Words and expressions:
1. aid n (1)幫助;援助 first aid 急救
An English-Chinese Dictionary is an important aid in learning the English.
習慣用語 in aid of 支持,援助
raising fund in aid of the sick 募捐幫助病人
what's it all in aid of? 這是為了什么目的?
aid vt 幫助;援助 I aided him with money. 我資助了他。
help,assist,aid這組動詞同義詞的相應名詞分別為 help (helper),assistance(assistant), aid, 它們都有“幫助”的意思。
(1)help和另外兩個詞的差別在于,help 含有比較強的“目的”意義。如果你失眠,服安眠藥則有助于你入睡,這里包含著目的
A short while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old bookcases up the stairs.
May I help you to some more meat? 讓我再給你一些肉好嗎?
…but he was too busy helping himself to diamonds to notice any pain.……
He assisted the professor in compiling the dictionary. 他幫助那位教授編了那本詞典。
The assistant who served her did not like the way she was dressed.
The Red Cross often aids flood victims. 紅十字會常常幫助受水災的難民。
2. drown vt. , vi (1)把...淹死 (2)使濕透; 淹沒; 浸濕 (3)消除(憂愁等); 解(悶) (4)使沉溺于; 使迷戀(in) (5)攙淡; 沖淡(飲料等); (加水)化開(生石灰); 往...里加太多的水
be [get] drowned淹死, 溺死; drown oneself投水(自殺); eyes drowned in tears淚汪汪的眼晴
drown one's cares in wine以酒解憂; be drowned in fishing對釣魚入迷了
The cheers of the audience drowned the professor's voice.
Don't drown my whisky. 不要在我的威士忌酒里加太多的水。
3. choke vi, vt choked, choking (1)使窒息;悶死;使不能呼吸
The smoke from the stove almost choked me.爐子里發出的煙嗆得我幾乎透不過氣來。
The madman choked his own child to death.瘋子把他自己的孩子掐死了。
(2)塞。欢氯;阻塞 The pipe was choked by cotton. 管子被棉花堵住了。
4. witness n. (1)(=eyewitness)目擊者; (在法庭上經過宣誓的)證人 (2)[主要用于give witness, bear witness]證據, 證明; 證詞 (3)[常省略定冠詞]【律】連署人, 證人
a witness of the accident 事件的目擊者;
These facts are a witness to his carelessness.這些事實證明了他的粗心。
She gave witness on behalf of the accused person.她替被告作證。
Witness vt. (1)親眼看見, 目睹 (2)連署, 簽名作證 (3)表明, 顯示 (4)證明 (5)經歷
She witnessed the accident.她親眼看見該事故。
They witnessed the will.他們在遺囑上連署。
Her blush witnessed her agitation.她臉紅表示了她的激動。
None could witness that he was present.沒有人能證明他在場。
He has witnessed many battles.他經歷過多次戰爭。
5. calm vt. 使鎮定, 使平靜 The mother calmed her child. 母親使孩子安靜下來。
Calm vi. 鎮定下來, 平靜下來
The crying child soon calmed down.哭鬧的小孩不多一會就安靜下來。
Calm adj 平靜的
The sea was calm after the storm. 經過這場風暴后,大海平靜下來了。
After the storm it became calm again.暴風雨過后,天氣又恢復平靜無風。
The sea was calm at the beginning of our voyage.我們出海時,海上風平浪靜。
He was calm when I told him the bad news. 當我告訴他這個壞消息時,他很平靜。
同義詞 calm ,silent, quiet, still 都含 “平靜的”意思。
calm主要用于氣候、海洋“ 風平浪靜的”, 也可指人表示“安靜的”、“鎮靜的”, 如:
The sky is blue, and the sea is calm.天空碧蘭, 海上風平浪靜。
Although she was frightened, she answered with a calm voice.
雖然她害怕, 但還是用平靜的聲音回答。
quiet 指“沒有吵鬧聲的”、“ 沒有噪音的”,它強調“聲音很低、很少”或“全然無聲”, 如:
He had a quiet life.他過著寧靜的生活。
still 指“沒聲音的”、“沒動靜的”, 常與躺(lie)、坐(sit)、站(stand)、保持(keep/remain)等靜態動詞連用, 如: the still hours before dawn 黎明前的寂靜時刻。
The students sat still, listening to the teacher. 學生們一動不動地坐著聽老師講課。
silent 主要用于人,指人不說話、不作聲、沉默不語。
Do you know when to keep silent? 你知道何時保持沉默嗎?
考題 1. We must be __________ before danger. (A)
A. calm B. quiet C. still D. silent
2. The library permits________ talking. (B)
A. calm B. quiet C. still D. silent
6. panic n. 恐慌, 驚慌; 經濟上的大恐慌
be in a panic在驚慌中; be seized with a panic驚慌失措; get up a panic 引起驚慌
cause a panic 引起恐慌
vi. 驚慌, 害怕 panic over sth. 對某事感到驚慌
The crowd paniced at the sound of the guns. 人們聽到槍聲感到驚慌。
7. conscious adj (1)有意識的;神志清醒的 (2)了解的;察覺的
He is hurt but still conscious. 他受了傷,不過神志還清醒。
She was not conscious of his presence in the room. 她不曉得他在這房間里。
I was conscious of her presence.我知道她在場。
unconscious adj (1)失去知覺的
After she hit her head she was unconscious for several minutes.
(2)無意的;不自覺的 I was unconscious of her presence.我不知道她在場。
8. tip vt, vi -pp- (1)(常與over, up連用)打翻,使弄翻
I tipped the bottle over and it broke. 我把瓶子弄翻了,瓶子摔破了。
I tipped the table and the glasses fell off it. 我把桌子弄歪了,玻璃杯掉了下來。
(3)丟棄;倒掉 (4)(與into連用)把…倒入容器
9. slight adj. 輕微的, 微小的, 少量的;纖細的, 瘦小的
slight difficulty 小困難; a slight possibility of success很小的成功可能性
a slight girl苗條的女孩; a slight difference微小的區別
10. circulate vi, vt -lated, -lating (1)使循環;環流
The blood circulates round the body. 血液在體內循環。
Rumors circulated rapidly. 謠言迅速散布開來。
People who circulate false news are to be blamed.散布流言者該受遣責。
The prince circulated from group to group at the party. 王子在宴會中穿梭于人群之間。
"The politician circulated at the dance party, talking to lots of people."
11. revive vt, vi revived, reviving (1)復活;復蘇;再生
The fresh air soon revived him. 新鮮空氣很快就使他蘇醒過來了。
(2)再興;再用 to revive an old custom 恢復舊習俗
Our hopes revived.我們又有希望了。
These flowers will revive in water.這些花在水中會再活。
12. recovery recover 恢復+ -y名詞后綴 n -ies
(1) 收回;取回 (2)恢復;復原 (3)(經濟)復蘇
She made a quick recovery after her illness. 她病后恢復得很快。
13. in honour of adv.為紀念, 為慶祝
I have cooked a special meal in honor of our visitors.
honor n (1)尊敬;敬重
(2)榮譽,名譽;信用 to win honor for one's motherland 為祖國爭光
He's an honor to his parents. 他的父母以他為榮。
(4)(對法官等的尊稱)閣下,先生 Your Honor 閣下,先生
We request the honor of your company at dinner. 謹備便酌,敬請光臨(請柬用語)
(6)貞節,貞操 to lose one's honor 喪失貞操
考題 1.Miss Smith thought it a great _______ to be invited to speak to all of us. (D)
A. pleasure B. success C. happiness D. honor
2.Washington, a state in the United States was named ________ one of the greatest American presidents. (C)
A. in honor of B. instead of C. in favor of D. by means of
14. bite vt, vi bit, bitten, biting (1)咬 My monkey doesn't bite. 我的猴子不咬人。
The boy bit into the apple. 那個男孩子咬了一口蘋果。
The dog has bitten a hole in my trousers. 狗把我的褲子咬了一個洞。
(3)(蟲)叮 The mosquitoes are biting me. 蚊子叮我。
(4)(魚)咬餌 (5)抓緊;卡緊
The car's tires would not bite on the snow. 汽車輪胎在雪地里會打滑。
bite n (1)咬; (2)咬下的一塊 (3)食物 (4)咬傷
She was covered in insect bites. 她渾身是蟲子叮的傷。
This apple's good, do you want a bite? 這蘋果很好,你想來一口嗎?
He took a bite out of the pear.他咬了一口梨。
He hasn't had a bite (to eat) all day. 他整天都沒吃東西。
The children haven't had a bite to eat all day.孩子們一整天什么也沒吃過。
15.loose adj (1)沒加束縛的;自由的 (2)散裝的
"I bought these chocolates loose, not in a box.""我買的這些巧克力是散裝的,不是盒裝的。"
(3)不堅固的,不牢的 (4)寬大的,肥大的(衣服) (5)疏松的
The ringleader of the gang had one hand loose but the other was tied to another robber's.
(6)不精確的 (7)放蕩的 a loose woman 一個放蕩的女人
(8)無拘束的 a loose tongue 藏不住話的嘴(舌頭)
(9)隨便的;不嚴格的 a loose translation 不拘泥原文的翻譯
Loose play lost them the match. 不經心的比賽使他們輸了。
loose vt loosed, loosing (1)放松;釋放
He loosened his collar of his overcoat.他解開了大衣領口。
(2)射(箭) (3)開,放(槍、炮) (4)使不受約束
Wine loosed his tongue. 酒后他說話隨便起來。
15.in case of 如果;萬一
In case of rain they can't go. 萬一下雨,他們就不能去了。
in case以防;可能;倘若
Take a hat with you in case the sun is very hot. 倘若太陽很利害,你就把帽子戴上。
in any case無論如何, 總之; in good case健康, 生活富裕; in no case決不
in that case如果是那樣的話; in the case of 就...來說, 關于; in this case假如這樣的話
It /This/ That is not the case.情況不是這樣; 并非事實。
Unit 8 First aid
Words and expressions:
1. aid n (1)幫助;援助 first aid 急救
An English-Chinese Dictionary is __________________________________.
習慣用語 in aid of 支持,援助
raising fund in aid of the sick 募捐幫助病人
what's it all in aid of? 這是為了什么目的?
aid vt 幫助;援助 I aided him with money. 我資助了他。
help,assist,aid這組動詞同義詞的相應名詞分別為 help (helper),assistance(assistant), aid, 它們都有“幫助”的意思。
(1)help和另外兩個詞的差別在于,help 含有比較強的“目的”意義。如果你失眠,服安眠藥則有助于你入睡,這里包含著目的
A short while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old bookcases up the stairs.
May I help you to some more meat? 讓我再給你一些肉好嗎?
…but he was too busy helping himself to diamonds to notice any pain.……
He assisted the professor in compiling the dictionary. 他幫助那位教授編了那本詞典。
The assistant who served her did not like the way she was dressed.
The Red Cross often aids flood victims. 紅十字會常常幫助受水災的難民。
2. drown vt. , vi (1)把...淹死 (2)使濕透; 淹沒; 浸濕 (3)消除(憂愁等); 解(悶) (4)使沉溺于; 使迷戀(in) (5)攙淡; 沖淡(飲料等); (加水)化開(生石灰); 往...里加太多的水
be [get] drowned淹死, 溺死; drown oneself投水(自殺); eyes drowned in tears淚汪汪的眼晴
drown one's cares in wine以酒解憂; be drowned in fishing對釣魚入迷了
The cheers of the audience drowned the professor's voice.
Don't drown my whisky. 不要在我的威士忌酒里加太多的水。
3. choke vi, vt choked, choking (1)使窒息;悶死;使不能呼吸
The smoke from the stove almost choked me.爐子里發出的煙嗆得我幾乎透不過氣來。
The madman choked his own child to death.瘋子把他自己的孩子掐死了。
(2)塞;堵塞;阻塞 The pipe was choked by cotton. 管子被棉花堵住了。
4. witness n. (1)(=eyewitness)目擊者; (在法庭上經過宣誓的)證人 (2)[主要用于give witness, bear witness]證據, 證明; 證詞 (3)[常省略定冠詞]【律】連署人, 證人
a witness of the accident 事件的目擊者;
________________________________________________. 這些事實證明了他的粗心。
She gave witness on behalf of the accused person.她替被告作證。
Witness vt. (1)親眼看見, 目睹 (2)連署, 簽名作證 (3)表明, 顯示 (4)證明 (5)經歷
She witnessed the accident.她親眼看見該事故。
They witnessed the will.他們在遺囑上連署。
Her blush witnessed her agitation.她臉紅表示了她的激動。
He has witnessed many battles.他經歷過多次戰爭。
5. calm vt. 使鎮定, 使平靜 The mother calmed her child. 母親使孩子安靜下來。
Calm vi. 鎮定下來, 平靜下來
The crying child soon calmed down.哭鬧的小孩不多一會就安靜下來。
Calm adj 平靜的
The sea was calm after the storm. 經過這場風暴后,大海平靜下來了。
After the storm it became calm again.暴風雨過后,天氣又恢復平靜無風。
The sea was calm at the beginning of our voyage. ____________________________________。
He was calm when I told him the bad news. 當我告訴他這個壞消息時,他很平靜。
同義詞 calm ,silent, quiet, still 都含 “平靜的”意思。
calm主要用于氣候、海洋“ 風平浪靜的”, 也可指人表示“安靜的”、“鎮靜的”, 如:
The sky is blue, and the sea is calm.天空碧蘭, 海上風平浪靜。
Although she was frightened, she answered with a calm voice.
雖然她害怕, 但還是用平靜的聲音回答。
quiet 指“沒有吵鬧聲的”、“ 沒有噪音的”,它強調“聲音很低、很少”或“全然無聲”, 如:
He had a quiet life.他過著寧靜的生活。
still 指“沒聲音的”、“沒動靜的”, 常與躺(lie)、坐(sit)、站(stand)、保持(keep/remain)等靜態動詞連用, 如: the still hours before dawn 黎明前的寂靜時刻。
The students sat still, listening to the teacher. 學生們一動不動地坐著聽老師講課。
silent 主要用于人,指人不說話、不作聲、沉默不語。
Do you know when to keep silent? 你知道何時保持沉默嗎?
考題 1. We must be __________ before danger. (A)
A. calm B. quiet C. still D. silent
2. The library permits________ talking. (B)
A. calm B. quiet C. still D. silent
6. panic n. 恐慌, 驚慌; 經濟上的大恐慌
be in a panic在驚慌中; be seized with a panic驚慌失措; get up a panic 引起驚慌
cause a panic 引起恐慌
vi. 驚慌, 害怕 panic over sth. 對某事感到驚慌
The crowd _____________ the sound of the guns. 人們聽到槍聲感到驚慌。
7. conscious adj (1)有意識的;神志清醒的 (2)了解的;察覺的
He is hurt but still conscious. 他受了傷,不過神志還清醒。
She was not conscious of his presence in the room. 她不曉得他在這房間里。
I was conscious of her presence.我知道她在場。
unconscious adj (1)失去知覺的
After she hit her head she was unconscious for several minutes.
(2)無意的;不自覺的 I was unconscious of her presence.我不知道她在場。
8. tip vt, vi -pp- (1)(常與over, up連用)打翻,使弄翻
I tipped the bottle over and it broke. 我把瓶子弄翻了,瓶子摔破了。
I tipped the table and the glasses fell off it. 我把桌子弄歪了,玻璃杯掉了下來。
(3)丟棄;倒掉 (4)(與into連用)把…倒入容器
9. slight adj. 輕微的, 微小的, 少量的;纖細的, 瘦小的
slight difficulty 小困難; a slight possibility of success很小的成功可能性
a slight girl苗條的女孩; a slight difference微小的區別
10. circulate vi, vt -lated, -lating (1)使循環;環流
The blood circulates round the body. 血液在體內循環。
Rumors circulated rapidly. 謠言迅速散布開來。
People who _____________________ are to be blamed.散布流言者該受遣責。
The prince circulated from group to group at the party. 王子在宴會中穿梭于人群之間。
"The politician circulated at the dance party, talking to lots of people."
11. revive vt, vi revived, reviving (1)復活;復蘇;再生
The fresh air soon revived him. 新鮮空氣很快就使他蘇醒過來了。
(2)再興;再用 to revive an old custom 恢復舊習俗
Our hopes revived.我們又有希望了。
These flowers will revive in water.這些花在水中會再活。
12. recovery recover 恢復+ -y名詞后綴 n -ies
(2) 收回;取回 (2)恢復;復原 (3)(經濟)復蘇
She made a quick recovery after her illness. 她病后恢復得很快。
13. in honour of adv.為紀念, 為慶祝
I have cooked a special meal in honor of our visitors.
honor n (1)尊敬;敬重
(2)榮譽,名譽;信用 to win honor for one's motherland 為祖國爭光
He's an honor to his parents. 他的父母以他為榮。
(4)(對法官等的尊稱)閣下,先生 Your Honor 閣下,先生
We request the honor of your company at dinner. 謹備便酌,敬請光臨(請柬用語)
(6)貞節,貞操 to lose one's honor 喪失貞操
考題 1.Miss Smith thought it a great _______ to be invited to speak to all of us. (D)
A. pleasure B. success C. happiness D. honor
2.Washington, a state in the United States was named ________ one of the greatest American presidents. (C)
A. in honor of B. instead of C. in favor of D. by means of
14. bite vt, vi bit, bitten, biting (1)咬 My monkey doesn't bite. 我的猴子不咬人。
The boy bit into the apple. 那個男孩子咬了一口蘋果。
The dog has bitten a hole in my trousers. 狗把我的褲子咬了一個洞。
(3)(蟲)叮 The mosquitoes are biting me. 蚊子叮我。
(4)(魚)咬餌 (5)抓緊;卡緊
The car's tires would not bite on the snow. 汽車輪胎在雪地里會打滑。
bite n (1)咬; (2)咬下的一塊 (3)食物 (4)咬傷
She was covered in insect bites. 她渾身是蟲子叮的傷。
This apple's good, do you want a bite? 這蘋果很好,你想來一口嗎?
He took_________________________________________.他咬了一口梨。
He hasn't had a bite (to eat) all day. 他整天都沒吃東西。
The children haven't had a bite to eat all day.孩子們一整天什么也沒吃過。
15.loose adj (1)沒加束縛的;自由的 (2)散裝的
"I bought these chocolates loose, not in a box.""我買的這些巧克力是散裝的,不是盒裝的。"
(3)不堅固的,不牢的 (4)寬大的,肥大的(衣服) (5)疏松的
The ringleader of the gang had one hand loose but the other was tied to another robber's.
(6)不精確的 (7)放蕩的 a loose woman 一個放蕩的女人
(8)無拘束的 a loose tongue 藏不住話的嘴(舌頭)
(9)隨便的;不嚴格的 a loose translation 不拘泥原文的翻譯
Loose play lost them the match. 不經心的比賽使他們輸了。
loose vt loosed, loosing (1)放松;釋放
He loosened his collar of his overcoat.他解開了大衣領口。
(2)射(箭) (3)開,放(槍、炮) (4)使不受約束
Wine loosed his tongue. 酒后他說話隨便起來。
15.in case of 如果;萬一
In case of rain they can't go. 萬一下雨,他們就不能去了。
in case以防;可能;倘若
Take a hat with you in case the sun is very hot. 倘若太陽很利害,你就把帽子戴上。
in any case無論如何, 總之; in good case健康, 生活富裕; in no case決不
in that case如果是那樣的話; in the case of 就...來說, 關于; in this case假如這樣的話
It /This/ That is not the case.情況不是這樣; 并非事實。