
發布時間:2016-1-4 編輯:互聯網 手機版

Unit 1

1. What should a good friend be like?一個好朋友應該是怎樣的呢?

2. What are they arguing about?他們在爭論些什么?

3. I don’t enjoy singing, nor do I like computers. 我不喜歡唱歌,我也不喜歡電腦。

4. I hate hiking and I am not into classical music.我討厭徒步旅行,對古典音樂我也不感興趣。

5. I am fifteen and I am fond of singing.我十五歲,我喜歡唱歌。

6. One day chuck is on a flight across the Pacific Ocean when suddenly his plane crashes.


7. Chuck survives the crash and lands on a deserted island where there were no people.


8. He talks to Wilson and treats it as a friend.他同威爾遜談話,把它當作朋友。

9. Chuck learns that we need friends to share happiness and sorrow.查克認識到我們要有同甘共苦的朋友。

10. It is important to have someone to care about.有一個要去關心的人是很重要的。

11. He also learns that he should have cared more about his friends.他也認識到他原本就應該更加關心他的朋友們.

12. Many people keep dogs as pets because dogs are regarded as loyal friends to people.


13. If you were alone on a deserted island, you would have to learn to hunt for water and food.如果你獨自一人呆在一個荒島上,你就必須學會尋找飲用水和食物。

14. If someone is quick in mind and action, we say he is smart.如果一個人在思維和行動上敏捷,我們就說這個人聰明伶俐。

15. I am honest and I like to have fun.我誠實而又喜歡玩得開心。

Unit 2

1. English is really a language spoken all around the world.英語真的是全世界都說的一門語言。

2. There are more than 42 countries where the majority of the peopie speak English.


3. In total, for more than 375 million people English is their mother tongue.總數超過三億七千五百萬的人的母語是英語。

4. An equal number of people learn English as a second language.相同數量的人將英語作為第二語言來學。

5. In only fifty years, English has developed into the language most widely spoken and used in the world.


6. With so many people communicating in English every day , we can see that it will be more and more important to have a knowledge of English.有那么多的人每天用英語進行交際,我們想像得到掌握英語知識會變得越來越重要。

7. Many students want to know about the differences between American English and British English.


8. How did these differences com about?這些差別是怎樣產生的呢?

9. For a long time the language in America stayed the same, while the language in England changed.


10. At the same time, British English and American English started borrowing words from other languages, ending up with different words.同時英國英語和美國英語(分別)從不同的語言中借用一些單詞,結果就導致了兩種語言有著不同的單詞。

11. However, most of the time people from the two countries do not have any difficulty in understanding each other.


12. They started to use English, but they also brought in some words from their own language.


13. Sure, we flew all the way directly from Seattle to London.那當然,我們直接從西雅圖飛到倫敦。

14. You must be very tired. Did you sleep at all on the plane?你肯定非常疲勞,你在飛機上睡覺了沒有?

15. I mean, I found the bathroom, but not the toilet.我是說,我發現了浴室,但沒有發現廁所。

Unit 3

1. What do you have to consider before you decide which means of transportation you will use?


2. Many of today’s travelers want to have a new experience from their travels and some of them wish to have an adventure.


3. Adventure travel is becoming more and more popular.探險旅游正變得越來越受歡迎。

4. Instead of spending your vacation on a bus, in a hotel or sitting on the beach, you may want to try hiking.


5. Watch out for dangers, such as spiders, snakes or poisonous plants.要當心一些危險物,比如說蜘蛛、蛇和有毒的植物。

6. Wear a hat to protect yourself from the sun.帶頂帽子保護自己不受到陽光的照射。

7. As with hiking, you should always think about your safety and wear good clothes.


8. Oh, I believe traveling in space will be easy then.我想像到那時在太空中旅行會很容易。

9. Imagine that you have a machine that let’s you travel in time.


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