Go for it! Book I(Starter)Unit 3 What color is it ?

發布時間:2016-1-27 編輯:互聯網 手機版


海鹽縣通元中學  劉瓊峰

一、 教材解析

Go for it!學生用書每個單元包括Section A, Section B 和 Self Check三個部分。它將話題,功能和交際巧妙地融合在一起,用一種循序漸進的生活化的學習程序引導學生把所學的語言知識和實際運用結合起來。教材設計的理念是通過做中學(Learning by doing),讓學生在體驗、參與、研究這樣一種過程中去學習外語,最大限度地增加學生參與的量,讓學生在實際運用中感受到語言是實用的,而不是僅僅掌握語言知識和技能。其中Section A 為基本的語言內容,并為目標句型提供分步示例和指導性練習,這部分中的生詞必須全部掌握并且會使用;Section B是知識的擴展和綜合的語言運用,使學生能夠對已經學過的目標句型運用自如;Self Check 供學生用來自我檢測本單元所學的語言知識,使學生對現階段的英語水平,即對本單元的語言目標有較為明確的認識。這套教材的編排雖然仍以單元為單位,但是打破了以往呆板的塊狀設計,每個單元以話題為主,話題內容比較貼近現代社會的生活,而表現形式以活動的設計為主,為課堂教學的靈活組織留下了更大的空間。

Starter Unit3 是Go for it!預備篇三個單元的第三單元。預備篇是為了使那些沒有英語基礎的學生更好地使用本套教材而編寫的。它的主要內容為26個字母和最基本的英語日常用語。


1、Complete the alphabet with the letters S-Z.

2、How to talk about colors.

3、Pronunciation practice for the vowel sounds.



2.1 認知目標

● Letters S- Z.

● Revision of the alphabet.

● ---What’s this ? ---It’s V.

---What color is it ? ---It’s red. / It’s black and white.

blue, green, red, yellow, black, white, color, and / pink, purple, orange, brown, grey

● Pronunciation of letters A,E,I,O,U(難點)

2.2 能力目標

● 學會一些基本的學習策略,并運用這些策略提高運用英語的能力。

● 培養語用能力,讓學生在用中感悟,把所學到的語言知識與生活實際結


● 培養英語思維能力和創新意識。

● 學會不斷地發現問題,并用自己已有的知識水平和生活經歷來解決實際


2.3 情感目標

● 培養學生積極,主動的學習心理狀態,調動學生學習內驅力。

● 通過小組對話,討論,課前準備和設計一系列的課堂活動,培養學生自


2.4 學習策略

● 交際策略:學會與他人合作交流,并能把語言材料用到真實的生活中去。

● 資源策略:學會利用一切可以利用的學習資源,如詞典、音像資料、自


● 認知能力:積極思考,及時反饋。

● 調控策略:在反思,頓悟和自醒中,不斷調整自己的學習策略。

2.5 課時安排

● Period 1:Section A 2b, 2 a, 2c, 2d, 3

● Period 2:Self Check3, SectionA1a, 1b, 1c, 4,Self Check2

● Period 3:Self Check4, Section B 1a, 1b, Section A 5

● Period 4:Section B 3a, 3b, 2, 4

● Period 5:Self Check 1, Just for fun


Period 1

(Section A 2 b,2 a,2c, 2d, 3)

Teaching aims(教學目標)





Language points

(語言點) 要求掌握英語字母S-Z。

能聽懂、會說big \ small letters.


(難點): 對初學者來講,小學的漢語拼音對學習英語字母有一定的干擾。引導學生仔細觀察字母的大小寫格式,避免書寫錯誤,做到書寫正確、美觀。

Teaching steps(教學步驟): 教學設計說明

StepⅠ Revision and warming-up

A Guessing game

Teacher shows a part of a letter and asks : “What’s this?” Get the students to answer the questions like this: “ I think it’s A / B.”

Then show the whole of the letter to let the students

check whether they’re right or wrong.

StepⅡ Presentation

1. Focus attention on the picture in Activity 1a. Ask Students to find the capital letters in the picture to match the lower case letters. Then check the answers.

2. Play the recording. Stop the tape after each letter and have students repeat. Check pronunciation and correct if necessary.

3. Play the recording again. Have students repeat the eight letters in one set. Check pronunciation and correct if necessary.

Step Ⅲ Practice

1. 2c: Students listen and write the number of the letters in the boxes according to the order in which they hear them. Then check the answers.

2. 2d: The teacher demonstrate drawing the letters on the board. Demonstrate how students can use the lines in the book to assist them in writing the letters. Move around the room checking on their work.

Step Ⅳ Exploration

3: Ask students if they recognize any of the abbreviations, and know what they stand for. Have students discuss in groups. If necessary, provide some hints, such as asking where they have seen any of these logos before.


S-小號 / M-中號 / L-大號 / XL-加大號

UFO-不明飛行物 / CCTV-中央電視臺

UN-聯合國 / MTV-音樂電視 / SARS-“非典”

StepⅤ Homework

(1) Listen to 2a and read it after the tape.

(2) Copy the letters Ss-Zz and the letters in 3, write down the Chinese meaning and collect more such letters.

(3) Make color letter cards. 這一部分的Guessing game主要是為了讓學生從不完整的畫面中通過想象力,猜出其是什么字母,既復習學過的字母,又豐富學生的想象力。而“What’s this?It’s …”既是前一單元的重點句型,也是下一課時使用頻率較高的一個句型。我們在game的最后用同樣的方式引出本堂課所要教授的新字母的小寫形式。

StepⅡ&Step Ⅲ這兩部分從聽、說、讀、寫四個方面進行訓練。聽指聽錄音學字母,對初學者來說Ss、Xx和Yy這三個字母容易受數學老師的影響發音不準確,可能比較難讀準,因此學生應仔細去聽,老師應耐心糾正。通過聽、說的過程使學生達到獨地、正確地讀出字母。寫是指在聽、說、讀的基礎上,能正確地書寫字母。老師應向學生說明英語單詞都由二十六個字母組成。每個英語字母都有印刷體和手寫體兩種形式,且都有大小寫之分。先讓學生認識四線三格,知道每個英語字母在四線三格中都有固定的位置。書寫時注意筆順正確。教師可邊講解邊示范書寫,學生可專門準備一個四線三格的英語草稿本在課堂上進行仿寫。

這一部分并不一定要學生掌握這些縮略詞的完整的拼法,主要是為了讓學生了解到可以運用學過的大寫字母來表示一些常見的縮略詞或縮寫形式。老師也可以補充一些常見的縮略詞。這部分中的group work對于學生來說既是信息的輸出又是信息的接收和整合過程。

要求學生做彩色字母卡片,為下一課時的重點句型What’s this?/It’s A./What color is it?/It’s red.做好準備。鼓勵學生用他們最喜歡的顏色及不同的字體。

Period 2

(Self Check3, SectionA1a, 1b, 1c, 4, Self Check2)

Teaching aims

(教學目標) Ask and answer the questions about colors;

Enlarge the Ss’ vocabulary about things and colors;

Make similar dialogues.





(1)---What color is this?

---It’s red.

(2) 要求掌握以下詞匯:

color, red, black,white, blue, orange, green, yellow,and

補充pink, purple, brown, grey


(難點): 1)What color is it ?


這是詢問顏色的特殊疑問句。疑問詞What 修飾 color , 因此,兩個詞要一起放在句首,不能分開,也不能錯讀成 “What’s color ?”回答時一定要具體落實到“顏色”上。

2)It’s red .

表顏色的形容詞單獨作表詞時,不能用冠詞 a 修飾。句中 be 與 red 連用構成系表結構,不能用冠詞。

e.g. It’s black .

Teaching steps(教學步驟) 教學設計說明

StepⅠ Revision and warming-up

1. Self Check 3: Fill in the missing letters. Then read out all the letters from a to z.

2. Revise the 26 letters by using the color letter cards students made in the last period. Then can ask and answer like this: ---What’s this/that ? ---It’s A/B.

StepⅡ Presentation

1. Use the color letters cards students made and present this dialogue:

---What’s this ? ---It’s S.

---What color is it ? ---It’s red/black and white.

2. 1a: Ss listen and repeat.

3. Introduce some other words for colors in the same way as in step 1.

Step Ⅲ Practice

1b: Read the names of the colors and have Ss repeat them. Then ask Ss to match the words with the colors.


﹡Say the sample conversations. Have students repeat.

﹡Students then practice the conversations in pairs. As

students practice, move around the classroom to check progress and help with pronunciation as needed.

﹡Ask some pairs to act out their own conversations.

Step Ⅳ Exploration

Ask students to practice asking each other about other items they know. They may do so using other English vocabulary(e.g. bedroom items) if they wish.

StepⅤ Homework

(1) Listen to 1a, read and recite it.

(2) Go on making up your dialogues with your group members and polish it.

(3) Finish Self-check 2.

(4) Section A 4: Color the picture.

(5) Bring colored pens for the next period. 1. 填所缺字母可事先把題目(Self Check3)印在紙上直接發給學生自己填寫,也可以發空白紙給同桌仿照Self Check3的題型互相出題檢測。

2. 這部分的復習可以先同桌Pair work 然后同組 group work,并在每組選出同學們認為制作最精美的卡片若干。

1. 老師可以利用這些卡片引出新句型

2. 要特別注意What color不要誤讀為What’s color,It’s red不要誤為It’s a red.

3. 考慮到學生在制作卡片時可能會用到的各種顏色,所以增加了其他幾個常見的顏色單詞:orange, brown, purple, pink, grey,gold


學生再通過pair work口頭操練目標語言


1. 回家作業從聽、說、讀、寫、練等方面進一步鞏固本課時的目標語言

2. 提醒(4)涂色時交叉的地方要特別注意顏色不能混在一起

Period 3

(Self Check4 Section B 1a, 1b, Section A 5)

Teaching aims

(教學目標) 1、繼續學習有關顏色的對話。


Language points

(語言點) 1、要求掌握下列句型:

Color it green…color(Vt.)

Spell it ,please.

2、鞏固下列單詞:color, spell, key, pen, ruler, quilt, jacket

補充下列單詞:book, bag, desk, chair

Difficulties(難點): Color 作為動詞的用法。

Teaching steps(教學步驟): 教學設計說明

StepⅠ Revision and warming-up

1. Self Check4: Ss work in pairs. Use colored pens to write down the letters your partner says.

2. Check Homework in Period 2.

3. Play a game“What color is it ?”

StepⅡ Listening Practice

Section B 1a:

﹡Draw attention to the picture. Ask students if they can recognize the items in the picture.

﹡Play the recording twice. Students color in the items in the picture according to the conversation.

﹡Check the answers.

Section B 1b:

﹡Focus attention on the sentences. Explain that the students need to fill in the correct words for the color of each item.

﹡Play the recording again. The students write the correct color words.

﹡Check the answers.

Step Ⅲ Practice

Section A 5:

﹡Use the items in Section B 1a to role play one round with two students as a model for the class like this :

---What’s this in English ? ---It’s a key.

---Spell it, please . ---K-E-Y.

---What color is it ? ---It’s yellow.

﹡Get students into pairs. Have them practice the conversation here.

﹡Students then ask each other about other items around them. Use the conversation here as a model. Move around the classroom to check progress and help with pronunciation as needed.

﹡Encourage students to recycle the vocabulary they know from the first two units.

Step Ⅳ Homework

(1) Go on making up your dialogues with your group members and polish it.

(2) Copy the conversations in Section A 5 and write down the Chinese meaning.

(3) Colors can make colors. 1. 利用Self Check4既復習了字母又鞏固了顏色。

2. 檢查Section A4五環期的涂色后可補充2008北京奧運會標志的顏色。

3. 利用有聲flash動畫激發學生學習興趣,再次從音、形上鞏固顏色



1.Section B 1a中的涂上黃色的key正好可以拿來導入Section A 5的對話,其他兩樣物品也可以以同樣的方式來操練對話,所以在這里把Section A 5編排在Section B1a 1b的后面。

2.在學生操練的過程中除鞏固已學單詞:color, spell, key, pen, ruler, quilt, jacket外還可以補充部分學生常用的表示物體的名詞:book, bag, desk, chair, etc.當學生碰到不會表達的物體時,也可以用“it”來代替。

1. 為避免學生能讀能說能背但不知說的讀的背的是什么意思,抄寫和翻譯練習還是很有必要的。

2. 要求學生回去觀察打印機的彩色墨盒有幾種顏色?為什么只有這幾種顏色?

Period 4

(Section B 3a, 3b, 2, 4)

Teaching aims

(教學目標) 學習五個元音字母,并能根據這五個元音字母給26個字母歸類。

Language points



2.How to make colors.

Yellow and red make orange.

Blue and yellow make green.

Red and blue make purple


(難點): 按音素劃分字母:


Teaching steps(教學步驟): 教學設計說明

StepⅠ Revision and warming-up

1. Colors can make colors.

2. 3a: Listen and repeat.

StepⅡ Presentation

T:A、E、I、O、U 這五個字母我們稱它們為元音字母。Read and remember them A-E-I-O-U, A-E-I-O-U.

S: A-E-I-O-U, A-E-I-O-U

(Check individual student by saying or writing.)

Step Ⅲ Listen and read the chant

Section B 4:

﹡Focus attention on the chant lyrics. Explain that they are about to hear a chant with these lyrics.

﹡Play the chant the first time. Students just listen and follow the lyrics in their books.

﹡Play the instrumental version of the chant. This time, students chant along with the tune.

Step Ⅳ Games





T: A-E-I-O-U they are five captains. The others are soldiers. Please find your own captain. Let’s see which team is the fastest.(Give each student a letter card, students who get A,E,I,O,U are captain. They should stand in front of the class. The other students should find their own captain and stand in his line.)


  Aa 司令的小兵是 Hh, Jj, Kk.

  Ee 司令的小兵是 Bb, Cc, Dd, Gg, Pp,Tt,Vv.

  Ii 司令的小兵是 Yy.

  Oo 是一個光棍司令.

Uu 司令的小兵是Qq,Ww.

〔e〕 是一個假司令,它的小兵是 Ff, Ll, Mm, Nn, Ss, Xx, Zz


StepⅤ Listen and repeat.

Section B 2:

﹡Focus attention on the chart. Read aloud the words in the top row. Get Ss to repeat. Check pronunciation and correct if necessary. Make sure Ss understand the difference between the two “a” sounds.

﹡Repeat for the next rows.

﹡Ss listen and repeat.

StepⅥ Homework

(1) Section B 2: Listen and repeat

(2) Listen to 4, read and recite it.

(3) Copy the letters in 2 and remember them.

1. 用一個簡單的小動畫演示顏色的合成,既復習了顏色又拓展了學生的知識面,通過打印機的顏色了解顏色之間基本的合成情況。

2. 小動畫演示一目了然并且容易引起學生的興趣。

3. 3a主要是復習前面所學過的字母,并把其中的五個元音字母用不同顏色標出以引出下一部分的內容。






Period 5

(Self Check 1, Just for fun)

Teaching aims(教學目標)





Language points(語言點) 要求認識alphabet(字母表)


(難點): 英語字母在字母表中的順序。


Teaching steps(教學步驟): 教學設計說明

Step I A visit to the Letter Palace

1 Keep in line.(集合)

T:Everybody, attention, please! The train to the Letter Palace is leaving soon. Please keep in line.

T: Here is L, who is the next?

M: I am M, follow me, please.

O: I am O, who is before me?

(開始前,先把字母卡片發給學生。然后說出一個字母(如:M),持有該字母卡片的學生站出來并說:I am M Follow me ,please.持有字母N的學生應立刻站在持M卡片學生的后面,并說:I am N. Follow me. please,依次類推,這個游戲也可以倒著排次序,也可說 I am M. Who is before me?持字母L的學生應立刻站在持M卡片學生的前面)。

2 Drive the train. (開火車)

T:Three,two, one, zero, let’s go!

Ss: A, B, C, D……(Sing ABC SONG)


3 Arrive at the palace.( 進宮)

T: The train has arrived. I am the policewoman, everyone must answer my three questions. Then you can go into.


4 Go to ABC Hotel. (上賓館)

T: Welcome to ABC Hotel. Please get your keys by yourselves, one by one.

已進城上賓館的客人須在ABC Hotel(字母賓館)內按編號拿取房門鑰匙方可入內。這時帶頭飾大寫A卡者拿取小寫a卡,帶頭飾大寫B卡者拿取小寫b卡,其他人均尋找并取走相應的小寫字母卡。

5 Welcome the special guests---A,E,I.O,U. (歡迎元音字母客人)

T: Among our guests, there are 5 special guests. Let’s welcome them.

教師示意一學生向全班出示“歡迎元音字母客人”的大紅標語。這時,帶頭飾紅色大寫AEIOU卡5位學生迅速按 A E I O U順序排列在臺前。全班鼓掌,以示歡迎。教師同時握“A”客人的手,與之對話。例:

T: What’s your name,please?

Aa:My name is“Aa”.

T:Hello,Mr. Aa!Nice to meet you.

Aa:Hello,Teacher.Nice to meet you,too.

T:How do you do?

Aa:How do you do?


T:Hello!Are you E?

Ee:Yes,I am.

T:How are you, Mr. Ee?

Ee:Fine,thank you.And you?

T:I’m OK.(上述句子均在前面的課中出現過,學生均能按要求做答)

6Have a competition in the palace. 字母宮內擺擂臺---賓狗(Bingo)

T: Let’s play Bingo. I will say 9 letters. Please write them down in following box. Then I will say a word with three of these letters. If you can find it in any line, please say Bingo.

7 Look up the vocabulary.

T:Look up these words in the vocabulary index.


Step II A Colorful world

1. Find the color words.

2. Color the pictures.

Step III Homework:

Revise the whole unit.



3該活動旨在訓練字母的認讀和發音。要求事先準備一塊 “請過字母認讀關”的標牌。

4該活動目的是訓練大、小寫字母的匹配能力。同時學習前一課生詞key 的復數形式keys. 另外對學生進行先人后己,排隊等候的教育。要求事先黑板的正中間用彩色粉筆寫著“ABC Hotel”,兩側事先用圖釘釘上26張小寫字母卡。





1. 找出哪個單詞代表松鼠擠出的顏色(計時1分鐘)

2. 根據圖片上所寫的英文上色(計時2分鐘)

3. 以正確率和所花時間來判斷輸贏

4. 根據時間安排兩位選手競賽或四位選手競賽,其他同學為選手們的后援團,可以在下面提示。

5. 通過組內合作和組間比賽活動,提高學生的合作能力和競爭能力,促使學生學會體驗實踐、參與合作與交流的學習方式。



  由于 該教材理念新、起點高、容量足,對于農村中學的學生尤其是沒有任何英語基礎的學生來說,難度的確有點偏大,但我相信只要我們牢記本套教材的教學理念:“知識用于行動”,強調“語言應用”,培養“創新、實踐能力”,發展“學習策略”。

Go For It原書配有專門的網站:



Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn. (本杰明弗蘭克林)

新目標英語Go for it七年級(上)(Starter)



I 聽錄音,寫出緊跟你所聽字母后面字母的大小寫。

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


II. 聽錄音,選擇你所聽到的單詞。(5分)

( )1. A. this B. that C. what

( )2. A. to B. well C. you're

( )3. A. dad B. he C. mom

( )4. A. bike B. clock C. desk

( )5. A. Ben B. pen C. bag

III. 聽錄音,選擇正確的應答語。(5分)

( )1. A. I'm fine, thank you.

B. How are you? C. I'm good.

( )2. A. It's my brother. B. It's a pencil.

C. This is my dad.

( )3. A. It's my mom. B. It's my chair.

C. I'm Amy.

( )4. A. Good afternoon. B. Bye-bye.

C. Thanks.

( )5. A. Thanks. B. I'm well.

C. You're welcome.




I 字母與語音。

A) 寫出26個小寫字母中占滿“四線三格”中下面二格的字母。


  B) 寫出26個小寫字母中占滿“四線三格”中上面二格的字母。



D) 從下列每組字母中找出一個含有不同元音音素的的字母。

( )1. A. Ee B. Dd C. Bb D. Jj

  ( )2. A. Kk B. Aa C. Ff D. Jj

  ( )3. A. Ii B. Kk C. Aa D. Hh

  ( )4. A. Dd B. Mm C. Cc D. Gg

( )5. A. Mm B. Ll C. Nn D. Bb

II 從II欄中找出與I 欄相對應的答語。  

  I II

( )1. Good afternoon! A. It’s black.

( )2. What's this? B. Goodbye!

( )3. What color is it? C. I'm fine, thank you.

( )4. Sit down, please. D. Nice to meet you, too.

( )5. Nice to meet you. E. It's an apple.

( )6. Goodbye! F. Good afternoon!

( )7. How are you? G. Thank you.

IV. 根據中文所給提示內容,寫出相應的英語句子。

  1. 朋友早晨見面時打招呼:


  2. 朋友之間見面詢問對方身體狀況:


  3. 看見朋友手里有個物件你想知道其英語名字,你應該問:


  4. 下午見面時的問候語


  5. 聽見對方說了Fine, thank you. And you?后,你的回答應該是:



( )1.-Good afternoon ,Jack. -________

A. Good morning, Emma. B. Good evening, Kate. C. Good afternoon, Victor. D. Nice to meet you.

( )2.-Nice to meet you. -__________

A. Hi! B. How are you? C. Thank you. D. Nice to meet you ,too.

( )3.-Hello! -__________

A. Hi! B. Goodbye. C. How are you? D. Thank you very much.

( )4.-Good morning, Peter. How are you? -__________

A. Good morning. B. Good evening. C. Nice to meet you. D. Fine, thank you.

( )5.-Goodbye! -_______

A. Good afternoon. B. My name is Mike. C. And you? D. Bye!

( )6. -What's this? -________ a clock.

A. Its B. This is C. That's D. It's

( )7. -________? -It's a book.

A. Where's it B. How is it C. How old is itD. What's that

( )8. What's that ________ English?

A. to B. at C. in D. on

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