人教版高一Unit 4 Unforgettable experiences

發布時間:2016-3-9 編輯:互聯網 手機版

I. 單元教學目標


1. Talk about past experiences.

2. Describe people, things, events and people’s feelings.

3. Review the Attributive Clause and learn to use the relative pronouns who, whom, whose, which and that.

4. Organize ideas in a text using First, Next, Then, Finally.

5. Write about an unforgettable experience.

II. 目標語言

式 1. 描述人物的感情 (Describing emotions)

Help! Don’t worry. Well done!

I’m afraid ... Don’t be afraid. You can do it.

I’ll be OK/all right.

Come on! It scares me. It’s all right!

That’s better./Keep trying.

2. 按次序描述事件發生的過程

(Describing sequences)

First, we went to Leshan.

Next, we climbed Mount Emei.

Then we played with some monkeys.

Finally, towards evening we were on the way back to Chengdu.

匯 1. 四會詞匯

unforgettable, king, host, scare, disaster, finally, rescue, advance, upon, size, swallow, drag, struggle, fight, flow, fright, shake, strike, destroy, tower, national, deadline, fear, opportunity, article, Buddha, agent, temple, touch, naughty, peanut, note, take place, on fire, pull sb. up, get on one’s feet, go through, on holiday, travel agency

2. 認讀詞匯

seismograph, Howard Carter, King Tut, Hank Stram, Flora, roar, stair, boom, crack, Kevin couch, workaholic.

3. 詞組(略)

4. 重點詞匯(略)

構 定語從句 (the Attributive Clause)

1. 能夠用英語描述人物的特征、行為等-由who/whom/that/whose引導:She looked at Jeff, who was waving his arms.The girl whose leg was broken in the earthquake was taken to hospital.

2. 能夠用英語描述事物、事件的性質、內容等-由which/that引導:And there she saw a wall of water which/that was quickly advancing towards her.

子 1. Before she could move, she heard a loud noise , which grew to a terrible roar.

2. There she stopped, listening to the strange sounds, while the whole house moved.

3. It didn’t take long before the wooden building was swallowed by the fire.

4. Tree after tree went down, cut down by the water, which must have been three metres deep.

5. The 1998 flood has been one of the greatest disasters that hit China these years.

6. However, before she could think twice, the water was upon her.

7. The number of people who lost their homes reached as many as 250,000.

8. China is trying to seize (take ) every opportunity to help most people live a richer and better life.

9. He told me that I could go on a two-day trip to Leshan and Emei, which wasn’t too expensive.

10. The world is advancing. Advance with it.

III. 學能目標

標 本單元以“難忘的經歷” (Unforgettable experience)為話題,旨在通過單元教學,讓學生運用書中的Useful expressions編對話,描述人物,事件和人物的感情,了解人們在自然災害中的經歷,感受, 提高學生在危機關頭的應變能力; 培養學生對定語從句的理解掌握和運用能力,詞匯部分訓練學生在語境中理解詞匯的能力,幫助學生加強動詞變化形式的意識,通過提供四個表示順序的副詞,培養學生思維條理性以及語言表達的邏輯性。

Ⅳ. 教材分析與教材重組

1. 教材分析

本單元的話題是“難忘的經歷”,其中包括“難忘的事件”, “地震”, “營救”等。

1.1 “熱身”(Warming up)部分通過四幅圖片引出“難忘的人物”這一話題, 同時讓學生在語言實踐中,復習定語從句, 學習描述任務和事件。

1.2 聽力部分(Listening)是一段有關地震災難的獨白,設計了兩個相應練習,wh-問題和填空題,旨在培養學生學會獲取聽力材料中的具體用詞和細節要點,同時讓學生了解人們在自然災害中的經歷和感受。

1.3 口語部分(Speaking)主要描述事件和人物的感情。教材設計了四幅圖畫。每一幅圖都配有文字說明,要求學生兩人一組根據情景,發揮想象力,開展對話。教材提供了有關女孩打網球的對話示例,以啟發學生運用書中的Useful expressions編對話,描述人物,事件和人物的感情。

1.4 讀前部分(Pre-reading)提供三個問題,從學生對自然災害的認識或經歷引出話題。其中第三個是開放性問題,其目的是提高學生在危急關頭的應變能力,同時培養學生思維條理性以及語言表達的邏輯性。

1.5 閱讀(Reading)材料是一篇記敘文。故事講述的是Jeff和Flora遇到一場突如其來的洪水, 在危急關頭,他們感到恐懼, 但表現得更加冷靜, 頑強。他們積極自救,逃過了一次又一次撲面而來的浪頭,最后看到了獲救的希望。整篇文章語言生動活潑,扣人心弦,能夠讓學生感受洪水的兇猛,情形的險惡以及主人翁的感情變化,也可以引起學生對在災難臨頭之際如何自救的思考。

1.6 讀后(Post-reading)部分針對閱讀材料的特點設計了四種練習。英語記敘文中往往使用許多詞或替代詞,明確這些詞所指代的對象是理解這類文章的關鍵之一。練習一就是訓練學生在語境中把握這類詞的能力。 練習二旨在培養學生理解文章深層意思的能力。 第三個問題培養學生思考問題,解決困難的能力。最后一個活動是復述課文,教材中提供了四個表示次序的副詞, 目的是幫助學生提高表述的條理性。

1.7 語言學習(Language study)部分包含兩方面的訓練。詞匯部分繼續訓練學生在語境中理解詞匯的能力,幫助學生加強動詞變化形式的意識。語法部分旨在訓練學生對定語從句的理解、 掌握和運用。在練習前列出了定語從句的功能和基本結構,便于學生自主學習和探究,歸納語言的結構和作用。其后所設計的兩種練習體現了操練模式。練習一幫助學生鞏固語言的結構, 練習二先讓學生體驗定語從句的功能,在此基礎上訓練學生用定語從句描述自己。

1.8 綜合技能(Integrating skills) 主要包括閱讀和寫作兩部分。閱讀材料是一篇游記, 敘述了一次難忘的經歷, 文中作者用了許多定語從句和并列連詞, 起到了語精意明的作用。 這樣設計為學生下一步協作訓練提供了范文。寫作部分的設計體現了具體的指導過程。

2. 教材重組

2.1 從話題內容上分析,Warming up與Speaking以及Workbook 中的Talking整合在一起,設計成一堂口語課。

2.2 把Listening和Workbook 中的Listening整合在一起,上一節“聽力課”。

2.3 將Pre-reading ,Reading,Post-reading整合在一起,上一節“閱讀課(一)”。

2.4 將Language study 與Workbook 中Practicing整合,上成一節“語法課”。

2.5 可將Integrating skills中的 Part I Reading與Workbook 中的Reading整合在一起,上一節“閱讀課(二)(泛讀課)”。

2.6可將Integrating skills中的 Part 2 writing與Workbook 中的writing 整合在一起,上一節“寫作課”。


1st period : 口語課

2nd period: 聽力課

3rd period: 閱讀課

4th period: 語法課

5th period: 泛讀課

6th period: 寫作課

IV. 分課時教案

The First Period Speaking

Teaching goals 教學目標

1. Target language 目標語言

a. Words &&expressions:

unforgettable, king, host, scare disaster

b. Daily expressions in communication(P24)

Describing emotions

Help! Don’t worry. Well done! I’m afraid ...

Don’t be afraid. You can do it.

I’ll be OK/all right. Come on. It scares me!

It’s all right. That’s better./Keep trying

Describing sequences

First, I thought...

Next, I saw...

Then I realized...

Finally, I decided...

While working in the fields, we found...

When we arrived, everybody...

In the end, the scientists and the village leader...

2. Ability goals 能力目標

1) Revise the Attributive Clause.

2) Improve the Ss’ ability to describe emotions.

3) Learn how to describe sequences (ie. Learn how to organize ideas in a text using First, Next, Then, Finally).

3. Learning ability goals 學能目標

By asking the Ss to make up dialogues according to the sample dialogue on P23,

train their ability to use the creative power of mind-imagination.

Teaching important points 教學重點

1. Revise the Attributive Clause.

2. Learn how to describe emotions.

3. Learn to organize ideas in a text using First, Next, Then, Finally.

Teaching methods 教學方法

Talking, discussing, eliciting, induction, task-based , students -centered

Learning approach 學習方法

Cooperation, exploration study

Teaching aids 教具準備

a tape recorder, a projector, a computer

Teaching procedures && ways 教學過程與方式

Step I Revision

(Ask the Ss to make sentences about people, things, and events, using who, that,

which or where.)

T: We have already learnt about the Attributive Clause in Junior English for China. Now , let’s first make some sentences about some people, things and events, to refresh what we’ve learned. Don’t forget to use who, whom, that, which or where.

(Give the Ss the following names and key words and give them five minutes to finish the sentences and then invite some volunteers to present their answers.)

1. A raft is a small boat____________________________.

2. Whitewater rafting is done on rivers and streams____________________.

3. A time machine is a machine______________________.

4. Noah Webster was an American writer______________________________.

5. Chuck Noland is a businessman____________________.

T: Have you finished the sentences? Any volunteers? Ok, come to the blackboard and write down your answers.

(After the volunteers finish writing the sentences, check them with the class.)

Suggested answers:

1. A raft is a small boat that you can use to paddle down rivers and streams.

2.Whitewater rafting is done on rivers and streams where the water moves quickly.

3. A time machine is a machine that/which lets you travel in time.

4. Noah Webster was an American writer who published the first American dictionary in 1828.

5. Chuck Noland is a businessman who is always so busy that he has little time for his friends.

Step Ⅱ Warming-up

(After a short assessing for the Ss job, Let Ss open their books and look at the

pictures on page22)

T: You have done a good job. Now, open your books and turn to page 22. Do you know who or what they are? What made them unforgettable ? What can you see in Picture 1?

Ss: We can see Zhang Heng.

T: Yes. He was a famous scientist who made the earliest seismograph in 132. Please repeat my sentence.

Ss: Zhang Heng was a famous scientist who made the earliest seismograph in 132.

T: Good. Next, have a discussion on these pictures to see if you can get the answers to them. Then we will check the answers together, don’t forget to use the Attributive Clause.

(Allow the Ss some time to do the task. Collect their answers)

Suggested answers for Task 1

Picture 1 Zhang Heng was a famous scientist who made the earliest seismograph in 132.

Picture 2 Howard Carter who was born in1874, is the man that found King Tut’s tomb in 1922.

Picture 3 “Titanic” is the ship that /which sank after hitting an iceberg.

Picture 4 Beijing is the city which has got the chance to host the 2008 Olympic Games.

Step III Talking (Workbook page 103)

(Ask the Ss to turn to page 103 and begin the next task with the following

question. )

T: Who was Howard Carter?

Ss: Howard Carter, who was born in1874, is the man that found King Tut’s tomb in 1922.

T: You know beside the body of the king, they found many valuable things. Imagine you find an important tomb in China. Now open your books at page 103 and read the instructions. Do you understand what you will do ?

Ss: We are going to do some role-plays.

T: Ok, now you prepare it with your partner. Make up your dialogue according to the hints on the screen. After you are ready, please come to the front and act it out.

(Show the following on the screen and give them a couple of minutes to do it.)

Task 2

Student A plays the man who discovered the king’s tomb while working. He can be a farmer, a miner, a construction worker, an architect, a policeman, etc. Student B plays a scientist from Beijing.

Your questions:

1. How old is the tomb?

2. Who is buried in it and who was he?

3. Who built the tomb?

4. Is it an important discovery?

5. Has the scientist ever seen anything like this before?

6. Was it wrong to go in and have a look around? Your questions:

1. Who is the person that discovered the tomb?

2. How was the tomb discovered ?

3. Did the person who found it go in?

4.What were the first things that the person who found the tomb saw?

5. Has anything been touched or taken away?

(Pair work Ss discuss the answers with their partner. After they are done, call out some students to act it out.)

Sample dialogue:

B: Are you the man (woman) who discovered this place?

A: Yes, I am. While working in the fields, we found this tomb.

B: Can you tell me how you discovered the tomb?

A: Well, we were digging in the field when I struck something made of stone. First I thought it was a rock. But then I saw that it wasn’t just a rock, but a part of wall.

B: Why were you digging in that field?

A: We are building a new hotel there, and I am a construction worker. How old do you think this tomb could be?

B: At this moment it’s difficult to say. One thousand years perhaps? Please tell me, what happened next?

A: Really? So old? We dug around it carefully, until we found a wall and a door made of wood. We pushed carefully and opened the door.

B: Did anyone go in?

A: Eh, as a matter of fact, yes. We did go in, but we didn’t touch anything and we didn’t take anything away. Of course, it was very dark, we couldn’t see very much. Was it wrong to go in and look around?

B: Well. Of course it would have been best if you had not gone into the tomb. You could have damaged something even if you don’t see it. Anyway, what did you do next?

A: Then I realized we had made a discovery that is perhaps important, so we called the police. When they came, they closed everything off and told us to go home. In the end, some scientists and the village leader came, and they told us we had done a good job.

B: Yes, you sure have.

A: Can you tell us a little bit more about it? Is this an important discovery?

B: Sure it is. We don’t very often find such tombs.

A: Have you ever seen anything like this before?

B: Yes, there are many tombs in Xi’an and Beijing; but I myself have never seen a discovery like this in another place.

A: Do you have any idea who has built the tomb?

B: No, I can’t say at this moment. Do you have any other questions?

A: Hmm, what will happen next?

B: We’ll dig more and make photos. Then we’ll look into this discovery. Next, many items will be studied in Beijing. Finally, many things and materials will come back and there will perhaps be a small museum in this town.

(Time permitting, more pairs will be invited to present their work. At the end of this procedure, the teacher will say something to encourage the Ss and then begin the next task.)

T: Well, you’ve done a good job. Now, let’s change the dialogue into a short story, using “First, next, then and finally.”

(Allow the Ss a few minutes to do the task. In order to save the time, T may show the following on the screen ,asking the Ss to fill in the blanks, which will be much easier for them. )

Task 3

I was digging in the fields when I stuck something. ___ I thought it was a rock, ____ I saw that it wasn’t just a rock, but a part of a wall. ____ we dug around it very carefully, until we found a wall and a door made of wood. We were all excited. We went in. _____ I realized we had made an important discovery. ____ we decided to leave them as they were and called the police. ____, some scientists and the village leader came, and they told us we had done a good job.

(After a short time, T checks the answers with the whole class.)

I was digging in the fields when I stuck something. First I thought it was a rock, but then I saw that it wasn’t just a rock, but a part of a wall. Next we dug around it very carefully, until we found a wall and a door made of wood. We were all excited. We went in. Then I realized we had made an important discovery. Finally we decided to leave them as they were and called the police. In the end, some scientists and the village leader came, and they told us we had done a good job.

Step IV Speaking

(Deal with the speaking part on page 23. First read some sentences for the Ss to listen and match with the pictures. The sentences are as follows.)

T: Listen carefully, now I will read some sentences which have something to do with the pictures on Page 23. Please match the sentences with the pictures.

Task 4

1. The girl whose leg was broken in the earthquake was taken to hospital.

2. Anna who is playing tennis used to take swimming lessons with my sister.

3. The old man whose house is on fire is shouting for help.

4. The little boy whose eyes are blue is holding a dog.

Suggested answers:

1-pic1 2-pic4 3-pic3 4-pic2

(Ask the Ss to read the sample dialogue on page 23 to help them create a dialogue.)

T: Well done! Now look at example 1, and read it together.

(Ss read it together. Then ask them the following question.)

T: What phrases are used to describe the emotions?

Ss: Don’t worry, well done…

T: Right, to describe emotions, we can also use the following:

(show the following on the screen)

Help! Don’t worry. I’m afraid.

I’m afraid to... Don’t be afraid.

You can do it. I’ll be OK/all right. Come on!

It scares me! It’s all right. Well done!

That’s better. / Keep trying.

T: Now, let’s talk about the pictures on page23. I will split you into three groups. Each group will talk about one picture. Try to make a similar dialogue as the model. Be sure to use the expressions on the screen. You can refer to the situation suggested on page 24. Do you understand? That’s good.

Group 1: picture 1

Group 2: Picture 2

Group 3: picture 3

(Allow them enough time to get ready and then comes the time for them to report.)

T: Time is up. Now report your answers.

(Ss report their answers.)

Sample dialogues:

Picture 1

A: Doctor, let me get out of the bed. I will not go.

B: Why is that?

A: Help! My family, where is my family?

B: Don’t worry. Everything will be all right.

A: My parents. Where are they? Have they been saved?

B: Please be calm. It’ll be OK.

A: What’s the name of the hospital that you are taking me to?

B: Number 44. Don’t worry. It’s all right.

Picture 2

A: Is this the dog that you want us to take care of?

B: Yes. Xinxing is my favorite dog. Will you take good care of him?

A: Of course. Don’t worry.

B: Is there anything that we should remember?

A: Don’ t give him any milk. He really likes a walk in the park twice a day.

B: We’ll take good care. Don’t worry. Everything will be all right.

Picture 3

A: Help! Help! Help!

B: Please step aside (Please keep away from the fire.) Everything will be OK.

A: You don’t understand. (No, I cannot.) There’s still a little girl inside.

B: What? (Jesus!) Where is she?

A: In her bedroom. Oh, I’m so worried.

B: Which room is that?

A: It’s the room on the second floor.

B: Don’t worry. We’ll find her. Don’t be afraid.

Step V Homework

1. Practice the phrases on page 24.

2. Write at least four sentences which consist of the Attributive Clause.

3. Suppose you are the man who discovered the tomb. Keep a diary using the phrases on page104.



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