人教版高一Unit 8 Sports

發布時間:2016-7-8 編輯:互聯網 手機版

I. 單元教學目標


1.Talk about sports.

2.Talk about the O1ympic Games.

3.Talk about interests and hobbies.

4.Use the Future Passive Voice.

5.Talk about what will be done.

6.Write a sports star’s profi1e.


式 興趣和愛好(Interests and hobbies)

Which do you like,...or...?

I like watching it.

What’s your favorite sport?

Shooting,I think.

Which sports do you like best?

I like...best.

Which do you prefer,...or...?

I prefer...to...

What about ...?

I’d rather watch it than play it.

Are you interested in...?

Yes, very much

No,not really.

Sure. I love sports.

匯 1. 四會詞匯:

BC, AD, continent, well-known, athlete, gold, medal, torch, badminton, speed, skating, track and field, tie, final, dive, shooting, Greece, competitor, motto, further, rank, gymnastics, prepare, preparation, effect, flame, compete, flag, weight, position, point, superstar, skill, weigh, title, gesture, facial.

2. 認讀詞匯:

Mardi Gras, Ramadan, Arabic, bunny, destruction, Kwanzaa, Swahili, community, reminder, Day of the Dead, Mexico, occasion, Halloween, Obon.

3. 詞組:

stand for, because of, would rather, take part in, preparation for

4.重點詞匯: competitor, motto, further, gymnastics, prepare, preparation, effect, compete, weigh

結構 被動語態(2)

1. 使用將來時被動語態--用英語描述事物將受到某種影響或某種處理。

e.g. More trees will be planted and new roads will be built.

2. 使用將來時被動語態--用英語描述人物將被動地接受某種行為或某種處理。

e.g. A great number of reporters will be invited to Beijing to report the 29th Olympic Games.

子 1. Every four years athletes from all over the world take part in the Olympic Games. P52. 2. The ancient Olympic Games began around the year 776 BC in Greece. P53.

3. They were held in Greece--the country in which the Games were born. P53.

4. The Olympic motto is “Faster, Higher, Stronger.” P53.

5. Following the history-making success in the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, China won another great competition in 2001, which was not for a medal. P53.

6. It was the competition between countries to host the Olympic Games. P53.

7. The people of Beijing... will be preparing to light the Olympic torch to welcome athletes and sports fans from all over the world. P53

III. 教材分析與教材重組

1. 教材分析

本單元以sports為話題,使學生了解“各種體育運動”、“奧運會”、“體育愛好與興趣”,能用所學的有關sports 的詞匯描述自己喜愛的體育運動和體育明星的生平及事跡;能夠運用所學的語言知識和技能聽懂體育賽事報道,談論各項體育運動。

1.1 Warming up 是一份類似知識自測的問卷調查,測試學生對奧運會的了解程度。目的有兩個,一是呈現本單元的中心話題--Sports and Olympic Games,幫助學生在大腦中形成一個有關“Sports”的信息包;二是學習和復習有關描述體育運動的名詞,為下一步關于 "體育運動"的聽、說、讀、寫打下基礎。

1. 2 Listening 是三則體育賽事報道,分別關于NBA、足球聯賽和乒乓球比賽。在這部分中,學生要通過聽來捕捉信息。這些信息包括:體育項目、比分情況及比賽結果。這是一項具體、真實的任務,整體設計符合體育新聞特點,難度適中。通過這項任務的完成,可以達到以下目的:①增加學生相關的體育知識,并以此誘發、培養學生對體育的興趣;②訓練和提高學生聽體育新聞報道的技能技巧;③學習和復習有關描述體育比賽結果的表達方式。

1. 3 Speaking 是一項采訪活動,內容是調查了解同學最喜愛的體育活動及原因。活動以“說”為主,兼容了聽和寫的技能,比較完整的體現了語言能力的綜合訓練。這項設計的特點是:①訓練學生在比較真實的情景中使用有關體育的興趣、愛好方面的用語及口頭表達能力;②豐富學生有關描述“體育”的語言,包括詞匯和句型等;③進一步幫助學生提高對體育活動的認識。

1. 4 Pre-reading 是READING的熱身活動。設計了四個問題供學生討論。其中前兩個問題是在Warning up, Listening, 和Speaking所涉及話題的基礎上,進一步提高學生對體育活動的正確認識;后兩個問題涉及奧運會,旨在引導學生理解奧運會的重要性和奧運會所倡導的體育精神。這部分的設計既有利于培養學生的開放性思維能力,又為引導學生下一步的“閱讀”作好思想準備。

1. 5 Reading 是一篇敘述性的說明文,介紹了現代奧運會的發展歷史,奧運會在世界范圍的影響,以及舉辦奧運會的最高宗旨。最后還介紹了全世界人民對舉辦奧運會充滿熱情以及中國人民正在為2008年第29屆奧運會在中國的順利舉行而作出的積極努力。通過這一部分的學習,可以使學生更加全面、更加深刻的理解"奧運"在世界人民生活中所起的重要作用,也可以使學生更好的理解和學習“奧運”精神。

1. 6 Post-reading 部分設計了三類問題,其中前兩類是針對文章的理解,評價學生對文章理解的程度;第三類是"讀前"中的議題的發展,要求學生結合文章談談舉辦奧運會對一個城市或一個國家正反兩方面的影響, 具有很大的靈活性和開放性,旨在培養學生辯證地、客觀地分析問題的能力以及更高水準的英語語言表達能力。

1. 7 Language study 分為詞匯和語法兩項。詞匯部分設計了八個與奧運會有關的字謎,引導學生分類記憶單詞,培養學生運用英語解釋單詞的能力。語法項目是一般將來時的被動語態。要求學生圍繞"北京為奧運會做準備"這一話題做機械性句型轉換練習,來操練這一語法項目。兩道大題在形式和難度上都有一定的梯度。教師在此基礎上還可做些拓展性和鞏固性練習設計。

1. 8 Integrating skill 包括讀和寫兩部分。該部分設計了一個以閱讀為基礎的寫作任務:寫一段人物簡介。 閱讀部分是一篇關于我國著名籃球運動員姚明的簡介。寫作部分的任務是仿寫自己最喜愛的體育明星的簡介。目的是繼續學習以人物介紹為主題的寫作能力。由于題材貼近學生生活,這個寫作任務還有利于調動他們的學習積極性。

2. 教材重組

2. 1 從話題內容上分析, LISTENING, SPEAKING與Workbook中的LISTENING相一致;而WARMING UP 與Workbook中的TALKING比較一致。從訓練目的上分析,兩個LISTENING一致。從教材份量來說,可將WARMING UP,SPEAKING和Workbook中的TALKING整合在一起,設計成一節任務型“口語課”。

2. 2 將LISTENING 和Workbook中的LISTENING整合在一起,設計成一節 “聽力課”。

2. 3 可將PRE-READING, READING和POST-READING三個活動整合在一起上一節“閱讀課(一)”。

2. 4 可將 LANGUAGE STUDY 與Workbook中的PRACTISING語法練習題整合在一起上一節“語法課”。

2. 5 可將 INTEGRATING SKILLS 中1.Reading和Workbook中INTEGRATING SKILLS 的Reading整合起來上一節“閱讀課(二)(泛讀課)”。


Workbook中INTEGRATING SKILLS 的Writing整合成一節“寫作課”。

3. 課型設計與課時分配(經教材分析,根據學情,本單元可以用6課時教完)

1st period 口語課

2nd period 聽力課

3rd period 閱讀課

4th period 語法課

5th period 泛讀課

6th period 寫作課

Ⅳ. 分課時教案

The First Period Listening

Teaching goals 教學目標

1. Target language 目標語言

a. 重點詞匯和短語

stand for, because of, gold medal, would rather, continent, well-known, athlete

b. 交際用語

Asking about interests and hobbies:

Which do you like, ... or...?

What’s your favorite sport?

Which sports do you like best?

Which do you prefer,badminton or tennis ?

What about baseball?

Are you interested in …?

Possible answers:

Sure.I love sports.

Yes,very much. / NO, I don’t like sports at all.

Shooting,I think.

I 1ike tennis best.

I prefer water skiing to surfing.

I 1ike watching it.

I’d rather watch it than play it.

2. Ability goals 能力目標

Enable the students to improve their speaking ability by talking about sports, telling their partners what sports

they like and why, with the target language.

3. Learning ability goals 學能目標

Help the students learn how to describe their favorite sports.

Teaching important points 教學重點

Let Ss learn to use the structures of expressing and supporting or opposing an opinion.

Teaching difficult points 教學難點

How to express their ideas about different kinds of sports in a proper way.

Teaching methods 教學方法

1. Talking method to enable the students to express

themselves freely.

2. Looking at the pictures (individuals), and do pairs

work to discuss and work in groups of four.

Teaching aids 教具準備

1. a computer 2. a projector 3. a tape recorder

Teaching procedures && ways 教學過程與方式

Step I Revision

T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls!

Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Sir/ Madam!

T: Yesterday I asked you to review the sports words

you’ve learned and look up new words about sports in your dictionary. Now, I’ll check your homework in this way: Let’s divide ourselves into two groups and have a contest:① Each group will write sports words as many as possible on the blackboard;② Every group member should go up to write one word in turn;③ You can’t write the same word; ④ Three minutes later, we’ll check which group can write more words. One, Two, begin!

※ The two groups of the Ss write down the words about sports as quickly as and as many as possible on the blackboard.

※ Three minutes later, the contest ends. The teacher and the Ss check the result together. And the teacher prizes the winner, and encourages the other.

T: Now, in next period, we’ll talk about sports and the Olympics, including an interview.

Step II Warming up

※ Talk about the pictures on the screen.

T: Do you like sports?

Ss: Yes, we do.

T: What’s your favorite sport?

Sa: I like football best. It’s so exciting!

Sb: Basketball is my favorite sport.

Sc: ...(There will be some different answers.)

T: Look at the pictures. (The teacher shows the pictures on the screen. )

T: What’s she doing? (Pointing to the first picture. A girl player is skating in the picture.)

Ss: She is skating.

T: What are they doing? (Pointing to the second picture. Some players are playing football.)

Ss: They are playing football.

T: There are so many people here. And look at the five rings. What are they doing? (Pointing to the third picture. There are many people and a flag with five Olympic rings in the picture.)

Ss: They are having the Olympic Games.

T: The Olympic Games are the biggest sports meeting in the world. P1ease open your books at Page 50. Let’s have a quiz and see how much do you know about the Olympics. Do it by yourselves. Later we’ll check the answers.

(A few minutes later, the teacher shows the answers on the screen.)

T: Please check your total score according to the information on Page 51.

(After a few seconds, ask some of the students about their scores.)

Sd: I’ve got 22 scores.

T: Good! You seem to know a lot about the Olympic Games. What about you? (Ask Se.)

Se: I’ve got 28 scores.

T: Congratulations! You really know much about the Olympic Games.

(Time permitting, the teacher can check more students.)

Step III Speaking

T: Now, look at the pictures on Page 52. There is a variety of sports here: diving, badminton, shooting and weightlifting. Do you know the other names?

Ss: Table tennis, swimming, high jumping, baseball and softball.

T: Look at the useful expressions. They are about asking interests and hobbies and the possible answers. Please read the expressions aloud. Suppose you are a reporter and interview three of your friends about their favorite sports. Then fi11 in the forms with their answers.

Prepare them in groups. A few minutes 1ater, I’11 ask some of you to act out the interview and read what you fill in the form.

※ The students prepare the dialogues in groups and then fill in the forms, while the teacher goes among each of the groups to see if they have any questions and directs the students’ activities.

(A few minutes later.)

T: Are you ready?

Ss: Yes.

T: Which group will act out?

Ss: (The first group) Let us have a try.

Dialogue I

(Student A: A news reporter; Student B: A’s friend. They are watching a basketball match on TV)

Sa: Are you interested in the basketball team?

Sb: I 1ove sports and I’m on the basketball team of our school.

Sa: Which do you 1ike, football or basketball?

Sb: I like basketball better than football.

Sa: What’s your favorite sport?

Sb: I like swimming best, I think.

Sa: Why do you 1ike it most?

Sb: Because I was born in Qingdao, Shandong Province.

When I was a 1ittle boy, my parents often took me to swim in the sea. When I moved here, swimming was impossible for me, for there was no swimming poo1 here. So I began to play basketball.

T: Well done! Thank you, sit down, please! Which

group would like to try again?

Ss: (The second group) We’d like to try.


(Student C and Student D are talking about sports. )

Sc: Which do you prefer, badminton or tennis?

Sd: I prefer badminton to tennis.

Sc: Are you good at it?

Sd: No. I can play neither of them. I’d rather watch it than play it.

Sc: Which sports do you 1ike best?

Sd: I like volleyball than any other sport.

Sc: Why?

Sd: Because the spirit of our Chinese Women Volleyball Team in the competition is always encouraging me in my study.

Sc: Do you do well in it?

Sd: No. I’d rather watch it than play it.

Sc: Could you tell me the reason?

Sd: Because I’m near-sighted.

Sc: What a pity!

T: Very good! Thank you, and sit down, please.

(If possible, the teacher may ask more groups to act their dialogues out.)

T: Just now you did a very good job. Now, please put your books on your desk, I’1l check your forms.

(The teacher checks their forms, and asks some of them to read what they filled in the forms.)

One possible version:

Name Which sport do you like best? Why?

Zhang Lin basketball Love Yao Ming very much.

He’s tall enough to play basketball.

Liu Fei swimming Born in a seaside city. The coach says her muscle is good for swimming

Wang Haitao football It’s exciting enough.

Love Ronaldo very much. He’s so cool!

Step IV Talking

※ TALKING. P127. Work in groups.

T: Now I know most of you like sports and pay close attention to the Olympic Games. Let’s come to the Talking on Page 127. Imagine that you have been asked by the Olympic Committee to discuss the causes and effects of some serious problems. Let’s see their question card.

(The teacher shows the question card on the screen.)

1. Some athletes use drugs to win. What do you think about the affair?

2. Sometimes the winner is not the best athlete. How to settle the problems?

3. How can you deal with the corruption of some of the officials?

4. Some athletes care too much about winning and money. How can we stop it and develop the spirit of the Olympic Games?

T: Please discuss the problems in your group and you may consult the role cards on Page 127 and 128. Try to think of possible solutions. You may do it in groups of four.

(Ss are getting ready.)

T: Are you ready? I’ll check your work. Who’s willing to tell me your idea?

Sa: I don’t want to see athletes win by using drugs. That is dishonest and unfair. For one thing, the best athletes should win depending on their actual strength but not cheating. For another thing, if they use drugs, they will make young sports funs disappointed and angry. What’s worse, using drugs is harmful to their health. The purpose we watch the Olympic Games is to see the best athletes compete, not falsehood and cheating.

Sb: I think that the biggest problem is that some Olympic judges are unfair. Some judges give lower scores to athletes they don’t like. Some judges help the team that they like. This is wrong.

Sc: I agree with you. I think that perhaps these judges have got some good for themselves. I suggest that the Olympic Committee should research these events and punish those dishonest judges. If this case continues, sports fans will get angry and the Olympics will lose the significance.

Sd: In my opinion, we should take steps to settle the problems with some of the Olympic officials. They have a lot of power and the corruption is very easy to happen to them. Once we are blinded to them, they will use their power in a wrong way. I think the Olympic Committee should take some measures to forbid the corruption to keep the Olympic Committee clear and fair.

Se: Yes. I support your idea. And I have one point to add. Some officials from cities that want to host the Olympics also do bad things. They sometimes bribe the corrupt officials in the Olympic Committee in order to get their purpose. They also should be punished. If we want the Olympics to be successful and popular, we must make sure that the officials don’t do wrong.

Sf: Now athletes care too much about money and win, which is too selfish. Win is important, but there is something else more important. Firstly, the Olympic athletes meet together not only to compete but also to make friends. All the athletes and sports fans from all over the world get together at the same place just like a big family, without fighting or conflicts. That is good for the world peace and unity. Secondly, the Olympic spirit is “Faster, Higher, Stronger”. I think its further sense is to make people all over the world live more healthily and happily and also to make the whole nations in the world more friendy and closely from the competitions in the Olympic Games. Thirdly, the Olympic Games can promote the cultural exchange among

different countries. Making the athletes understand these is very important.

(The Ss may have different ideas and the teacher may collect them and make a summary.)

Step Ⅵ Homework

T: You have done very well in the class. That’s all for this period. Homework for today:

1. Tell the other students what is your favorite sport using at least five or six sentences.

2. Learn the new words by heart. In next period, I’ll check the new words by having a dictation. Goodbye everyone.

Ss: Goodbye, sir/madam.

Step III Listening (Workbook P85)

The students will hear something about problems between friends and what can be done to solve them. They are asked to write down the solutions mentioned on the tape.

T: In the following part, we are going to listen to more problems that friends may have and what can be done to solve them. This time, the problems are given. Go through them quickly to get a general idea about the passage. Listen for the first time. Take some notes about the solutions mentioned in the passage. Listen again. Try to write down the solutions in whole sentences. And check your answers with your partners. Listen for the third time. Check the answers with the whole class.

Step IV Assignment

T: Today we have learnt how to describe a friend and how

to solve problems between friends. For the homework, you have two options:

1. Write a short introduction about one of your best friends.

2. Describe one of the problems between you and one of your friends and how it is solved.



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