Unit 18 New Zealand

發布時間:2016-5-28 編輯:互聯網 手機版

北侖中學 鄭靜君




Warming up部分展現在學生面前的是一幅祖國地圖,圖中標明鄰國、鄰海、鄰島,要求學生運用英語中方位的表達方式來談論不同位置。讓學生在情景中進行語言操練。激活學生已有的相關知識,以此達到較好的熱身效果


Speaking部分旨在通過有關出生地的方位的對話來鞏固“Expressing location and direction”的語言功能。該部分在設計上留有空間,因此可在課堂上進行適當的拓寬,使學生在真實的情景中提高口頭表達的能力和豐富學生有關描述“方位”“景點介紹”等的語言。

Reading是一篇介紹太平洋島國---新西蘭的文章。文章共分四部分,即新西蘭的地理位置及城市,新西蘭的氣候特征,新西蘭的旅游及鳥類資源,居住者及毛利人的歷史。通過Pre-reading, While-Reading & Post-reading三個步驟,循序漸進地培養學生各項閱讀技能。

Language study分詞匯和語法兩部分。詞匯部分設計了六組描述“land” 的名詞與形容詞的配對練習,并在此基礎上造句。旨在要求學生注意名詞轉化成形容詞加詞根(后綴)的構詞法;培養學生準確使用修飾語的習慣及能力。語法項目是有關“It”的使用,掌握 “It”(1) 指代時間、地點、氣候、距離;(2) 作形式主語。在語法訓練中,即要注意加強學生的合作學習,又須使機械操練帶有一定的情景性和生活化。

Integrating skills分為讀、寫兩部分。學生通過閱讀另一篇有關新西蘭人文生活的資料,要求通讀全文找出段落大意即文章框架。旨在讓學生根據此框架進行寫作,提高學生寫信息內容較多的介紹性文章的水平。




1. 掌握英語中方位的表達方式

2. “It” 用作主語(指代時間、地點、距離及用做形式主語)

3. 學習及拓展與新西蘭相關的詞匯和知識





1. 語言知識

單詞:理解、內化、運用以下生詞-- surround, settle, sign, , relation, landscape, cattle, region, agreement, export, agricultural, subtropical, ethnic, mainly;

詞組:lie in/to/on/off, take possession of, sign an agreement, refer to, make up, be marked with, turn to doing, be shipped to, be of high quality


1) He is from Weihai, a city in northeast Shandong.

2) Weihai lies about 88 kilometers east of Yantai.

3) She is from Shentong, a small village, 30 kilometers south of Jinan.

4) It is some 3,500 kilometers from Polynesia to New Zealand, which they traveled in narrow boats.


2. 語言技能



讀:獲取關于New Zealand的相關信息,且進行skimming, scanning, careful reading, generalization; inference等閱讀微技能訓練。


3. 學習策略:


4. 情感態度:

(1) 在有趣的話題激勵下,誘導學生積極參與,充分調動他們學習的興趣。

(2) 學習新西蘭人文地理狀況,拓寬學生的文化視野;同時鼓勵學生以滿腔的熱忱在語言情景中激發愛國主義熱情。

(3) 在共同完成話中國,介紹寧波風景點等任務的過程中,加強團體協作意識。

5. 文化意識:




1. Pre-task:

引入話題,激活學生已有的背景知識,明確學習任務和任務完成的步驟, 激發學習英語興趣。



2. Task-cycle: 任務的完成過程。



3. Post-task: 展示成果,交流成果的過程。




本單元計劃為六課時:Warming up & Listening (1課時), Speaking (1課時) ,Reading (2課時), Grammar (1課時), Integrating skills(1課時)。

Period 1 Warming up & Listening

Step1 Warming up

Goal: 這部分的重點是激活學生已有的相關背景知識,引出本單元的話題-地理人文,了解學生對其的熟練程度,同時讓學生操練位置的表達方式,并在口頭上加以操練。

1. Put the names of the oceans and continents in the right place of the map (class work)

2. Fill in the form( Group work )

How much do you know about China

▲Full country name ______________________

▲Location ____________________________

▲Area _______________________________

□ the largest country □ the 2nd largest country

□ the 3rd largest country

▲Population ___________________________

▲Capital city __________________________

▲Languages __________________________

▲Religion ____________________________

▲Minorities __________________________

▲Major products / industries _____________

Goal: 激發鼓勵學生通過提示對祖國進行描述;為引入本單元的主話題New Zealand作好鋪墊。

3. Ss are demanded to speak out the positions of different places and waters in relation to china and they can look at the map of China. (Group work )

Goal: 充分調動學生參與教學的積極性通過地圖-這一直觀的教具的刺激,使學生對掌握的地理知識進行回憶;同時運用已學的方位(位置)表達詞組:lies in, lie on, lie to加以操練鞏固。并引入本課的重點---中國的鄰國、鄰海和臨近島嶼。

Step 2 Listening

1. Pre-listening:

Show the Ss five pictures of well-known beautiful islands worldwide:

(1) Hainan Island

(2) Caribbean Island

(3) Turtle Island

(4) South Island

(5) Dolphin Island


1) Do you know the islands? What’s their location?

2) Which country do they belong to?

3) Why can they attract so many tourists at home and abroad?

Goal: 教師展示五幅著名島嶼的畫面,并設置開放性問題,進一步啟發學生進行口頭描述,旨在從視覺和聽覺上激發學生對本聽力話題-鯨魚島的興趣。

2. While-listening

1) First listening for information

Get the Ss to listen to the tape and get the information needed in the form below:




Made up of



Goal: 提醒學生在首聽的過程中尤其注意捕捉該島的以上特定信息,以養成在進行有關介紹國家、城市、地點的聽力訓練中準確、及時、第一時間地汲取這一首要信息的良好習慣。

2)Second listening and marking on the map

Listen to the tape a second time ,write down and mark other 3 cities, beach, rock, etc. on the map as quickly as possible. Check in group.

Goal: 成功獲取相關信息后,并在地圖上標出是進行地理性文章的聽力訓練的另一重要環節。

3)Third listening and answer the Qs in the text and talk about the island(Group work)

Goal: 說&寫在聽力訓練中是兩個不可缺少的環節,起著相輔相成的重要作用。


Ask Ss to introduce one of the islands that they are familiar with.

Goal: 能夠運用聽力材料中的有關介紹島嶼的句型,進行適當的拓展。

Period 2 Speaking

Step 1 Pre-speaking

1.Revision: asking and answering (Pair work )


(1) Sa: Where is Thailand?

Sb: It lies on the southeast of China.

(2) Sa: What’s the position of Sea of Japan?

Sb: It lies to the southeast of Heilongjiang.

(3) Sa: Where is Qinhai located?

Sb: It’ s in the western part of our motherland.

Goal: (1) 激活學生思維。

(2) 重溫并引出本課的重點-如何用英語表達方位與位置,注意使用一些詞組,如:

lie in / to / on the south of…

in the northern / western part of…

southeastern / northeastern Zhejiang ..

Central / East China

Step2 Speaking

1. Mechanical practice (Class work)

(1) Learn the dialogue

a. Read the dialogue

b. Find out all the useful expressions about describing location and direction.(Get the Ss to focus on the word formation: -ern / south + east= southeast)

(2) Practice ( Pair work )

Act it out.

Goal: 通過對話的學習和操練,學生能進一步熟悉和了解此項語言功能的日常交際用語,為下一步的應用、掌握奠定基礎。

2. Situational practice ( Group work)

Show five typical seaside cities in Zhejiang and describe where they are. How can you get to these cities from Ningbo?

Names of the city Describe where it is: to the north, south, east, west of…; The nearest city/ county is…; to the river, sea, ocean


Step 3 Post-speaking “Welcome to Ningbo!” ( An interview at the travel conference )

Suppose you were a manager of a Travel Service in Ningbo, you are introducing some famous scenic spots at the travel conference.

Ask Ss to think of some scenic spots (class work)

Choose one of the scenic spots and describe it. (group work)

Goal: 1. 培養學生善于利用各種機會用英語進行真實交際。

2. 增強學生的自信心,豐富的想象力和獨到的見解。

3. 提高學生“說”- 即語言運用技能。


Write a short passage about one of scenic spots in Ningbo

Period3&4 Reading

Step 1 Pre-reading

1.Talk about some island countries. ( Pair work )

(Ss may say: Australia, Japan, the Philippines, etc.)

Goal: 引出本課的話題-太平洋島國New Zealand作鋪墊,同時引出相關信息。

2.Ask: Suppose we’re going to visit New Zealand, what should we know about it?

Ss may say: location, climate, scenery, people (settlers, inhabitants),culture, custom, etc.


Step 2 While-reading

1. Skimming: Look at the map , read the first paragraph and then point out the eight parts ( (1)North Island, (2)South Island, (3) the Pacific, (4) Wellington, (5) Auckland, (6) Christchurch, (7) Queenstown, (8) the Tasman Sea. on the map of New Zealand correctly.

Goal: 直觀教具使學生更易于知曉該國的地理位置與城市,增加文章的親切感。

2. Scanning

a. First scanning. Divide the whole passage into four parts.

Para1: Geographical feature and cities.

Para2: Climate

Para3: Landscapes

Para4: Earliest settlers-Maori

Goal: Scanning 使學生對文章的脈絡更清晰,為下一步找出細節作好鋪墊。

b. Read the passage again and finish answering questions in the following form.

Par. Main Idea Detailed Information

1 Geographical feature and cities (1) What’s the location?

(2) What’re the waters in relation to NZ?

(3) (Marking the main cities, capital, two parts-north / south islands, seas, ocean on the map.)

2 Climate (1) What’s the main type of climate ?

(2) What are the seasons like?

3 What landscapes can we see in NZ? (1) What can we see near the coastline?

(2) Where can we see volcanoes and hot springs?

(3) What’s NZ’s national bird?

4 The earliest settlers-Maori (1) What was NZ called 100 years ago?

(2) What did they bring in to NZ when they settled ?

(3) Who has ever related to NZ besides Chinese sailors?

(4) When is considered as a national holiday?

Goal: 此類文章信息多,經過梳理,易于學生掌握關鍵詞,

3. Post-reading

(1) Role play:

Situation-Roles: a guide; three tourists

Destination: New Zealand

Demands: Each of the tourists should ask the guide at least two questions about any of the main topics in the reading material

Goal : 在真實的體驗中,即充當導游和游客,滲透了情感因素,對課文所學內容也有了較好的鞏固。

(2) Open-minded question

Suppose you were a teenager brought up in a Maori village. In the near future, would you prefer to remain in the village and continue your own way of life, or to live in big modern cities? Why?

Step 3 Post-reading

More information input about New Zealand. ( class work )

Students are asked to find more information related to New Zealand beforehand. Then present them to the class.

Goal: 培養學生課外探究學習的能力和合作精神;在課堂上展示成果,有利于發揮自主學習語言的能動性。

Period 5 Language study

Step1 Word study

1.Match competition

Match Column A with Column B correctly


sunny professor

kind-hearted forests

sandy boy

wooded season

knowledgeable skyscraper

naughty lawyer

exciting movie

23-story desert

Goal: 1. 鞏固復習已有的詞匯(形容詞和名詞),并進行準確的搭配。

2. 復習形容詞的構詞法:-y / -ed / -ing / -ous

2.Expansion of word.

Ss are divided into 4 groups and choose one of the following:

Get the Ss to find out Nouns and Adjectives describing different things and combine them.

1.: weather and time ( Suggested combination: sunny morning / snowy evening / windy season)

2:people in different professions with different characters. (Suggested combination: kind-hearted lawyer/ bossy manager / timid taxi-driver / shy actor / knowledgeable professor / cold-blooded boss , etc.)

3: buildings

4: books

Goal:. 學生通過brainstorm活動,快速激活學生的詞匯,提高識記能力。

2. Finish Ex on Page 40.

Step 2 Grammar study

Ask : Is it interesting to visit New Zealand? Why or why not?

Goal: 用提問的方式導入本單元語法的學習, 即: “It”的用法。

1.Class work

(1) Judge what the impersonal “it” can be used to talk about.

● The smoke is not a warm-blooded animal. It is a cold-blooded one.

● –Who is knocking at the door? --It’s me.

● --- What time is it? --It’s 3 o’clock.

● It’s a long way outside. Put on more clothes.

● It’s nearly 80 kilometers to the south of the Philippines.

Summary: Impersonal “it” can be used to talk about something/ somebody mentioned above, time, date, weather, season, distance, environment, etc.

(2) Make up sentences using “it” as subject

Goal: 1. 檢測學生正確使用 “It” 做形式主語的的能力。

2. 培養學生在交際中靈活運用詞匯的意識。

3. 開放式的練習,激發學生的創造性思維。

Period 6 Integrating Skills ( Reading and writing )

Step 1 Reading

1. Warming-up

Review what’s been learned about New Zealand in the text.

Class work What has been mentioned in the text? Get the Ss to tick them

△ geography △ history △ language △sports and spare time

△ agriculture △industry △ buildings △ politics

△ natural beauty △ wildlife △ marae △ resource

Q: What further knowledge about New Zealand would you like to get?


2. Reading the passage: Life in New Zealand

(1) Skimming

What other respects are mentioned in this passage?

(Population; culture; language; sports, etc.)

(2) Scanning

a. Find out the main idea of each paragraph and complete the form.

Main Topics





b. Second scanning.

Read the passage a second time and write down the words needed in the blanks.

What can be written in a description? ( New Zealand )

Population ______ million, ____ ( 14% )

Language _______ (majority ); Maori language

Culture of natives 1. common meeting place:_____________

2. wedding, burial or conference:________

Agriculture 1. main agriculture:_____________

2. products:_____, lamb, ______, ______, forests products, ____________, wine

Sports& free time sailing, _______, ___________, rock-climbing, ______, seaside trip

Holidays Time:________________ place:_________________________

Goal: 學生通過以上兩項活動,從粗到細,即從基本框架到細節信息把握住了范文,知道“該寫什么?” 和 “怎么寫?”一篇國家或地區的介紹性文章。

Step 2 Writing

1. Pre-writing

Show pictures of Ningbo-the city in which we live.

Possible topics

(1) Geographic feature and culture

(2) Population and language

(3) Economy ( trade, industry, agriculture ); what it is famous for

(4) Life in spare life and sights

Discuss what to mention in the writing according to the above topics and find out some useful words and phrases .

Goal: 討論后各小組可集思廣益,選出合適的詞或詞組,為寫作做詞匯上的準備。

2. Writing

Ss write about 15 sentences according to the previous discussion.

Step 3. Evaluation

Pair work: 各自先讀自己的作文,以發現不妥之處;交換,從時態、單詞拼寫、所用詞匯及內容方面進行修改。

Class work: 展示1-2篇優秀作文(幻燈機),然后教師總結。





1. 臺灣的地理位置。

2. 臺灣是我過最大的島嶼,面積36,000 平方公里,人口兩千多萬。主要城市有臺北、臺中、臺南和基隆。

3. 自然資源豐富,香蕉、稻米、茶葉等弄產品馳名中外。

4. 風景優美,氣候宜人,世界各地的游客紛至沓來。

5. 臺灣自古以就是我國的一部分。島內絕大多數居民來自福建、廣東。海峽兩岸人民都有統一祖國的強烈愿望。

New words: 古代 ancient time

南海 South China Sea

臺灣海峽 the Taiwan Strait

統一 unite

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