eleven; two hundred and one; one thousand, three hundred; five thousand, one hundred and ten; four thousand, nine hundred and forty-four; sixty-four thousand; a hundred and fifty thousand; eight million, six hundred and seventy thousand; one billion, two hundred million.
Do Ex. 4 if time permits.
Step 8 Consolidation
Revise SB page 77, Parts 1 and 2.
Finish off the Workbook exercises.
Get the Ss to find out the answers to Ex. 3.
參考教案 Unit 20 The worlds population 教學步驟 Lesson78 示例二
Lesson 78
Note: The world's population is now over 5.5 billion. It is likely to reach 10 billion by the middle of the 21st century. The Third World population is rising rapidly, straining health and education systems, hitting the environment, causing explosive urban growth and complicating food supply. So population explosion has become a serious problem. The reading passage in this lesson aims to draw the students' concern about this great world problem.
Step 1 Revision
1 Check the homework. Do Wb Lesson 77, Ex. 3.
2 Give a numbers dictation: one thousand (1,000); one hundred and twenty-three thousand, four hundred and fifty-six(123, 456) ; ten million, three hundred and sixty-six thousand (10, 366, 000); six billion, five hundred and twelve million (6, 512, 000, 000).
Check the answers.
Step 2 Preparation for reading
Ask What's the population of China / India / the world? The Ss can check in SB page 77, Part 3 if they cannot remember.
Tell the Ss Today we are going to read about the world's population. The world's population is growing very fast. This is a big problem. Can anyone tell me why? Help the Ss to answer (There isn't enough food, work for so many people. There aren't enough houses…, etc).
SB page 78. Read through the questions at the top of the page. Make sure the Ss understand what to do when they read the passage quickly. See who can answer the questions first!
Wb Lesson 78, Ex. 1. Read through the questions and make sure the Ss understand them.
Step 3 Reading
Let the Ss read the passage again, more carefully. Then, in pairs, they can answer the questions in Wb Ex. 1 orally. Check the answers with the whole class. This is a good time to discuss vocabulary or grammar problems that arise. See if the Ss can guess the meaning of words such as earth, mouth, space and century.
Point out the use of comparatives of adjectives and adverbs in the passage. If necessary, revise the forms of comparison.
Then let the Ss write the answers to the questions in their exercise books.
Step 4 Reading aloud
SB page 78. Speech Cassette Lesson 78. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat. Pay special attention to the numbers in the passage.
Step 5 Workbook
Books closed! Do Wb Ex. 2. Ss work alone, then check their answers In pairs. Finally, check the answers with the whole class.The answers are: are, in, minute, for, mouths, problem, population, faster, number, report, report, world's, billion, century, by, billion, in, room, space, else.
Do Ex. 3. The answers are: A: did, go; B: went; A: Did, buy; B: bought, were; A: found; B: hate; B: went, moved, see; A: Was; B: was, crying; found.
Step 6 Consolidation
Revise the contents of the passage, using the questions in Wb Ex. 1 to guide you. Discuss the problems that the population explosion will bring. Get the SS to use as much English as possible.
Revise the contents of the passage.
Finish off the Workbook exercises.
參考教案 Unit 20 The worlds population 教學步驟 Lesson79 示例二
Lesson 79
Step 1 Revision
1 Give a short numbers dictation. Choose the numbers according to the weaknesses of your Ss. Write the answers on the Bb.
2 Check the homework.
3 Revise the contents of the passage in Lesson 78, using the questions in Wb Lesson 78, Ex. 1 to guide you.
Step 2 Presentation
Books closed. Say to the Ss: Tell me the names of some countries. Collect the names on the Bb. Revise the comparative forms of adjectives by asking: Which is larger, China or France? Which country is nearest China: India, Canada or Japan? Which country has the largest population? etc.
Teach the word developed. Tell the Ss Some countries, such as Germany, the USA, France and Great Britain, are called more developed countries or First World countries. India and China are called developing countries, because they are less developed at the moment. (See if the Ss can understand the meaning of developed from this explanation. If not, give the Chinese translation. )
SB page 79, Part 1. Books open. Go through the contents of the diagram with the Ss.
Step 3 Ask and answer
SB page 79, Part 2. Speech Cassette Lesson 79. Play the tape question by question. Get individual Ss to answer. Then get the Ss to ask and answer in pairs. Notice the position of be in question 2. It is placed next to the auxiliary verb will to avoid being separated too much by the long complement phrase. Step 4 Practice
SB page 79, Part 3. Make up as many sentences as possible, using the given parts in the box. Point out the use of the Future-in-the-Past Tense in the object clauses of these sentences because the action would happen from a given past time mentioned in the main clauses. See Grammar in the Appendix on page 122 of the SB.
Step 5 Workbook
Wb Lesson 79, Exx. 1 and 2. Do Ex. 1 orally with the whole class before the Ss write down their answers.
The answers to Ex. 1 are: A: Have; B: haven't, Is; B: faster, faster; A: problem; B: Of, largest / biggest, as; A: room; B: child.
For Ex. 2, let the Ss work alone first, then check their answers in pairs. Finally check the answers with the whole class.
The answers to Ex. 2 are: 1 C, 2 B, 3 B, 4 D, 5 C, 6 B, 7 A.
Step 6 Consolidation
Revise SB page 79, Parts 2 and 3. For Part 3, get individual Ss to make up as many sentences as possible by using the Future-in-the-Past Tense.
Finish off the Workbook exercises.
Do Ex. 3. Make sure the Ss understand the meaning the Future-in-the-Past Tense.
Revise the contents of this unit.
參考教案 Unit 20 The worlds population 教學步驟 Lesson80 示例二
Lesson 80
Step 1 Revision
1 Check the homework.
2 Revise the diagram in Lesson 79, using the questions in SB page 79, Part 2 to guide you. Step 2 Preparation for listening
Wb Lesson 80, Ex. 1. Tell the Ss Today we are going to hear about different languages in the world. First, let me ask you some questions. Which Language is spoken in France / Germany / the USA?
Read through the questions in Ex. 1. Get the Ss to read the numbers aloud. Let them guess their answers using a pencil.
Step 3 Listening
SB page 80, Part 1. Listening Cassette Lesson 80. Wb Lesson 80, Ex. 1. Play the tape once or twice as necessary. Let the Ss check their answers in pairs before you check the answers with the whole class.
Listening text
Listen to the tape, and answer the questions on page 80 of your workbook.
Languages in the modern world
How many different languages are spoken in the world today? There are about 5,000 different languages. Nearly 900 languages are spoken in India. Chinese is the language spoken by the most number of people in the world. But the most widely spoken language in the world is English. 330,000,000 people speak English as a first language. Nearly twice as many-about 650 million people-speak it as a foreign language.
How many words are there in the English language? There are about 490,000. Also, there are about 300,000 words used in science. There are more words in English than in any other language. But most people use no more than 60,000 words.
Children leaving school at the age of 16 know about 15,000 words.
The answers are: 1 A, 2 B, 3 A, 4 C, 5 B, 6 B, 7 C, 8 A.
Step 4 Practice
SB page 80, Part 2. Discuss the diagram with the Ss. Make sure they understand the information. Let them do the exercise orally in pairs or on their own. Check the answers orally before the Ss write the whole passage in their exercise books.
You may need to translate the final sentence. It means that people will not be able to find room to stand up if the population is too large! Notice the emphatic use of even.
The answers are: small, slowly, quickly, faster, more, smaller, fewer, healthier.
Step 5 Checkpoint 20
Go through checkpoint 20 and make sure the Ss understand the grammar point. See Grammar in the Appendix on page 122 of the SB. Make sure the Ss understand the meaning and use of the “useful expressions”too.
Deal with other problems that arise, including, maybe, the names of numbers.
Step 6 Test
Dictate some numbers: the Ss must write down the figures.
1 a) thirteen thousand, five hundred and eighty three (13, 583)
b) twenty-four million, three hundred and seventy thousand (24, 370, 000)
c) eight billion, five hundred and sixteen million, one hundred and sixty thousand (8, 516, 160, 000)
2 a) six hundred and seventy four
b) three thousand, seven hundred and seventy two
c)fifty eight thousand
d)one hundred and ninety thousand
Step 7 Workbook
Wb Lesson 80, Exx. 2-4.
Check the answers to Ex. 2 on the Bb. The answers are: 1 HUNDRED, 2 THOUSAND, 3 MILLION, 4 BILLION. The answers to Ex. 3 are: 1 more quickly, slowly, 3 larger, 4 fast, 5 hardest, 6 largest, widely. The answer to Ex. 4 is refrigerator ( fridge ).
Step 8 Consolidation
Revise the diagram in Part 2 orally.
Finish off the Workbook exercises.