
發布時間:2016-7-2 編輯:互聯網 手機版


1. Criterion (n)( 復數 ---ria). 標準;尺度 =standard

[例] what are the ~ for deciding who gets the prize? 獲獎者以什么為標準?

2. stick with 繼續支持;保持聯系+ sb/sth

(1)支持 I'm ~ing with my idea. 我堅持我原來的主張(=stick sth out 堅持到底,一直忍下去)

(2)保持聯系 Stick with me, and you’ll be all right. 有事找我就沒問題

△stick (Unit8) 有關stick 的詞組:

stick+ at sth 堅持不懈(persevere): if we ~ it ,we should finish the job today.

by sb 繼續支持并忠于某人(尤指逆境)[support and be loyal to sb]

sth down / in (into) / on 粘住/粘貼在……內/粘貼……上

(sth) out (1)伸出 (2)堅持(+for)

up 豎起,突起 *stick sth up 用槍脅迫以便搶劫(a bank / post office)

△辨析: Stick with sth / sb 某人或某人觀點

stick (sth) out (雖不愉快)堅持到底,一直忍下去。 He hates the job, but he’s determined to stick it out.

stick to sth (1)不放棄或不改變某事物。Would you like some wine?-----No, I’ll ~ bear

(2)盡管有困難,繼續做。~ a task until it is finished.

3. through thick and thin 不顧艱難[in spite of all the difficulties ] [例]He remained loyal to me ~.

△ 有關thick, thin的詞組:

(as) thick as thieves .非常親密,要好。 be thick with sb / sth 充滿某物,擠滿人。

(as) thick as two short planks + very stupid非常蠢 thick and fast 又快又多。 Offers of help are coming ~.

be skating on thin ice[idm]如履薄冰 have a thin time (f it)不好受的,受挫的。Houston Rockets have been having ~ recently

4. pull out of (1)從……中退出(2)駛離……

[例]They are pulling their troops out of the battle zone.他們正把部隊調離戰區。


pull + ahead (of sb / sth)領先于…… The car pulled ahead as soon as the road was clear .搶道。

sb / sth down 使……虛弱。/ 拆除

sb in (1)拘留 (2)吸引

sth in =earn 掙

in /into sth (1)火車進站 (2)駛進某處 The bus pulled in to the side of the road.

over 閃到一邊 Pull your over and let me pass! Her up as a

(sb) round / through 幫助某人恢復知覺或康復。

Together 同心協力

(sth) / (sb) up 停下 / 糾正,訓斥某人。

up/to/with sb / sth 改善地位,趕上 =catch up with

5. summary (n) 總結、概要。Here is a summary of the news .以下是新聞摘要。

in summary 總的說來。

(adj)概括的、扼要的。summarily dismissed立即開除。

△ sum: (n) the sum of …總和、總數。 [C.U]

a sum of =amounts=a great deal of + [U]

in sum 簡言之

(v) sum (sth) up總結、概括.

sum sb / sth up 形成對某人/某物的看法。[例] I summed her up as a competent manager.能干

summarize (ise) (v) summation (n) (1) 總結、概括.a ~ of the evidence 對供詞進行的總結。

(2) 有代表性的整體 The exhibition was a ~ of his life’s works. 這次展覽匯集了他一生中的的典型作品。

6.percentage (n) (1) [C]百分比、百分率The salesmen get a ~ on everything he sell百分比傭金

(2) 比例、部分。What ~ of his income is taxable?

△ percent: (n)百分之一、百分比What ~ of the population reads / read books? 識字的人占百分之幾?

(adj/adv) 每一百中(的)working 20 ~ harder

7.frequency (n) 頻率、頻繁[U]--frequent(adj/v常去)------frequently (adv)

In frequency [例] Fatal accidents have decreased ~ over recent years .

8.questionnaire (n) 問卷、調查表。[例] Please complete and return the ~

questioningly 表示懷疑地 (adv)

questionable (adj) 有問題、可疑的。

9.reputation [U.C] ~ (for sth) 名聲、名譽、名氣

have a ~ for laziness / being lazy 有一個……名氣,以……出名。

establish / build up /make a ~ (for oneself) (為自己)樹立(博得)名聲

live up to one’s ~ .不負盛名

Repute (v) be ~d as /to be sb /sth. 普遍稱為或當作是…… [例]He’ ~d as /to be the best doctor in Paris.

[U](1) know sb only by … 對某人僅聞其名 (2) of ~ 名聲好的: wines / a doctor 名酒、名醫

reputed (adj) -----reputedly (adv)

10.collegue (n)同事、同僚 [例] Nash is a ~ of mine (profession) 專業、職業 [mate 伙伴同事(口)]

11.Suspect (v) (1)vt. [have an idea of the existence or truth of sth ; believe] 相信。

[例] He ~ed an ambush . 埋伏。 I strongly ~ that they’re trying to get rid of me

(2)vt [doubt or distrust] 懷疑、不信任 ~ sb’s motives 動機

(3)vi. ~ sb (of sth / doing sth )懷疑某人有罪。 [例] What do the ~ of the crime ? 警方懷疑誰作的案

(n)嫌疑犯、可疑對象。He’s a prime ~ in the murder case 他是這次謀殺案的主要懷疑對象。

(adj) 不可靠、不可信、可疑的 [例] His statements are ~ .

12 . management (n) (1)[U]管理 (2)管理部門;主管人員 (3)[U]與人交流的技巧;手腕。[例] He gets them to accept it by ~

manage (v) (1)vt. a.負責,經營,管理 b. 控制,照管 He’s good at ~ing his money .

(2)vt.vi ~ (on sth ); ~ (without sb / sth) 做成,應付……

I can’t borrow the money ,so I’ll have to ~ without. ……只好將就了……

I just can’t manage (ie live ) on $50 a week. In spite of these insults , she ~d not to get angry.忍著

I couldn’t mange (ie eat ) another ting, I’m afraid. 我看我再也吃不下了。

(常與can / could 連用) ie speak, live, eat, succeed, write, come to lunch.…

manageable (adj)能處理的,易管理 / 控制的 manager / manageress 經理,女經理 managerial (adj)經理的,經營的

13.Staff.(n) 全體職工;全體雇員(集體名詞,常作單數)

[例] We need more ~ in the office 增加人手 I have a ~ of ten我手下有十個職員 The ~ in this shop are very helpful.

(v)為……配備人員,擔任工作人員 a well-staffed hotel. 員工齊備的旅館

The school is stffed entirely by graduates. There’s nobody to ~ the office today.

14 . requirement(n)(esp.pl) (1)需要,要求,必要條件。Our immediate ~ is extra staff. 我們急需增加人手

(2)規定的或要求的事物 Legal entry ~s 合法入境規定

requisite (adj) (定) 需要的 ,必要的

(n) 必需品

15.For the sake of 由于 ,為----的利益 =owing to =due to

+ n △for sb’s/ sth’s sake 為了-----起見


sth. /doing sth. /sb’s doing sth 為獲得或保存某事物

Ο For God’s sake ,stop ! 看在上帝面上,停下來!

Ο She argues for the sake of arguing. 她因為好辯而與人爭論

16 .in reality 事實上;實際上 =in fact=as a matter of fact=really=actually

The house looks very old ,but ~ it’s quite new

17 . individual (adj . n) ~ly(adv)

adj (定)①單獨的,個別的 : each ~ person 每人

② a 一個人的, 供一個人用的 It is difficult for a teacher to give ~ attention to children in a big class

b 靠個人的,來自個人的 an ~ effort / contribution ,etc 個人的努力,貢獻等

③ 獨特的, 特有 =unique ,in an ~ way用獨創的方式

n ①個人 ②有某種特點的人 ③不尋常的或古怪的 He’s quite an ~ 他是個十足的怪人

Οindividualism 個人主義 individualist 個人主義者

18 . temporary (adj) 暫時的,臨時的 a ~ job, This arrangement is only ~ 這不是暫時的安排

temporally (adv), temporariness [U] temporarize (ise) vi 拖延, 敷衍 a ~ ing move 一步緩棋

19.coach (n) 教練;長途汽車。

v. ~ sb (for / in sth ) 輔導或訓練某人…… [例] ~ sb in math ~ sb for the Olympics

20.cooperate (vi) 合作,協作

Ο co-(pref) + 動、形、副、名。 共同,一起,聯合

[例] co-produced 聯合生產 co-star , co-driver

21.Uncertain (adj) ①不確切,無把握+about / of sth ②不明確,不可靠His arm is ~ ③常變化~weather ④猶豫,遲疑

⑤(idm)in no uncertain terms清楚而有力。 [例] I told him what I thought of him in no uncertain terms

~ly (adv) ~ty (n) [U] 不確定 [C] 無把握的事

22.Expectation (n) [U]預料,期望 [C]有信心的指望His parents have great ~s for his future

expect: ① ~ sth (from sb / sth ) 預料,期待。 ~ (sth ) to do ② ~ sth (from sb ) 要求(某人)謀事物

③ 認為,猜想Will he be late?----I expect so

Ο expect too much ( of sb ) 對……期望過高 only to be expected 可能發生,相當正常

23.Division(n) ① [U]分,分割,劃分,除(法) the ~ of wealth 財產分配 ②分割出來的一部分

③[C][U]歧異、差別、分化現象the deep / widening ~s in society today.

divisive (adj) 造成不和的,導致分裂的 ~ly (adv) ~ness [U]

divide (v) ①分割 ~ sth (up / into sth ) ~ A from B ②分配 ~sth (out / up ) ③~ A by B : A除以B ~into sth (用某數)除某數

24.rugby(n) (英式)橄欖球 Rugby League 橄欖球大聯盟

25.Keep an eye on 照料照管=attend to =care for =take care of sth =watch=do up

[Unit5] keep an eye out for sth. / sb 留心,注意

26.Compromise (n) [U]妥協、和解、折衷Most wage claims are one settled by ~

[C]~ between / on sth Can the two sides reach a ~?雙方能互讓和解嗎?

Compromise (v) ①vi ~ (on sth )用折衷方案解決爭端、分歧

②vt使……陷入危險境地或受懷疑 ③vt修改、更改、減弱、緩和 She refused to ~ her principles

27.Excite (vt)使興奮、激動

28.Regulation(n) ①[U]管理、調節、控制 the ~ of share prices股價

②[C](pl)規章、條例 safety / traffic ~s Οcontrary to / against ~s違章

regulate(vt) ①以規章、制度控制或管理 ~ one’s conduct / lifestyle行為、生活方式

②調整、控制 (儀器、機械等) =adjust +a clock /the flow of water

29.Bureaucratic(adj)(常貶)官僚的,官僚制度的~government官僚政府 ~ally(adv)

bureaucrat(n)官員 bureaucracy官僚制度

30.take…into account考慮、體諒 =take…into consideration=take account of sth

[例] When judging his performance ,don’t take his age into account

31.dynamic (adj) ①動力的 ②精力充沛的,有力的a dynamic person

(n) 產生變化、行動或影響的力量the inner ~ of a historical period某歷史時期的內在力量

~ally (adv) Ο dynamics力學 dynamism[U]精力、活力、干勁

32shortcoming(常復)(n) 缺點、缺陷 a system / person with many ~s

33.embarrass(vt) a 使尷尬,為難I was ~ed by his comments about my clothes b. 使不安,焦慮 ~ by lack of money

~ing (adj) ~ingly (adv) ~ment[U]焦急、憂患[C]焦慮的人或物 *(idm)an ~ of riches好東西太多而難以選擇

34.contradictory(adj)互相矛盾的、對立的 ~ comments / statements / reports

contradict(v) ①vi.反駁、批駁That is truth ,and don’t you dare ~(me)

②vt與……相反或矛盾the two statements ~ each other這兩種說法互相抵觸

contradiction(n) ~ between sth and sth Ο(idm) a ~ in terms 詞語矛盾 ‘A generous miser’ is a ~慷慨的吝嗇鬼

35.violent(adj) ①暴力的、強烈的 a state of ~ shock 在萬分震驚中violence(n)

②厲害的、極度的 ~ winds / storms / earthquakes / change / contrast

36.explosion(n) ⑴a.爆炸(聲) explode [ ①爆炸vt.vi.②vi.使人沖動、激動 + with / in / into sth

[例] He exploded with anger ~ into loud laughter ]

b. (憤怒、笑聲)迸發an ~ of rage 勃然大怒

⑵激增 a population ~ , the ~ of oil price ⑶破除、推翻 ~ a superstition迷信

37.Resign(vi) ①放棄、辭去 ~ from sth ②聽任、順從~ oneself to sth / doing sth; be ~ed to one’s fate 聽天由命

resigned(adj) (定)順從的,逆來順受的~ to sth / doing sth 心甘情愿的 ~ly(adv)

resignation(n)[U]放棄 [C]辭呈

38.Ambitious(ambition)有雄心的 ~to be / do sth ; ~ (for sth ) [例] ~ to succeed in life 立志要有所成就

~ for one’s children望子成龍

39.As a whole普遍說來,作為整體=generally speaking=in general [例] Is the collection going to be divided up or sold ~?

Οon the whole總的說來 ~, I’m in favor of the idea.

40.actual(adi)=real 事實的,真實的,實際的 ~ly (adv) ~ity (n) Οactualities實際情況,事實

41.Definite(adj). (a) 明確的,確切的 a ~ decision / opinion / change

(b)(表)~ about sth / that…肯定,有把握 It’s now ~ that the plane crashed

~ly(adv) define sth as sth

42.stall:攤位,鋪子 a bookstall , a fruit stall , stall-holder攤主

43. hairdresser=barber理發師,美發師

44. congratulate(vt)祝賀,慶賀 ~ sb (on sth) ; ~ oneself (on / doing sth )

45.smooth(adj)①. 光滑的,平坦的,平靜的 a ~ skin / road /sea

~ly(adv) ② 順利的,無困難的 a ~ journey

~ness(n) ③.平穩的, 不搖晃的 a ~ ride in a good car ; ~ Breasting

④ 味美的, 不苦的, 柔和的 a ~voice Δ in ~ water(s) 一帆風順

46 finance(n)①[U] 財政 an expect in ~ ②[U] ~ (for sth ) 資金 ③[C] 財源, 財力

(V) 提供資金 提供款項 The fund is partly ~d by government

financial(adj)財務的, 金融的

47.once again再一次=again =once more

48.combination(n) ①[U]結合, 混合,聯合,組合…The product is the of two firms

②[C]……的人或事物,混合物, 聯合體

combine(v) ~ (with sth ) ~A with B 結合, 兼有兩種特性

49.bride新娘------- bridegroom 新郎

50.exceptional(adj)異常的, 罕見的, 杰出的, 突出的=unusual=outstanding

~ly(adv) Οshow ~ musical ability 非凡的音樂才能

51.live up to 依照-----行事, 做到, 不辜負 52shame[U] 羞恥(感), 恥辱. [C] 可恥的人或事 a ~

有關 live 的短語 Δput sb / sth to shame 大大優越于某人/某事物

live + it up 享受

a lie 虛偽做人 shame(v) ~ sb into / out of doing sth

rough 生活艱苦 shameful (adj) ~ly(adv)

sth down使談忘 shamefulness[U]


with sth / sb 接受或容忍某現象

53.pursue(vt)① 追趕,追逐 + a wide animal / a thief

② 忙于……, 從事于……, 進行…… I decide not to ~ the matter any further

Οpursuer(n)追捕者 pursuit(n)[U]追求, 尋求 [C]花精力做好事, 職業be engaged in / devote oneself to worthwhile ~s.

(idm)in pursuit (of sb / sth)追求某人[某物] in (hot) pursuit 窮追不舍

54.intellectual(adj) 智力的, 腦力的 ~ly(adv)

(n) 腦力勞動者




all hands to the pump人人都該出把力

at sb’s hands出自某人之手

hands off(sth / sb)不許觸及(某物/人)

have one’s hands free / tired自行其是

in one’s / sb’s hands在某人支配、控制下

56.accommodate (v) ① ~ sth to sth適應I’ll ~ any plans to yours

② ~ sb (with sth) 準予或提供某人(某物) The bank will ~ you with a loan

③順應,考慮到 ④供給,膳宿

accommodation (n)房間,住所,住宿 accommodating 隨和,樂于助人的

57.Complement (vt)補充,與……互補His business skill ~s her flair for design


(n) ① ~ to sth 補充物 ② 需要的數額the ship’s ~ 編制名額

58.qualitative(adj)性質的,質量的 ~ analysis定性分析 quality質量、品質

59.Decline(vt) ①拒絕,使下降~ an invitation to dinner

(vi) ①拒絕 ②變小、變弱、變少 a ~ing birth-rate . Her influence declined after she lost the election.

(n) ① ~ (in sth) (力量、權力、數量等)消減 ②fall / go into a ~ 失去力量、影響等

Ο on the decline 在消,在衰退

60.oral(adj) ①口頭的,口述的 ②口的,用口的 ~ hygiene口腔衛生


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