廣東高中必修1冊教案Unit 1 English around the world

發布時間:2016-6-23 編輯:互聯網 手機版

Unit 2; English Around the World



Talk about English and its development, Different kinds of English

Talk about difficulties in language communication

Learn to make dialogue using request & commands

Learn to transfer from direct into indirect speech

Learn to give opinions and organize ideas by way of brainstorming

Learn to make a poster showing your ideas clearly


式 Talk about English and its development

Refer to Introduction in the teachers’ book

Talk about difficulties in language communication

Different speaker may come from different place, so they may use different words and dialect, such as subway-underground、 left-left-hand-side 、two blocks two streets.

Make dialogues using request or command:

Pardon? Could you repeat that, please?

I beg your pardon? Can you speak more slowly, please?

I don’t understand. Sorry. I can’t follow you.

Could you say that again, please? How do you spell it, please?


include role international native elevator flat apartment rubber petrol gas modern culture AD actually present(adj.) rule(v.) vocabulary usage identity government Singapore Malaysia rapidly phrase candy lorry command request retell polite boss standard midwestern southern Spanish eastern northern recognize accent lightning direction ma’am subway block

2. 認讀詞匯

Shakespeare Noah Webster Lori dialect Houston Texas Buford Lester catfish

3. 固定詞組

play a role (in) because of come up such as play a part (in)

Comma Command & request

Open th Open the door. Please open the door.

Would y Would you please open the door?

Indirect Indirect Speech

He told He told (asked) me to open the door.


1. 教材分析

本單元的中心話題是 “English language and its development, different kinds of English”. 通過對世界英語這一話題的探討,加強學生對英語語言的

了解,對當代語言特別是英語發展趨勢的了解.世界在發展,時代在前進,語言作為交流的工具,也隨著時代的發展而變化.由于英語在世界上的廣泛使用,它不斷地吸收、交融、容納、創新,這就形成了各種各樣帶有國家、民族、地區特色的英語. 沒有人們認為的那種唯一的標準英語。盡管如此,我們還是要通過本課文的學習讓同學們感受、了解美國英語、澳大利亞英語、印度英語、新加坡英語等都有自己的規律和慣用法,和不同的發音規律。

1.1 Warming Up簡要介紹了世界英語的分支以及英語語言在不同國家產生的差異,使學生感受英語語言的多文化、多層次、多元性,對英國英語和美國英語的不同有一個粗淺的了解。

1.2 Pre-reading通過兩個問題引發學生對課文主題的思考,以便參與課堂活動。

1.3 Reading簡要地說明英語語言的起源、發展變化、形成原因,以及它的發展趨勢。

1.4 Comprehending主要是檢測學生對課文基本內容的理解程度。

1.5 Learning About the Language主要通過各種練習幫助學生重溫本單元前幾個部分所學的新單詞和短語,同時也通過新的例子展現了美國英語、英國英語的差異,并著重介紹了本單元的語法項目(Request & Command and Indirect Speech)。

1.6 Using Language其中的reading and talking主要介紹了當今世界各地各國說英語有自己的特色,即便是美國東西部、南北部,說話均有所不同。為幫助培養跨文化意識,可以讓學生學完課文后討論中國的方言,使他們感受到本國的文化差異。


2.1 導入 把Warming Up 作為一堂課。

2.2 精讀 把Pre-reading、Reading 和 Comprehending整合在一起作為一堂課精讀課。

2.3 語言學習 把Learning About Language和Workbook中的Using Words, Using Structures 結合在一起。

2.4 寫作

2.5聽和說 把課文中的聽和說整合成一堂課。

2.6 練習課 workbook exercises & other exx.


1st period Warming Up

2nd period Reading &Language Study

3rd period Learning About Language r& grammar

4th period Writing

5th period Listening & Speaking

6th period Exercises

(Period One)

Warming up

By Zhu Haishan From Luohu Foreign Language School

一、 教學目標(teaching aims)student’s book; warming up

1、 能力目標(ability aim)

a. Enable students to talk about the world Englishes

b. Enable students to talk about the differences between Am. English and Br. English

2、 語言目標(language aim)

more than; include; play an important role; because of; international; native; elevator; flat; apartment; rubber; petrol; gas;

二、 教學重難點(Teaching important points)

a. Students learn about the world Englishes and the differences between Am. English and Br. English.

b. Students can understand the jokes caused by the misunderstanding of different Englishes.

三、 教學方法(Teaching method)

a. Individual, pair or group work to finish each task.

b. Listening

c. Discussion

四、 教具準備(Teaching aids)

a computer; a tape-recorder; a projector

五、 教學步驟(Teaching procedure)

Step I. Leading-in

Fun time: warm the students up by asking them to greet each other with their dialects. At the same time, lead the students to think about the topic of this unit--- “language”.

Step II. Warming up.

1) A quiz about the national flag of countries speaking English as their first or second language .Lead the students to the topic “ English Around the world”.

2) Ask the students to think about the question about the “world Englishes”.

Step III. Talking about “world Englishes”, especially the differences between “American English” and “British English”

1) Listen to a dialogue between an American and an Englishman. And try to find out the cause of the misunderstanding between them.

2) Talk about the differences between American English and British English.( mainly about vocabulary and spelling)

Step IV. Speaking Task.

Student make up a dialogue with a misunderstanding caused by the differences between “American English” and “British English” like the dialogue they listened to.

Unit 2 English Around the World

Period Two


By Zhen Ni(鄭妮)from Luohu Foreign languages school

教學目標(Teaching aims)

Get the students to know English language and its development and different kinds of English through this passage.

教學內容( Teaching contents)

Get the knowledge of English language and its development and different kinds of English.

能力目標(Ability aim)

Get some knowledge of different kinds of English

語言目標(Language aim)

Grasp some words and expressions such as, play a role in /because of/ come up/ play a part in and learn the grammar- the indirect speech of the imperative clause

教學重難點(Teaching important points)

The indirect speech of the imperative clause

教學方法( Teaching methods)

task- based approach

教具準備(Teaching aids)

multi-media computer

教學步驟(Teaching procedure)

Step 1. Warming up.

Warm the students up by ask them to tell the differences between American English and British English.

Step 2. Pre-reading.

Ask the students to discuss some questions about “English” in pairs.

1.How many people speak English in the world today?2.Why do so many people speak English?3.What has helped to spread English around the world?4.Do you think it important for Chinese to learn English? Why?

Step 3. Reading.

1) The first-reading.

Ask the students to scan the text and choose the correct answer in the book.

2) The second-reading.

Ask the students to read the text paragraph by paragraph, and get some detail information.

a. For the first and second paragraph, students answer some questions

b. For the third paragraph, students find out the information to fill in the table of the development of English.

c. For the last paragraph, students find out the reason why India speaks English.

Step4 discussions:

1.Do you think it matters what kind of English you learn? Why?

2, Why do you think people all over the world want to learn English?

3, Do you think Chinese will become the most popular language in the world instead of English in the future?

Step 5. Extension

Give the students some information of origin of British English and American English..

The formation of British English

From 17th century----19thcentury

The UK colonized Ireland and joined with Scotland long ago

Colonized ; North America, the Caribbean India, including Pakistan, Bangladesh, Australia, New Zealand, Palestine, parts of sub-Sahara Africa, Hong Kong, Singapore and the Pacific Islands

The formation of American English

American colonial rulers also brought their English to:

Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Philippines and other Pacific island in the late 19th century

Introduce the situation of English speaking in China.

Tell them some proper items.

Native speaker: A person who speaks English since birth but who may not speak a standard form of it.

L1 speaker: A native speaker of English who uses it as his or her mother tongue or an immigrant to an English-speaking country who always prefer to use it

ESL: English as a Second Language

L2 speaker: A second language speaker of English

EFL: English as a Foreign Language

Step6 Homework

1. Finish the exercise on page 11.

2. Read passage on page 51 The Oxford English Dictionary and make notes about Murray’s life.

Unit 2 English around the world

Period Three

Learning about Language

By Zhu Haishan From Luohu Foreign Language School

一、 教學目標(teaching aims)student’s book; Discovering useful structures

1、 能力目標(ability aim)

a. Enable students to tell the differences between a request and a command.

b. Enable students to learn about the Indirect Speech( requests & commands)

c. Enable students to use the Indirect Speech (requests & commands)

2、 語言目標(language aim)

command; request; retell; polite; boss

Indirect Speech (requests and Commands)

二、 教學重難點(Teaching important points)

a. Students learn about the differences between a request and a command.

b. Students learn about the Indirect Speech( requests and commands)

c. Students can use the indirect speech.

三、 教學方法(Teaching method)

a. Individual, pair or group work to finish each task.

b. Discovering the structure through examples

c. Practice

四、 教具準備(Teaching aids)

a computer; a projector

五、 教學步驟(Teaching procedure

Step 1. Warming-up (Revision)

Warm the students up by asking them to go over the Direct Speech and Indirect Speech..

Do some exercises : change a statement or a question into Indirect Speech.

Step 2. Talk about Request and Command.

1) Talk about the polite and Impolite tune.

2) Change the commands into Requests.

3) Learn to give requests or commands according to the situations.

Step 3. Talk about how to change a request and a command into Indirect Speech.

ask(ed) sb (not) to do sth

tell/told sb (not) to do sth

Step 4. Practise changing a request or a command into Indirect Speech.

Step 5. using the structure.

A game: choose two students act as two robots. One listens to the requests, the other listens to the commands. Other students give either requests or commands, and the robots do what the students asked them to do.

Unit 2; English Around the World

(Period Four)


By Zhen Ni (鄭妮) from Luohu Foreign languages school

教學目標(Teaching aims)

a. Let students get to know how to write a statement by using brainstorming

b. Try to use connecting words or sentences to make it as an essay or passage not just several sentences.

教學內容( Teaching contents)

Write a statement

能力目標(Ability aim)

Using the brainstorming way to collect sentences and then arrange them properly

語言目標(Language aim)

I think,

I believe,

In my opinion…

We learn English to do…

教學重難點(Teaching important points)

How to arrange sentence correctly .

Try to use connecting words.

教學方法( Teaching methods)

Brainstorming way

教具準備(Teaching aids)

multi-media computer

教學步驟(Teaching procedure)

Step1 leading in

Use the brainstorming way to ask students “Why should we live?” which is a simple question, at the same time there might be various answers to the question, which will stimulate their interest.

Step2 presentation

Also use the brainstorming way to ask “ Why should we learn English ?” and “how can learning English help China?”

Step3 A poster

Write a poster to collect all their ideas. try to use completely sentences, such as :

I like to study English and use it for business in the future.

I want to study English well so that I can read English books.

Say, come to the blackboard and write down your ideas , trying to use complete sentences, such as :

If I learn English well, I can bring in the advanced foreign technology to China. So China will become stronger.

I decide to learn English well , in this case I can read many English novels, so I can translate them into Chinese, then more Chinese can know more things about the world.

Step4 write an essay

The title is “Do we need to learn English?”

Step5 display the structure on how to write the essay.

1. State your points of view.

2. Show the supporting reasons.

3. Get a conclusion

Step6 show them the connecting words which can help them to join the sentences and paragraphs .

Illustration: I think , I believe, In my opinion, As far as I am concerned…

Addition: firstly, secondly, then, besides, at last…

Contrast: however, but , on the other hand…

Summary: in short, in a word, therefore, so…

Step7 give them a simple example which is not complete

Do we need to learn English?

I strongly think we not only need learn English but also learn it well…Why should we learn it…How can learning English help China in the future?…So…

Step8 HomeworkMy Experience of Learning English

Para1. My problems in learning English.

Para 2. How I can improve my English.

Para.3. What I like about learning English.Para

Para 4. How I hope to make use of my English.

Unit 2: English Around the World

Period Five

Listening & speaking

By Xue Hong(薛 紅) from Luo Hu Foreign Languages School

一. 學目標(Teaching aims)

教材(Teaching materials) listening materials on p12 and p14 on the textbook, another one attached

1、 能力目標(ability aim) enable Ss to catch the listening materials and understand them and distinguish British and American English, try using them in dialogues.

2、 語言目標(Language aim)distinguish some words used in British and American English 、 some dialect and accent

二、 教學重難點(Teaching important points)understand words used in British and American which have the same meanings and some dialect accent

三、 教學方法(Teaching method) listening and talking

四、 教學準備(Teaching aids)tape recorder and get students’ answer sheet printed out

五、 教學步驟(Teaching procedure)

step 1 Listening

Listening 1 (text book p12 )

Listen to the tape, trying to make the students know and distinguish British English and American English.

Step 2 Speaking

After listening to different words used in British and American English, see if they know more.

Get them to say more about the differences between American and British Englsih.

i.e. apartment-flat bar-pub bathroom-toilet can-tin chalkboard-blackboard

crazy-mad elevator-lift eraser-rubber game-match line-queue ……

Step 3 Listening

Listening 2 (text book p14 )

Listen to the tape, getting to know American dialect and accent.

Step 4 Speaking

After listening to different dialects and accents, see if Ss know how to pronounce the following words:

ask after either neither kilometer box……and more

Step 5 Listening

Listening 3

Listening to the tape and mark their choices.

Keys:1-5 BABCB 6-10 CABAB 11-15 ACCBC 16-20 ACBCB

Worksheet (please print it out)




1. What does the woman mean?

A. They’d better slow down.

B. They have to hurry up.

C. She doesn’t realize how late it is.

2. How often does Emy take her piano lesson now?

A. Three times a week

B. Twice a week

C. Four times a week

3. Where does the talk take place?

A. At a concert.

B. At a ball.

C. In a classroom.

4. Why did Harry got a ticket?

A. He got a train ticket

B. He slowed down at the wrong place

C. He broke the speed limit.

5. What did the woman want to do?

A. Forget a man’s birthday completely

B. Give a man a gift for his birthday

C. Pass the time


聽下面5段對話或讀白。每段對話或讀白后有幾個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選相中選出最佳選相, 并標在相應的位置。聽每段對話或讀白前,你都有時間讀各個小題,每小題為秒鐘;聽完后,各小題將給出5秒鐘的作答時間。每段對話或讀白讀兩遍。

聽第6段材料,回答第6至8 題。

6. How did the woman come?

A. By train. B. On foot. C. By bus

7. When does the office close usually?

A. at 6:p.m. B. at 5:30 p.m. C. At 7 p.m..

8. What did the woman ‘s boss ask her to do?

A.He asked her to post some letters.

B. He asked her to write some letters.

C. He asked her to put away some letters.

聽第7段材料,回答第9至11 題。

9. Who will be back tomorrow?

A. The man’s head

B. Jenny Craig.

C. The woman’s head

10. What is the woman’s office telephone number?

A. 764-300. B. 764-512 C. 689-300

11. Why does the woman make the telephone call?

A. Because something is wrong with her dishwasher

B. Because she wants to change her dishwasher

C. Because she wants her telephone to be repaired

聽第8段材料,回答12 至14 題。

12. What’s wrong with the man?

A. He has a headache.

B. He has a stomachache.

C. He has a cold.

13. What does the woman advise the man to do?

A. E at less B. Sleep more C. Do some exercise.

14. What do you know about the man?

A. He’s too hungry.

B. He’s too tired.

C. He’s too foolish.

聽第9段材料,回答15 至17 題。

15. When doe the conversation probably take place?

A. About 13:00 Saturday.

B. About 3:00 p.m. Sunday

C. About 15:00 Saturday.

16. What does the man come to ask the woman for?

A. To see a movie.

B. To play for fun

C. To see a show.

17. What does the woman complain of

A. A lot of books bought should be finished.

B. So many books left by her professor should be read at once.

C. Each professor has left the students with a lot of work.

聽第10段材料,回答18 至20 題。

18. How shall we say “truck” in British English?

A. Car B. Lorry C. Tank

19. Which American river is correct?

A. River Thames B. River Mississippi. C. Colorado River

20. What’s the biggest difference between British and American English?

A. Vocabulary B. Vocabulary and pronunciation C. Spelling

Listening material:

Text 1

M: Can’t we slow down? I’m tired.

W: Slow down? Don’t you realize how late we are going to be?

Text 2

M: Emy really likes her piano class, doesn’t she?

W: Yes, she used to take lessons only one day a week, but now she goes every other day after school.


M: I’d love to dance, but I don’t know the steps.

W: It doesn’t matter. No one will be looking at us in this crowd.

Test 4

M: I heard Harry got a ticket yesterday. What did he do?

W: He drove too fast in the downtown area.

Test 5

W: I wanted to buy him a present for his birthday, but now it is past.

M: It’s not too late, you know. You still could.

Test 6

W: Adam, I’m sorry.

M: But where have you been, Alice? You’re over an hour late.

W: Yes, But I couldn’t help it. I was late getting off work for a start, and hen I missed the bus The bus I did catch got caught in a traffic jam. It was one thing after another.

M: But why were you so late getting off work? The office closes at six, doesn’t it?

W: Yes, but there is a rush at the moment, and my boss asked me to write some urgent letters.

M: But didn’t you tell him you had an appointment?

W: Well, no ,I thought I’d finish them in about five minutes. If it hadn’t been for missing the bus and the traffic, I wouldn’t have been so late. I AM SORRY.

M: Well, you’re here. And that’s the main thing.

Text 7

W: Good afternoon. Could I speak ti the After Sales Manager, please?

M: I’m sorry. He ;s not in this afternoon. Who’s speaking, please?

W: Jenny Craig. Have you got any idea when he’ll be back?

M: I’m afraid he probably won’t be back until tomorrow. Can I give him a massage/

W: Would you mind spelling your name, please?

W: Jenny Craig, that’s C-R-A-I-G.

M: And your telephone number?

W: My home number is 764-512

M: And what’s the message?

W: Well, I was wondering if he could send a repairman to fix my dishwasher. It’s still under warrant.

M: When would you like to have it fixed?

W: Well, any time next week That’s convenient for the repairman.

M: OK, I’ll tell him that as soon as he comes back tomorrow.

Text 8

M: I don’t know why I can’t get rid of my cold. I have taken the medicine for three days and I’m still coughing badly day and night.

W: How can you stay in bed all day long? Get up and do some exercise, such s running, walking or some other sports. I’m sure you will get well soon.

M: Will I get rid of my cold that way?

W: I’m sure you will. Sports can do you a lot of good if you have a cold.

M: I’m too tired to do anything in bed.

Test 9

W: Ah! Another word I don’t know. I spend half my life looking up words in the dictionary. Come in. Oh, hi, Carrie.

M: Hi. Do you know what time it is?

W: Sure. It’s 3 o’clock.

M: But it’s Saturday. Do you know what that means?

W: For me, it means eight more hours of study before bedtime.

M: A round here, Jenny, Saturday is for relaxing and having fun. Come on, let’s go to do something. There’s a good movie show at the Multiplex.

W: I’d love to go with you, Carrie. But I can’t.

M: Why not?

W: Look at this pile of books I have to read .

M: Why so many?

W: That’s what I’d like to know. Each professor must think students are taking only his or her course.

Text 10

Many people say that one is better than the other when it comes to English. However, the fact is no one style of English is more correct than the other but you must choose one. There are really very few differences between British English and American English. However, the largest differences are the choices of vocabulary and pronunciation. Spelling also differ with each style>American words ending in “o-r” and “o-u-r” in British English. For example, in American English you would spell color “c-o-l-o-r” and “f-l-a-v-o-r”. In British English you would Spell “c-o-l-o-u-r’ and “f-l-a-v-o-u-r”. Also the word “t-h-e-a-t-e-r” in American English is spelled “t-h-e-a-t-r-e” in British English. American English says “truck’, WHILE British English calls it “lorry”. American English SAYS “two weeks” while British English says “fortnight”. In names of American river, the word “river” usually comes after the name, for example, Colorado River. However, British river have the word “river” before the name like River Thames.

Unit Two :English Around the World

By Zhang Shusheng(張書生)from Luohu Foreign Lnaguages School

The Sixth period Exercises

一.教學目標:(Teaching aims)

Finish the exercises on the workbook

1.能力目標:(ability aim)

a) Enable the students to command “commands and requests”

b) Through cooperative work find out correct answers themselves

2.語言目標:(language aim)

Full understanding of the readings

二.教學重難點(Teaching important points)

Understanding the main ideas of the passages

三.教學方法(Teaching method)

a. Fast and careful reading

b. Individual, pair or group work to finish each task

c. Discussion

四.教具準備(Teaching aids)

a computer

五.教學步驟(teaching procedure)

Step 1.warming up

Step 2: speaking task (Review commands and requests)

Offer them situations and try to make dialogues with commands and requests

Step 3 :Do the “Reading” on P13 and answer questions on it briefly.

Step 4: Finish the “Reading Task” at p.51 and complete the form after it.

Step 5: Group work:

Ask them to sum up what codes and short forms of words they often use when they often chat on the net with others.

Step 6: check up their researching result.

Step 7: homework.

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