
發布時間:2016-10-2 編輯:互聯網 手機版


一、 前言


1. 明確高考閱讀理解題的要求

2. 培養閱讀理解能力

3. 掌握解題規范和技巧。


二、 明確高考閱讀理解題的要求












2、 難度:簡短。也就是,語言不超出《全國制高級中學英語教學大綱》要求的語法和詞匯,











三、 培養閱讀理解能力











The dog bit him./ He bit the dog.

The dog bites him.

The dog is biting him.

The dog has bit him.


"The measure of a man's real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out." ----Thomas B. Macaulay



修飾成分: 定語




四、 掌握解題規范和技巧








以上六種題可分為兩種:整體題 主旨要義題、基本結構題、意圖和態度題

細節題 具體信息題、生詞題、判斷和推理題


1、 先用通常速度讀完文章,讀懂文章的大意,結構和一些具體信息。遇到生詞和難句不要停頓。也許這些地方與答題無關。

2、 每道題都必須在文章中找到明確的依據,不能憑讀完后的大致印象答題,也不能憑自己的知識和經驗答題。嚴格依據原文。



1、 分析文章結構

三段結構: introduction: thesis statement

body: further explanation (topic sentences)

conclusion: emphasis thesis

提綱結構: topic sentence

topic sentence

topic sentence

新聞結構: summary: thesis

body: details(5w’s +h)

2、 歸納主題




3、 作者的意圖和態度:


意圖: 教導 (instruct)

告知 (inform)

態度: 嚴肅、幽默、誠實、厭倦、狡詐、滿意、諷刺等(正評價或負評價)


1、 依據題干的關鍵信息在文章中找準對應句(答案句)

2、 認真分析答案句及其上下文,讀懂其意思(包括隱含意思)。在選項中找到答案句的改寫

3、 生詞題

1) 利用解釋:逗號,括號,破折號, 定語從句

The harbor is protected by a jetty-a wall built out into the water.

The purpose of it was to catch “ringers”, students who take tests for other students.

2) 利用重述:i.e., that is, in other words,

He is a resolute man, i.e., once he sets up a goal, he won’t five it up easily.

Mary had a wan look. She was so pale and weak that her classmates thought she was ill.

3) 利用常識

Tony got on the motorbike and Cathy sat behind him on the pillion.

John was so tall and the door was so low that he must remember to lower his head when he entered the room. Otherwise, he would hit his head on the lintel.

4) 利用例證

You can select any of these periodicals: Times, Newsweek, or Reader’s Digest.

Doctors are studying glaucoma and other diseases of the eye.

5) 利用比較

The snow was falling. Big flakes drifted with wind like white feathers.

The hot-air balloon took off. It was as buoyant in the air as wood in water.

6) 利用構詞法

a) 合成: boyfriend----manfriend


b) 綴合: extraordinary----extramarrital

before----foresee ,foresight

7) 利用文章語境

Laura上大學后不久,她的家長收到學校的來信,要求他們付錢讓Laura參加一系列課程班:“a remedial reading class”, “the remedial writing class”, “a special remedial arithmetic course” 以保證她能跟得上同學,順利畢業。



It is burning hot in Mali, where the highest temperature even reaches 55℃ while the average temperature of the whole year there maintains above 45℃. But to our surprise, the tourism there is getting on very well. Nearly all the year round the tourists can be seen coming and going.

That is because there are large numbers of “In-The-Well-Hotels” in Mali. It means that first of all, people have dug a thirty-metre-deep well under the scorching land surface. Then in the wall of the well several empty caves, about two metres high each, are made. In these caves beds are arranged.

Obviously, “In-The-Well-Hotels”, not so blazing as it is out of the well, remains only abort 12-20℃, In the cave rooms, tourists can find all the daily necessaries.

It not only frees the guests of the country from the hot weather but also gives them a new and fresh experience. So it is quite appealing to the tourists coming from all parts of the world.

Which title fits the passage best? .

A. The Tourism in Mali B. The Weather in Mali

C. In-The-Well-Hotels D. The Tourists from All Parts of the World


A gang of bank robbers drove into public car park, in fact it was an underground car park. They parked two vans in the car park. Then they walked along the narrow corridor. At the end of the corridor, there was a manhole. They lifted the manhole-cover and climbed down into the sewer. The sewer passed the bank. At the nearest point, the gang stopped. They had electric drills, and drilled a tunnel, to the bank vault. This took several weeks, because the distance was 25 feet and they had to drill through rock. Then they went into the vault on weekend, and they emptied the safe-deposit boxes.

The vans were waiting. The put the money and jewelry (worth$6 million) into the vans. Finally, they welded the vault door on the inside, and left.

The nest day, the bank manager could not open the vault door. At first, he was not worried, because the vault was very old. Finally, a bank worker drilled through the wall. Inside the vault, the manager found the empty safe-deposit boxes…

The title of the passage should be .

A.A Gang of Robbers B. The $6 million Robbery

C. Robbers Opened the Bank Vault D. Drilling the Tunnel


Cincinnati--The Cincinnati Zoo has stopped visitors seeing the giant panda Chia Chia for at least five days because the rare animal is obviously homesick. “He’s normally quite extroverted. That’s why we’re worry about,” said Neil Bemment, the panda’s keeper.

The 16-year-old giant panda, caught in China when he was just two, arrived in Cincinnati last Friday after a seven-hour road trip form Chicago. That journey followed a 10- hour flight from London, where he has spent 14 years at the London Zoo. Since Friday, the 290-pound panda has appeared once in a while from his den to eat bamboo for a few minutes, then quickly goes back to his den.

What is main idea of the passage?

A. Giant panda is ill B. Panda keeper is worried

C. Panda arrived at Cincinnati D. 16-year-old panda


In Paris, five people including an Israeli diplomat and his wife were seriously injured in a car-bomb explosion, the latest attack against Jewish object in the French capital. Another forty people, many of them children, received smaller injuries. And a telephone caller with name unknown told the news agency that it was the work of the Lebanese Armed Revolutionary Faction but it is not certain whether the call was true. President Mitterand later held a meeting with his Public Security Minister. The Prime Minister Mova said that Government would continue its war against terrorists.

2. According to the news the explosion was

A. an unpleasant thing B a common affair

C. a serious problem D. a planned act

3. From the passage we can see that Paris is a city where __

A. people often get injured B. news media are quite developed

C. terrorists have been active D. people are used to terrorists

4. After the explosion the French Government

A. ordered the police to catch the terrorists at once

B. warned people not to drive out until the murderers were arrested

D. advised Israeli diplomats not to go out by car

D. wouldn’t give in to the terrorists


A 9-year-old Canadian girl is trying to set a world record of flying across Canada.

Emma Houston took off from Victoria, a city on the west coast of Canada, beginning a two-week flight to Newfoundland, a Canadian eastern island.

“I have only been flying for a few months but I think I can do it and Dad will be with me anyway,” the lovely girl said before she took off with her father.

Her father, Paul Houston, a licensed flight instructor and vice-principal of Emma’s elementary school said she can handle all the routine flying but doesn’t have the experience to handle an emergency.

A 10-year-old American boy Christopher Lee Marshall flew across the United States last year. Inspired by the Marshall’s record, Houston is going to become a youngest pilot to fly across Canada.

The reporter seems to try

A. to call on us young people to try to break the flying record

B. to praise the courage of the Canadian girl

C. to tell the young people to ask for help from their parents when necessary

D. to warn us not to risk flying either across Canada or across the United States


Viscount Montgomery, the famous British commander, was born in Bernard Law Montgomery in 1887 and fought in both world wars. In World War he was only an ordinary soldier, who rose to the rank of captain. It was during World War II that he really shone--he commanded the British army in many of the important battles of the war and led it through all the great campaigns, first in France, later in North Africa, then in Normandy, and finally in Germany. After the war he was made a nobleman but people continued to refer to him as Monty. Once a reporter asked him: “Who do you think were the three greatest commanders in history? ” Replied Monty, without a moment’ s hesitation: “The other two were Alexander the Great and Napoleon.”

What does the writer think of Montgomery ?

A. a great commander and an interesting person as well

B. an interesting person although not a very great commander

C. a modest man although he was a great commander

D. not a great commander but thought himself to be one


We can read of things that happened 5,000 years ago in the Near East, where people first learned to write. But there are some parts of the world where even now people can not write. The only way that they can preserve their history is to recount it as sagas--- legends handed down from one generation of story-tellers to another. These legends are useful because they can tell us something about migration of people who lived long ago, but none could write down what they did.

Anthropologists wondered where the remote ancestors of the Polynesian peoples now living in the pacific islands came from. The sagas of these people explain that some of them came from Indonesia about 2,000years ago.

The word “recount” in “The only way that can preserve their history is to recount it as sagas.” means .

A. tell B. count again C. retell D. put down


Mood, say the experts, are feelings that are likely to become fixed, having effects on one’s outlook for hours, days, or even weeks. That’s great if your mood is a pleasant one, but a problem if you are sad, anxious, angry, or simply lonely.

Perhaps the best way to deal with such moods is to talk them out; sometimes, though, there is no one to listen. Modern pharmacology offers a lot of tranquilizers and anti-anxiety drugs. What many people don’t realize, however, is that scientists have discovered the effectiveness of several non-drug methods to make you free from an unwanted mood. These can be just a useful as drugs, and have the added benefit of being non-poisonous. So next time you feel out of sorts, don’t head for the drug store---- try to following method.

Of all the mood-changing self-help techniques, aerobic exercise seems to be the best cure for a bad mood. “If you could keep the exercise, you’d be in high spirits,” says Kathryn Lance, author of Running for Health and Beauty.

Researchers have explained biochemical and various other changes that make exercise compare favorably to drugs as a mood-raiser. Physical work such as housework, however, does little. The key is aerobic exercise-running, cycling, walking, swimming, or other repetitive and sustained activities that increase the heart rate and circulation, and improve the body’s use of oxygen. Do them for at least 20 minutes a time, three to five times a week.

Which of the following best describes the organization of this passage?

A. An exercise and its importance are explained

B. A problem is examined and solutions are given

C. Two different views of a problem are presented

D. Recent developments in medicine are described.

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