Lesson objectives:
1.Read the jokes and find out where the jokes lie to arouse the Ss' interest of studying
English and to make Ss know some language humors in English.
2.Get the students to learn the following words; fly (n) / waiter / lay the table and the difference among the three words lay/ lie / lie.
3.Train the Ss' ability to sense the humor and learn some western countries' customs and culture so as not to misunderstand the other people.
Teaching aids: video pictures, a recorder, pictures, etc.
Teaching procedure:
Review the topics mentioned from Unit 13 to Unit 17.
(Unit 13 Albert Einstein)
Look, who is the old man? (Albert Einstein)
What do you know about Albert Einstein? (A German ; won Nobel Prize etc. )
(Unit 14 Satellites)
What do you call something that goes round and round the earth? (Satellite. )
How does a satellite produce electricity? (By catching the sunshine. )
(Unit 15 A famous detective)
Why was the young lady worried? (Hearing whistle and metallic noise. )
What did the young lady's uncle keep in his metal chest? (A snake. )
(Unit 16 The Sea. )
Where is the saltiest lake in the world? (The Great Salt Lake in America. )
Which is the second saltiest lake in the world? (The Dead Sea. )
(Unit 17 Life in the future)
What will be used more and more in the future? (Computer. )
1) The teacher gives some examples about play on words in English. Say:
Listen carefully and tell me the Chinese meaning of the sentences.
Seven days without water makes one weak. (weak - week )
We must all hang together, or we shall all hang separately.
(hang - ①被絞死;②上吊;合作;團結)
How much wood would a woodcutter cut if the woodcutter could cut wood ?
He would cut as much as a woodcutter could if a woodcutter could cut wood.
Say: Listen to me and give me the answers of the two questions.
Which is the longest word in English?
* Smiles, because there is a “mile” between the first letter “s” and the last letter “s”.
What is the worst kind of fish ?
* Selfish
2) Explain “play on words”;
Say: An example of a “play on words” is a sentence in which two words can have the same sound but different meanings. For example “weak and week ”.
B.The body of the lesson
1) Read the jokes on SB Page 31, underneath the jokes are three explanations. Ask the Ss to find the correct explanation for each joke. (1b; 2c; 3a)
2) Speech Cassette Lesson 69. Play the tape of the first part for the Ss to listen and follow .
2. Drill
Do pair work to practise the jokes together. One plays a waiter or waitress and the other is the customer. And then let's see which pair can act out the dialogue better.
3. Comprehension
1) Say: Look at the second group of jokes; read and find the jokes and then tell me the explanations in English or Chinese.
(1) Have you got chicken's legs: the customer is asking I would like to eat some chicken legs; have you got any today? The waiter understands it as You walk in a funny way. Are your legs like chicken's legs?
(2) I only laid the table: There are two expressions in English - lay an egg (what a hen does) and lay a table (what a waiter does).
(3) How did you find the fish? This has two meanings. The waiter is asking the customer at the end of his/her meal Was the fish good? The customer understands it as Where did you find the fish?
2) Let the Ss sum up the following rules by asking: If you are the customer, can you sense the waiter's humor? If you are the waiter, what will you say to answer the customer ? So what is important in English study? (Knowing the different meanings of the words in different situations and some customs of the western countries. )
Notes (Ex. Ⅰ in AB)
1) Ask the students to do transformation in part of speech.
*lay laid (p. t. ) laid (p. p. ) laying (pres. p. )
put on to a surface ; produce eggs
*lie lay (p. t. ) lain (p. p. ) lying (pres. p. )
rest at full length; be placed ; exist
*lie lied ( p, t. ) lied ( p. p. ) lying ( pres, p. )
tell something that is not true
2) Ask the students to fill in the blanks using the words learned above.
* Look, what about Tom's hand? (His hand is on John's shoulder. )
He ________ his hand on John's shoulder. (laid)
* What is the girl doing?
The girl is ________ the table. (laying)
* What is the hen doing ?
The hens are ________ eggs. (laying)
* What is the matter with Jerry?
Being ill, he is ________ in bed. (lying)
* Could you tell me the position between Canada and the USA ?
The USA ________ on the south of Canada. (lies)
(Canada lies on the north of the USA. )
(The USA lies on the south of Canada. )
* Do you like the boy?
Because the boy is ________ . (lying)
1) Give out some play on words and ask the Ss to sense the humor and explain them.
( Ex. Ⅱ in AB)
2) Divide the class into 4 groups and give a mark to the group that can provide a joke or something else about play on word. (Chinese or English)
Learn to tell some more play on words and sense the humor.
Finish the workbook exercises