unit 2 教學參考資料

發布時間:2016-2-24 編輯:互聯網 手機版


Lesson 5

1.Do you mind if I smoke? 我抽煙你介意嗎?

Would you mind if I smoked in the office next door? 我到隔壁辦公室里抽煙你介意嗎?

Do/Would you mind if…? 常用來表示“請求許可”的意思。句中的mind作“介意”、“反對”解,全句可以直譯為“如果……,你反對嗎?”。注意:如果用Would you mind if…?,從句中就要用虛擬語氣,如第二句中的if I smoked。又如:

Do you mind if I open the window? (or, Would you mind if I opened the window?) 我打開窗子好嗎?

Do you mind if I take one of these books? (or, Would you mind if I took one of these books?)這些書中我拿一本好嗎?

對于這些問句的回答要特別注意。假如在答語里表示愿意(也就是不反對),該說Certainly not或Of course not, 或說No(但不普通)。在答語里如果表示不愿意(也就是反對),說Yes當然不錯,但習慣上不說Yes,卻說I'm sorry…. 等。如課文這個對話:

Wang Bing: Do you mind if I smoke?

Hank: I'm sorry, but it's not allowed. 對不起,這是不允許的。(如果可以抽煙,就說:Certainly not. I don't mind it at all. )

Do/Would you mind…? 之后除了跟if從句外,還可以跟-ing形式,在-ing之前還可以有人稱代詞賓格或物主代詞,即:Do/would you mind (one/one's)-ing…? 用來請求允許,或請求別人作某事。例如:

Do you mind (me/my) asking you a few questions? 我想請教您幾個問題好嗎?

Would you mind my turning off the light? 我把燈關掉好嗎?

Would you mind giving me a glass of water? 請你給我一杯水好嗎?

Would you mind waiting for him a few minutes? 請你等他幾分鐘好嗎?


2.“I wonder if I could use your phone. ”----“Sure. Go ahead. ”“我能不能用一下你的電話?”--“好的。你用吧。”

I wonder if I can/could do sth. 是請求允許的交際用語,表示請求對方允許自己干某事的意思。其中的wonder是動詞,作“想知道”解,后跟if/whether從句。這個句子直譯是:我想知道我是否可以用你的電話。用could比用can在語氣上更委婉一些。對于這個請求,如果作肯定回答,則用:

Sure. Go ahead. 好的,請吧。

Yes. Please do. 好的,請吧。

Of course. /Sure. 當然可以。


I'm sorry, but…. 對不起,……

I'm afraid not. 恐怕不行吧。

You'd better not. 最好不。

No, please don't. 不行。


“I wonder if I could turn off the light. ”----“Sure. Go ahead. ”“我把燈關掉好嗎?”--“好的,關吧。”

“I wonder if I could smoke here. ”----“I'm sorry, but it is not allowed. ”“我在這兒抽煙好嗎?”--“對不起,這兒不讓抽煙。”

3. I'll be back in half an hour. 我半小時后就回來。




They started working after lunch. 他們是午餐后開始工作的。

The film was shown after the meeting. 電影是會議結束以后放的。


They will start working in half an hour. 他們將在半小時后開始工作。

The film will be shown in 2 or 3 days. 這部電影將在兩三天后上映。


They will start working after 10 am. 他們將在上午10點以后開始工作。

The film will be shown after 4 o'clock. 這部電影將于4點以后上映。

Lesson 6






對于吸煙給人們造成的危害,世界衛生組織每年都有詳盡的統計數字。90年代,全球每年患癌癥人數為850萬,死亡600萬,死亡者中40%是因吸煙所致。如果加上吸煙引發其它疾病導致的死亡,全世界每年死于吸煙的人約為300萬。吸煙者患肺癌的死亡率是不吸煙者的8. 4倍。每天吸一包煙的婦女患宮頸癌的危險比不吸煙女性增加1. 5倍;女性不育癥患者中至少1/4由吸煙引起(煙草中毒使精子與卵子結合的機會減少1/3);吸煙女性患心血管病、肺癌、口腔癌等病的比例比不吸煙女性高1到2倍。

煙霧還對被動吸煙者造成危害。這種危害數量大、范圍廣。根據研究,被動吸煙者健康和生命所受到的危害是主動吸煙者的1. 5-3倍,數量大得多。吸煙婦女所生的畸形兒是不吸煙婦女所生畸形兒的2. 5倍。在家庭中受到被動吸煙危害的孩子往往焦躁好斗、智商偏低,易患癌癥、心血管病、中耳炎、呼吸系統疾病。



1)Every year, millions of smokers die because of illnesses which are caused by smoking tobacco. 每年有數以百萬計的人因吸煙引起的疾病而死亡。

2)This is because each year millions of smokers die from the habit. 這是因為每年有數以百萬計的煙民因吸煙而死去。

3)The chance is that one smoker in four will die from smoking. 每四個煙民中就有一人可能因吸煙而死去。

4)The problem is that 300 people are dying each day from illnesses caused by smoking. 問題在于每天都有300人死于因吸煙而引起的疾病。

第1)句die because of illnesses也可以說die of illnesses, 意思相同。die of常指由于疾病、情感等原因造成的死亡。又如:

“What did he die of?”----“He died of hunger/grief. ”“他是什么原因死的?”--“他是因為饑餓/憂傷而死的。”

第2)、3)、4)句都是用die from…表示“由于……而死”的意思。die from一般指除了疾病或情感以外的原因造成的死亡,如第2)句中的die from the habit和第3)句中的die from smoking。但有時也可以用來指由于疾病的原因而造成的死亡。如第4)句中的dying…from illnesses。又如:

He died of/from lung cancer. 他死于肺癌。

3.First, money is spent looking after people with illnesses which have been caused by smoking. 第一,(政府)要花錢照顧因吸煙而患病的人。

表示“花錢/時間干某事”可用下列句型:Somebody spends (time/money) doing something. 本句是用它的被動語態。例如:

The children spent the whole afternoon doing their homework. 孩子們花了整個下午做家庭作業。

The teacher spent a whole day correcting students' homework. 老師花了整整一天來批改學生的家庭作業。

1, 500 US dollars was spent repairing the house. 花了1,500美元來修繕房屋。

Lots of money is spent looking after sick people each year. (政府)每年要花大量的錢照顧病人。

4.The bedclothes catch fire and the whole house may be burnt down. 鋪蓋著了火,整個房子都可能燒掉。

1)catch fire 表示“著火”、“起火”的意思,除此之外還可用be on fire或set… on fire 來表示。但catch fire有動態的含意,be on fire有靜態的含意。例如:

The theatre caught fire last night; firefighters were sent immediately. 昨晚劇院起火了,立即派出了消防隊員。

Look, the theatre is on fire! Let's go and help. 瞧,劇院著火了,咱們去幫忙救火吧。

set … on fire是“使……著火”、“放火燒……”的意思。例如:

He is the very person that set the theatre on fire. 他正是放火燒劇院的那個人。

2)短語動詞burn down作“燒毀”、“燒掉”解。例如:

The angry people burnt the house down. 憤怒的人們把那棟房屋燒掉了。

Lots of wooden houses were burnt down in a big fire last night. 大量木頭房子在昨晚的大火中燒毀了。

5.China produces one third of the world's cigarettes. 中國生產的香煙占全世界香煙的三分之一。


1/2 a (one) half 二分之一

1/3 one third 三分之一

1/4 a (one) quarter 四分之一

1/5 one fifth 五分之一

1/6 one sixth 六分之一

但 3/4 three quarters 四分之三

2/5 two fifths 五分之二

注:除1/2和1/4分別由a (one) half 和a (one) quarter 來表示外,分數的構成通常是分子用基數詞,分母用序數詞。如果分子大于1,則分母用序數詞的復數形式,如2/5 (two fifths), 3/4 (three quarters)。

6.Every year, tobacco companies must persuade new people to start smoking cigarettes. 每年煙草公司要設法使一些不吸煙的人開始吸煙。

句中persuade作“勸說”、“說服”解。表示“說服某人干某事”時常用persuade sb. to do sth. 。注意persuade的基本含義是“勸說某人,而某人又被說服了”。例如:

I persuaded him to try again. 我勸他再試一試。(他再試過了。)

The doctor was at last able to persuade him to stop smoking. 醫生終于說服他戒煙了。(他戒煙了。)

She was persuaded to take the job in the company. 她被說服接受了那家公司的工作。(她在那兒工作了。)

7.The chance is that one smoker in four will die from smoking. (=25% of smokers will die from smoking. ) 每四個煙民中就有一個可能因吸煙而死去。


Chances are that the new machine will arrive tomorrow. 新機器明天可能運到。

There is a chance that the sick child will get well. 這個生病的孩子可能會好的。

The chances are ten to one that we will win. 我們十之八九會贏。

The chance is that about fifty graduates in one hundred will go to colleges and universities. 每100名中學畢業生中大約有50名可能升入大專院校。

8.In Britain,sales of cigarettes have been reduced by 30% in the last ten years. 過去十年來,英國的香煙銷售量下降了30%。

1)reduce vt. 減少,降低,縮小 (make smaller, cheaper, etc. )。例如:

some fat people try to reduce their weight. 有些胖子設法減輕體重。

I persuaded him to reduce the price to $ 1, 500. 我設法使他把價格降到1,500美元了。

The number of the words in the report should be reduced to 800. 報告的字數應減到800。

The wages of the workers have been reduced by 30%。工人的工資減少了30%。

reduce的反義詞是 increase(增加)。例如:

The wages of the workers have been increased by 30%。工人的工資增加了30%。


Production costs have been reduced by one third. 生產成本下降了三分之一。

The price has been increased by five cents. 價格上漲了五美分。

9.In the 16----19 age group, 32% of women smoke, compared to 28% of men. 在16-19歲這個年齡組里,有32%的婦女吸煙,而吸煙的男子為28%。

句中compare to/with是一個固定詞組,作“和……比起來”、“與……相比”解,相比較的對象是數量(即吸煙的人數)。又如:

Car production rose 25%, compared to the first three months of this year. 和今年頭3個月相比,汽車產量提高了25%。

Last year the rate of death was 2%, compared with 5% the year before last. 去年的死亡率是2%,前年是5%。

Compare to 1992, the price of grain was increased about 50%. 和1992年相比,谷物的價格提高了大約50%。

compare to/with也可以用來同人或物作比較。例如:

Compared to many women, she was indeed very fortunate. 和許多婦女相比,她確實是很幸運的了。

It was a small place then, compared to what it is now. 和現在比起來,那時它還是一個小地方。

10.Therefore, if the tobacco companies want to remain in business, they have to encourage more young people to start smoking. (=If the tobacco companies want to continue to make money, they have to make more young people start smoking. ) 因此,如果煙草公司想要繼續經營下去,就必須鼓勵更多的年輕人吸煙。

1)句中的remain是連系動詞,作“(繼續)保持”、“仍然處于(某種狀態)”解(continue to be in an unchanged state),后跟形容詞、名詞、過去分詞或介詞短語作表語(本句中的表語是介詞短語in business)。例如:

If you don't eat you'll just have to remain hungry. 你如果不吃東西,就得繼續挨餓。

Peter became a news reporter but John remained a woodcutter. 彼得成了新聞記者,而約翰還是一名伐木工人。

It was very late, but he remained absorbed in thought. 天很晚了,但他卻還在沉思。

All her friends had come, but she remained in silence. 她的朋友全都到了,她卻仍然沉默不語。

2)encourage vt. 鼓勵(to give courage or hope to sb. )。常用于encourage sb. to do sth. 結構。例如:

The teacher encourages us to talk to her in English. 老師鼓勵我們用英語同她談話。

Your words encouraged me to go on with my study. 你的話鼓勵我繼續學習下去。

11.They think that this will help them kick their smoking habit. 他們認為這將幫助他們戒掉煙癮。

kick vt. 原作“踢(球)”解,如kick a football。此處作“戒除”解,kick their smoking = give up smoking(戒煙)。

Lesson 7

1.In Britain, 70% of smokers say that they would like to stop smoking, and of these smokers, 83% have tried more than once to give it up. 在英國,有70%的煙民說,他們愿意戒煙,而且在這些煙民中,有83%的人不止一次地試著戒過煙。

1)句中的would like不是like的過去將來時,而是作“愿意”、“希望”解,后面常跟不定式(即would like to do sth. ),表示“希望/愿意干某事”。例如:

I would like to hear your views. 我希望聽聽你的意見。

Mr Brown would like to speak about heart disease. 布朗先生愿意談談有關心臟病的問題。

They would like to know something about the danger of smoking. 他們想要了解吸煙的危害性。

2)stop doing sth. 是“停止干某事”的意思。例如:

Stop talking, please. It's time for class. 請不要講話,現在上課了。

The girl stopped crying as soon as her mother entered the room. 媽媽一進房,這女孩就不哭了。

注意stop doing sth. 和stop to do sth. 的區別:

stop doing sth. ----停止干某事

stop to do sth. ----停止一事,去干另一事


He stopped smoking. (=He didn't smoke any more. ) 他戒煙了。(他不吸煙了)

He stopped to smoke. (=He paused and began to smoke. ) 他停下來去吸煙。(他吸煙了)

3)短語動詞give up作“停止”、“放棄”解,在句中作及物動詞用,它的賓語可以是名詞、代詞或-ing形式。當其賓語是名詞或-ing形式時,賓語通常放在give up之后;當其賓語是代詞時,則只能放在give up之間,不能放在give up之后,如本句中的…to give it up. 不能說…to give up it。又如本句中的 to stop smoking 也可以說to give up smoking,兩者意思相同,都作“戒煙”解。例如:

Don't give up your plan for experiment. 不要放棄你的實驗計劃。

Your idea is good. Don't give it up. 你的想法很好,不要放棄它。

You'd better give up drinking. There's something wrong with your stomach. 你最好把酒戒了,你的胃有毛病。

He isn't in good health; he has given up playing football. 他身體不好,已經不再踢足球了。

2.The problem with tobacco is that it contains a drug called nicotine. 煙草的問題在于它里面含有一種叫尼古丁的麻醉劑。

1)句中的called nicotine是過去分詞短語,作定語,修飾名詞a drug。過去分詞短語作定語通常放在它所修飾的名詞的后面,而譯成漢語時,定語要放在名詞的前面。試比較:

illness caused by smoking 由于吸煙引起的疾病

nicotine contained in tobacco 煙草中含的尼古丁

characters drawn by Walt 沃爾特畫的人物

the studio built by himself 他自己建造的畫室


The trouble is that we do not know Mike's address. 麻煩的是我們都不知道邁克的住址。

The reply is that they do not accept our invitation. 答復是他們不接受我們的邀請。

The greatest danger is that smoking can cause lung cancer. 最危險的是吸煙能引起肺癌。

3.Nicotine is a drug that gets one into the habit of smoking. 尼古丁是一種能使人吸煙上癮的麻醉劑。

本句中的that-clause是定語從句,修飾先行詞a drug。

get into the habit of作“養成……習慣”解。也可以用get sb. into the habit of作“使某人養成……習慣”解。例如:

Who got you into the habit of drinking? 是誰讓你養成了喝酒的習慣的?

He has got into the habit of listening to news broadcast at 6:30 am. 他養成了早上六點半聽新聞廣播的習慣。

Don't get into the bad habit of smoking, children! 孩子們,不要養成抽煙的惡習。

4.When smokers who are used to nicotine go without it for an hour or two, they begin to feel bad. 那些對尼古丁上了癮的煙民,一兩個小時缺少尼古丁就會感到難受。

1)這是一個復合句。主句是they begin to feel bad, 時間狀語從句是When smokers … go without it for an hour or two, 其中又帶有定語從句 who are used to nicotine, 修飾先行詞smokers。

2)be used to作“習慣于”講,這里的to是介詞,后跟名詞或-ing形式。例如:

He is used to hard work. 他已習慣于辛勤勞動。(或:He is used to doing hard work. )

She isn't used to living in the country. 她不習慣在鄉下生活。(或:She isn't used to country life. )

注意used to和be used to的區別:

used to作“過去常常”解,表示“過去經常做某事”,暗含“現在已經不做此事了”的意思。這里的to是不定式符號,后跟動詞原形。be used to作“習慣于”解,其中to是介詞,be可以有不同的時態變化(過去時、現在時、將來時)。試比較:

He is used to hard work. 他(現在)習慣于辛勤勞動。

He used to work hard. 他過去工作很努力。(暗指現在工作不努力了。)

She isn't used to living in the country. 她不習慣在鄉下生活。

She used to live in the country. 她過去住在鄉下。(暗指現在不住在鄉下了。)

3)短語動詞go without作“不吃”(not take),“在沒有……的情況下勉強對付過去”(to live or continue in spite of lacking something)解。例如:

One can not go without food and water. 不吃不喝是不能生活的。

The main speaker was absent, but the conference was to go without him. 主要發言人沒有到,但大會將勉強開下去。

It's very hard for me to see them go without food and clothing. 看著他們缺吃少穿,我很難過。

If there's no sugar, you'll have to go without it. 要是沒有糖了,你就對付著吃吧。

5.The body is calling for a new supply of the drug nicotine. (=The body is in need of the drug nicotine. ) 他們的體內要求補充新的麻醉劑尼古丁。

短語動詞call for作“要求(有……)”、“需要”解(ask for/need sth. or sb. )。例如:

The men sat down and called for some beer. 這幾個男子坐下來,要了一些啤酒。

This trouble calls for quick action by the government. 這個困難需要政府迅速采取行動來解決。

The problem calls for very careful thought. 這個問題要求人們深思熟慮。

6.All they need is something to make them feel better at that moment. 他們所需要的是當時能使他們感到舒服的某個東西。

1)這是一個復合句。主句是All…is something to make them feel better at that moment. 其中插入了一個定語從句(that) they need,修飾先行詞all。關系代詞that因在從句中作賓語而被省略。

2)不定式短語to make them feel better at that moment在句中作定語,修飾something。其中的動詞make作“使”、“令”解,常跟不帶to的不定式復合結構(make sb. do sth. ),意為“使某人干某事”。例如:

The bad news made us feel sad. 這個壞消息使我們感到很憂傷。

Smoking makes the air smell bad. 抽煙使空氣難聞。

The doctor made the patients stop smoking. 醫生叫病人戒煙。

The boss made them work twelve hours a day. 老板要他們一天工作十二個小時。

注意,make sb. do sth. 結構在被動句中,不定式應帶to,即Sb. is made to do sth. 。例如:

They were made to twelve hours a day.

The patients were made to stop smoking.

7.One thing that will stop them feeling bad is the drug nicotine, which is contained in cigarettes. 使他們消除難受感覺的一種東西,就是香煙中所含的那種麻醉劑尼古丁。

1)這是一個復合句。主句是One thing… is the drug nicotine, 其中帶有一個定語從句that will stop them feeling bad, 修飾One thing; 句末的which is contained in cigarettes是一個非限制性定語從句,說明the drug nicotine。

2)句中stop是及物動詞,作“阻止”、“阻攔”(prevent)解,常用在stop sb. doing sth. 的結構中,意思是“阻止某人干某事”、“使某人不做某事”。例如:

We all tried to stop him smoking in bed. 我們都設法不讓他在床上吸煙。

Nothing could stop the children telling the truth. 什么也不能阻止孩子們說出事情的真相。

The policemen came and stopped them fighting in the street. 警察來了,不讓他們在街上打架。

stop sb. doing sth. 和stop sb. from doing sth. 意思相同。上述例句都可以在sb. 后加上介詞from。又如:

Don't stop me from doing what I want to. 不要阻攔我去干我所想干的事。

We should try to stop our children from playing with fire. 我們應該設法不讓孩子們玩火。

Lesson 8

本課Checkpoint 2中的語法項目(Grammar)是作賓語和表語的名詞性從句。這是本單元的語法重點。

在句子中起名詞作用的從句稱為名詞性從句。名詞在句中可以作主語、賓語、表語等。名詞性從句同樣可以作主語、賓語、表語等。這類從句可以分別稱為主語從句、賓語從句和表語從句。本單元重點復習賓語從句和表語從句。在Checkpoint 2中列出了下面兩個例句:

1)They know that the habit may kill them. 他們知道這個習慣可能使他們致死。

2)The problem with tobacco is that it contains a drug called nicotine. 問題是煙草里含有一種叫尼古丁的麻醉劑。



表語從句通常是跟在主句的連系動詞be之后,引導表語從句的除連詞that外,還有連接代詞what和連接副詞when, where, why, how, because等。例如:

His suggestion is that no one is allowed to smoke in the office. 他的建議是辦公室內不允許抽煙。

Her trouble is that she doesn't know how to improve her teaching work. 她的苦惱是她不知道怎樣來改進教學工作。

Nicotine! That's what the smokers need. 尼古丁!這就是煙民們所需要的東西。

Ten years' hard work! That's why I now look so old. 十年辛苦的勞動!這就是為什么我現在顯得如此蒼老的原因。

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