高三復習Unit 19(book2)

發布時間:2016-3-10 編輯:互聯網 手機版

Useful expression

1. join in 參加,加入

I joined in the march and we were marching peacefully along and then the police came up. 我參加了游行,我們以和平的方式往前行進,這時警察突然來了。 join in 的意思是 take part in an activity as a member of a group 作為一個小組成員參加某一活動。May I join in the game? 我可以參加比賽(游戲)嗎?Will you join us in a walk? 你跟我們一起去散步好嗎?

2. give in屈服, 投降, 退讓

King called for black people not to give in but to continue the struggle. 金號召黑人不要讓步,而要繼續斗爭。They weren't a particularly good team, but they refused to give in and accept defeat.區分give up: He gave up smoking. 他戒煙了。

3. put … in prison 把某人關進監獄

注意在prison的前面沒有任何定冠詞。類似的一些表達法有 be in prison 在坐牢 throw … into prison把某人關進監獄: He was in prison for ten years. 他在獄中待了10年。 The pickpocket was sent to prison for a year.那個小偷被判處一年監禁。

4. set an example 為……樹立榜樣

Lei Feng set an example to us in serving the people heart and soul. 雷鋒為我們樹立了全心全意為人民服務的榜樣。區分take an example of …以……為例

5. make a speech 演說

He was going to make a speech at the meeting. 他要在會上發表演說。還可說give/deliver a speech

6. side by side 并排, 并肩

Two bottles stood side by side on the shelf. We walked along the beach, side by side.

7. over and over again 反復, 再三

還可以說: again and again / time and (time) again : I've told you again and again, Don't play soccer near the windows.

Sentence patterns

1. A group was formed to demand that the bus company should change its unfair practices and King was made president.

動詞demand可跟從句, 從句中的謂語常用 should 加原形:I demanded that Bob (should) go there at once. 我要求鮑勃立即去那兒。Marchers went on strike to demand that all political prisoners be freed. 動詞demand也可跟名詞或不定式: This work demands your patience. 這項工作需要你的耐心。demand a clear answer 要求(作出)明確的答復 demand也可做名詞:It is impossible to satisfy all demands. 有求必應是不可能的。Teachers are in demand in this area. 在這個地區很需要教師。

2. There black people had equal rights and were free to live, study and work as they wished. 黑人在那里享有平等的權利,可以像他們所希望的那樣自由地生活、學習和工作。

be free to do: allowed to do whatever you want 如: You are free to do as you wish.你想怎么做都可以。The children are free to decide which activity they would like to do.

as they wished是方式狀語從句,意思是“像他們所希望的那樣”。as 的意思是“像…那樣去…,依照, 如……, 隨……”等。 如:Do as the teacher tells you to.按照老師告訴你的那樣去做。對話:--- I'd like it ready by six. --- Just as you wish, sir.


Language tips

1. Haven't you heard? 這是一個否定疑問句,在口語中較常用,常表示驚訝、責備等語氣。如:Can't you come a bit earlier? 你難道不能來早一點嗎?

2. For years we've been demanding better housing and jobs. 多年來我們一直要求改善住房和工作條件。

have been doing是現在完成進行時,表示從過去某一時刻一直延續到現在的狀態。

3. It's forbidden. 這是受禁止的。

forbid 是及物動詞,意思是“禁止,不許”,注意它的搭配:⑴forbid sb to do 如: I forbid you to go swimming. 我不準你去游泳。⑵forbid (doing) sth 如:His parents forbid him wine. 他的父母不準他喝酒。The reading room forbids taking the magazines and newspapers out. 閱覽室不許把雜志帶出去。

5. I imagine that hurt a lot. 我可以想象那是很疼的。

hurt既可以做及物動詞,又可以做不及物動詞。⑴vt.傷害;損傷;使疼痛: He fell out of a tree and hurt his leg. 他從樹上掉下來,傷了腿。You'll hurt her feelings if you forget her birthday. 如果你忘了她的生日,那會傷她感情的。⑵ vi.感到疼痛:My shoes are so tight that my feet hurt.我的鞋太小,腳都疼了。How it hurts! 好痛呀!

6. He liked making friends and disliked fighting in any form. 他喜歡廣交朋友,而不喜歡任何形式的打斗。

in any form的意思是“以任何形式”。類似的詞組還有in the form of… 如:You can express yourself in any form. 你可以以任何方式表達你自己。He seems to dislike any form of exercise. 他好像討厭任何方式的運動。

7. The southern states had passed their own laws to continue the separation of blacks and whites. 南部各州通過了它們自己的法律,繼續把黑人和白人分開。

掌握有關law的一些短語: It is against the law to steal. 偷竊是犯法的。All citizens are equal before the law. 法律之前,人人平等。break the law 犯法 make laws 制訂法律 obey the law of the country 遵守國家法律

8. Mixed race marriages were forbidden by law. 法律規定不允許黑人和白人通婚。

mixed marriages 就是marriages between persons of different races.異族通婚。在當時的美國一些地方的法律禁止黑人和白人通婚。mixed在這里是過去分詞做定語,意為“混合的”,“復雜的”: They are a people of mixed blood. 他們是一個混血的民族。a mixed school 男女合校 mixed doubles (體育比賽時的) 男女混合雙打

9. There were separate sections for blacks in shops, restaurants, hospitals, buses and trains.

separate在這兒是形容詞,意思是“單獨的”,“獨自的”: The children sleep in separate beds.孩子們分別睡在各自的床上。掌握separate作動詞的用法:We talked until midnight and then separated. 我們談到午夜才分手。A fence separated the cows from the pigs. 圍欄把奶牛和豬分開。

10. The money spent on educating a black child was just one fourth of that spent on each white child. 花在黑人兒童身上的教育經費只及白人兒童的四分之一。

在英語中,尤其在比較狀語從句中,經常用that和those來替代前面所提到的東西,以避免重復。如:The population of India is much larger than that of Japan. 印度的人口比日本的多多了。

11. He believed that they could achieve their goal by peaceful revolution, not by fighting and killing. 他認為,可以通過和平革命達到社會變革的目的,而不通過戰爭和殺戮。

掌握achieve的用法: The factory has achieved all its goals this year.這個工廠今年已經實現了所有的奮斗目標。He hopes to achieve all his aims soon. 他希望盡快達到所有目標。achieve one's purpose 達到目的 achieve success 獲得成功 achieve victory 獲得勝利 He achieved a lot because he was a hard worker.他之所以取得成功是他努力的結果。

12. In his lifetime, he forced the government to liberate the blacks in the USA and give them equal rights. 在他的一生中,他迫使政府解放美國黑人,給他們平等的權利。

及物動詞liberate 使獲自由;解放:Lincoln liberated American slaves.林肯解放了美國奴隸。My home town was liberated in the spring of 1949.我的家鄉是一九四九年春解放的。

13. In 1965 a new Voting Rights Bill became law. 1965年一項新的選舉權法案變成了法律。

bill在美國是指提交議會審議的法案或議案(the draft of a law),在議會通過之前還不是法律。經過議會通過而成為法律的法案稱為act (a law passed by a legislative body)。如: The bill was finally passed by a majority of 120.議案以120票的多數獲得通過。 Parliament has passed the act protecting the wild animals.國會通過了一項法案,保護野生動物。

14. Within a few years of his death, black people across the country held important jobs in government. 在他去世后的幾年中,全國各地的黑人就在政府部門擔任了重要職務。

hold important jobs 擁有重要的工作 hold在這兒的意思是“擔任,持有(觀點)”。如:In China a lot of women hold important positions in the government. 在中國有許多婦女在政府機關擔任重要的職位。I hold they are wrong. 我認為他們是錯誤的。

15. However, his struggle had already changed the whole of society in the USA. 然而,他的斗爭已經變了美國的整個社會。

whole既是形容詞也是名詞: They told me the whole story. 他們給我講了整個的故事。the whole world 全世界 the whole of that area 整個那個地區 He put the whole of his money into the bank. 他把所有的錢都存進了銀行。

16. A group was formed to demand that the bus company should change its unfair practices and King was made president. 于是成立了一個組織,要求公共汽車公司改變這套不公平的做法,金被推舉為這個組織的領頭人。

make sb. sth.的意思是“使某人成為什么”, 頭銜前通常不用冠詞:They made him chairman of the students' union. 他們推選他成為學生會主席。類似的用法有:We elected her president of the university. 我們選她為這所大學的校長。

17. King called for black people not to give in but to continue the struggle. 金號召黑人不要讓步,而要繼續斗爭。

call for 的用法不容忽視,我們常常見到的有:1) 需要: More work does not necessarily call for more men. 增加工作不一定需要增添人員。The baby is calling for his mother.嬰孩叫著要母親。2)要求: Our class calls for a discussion on the subject. 我們班級要求對這個問題進行討論。

18. His own house was destroyed and for some time his life was in danger.

be in danger的意思是“處于危險之中”,如:You will be in danger if you walk on a railway line. 如果你在鐵路軌道上行走那是很危險的。與之相反的短語是"out of danger"(脫離危險)!∪纾篐e has been very ill, but he is now out of danger.他曾病得很厲害,但現在已脫離危險期。

19. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. 我夢想有一天,我的四個孩子將在一個不是以他們的膚色,而是以他們的品格優劣來評價他們的國度里生活。

judge vt.“斷定”,如:I can't judge whether he is right or wrong.我不能斷定他是對還是錯。 Don't judge a person by his appearance. 勿以貌取人。

20. When you go to work, take a taxi, or share a ride, or walk. 如果你去工作,請乘出租車去,或搭別人的車去,或步行去。

ride 騎, 乘,可作動詞或名詞:ride a motorcycle to town騎摩托車進城; ride a horse to the village騎馬到村里去 He went for a ride in his car. 他坐小汽車去轉了一圈。They rode in the back seat of the bus. 他們坐在公共汽車后面的座位上。It was the first time they had ridden in a train.那是他們第一次坐火車。

21. He spoke without notes and told the crowd of listeners how he saw the future. 他講話沒有講稿,他把自己對前途的看法告訴聽眾。

掌握crowd的用法: 1) 名詞 人群: A crowd of people were waiting in front of the gate.一大群人在門前等著。draw a large crowd 吸引大批觀眾 2) 動詞 群集:Shoppers crowded into the store. 買東西的人擁入商店。The children crowded around the TV.孩子們聚集在電視機周圍。3) 形容詞: crowded擁擠的,擠滿人的: crowded downtown area 鬧市, 繁華商業區 It was two weeks before Christmas and the market was crowded with shoppers.

Language record

In this unit I have learned to say in English:

Useful Expressions:

1.參加游行 2.法律禁止異族通婚

3.把……關進監獄 4.為黑人的政治權利而斗爭

5.向……發表演說 6.遷入新區

7.把黑人和白人分開 8.為世界其它地區樹立榜樣

9.樹敵 10.在政府部門擔任要職

11.以某人的品格優劣評價某人 12.被當作平等的公民對待








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