新目標七年級上Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie?

發布時間:2016-2-2 編輯:互聯網 手機版


Unit 9案例


案例描述: 教學內容: 1a -2c


教學目標: 1.知識目標: A. 談論喜好并學會描述電影 B. 單數和復數C.Words: comedy, thriller, documentary, tragedy, romance, action movie, funny, interesting, scary, exciting, sad, romantic, fun, but,

2.技能目標: 學會歸納與分類

3. 情感目標: 提高學生在電影方面的欣賞能力及藝術修養

教學重點:用Do you want to…?和 What kind of movies do you like?詢問他人和表達自己的喜好。


教學設計:本課的設計本著以多媒體提供真實生動的語言環境,以學生完成任務來達到知識的落實,即learning by doing的教學方法。以網絡為媒體來實現課堂上師生的互動,并通過課堂教給學生如何利用網絡去查找自己喜愛需要的東西。

Teaching procedures:

Step I . After greeting the students, the teacher ask individual students“ what do you want to do on the weekends?” The students may answer “I want to play basketball/football/…” Then the thacher tells them that“A friend of mine will come to visit me on Saturday evening. Do you think what we can do to enjoy ourselves on that evening?Of course you don’t know what my like to do. You can ask me questions about my friend using Do you want to …? I will answer the questions instead of my friend.”.They may ask“Do you want to play soccer?” or “Do you want to play volleyball/tennis/baseball…?” Then tell them that “My friend likes to see movies very much, so we want to go to a movie. ” Ask, what movies do you think we shall see? What movies do you like ? Show 4 kinds of movies to explain the meaning of the four words. If the students still can’t understand the words clearly using simple explanations and gestures.Call attention to the conversation in the speech bubbles. Finish 1a. This activity introduces some key vocabulary words.

這一步設計了一個小小的任務即讓學生弄清楚我的朋友的愛好。為了完成這個任務,學生就必須用“Do you want to…?”這一句型。同時也復習了以前的一些單詞,也很自然地引出了本課關鍵的幾個新單詞。

Step II. 1b This activity gives students practice in recognizing the target language in spoken conversation. Listen to the tape carefully. Play the recording a second time.Then talk about the different kinds of movies.Ask “What do you think of them?”Show differert kinds of movies .Help the students talk about the films using the word, sexciting, romantic, funny, interesting, great, sad, scary, etc.

這個環節主要是通過聽力的完成來檢測學生對新單詞的掌握情況,同時也鞏固了新單詞。然后通過對“What do you think of them?”的回答呈現給學生一些描述電影的形容詞,新舊單詞交替出現。這一步主要是擴展學生的詞匯,為完成下一個任務做好充分的鋪墊。

Step III. 2a This activity gives students practice in recognizing the target language in spoken conversation. You will hear a recording of a conversation. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Play the recording the second time for the students to number the movies.


Step IV. Ask the students “If i want to go to a movie on the Internet, where can i go ?” 鹿城影院和快樂GT may be the possible answers. Show them 鹿城影院 on the Internet . They can see such a picture on the screen. Four students go to鹿城影院 to see a movie. Get them to work in groups of four to decide what movie they want to see toghter.

電 信 | 文 化 | 游 戲 | 健 康 | 桌 面 | 交 友 | 體 育 | 讀 書 | 交 管 | 信息港 | 互動游戲 | 電子地圖

資 訊 | 音 樂 | 汽 車 | 下 載 | 房 產 | 動 漫 | 網 校 | 影 視 | 美 食 | 殺 毒 | 裝飾建材 | 電力信息

短 信 | 時 尚 | 旅 游 | 女 性 | 人 才 | 論 壇 | 商 城 | 企 業 | 證 券 | 分 類 | 職場先鋒 | 酒店預定


Step V. 2b This activity provides listening practice using the target language. Point to the headings on the chart and ask a student to read them to the class. Point to the names at the left and read them aloud. Play the whole recording and ask students to complete the task individually.

Step VI.Homework Make a survy Ask the other students in the class the questions and find out how many students like each kind of the films in the class.

Name What kind of movies does he/she like? Why


第一個環節用學生已經學過的球類方面的單詞引出句型Do you want to …?通過圖片給學生提供直觀的形象,讓學生復習以前學過的球類的單詞,同時也更容易說出本課的重點句型,降低了學生學習新知識的難度。第二個環節更加體現了信息技術的優越性,以典型的電影圖片來引導學生說出四種電影類型,也就是本課重要的四個新單詞。第三個環節也是通過直觀的電影圖片來談論各種類型的電影。利用多媒體技術激發學生的學習興趣,創設有利于激發和支持學生想象的情境。特別是讓學生進入鹿城影院無選擇自己喜愛的電影,利用網絡實現了師生的互動,提高了學生的興趣,讓學生充分參與了課堂,并在課堂上提供給學生更多的知識。在英語課堂教學中,適時、合理地運用計算機輔助教學,可以優化教學過程。多媒體課件設置了較多的與課堂教學內容關系密切的視頻、動畫、圖片,給學生以樂趣,更給學生以啟迪,為學生創設了自主學習情境,提高了教學效率。其最大的特點是有助于突出重點,分散難點,提高學生的創新能力。


總之,本節課的設計力求以學生為主體,以任務為中心,以活動為方式,放手讓學生自己去發現問題、分析問題、解決問題。整節課教學設計的宗旨是為課堂教學服務,讓學生成為直接的受益者,有利于學生的自主學習,有利于提高學生運用語言進行交際的實際能力,有利于增強學生學習的興趣和信心,最后使學生 “樂說”“會說”“能交際”,感到學英語“It's fun.It's easy!”

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