NSEFC 高二下學期英語詞匯雙解及用法

發布時間:2016-7-27 編輯:互聯網 手機版


Unit 11 Scientific achievements

Words and expressions

solar adj. 太陽的;利用太陽能的

solar energy 太陽能

giant adj. very big 巨大的

There are two giant pandas in the zoo. 在動物園里有兩只大熊貓。

n. a man of very great size and strength 巨人;巨物

The whale is the giant of the sea. 鯨是海洋中的龐然大物。

leap v. jump; jump over 跳;跳躍 (leaped, leapt; leaped, leapt)

Can you leap the wall? 你能跳過墻嗎?

n. the act of leaping; a jump or spring 跳躍

A frog gave a leap. 青蛙跳了一步。

mankind n. the human race 人類

It will bring peace to all mankind. 它會給全人類帶來和平。

constitution n.[c] the fundamental principles of a nation that determine the powers and duties of the government and guarantee certain rights to the people 憲法

The constitution was adopted. 憲法被通過。

eureka int. 我發現了!

man vt. get enough people for a job給…提供人員;配備人手;操縱

We need twelve people to man the ship. 我們需要十二人以配足此船的人手。

hi-tech Z X n. =high technology 高科技;高技術

support v. keep something or someone up; hold the weight of something支持;支撐

That small chair isn't strong enough to support that heavy man.


v. give food, clothes, and a home to someone 供養;養活

He has a wife and fifteen children to support. 他要養活妻子和十五個孩子。

n.[u] supporting someone or something; thing that gives support支持

We cheered to show support for our team. 我們歡呼以表示對我們隊的支持。

n.[u] 供養 means of maintenance

He's the only support that his poor old mother has. 他那可憐的老母親只靠他一個人瞻養。

daily adj. happening every day 每日的;日常的

There is a daily train service. 每日均通車。

adv. every day 每日;每天

I clean my teeth twice daily. 我每天刷兩次牙。

n. newspaper published every day or every week day每日或每周日出版的報紙,日報

Have you read today's China Daily? 你讀過今天的《中國日報》嗎?

achieve vt. do or finish something well after trying hard 實現;獲得

In order to achieve the four modernizations we must carry on our technical revolution.


likely adj. probably, expected to happen 很可能的;有希望發生的

It's likely that I shall go to Shanghai tomorrow. 很可能明天我要去上海。

economic adj. connected with the producing and distributing of wealth經濟的

Beijing is the political, economic and cultural centre of China.


zone n. an area of ground (especially in a town) 地區(特別指在城鎮);地帶

A war zone is a district where fighting is going on. 戰區就是進行戰爭的地方。

private adj. concerning one or a few people only -- not people in general; not public私人的;個人的

Your letters are your private property. 你的信件是你的私有物。

institute n. group of people who often meet for a special reason, to talk or do something together學會;學院;研究所

There is an exhibition held by the Institute of Modern Art. 現代藝術協會正舉辦一個展覽。

grasp vt. to take with or as with the hand(s); understand 抓住

Grasp my hand and I will pull you over the wall. 抓住我的手,我就把你拉過墻來。

vt. understand 掌握領會;理解

When you listen, you must try to grasp the main point. 你聽的時候一定要努力抓住要點。

master n. chief man head of the family主人

The Chinese people have become masters of their country.


vt. learn how to do something掌握;精通

We don't think it too difficult to master a foreign language. 我們認為學好一種外語不太難。

perfect adj. completely correct and good; with nothing wrong 完美的;極好的

She speaks perfect English. 她說得一口極好的英語。

arrange vt. make a plan 安排;籌劃

Can you arrange a visit to the exhibition? 你能安排一次參觀展覽會嗎?

vt. put things in a nice, neat way 整理;布置

set foot (in) 到達;進入;踏上

have an effect on 對……產生作用;對……有效果

Lenovo [liXnRuvRu] n. 聯想公司

Founder n. 方正公司

rely vi. depend on; trust upon依賴;信賴;指望

We rely on our own hands. 我們靠自己的雙手。

rely on vt.

failure n. the fact of failing. something which fails失敗

Failure is the mother of success. 失敗是成功之母。

come to life 蘇醒過來;(變得)活躍

silicon: n. 硅

valley n. low land, usually with a river, between hills or mountains山谷;峽谷;凹地

the valley of the Nile 尼羅河峽谷

base n. place to start from and go back to 基地;根據地

That pilot travels all over the world but London is his base.


n. the lowest part of anything 基礎;底部

The column stands on a narrow base. 柱子豎立在狹窄的地基上。

agency n. 機構;代理(處)

organ n. a part of a plant or animal which serves some special purpose 器官

The eyes, stomach, heart, and lungs are organs of the body.


forward adv. to the front向前;朝前方

History is moving forward(s). 歷史在前進。

put forward propose (a demand, a fact, a plan, a suggestion, etc.) 提出;建議

Who put forward this new theory? 這個新理論是誰提出的?

rejuvenate vt. 使<人>返老還童;使…恢復活力

He was rejuvenated by his trip. 旅行使他恢復了活力。

breakthrough n. 重大突破;突圍

This is a major breakthrough in computer technology. 這是電腦技術上的一大突破。

impressive adj. deeply impressing the mind and feelings給人深刻印象的

He has a very impressive manner. 他的態度予人以深刻的印象。

march vi. walk like a soldier 行軍;前進

The soldiers marched over the bridge. 士兵在橋上行進。

n.[c] long walk長途跋涉;行軍

The Red Army covered 25,000 li on their Long March. 紅軍在長征中行軍二萬五千里。

aim v. point a gun, etc. at something or someone 瞄準

Peter aimed the gun at the bird, but did not fire. 彼得用槍瞄準鳥,但沒有開槍。

aim (sth) at direct against 瞄/對準;針對

In saying this I am not aiming at you. 我說這話可不是針對你的。

announce vt. to make known publicly 宣布/告;發表

The news was announced by Radio Beijing. 這消息由北京(英語)廣播電臺發表了。

genome n. 基因組;染色體組

evolution n.[u] the way in which the development of living things from a few simple forms of life, or from a single form, has taken place 進化;發展

The teacher is explaining the theory of evolution to the students.


byte n. 字節;比特

humanoid adj. 有人的特點的

element n.[c] any of the more than 100 simplest materials that make up all substances(化學)元素

Gold, iron and tin are elements. 金,鐵和錫是化學元素。

n.[c] a necessary part要素;成分

Cells are the elements of living bodies. 細胞是有機體的組成部分。

battle n. a big fight between armies 戰役;戰斗

No one was killed in that battle. 那次戰斗中無一人陣亡。

n. trying very hard to do something that is not easy斗爭;奮斗

The doctors had a battle to save Jon's life. 為搶救喬恩的生命,醫生們進行了艱苦的工作。

strategy n. 戰略;策略

Unit 12 Fact and fantasy

Words and expressions

fiction n. 小說;虛構

Fact [Truth] is stranger than fiction. (諺) 事實奇于小說。

belief n. sure feeling that something is true 信念;信仰;相信

She has lost her belief in religion. 她已不信仰宗教了。

league n. a unit of distance equal to 3.0 statute miles (4.8 kilometers)

里格 [長度單位,相當于3.0法定英里(4.8公里)]

n. group of persons or nations together for common goal聯盟;社團

Are they League members? 他們是團員嗎?

balloon n. bag that becomes bigger when filled with air or with gas and can float in the sky 氣球

bulb n. 球狀物;球莖;燈泡

make a living 謀生

botany n.[u] 植物學

apply v. use; put into practice應用;運用

We should apply theory to practice. 我們應當把理論運用到實踐中去。

v. ask for 申請;請求

He applies to the consul for a visa. 他向領事申請簽證。

applied adj.應用的;實用的

applied science 應用科學

foundation n. the act of starting the building of something 基礎

Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy. 農業是國民經濟的基礎。

n. the action of founding, establishing; placing on a basis建立

the foundation of a new school 創辦一所新學校

servant n. someone who works in another person's house, cooking, cleaning, etc.


We should always be the servants of the people. 我們應該永遠做人民的勤務員。

whale n.[c] a large fish like animal which lives in the sea 鯨

The whale is the largest animal in the world. 鯨是世界上最大的動物。

hunter n. someone who chases wild animals for food or sport獵人;搜索者

set out begin a journey; start 啟程;出發;開始

We set out for the Western Hills at 10:30. 我們十點半出發去西山。

collision n. 碰撞[with, against]

His car had a collision with a truck. 他的車子與貨車相撞。

n. (利害、意見、目的等的)不一致;沖突

come into collision (with...) (與…) 沖突/抵觸/對立

companion n. someone who is with another person同伴;同伙

She seemed to be the companion of the young man. 她似乎是那青年的伴侶。

overboard adv. over the side of a ship or boat into the water向船外;從船上落(或拋)到水時

Don't throw that box overboard. 別把那只箱子拋入水中。

submarine n. ship that can travel under the sea 潛水艇

Some submarines carry many men and stay underwater for several weeks.


permanent adj. 永久的;固定的

permanent residence 永久住處

guest n. a visitor, someone whom you have invited客人;旅客

They are expecting a guest to dinner. 他們在等一位客人來吃飯。

voyage n. sea journey 航海;航行;航空

He made a voyage to Japan. 他航行至日本。

iron n.[u] strong hard metal 鐵

Strike while the iron is hot. (諺)趁熱打鐵。

aboard prep. On, in, or into a ship(aeroplane,train, etc.)在船(飛機、火車)上;上船(飛機、火車)

They went aboard the ship. 他們上了船。


It's time to go aboard. 上船(飛機等)的時間到了。

lamp n.[c] thing that gives light燈

He worked for a whole night with the lamp lighted. 他點著燈,整整工作了一夜。

dislike vt. not to like, to hate 不喜歡;討厭

I dislike being alone. 我不喜歡獨居。

n.[c] a feeling of not liking 不喜歡;討厭

I took a dislike to him. 我討厭他。

prisoner n. a man who is locked in a prison 囚犯;俘虜

gentle adj. kind and friendly 溫和的;溫柔的

Mothers are gentle with their babies. 母親對嬰兒總是溫柔體貼的。

adj. that moves softly; that feels soft輕柔的;柔和的

The gentle breezes rustled through the leaves. 微風穿過樹葉吹了過來。

Iceland n. 冰島

layer n. a thickness of some material which is laid on or spread over a surface層;地層

I have three layers of blankets on my bed in winter. 我冬天在床上鋪三層毯子

marble n.[u] hard stone for statues and special buildings大理石(制品)

The temple had a marble floor. 教堂有大理石地板。

shore n. ground next to the sea or a big lake 岸;濱

The ship stopped a little way off the shore. 船停在離岸不遠的地方。

luggage (總稱)行李 =(美)baggage

three pieces of luggage 三件行李

in public where other people are, openly 當眾;公開地

She is too shy to sing in public. 她很靦腆,不敢在眾人面前唱歌。

throw light upon/on 闡明,使……明白/清楚

The fact throws light on the problem. 事實說明了這個問題。

brilliant adj. very clever 非常聰明的;才華橫溢的

She is a brilliant student. 她是一個有才華的學生。

adj. very bright 光輝的;輝煌的;耀眼的

She is wearing a brilliant jewels. 她戴著耀眼的珠寶。

phenomenon n.[c] 現象;奇跡 (pl. phenomena )

A rainbow is a natural phenomenon. 彩虹是自然現象。

labour n.[u] hard work that you do with your hands 勞動;努力

It is necessary for us to take part in physical labour. 我們參加體力勞動是十分必要的。

hesitate v. to stop and consider before an action猶豫;躊躇

If you hesitate too much, you'll lose the game.


creation n.[u] making something 創造;建立

The creation of new playground will benefit the local children.


horror n.[u] great fear or dislike恐懼;恐怖

She ran away in horror from the snake. 她很恐怖地跑了,躲開那條蛇。

horrible adj. making one very afraid, very sad, of shocked 可怕的;恐怖的

Murder is a horrible crime. 謀殺是一種恐怖的罪行。

grave n. the place where a dead person is put in the ground 墓穴;墳墓

Is there life beyond the grave? 人還有來生嗎?

cut up cut small; cut into pieces 切碎;切成小塊

The cook is cutting up the meat. 廚子正在切肉。

butcher n. a man who sells meat賣肉者;屠夫

He is a butcher by trade. 他的職業是屠夫。

curtain n. piece of cloth that hangs in front of a window or a door 窗簾;門簾

Will you draw the curtain? 請你拉上窗簾好嗎?

n. a large piece of heavy cloth which separates the stage of a theatre from the audience(舞臺上)幕

The curtain dropped on the last scene. 幕在最后一場拉了下來。

lip n. one of the two soft front edges of the mouth 嘴唇;唇狀物

She had a cigarette between her lips. 她嘴里叼著一支香煙。

brainstorm n. a sudden clever plan or idea 突然的靈感;突然想到的妙計/好辦法 =brainwave(英)

vt. engage in or organize shared problem solving 獻計獻策

think of or produce (a solution to a problem, for example) by this method. 想出辦法

Unit 13 The water planet

Words and expressions

cube n.[c] solid shape with six square sides 塊;立方形

He bought a jin of cube sugar yesterday. 他昨天買了一斤方糖。

sailor n. someone who helps to control a boat or ship船員;水手;水兵

The sailors landed on Dalian. 海員在大連上岸。

mariner n.[c] <書>船員;水手 (=sailor)

benefit vt. help someone or something; make someone better, happier, etc.獲益;對…有利;使……受益

The fresh air will benefit you. 新鮮空氣對你有益。

benefit from be helped by something 受益于

You will benefit from experience. 你一定會從經驗中獲得益處。

n.[u] anything which is for the good of a person or thing; an advantage; profit 利益;裨益

He gave us the benefit of his advice. 他的勸告對我們很有好處。

transport v. carry people or goods from one place to another運送;運輸

They transported the bricks in a lorry. 他們用卡車運磚。

n.[u] carrying people or things from one place to another 運送;運輸

We hired a van for transport. 我們雇了一輛貨車運東西。

property n. the special and peculiar character of a thing 特性;性質

One property of steel is its hardness. 堅固是鋼的特性之一。

n. a thing owned, possessions所有物;財產

Those books are my property. 那些書是我的東西。

range vi. vary within specified limits(在一定范圍內)變動;變化

ages that ranged from two to five 兩歲至五歲年齡段

n. 范圍

beyond the range of human understanding 超越人類理解的范圍

plankton n. 浮游生物

all the way 一直;一路上

molecule n. the smallest possible portion of a substance that can exist in the free state分子

A molecule is a thousand times bigger than an atom of hydrogen.


unique adj. 唯一的

This is a unique example of this word before 1800.

這是此一單字在 1800 年前被用過的唯一例子。

adj. 獨特的;特有的

Every individual is unique. 每一個人都有他的特色。

hydrogen n. a gas without color, taste, or smell, that combines with oxygen to form water, symbol H 氫

Water, you know, is made up of hydrogen and oxygen. 你知道,水是由氫和氧構成的。

atom n. the smallest piece of a simple substance 原子

According to the theory of atoms all elements consist of atoms.


oxygen n.[u] gas in the air that we must breathe to go on living氧;氧氣

Oxygen is necessary for all forms of life. 氧氣是一切生命所不可缺少的。

relative adj. considered with other things; comparative相對的;比較而言的

All things are relative. 一切事物都是相對的。

solid n.[c] a solid thing 固體

Most solids are heavier than liquids. 大多數的固體比液體重。

adj. hard; not liquid or gas 固體的;堅硬的

Ice is solid water. 冰是固態的水。

freezing adj. 冰凍的;極冷的

freezing weather 嚴寒的天氣

n 冰點

below freezing 在冰點以下

salinity n. 含鹽量;鹽度

dissolve vt. reduce to liquid form by putting into a liquid; cause to melt溶解;使溶化

Sugar dissolves in water. 糖在水里會溶解。

pure adj. totally clean; not mixed with any other thing純凈的

This water is pure-you can drink it. 這水是潔凈的-你可以喝。

gramme n. 克(重量單位=gram)

density n. 密度;濃度

population density 人口密度

relationship n. 關系;聯系;親屬關系

The United States has good relationships with most countries in the world.


mass n. (物體的) 質量

the law of conservation of mass 質量守恒定律

n.[c] crowd; many things or people together塊;團;堆

There were masses of dark clouds in the sky. 天空布滿團團烏云。

n.[c] a large quantity or number together大量

There was/were a mass of children in the yard. 在庭院里有很多孩子。

I've masses of work to do. 我有大量工作要去做。

volume n.[u] amount of space that something fills; amount of space in something


Matter has volume. 物質有體積。

cubic adj. 立方的;立方形的

cubic content 容積;體積

kilogram n. (略作 kg.) a measure of weight(重量單位)公斤;千克

There are 1000 grams in a kilogram. 一公斤等于一千克。

float vt & i. to stay on the surface of a liquid (使)漂浮

They floated timber down the stream. 他們把木材順水漂下去。

Cork floats on water. 軟木漂浮在水上。

n. anything that floats on a liquid漂流物;浮物

float bridge 浮橋

take advantage of use someone or something to help oneself 利用

Peter took advantage of his visit to Paris to improve his French.


decrease vi. become smaller, fewer, etc. 減少;減小

They tried to decrease the costs. 他們設法降低成本。

capacity n.[u] number of things or people that can fit into a place容量;容納

The seating capacity of this hall is 300. 這個大廳能坐三百人。

n.[u] being able to understand or do something能力;才能

Gavin has the capacity to add numbers quickly in his head. 蓋文能很快地做心算加法。

substance n. sort of thing; material物質;東西

Stone is a hard substance. 石頭是硬的東西。

n. the chief ideas of a speech or book主旨;大意

The substance of what he said is that we have too little money.


centigrade adj. 攝氏的

Water boils at 100°Centigrade. 水在100攝氏度時煮沸。

absorb vt. to take or suck in, eg water, heat, light, etc. 吸收(水、熱、光等)

The heat is absorbed by the water. 熱量被水吸收了。

vt. take (learning; knowledge) into the mind 吸收(學問、知識)

He absorbed the point of view of his teacher. 他接受了老師的觀點。

vt. to take up all the attention of吸引注意力

His task absorbs him. 他的工作占了他全副精神。

give off emit, send out 發出;放出

The gas gave off an unpleasant smell. 這種氣體散發出一種不好聞的味道。

thus adv. for that/ this reason 因此;所以

Thus we see that plants need light. 因此,我們知道了植物需要陽光。

stable adj. firm; not likely to move 穩定的;安定的

He needs a stable job. 他需要固定的工作。

sensitive adj. feeling things quickly and deeply; that one can be easily hurt敏感的;容易生氣的

Don't shout at her----she's very sensitive. 別對著她大聲喊,她很敏感。

steady adj. not moving; firm 穩固的;平穩的

Hold the ladder steady while I stand on it. 我站在梯子上時,請你把它扶住。

motion n.[u] moving移動;運動

Their study group is in motion. 他們的學習小組正在活動。

dense adj. with many things or people close together 密集的;稠密的

There was a dense crowd at the match. 比賽場上有密集的人群。

trust n.[u] faith; believing that someone or something is good, strong, right, honest, etc. 信賴;信任

I put no trust in his words. 我不相信他的話。

call in ask to come or go in叫…進來;叫…進去

I waited for only two minutes before I was called in. 我只等了兩分鐘就被叫進去了。

invite: summon 邀請召來;召集

He called all the workers in for a conference. 他召集全體工人開會。

Let's call in a doctor for the baby. 讓我們請上醫生來瞧瞧這孩子吧。

nursery n. a place where children are looked after 托兒所;保育室

The child goes to a nursery while his mother is at work. 當媽媽工作的時候,孩子上托兒所。

estuary n.[c] 河口

the Thames estuary 泰晤士河河口

tide n. the rise and fall of the sea caused by the moon 潮

The tide is coming in. 潮在上升。

n. a time or season 時;季

Time and tide wait for no man. (prov.) Tide passes quickly,so do not delay taking action.


mammal n. any of the class of animals which feed their young with milk from the breast哺乳動物

Whale is not a fish; it is a mammal. 鯨不是魚類,它是一種哺乳動物。

reproduce vi. <動植物>生殖;繁殖

Most plants reproduce by seed. 大多數植物靠種子繁殖。

pollutant n. 污染物;污染源

erosion n.[u] 【地質】腐蝕;侵蝕

wind erosion 風蝕作用

recreation n. 娛樂;消遣

play golf for recreation 打高爾夫球娛樂

a variety of 種種;各種

gallon n. a measure of liquid 加侖(液體單位)

One gallon is eight pints, or 4.5 litres. 一加侖等于八品脫或四升半。

define vt. 給 <字詞、概念等> 下定義;解釋

define a word 給單詞下定義

vt. 限定 <界限、范圍等>

Boundaries between countries should be clearly defined. 國與國之間的邊界應該劃分清楚。

Unit 14 Freedom fighters

Words and expressions

freedom n.[u] the state of being free 自由

In 1863 Lincoln gave freedom to all American slaves.


civil adj. belong to the people of a place 公民的;市民的;民用的

He is a civil servant. 他是公務員。

adj. within the same country 國內的

the American Civil War 美國南北戰爭

the Nobel Prize 諾貝爾獎

murder vt. to kill a person against the law 謀殺;兇殺

Macbeth murdered the king with a knife. 麥克白斯用刀子殺死了國王。

n.[c] the act of murdering 謀殺,殺害

They investigated the murder. 他們調查了這件殺人事件。

youth n. [u]the time when you are young 青年;青年時期;少年時期

In my youth I played football. 我在年輕的時候踢足球。

n.[c] boy or young man 少年;青年;小伙子

As a youth he showed no promise of becoming a great pianist.


n. young men and women (總稱)青年們;青年男女

The youth of today are very lively. 現在的青年充滿生氣。

prison n. place where they lock up criminals 監獄;牢房

The judge sent the thief to prison for a year. 法官判決監禁小偷一年。

put …in prison 把……投進監獄

The police put the criminal in prison. 警察把犯人關進了監獄。

Negro n. (pl. Negroes) a member of the black skinned races 黑人

American Negroes 美國黑人

revolution n. total change in the way of doing things 革命;徹底變革

The revolution brought happiness to the people. 革命給人民帶來了幸福。

join hands join with another in a certain action etc.攜手;聯手;合伙

Let's join hands in the business. 讓我們在業務上通力合作。

slavery n. the system of having slaves 奴隸制度

But in the South, slavery went on. 但在南方,奴隸制度仍在繼續。

n. the state of being a slave 奴隸身份

They lived in slavery. 他們過奴隸生活。

runaway adj. 逃跑的;失控的

a runaway child 離家出走的小孩 a runaway horse 脫韁之馬

n.[c] 逃跑者

the Civil War (美國)內戰

moulder: vi. 腐朽;崩碎 vt. 使腐朽 =molder

soul n.[c] one's spirit; the part of one that does not die with one's body靈魂;心靈

His heart and soul were still in the classroom. 他的心仍然在課堂上。

chorus n. a group of singers who sing together 合唱(團)

n. a musical composition to be sung by all singers together 合唱曲

n. a group of singers and dancers 合唱歌舞隊

hallelujah, halleluiah [ZhBliXlUjR] interj.(感嘆詞)哈利路亞(used to express praise or joy


arrest vt. make someone a prisoner by law; catch someone who has done a bad thing逮捕;捉住

The policeman arrested the thief. 警察逮捕了那個小偷。

n. seizing 逮捕

The police made an arrest last night. 昨晚警察逮捕了一個人。

separation n. breaking or coming apart 分開;分離;隔離

His separation from his friends made him very sad. 他和朋友分別使他十分難受。

race n. group of people of the same sort with the same colour of skin. etc.人種;種族;民族

There are many races of people in the world. 世界上有許多種族。

marriage n. an act of marrying婚姻;結婚

Marriage is a serious business. 婚姻是件大事。

forbid v. not to allow, to say that someone must not do something禁止;不許

(forbade, forbad; forbidden, forbid)

Smoking is forbidden. Put out your cigarette. 禁止吸煙,把煙滅掉。

vote n. expression of opinion or will by persons for or against sb. or sth. esp. by ballot or by putting up hands 投票;選舉

The person who receives the most votes is elected. 得票最多的人當選。

v. make a choice or decision at a meeting or election投票選舉;表決

Lots of them had no right to vote. 那時許多人沒有選舉權。

political adj. of government 政治(上)的

A political party is a group of people who have the same ideas about the government of their country.


set an example to sb 為某人作出榜樣

He has set us a good example. 他為我們樹立了好榜樣。

demand vt. to ask very strongly for something要求

The policeman demanded that the gate should be shut. 警察命令把大門關上。

He demanded to see the editors. 他要求見編輯。

vt. need something 需要

This work demands care and patience. 這工作需要細心和耐心。

vt. ask 問

n. the act of demanding, wanting something要求;需求

Our supply can fully meet the demand. 我們的供應可以充分滿足要求。

Alabama n. (美國)阿拉巴馬州

boycott vt./n. 抵制;聯合抵制

lawyer n. someone whose job is to help people with the law or talk for them in court律師

He studies law in his spare time and became a lawyer. 他業余時間研究法律,成了律師。

demonstration n. group of people walking or standing together in public to show that they feel strongly about something 游行;示威

On Wednesday morning they had a mass demonstration


n. a clear proof 證明

The teacher gave us a demonstration that the earth is round.


racial adj.種族(間)的;由種族引起的

racial discrimination/segregation/prejudice 種族歧視/隔離/偏見

discrimination n.[u]歧視

racial [sexual] discrimination 種族[性別]歧視

n.[u] 區別; 識別

Vietnam n. 越南

act n. law that parliament has made法令;條例

The Company Act was passed. 公司條例被通過了。

bill n.[c] plan for a new law議案;法案

The bill has been carried. 議案已被通過。

From then on 從/自那以后

From then on Bashi toured three-fourths of Beijing. 自那以后,八喜逛了大半個北京城。

politics n. (sing in use) the management of political affairs, the science and art of government 政治;政治學

We study politics, Chinese, English, maths, geography and other lessons.


n. political principles or opinions政見

What are your politics? 你的政見是什么?

religion n. a belief in or worship of God or gods宗教;宗教信仰

He doesn't believe in religion. 他不信教。

start with begin with; have as a beginning or at the beginning; take the form of at the beginning以…開始;從…著手

A thousand li journey starts with the first step. 千里之行,始于足下。

in the first place; first and fore most; at the beginning, initially首先;第一

To start with, we have the correct leadership of the Party. 首先,我們有黨的正確領導。

independence n. the state of being independent獨立;自主

When did India get her independence from Britain? 印度什么時候脫離英國獲得獨立的?

unconditional adj. 無條件的;絕對的

unconditional surrender 無條件投降

abolish v. 廢除;取消

prejudice n. 偏見;歧視;成見

have a prejudice against [in favor of]... 對…有偏見 [偏愛]

regardless adv. In spite of everything; anyway無論如何;不管;不顧

I must make the decision regardless. 不管怎樣我得做決定。

regardless of 不管…的;不顧…的

He says what he thinks, regardless of other people's feelings.


chapter n. part of a book(書的)章;回;篇

A chapter is a main division of a book. 章是一本書的一個大的劃分單位。

ridiculous adj. 荒謬的;荒唐的;可笑的

It is ridiculous for you to fool about that way. 你那樣地混日子實在荒唐。

at first sight 乍一看;初見之下

viewpoint n.[c] 觀點;看法

I look at this problem from a different viewpoint. 我從不同的觀點來看這個問題。

Unit 15 Destinations

Words and expressions

complaint n. the act of complaining 抱怨;投訴

He didn't like the meal so he made a complaint to the manager of the restaurant.


Iraq n. 伊拉克(西亞國家)

Greenland n. 格陵蘭(島)

upset adj. worried心煩的;苦惱的;擔心的

Mother will be upset if we don't let her know where we are.


airline e n. business with aeroplanes that carry people or goods航線;航空公司

When I fly to New York I always use the same airline.


fly n. an insect with two wings蒼蠅

Flies buzz. 蒼蠅嗡嗡叫。

look into study something carefully調查;研究;觀察

He has promised to look into the matter. 他已經答應對這個問題進行調查。

every now and then 不時地

itch n. an uneasy longing or desire for anything 渴望

He has an itch for writing a book. 他渴望著著書立說。

vi. have a feeling on the skin that makes you want to scratch 發癢

She itched all over. 她渾身發癢。

wanderlust n.[u] 流浪癖;旅行癖;旅行熱

have wanderlust 有流浪癖

stretch vt. hold out; put out; extend伸展;伸張;展開

He stretched out his arm and took down a book. 他伸出胳膊,取下一本書。

vi. have elastic properties; extend; lie spread out伸展;延伸;延續;連綿

The fields stretched as far as the eye could see. 田野一望無際。

lifestyle X n. 生活方式

downtown adj. 商業地區的;鬧區的;市中心的

downtown New York 紐約的商業區

n.[c] 商業區;鬧區

princess n. daughter of a king or queen; wife of a prince公主;王妃

get/be tired of become sick of 對…厭煩;對…失去興趣

I'm tired of hearing it. 這我都聽煩了。

cool off become or make cool 變涼;涼卻

He had a shower to cool himself off. 他洗了個淋浴,涼快一下。

become or make less excited or interested冷靜下來;使興趣減低

Mary has cooled off about him. 瑪麗對他已經冷淡下來了。

avenue n.[c]大街;林蔭大道

an avenue of poplars 白楊樹的林蔭大道

Carnival n. festival; time when many people come together in streets for dancing, singing, etc. 狂歡節;狂歡

Austria n. 奧地利(歐洲國家)

paradise n.[u] heaven 天堂

n.[u] place where you are totally happy 樂園;極樂世界

a paradise for tourists 旅游者的樂園

skier n. person who skis 滑雪者

altitude n. 緯度;高度;海拔

guarantee vt. 保證;確保

This watch is guaranteed for five years. 這只手表保用五年。

This insurance guarantees you against/from loss in case of fire.


I wouldn't guarantee its success. 我不敢保證它會成功。

resort n.[c] place that many people visit for holidays度假的地方;旅游勝地;常去之地

Da Lian is a seaside resort. 大連是海濱休假勝地。

downhill adv. to a lower place 向下;傾斜

A bicycle can go fast downhill. 自行車下坡時可以跑得很快。

adj. having or following a downward slope; descending下山的;下來的

It is all downhill work. 這都是順坡而下的(或省力的)工作。

gather v. meet; come together in a group 聚集;集合

A lot of people gathered in the street. 很多人聚集在街上。

v. bring people or things together采集;收集

The children are gathering flowers in the wood. 孩子們在樹林里采集花朵。

feast n.[c] a splendid meal prepared for some special occasion, a banquet盛宴;宴會

He made a speech at the wedding feast. 他在結婚宴會上演說。

n.[c] something that gives pleasure or joy 賞心樂事

The scene was a feast for the eyes. 令人賞心悅目的情景。

dip vt. put something into liquid. for a short time and then take it out again浸;蘸;泡

He dipped his pen into the ink. 他拿鋼筆蘸墨水。

gym n. 體育館;健身房

analyze vt. 分析

In the laboratory we are required to analyze specimens. 我們必須在實驗室分析標本。

chat n.[c] friendly talk (usu. about unimportant thing) 閑談;聊天

Let's have a chat. 咱們聊聊吧。

v. talk in a friendly way 閑談;聊天

They chatted with each other. 他們在一起聊天。

budget n. 預算;預算案/額;經費,

rate n. the amount of one thing measured in relation to another 比率;率

What's the rate between dollars and pounds today? 今天美元和英鎊間的兌換率是多少?

n. speed速度

The train was going at the rate of 95 kilometres an hour.火車正以每小時95公里的速度前進。

n. a price價格

be sold at a high (low) rate 以高(低)價出售

vi. be classed in a certain rate or grade 被評價;被認為

My daughter rated very high in her class. 我的女兒在班里評價很高。

visa n.[c] 簽證

an entry [exit] visa 入境 [出境] 簽證

apply for a visa for the United States 申請到美國的簽證

arrangement n. something arranged安排

Have you made arrangements to sell your house? 你賣房子的事做好安排了嗎?

n. the act of arranging整理;布置

The arrangement of a large library takes a long time. 布置一家大圖書館非常費時間。

n. plans; preparations 計劃;準備

I have made arrangements for my journey to England. 我已準備好了到英格蘭去旅行。

passport n. important little book with your name, photograph, etc. that shows which country you come from 護照

carry a passport 持有護照

cheque n. special piece of paper that you write on, telling a bank to pay money to someone for you 支票 (=[美]check)

I haven't enough cash--will you take a cheque? 我的現金不夠,開張支票給你行嗎?

photocopy n. 復印(件) vt. 復印

current n. 貨幣;通貨

Rio de Janeiro n. 里約熱內盧(巴西港市)

cariocas s n. 里約熱內盧人

Alps n. 阿爾卑斯山脈(歐洲)

Copacabana [ZkRupRkRXbA:nR] n. 科帕卡巴納(巴西著名海灘)

Kitzbuhel [Xkitsbjul] n. 基茨比厄爾(奧地利城市)

Unit 16 The United States of America

Words and expressions

Manhattan n. 曼哈頓島((美國紐約市 (New York City) 內之一島));

曼哈頓區((以該島為中心之紐約市一行政區 (borough) , 為該市主要商業地區))

Atlanta n. 亞特蘭大(美國城市)

Mississippi n. 密西西比河;密西西比州

Ellis [Xelis] Island n. 艾利斯島

entry n. 進入;入場

The army made a triumphant entry into the city. 軍隊凱旋入城。

n. (字典等所收的)字;詞條 (又作entry word)

This dictionary has sixty thousand entries. 這本字典有六萬字。

mental adj. of the mind腦力的;思想上的;精神上的

mental labour 腦力勞動 mental illness 精神病

physical adj. of things that you can see, touch, etc. 物質的

Science is the study of physical things. 自然科學是研究物質的科學。

adj. of the body 身體的

Regular exercise keeps him in good physical condition. 經常鍛煉使他身體強壯。

adj. belonging to the science of physics 物理學的

This change of state is a physical change and not a chemical one.


depression n.[u] time when business is depressed 蕭條;不景氣

Many men lost their jobs during the business depression. 在商業蕭條時期很多人都失業了。 n.[u] being depressed; low spirits 沮喪

She is in a state of deep depression. 她處于深深的沮喪狀態之中。

suffering n. pain; hardship; sorrow 痛苦;苦難

The doctor quickly relieved the girl's suffering. 醫生很快地解除了那個女孩的痛苦。

greedy adj. wanting too much 貪婪的;饞

He is greedy of /for money. 他很貪錢。

greed n.[u] 貪心; 貪婪[for]

greed for money 貪財

trader n. someone whose job is buying and selling goods商人;商船

He went to Africa as a trader. 他去非洲當商人了。(他到非洲去經商)。

unemployment n. the state of having no work失業(狀況);失業人數

Unemployment is a serious problem in Europe. 在歐洲失業是一個嚴重的問題。

unrest n.[u] (尤指社會上的) 不安;動蕩 (狀態)

social unrest 社會的不安

n.[u] (內心的) 不安;擔心

postwar adj. after the war 戰后的

During the postwar years, honours were heaped upon Einstein.


sacrifice n. give up 犧牲

Parents often make sacrifices for their children. 父母常為子女而犧牲自己。

vt. give up something important so that you can help someone 作出犧牲;獻出

He sacrificed his life to save the child. 他為救小孩而獻出自己的生命。

vt. kill an animal, etc. as a present to a god 犧牲;獻祭

They sacrificed sheep to their gods. 他們以羊祭祀他們的神。

Georgia n. 佐治亞州

reconstruction n. 重建;改造

mayor n. head of a city or town 市長;鎮長

He is the mayor of Beijing. 他是北京市市長。

former adj. of an earlier time; that came before 以前的

He is my former classmate. 他是我從前的同班同學。

pron the first mentioned of two 前者

Of the two books, I prefer the former. 這兩本書中我喜歡前一本。 (opp.latter)

economical adj. using money, goods, etc. well and carefully節約的;經濟的

He is economical of his time. 他節省時間。

segregation n. 隔離;(種族)隔離

injustice n. being unfair, not right 不公平;非正義

Don't do me an injustice. 不要對我不公平。

funeral n. burying or burning a dead person 喪葬;葬禮

The funeral will be held on Monday. 葬禮定于星期一舉行。

vain adj. unsuccessful; useless 徒勞的;徒然的

All our efforts were vain. 我們的一切努力都歸枉然。

in vain to no purpose; without success; uselessly徒勞;白辛苦

All his attempts were in vain. 他的一切嘗試徒勞無效。

eventually adv. in the end; after some time最后;終于

Eventually he won the match. 他終于贏得了這場比賽。

dawn n. the start of day, when the sun rises 黎明;拂曉;開端

He works from dawn till dark. 他從早到晚工作。

take a chance try; venture upon; run 碰運氣;冒險

Let's take a chance. There may still be some tickets left. 我們碰碰運氣看,或許還有剩票。

financial adj. of or about money 金融的;財政的

London is one of the important financial centres of the world.


overcome vt. beat someone because you are too strong for him 戰勝;壓倒

(overcame; overcome)

The fire was completely overcome by daybreak. 到天亮時,火勢完全控制住了。

vt. find an answer to a difficult thing in your life 克服;解決

They had to overcome all the difficulties in their studies.


leave alone 不理會;不打擾

insist v. say something again and again, very strongly, although people do not believe you 堅持;堅決主張

They insisted that he (should) be present at the ceremony. 他們堅持要他出席這次儀式。

insist on/upon 堅持(做)

She insisted on doing the experiment in the laboratory although she got the flu.


Guinness 吉尼斯世界紀錄

as a result 結果;終于;因此

He studied hard last term and, as a result, he passed the examination.


put out publish; issue 出版;公布

This magazine is put out every Friday. 這份雜志每星期五出版。

produce; generate 生產;產生

They put out some motors of high standards. 他們生產了幾臺高級發動機。

on sale 出售;減價;

bison n. 北美野牛(單復同形)

plain n. a piece of flat country 平原

Some people lived in the mountains, but most lived on the plains.


adj. easy to hear, see, or understand; clear 簡單的;清楚的;易懂的

The essays are plain in language. 這些論文言簡意賅。

onwards adv. to the front; forward 向前;朝前 = onward

he drove onwards. 他驅車向前。

resist vt. be against someone; try to stop someone who is attacking you反抗;抵抗;對抗

Chocolates make me fat but I can't resist them. 巧克力使我發胖,但是我克制不了,還是吃。

vi. offer resistance; refuse to obey or agree抵抗

The enemy resisted stoutly. 敵人頑強地抵抗。

chief n.[C] leader or ruler; head of a group of people首領;上司

a party chief 政黨首領 an editor in chief 總編輯

adj. most important 主要的;首要的;最重要的

That's the chief thing to remember. 這是首先要記住的事。

afterwards adv. later; after a happening后來;隨后 =afterward

I did not remember the correct answer until afterwards. 到后來我才想起正確答案。

We will eat first and go out afterwards. 我們先吃飯,然后再出去。

widespread adj. found in many places分布廣的;普遍的

The English language is very widespread. 英語流行很廣。

rot vi. decay; go bad; spoil 腐爛

Some of rubbish rot away over a long time. 有些垃圾時間久了就爛掉了。

vt. cause to rot 使腐爛

The continual rain will rot the rice. 連綿不斷的雨會使稻谷腐爛。

wildlife n. 野生動植物

prairie n.大草原;牧場

in turn as a result of sth in a series of events 轉而;反過來

Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice.


first one and then the other, then the first again, etc; alternately交替地;輪流地

Sam and I rode the bike in turn. 我和薩姆輪著騎自行車。

one after the other一個接一個;依次

The teacher helped all the children in turn. 老師一個接一個地輔導那些學生。

supply v. give or sell something that someone needs 供應;供給;提供

The electricity company supplies electricity to houses. 電力公司向各家供應電力。

We supplied them with money and clothes. 我們供應他們錢和衣服。

n.[c] the act of supplying or the amount of something supplied供應(量);供給(量)

We have a great supply of meat. 我們有大量的肉類供應。

pl. something that is or can be supplied 供應品;生活用品

Our supplies for this month are in the cupboard. 我們這個月的生活用品在櫥子里。

chain n. row of metal rings joined together 鏈;鏈條

They were brought to the police station in chains. 他們被戴上手銬,送往警察局。

a series of closely linked or connected things 一系列;一連串

a chain of coincidences 一連串的巧合

a group of shops owned by the same company 連鎖商店

a supermarket chain 連鎖超市

willing adj. ready; consenting愿意的,心甘情愿的

I am willing to help you. 我愿意幫助你。

Mongolian n. 蒙古(族)人;蒙古語

Jew n. a member of the Hebrew people or religion 猶太人

Einstein was a Jew. 愛因斯坦是位猶太人。

Unit 17 Disabilities

Words and expressions

disability n.[u] lack of ability; being disabled 無能;傷殘;殘疾

His disability prevents him from holding a job 他的無能使他不能勝任工作。

ability n.[u] power to do something; cleverness 能力;本領

I do not doubt your ability to do the work. 我不懷疑你有擔任這項工作的能力。

n.[u] (pl. abilities) what one can do 才能;技能

He is a man of many abilities. 他是一個有多方面才能的人。

obstacle n.[c] sth.in the way that stops progress or makes it difficult障礙;妨礙物

We had to overcome all kinds of obstacles and difficulties. 我們不得不克服種種障礙和困難。

sidewalk n. a paved walkway along the side of a street(美)人行道(=[英]pavement)

a sidewalk fruit stand; 街旁的一水果攤

elevator n. lift(美)電梯;升降機

escalator n.[c] 自動梯;電動扶梯

take an escalator 乘自動梯

waist n. the middle of the body 腰;腰部

The water is up to my waist. 水深及我腰部。

get around/about go or travel from place to place; go about四處走動;活動

The old man doesn't get about much these days. 老人近來不怎么走動了。

fair n. special market 商品博覽會;商品交易會

We saw new kinds of farm machines at the agricultural fair.


n. a market, esp. one held at a particular place at regular periods for selling farm produce 集市;定期市場

They are going to the fair. 他們正在到集市上去。

adj. honest, treating people in the right way公正的;公平的

Did you receive fair treatment? 你受到公正的待遇嗎?

potential the inherent ability or capacity for growth, development, or coming into being 潛力;潛能

war potential 戰力

capable of being but not yet in existence; latent可能的;潛在的;有潛力的

Every seed is a potential plant. 每粒種子都可能長成植物。

guidance n.[u] 引導;指引

under a person's guidance 在某人的引導下

gifted adj. 有天賦/資的;有才華的

a gifted pianist 有天才的鋼琴家 a gifted child 天才兒童;智能高的兒童

assist v. help someone 幫助;援助

He assists me with money. 他援助我以金錢。

cooperate vi. to work together 合作;協作

I can't do it alone. Let's cooperate. 我一個人做不了,咱們合作吧。

recognition n. the act of recognizing承認;公認;接受

Einstein gained international recognition in his theory of relativity.


sympathy n. the sharing of another person's sorrow; the kind feeling that one person has for another 同情;同情心

We all had sympathy for him. 我們大家都同情他。

encouragement n. an act of encouraging鼓勵;激勵

He owed his success to his wife's encouragement 他把他的成功歸功于他妻子的鼓勵。

productive adj. producing abundantly; fertile 多產的

a very productive writer 多產作家

producing or capable of producing 能生產的;生產的

a productive effort 生產力

Huhhot [XhChCt] n. 呼和浩特

visual adj. of or relating to the sense of sight 視力的;視覺的

the visual arts 視覺藝術 the visual organs 視覺器官

motivate vt. to provide with an incentive; move to action 使有動機

Her suicide was motivated by desperation. 她自殺的誘因是自暴自棄。

vt. impel 激發;引起

What motivated you to do such a thing? 引起你做這樣的事的動機是什么 ?

adjust to change so as to match or fit; cause to correspond調節;調整

adjust my watch 校準我的表

vt. to adapt or conform, as to new conditions (使)適應

You must adjust yourself to new conditions. 你必須使自己適應新的環境。

get used to 習慣于……

candy n.[u/c] (=(英) sweets)pieces of sugar in different shapes(美)糖果

There are two pieces of candy on the plate. 盤里有兩顆糖。

niece n. daughter of your brother or sister 侄女;外甥女

ceremony n.[c] special programme at an important happening典禮;儀式

The school leaving ceremony is at 3:00. 畢業典禮于三點舉行。

victory n. winning a game, fight, war, etc. 勝利;戰勝

We are marching from victory to victory. 我們從勝利走向勝利。

dignity n.[u] calm and serious manner or style尊嚴;威嚴

If you're afraid of losing your dignity, you can't expect to learn to speak a foreign language.


shameful adj. very bad可恥的;丟臉的

What a shameful conduct! 多么可恥的行為!

participate v. work or play with other people in a particular happening參加;參與

How many people participated in the opening ceremony? 多少人參加了開幕典禮?

participant n. one that participates, shares, or takes part in something. 參加者;參與者

an active participant in social work 積極參加社會活動的人

self-confidence Z n. 自信

Olympian n.[c] a contestant in the Olympic games. 奧林匹克運動會選手

adj. of or relating to the region of Olympia in Greece or its inhabitants 奧林匹亞的

facility (pl) something that facilitates an action or process設施;設備

There are facilities for cooking in the kitchen. 廚房里有烹飪設備。

conduct vt. lead or guide 引導;帶領

When our parents came to visit our school, Mary conducted them into the classrooms.


vt. manage; direct; carry on 經營;管理;指揮

Who conducts this orchestra? 誰指揮這個樂隊?

n.[u] 行為;操作

Many pupils in this class got prizes for good conduct.


survey n. 調查

According to a recent survey, in Shanghai alone there are more than 2.5 million migrant workers. 根據最近的一項調查,單上海就有250多萬外來民工。

s vt. to make a survey 調查;勘察

We had the house surveyed before buying it. 在買那棟房子以前我們請人勘察過。

accessible easily approached or entered 易接近的;易進入的

An open minded person is accessible to reasons. 虛心的人易于服理。

Unit 18 Inventions

Words and expressions

edible adj. fit to be eaten (因無毒性等) 可以吃的;適于食用的

Are these berries edible, or are they poisonous? 這些草莓可以吃,還是有毒?

n. something fit to be eaten; food(名詞)


edibles such as vegetables and meat. 如蔬菜和肉類等食物

flavour n. 味道;風味

What flavor(s) of ice cream do you like? 你喜歡哪一種味道的冰淇淋?

laptop n. a microcomputer small enough to use on one's lap 筆記本電腦;便攜式電腦

vest n. piece of clothing that you wear next to the skin on the upper part of your body背心;汗衫;內衣

This is a blue vest. 這是一件藍色的背心。

heel n. 腳后跟;鞋跟

inflatable adj. that you can inflate可充氣的;可膨脹的

That is an inflatable rubber boat. 那是條可充氣的橡皮船。

patent n.[c] 專利 (權) ;專利證書

apply [ask] for a ~ 申請專利

take out a patent for [on] an invention 取得一項發明的專利

officer n.[c] a person who works in a government公務員;(政府)官員

an administrative officer 行政官員

n.[c] an important person in an organization like the army or police 軍官;警官

His father is a police officer. 他父親是警官。

petrol n.[u] sort of oil that makes car engines go. (英)汽油 (=<美>gasoline)

You must put some petrol in the car to make it go. 你必須給汽車加油才能開動它。

creative having the ability or power to create有創造力的;創造(性)的

Human beings are creative animals. 人類是有創造力的動物

background n. things at the back in the picture背景

This is a photo of my house with the mountains in the background.


n. the part which shows off the chief thing or person (一個人或物的)背景;經歷

Tell me your background. 告訴我你的經歷和情況。

rephrase to phrase again, especially to state in a new, clearer, or different way


allow for take into consideration考慮到

We must allow for the train being late. 我們應當考慮到火車可能晚點。

reject vt. say "no" to; not take something拒絕;排斥

She rejected my offer of help. 我主動提出給予幫助,她拒絕了。

vt. throw away; cast aside as useless丟棄;拋棄

He rejected the rotten eggs. 他扔掉了壞雞蛋。

get stuck 遇到困難;陷進去

The bus was stuck in the mud. 公共汽車陷在泥里動不了了。

partial adj. of, relating to, being, or affecting only a part; not total; incomplete 部分的

The police have only a partial description of the suspect.


favoring one person or side over another or others; biased or prejudiced偏袒的

a decision that was partial to the plaintiff. 一項偏袒原告的決定

break away from 擺脫;逃脫;脫離

Modern music like jazz has broken away from the old traditional rules.


possibility n. something which is possible 可能(性);可能的事情

Is there any possibility of your getting to London this week? 本周你有可能到倫敦去嗎?

perception n. the process, act, or faculty of perceiving; the effect or product of perceiving 感知;知覺

otherwise conj. if not, or 要不然;否則

You must go early, otherwise you will miss the bus.

你必須早點走,否則就趕不上公共汽車了。adv. differently別樣;不同地

I could not do otherwise. 我只能這樣做。

adv. apart from that, if you forget that 除此以外;別的方面

The house is small, but otherwise it is comfortable. 房子小是小,但是很舒適。

visible adj. that you can see 看得見的

Stars are only visible when the sky is dark. 只有在天空不亮時才看得見星星。

connection n.[u] something which connects two or more things 聯系

There's no connection between these two things. 這兩件事沒有任何聯系。

previous adj. of an earlier time; that came before先前的;早先的

I had already visited Italy on a previous holiday. 在早先一次休假中,我們訪問過意大利。

aware adj. having knowledge or cognizance 知道的;意識到的;覺察到的

How can you make a fool aware that he is a fool?


be aware of知道;注意到,覺察到

He was [became] aware of the danger. 他知道 [注意到] 危險。

trial n. test; using something to see if it works well檢查;試驗;試用

He gave the bicycle a trial before he bought it. 這輛自行車他買之前試騎過。

n. trial in court of law 審問;審判

He was on trial for theft. 他因偷盜而受審。

trial and error (u) 反復試驗;不斷摸索

learn by trial and error 在不斷摸索中學習

Mozart n. 莫扎特(奧地利作曲家)

relativity n. the state or quality of being relative 相對性;相關性;相對論

Theory of Relativity 相對論

rider n.[c] (馬、自行車、摩托車等的) 騎手;騎士

He's a good [poor] rider. 他騎術高明 [低劣] 。

desktop [XdesktCp] n. the top of a desk. 桌面;臺式電腦

adj. designed for use on a desk or table 桌上用的

small enough to fit conveniently in an individual workspace 臺式的

a desktop computer. 臺式計算機

palmtop [XpA:mtCp] n 掌上電腦

dusty adj. covered with dust 滿足塵土的

a dusty desk 滿足灰塵的書桌

Mona Lisa n. [the ~] 蒙娜麗莎(達芬奇作品)

pilot n. someone who flies an aeroplane 飛行員

He is a jet pilot. 他是一位噴氣飛機駕駛員。

Charles Chaplin [XtSA:lz XtSBplin] 查爾斯卓別林

Isaac Newton n. 艾薩可牛頓(英國科學家)

Abraham Lincoln [XeibrRhBm XliNkRn] 亞伯拉罕 林肯(美國第16 任總統)

Eve 夏娃

metaphor n. a figure of speech in which a word or phrase that ordinarily designates one thing is used to designate another, thus making an implicit comparison 隱喻; 暗喻; 象征

Thus, She's an angel and He's a lion in battle are metaphors.

因此她是天使, 他是雄獅都是比喻說法。

paste v. stick something on to another thing with paste 貼;粘

We pasted the paper on to the wall. 我們把那張紙貼在墻上。

n.[u] stuff that sticks things together 漿糊

We used paste to attach our designs to the poster.


storage n. keeping things in a safe place 儲存;保管;貯藏

The best place for storage of money is a bank. 銀行是存錢最好的地方。

glue n. a sticky substance used for joining things 膠;膠水

He stuck some bits of wood together with glue. 他用膠水把碎片粘在一起。

after all in spite of everything to the contrary; nevertheless畢竟;終究;雖然這樣

We chose to take a plane after all. 我們仍然選擇乘飛機

everything else having been considered; ultimately 終究;最終

So you see I was right after all! 你看,畢竟還是我對吧!

electronics n. the science and technology of electronic phenomena電子學

typewriter n. a writing machine that produces characters 打字機

ENIAC [`i: niBk] n. [c] =Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator[Computer]

電子數字積分計算機 (第一臺通用計算機的名稱, 1946年美國制造)

keep track of have information about what is happening or where sth/sb is了解……的動態;


It is difficult to keep track of all the new ideas and developments in education.


Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice

Words and expressions

merchant n. person who buys and sells things商人

He is a coal merchant. 他是個煤商。

Venice 威尼斯市(意大利港市)

uneasy adj. worried, feeling that something is wrong擔心的;不安的;不自在的

He feels uneasy about the result of the examination. 他擔心自己的考試成績。

crown n. a circle worn on the head by a king or queen王冠;皇冠

The crown was placed on the king's head. 王冠戴到了皇帝的頭上。

deny vt. say that something is not true; say that one knows nothing about 否認

He denies being the thief. 他否認是賊。

He denied the signature, said that it was not his. 他否認這簽字是他簽的。

vt. say 'no' to a request; refuse to give (sth. asked for or needed) 拒絕(給予)

He denied the students a chance to speak. 他拒絕給學生機會發言。

pay back give back the money that someone has lent you 還錢;還債

I'll pay back the money you lent me next week. 下星期我把你借給我的錢還給你。

duke n. nobleman 公爵

The Duke of Edinburgh is the Queen's husband. 愛丁堡公爵是女王的丈夫。

master piece n. 杰作;佳作

mercy n.[u] kindness, not punishing someone when you have the right or power to punish him 憐憫;仁慈;寬恕

They showed little mercy on their enemies. 他們對敵人不留情。

have (=show) mercy on 對…表示同情/憐憫

revenge n. the act of taking vengeance for injuries or wrongs 報復;報仇

I broke Mary's pen by accident, and in revenge she tore up my school work.


to inflict punishment in return for (injury or insult) 復仇;報復

I'll revenge that insult. 我要報復那侮辱。

enemy n.[c] a person who hates or dislikes another person敵人;仇人

Frost is an enemy of plants. 霜是植物的大敵。

go about begin work; be occupied or busy with著手;忙于

They are going about the work in high spirits. 他們干得很歡。

as far as I know 就/據我所知

reasonable adj. willing to listen to what someone says; willing to think carefully about something講道理的;理智的;有理性的

His conclusion certainly sounded reasonable. 他的結論聽起來確實有一定的道理。

adj. fair; right公道的;合理的

The price seems reasonable. 價錢看來是公道的。

weakness n. the condition or quality of being weak; a personal defect or failing


Everyone has his own little weaknesses. 每一個人都有小缺點。

judgement n. judging or being judged審判;判決

The judgment was aga

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