
發布時間:2016-11-7 編輯:互聯網 手機版

Unit 4: I want to be an actor.

Language goal

In this unit, students learn to talk about jobs.

New language

What do you do? I'm a reporter

What does he do.' He's a student.

What do you want to be? I want to be an actor .

What does she want to be? She wants to be a police officer

names of jobs and professions

Section A

Brainstorm with students a list of jobs that friends or relatives do. ("Brainstorming" is an activity in which you set a topic and students say whatever words they can think of relating to that topic.) Write the word jobs on the board and list all the jobs students mention.

Point to the jobs one by one and ask students to say what ever they can about these jobs. Accept single word answers or simple sentences such as, It's fun. It's a good job.

la This activity introduces the key vocabulary.

Focus attention on the art. Ask students to tell what they see in each scene. Ask students to name as many of the jobs shown as they can. Then point to a scene, name the job, and ask students to repeat.

Point to the numbered list of words. Say each one and ask students to repeat.

Then ask students to match each word wllfa one of the scenes. Say, Write the letter of each scene next to one of the ivords. Point to the sample answer.

1 b This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.

Point to the different people shown in the picture.Ask various students to tell what they do as you point to each one,

Say, Now you will hear three conversations. The conversations are about three of the people in this picture.

Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.

Play the recording a second time. This time ask students to write a number 1 next to the person being talked about in conversation 1. Have students put a 2 and 3 next to the people being talked about in conversations 2 and 3.

Correct the answers.

1 c This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language-

Ask a student to read the example conversation with you. Hold up the book and point to the doctor in the picture.

Say, Now work with your partner. Make your own conversations about the picture. You can use sentences like the ones in activity 1b.

Say a dialogue with a student. Point to a picture of one of the people. Guide the student to answer using one of the words in activity 1a.

As students work in pairs, move around the room monitoring their work. Oner language or pronunciation support as needed.

2a This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.

Ask students to look at the three pictures. Ask different students to tell you what they sec in each picture. What are the people doing? What jobs do they have?

Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.Say, You will hear conversations about the people in these pictures.

Play the recording a second time. Say, Write the number of each conversation below the picture of the person being talked about.

Correct the answers.

2b This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.

Point to the three headings in the chart and read the headings to the class. Ask students, What does "wants to be" mean? (It is not the Job the person lias now. It is the job the person wants in the future.)

Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.Say, You wiU hear about the people in these pictures. You will hear the job they haw now and the job they want in the future.

Play the recording a second time. This time ask students to fill in the blanks with the jobs the people have now and the ones they want in the future. Point out the sample

2c This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

Point out the pictures in activity 2a. Ask who each person is. (They are Susan's brother. Anna's mother, and Tony's father.)

Say, Now work with your partner. Ask and answer questions about the pictures. Ask, "What does he or she do?" Then ask, "What does he or she want to be?"

Say a dialogue with a student. Point to Anna's mother and then to the example in the speech balloons. Practice the dialogue with a student.

As students work In pairs, move around the room monitoring their work. Offer language support as needed.

3a This activity introduces the names for the places where people work, and gives reading practice using the target language.

Call attention to the pictures. Ask students to read the name for each place. As they name each place, write the word on the board and-ask the class to repeat it.

Point out the list of jobs with the numbers next to each. Then call attention to the people in the pictures and the speech bubbles. Point out the sample answer and have a student read out the speech bubble.

Ask students to work alone. Say, Write the number of each job in the square next to each workplace.

Check the answers.

3b This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

Point out the pictures in activity 3a. Ask students to name the workplace shown In each picture.

Then point out the conversation in the speech bubbles. Ask two students to read It to the class.

Say, Wow work with a partner. First practice the conversation in the picture. Then make new conversations. Use jobs and places from activity 3a.

Say a dialogue with a student. Point to the word waiter in activity 3a and then to the picture of the restaurant. Ask a student. Where does he work? Guide the student to answer using the correct place: He works in a restaurant.Then ask. What does he do? and guide the student to answer, He's a waiter.

As students work in pairs, move around the room monitoring their work. Offer language support as needed.

4 This activity provides listening and speaking practice using the target language.

Call attention to the pictures in the book showing how to play the game. Say, You will draw a picture of someone working. Other students will ask questions about the kind of job you are drawing. After two questions someone can try to guess the job.

Demonstrate by drawing a picture on the board of a stick figure reporter. Add details (microphone, notebook,etc.) until students guess what job it is.

Ask a student to go to the board. Say, Draw a picture of a person working. If necessary, help the student add details that show the job the person is doing. He or she can add a bank interior to show that the person is a bank clerk. A student could also use an eye chart on the wall to show that the place is a doctor's office and the person is a doctor.

Ask two different students to ask questions about the Job, and then ask a third student to guess what job it is.

Play the game using drawings by several different students.

Alternative: If you do not want students to move from their seats, then you can ask them to do this activity sitting down in groups of four. They will need pieces of paper on which to draw their pictures. They will also need pencils.

Section B

New language

Words that describe jobs, such as exciting, dangerous,boring, difficult, busy, fun

Additional materials to bring to class:

help wanted ads from an English-language newspaper

1 a This activity introduces the key vocabulary.

Focus attention on the six pictures. Ask, What job does the person have? Where does the person ivnrk?

Point out the numbered list of words. Say each one and ask students to repeat. Then use simple explanations and short sample sentences to help students understand what each word means. For example, Exciting means very interesting and very fast-moving. A police officer has an exciting job. The job is always changing. Something is always happening. For dangerous you might say, Dangerous means not safe. You might be hurt or killed in a dangerous job.

Then ask students to match each word with one of the pictures. Say, Write the letter of each picture next to one of the words. Point out the sample answer.

Check the answers.

1 b This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

Call attention to the picture In this activity and ask a student to read the statement to the class. Then point to the picture of the police officer and say. It's an exciting job. Ask the class to repeat. Then say, What else can you say about being a police officer? Someone may answer, It's a dangerous job. Ask the class to repeat each correct answer.

Then ask students to work in pairs. Suggest that they each point to the pictures of the workers and make statements about them. As students practice, move around the classroom monitoring their work.

1 c This activity provides an opportunity for oral practice.

Say, Name some of the jobs from this unit. Write this list of jobs on the board. Say, Can you name some other jobs? Add any new jobs to the list.

Ask some students to make statements about Jobs on the list using the words in activity la. You may wish to write some of the sentences on the board so that students can copy the sentences into their notebooks.

2a This activity provides listening and writing practice with the target language.

Call attention to the two headings and ask a student to read die headings to the class.

Point out the blank lines where students will write the name of a job (under the words wants to be).

Play Ihe recording the first time. Students only listen.

Say, Now I will play the tape again. This time write the name of a job under the words "wants to be."

2b This activity provides listening and writing practice with the target language,

Call attention to the second heading and ask a student to read it to the class. Say, This time you will unite why each person wants the job.

Play the recording again. Students only listen.

Then say, Now I will play the tape again. This time write the reason the person wants the job under the word "Why?"

Play the recording. Students write their answers.

Check the answers.

2C This activity provides open-ended oral practice using the target language.

Say, What do you want to be? What words describe each job? Help the class make up a list of jobs they might like to do. As students suggest possible jobs, ask the class to suggest words to describe them. Use a bilingual dictionary, if necessary, to find the names of jobs and words to describe each one.

Then ask students to work in small groups. They tell each other what they want to do and why. Encourage students to use dictionaries if necessary. Move from group to group offering assistance as needed.

Ask individual students to tell the class about what they want to be and why.

3a This activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.

Call attention to the three newspaper ads and read these ads to the class. Say blank each time you come to a blank line.

Then read each ad again separately, pausing to allow students to ask questions about anything they don't understand. For example, in the first ad, students may not know that working late means "working at night." To work hard means to use a lot of energy to do the job.

Ask students to fill In (he blanks in the ads using the words actor, reporter, and waiter.

Check the answers.

3b This activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.

Call attention to the newspaper ad and ask a student to read it, saying blank for each blank line.

Ask students to fill in the blanks using words from This section. Say,Look at the pictures next to each blank line. The pictures will help you guess the correct word.Suggest that they look at the names of jobs and the words that describe jobs in the first part of Section B.

Check the answers,

3c This activity provides writing practice using the target


Point out the blank strip of newspaper where students can write their own ads.

Ask one or two students, What are you going to write about? Repeat each of the students' sentences and ask the class to repeat the sentences after you. For example: Do ^OM want an interesting but dangerous job? Do you want to meet new people? We need a police officer.Call the Smithtown Police Station at 555-2323.

Ask students to read their ads to a partner. Ask the pairs to correct each other's work.

4 This activity provides guided oral practice using the

target language.

Ask two students to read the conversation in the speech bubbles. Answer any questions students may have about it.

Then say, New please work in groups. Ask efuestions to find out what jobs each person wrote about. You can use sentences like the ones we just read.

As students ask questions, move from group to group. Rephrase any incomplete or incorrect questions.Also rephrase any inaccurate answers.

Unit 6: It's raining!

Language goals

In this unit students learn to talk about the weather and talk about what people are doing.

New language

What are you doing? I'm watching TV

What's he doing? He's playing basketball.

What's she doing? She's cooking.

What are they doing? They're studying.

How's the weather? It's raining.

Section A

Write the question. What are you doing? on the board.Read the question and ask the class to repeat it. Then act out an activity students are already familiar with, point to the question and have students repeat it. Answer the question using the target language.

For example, you might pretend to be reading a book,playing soccer, playing the guitar or writing your name.When the class asks, What are you doing?, you answer,I'm reading a book, and so forth.

1 a This activity introduces the key vocabulary.

Focus attention on the cities in the picture. Ask, What s the weather like here? If they can't answer, supply theword and ask the class to repeat it. Say a sentence or two about each kind of weather. For example, It's raining.Is it raining here today?

Point out the numbered list of words. Say each one and ask students to repeat the words again.

Then ask students to match each word with one of the cities in the picture. Say, Write the letter of each city next to one of the ivords. Point out the sample answer.

Check the answers.

1 b This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.

Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.Say, You will hear four different conversations. Each one is about the weather in a different city. Point to each city in the picture as it comes up on the tape.

Play the recording a second time. Ask students to write the name of the city in the picture of its weather. Say, The first one has been done for you. Beijing is written in the picture of sunny weather. It is sunny in Beijing.

Correct the answers.

1 c This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

Point out the example conversation. Ask two students to read the dialogue to the class.

Say, Now work with a partner. Make your own conversations about the weather in these five places.

As the pairs talk, move around the room monitoring their work. Offer language or pronunciation support as needed.

Ask several pairs to present their conversations to the class.

2a This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.

Point to the four pictures. Ask students to tell what each person is doing in each picture. For example, This boy is talking on the phone. This man is playing basketball. Supply vocabulary words as needed.

Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.

Play the recording a second time. This time, ask students to listen to the recording and number the pictures 1 through 4 to show what each person is doing.

Correct the answers.

2b This activity provides listening practice using the target language.

Point out the list of names and the list of activities.Ask a different student to read each list to the class.

Say, Now I will play the recording again. This time,please match each name with an activity. Write the letter of an activity in front of each name. Point out the sample answer for number 1.

Play the recording and have students fill in the rest of the answers. ,

Correct the answers.

2c This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

Call attention to the four people in the picture in activity 2a. Ask students to say something about each person. Guide students to use the words and phrases playing basketball, cooking, ivatching TV, and playing computer games.

Point out the sample conversation in the speech bubbles and have a pair of students read it to the class.

Say, Now please work with a partner. Make conversations like this one. Talk about the people in the I pictures. As students work in pairs, move around the room monitoring progress and offering assistance, if needed.

Ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class.

3a This activity introduces more key vocabulary.

Call attention to the faces. Ask students to point to and describe each face using whatever vocabulary they can.Help students to identify how each person is feeling. For example, ask a student. Look at this face. Is it happy? Is it unhappy?

Then point to the four words. Say the words and ask students to repeat each one. Use your tone of voice and facial expressions to reinforce the meaning of each. Add your own simple explanations of what each one means.For example: Not bad. This means something is not very good, but it's also not very bad. It's in the middle.

After that, ask students to match each numbered phrase with a face by writing the letter of each face in the blank in front of the correct phrase.As students work, move around the room answering

questions as needed.

Check the answers.

3b This activity provides oral practice using the target language.

Point out the conversation in the large picture and ask two students to read it to the class. Ask students to explain what How's it going? means. (It is similar to How are you? or How is everything?)

Ask students to practice the conversation in pairs.Move around the room monitoring their progress.

Then call attention to the example in the small speech bubbles. Have two students read it to the class.

Say, Now we'll change some of the words and make our own conversations. We can use our own names. We can give true answers or we can make up answers.

Ask pairs of students to make up their own conversations. Move around the room offering language support as needed.

Ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class.

4. This game provides oral practice using the target language.

Say,Now let's work in pairs again. One student looks at the picture on page 85 and the other looks at the picture on page 87. Please don't look at your part ner's picture.

Say, Each picture has the same people in it, but they are doing different things. Take turns talking about what the people are doing in your picture. If I am student A, I will say. In my picture it is sunny. Guide one of the students Bs to respond. In my picture it is raining.

As students work, move around the room, monitoring progress and offering assistance as needed.

Section B

New language

More words used to describe weather:cold, hot, cool, warm, humid

Additional materials to bring to class:

weather map from an English language newspaper

1 a This activity introduces more key vocabulary.

Focus attention on the five pictures. Ask students to tell what the weather is like in each place, if they can. If not, supply the word and ask the class to repeat it. Say a sentence or two about each kind of weather. It's cold in this picture. Is it cold here today?

Point out the numbered list of words. Say each one and ask students to repeat the words again.

Then ask students to match each word with one of the pictures. Say, Write the letter of each picture next to one of the words. Point out the sample answer.

Check the answers.

1 b This activity provides oral practice using the target language.

Call attention to the example in the speech bubbles.Read the conversation with a student.

Ask students to work in pairs. Have students ask and answer questions about the weather in the pictures in activity la.

2a This activity provides listening and writing practice using the target language.

Read the headings on the chart to the class. Point out the answer blanks.

Say, Listen to this conversation between Sam and Maria. Listen carefully to their questions and answers.

Play the tape the first time. Students only listen. Play the tape again and have students write their answers.

Play the tape again and have students write their answers. Say, This time, please write the answers Maria and Sam give to the question "How's it going?"You may wish to play the tape more than once at this point.

Correct the answers.

2b This activity provides more listening and writing practice using the target language.

Point to and read the second two headings on the chart: What are you doing? How's the weather?

Ask students to listen to the recording again and write the answers to these two questions in the blanks in the chart.

Play the recording. Students fill in the blanks.

Correct the answers.

2c This activity provides guided listening and speaking I practice using the target language.

Point out the example in the speech bubbles. Ask two students to read it to the class.

Point out the three questions in 2a. Ask individual students each question and repeat their answers. Accept any reasonable answers.

Say, Now work with a partner. Make your own conversations. Student A is Maria. Student B is Sam. Athey talk, move around the room monitoring their work.Offer language support as needed.

3a This activity provides reading practice using the target language.

Call attention to the speech bubble and the picture.Ask students to say where the reporter is. Ask them to tell what they know about Egypt.

Read the speech bubble to the class, or ask a student to do so. Answer any questions students may have. Use drawings on the board and/or translation to clarify the meanings of any new vocabulary words.

Ask students to work alone. Say, Underline the words in the speech bubble that say what people are doing. Then circle the words that describe the weather. Two examples are done for you.

3b This activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.

Draw attention to the pictures of France and the description below. Read the description to the class or ask a student to do so. Say the word blank each time you come to a blank line.

Answer any questions students may have about the new words. Use drawings on the board and/or translation to clarify the meanings of any new vocabulary words.

Ask students to work alone. Have students fill in the blanks. Point out the sample answer and read that sentence.

Correct the answers.

3c This activity provides writing practice using the target


Ask one or two students to describe the weather in their home town, and to say what outdoor activities people there like to do (e.g. playing football, flying kites, fishing).

Ask students to work alone. As they work, move around the class monitoring progress and offering help as necessary. Provide the students with any new vocabulary theyneed (e.g. for describing activities), or encourage them to use a dictionary.

Ask several students to read their reports to the class.

4 This survey provides listening, speaking, and writing practice using the target language.

Call attention to the dialogue in the speech bubbles.Ask two students to read it to the class. Ask other students,What do you do when it's raining?

Substitute another type of weather for "raining" and ask other students what they do. Accept all reasonable answers and write each one on the board.

Introduce the use of present tense in both halves of answers such as, When it's sunny, I go to the beach.(See grammar note.)

Now ask students to interview their classmates. Ask each student to choose one type of weather and ask as many classmates as possible what they do in that kind of weather. Remind students to write down the answers.

Ask several students to read their questions and answers to the class. Write any new vocabulary items on the board and discuss these words. Students may wish to copy some of the words onto their notebooks.

Alternative: If you do not want students to get up and walk around the classroom, then ask them to do this activity in groups of four.

Unit 7: What does he look like?

Language goal

In this unit students learn to describe people.

New language

What do you look like? I'm short. And I have curly hair.

What do they look like? They're medium height.And they have short hair.

What does he look like? He's heavy and he wears glasses.

What does she look like? She's thin and she has long hair.

Section A

Ask students to name some ways of describing people. You can start students off with examples such as tall and short. Point out various students in the class and ask students to say if they are tall or short.

Continue with examples of students who have long hair and short hair. Write the words on the board and ask students to repeat these words. Then point at different students' hair and ask the class, Long hair or short hair?

Culture note

In some cultures, it is impolite to point at other people or to touch other people, particularly on the head.

la This activity introduces the key vocabulary.

Focus attention on the words. Ask students to read the list of words. Then say each word and ask students to repeat it.

On the board, make a simple drawing to illustrate each of the words. As you complete each drawing, point to it and ask students what it shows. If they don't know, say the word and ask students to repeat it. For example,draw a stick figure with very long legs and a long body,When you point to the figure, students say tall.

Call attention to the picture. Point to the letters next to the people in the picture.

Say, Use the letters to match the people in the picture with one of the numbered words. Write each letter next to a numbered word. You can use some letters more than once. Point out the sample answer.

Check the answers.

1 b This activity provides guided listening and writing practice using the target language.

Call attention to the speech bubbles in the picture.Read the dialogue, saying blank when you come to a blank line.

Say, You will hear a conversation between Amy and her friend. Fill in the blank lines in their conversation.Then look at the picture and find the boy Amy is talking about.

Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.

Play the recording a second time. This time, students fill in the blanks in the speech bubbles.

Say, Who are they talking about?

Correct the answers.

1 c This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

Call attention to the various people in the picture.Say, One of these people is your friend.

Point out the sample conversation. Ask two students to read it to the class. Then ask the class to point to the girl in the picture who has long hair and a medium build.

Say a dialogue with a student. Have the student ask you the question. You then answer it using a description of one of the people in the picture. Ask the student to point out the person you described.

Say, Now work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions.

Then have students work in pairs. As they talk,move around the room monitoring their work.Offer language or pronunciation support as needed.

2a This activity provides guided listening practice using the target language.

Point to the list of nine phrases and ask a student to read them to the class.

Say, Now you will hear three conversations. The people are talking about friends. They are using these words to describe their friends. Some of these words go with "has" and some go with "is".

Point to the circle around the word "circle". Say, Circle the correct word, either is or has, when you hear it in the conversation.

Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.Point out that there are three different conversations about three different people.

Play the recording a second time. This time say, Circle "has" or "is". You may wish to play the recording a third time to allow slower students to complete their work and to let other students check their answers.

Correct the answers.

2b This activity provides listening and writing practice using the target language.

Point at the chart with space for two words used with is and two words used with has after each name

Call attention to the sample answers. As you point to the word is, say a sentence using the sample answer tall:He's tall. Point to the word has and say a sentence using the sample answer curly hair: He has curly hair.

Play the recording. Ask students to listen to the descriptions and write the words in the correct column after cad person's name.

3 This activity provides guided writing practice using the target language. J

Call attention to the dialogue in the box and the picture. Explain that students have to complete the dialogue with words to describe Nancy's appearance.

Have students do the activity individually. As they work, move around the classroom offering help as necessary.

3a This activity provides reading practice using the target language.

Draw attention to the pictures and the descriptions.Explain that students have to match the pictures with the correct descriptions.

Point out the example. Have a student read the first description.

Students do the activity individually.

3b This activity provides oral practice using the target language

Call attention to the picture and the names in the box. Say, Student A has to write the names in the box next to the people in the picture. Then Student B has to ask questions to find the people. Remind students that they should not look at each others' textbooks when they do this activity.

Have two students read out the example dialogue in the speech bubbles. Then ask students to do the activity in pairs. As students talk, walk around the classroom listening and offering assistance as necessary.

After several minutes, stop the activity and have several pairs present their dialogues to the class.

4 This activity provides open-ended oral practice using the target language.

Give a sample description of someone in the class and ask the class to guess who you are describing.Use only words and sentence patterns from this unit.For example, She's short and thin. She has curly hair.

Ask some students to describe a person while their classmates guess who it is.

Section B

New language

beard, mustache, black, blonde, bald Additional materials to bring to class:

large scrap paper for the drawing activity in activity 4

1 a This activity introduces the key vocabulary.

Focus attention on the six pictures. Ask students to tell what they see in each picture. Confirm each correct answer and supply any words students don't know.

Point at the numbered list of words. Say each word and ask students to repeat these words.

Then ask students to match each word with one of the pictures. Say, Write the letter next to the picture in front of one of the words. Point out the sample answer.

1 b This activity provides oral and writing practice using the target language.

Point at the incomplete sentences and read the completed sample sentence to the class.Ask students to work alone or in pairs. Have students write the name of a famous person in each blank.

Ask some students to read the sentences they completed. Have other students say whether the sentences are right or wrong.

2b This activity provides listening and writing practice using the target structures.

Say, You will hear Maria and Danny talking about Tina Brown and Johnny Dean again. This time your job is to write what each person looks like. Point to the heading "looks like".

Play the recording. Ask students to fill in the blanks next to the words "looks like" on the chart.

Correct the answers.

2a This activity provides listening and writing practice using the target language.

Point out the picture of Johnny Dean and Tina Brown and Maria and Danny. Say, You will hear Maria and Danny talking about Tina Brown and Johnny Dean.Your job is to write the job each person does. Point to the heading "Job" on the chart.

Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.

Play the recording a second time. This time ask students to fill in the blanks in the chart.

Correct the answers.

2c This activity provides oral practice using the target language.

Name a famous actor, musician or athlete and describe that person. For example, My favorite actor is Leonardo DiCaprio. He's medium height and he has brown hair.

Ask students to work in small groups. Have students describe a famous person to the group. Ask others in the group to add information to each description, if possible.

3a This activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.

Call attention to the two pictures of Johnny Dean.Ask students if they are pictures of one person or two different people. Lead students to understand that they are before and after pictures.

Ask students to read the magazine article individually.Move around the room answering any questions students may have.

Read the magazine article to the class. Answer any further questions about the words in the story students may have.

Point out the blanks in the chart. Say, Under "Before"write words that describe Johnny before be changed. Under "Now" write words that describe Johnny after be changed. Point out the sample answer.

As students work, move around the room monitoring progress.

3b This activity provides guided writing practice using the target language.

Call attention to the passage and the pictures below.Explain that the passage describes how Gloria Green's look has changed. Point out the sample answer, and ask a student to provide the second answer (short hair).

Point out the numbered blanks in the paragraph. Say,Write words describing Gloria's appearance in each blank.

Ask students to finish the activity on their own.

3c This activity provides writing practice using the target language.

Ask students to name their favorite actors or musicians. Write some of the names on the board.

Ask each student to choose an actor or musician and write a short description of the person.

Ask what new words students want to use in their descriptions. When you understand what a student wants to say, write the word on the board, explain it to the class and have the class repeat it. Limit this to two or three new words.

As students write, move around the room answering questions and offering language support.

Read some of the completed descriptions to the class and have students guess who the person is.

4 This activity provides listening and speaking practice using the target language.

Read the instructions. Check to see that students understand how the game is played.

Ask each student to draw a picture without letting ,anyone else see it.

Have students get into groups of four. Tell the students in each group to give themselves numbers from 1 to 4.

Ask the other three students in each group to listen to the description and draw the person. You may wish to have them listen to the description several times.

Ask each group to swap its pictures with another group. That group votes to decide which of the three copies looks most like the original picture. The student who drew that copy is the winner.

Unit 8: I'd like some noodle

Language goal

In ihis unit students learn to ask for and give personal information. They also learn to order food.

New language

What would you like on your pizza?

I'd/He'd/They'd like pepperoni.

names of foods: cheese, tomatoes, mushrooms,green peppers, pepperoni, onions, olires

Section A

Additional materials to bring to class:

magazine advertisement or food package showing a picture of a pizza

tape recorders and blank tapes for students to use.

Show students a picture of a pizza or draw one on the board.Ask how many students like pizza.

Draw three different sized circles on the board. Ask individual students, What size pizza would you like---mall,medium or large? When they answer, point to the size they mention and say. You 'd like a (small) pizza.

Pronunciation note

Say the pronunciation of the word pizza and have students repeat it several times. Explain that although you would expect the two z's to make a z sound, they actually make a sound like ar followed by s, So the word is pronounced peet-sub.not peez-zub .

la This activity introduces the key vocabulary.

Focus attention on the three pizzas in the picture. Point to and read the sign in front of each pizza: Special 1,Special 2, and Special 3. Then point 10 the toppings on each pizza and read the letter next to each topping.

Point out the numbered list of Pizza Toppings.Say each word and ask students to repeat it.

Then ask students to match each word on the list with one of the foods on a pizza. Say, Write the letter of each food picture after the name of the food. Point out the sample answer after number 1.

You may wish to have students work in pairs or small groups If they do not know most of the names of pizza toppings.

Check the answers.

1 b This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation,

Point to the three pizzas. Point to and read the names of the three specials. Then point to the pizzas one at a time and ask. What toppings are on this pizza? Confirm answers or correct wrong responses by saying the list of ingredients again.

Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.

Play the recording a second time. This time, ask students to check the pizza that the person ordered.

Correct the answer.

1c This activity provides guided oral practice wilh the target language.

Ask two students to read the dialogue to the class.

Say the conversation with a student. Ask the student to be the pizza maker while you order the pizza. Ask for different toppings than in the conversation.

Ask students to work in pairs. Have students take turns being the pizza maker and the person ordering the pizza.Remind students to list the size and the toppings they really like. Students practice both roles.

Ask some students to present their dialogues to the class.

2a This activity gives students practice in understanding the key vocabulary in spoken conversation.

Point to the food in the picture and ask students to point to and name each one.

Explain that students will hear a recording of a conversation. Say, The people will talk about some of the foods, but they will not talk about others. Please check only the ones they talk about,

Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.

Play the recording a second time. This time, ask students put a checkmark next to each food mentioned on the rape.

Correct the answers.

2b This activity provides listening and writing practice using the target language.

Point to the blank lines. Read each statement, saying the word blank each time you come to a blank.

Play the recording and ask students to listen and write the missing word in each blank. Point out that all the words they need are in activity 2a, They can usethese words as answers and to check their spelling.

Check the answers by having students write the sentences on the board.

2c This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

Call attention to the example in the speech bubbles.Ask a student to read the example to the class.

Say, Now practice ordering the kind of pizza you like. Use the dialogue In activity 2b as a model.

Help students find partners. Then say, First read the dialogue in activity 2b together. Each student can be both the pizza maker and the customer. Then make your own dialogues. Tell what you realty like on your pizza.

Ask pairs of students to present their dialogues to the class.

3a This activity provides reading and oral practice using the arger language.

Call attention to the questions above the pizza maker's head and the list of answers above the boy's head.Ask one student to read all the questions to the class. Ask another student to read all the answers.

Say, Now please match each question with an answer.The first one is done as a sample.

Point to number 1 and say. Can I help you? Then point to answer c and say, I'd like a pizza, please.

Ask students to complete the exercise on their own.Less advanced students may benefit from doing the activity in pairs or in small groups.

Check the answers.

3b This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

Review with students how to say their phone numbers. Write several phone numbers on the board and say the English way of saying telephone numbers. It is always correct to say the numbers one at a time: 843-5038 can be said, eight-four-tbree---five, oh, three, eight. However,a group of four numbers is sometimes said in two groups of two numbers. So 843-5038 is sometimes said, eight-four-three----fifty, thirty-eight.

Ask students to work in pairs. Help students decide who will be Student A and who will be Student B.

Ask one of the pairs of students to read the dialogue from activity 3a. One student is the pizza maker and asks the questions. The other is the customer and gives the responses in the book.

Then say. Now make your own conversations. Student A asks the questions/Torn activity 3a. Student B gives true answers.

After students have completed the dialogue one way,ask the partners to exchange roles and do it again.

Ask some pairs to perform their dialogue for the class.

Section B

1 a This activity introduces more key vocabulary.

Call attention to the food on the table. Ask students to point to and name as many of the foods as possible. Point to and say the names of any foods they don't recognize.

Then point to the words on the list. Say the words and ask students to repeat the words.

After that, ask students to match each word with a picture. Say, Write the letter of each food picture in the blank in front of the correct word. As students work, move around the room answering questions as needed.

Check the answers.

1 b This activity provides guided oral practice using key vocabulary words.

Call attention to the food on the table. Say, Please circle the things you like and put an X in front of the things you don't like.

When students finish this step, ask students to work with partners. Point to the speech bubbles and ask two students to read the dialogue.

As the partners tell each other what they like and don't like, move around the room monitoring their work.

2 a This activity provides listening practice using the target language.

Point out the eight words in activity la and say, For this activity, mark your answers in activity 1a.

Say, You will hear a conversation. A boy is ordering pizza from a pizza restaurant. As you listen, please circle each of the words in activity la that you hear on the recording.

Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.

Play the recording a second time. This time ask students to circle each of the foods in activity la that is mentioned in the dialogue on the tape.

Correct the answers.

2b This activity provides listening and writing practice using the target language.

Say, Look at the order form on page 82. What information does it ask for? Call on individuals to answer.

Then say, I'm going to play the recording again. This time, please write down the information on the order form. You will be writing the boy's address, his telephone number, and the names of all the food items be orders.

Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.Say, The order form has the address first, telephone number second, and the food order third. You will fill out the bottom part of the form before the top part.

Play the recording a second time. This time, ask students to write out the information on the form. You may wish to play the tape more than once if many students are not able to complete it the first time.

Correct the answers.

2c This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

Say, Look at the order form on page 83. You will work in pairs. Student A, you work in a pizza restaurant. Ask Student B questions and fill out the order form. Remember to ask for the address and telephone number. Student B, order food and drink that you like from the list in activity la.

After students complete the dialogue one way, ask the partners to exchange roles and do it again.

Ask pairs of students to perform their dialogue for the class.







3a This activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language,

Ask a student to read the list of words to the class.

Read the newspaper ad, saying the word blank each time you come to a blank.

Say, Now write a word from the list in each blank.The first one is done for you.

Ask students to work on their own. As they work,move around the room offering assistance as needed.

Go over the answers together by having students read one sentence each.

3b This activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language,

Read the ad, saying the word blank each time you come to a blank.

Say, Now write a word in each blank. The first one is done for you.

Ask students to work on their own. As they work,move around the room offering assistance as needed.

3c This activity provides writing practice using the target language.

Ask students to look back at the ad in activity 3a.Ask a student to read it to the class.

Say, Now please write your own ad. You can use some of the sentences from activity Set, hut please use your own types ofpixza and choose different drinks. You can also change the prices.

As students work. move around the room offering language support and answering questions as needed.

Review the first few ads as they are completed. Help students make corrections. Ask those who finish fu-st to write their ads on the board.

Say, Now correct your ads with a partner. If there are mistakes you can't correct, raise your hand and I will help you. Write any frequent errors on the board.so that all students can learn from the corrections.

4 This activity provides guided listening and speaking practice using the target language,

Read one or two of the ads students wrote for activity 3c. Ask others to tell what items they heard mentioned in the ad. Ask about the prices they heard, too.

Say,Now you will be working with your partner.First read your partner's ad. Notice the kinds of pizza he or she wrote about. Look at the prices.Then order a pizxa from your partner.

Say a dialogue with a student. Use the student's ad to place your order. Follow the example in the speech bubbles.

Have students work In pairs and take turns ordering food and drink from their partner's ad.

As students work, move around the room, offering assistance if needed.

Have a few pairs of students say their conversations for the class.

Unit 9: How was your weekend?

Language goal

In this unit, students learn to talk about recent past events.

New language

What did you do over the weekend? I cleaned my room.

What did she do over the weekend? She did her homework.

What did he do over the weekend? He went to the movies.

What did they do over the weekend?' They played tennis.

Section A

Additional materials to bring to class:

wall calendar

newspaper and magazine pictures for Follow-up activity 1

blank cards and markers for Follow-up activity 2

Point to the previous Saturday and Sunday on a wall calendar and say, Saturday and Sunday are the weekend. This is last weekend. Then tell some things you did last weekend such as,/ cleaned my house over the weekend. Use quick sketches (in the board along with gestures to demonstrate the meaning of each activity,

Ask students, What did you do over the weekend9 Accept one-word answers and rephrase these answers in complete sentences. For example, if you ask, What did you do over the weekend? and a student says. The beach, rephrase it by saying, Oh, you went to the beach over the weekend.

Ask several different students and help these students say complete answers.

1 a This activity introduces the key vocabulary.

Focus attention on the picture. Ask students to tell what they see. Name each activity and ask students to repeat:went to the movies, played soccer, went to the beach,did homework, played tennis and cleaned my room.

Point out the numbered list of activities. Say each one again and ask students to repeat.

Then ask students to match each activity with one of the pictures. Say, Write the letter of each activity next to the words. Point out the sample answer.

Check the answers.

1 b This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.

Point to the activities in the picture in activity la.Ask students to tell what the person did in each picture.For example, She played tennis, or Lucy played tennis.Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.

Play the recording a second time. This time say. Listen to the recording and write the days and times Lucy did each thing under the pictures. Point out the sample answer under the picture of Lucy playing tennis; on Saturday morning.

Correct the answers.

1 c This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

Point to the example conversation. Ask two students to read the dialogue to the class.

Say, Now work with a partner. Student A, pretend to be Lucy. Student B, ask questions about what Lucy did on different days and times over the weekend.Talk about the activities in the picture.

Students work in pairs. As they talk, move around the room monitoring their work. Offer language or pronunciation support as needed,

2a This activity gives students practice in understanding the key vocabulary in spoken conversation.

Point to the five sentences and ask a student to read these sentences to the class.

Say, You will hear

Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.

Play the recording a second time. This time, ask students to underline each word that is said on the tape. Point out the sample answer, grandmother.

Correct the answers.

2b This activity provides listening practice using the target language.

Call attention to the pictures of Carol, Ben, and Emma and ask students to identify each person by name.

Say, Now I will play the recording again. Listen to the students talking about what they aid over the weekend. Write C for Carol, B for Ben or E for Emma next to each statement in activity 2a. The first one has been done for you.

Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.

Point out the sample answer, S, in statement 1. Say,Sonia visited her grandmother.

Play the recording again. Ask students to write a letter in front of each statement to show what each person did.

Check the answers.

2c This activity provides guided oral and writing practice using the target language.

Call attention to the dialogue and the list of activities in the box. Explain that students have to complete the dialogue using the activities words in the box.

Students do the activity in pairs. When they have filled in the blanks, they practice the conversation. Have several pairs perform their conversations for the rest of the class.

3a This activity provides reading practice using the target language.

Point to the three scenes in the picture. Ask students to describe what the person in each scene did. (Picture 1 shows: She went to the beach. Picture 2 shows: He did his homework and watched TV Picture 3 shows: She cleaned her room and studied for the math test.)

After that, read the three dialogues with a student.The second part of each dialogue is incomplete.

Say, The rest of the sentences are listed above the picture. Read them to the class or have a student read them. Say, Write the correct number on the blank lines in the speech bubbles to complete the conversations.

Correct the answers.

3b This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

Call attention to the example in speech bubbles. Ask a pair of students to read the dialogue to the class.

Say, Now practice asking and answering questions like this about what the people in the pictures did over the weekend. Practice in pairs. Use the dialogue as an example.

Help students find partners. Then say, First read the dialogue together. Both students read both parts. Then make your own dialogues like that one. Tell what the people in activity 3a did over the weekend.

Here is a sample dialogue:

A: How was Sarah's weekend?

B: It wasn't very good. She cleaned her room and studied for the math test.

Ask pairs of students to present their dialogues to the class.

4 This activity provides oral practice using die target language.

Play a model round of the game. Draw simple pictures of two things you did over the weekend. For example, a picture of a TV, and a picture of a tennis racket. Point to the picture of the Ty and ask a student to make a sentence about what you did (you watched TV). Do the same with the picture of the tennis racket and another student (you played tennis). Write the two sentences on the board and underline the -ed in watched and played and remind students to use the past tense.

Now ask students to priictice the activity in groups of four. Each students draws two diings she or he might have done over the weekend on a piece of paper. The students then take turns to make sentences about each other's pictures in past tense. Walk around the class offering assistance where necessary.

Ask a student to draw two pictures about his or her last weekend on the bonrd. Class members guess the correct past tense sentences. Then write wh- words on the board (who, what, where, when, why, how) and encourage students to ask follow-up questions, for example. Who did you play tennis with9

Section B

New language

I played the guitar

I studied geography.

I went to the library.

1 a This activity introduces more key vocabulary.

Call attention to the pictures. Ask students to point to and use the past tense to describe as many of the activities as possible. Point to and describe any activities they can't describe. For example, I played the guitar.

Then point to the numbered activities described in the list. Name the activities and ask students to repeat each one,

After that, ask students to match each numbered phrase with a picture by writing the letter of each picture in the blank in front of the correct phrase.As students work, move around the room answering questions as needed.

Check the answers

1 b This activity provides reading practice using the target language.

Draw pictures of the happy face and unhappy face on the board. Write the word VMM under the happy face and the words not fun under the unhappy face.

Ask students to name some activities they think are fun and some that are not fun. For example, a student might say doing homework or cleaning my room are not fun.

Point out the happy face under the pictures in la.Say, He played the guitar. It was fun. The happy face shows it was fun.Say, A'oic draw a happy face or an unhappy face for letters a, c, and a,

Correct the answers.

2a This activity provides listening and writing practice using the target language.

Call attention to the names Jim and Sally and the write-on lines under each name.

Say, Now you are going to hear a conversation between Jim and Sally. They are talking about what they did over the weekend. Listen to the conversation and write what each person did.

Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.

Point out the sample answer, cleaned her room.

Play the recording again. Ask students to HU in the phrases telling what each person did. Remind students that they can look back at earlier activities in this unit to get spelling help, if they wish.

2b This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

Call attention to the example in speech bubbles.Ask a pair of students to read the dialogue to the class.

Say, Now practice talking about what Jim and Sally did over the weekend. Practice in pairs- Use the dialogue as an example.

Help students find partners. Then say. First read the dialogue together. Read both parts. Then make your own dialogues like that one. Tell what Sally and Jim did over the weekend.

As students practice, move around the room monitoring progress.

Ask pairs of students to present their dialogues to the class.

2c This activity provides open-ended oral practice using the target language.

Point out the example in speech bubbles. Ask two students to read the dialogue to the class.

With a student, say a conversation about what you did over the weekend. You may wish to write two or three activities on the board for students to use in their conversations.

Help students find partners. As they practice their conversations, move around the room monitoring progress and giving language support as needed.

Ask some pairs to present their real-life conversations to the class.

3a This activity provides reading practice using the target language.

Read the article to the class or have a student do it.

Some students may not recognize the words shopping,mixture, and relatives. Answer any question. students may have about these or other vocabulary items. Write each new word on the board and discuss its meaning.

Read the instructions. Point out the circle around the word circle and the underlining under the word underline.Expand on the instructions saying, Circle the things that you like. the things that arc fun. Underline the things that you don't like, the things that are not fun.

Review the answers. Students may have different answers for some items- For example, went to the library may be fan for some students and not fun for others.

3b Tlus activity provides guided writing practice using the target language.

Point out the numbered blanks in the paragraph.Say, Write a suitable phrase in each blank. Remember to put the verb in the past tense. Point out that students can look at the pictures below the passage for ideas.

Call attention to the sample answer. Ask a student to read the sentence to the class,

Ask students to complete the activity individually.

Check the answers.

3c This activity provides writing practice using the target language.

Before they start writing, suggest that students list the things they did. Ask students to name several ihi; ;as they did over the weekend. Write the list on the board using past tense verbs.

Ask a student to follow these notes and say what he or she did over the weekend. When the student is finished say. Now write the words you just said.

As students work, move around the room monitoring progress and answering any questions students may have.

Ask the students who finish first to write their sentences on the board. Check the sentences and make necessary corrections- Other students may use these sentences as they complete their own work,

4 This activity provides writing and oral practice using the target language.

Ask the class to give you the names of some famous people. They can be .sports stars, musicians, artists, politicians, etc.). Write them on the board- Then choose one of the people on the board and a.sk the students to imagine what that person did over the last weekend. Elicit three past tense sentences from the class and write them on the board.

Ask students to look at the instruction. Explain that students must choose a famous person and write three things that famous person did over the weekend. Ask students to look at the example and guess who the person is (it should be a famous pop star, one that has an interesting hair color.).

Divide students into pairs to do the activity. As students work, move around the room monitoring progress and making notes of common language problems. Have some students tell the class who their partners are and what their famous partners did over the weekend.

Unit 10: Where did you go on vacation?

Language goal

In this unit students learn to talk about past events.

New language

Where did you go on vacation? I went to the mountains.

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