
發布時間:2016-4-5 編輯:互聯網 手機版






信頭(Heading), 日期(Date), 收信人姓名及地址(Inside Name and Address), 稱呼(Salutation), 信文(Body of the letter), 結束語(Complimentary close), 署名(Signature), 附言(P. S.)


信頭是指發信人的單位名稱或地址。一般情況下發信人只需把自己的地址寫(打字,手寫均可)在信的右上角,離開信紙的頂頭約1英寸,占二三行或四行均可,格式如下:①齊頭式 ②縮進式


(2)日期(Date): 寫日期注意下列各點:①年份應寫全,例如不能用“99”來代替“1999”;②月份應寫英文名稱,除May, July外,可用縮寫,如:Sep., Oct.。但不要用數字來代替,如7/4/99 或7, 4, 99,因為在英國此日期代表 7th April,1999,而美國則代表4th July,1999。 ③日期可用1,2,3,4…11,12…21,22…31等,也可用lst,2nd,3rd,4th…11th,21th…22nd…31st等。

日期的幾種寫法:a.July 7,1998 b.1st October, 1998 c.30 Nov., 1997 d.Sep. 3rd, 1999


(3)收信人姓名及地址(Inside Name and Address)





稱呼指的是信文開頭的那種稱呼,如Dear , Mr, Uncle,各種稱呼因人而異。在稱呼后面一般是用逗號,但也有用冒號的。現歸納如下:①對父母、兄弟、姐妹等;a.Father, b.My dear Mother, c. Dear Sister, d.  Dear Tom,

②對親戚:a.My dear Auntie, b.Dear Cousin, c.My dear Cousin,

③對朋友、同學a.My dear friend, b.Dear Mr Jackson, c.My dear Mr Jackson, d.Dear Sir,

④對未婚女子:a.Dear Miss Luce, b.My dear Miss Luce,

⑤對一般女子,不論是否結婚:a.Madame, b.Dear Madame,

⑥對已婚女子:a.Dear Mrs Helen Jackson, b.My dear Mrs Helen Jackson,

⑦對公司、工廠、學校等:a.Dear Sirs, b.Sirs, c.Gentlemen,

(5)信文(Body of the letter)




a.I beg to inform you that…

b.I beg to take this opportunity to inform you that …

c.I have the honor to address you that…

d. I write  in  a  hurry  to  inform  you  that…

e.I have the pleasure to tell you that…

f. I'm very much delighted to inform you that…


a.I thank you very much for your letter of May 20th …

b.Your letter of May 20th has been received with thanks.

c.It gives me great pleasure to receive your kind of May 20th.

d.In answer to your kind letter of May 20th, I deeply regret that …

e.I have received your kind letter of May 20th.

f.Words can't express my delight on finding your favor of yesterday on my desk this morning.

g.Your letter dated May 20th has been received.




a.Waiting for your good news,

b.Looking forward to your early reply,

c.Hoping to hear from you soon,

d.Hoping you are enjoying good health,

e.Regretting that I can't give you a more favorite reply,

f.Regretting the trouble I'm causing you,

g.Wishing you every success,

h.Wishing you a pleasant journey,

i.Wishing you a happy New Year,


a.With best regards,

b.With kind regards to your family,

c.With best wishes to you and yours,

d.With best wishes for your success and happiness,

e.With best wishes for your success in your new field of work,

f.With best regards and wishing you all success,

g.With warmest regards,

h.With best regards to you and your family,

i.With the season's greetings,


a.We are waiting for your good news.

b.I hope to receive your early reply.

c.We look forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.

d.I thank you very much for your services, and wish your continued success.

(6)結束語(Complimentary Close)


① 業務書信常用:Yours faithfully, Faithfully yours, Yours truly, Truly yours, Sincerely yours,

② 公函常用:Yours respectfully, Respectfully yours, Yours sincerely,

③私人書信常用:Sincerely yours, Yours very sincerely, Yours affectionately, Yours ever,

④給親戚朋友的信常用:Love, All my love, Your(ever)loving son/daughter/cousin , etc.

Your affectionate nephew, lovingly, Lovingly yours,



① 個人署名:truly, W. J. Watson ,Yours faithfully,

②公司署名:Legend Computer Company, Wang Lin ,Sales Manager


發信人有時在寫完信后又想起一件比較重要的事沒有說,可以在信末署名下面幾行寫上, P. S. (Postscript




101 Hankou Road

Shanghai, China

12th Feb., 1982

The Registrar

Oxford University


Dear Sir,

I wish enter an Oxford College to study for an Arts degree in English Literature. I enclose a list of my qualifications, and you will see what I have been studying  at…University for the last three years. I have, of course, No English examination qualifications. Could you kindly suggest which of the various colleges would be most likely to receive my application so that I can apply to them individually? Looking forward to an early reply, I remain,

Yours truly,

Denis Green

P. S. Kindly send me a syllabus.


Dear Bob,

Tomorrow is your birthday. I imagine your family is planning a celebration for you. I write this letter to offer you my heartiest congratulations and best wishes for merry returns of the day. With my sincere wishes for your success.

Yours truly,



Dear Mary and Helen,

A merry Christmas and a Happy Year to you! Allow me to offer you Season Greetings. May the New Year will bring you a bright and prosperous(繁榮) future. My family who are well and happy, join me in my good wishes.

Yours very sincerely,



Dear Sir,

With feelings of deep gratitude I address you to give my thanks for your noble and generous efforts by which my son was saved from the lake.  Surely,  if it had not been for your help, my son would not be alive now. I shall be most happy to have a chance of serving you in return. I extend you again a thousand thanks for the great favor.

Yours faithfully,

Wang Bing

Dear Harry,

I expect to leave Shanghai for Nanjing next Monday and intend to stay there for a month or so.  You told me you had been there for a long time and knew a lot of people.  I, therefore, shall thank you if you will kindly let me have one or two letters of introduction to them as I am an entire stranger in that place.




Dear Sir,

I'm a graduate student in the Physics Department of Qinghua University. Recently I read that you are hiring an assistant to do research on  solar physics. As you can see from my re' sume' (簡歷).I have had experience in this field. I'm very interested in your project and hope to work with you. My telephone number is 83745102. Thank you for your consideration. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Wang Ling


①假定你的名字是李樺,你給World Youth雜志寄去了你的姓名住址,征求筆友。下面是你收到的一封信,請給此信寫一封約100字的回信。(1999)

16 South Street

Epping T33 B54 UK

6th Jan.,1999

Dear Li Hua,

I got your name and address from “World Youth”and I would like to be your penfriend. I am a boy of 14. I live with my parents in Epping, a town near London. I go to the Epping School. I'm in form 2. This term we have maths, physics, biology, history, English and physical education. For my foreign language I take French.  I would like to take Chinese only they don't teach it here. After school I like playing football and I am on the school team. I also like collecting stamps. Can you send me some Chinese stamps? Please write and tell me about yourself and your school.

Your new friend,

Alex Baker

②英語雜志 BBC ENGLISH有一專欄“Can I help you?”專門解答讀者提出的英語問題。專欄編者叫Jill Welfare(女)。該雜志社地址是:BBC English Magazine, P. O. Box76, Bush House, London WC2B 4PH, U. K. 假定你叫李紅,是北京第一中學高三學生。現由你寫一封信到該雜志社請教以下兩個問題:

a.你的老師認為應該說:“He is taller than I.”但你聽到有人說:“He is taller than me.”你想知道哪個對及為什么?




參考詞語: have…to ask mean the same thing


今年6月份,美國青年學生Jack Gooper隨青年訪華團訪問北京。最后一天在青年宮舉行告別會(farewell party)。你參加了,坐在Jack Cooper旁邊,散會時你和他互相拿錯了對方的筆記本(notebook)。事后你翻看筆記本,發現他的名字地址,才知道拿錯了。現在你把筆記本寄回去給他,寫一封簡單的信說明,同時請他把你的筆記本按你所給的地址寄來給你。(字數:80~140)

參考詞語: take…by mistake look into by post at the address


參考詞語: senior grade three appreciate spare

⑤下面是某中外合資企業刊登在China Daily上的一則招聘廣告。

Office secretary, with experience in book-keeping, Type-writing

Public relations, operating PC= (personal computer)

Address, age, health and education

A950 Tomas Office

請根據廣告中所提出的招聘職務、應聘條件和你自己的簡要情況,用80個左右單詞寫一封自我介紹信,聯系地址A950 Tomas Office。假定你的名字是王華,通信處是威海市45信箱(P.O. Box 45)時間為1999年7月8日,注意書信格式。參考詞語be fit for ,in good health ,teach oneself,

⑥假定你叫林華,是學生會干事,你于8月9日寫信給在京的美國朋友Charlie。 你和Charlie自春節以來沒有見面,他剛剛從南京旅行回來,向他問好。為了慶祝五四青年節,學生會計劃舉行各種活動,將召開晚會,舉行座談會,請歷史老師講中國青年運動史,并擬請Charlie介紹現在美國青年的生活、學習及工作情況。


參考詞語 青年節:The Youth Day 春節:The Spring Festival 學生會:The Student Union

⑦假設你是環宇絲綢貿易公司(Huanyu Silk Trade Company)人事部主任Maty Walter,請用英語給一位名叫Li



參考詞語: have a talk medical examination



參考詞語 ask for the job operate a computer

⑨假如你叫Mary, 你的朋友Jane生病了,主要是因為工作太辛苦,又缺乏鍛煉。請你寫一封信給她,勸她每天至少要運動一個小時,并告訴她;你明天休息,將去看望她。





倫敦                      上海

汽車靠左行                 汽車靠右行

很多人乘汽車上班            多數人騎自行車上班

陰天多                     晴天多

一星期工作五天              一星期工作五天

懂漢語人少                 懂英語的人多

學生較放松                 學生較勤奮






①                                       ××Middle School

Guangzhou, China

March 17, 1999

Dear Alex,

I've just received your postcard and I am very pleased with it.The city where I live is called Guangzhou. It is a big city in the south of China.The climate here is good. It is not so hot in summer and quite mild in winter, though it rains a lot in spring. There are flowers everywhere almost throughout the year. So we call Guangzhou“the Gity of Flowers”.Guangzhou is a famous and important city. Its industry is rather developed, and many meetings are held here.

Guangzhou has many places for sightseeing. For example,the Baiyun Mountain,the Yuexiu Park and the Cultural Park. If you come I'll show you around.I am looking forward to your coming.

Your friend,

Li Hua


People's Republic of China

July, 1999

Ms/Miss Jill Welfare,

“Can I help you?”


P. O. Box 76, Bush House

London WC2B 4PH


Dear MS/Miss Welfare,

I have two questions to ask you.1.I have heard some people say“He is taller than me.”instead of “He is taller

than I.” Which is correct? Can you please explain why?2.Do “further” and“farther” mean the same thing? If not, what is the difference? When do we use the one and when do we use the other? Will you please answer these questions for me? Thank you very much.

Yours truly,

Li Hong

233 Dong Changan Street


People's  Republic of China

July 17, 1999

Dear Jack,

In June when you were visiting Beijing on the last day of your trip a farewell party was given at the Youth Palace. At the party I sat next to you. Then at the end when we went away we took each other's notebook by mistake. I discovered

this only afterwards when I looked into the notebook and found your name and address inside. I am now sending your notebook by post to you. Will you please send my notebook to me at the address which is given above? Thank you very much.I hope you will visit Beijing again soon.

Your Chinese friend,

Wei Yong

(4) No.2 Middle School


April 25, 1999

Dear Professor Wang,

I'm a senior Grade Three student. I study in Tianjin No.2 Middle School. I have some questions on my English reading. I'd like you to help me with them. I’ll appreciate it very much if you would kindly spare me an hour or so. And I'll be

very glad to receive your letter telling me when and where we shall get together.Hoping this won't trouble your too much.


Li Xia


Weihai City

July 8th, 1999


Tomas Office

Dear Sir,

I've read your ad. in yesterday's China Daily. I feed I am fit for the job needed in your company. I'm 20 years old and in good health. After graduation from a middle school. I taught myself English for two years. I studied book-keeping, typewriting and public relations. I'm good at both operating personal computer and English in listening and speaking. I'm

interested in the position of a secretary.I want very much to be accepted by your company, I'll work hard if I can be a

member in your company.


(6) Aug 9th

Dear Charlie,

We haven't seen each other since the Spring Festival. I was told that you had just come back from Nanjing, and how about your trip? May 4 is The Youth Day in China. In order to celebrate it many activities will be held by the Student Union in our school. We plan to have a party and a talk. A history teacher will talk about the history of the Chinese Youth Movement. Since students are interested in how the young people in the United States are living, studying and working, I hope that you will come and tell us something abut it. We would appreciate it If you could come.I hope that we will meet soon.

With best wishes,

Yours truly,

Lin Hua


Huanyu Silk Trade Company

Feb. 8th,

Dear Li Gang,

Glad to have received your letter. I'd like to tell you that our manager is going to have a talk with you in his office at 9∶30 on the morning of March 18. Here are some questions you are expected to answer:Why do you want to work in our company? What are you good at? How many foreign languages do you know?What do you plan to do if you are employed?There will be a medical examination a week later. We'll let you know whether you will be employed or not at the beginning of April.Wish you good luck,

Yours sincerely,

Maty Walter


Oct 8, 1999

Dear sir,

After reading your advertisement for a secretary in today's newspaper. I want to ask for the job.I am Li Wei, 25 years old, male, and unmarried. I am 1.75 metres tall and I am healthy and strong. I graduated from Qinghua University three years ago. I have been an English teacher in No. 1 High School in Anyang, Henan Province since then. I'm good at English and my students like listening to me. I can also speak and write in French, and operate a computer and type very well.

I would like to be a secretary very much.I am looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Wei


April 30

My dear Jane,

I'm sorry to hear that you have been ill for days and hope you've got better now. You have been working so hard and have so little exercises This is very harmful to your health. I suggest you take at least one hour's exercises every

day.It will do you good. If you keep on doing exercises every day, you will certainly feel better. Tomorrow is a holiday. I'll come to see you.

With best wishes,

Truly yours,


(10) 192 Changsha Road Shanghai,

July 1st 1999

Dear Sun Gang,

Thank you for inviting me to your birthday party, but I'm afraid I can't come. I have so much homework to do. You know, I will have the college entrance examination next week. And it is so important to me. However, I'll be thinking of you alone. I am writing this letter and send you this birthday card to express my best wishes to you. I wish your party success and also wish you many happy returns.

Yours Truly,

Wang Hong

(11)The No.2 Middle School 

Shanghai China

July 1st

Dear Babara,

It is Children's Day and I have a day off.I'm  going to tell you something about China.In our country cars are driven on the left side of the road, but here on the right side. Many people of London go to work by car while most people in Shanghai go to work by bike. The climate of Shanghai is better than ours, which is fine for long But London has so many cloudy days. Workers in Shanghai work five days a week just as in London. Students here work hard at their lessons and a lot of people can speak English. It's a pity that students in our country don't make full use of time and few know Chinese.That's all for today. Please write to me.

Yours Lovely,


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