高三Unit 2 Crossing Limits(教師版)

發布時間:2016-8-6 編輯:互聯網 手機版

Period 1 New words and expressions


vt. 1).使迷惑;使為難,使窘困

What puzzles me is why they didn't show up. _令我百思不解的是他們為什么沒有出現。

He looked a little puzzled. 他看上去有點困惑。

His recent behavior puzzles me. 他最近的行為使我迷惑不解。


I could not puzzle out her intentions. 我猜不出她的意圖。

We finally puzzled out the meaning of the poem. 我們苦苦思索終于理解這首詩的意思。

vi. 1).感到迷惑[(+at)]

I have been puzzling about this question for weeks now.


2.苦思,冥思苦想[(+about/over/as to)]

n. 1. (游戲的)猜謎,智力競賽[C] 2. 難題,謎,難以理解之事[S1]

Her decision was a puzzle to him. 她的決定對他來說是個謎。

3. 困惑,迷惑[S]

I'm in a puzzle as to how to cope with the new situation. 我不知道該如何應付這新局面.

2.in exchange for_與……交換

She is giving him English lessons in exchange for his teaching her Chinese.



vi. 1)漫游;閑逛;流浪;徘徊[(+about/off/over/through)]

He wandered in the streets. 他在街上游蕩。


During the storm the ship wandered from its course. 船在風暴中偏離了航道。

He wandered from the subject. 他說離了題。

3) (精神)錯亂;(思想)混亂;出神,開小差

My attention wandered. 我走了神。


n.[C] 1)自愿參加者,志愿者[(+for)][(+to-v)]

The volunteers for community service are doing a good job. 社區服務的志愿者做得很出色。


Many Australians fought as volunteers on the Allied side.


vt. 1)自愿(做)[(+to-v)]

They volunteered to repair the house for the old lady. 他們主動提出替老太太修繕房子。


She volunteered the information. 她自動提供了這一消息。

vi. 1)自愿;自愿服務[(+for)]

He volunteered for the hard and unprofitable job. 他自愿做這苦差使。

2. 自愿當兵[(+for)]

When the war broke out, he volunteered for the Marine Corps.



vt. 1) 建議,提議[+v-ing][+(that虛擬)][+wh-]

I suggest our going to the park on Sunday. 我建議我們星期天去公園。

The dentist suggested that she (should) come another day. 牙醫建議她改天再來。

2. 暗示;啟發[+(that陳述)]

Her expression suggested pleasure./that she was pleased她面露喜色。

3. 使人想起,使人聯想到[(+to)]

That cloud suggests a boat to me. 那朵云使我聯想到船。


vt. 1).完成,實現,達到

They didn't accomplish the purpose desired. 他們沒有達到預期的目的。

They have accomplished their mission successfully. 他們成功地完成了任務。


She has accomplished 95 years of her life. 她已達九十五高齡。

The journey was accomplished in five weeks. 花了五個禮拜走完全部旅程。

7.refer to


A person refers to a dictionary(查閱字典)to find the meaning of the words.


I knew the lady was referring to Bill when she spoke of a bright young boy.


Don’t refer to your sister as(把你的妹妹稱作) a silly cow!



Our teacher refers us to many good books.(讓我們參考許多好書)。

If he needs any further information, refer him to me.(讓他來找我)。


He referred his success to(把他的成功歸功于)the good teaching he’s had.

8.arise (arose, arisen)



A heavy mist arose from the lake. 湖面起了濃霧。

2)產生,出現,形成[(+from/out of)]

Unexpected difficulties arose in the course of their experiment.


Between the copartners serious disagreements arose. 合伙人之間產生了嚴重分歧。




He was punished for giving false evidence.(做偽證)

The evidence is very shaky. 這證據相當靠不住。


There are evidences that somebody has been living here. 有跡象顯示有人一直住在這里。




I'm sure I don't deserve so much praise. 我肯定自己不值得這么多贊揚。2)贊美的話,贊詞[P][(+of)]

The praises of his friends made the boy feel very proud.


Let us give praise to God. 讓我們贊美神吧

vt. 贊美,表揚;歌頌[(+for)]

The publishers praised his novel pretty highly. 出版商們對他的小說評價甚高。

The mayor praised the boy for his courage. 市長贊揚這個男孩很勇敢。

Period 2 Warming up & Listening & Speaking

Step 1 Talk about the pictures in the SB

posssible answers:

Q2 seven.They’re Asia,Afria,Europe,North America,South America,Oceania and Antarctica.

Q3 Winds and waves on the sea, losing their way,lack of food and drinking water ,pirates,

languages,communication devices and diseases…

Q4explore,challenge,brave,luck,lackof,hardship,death,disease,success,failure,wealth, knowledge,technology,information, equip…

Step 2 Listening

Step 3 Speaking

Step 4 Language points

1.what sort of questions do you think the reporter …..

sorts of…各種各類的a sort of一種

eg: you can see sorts of fishes under the sea. _____________________________________

do you think 是插入語,放在特殊問句疑問詞之后,其后的句子應用陳述語序.

eg: When do you think they will come back?

2.What modern means can explorers …

means方式,方法 (單復數同形)

make use of _________________make good/full use of… ___________

3. In which way will a human trip to …

be similar to….與…相似.

eg: The gold is similar to brass in color. ______________________________

4.In their work, scientists meet with……

meet with/come across/come up with/run into遇到,碰上

Eg: While reading, you are sure to come across some new words.

make decisions about…. 對…作出決定

about which …在句中引導一帶有介詞的定語從句, 修飾先行詞situations

5.When Captain James Cook landed in….

take possession of把…占為己有,占領,奪取

e.g. Don’t take possession of the wallet,though you picked it up in the street.

in the name of以… 名義,代表…

e.g. The police arrested him in the name of the law(以法律名義)。

4..Instead of sending people, we can send robots equipped with….

instead of代替, 而不是

e.g. Instead of going to the museum, they finally decided to go to the park.

equipped with “ 裝備”, 過去分詞短語作定語

equip… with, be equipped with

e.g. All the police are equipped with guns and bullets.

equipment n. _設備,配置_do observations for為… 去做觀察 _


1.占領,占有 _______________________/某人占有,擁有_________________________

/某物/某人為某人所有 in the name of sb/sth


3.大量的_______________________ 一堆/團/塊_______________________

4.富含/缺乏 _______________________ 5.進行調查 _______________________

6.一項國家重點項目 _______________________7.挖掘 _______________________

8.冒喪失生命,健康之險做某事 _____________________

9.用…裝備,配備 _______________________

Period 3 Reading(一)

Step1 Scanning

Para.1Thesis sentence Many great explorers made expeditions across the Indian Ocean long

before Columbus, among whom Zheng He was the most prominent.

Para.2 China had contacts with countries along the Indian Ocean from the early time, and during

ancient time explorers had begun to contact with each other.

Para.3 Between the Han and the early Tang Dynasty, Swahili kingdoms and the islands off the

African coast developed into the world trade centre and attracted merchants from the world.

Para.4 During the Tang Dynasty, Du Huan, who traveled to many lands, wrote the book Record of

My Travels._

Para.5In the eleventh century, the Africans made several voyages to the court of the Song Dynasty.

Para.6 By the beginning of the fifteenth century . the time was ripe for a grand meeting.

Para.7 In the years between 1405 and 1433, under the command of Zheng He, seven large

treasure fleets sailed westwards on voyages of trade and exploration..

Para.8 Zheng He renewed relations with the kingdoms of the East African coast.

Para.9The fleet made several expeditions before the exploration was stopped.

Step 2 T or F

1.The Europeans were the first Explorers to travel to other countries. ( )

2. Accurate maps of the countries around the Indian Ocean were made before the fifteenth

century. ( )

3.In the years between 1405 and 1433 , Zheng He sailed westwards only on voyages of

exploration. ( )

4 Zheng He invited African countries to send ambassadors to China. ( )

Read the first paragraph carefully and answer the following questions.

Students read quickly and try to find information to answer the questions.


1. What formed the foundation of mankind’s interest in exploration?

Trade and curiosity formed the foundation of mankind’s interest in exploration.

2. What was Columbus’s purpose of searching for the wealthy Asian lands?

His purpose of searching was to seek treasure.

3. Which ocean does the world “western ocean” refer to?

It referred to part of the Pacific Ocean west of Brunei and part of the Indian Ocean along the coast.

4. Guess who explored the Western Ocean before Columbus.

Many people explored the Western Ocean, among whom Zheng He was the most famous.


1.In the Han Dynasty, who traveled over land to the East Roman Empire?

In the Han Dynasty, Gang Ying traveled over land to the East Roman Empire.

2. Between the Han and early the Tang Dynasty, Which part of Africa developed into the world trade centre?

Between the Han and the early Tang Dynasty, Swahili kingdoms and the islands off the African coast developed into the world trade centre.

3. During the Tang Dynasty which traveler wrote Record of My Travels?

During the Tang Dynasty Du Huan wrote Record of My Travels.

4. Before the Song Dynasty which means of transport did Chinese travelers mainly use?

Before the Song Dynasty Chinese travelers mainly traveled over land.

5. In the eleventh century, who made several voyages to the court of the Song Dynasty?

In the eleventh century, the Africans made several voyages to the court of the Song Dynasty.

Period 4 Reading (二)

Language points

1.reach/ reach out/ reach for

Please reach me that book.

Not a single word reached my ears.

He reached out his hand for the knife , but it was too far away.

We must reach out to those in need.

Jim reached for a gun but he was stopped.


What puzzles me is why they didn't show up.

He looked a little puzzled.

We finally puzzled out the meaning of the poem

Her decision was a puzzle to him

I'm in a puzzle as to how to cope with the new situations.

3.search /search for /search --- for/ in search of

The police searched the prisoner to see if he had a gun.

I searched shop after shop for my sister’sbirthday present.

The parents searched for their lost boy here and there , but they didn’t find him.

I will make a search for your book.

I looked everywhere in search of my glasses.

4. long before /before long(= soon )

There was a lively market long before.

Before long you will understand what I said is good for you.

I had waited him long before he came.

It won’t be long before you see him again.

It was long before they escaped from the cruel prison.

5.find one’s way

feel /make / fight /push one’s way

I hope you can find the way home.

She couldn’t find the way out of the building.

The soldiers fought their way through thefierce enemies.

6.exchange exchange---for in exchange for

I’d like to exchange five apples for five eggs.

Mary exchanged her seat with Ann.

He is giving her French lessons in exchange

for his English lessons

7.an island off the coast of the southeast

Keep off the grassland !

cut a piece off the loaf

The ship was brown off its course.

8.wander ( 常與about /in/ through連用)

The children wandered in the woods.

The river wanders through beautiful country.

They wandered up and down the road aimlessly.

His mind wandered back to his college life.

9. command

The officer commanded his men to fire.

He commanded that everyone make the

best of the chance of senior three.

The army is under the command of general Washington.

Bill is in command of the fleet.


1.海路 sea routes

2.形成人們努力(探索世界)的基礎 form the foundation for mankind’s greatest endeavour

3.鼓舞某人做某事 inspire sb to do_4.西洋 the Western Ocean

5.與某人有聯系have contacts with 6.絲綢之路the Silk Road

7.與……交換in exchange for 8.中心位置a central position

9.一個中國大使 _______________ 10.East Roman Empire ________________

11.發展成為世界貿易中心 _______________12.促進,導致 ________________

13.r被抓 ________________ 14.拓展,伸出 ________________

15.文化遺跡 ________________ 16.追溯到(沒有被動語態) ________________

17.一個小青銅獅雕像 ________________18.意識到彼此的存在 ________________


20.到達了繁盛時期 ________________


22.商船隊 ________________

23.下西洋從事探險 _________________________________

24.在……的領導之下 ________________

25.起航 ________________ 26.重新確立關系 ________________

27.送某人貴重禮物 ________________ 28. 送信 ________________

29.設立使館 ________________ 30.作為回報 ________________

31.象征意義 ________________



33. A以B為基礎 ________________________

10.a Chinese ambassador 一個中國大使

11.*the East Roman Empire 東羅馬帝國

12.develop into the world’s trading centre 發展成為世界貿易中心

13.lead to 促進,導致

14.be taken prisoner被抓

15.reach out 拓展,伸出

16.cultural relics文化遺跡

17.date from追溯到(沒有被動語態)

18.a small bronze statue of a lion 一個小青銅獅雕像

19.the awareness of each other’s existence意識到彼此的存在

20.The time was ripe for a grand meeting. 正式往來的時機成熟了。

21.reach the height of power到達了繁盛時期

22.China prospered under a new dynasty. 中國的新朝代開始繁榮了。

23.treasure fleets 商船隊

24.*sail westwards on voyages of exploration下西洋從事探險

25.under the command of …在……的領導之下

26.set sail (to / from / for) 起航

27.renew relations重新確立關系

28.send sb. a royal present送某人貴重禮物

29.send a message to sb. 送信

30.open embassies設立使館

31.in return作為回報

32.a symbolic meaning 象征意義

33.The exchange for goods had a symbolic meaning far more important than the value of the goods themselves貨物交流的象征意義比貨物本身的價值要重要的多。

34.base A on B A以B為基礎

1. Trade and curiosity, (好奇) have often formed the foundation for mankind’s greatest endeavor.

2. Marco Polo’s stories inspired Christopher Columbus and other European explorers to search for sea route to the distant, wealthy (富有的) Asian lands.

3. Silk from China found its way over land along the Silk Road to India, the middle east and Rome, in exchange for (來交換) spices and glass.

4. Ceylon, with its central position (中央位置), was the place where Chinese merchants met with Arab merchants and heard about the westernmost lands.

5. Gan Ying, a Chinese ambassador (大使) went to the east Roman Empire over land.

6. The contacts between China and Africa over the centuries had led to the awareness of each other’s existence, (存在).

7. Still no ____(精確的) maps of the countries around Indian Ocean ____(存在) before Zheng He.

8. By the beginning of 15th century the time was ____(成熟).

9.Under the ____(統帥) of Zheng He, the fleets set sail from the south China Sea across the Indian Ocean to the mouth of the Red Sea.

10. Zheng He ____(重建) relations with the kingdoms of the East African coast.

11. The fleets made several ____(遠征) before the ____ (探險) was stopped.

Language Study

1. a large sum of money一大筆錢

2.*Three Gorges Dam 三峽大壩

3. bring up 撫養;提出(議題);嘔吐

4.*the most important Central Asian trade route 最重要的中亞貿易路線

5.with a population of 有。。。人口 (提問用What’s the population of….?)

Period 6 Integrating Skills

Step 1 Scanning

Title Going High: the Pioneers of the Third Pole

Para. 1 By the middle of 1920s, Mount Qomolangma remained to be greatest challenge for

human beings.

Para 2 Climbing Mount Qomolangma was dangerous and it seemed almost impossible because of its extreme conditions.

Para 3 Sherpas prove to be the ideal guide since the first attempt.

Para 4 Though several attempt failed in 1920s, Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay made their

first successful attempt to the summit in 1953.


Para 5 After the first successful attempt to conquer Mount Qomolangma, it remains man’s great challenges until now.

Para 6 The Chinese successfully reached the summit of it in 1960.

Para 7 Over the past 40 years, other 29 Chinese reached the summit for scientific research or


Step 2 Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. Why do you think the writer call Mount Qomolangma the third pole?

First, the North Pole and the South Pole lie respectively in the southernmost and northernmost points of the world, while Mount Qomolangma stands the highest in the world. Second, like the North Pole and the South Pole, it is hard for people to conquer because of the extreme conditions.

2.Why can the Tibetans live at ease in such extreme conditions?

Because they have lived there for centuries and have adjusted to the condition.

3.What makes Sherpas the most reliable guides in every attempt to climb Mount Qomolangma?

Because they are strong, skillful, honest and dedicative.

4.What might have been the possible reasons that made British expeditions fail in 1922 and 1924?

They were not prepared for many unexpected difficulties and they were not very familiar with Mount Qomolangma.

5.Why could the two Newzealanders make it to the summit of Mount Qomolangma?

After World War 2, technological advances in clothing and equipment had been made and more was known about the mountain itself.

6.When did Chinese first reach the summit of Mount Qomolangma? Who were they?

On May 25 of 1960. Gongbu, Wang Fuzhou, and Qu Yinhua.

7.What evidence does the Chinese team have to prove that they really reached the summit of

Mount Qomolangma?

An iron container with the national flag and a portrait of Chairman Mao Zedong.

8.By now, how many Chinese have climbed Mount Qomolangma successfully, 29, 32 or more than that?

More than 32.

How to understand these sentences and phrases?

1.Going to Mount Qomolangma was like going to the moon.

Going to Mount Qomolangma was regarded as difficult as going to the moon.

2.The death Zone

People find it impossible to live in the area.

3.They had no idea what they were up against.

They didn’t know what conditions they were going to face.

4.English air

Oxygen brought by the British expeditons.

5.Like winning in the Olympic Games, climbing a mountain such as Mount Qomolangma is a great personal achievment.

Mountain climbing itself means exploring human possibilities and every success proves the conqueror’s courage, endeavor and ability.

Read from paragraph 3 to paragraph 5 and answer the following questions.

1. Why can the Tibetans live at ease in such extreme conditions?

Tibetans can live at ease in such extreme conditions because they have lived in Himalayas for centuries and have adjusted to the conditions at such a height.

2. What makes Sherpas the most reliable guide in every attempt to climb Mount Qomolangma?

Sherpas’ strength, skill, honesty and dedication have made them the most reliable guide.

3. What might have been the possible reasons that made British expeditions fail in 1922 and in 1924?

They were not prepared to many unexpected difficulties and they were not very familiar with Mount Qomolangma.

4. Why could Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay make it to the summit of Mount Qomolangma?

After World War Two, technological advances in clothing and equipment had been made and more was known about the mountain itself.

5. How do you understand the sentence “Like winning in the Olympic Games, climbing a mountain such as Mount Qomolangma is a great personal achievement”?

Mountain climbing itself means exploring human possibilities and every success proves the conqueror’s courage, endeavor and ability.

6. After the first successful climbing, why did so many people still want to climb Mount Qomolangma?

Different people represent different countries and different “number ones”.

Read from paragraph 6 to paragraph 7 and finish the following cloze.

The Chinese made their first successful attempt(首次成功攀登) in 1960. The team members _ included (包括) Gongbu, Wang Fuzhou and Qu Yinhua. It was dark when they reached the summit (到達頂峰). Thus they were unable to take photos (沒能夠拍到照片) to produce evidence. On their return, they were praised (被頌揚為) as national heroes. On May 27, 1975, another team arrived at the peak (到達頂峰) of Mount Qomolangma from its northern side. Over the past 40 years, 29 other Chinese people have climbed (已經攀登) Mount Qomolangma.

Step3 Language points

1.apart from __________________

Apart from Beijing,they have visited Tianjing,Nanjing,Jinan and Qingdao. __________________.

2.adjust to _________________

The foreignners have adjusted to life in Beijing. ___________________________.

3.act as __________________

In the drama,she act as a sleeping beauty. __________________________________.

4.rely on _________________

The success of the project relies on the efforts of all the engineers._________________________.

5.refer …to… =think of ..as… __________________

Wa all refer to Mr Qin as a good teacher . __________________________________________.

6.run out of _______________

They were out of breath as their strength ran out. _______________________________________.

7.be praised as =be honored as ________________________

The athletes who won medals in the Olympics are praised as national heroes.


1.reach the North and South Poles______________________

2 the origins of the world’s major rivers_____________________________________

3.在如此高的海拔高度_____________________ 4.不無風險 _____________________

5.除……之外 ______________________ 6.稀薄的空氣 ____________________

7.引發高原反應 ____________________ 8.沒有能力做某事 _________________

9.適應極端的環境 _____________________ 10.幾天 _________________

11.在這么高的地方 _____________________ 12.充當向導 _______________________


14.使他們成為理想的伴侶___________________ 15.依靠 ____________________

16.面對,對抗 _____________________ 17.認為某人某物 …_________________

18.用盡 ___________________ 19.作出技術的進步___________________________ 20.做成功,達成 _____________make it to +地點 _____________________

21.成功作某事 ____________________

22.in attempts to climb the mountain over different slopes ______________________________

23.嘗試做某事 _______________________24.照相 __________________

25.a portrait of Chairman Mao Zedong__________________ 26.返回_________________


1.reach the North and South Poles到達南北極

2 the origins of the world’s major rivers世界上主要河流的源頭

3.at such high altitudes 在如此高的海拔高度

4.be not without risk 不無風險 5.apart from除……之外 6.thin air稀薄的空氣

7.cause mountain sickness引發高原反應 8.be unable to do 沒有能力做某事

9.adjust to these extreme conditions適應極端的環境 10.a couple of days 幾天

11.at such a great height 在這么高的地方

12act as guides充當向導 13.honesty and dedication誠實和奉獻精神

14.make them ideal companions使他們成為理想的伴侶 15.rely on依靠

16.be up against面對,對抗 17.laugh at嘲笑

18.refer to sth/sb as 認為某人某物。。。 19.run out用盡

20.make technological advances in…作出技術的進步

21.make it做成功,達成 make it to +地點 到達某地 22.succeed in doing成功作某事

23.*in attempts to climb the mountain over different slopes嘗試從不同的山坡登山

24.in one’s attempt to do 嘗試做某事

25.take photos照相 26.a portrait of Chairman Mao Zedong毛主席頭像

27.on one’s return返回 28.be praised as national heroes被譽為民族英雄


1.make (good ) use of (充分)利用 2.deal with 處理

3.meet with (偶然)遭遇;碰到;嘗到 4.evluate… from… 從什么方面(觀點)評價……

5.take possession of 獲得;占有;作為……的代表 6. in the name of 以……的名義;作為……的

7.search for 尋找……;搜索;探求 8.long before 很久以前。 before long是不久以后之意

9.have contact with 與……聯系;與……接觸 10.in exchange for 與……交換

11.develop into 發展成為 12.lead to 導致;通向 13.be taken prisoner 作為囚犯被關押

14.date from 從……就開始有;追溯到 15.by the beginning of 到……(之)初

16.under the command of 在……的統帥下

17.in turn (for) 作為……的報酬;作為交換(回報;回答)

18.adjust to 附屬于某人的;調整;調節;校準;(使)適應

19.be up against 對抗;對付;面臨 20.fail to 力所不能;失敗 21.succeed in 在……取得成功

22.apart from 別無;除……外(尚有) 23.run out 耗盡;用光

24.have something (nothing) to do with與……有(無)關

25.form the foundation for 為。。構成基礎 26. find its way 找到。。的路

27. leave behind 留下 28.be similar to….與…相似 29.equipped with… “ 裝備”

30.Inspire sb to do sth 鼓勵某人做某事 31.be lost 迷失 32.Base on 以。。為基礎

33.Refer to提到,有關的

Step Ⅴ Post Reading

Task one: Questions and Answers

T: Look at Post-Reading part and answer questions of exercise one and two.

Sa: Traveling stories and trade made people know about far-away civilizations. Marco Polo’s stories inspired Christopher Columbus and other European explorers to search for sea routes to the distant and wealthy Asian lands. People of Han Dynasty knew about Africa through the mouth of merchants.

Sb: They are east, west, westernmost, eastern and so on. Theses words are used to suggest that the topic of the passage is the communication between the west and the east.

Task two: Fill in the chart

T: Read the requirement of exercise 3 and 4 carefully and fill in the two charts.

Key to exercise 3:

Period Name Way of travel Goods

Han Dynasty Gang Ying Over land Rhinoceros horns

From Han Dynasty to the early Tang Dynasty Ivory, Rhinoceros horns, spices, shells, animal skins, sugar

Tang Dynasty Du Huan Over land and by boat

Song Dynasty By sea A bronze statue of a lion

Ming Dynasty Zheng He By sea Zebras, giraffes, Ivory, Rhinoceros horns, shells

Key to exercise 4:

Goods Africa Africa and Asia

Zebras √

giraffes √

Ivory √

Rhinoceros horns √

shells √

Task three: Paraphrasing (Exercise 5)

T: Paraphrase the phrases and sentences from the text in English using your own words.

Sa: The Africans left the African land and came for a visit to China by sea.

Sb: In the Ming Dynasty both China and the eastern coast countries became very prosperous, and there came the great need for state-to-state contact.

Sc: The part of ocean where the Red Sea meets the Indian Ocean.

Sd: For a short period of time, China held the power of sea for she had large navy, experienced sailors and an excellent admiral-Zheng He.

Task four: discussion

T: Read the requirement of exercise 6 of Post reading, and discuss it with your partner. After that I will call some students to show your opinions.

Students discuss with their partner and come to a conclusion.

Sa: The symbolic meaning is that by trading they built friendly relations. The peaceful communication led to the mutual understanding of each other beyond the basic knowing of each other’s existence.

Sb: Before the USA and China renewed their diplomatic relationship in the late 1970s, China invited the American table tennis delegation to visit China for a friendship match. After the event, the USA expressed her willingness to establish diplomatic relationship with China. Later the event was called Ping-Pang diplomacy.

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