人教版 高三Unit 8 Learning a foriegn language

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Unit 8 Learning a foreign language

(Teachers’ paper)

Word study:

1.motivation n.動機,積極性

eg The stronger the motivation, the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language.

一個人學外語的內在要求越高, 那么他就學得越快。

motive n. 動機;目的 adj.起動的;發動的

eg His motive for working so hard is that he needs money.


I have to warn you that his motives have lain hidden.


The motive power of trains is usually steam or electricity.


motivate vt. -vated, -vating 引起動機;促起;激發

eg to motivate the child to learn new words激勵小孩子學習新詞

Examinations can motivate a student to seek more knowledge.


2.memorise 記住 (亦作: memorize)

eg He memorized the list of dates, but neglected the main facts.


memory n.-ries 記憶力,回憶

eg Grandmother has a good memory;she can remember things which happened many years ago.

I had happy memories of my school.

speak from memory ...根據記憶而講述

eg This has been the hottest summer within my memory.

就我所記得的, 這是最熱的一個夏天。

He has a bad memory for dates.他對日期的記憶很差。

It brought back to me memories of my schooldays(=It reminded me of my schooldays).它使我回想起我的學生時代。

bear [have, keep] in memory 記著, 沒有忘記

beyond [within] the memory of man [men] 在有史以前[來]

bring back [call] to memory 使想起

come to one's memory 想起, 清醒過來

in memory of 紀念...

memorial n.(=monument)紀念物; 紀念碑;紀念儀式;歷史記載

adj.記憶的; 紀念的; 追悼的

memorials of a past age一個昔日的歷史記錄

The Monument(Memorial) to the People’s Heroes人民英雄紀念碑

3.stick n. 枯枝,棍,手杖 a walking stick 一根拐杖

條狀物 a stick of chalk 一支粉筆

v. (stuck, stuck, sticking)

①(常與in, into, through連用)(把尖 物)插入,刺入,戳入

to stick a fork into a potato


I stuck a needle into the cloth.


②(與in, into, on連用)粘住;貼住

I stuck a stamp on the letter.



The wheels of the car stuck in the mud and we could not go on.



Stick the chair in the corner.



If you want to play an instrument well, you’ve got to stick at it.



伸出,突出 stick out one’s arm伸出手臂

stick out above the water突出水面

使停止,阻塞 be stuck in/by…被困…

容忍,忍受 I can’t stick it any more.我再也忍受不了了。

堅持,堅守 stick to stick to a post 堅守崗位

stick to one’s word 遵守諾言

4. acquire v. =to get as one’s own; to gain (usu., by one’s own efforts) 常指經過自己的努力而獲得,得到

=form, learn 養成,學到

eg. After years of hard work, he acquired a lot of money.


She has acquired a habit of using colorful words.


an acquired taste養成的愛好

acquisition n. (知識、技能等的)獲得,得到;購得物

acquisitive adj. 貪婪的,渴求獲取財物的

5.instruct vt. =teach, give orders,inform 指示,命令,告知,通知

instruct sb in sth.

instruct sb.(wh-…) to do sth

instruct sb. that…/ sb. be instructed that…

eg. He instructs his pupils in mathematics.


You will be instructed where to go as soon as the plane is ready.


instruction n.用法說明,指示, 命令,(計算機)指令

adj. an instruction book說明書

instructional adj. 教學的,教育的 ~ materials教材

instructive adj. 富有教益的,增長知識的

instructor n. 教練,導師

6. academic adj. 學院的, 理論的;學術的

eg academic year學年 academic rank學銜 academic degree 學位

academic research 學術研究

n.(C) 大學教師, 大學生; 學會會員; 學究式人物

academy n.(C) -mies學會

the Royal Academy皇家學會;學院;高等專科學校

an academy of music音樂學院

university n(C) (綜合)大學 Oxford University牛津大學

college n(C) (綜合大學中的)學院,獨立的)學院,高等專科學校

a college of agriculture農學院

evening college夜大學

institute n(C)學院; (大專)學校;

7. adopt vt. =to accept and use a suggestion, habit, etc. of

sb. else 采納,接受

=to take sb else’s child into your family and become its legal parent(s)收養,領養

eg. We are willing to adopt your plan.


Some people adopted a wait-and-see policy in this matter.


She was forced to have her baby adopted.


The child was adopted into a wealthy family and received a good education.


adopted adj. 收養的, 移居的 their adopted son他們的養子

adoption n. 收養,領養; 采用;推選

put sb. up for adoption 提出讓人收養某人

the adoption of new technology新技術的采用

adoptive adj. 收養的,有收養關系的

8. operation n 操作;【醫】手術;運轉

be in operation在運轉中; 在行動中; 在實施中; 在生效中

come into operation開始工作[運轉];生效

go into operation開始工作[運轉];生效

perform an operation on sb. for a disease因某種病給某人動手術

9. broaden: vi. / vt. =(to cause to) become broad or broader 使擴大, 使寬闊

=to increase your knowledge, experience, etc 增長(知識、經驗等)

eg. broaden one’s horizons 打開眼界,拓寬視野

Travel broadens the mind. 旅行使人開闊心胸(眼界)。

The river broadens (out) at this point. 這條河到這里開始變寬。

Her smile broadened. 她笑得更加燦爛了。

“adj./n. +en→v.”使變得…

類似詞語: deepen, thicken, sweeten, straighten, quicken, brighten, darken, soften, harden, widen, shorten, sharpen, lengthen, strengthen

10.appropriate adj. =correct or suitable適當的, 合適的

常和for, to 連用。

Vt. =to set aside for some purpose撥出(款項),盜用,挪用

eg. He made a speech appropriate to the occasion. 她作了個適宜該場合的演講。

Jeans are not appropriate for a formal party. 正式聚會上穿牛仔褲是不合適的。

Now that the problem has been identified, appropriate action can be taken.


inappropriate opp.不適合的

appropriateness n.

appropriately adv.

eg. Five million dollars has been appropriated for research into the disease.


He was accused of appropriating club funds.他被指控盜用俱樂部資金。

Reading: Learning a foreign language: twice as hard

Lead in: ① How are they learning English?

② Tick out the ways you learn English & tell reasons

1 ( )memorize the words.

2 ( )learn grammar rules

3 ( )talk with your classmate

4 ( )have a dictation

5 ( )listen to the tape

6 ( )learn English songs

7 ( )watch English films

8 ( )talk to foreigner

9 ( )reading stories

10( )practise writing English

③ What difficulties in learning English you face?

Fast reading: 1 How do we learn our native language?

2 How can we make sense of what we learn and distinguish the mistakes ?

3 What are the difference between mother tongue and foreign language?

4 What are the characteristics of a successful learner? How does he learn

foreign language?

5 What is important? Why?

Careful reading:

I. Say F or M on p68.

II. Tell the sentences true or false

1. Everyday activities and interactions with other people are important when children are learning their mother tongue.

2. If we want to become successful language learner, we should try to learn all by ourselves.

3. If we could spend all our waking hours communicating with native speakers we would make greater progress in English.

4. We learn our mother tongue much faster than we do a foreign language.

5. If we want to become successful language learners, we must first build our confidence and develop our study skills.

6. Although experts don’t agree each other, they all share a common opinion : Life is a very successful language school.

7. We study our mother tongue all day long for about 5 years before we master it. But we only spend a few hours a week and in a few years’ time we can speak a foreign language.

8. Successful language learners usually step away from the academic challenges.

9. The less anxious and more relaxed the learner, the worse their language acquisition.

II. Reading comprehension :

1. Most children have mastered their mother tongue.

A. at the age of five

B. by the age of eight

C. before they are five

D. since they were five

2. The sentence “Life is a very successful language school” means .

A. we are equipped with a special ability to learn language

B. the key to learn the language well is to communicate with the people around us

C. parents can give children language lessons

D. people can learn the language by themselves

3. In fact, we learn English much faster than we may have thought because ________.

A. A lot of people are born with a special ability to learn a foreign language.

B. English learning always takes place in class.

C. Communicating with people often takes too much time.

D. We can get a lot of help and the learning is more efficient.

4. The text tells us that successful language learners______.

A. spend as many hours studying English as they do their mother tongue.

B. always have different plans for their learning

C. want very much to become translators and interpreters.

D. are usually very impatient in learning a language.

5. From the text we can see _______.

A. The stronger the motivation is, the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language.

B. Interest, curiosity, willingness and confidence are more important than anything else.

C. We’ll find it easier to learn English if we can learn something from successful language learners.

D. Both B and C.

6. Successful language learners do share the following characteristics except .

A. the ability to memorize the words

B. an interest in understanding their own thinking

C. willingness to take chances

D. confidence in their ability

7. What’s the purpose of writing this article?

A. Learning a foreign language is twice as hard as learning our mother tongue.

B. Learning a foreign language is more important than learning our mother tongue.

C. Learning a foreign language is twice as easy if we develop our study skills.

D. In fact, the number of people learning a foreign language has increased with years.

Answers: 1.T F T F T T T F F 2. C B D B D A C


What are the differences between learning the first and second language?

What makes you a successful learner?

What’s the main idea of each paragraph?

What’s the purpose of writing the passage?

Language points

1.I spend hours on English every day, but I don’t feel I’m making any progress. (P66)

progress n.前進, 進行, 進展,進步, 上進; 發展; 改進; 【生】發育, 進化

eg The building of the house is in progress .房子在建造中。

vi.前進, 進行, 進步; 進展; 發達, 發展

eg The work is progressing steadily.工作正在扎實地進行。

相關短語: in progress在進行中, 在舉行

make progress in在...方面取得進步[進展]

make progress towards朝著...(目標)前進

make progress with把...向前推進; 在...(方面)取得進展, 進行

2. Some believe that we are equipped with a special ability to learn language and that our brain adjusts itself to the language we hear around us. (P67 Para2)有人認為,我們具有學習語言的特殊能力,而且我們的大腦會自動調節接受我們聽到的身邊的語言。

1) equip vt. =to provide oneself, or another with what is necessary for doing sth. / to make able /fit/prepared “裝備,配備” 常與with 或for 連用。

eg. The reading-room is not equipped with air-conditioning.


The soldiers were equipped with the latest weapons.


Your education will equip you for your future life.


The hospital is well equipped. / This is a well-equipped hospital. 這家醫院設備齊全。

注:equip 賓語必須是被裝備的對象而非裝備物。

equipment n. U裝備,設備,設備,器材

n. C 可表示各種設備

eg. The equipment of his lab took time and money.


The workers carried most of their equipment on their backs. 工人們把大部分設備背在背上。

Military equipments were sent to the front.


注:一件設備 a piece of equipment

兩件設備 two pieces of equipment

equipment 偶爾有復數形式,但不可說two / several / some equipments。

類似短語: be furnished with be supplied with

be provided with be fitted with

be burdened with be loaded with

be crowded / packed with be covered with

be filled with

2) adjust vt. / vi. = to change sth slightly, esp because it is not in the right position調節,調整

=to get (sb) used to new conditions or a new situation (使)適應

adjust sth

adjust sth to

adjust (oneself / itself) to

be adjusted

eg. My watch needs adjusting. I will adjust it. 我的表需要調節。我要把它調一下。

These desks and seats can be adjusted to the heights of any child. 這些桌椅可以按孩子的身高進行調節。

She found it hard to adjust to working at night. 她發現很難適應夜間工作。

The body will soon adjust itself to the climate. 身體很快會適應新氣候的。

同義詞: adapt oneself to 使自己適應……

adapt one’s thinking to the new condition 使自己的思想適應新的情況

adapt sth. for a particular use 使某物適合某一特殊用途

3. in other words (P67Para3) in a word in words with the words

have a word with sb. have words with sb = quarrel with sb ,

keep one’s word = keep one’s promise

Word came that…

1) _____________, he walked away with a smile.

2) It’s no use promising _______, but in deeds.

3) ___________, you are a very good boy.

4) She often depends on others. _____________, she doesn’t do things by herself.

5) I hope you will always______________.

6) _______________ Rose and see what she thinks.

7) __________ that our team had come out first.

8) After _______________ the boss, he decided to quit the job.


1) With the words 2) in words 3) In a word 4) In other words

5) keep your word 6) Have a word with 7) Word came 8) having words with

4. With greater control and a stronger sense of achievement, active learners are able to acquire new skills faster and put what they know to better use. (P67Para5) 由于具有較好的自控力和較強的成就感,積極主動的學習者能夠更快地學到新的技能,并更好地運用他們學到的知識。

1)with =because of, considering the fact of 表原因

eg. With John away, we’ve got more room.由于約翰走開了,我們有了更多的空間。

With our luck, we’ll probably miss the plane.考慮到我們通常的運氣,我們有可能會錯過班機。

2)a sense of… ……感,……覺

a sense of humo(u)r 幽默感

a sense of duty/responsibility 責任感

a sense of harmony和諧感 a sense of justice正義感

a sense of wellbeing 幸福感 a sense of touch 觸覺

a sense of hearing聽覺 a sense of sight視覺

a sense of smell 嗅覺 a sense of taste 味覺

a sense of beauty審美感 a sense of hunger饑餓感

a sense of time 時間觀 a sense of achievement成就感

3) put …to use =use …使用

put…to good use =make good/full use 充分使用/有效利用

eg. It is a pity to throw anything away when it can be put to use.


He has put his training to good use in that job.


USE phrases:

come into use 開始使用 make (good/full) use of好好/充分利用

have no use for不需要,用不著 in use 在使用中

go out of use 停止使用 for the use of為……專用

It’s no use doing…/There’s no use doing…沒用處,無益處

be (of) (no) use to…對某人(沒)有用 use sth up 用完

use your head/loaf(BrE.) 你動動腦子,你仔細想想

be used to do sth. be / get / become used to n./ doing sth

be used for n./doing sth. be used as…

5. The data suggests that what successful language learners have in common is, among other things, that …(P67 Para4)有數據表明,除了其他特點外,成功的語言學習者都有以下共同點:…

in common = share sth with sb else

have sth in common with sb

eg John and I have nothing in common.約翰和我沒有共同之處。

In common with(=like) some other young people here , he hates getting up early I the morning. 象其他許多年輕人一樣,他不喜歡早起。

6. confident (P67 Para4) adj. (feel sure about your own ability to do sth and be successful) 自信的, 有自信心的

(feeling sure that sth will happen in the way that you want or expect)肯定的,有把握的

feel confident about sth / doing sth

be / feel confident of sth / doing sth

be confident that-clause

confidently adv.

confidence n. 信心,信任,信賴; 自信心,肯定,把握

有關詞組: have confidence in sb / sth 信賴…, 相信…

lose confidence失去信心

gain confidence增強信心

lack confidence缺乏信心 suffer from a lack of confidence深受缺乏自信心之苦

with confidence有把握地

be in one’s confidence受某人信任;是某人心腹

take sb into your confidence 向某人吐露內心秘密或隱私

7. knock into knock… into… knock at / on

knock over knock about/around knock down

1) He _________________in New York for several years.

2) With one blow, he ________ the robber ________.

3) I _________ the nail _______ the wall.

4) He _____________ an old friend of his in the hall.

5) He ______________ a glass of beer.

6) Someone was ______________ the window.

ANSWERS:1) has knocked about 2) knocked….down 3) knocked …into

4) knocked into 5) knocked over 6) knocking at/on

Integrating skills: Studying abroad

I. Reading comprehension:

1. The best option for the exchange students is .

A. living with local people

B. living in the dormitory

C. choosing exchange programmes at various academic levels at a reasonable cost

D. making friends with the other students

2. Visiting students do the following things except .

A. staying in the host family’s house

B. eating in the host family’s house

C. becoming a member of the family

D. keeping in touch with the host family afterwards

3. What makes it easier to study abroad nowadays?

A. The cost has become reasonable.

B. There are programmes for all levels.

C. Students can find “home-stay” service and live with the host family.

D. All the above.

4. The greatest value of an exchange student studying abroad is .

A. to learn the language

B. to widen one’s views and understand the culture of other country

C. to get better idea of yourself and your own culture

D. to learn to be independent of oneself


Important sentence structures:

1. I wish I could improve my spoken English.

2. Every time I take part in a group discussion or try to speak English to someone, I find it difficult to express myself.

3. Others think that we learn language in the same way we learn other things, such as….

4. But once you consider the situation further, you will realize that this is indeed the case.

5. The less anxious and more relaxed the learner, the better their language acquisition.

6. If they were not, they would not be ready to experiment with new forms and to make mistakes, both of which contribute to their increased ability to learn.

7. It takes patience to learn a language.

8. It is very important that you (should) find an appropriate course for you.

9. Useful expressions and phrases:

雙倍艱辛twice as hard

最令人費解的是 most puzzling of all

配備著,裝備著 be equipped with

生來具有一種能力be born with an ability

幾年以后 in a few years’ time

有……共同之處 have…in common

對某事感到好奇 be curious about

冒險 take risks

養成習慣 adopt habits

與某人一直保持聯系stay in touch with sb

換句話說 in other words

你所呆的時間長度 the length of your stay

具有很多共同的特征share quite a few characteristics

應對學術挑戰 deal with academic challenges

使A有別于B,辨別A和B distinguish A from B

對…有信心 be confident in/have confidence in

嘗試新的學習方法 experiment with a new learning method

交流/來訪/歸國學生 exchange/visiting/returning students

掌握語言 acquire a language

弄懂,了解make sense of

使自己適應 adjust oneself/itself to

盡管,不顧 regardless of

一個極大的時間量 an awful lot of hours

更擅長于…… be better at…

使得到更好的利用put…to better use

成就感,成就意識a sense of achievement

以上所描述的 described above

以合理的費用at a reasonable cost

落后,掉隊fall behind

起初 in the beginning

為……而擔心 be concerned/worried about

積極參加 take an active part in



When did the word “data” come into common use?


We must make the best use of the resources we have.


You may have the book; I have no use for it any longer.

那個詞語不再使用了。That expression is no longer in use./That expression has gone out of use.

跟他爭辯沒用。There/It is no use arguing with him.

我不知道這本字典對你是否有用。I wonder if the dictionary is of (any) use to you.

這個停車場是專供職工用的。This parking lot is for the use of employees only.

竹子可用于建筑。Bamboo can be used for building.

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