
發布時間:2016-10-3 編輯:互聯網 手機版

目 錄

前言………………………………………………………………………………( )

Unit 1 Playing Sports…………………………………………………………( )

一、教學目標…………………………………………………………………( )

二、教材分析…………………………………………………………………( )

三、教學建議…………………………………………………………………( )

四、相關語言知識材料………………………………………………………( )

Unit 2 Keeping Healthy………………………………………………………( )

一、教學目標…………………………………………………………………( )

二、教材分析…………………………………………………………………( )

三、教學建議…………………………………………………………………( )

四、相關語言知識材料………………………………………………………( )

Unit 3 My Hobby…………………………………………………………………( )

一、教學目標…………………………………………………………………( )

二、教材分析…………………………………………………………………( )

三、教學建議…………………………………………………………………( )

四、相關語言知識材料………………………………………………………( )

Unit 4 Our World………………………………………………………………( )

一、教學目標…………………………………………………………………( )

二、教材分析…………………………………………………………………( )

三、教學建議…………………………………………………………………( )

四、相關語言知識材料………………………………………………………( )

Recording ………………………………………………………………………( )

學生用書參考答案………………………………………………………………( )

前 言

教材編寫組的中外編者們匯聚京華,辛勤筆耕,共同打造了Project English這套有著豐厚文化底蘊的教材。這是全國第一套嚴格按照教育部新課標教材編寫程序:先立項通過--后編寫教材--送審教材--教育部審查通過的七年級零起點英語教材。它帶著博大精深的語言文化而來,向我們展開了濃縮當今世界原貌的萬里畫卷;它深入淺出地為我們展示生活的細節,詮釋情感的真諦;它不僅給我們文化積淀,而且它那些最美、最人性的元素將會通過語言一點一滴地浸染、滲透我們的血液;它讓我們胸懷天下,讓我們感覺我們不僅是中國的公民,而且也是世界的一員。

編者們不敢說深諳語言文化的交流之道,但絕對是交際語言教學的忠實踐行者。在王德春教授、Jim Greenlaw教授兩位著名學者的帶領下,編者們精心打造了這套Project English。Project是這套教材的核心,它本身就是一個內涵豐富的詞匯,有著四層含意:

1.n.任務、活動、課題 a planned task

2.v.生動地與他人交流 communicate vividly

3.v.推動 put forward

4.v.預知未來,未雨綢繆 predict, plan ahead





3.語言地道:本書的加拿大主編Jim Greenlaw先生是加拿大著名英語教育專家,不列顛哥倫比亞大學教育學博士。他所率領的加拿大編寫團隊的每位成員均為ESL教育專家,有豐富的教材編寫經驗,保證了教材語言的純正、地道、原汁原味。


4.好教易學:教材充分體現了新課標的指導思想,把任務型教學與交際教學法靈活地運用于英語課堂。課題(project)探究活動構成了每個單元的核心,旨在讓學生綜合運用在本單元所學的語言知識、語言技能,提高用英語獲取信息、處理信息、分析和解決問題的能力。 每個課題(project)都需要學生通過體驗與實踐、積極參與合作、交流與共同探究來完成,在完成任務中達到掌握運用語言技能的目的。這些活動的設計與安排周密、合理,富有彈性,能給教師提供靈感,有利于教師進行課堂教學設計,使教師施教更具主動性,又給學生留出更大的發展空間。幽默可愛的卡通形象,簡練生動的語言,新穎、有趣且貼近實際生活的對話,突出主題富有真實感的語篇,能使學生快速進入情景、進入角色、進入思考狀態、投入感情;使學生思路清晰,易于理解、接受語言,樂于積累語言材料從而形成語感;讓學生毫無雜亂之感,學習中倍感輕松,從而激發他們的英語學習興趣。














Project English中有相當多的活動,如有Work alone; Listen and follow; Read and say; Listen, read and understand等等。當然,還有group work, pair work等強調合作學習、探究的學習方式。如何利用這些學習材料,幫助學生發展學習能力,提高英語學習效率,是教師應該研究的問題。


新課改已經對課程和教材進行了反思與“概念重建”。教材不再是教師的圣經,我們要以學生為中心,開發學習資源,學會“用教材”而不是“教教材”。盡管Project English的學生用書已經為教師提供了豐富的活動和任務,也配備了豐富的輔助資源,但教師還要根據自己的實際情況,開發學習資源,整合學習資料。














Step 1 (The first finger)


七年級開始:a. 限定時間、角色;

b. 全體起立,排練;

c. 兩組為單位互相表演、觀看;

d. 展示兩組;

e. 鼓勵與糾正。

過渡: 推出關鍵生詞。

Step 2 (The second finger)

Presentation 呈現:

七年級開始:a. 給出問題并放錄音;

b. 回答問題;

c. 頭腦風暴 (Brainstorming), 讓全體學生一起分類整合出重點句型;

d. 讓學生找出關鍵詞,使思路連貫。

Step 3 (The third finger)

Consolidation 鞏固:

七年級開始:a. 放錄音,跟讀,用鉛筆標出重讀與語調;

b. 擦去所標語調,讓學生逐句先讀后聽,核對語音語調;

c. 人機對話,即學生和錄音機對話;

d. 為光盤配音或和磁帶齊讀。

Step 4 (The fourth finger)

Practice 練習:

a. 限定時間、角色;強調拋開課本,最多只允許看關鍵詞;

b. 全體起立,排練;

c. 兩組互相表演、觀看;

d. 展示幾組,相近兩組不允許重復;

e. 鼓勵與糾正。


Step 5 (The fifth finger)

Project 活動產品:

a. 必須用上新學的主要內容;

b. 不可相同,要有創造性。

例: 1.做海報 2.貼墻上 3.分組排練

















最后希望在課程改革的熱潮塵埃落定的時候,廣大教師和學生通過對Project English系列教材的學習成為真正的贏家!

Unit 1 Playing Sports


語言知識 語音 學習一般疑問句、選擇疑問句和特殊疑問句的語音語調

Will you join us↗?

Which sport do you prefer, running ↗or walking↘?

How often does he go skating↘?

匯 內 容 課次

almost, every day, during, cheer sb.on, of course, team, win, quite a bit/a lot, club, join 1A

famous, arrive in/at, play against, fan, leave for, the day after tomorrow 1B

baseball, twice, at least, hour, pretty well, be good at, take part in, high jump, long jump, popular, all over the world, be good for, heart, keep fit, healthy, relax oneself, themselves 1C

once, most 1D

fall ill, be glad to, really, Would you mind...? practice, start, far from, smoke, somewhere, make one’s bed 2A

careless, chance, shame, fight, do one’s best, believe, angry, serve, turn down, in a minute, at once, important, break 2B

Russia, enjoy, competition, invent, college, even, score, put, into, throw, follow the rules, century, more and more 2C

however, tired, active, fresh, instead of, coach, mile, build up, sick, feel, feeling, window, wind, homework 2D

foreign, e瞞ail, address, form, fill out, reason, go on, maybe 3A

shall 3B

gold, grow up, brave, clever, among, grass, visitor, improve, environment 3C

ring, symbol, stand for, across, be fond of 3D

prefer, ski, bicycling, climbing 1A

p.m., lung, 1C

loudly, softly 2A

goal, better, quietly, clearly, apology 2B

traveling, tiring, court 2C

chips, easily 2D

host, the Olmpics, Roast Duck Shop 3A

the People’s Republic of China, medal, behave 3C


法 選擇疑問句及其回答:

Which sport do you prefer, skating or skiing?

I prefer skating.

題 特殊疑問句及其回答:

What’s your favorite sport, Jane?


Who’s your favorite player?

Michael Jordan.

How long will you play tennis?

For half an hour.

How often does he go skating?

Once a week.


Will you join us?

Yes, I will./No, I won’t.

I will join the skiing club.

Will you come and cheer us on?

Of couse I will.

The school sports meet will be on October 20.

How long will you play?

Two hours.

Beijing will host the 2008 Olympics.

It’s too bad that they won’t stay in Beijing for long.

They’re leaving for Japan the day after tomorrow.

There will be more roads.


I hope our team will win.

I think I will sit in a quiet place in Beijing, watching what’s going on.

Michael, we believe you can do better next time!

Beijing will host the 2008 Olympic Games, but we still don’t know who will be the mascot.

They are sure that she will win.

I’m very sorry for what I said.

題 談論體育活動、個人愛好及習慣行為:

Which sport do you prefer, skating or skiing?

I prefer skating.

Do you skate much?

Yes, quite a bit/ a lot./No,seldom.

She spends at least half an hour in the gym every day.


Could you please do me a favor?

Sure. What is it?

Would you mind teaching me?

Not at all./Of course not.

Would you mind not smoking here?

Sorry.I’ll go somewhere else.

聽 1.能聽懂關于體育活動、個人愛好及習慣行為的對話或短文。



說 1.能用英語談論個人愛好及習慣行為。



讀 1.能讀懂對話或短文,抓住主要信息。



寫 1.能寫出體育活動、個人愛好及習慣行為內容的短文。









語 言 技 能

情 感 態 度

學 習 策 略



國際性的競技場上,體育的成就往往也是國力的象征之一。美國社會對體育非常重視和投入。體育設施隨處可見,如健身房、游泳池、網球場、足球場,甚至高爾夫球場。美國體育活動的推廣,其實與商業活動非常有關。許多大公司,諸如煙、酒、銀行、石油公司,為塑造公司健康形象,不惜投下巨資贊助體育活動。美國的職業棒球、籃球和美式足球是電視曝光率最高的三項運動。而這三項職業運動并非一年到頭都在比賽,而是有“季節性”。一般春、夏屬于棒球季,秋天是足球季,冬天則是籃球的天下。此外,美國大學籃球及足球亦是熒光屏上的常客,所受到的“眷顧”不輸于職業隊。一般來說,不論是棒球、籃球或美式足球,美國各大城市至少擁有一支所屬的職業隊。這三類觀賞性球賽采取的比賽方式大致相同,分為“季節賽”(regular season)和“季后賽”(postseason或playoffs)兩階段。季節賽中各隊比賽場數相同,戰績優秀的球隊在季節賽結束后繼續參加淘汰制的季后賽。季后賽的優勝隊伍則冠以“世界冠軍”的頭銜,次日在所屬的城市舉行盛大的慶祝游行,最后被邀請到白宮和總統合照,可謂風光之至。


1891年12月初在美國馬薩諸塞州斯普林菲爾德市基督教青年會國際訓練學校(后為春田學院),該校體育教師詹姆斯奈史密斯博士發明了籃球。當年的籃球規則只有13條。奈史密斯博士于1939年去世,終年78歲。他未曾料到,由他創建的籃球項目竟然在二百多個國家流傳著,而且至今美國籃球還譽滿全球。 為了紀念奈史密斯博士發明的籃球功績,在春田學院校園內修建了美國籃球名人館-詹姆斯奈史密斯紀念館。


  聯賽名稱:美國職業籃球聯賽, NBA是National Basketball Association的縮寫(國家籃球協會),成立于1946年6月6日。聯賽總部: 美國紐約第五大道645號 ( No.645 Fifth Ave.,New York, NY 10022),現有30支球隊。

邁克爾.喬丹(Michael Jordan)


主要戰績: 6次獲得NBA總冠軍:(1990-1991, 1991-1992, 1992-1993, 1995-1996, 1996-1997 和1997-1998) 。


榮譽: 1985年獲NBA年度最佳新人獎;6次當選NBA總決賽最有價值球員:(1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998);5次當選NBA最有價值球員:(1988, 1991, 1992, 1996, 1998);3次當選NBA全明星賽最有價值球員:(1988, 1996, 1998)。


上海人, 1980年出生。








2003年2月,入選 NBA 全明星陣容。


貝克漢姆(David Beckham)




巴西足球隊員,1976年出生。他是當之無愧的新一代球王。他體會過少年成名的榮耀,經歷過狀態低迷的彷徨;他承受了傷筋斷骨的傷痛,感受了世人不信的炎涼。在2002年世界杯冠軍賽中踢進兩球,幫助桑巴舞王以2比0擊敗德國, 贏得創紀錄的第五座世界杯冠軍。








1999年2月1日,當選國際足聯 1998年世界足球先生。




奧林匹克運動會(the Olympic Games/the Olympics)

奧林匹克格言是:“更快、更高、更強”。它是國際奧委會對所有參與奧林匹克運動的人們的號召,號召他們本著奧林匹克的精神奮力向上。奧運會期間在主會場燃燒的火焰即是奧林匹克圣火,象征著光明、團結、友誼、和平、正義。奧林匹克旗,為白底無邊,中央有五個相互套連的圓環(the five interlocking rings /the Olympic rings),環的顏色自左至右為藍、黃、黑、綠、紅。會旗和五個環的含義是:象征五大洲的團結以及全世界的運動員以公正、坦率的比賽和友好精神在奧運會上相聚一堂。

1949年以后,新中國的運動健兒先后參加了第15、23、24、25、26、 27、28屆夏季奧運會,并取得了比較輝煌的成績。第23屆奧運會,許海峰為中國奪得了首枚金牌,實現我國奧運金牌“零”的突破。第23屆洛杉磯奧林匹克運動會中國獲金牌15枚; 第24屆漢城奧林匹克運動會中國獲金牌5枚; 第25屆巴塞羅那奧林匹克運動會中國獲金牌16枚; 第26屆亞特蘭大奧林匹克運動會中國獲金牌16枚; 第27屆悉尼奧林匹克運動會中國獲金牌28枚;第28屆雅典奧林匹克運動會中國獲金牌32枚;第29屆奧林匹克運動會將于2008年在中國北京舉行。

二、 教材分析

本單元教學內容的三大部分分別為,第一部分“What’s your favorite sport?” , 通過談論自己最喜歡的體育運動這個話題,學習描述和談論一些體育運動項目,介紹自己最喜歡的體育明星,這個話題是學生們比較感興趣的內容。語法方面復習一般現在時,引出新的語法項目: 一般將來時。第二部分“Would you mind saying sorry to Michael?”語言知識方面繼續以體育為主線,主要介紹了籃球的起源,采訪了一個籃球運動員,記述了一場籃球比賽后的情景。語法方面繼續學習一般將來時;復習一般過去時;向他人提出請求和建議;責備他人。 第三部分“Beijing will host the 2008 Olympics.” 語言知識方面以奧林匹克運動會為主線,以北京將于2008年舉辦奧林匹克運動會為話題,介紹了奧林匹克運動會的五環旗,討論了2008年北京奧運會將以什么作為吉祥物,以及我們應為奧運做些什么。語法方面繼續學習一般將來時的否定句、特殊疑問句及其回答;一般將來時的賓語從句;一般將來時的There be句型。

Topic 1 What’s your favorite sport?

Section A 主要學習一般將來時,有一般將來時的肯定句、一般疑問句及其回答。由于是本單元的第一個Section ,要求不宜過高。2a是一個很好的練習模式,出現了一般將來時的一般疑問句及其回答,同時還有一般現在時和現在進行時句子的對照,要讓學生分組活動,看圖說話,進行大量的對話練習,讓學生對英語的時態有一個清晰的認識。本話題還出現了選擇疑問句,比較容易掌握,注意選擇疑問句的發音,前升后降,回答不能使用Yes or No,要用陳述句。如:Which sport do you prefer, skating or skiing? I prefer skating. 1a中還出現了賓語從句,不是Section A的主要內容,讓學生了解即可。

Section B在自主學習和分組活動中繼續練習和掌握一般將來時和一般現在時句子。

Section C 主要內容是自己所喜歡的運動并說明原因,這是學生比較感興趣的話題,教師應抓住機會,擴大學生的知識面,提高學生學習英語的積極性。語法方面有一般現在時和一般將來時,功能和話題緊密地結合在一起。

Section D 對前三個Section的復習,復習How long和 How often 表示的特殊疑問句,要讓學生能夠明確地區分出這兩個疑問詞的不同含義。

Topic 2 Would you mind saying sorry to Michael?

Section A 在語法方面繼續學習一般將來時, 包括一般將來時的肯定句、一般疑問句、特殊疑問句及其回答。在功能用語方面引出了向他人提出請求和建議,這也是本話題的重點。老師要帶領學生多做練習,讓學生熟練應用,因為這一話題在我們生活中經常使用。

Section B 繼續練習一般將來時和一般過去時,還出現了表示責備他人的句子:You shouldn’t speak to me like that.表示道歉和應答的方式是Section B 的重點,因為這一話題在我們日常生活中也經常使用。

Section C繼續練習一般將來時和一般過去時。1a 談論了籃球運動員Ming 的工作和生活,有機地把一般將來時和一般過去時的句子結合在一起使用。2a講述了籃球的起源,對幫助同學們了解籃球方面的知識有很大的幫助。

Section D 是對前三個Section 的復習和總結。1a 復習了一般現在時和一般過去時,講述了自己的鍛煉經歷,告訴我們應該怎樣健康地學習、生活和鍛煉,緊扣中心話題。

Topic 3 Beijing will host the 2008 Olympics.

Section A中1a主要講述北京的一位出租車司機要加入一個英語俱樂部,以及要加入英語俱樂部的原因,引出本話題的中心:2008年北京奧運會,介紹北京的人文風貌,練習一般將來時。

Section B的主要內容在1a, Kangkang 和Michael約定去遠足,兩人討論在何時何地見面,1b 和1c 繼續就此話題展開練習。2a和2b 繼續以練習一般將來時為主,把未來的天氣和計劃進行的活動結合在一起。

Section C復習一般過去時,學習一般將來時的得There be句型。Section C圍繞奧林匹克運動會展開話題。1a 談論我國參加奧運會的情況及獲金牌情況。1c談論2008年北京奧運會的吉祥物。2a1看圖說話,以What will the 2008 Olympics bring us?為題,學習There will be ...句型。2a2看圖說話,以What should we do for the Olympics?為話題復習向他人提建議。2b談論我們應為奧運做些什么:What are you doing now for the 2008 Beijing Olympics? What will you do for the Beijing Olympics in 2008?

Section D 是對前三個Section的復習和總結。 1a學習奧運會五環旗及其含義。2a,2b總結本topic 的語法內容和有用的表達方式,總結一般將來時的賓語從句和一般將來時的There be句型。4是一首英語歌曲,歌曲內容緊扣本單元話題,激發我們奮發努力的上進心。5是本單元最后總結性的任務,對本單元的內容進行總結性的練習。

三、 教學建議

Topic 1 What’s your favorite sport?

Section A



1. 了解一般將來時。

2. 復習選擇疑問句。

3. 談論自己所喜歡的體育活動以及自己的打算。




What do you usually do after school?

I usually...

Do you like playing basketball /tennis/ football...?

Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

I’d like to play basketball. Will you join us?



1. 老師使用第一幅圖,圖上畫有學生正在打籃球。師生問答:


A: What are they doing?

B: They are playing basketball.

A: I’d like to play basketball. Will you join us?


B: Yes, I will. / No, I won’t.


A: What are they doing?

B: They are playing volleyball.

A: I’d like to play volleyball. Will you join us?

B: Yes, I will. / No, I won’t.


A: What are they doing?

B: They are playing soccer.

A: I’d like to play soccer. Will you join us?

B: Yes, I will. / No, I won’t.

2. 老師盡量多使用一些圖片讓學生根據板書和圖畫內容作對話。

3. 老師向同學展示圖片:

使用圖4、5、6、7教學詞和詞組bicycling, cheer sb. on, skiing,climbing。


A: What are they doing?

B: They are bicycling.


A: What are they doing?

B: They are cheering us on.


A: What are they doing?

B: They are skiing.


A:What are they doing?

B:They are climbing mountains.

4. 聽1a的錄音,回答問題:

What will Michael do?

Will Kangkang come and cheer them on?


1. 放錄音1a。 學生先聽,后跟讀并模仿,核對語音語調。

2. 讓學生和錄音機一起讀。人機對話,即學生和錄音機對話。

3. 學生兩人一組表演1a.

4. 雙人活動。根據1a重新編一個類似的對話,完成1b。

A: Hi, ...

B: Hi,... I’d like to play soccer. Will you join us?

A: I’m afraid I can’t. I have to do my homework first. By the way, I see you play soccer almost every day.

B: Yes. We’ll have a game between ... team and our team this Sunday. Will you come and cheer us on?

A: Of course I will.

5. 分組活動。使用圖片進行看圖說話練習, 完成2a。

A: Which sport do you prefer, ... or...?

B: I prefer ...

A: Do you ... much?

B: Yes, quite a lot.

A: We are planning to have a ... club. Will you join us?

B: Yes, I will./No, I won’t.


1. 雙人活動。使用圖片進行看圖說話表演,談論自己最喜歡的體育活動。

2. 分組活動。討論各自所喜歡的體育活動以及自己的打算。 如自己打算參加某個體育俱樂部。

3. 分別從每組中找一名代表到前面,匯報本組同學所喜歡的體育活動以及他們的打算。

第五步: 活動產品


Like this: My favorite sport is basketball. I play basketball a lot. I think it is exciting. I will join the basketball club. My friend, Li Lei’s favorite sport is ...

Section A

The main activities are 1a and 2a.

Teaching aims and demands:

1. Learn the Simple Future Tense.

2. Review the alternative questions.

3. Talk about the sports that the students like best and what they will do.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Review

Ask and answer between the teacher and the students: Talking about the things that the students like doing after class.

What do you usually do after school?

I usually...

Do you like playing basketball /tennis/ football...?

Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

I’d like to play basketball. Will you join us?

Lead into the next step.

Step 2 Presentation

1. The teacher shows Picture 1. There are some students who are playing basketball. The teacher and the students ask and answer like this: (Write down the dialog on the blackboard.)

Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3A: What are they doing?

B: They are playing basketball.

A: I’d like to play basketball. Will you join us?(Help the students to answer)

B: Yes, I will. / No, I won’t.

The teacher shows Picture 2. There are some students who are playing volleyball. The teacher and the students ask and answer like this:

A: What are they doing?

B: They are playing volleyball.

A: I’d like to play volleyball. Will you join us?

B: Yes, I will. / No, I won’t.

The teacher shows Picture 3. There are some students who are playing football. The teacher and the students ask and answer like this:

A: What are they doing?

B: They are playing football.

A: I’d like to play football. Will you join us?

B: Yes, I will. / No, I won’t.

2. The teacher shows more pictures to let the students make more dialogs.

3. The teacher shows the pictures to the students. Learn the new words and phrases : bicycling, cheer sb. on, skiing,climbing,etc.

Picture 4 Picture 5 Picture 6 Picture 7The teacher shows Picture 4. There are some students bicycling. The teacher and the students ask and answer like this:

A: What are they doing?

B: They are bicycling.

The teacher shows Picture 5. There are some students cheering. The teacher and the students ask and answer like this:

A: What are they doing?

B: They are cheering us on.

The teacher shows Picture 6. There are some students skiing. The teacher and the students ask and answer like this:

A: What are they doing?

B: They are skiing.

The teacher shows Picture 7.There are some students climbing mountains. The teacher and the students ask and answer like this:

A:What are they doing?

B:They are climbing mountains.

4. Listen to 1a and answer the following questions:

What will Michael do?

Will Kangkang come and cheer them on?

Step 3 Consolidation

1. Ask the students to listen to Section A 1a. Ask them to mark the intonations.

2. Ask them to read with the tape together.

3. Ask them to act out Section A 1a in pairs.

4. Make a similar conversation in pairs, and finish 1b.

A: Hi, ...

B: Hi... I’d like to play soccer. Will you join us?

A: I’m afraid I can’t. I have to do my homework first. By the way, I see you play soccer almost every day.

B: Yes. We’ll have a game between ... team and our team this Sunday. Will you come and cheer us on?

A: Of course I will.

5. Make conversations with the pictures in groups, and finish 2a.

A: Which sport do you prefer, ... or...?

B: I prefer ...

A: Do you ... much?

B: Yes, quite a lot.

A: We are planning to have a ... club. Will you join us?

B: Yes, I will./No, I won’t.

Step 4 Practice

1. Make conversations with the pictures and act them out in pairs. Talk about the sports that they like best.

2. Talk about the sports that they like best and what they want to do. For example: They want to join a sports club.

3. Ask one student from each group to come to the front to express their favorite sport and what they want to do.

Step 5 Project

Let the students write down a short passage to introduce his and his partners’ favorite sports.

It may be their homework.

For example: My favorite sport is basketball. I play basketball a lot. I think it is exciting.

I will join the basketball club. My friend Li Lei’s favorite sport is ...

Section B



1. 繼續學習一般將來時。

2. 復習一般過去時。

3. 談論自己所喜歡的體育運動和體育運動員。


第一步: 復習

1. 讓學生盡量多地說出運動項目。

2. 選擇幾個學生到前面,復述自己作業中關于自己的以及同伴所喜歡的體育活動的文章。

第二步: 呈現

1. 老師向同學展示圖片, 使用圖片教學單詞和詞組:famous, places of interest, sportsman,sportswoman,fan, 并把生詞板書到黑板上。

圖1 圖2 圖3 圖4

教學famous,places of interest 可以多使用一些圖片。如:故宮、頤和園、長城等。師生問答:

A:What are these?

B:They are famous places of interest.

教學sportsman, sportswoman 也可以多使用一些圖片。如:姚明 、貝克漢姆(David Beckham)、羅納爾多(Ronaldo)、齊達內(Zedane)等。師生問答:

A:Who are they?

B:They are famous sportsmen.Yao Ming is a famous basketball player. David Beckham,Ronaldo and Zedane are famous soccer players.


A:Who are they?

B:They are famous sportswomen.

老師使用第4幅圖,圖畫上有籃球迷或足球迷, 學習fan。師生問答:

A:Who are they?

B:They are basketball / football /soccer fans.


1. 學生獨立學習,閱讀2a并回答下面問題:

Where did David Beckham arrive yesterday?

Who will they play against?

What about the soccer fans?

Will they stay in Beijing for long?

Where will they leave for the day after tomorrow?

2. 聽1a的錄音,回答問題:

What’s Michael’s favorite sport?

Who is Michael’s favorite player?


3. 放錄音1a, 學生先聽,后跟讀并模仿,核對語音語調。

4. 讓學生和錄音機齊讀。人機對話,即學生和錄音機對話。

5. 學生雙人活動, 分角色對話。

6. 學生小組活動,談論同學所喜歡的體育運動和體育運動員。


7. 學生獨立學習,根據 1a 補全1b短文, 檢查學生答案,并完成1b。


1. 學生小組活動,制作組內調查表,并用短文描述。

Name Favorite sport Favorite sportsman Favorite sportswoman

Li Ming

Han Mei

Liu Xiaodong

My friend Li Ming’s favorite sport is


. His favorite player is

________________________________________每組挑選一名同學到前面介紹本組同學的情況, 完成1b。

2. 雙人活動, 對1c中的問題進行問答練習,找幾對同學到前面表演。



Name Card







Like this: My favorite player is...

Section B

The main activities are 1a and 2a.

Teaching aims and demands:

1. Go on learning the Simple Future Tense.

2. Review the Simple Past Tense.

3. Talk about the favorite sports and the favorite sports players.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Reveiew

1. Let the students say the sports names as many as they can.

2. Choose several students to retell their and their partners’favorite sports.

Step 2 Presentation

1. The teacher shows the pictures to the students. Learn the new words and phrases: famous, places of interest, sportsman, sportswoman, fan. And write down the information on the blackboard.

Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4

We can use more pictures to teach: famous, places of interest. For example: the Palace Museum,the Summer Palace, the Great Wall, etc.

Ask and answer like this:

A:What are these?

B:They are famous places of interest.

We can also use more pictures to teach: sportsman, sportswoman. For example: Yao

Ming,David Beckham,Ronaldo,Zedane,etc.

Ask and answer like this:

A:Who are they?

B:They are famous sportsmen. Yao Ming is a famous basketball player. David Beckham,Ronaldo and Zedane are famous soccer players.

Use pictures of some women players. For example: Wang Nan, Guo Jingjing, Sun Wen, etc.

Ask and answer like this:

A:Who are they?

B:They are famous sportswomen.

The teacher uses Picture 4 to learn:fan, with football fans or basketball fans.

Ask and answer like this:

A:Who are they?

B:They are basketball / football /soccer fans.

Step 3 Consolidation

1.The students read 2a alone and answer the following questions:

Where did David Beckham arrive yesterday?

Who will they play against?

What about the soccer fans?

Will they stay in Beijing for long?

Where will they leave for the day after tomorrow?

2. Listen to 1a and answer the following questions:

What’s Michael’s favorite sport?

Who’s Michael’s favorite player?

Check the answers.

3.Ask the students to listen to Section B 1a. Ask them to mark the intonations.

4. Ask them to read with the tape together.

5. In pairs, act the conversation out.

6. The students talk about their favorite sports and favorite players.

7. The students learn alone, and fill in the blanks in 1b according to 1a. Check the answers in 1b and finish 1b.

Step 4 Practice

1. Work in groups. The students make a survey about their favorite sports and favorite players. Then change the form into a short passage.

Name Favorite sport Favorite sportsman Favorite sportswoman

Li Ming

Han Mei

Liu Xiaodong

My friend Li Ming’s favorite sport is... His favorite player is...

Ask one student from each group to come to the front to introduce their favorite sports and favorite players. Finish 1b.

2. Ask and answer the questions from 1c in pairs. Ask several pairs to act it out in front. Finish 1c.

Step 5 Project

Work alone, make the favorite player’s name card, and make it into a short passage.Finish 3.It may be homework.

Name Card








For example: My favorite player is...

Section C



1. 繼續學習一般將來時。

2. 復習一般現在時。

3. 繼續談論自己所喜歡的體育活動及原因。



1. 讓學生兩人一組,手拿圖片,到前面進行問答表演,復習自己所喜歡的體育活動。

2. 選擇幾個學生到前面,復述自己作業中關于自己最喜歡的運動的文章。


1. 老師向同學展示圖片, 使用圖片教學生單詞和詞組:baseball, gym, spend, at least, hour, high jump, long jump, 并把生詞板書到黑板上。


A: What is he doing? (幫助學生回答)

B: She is playing baseball.


A: What’s Ann doing in the gym? (幫助學生回答)

B: She is doing sports.

A: She spends at least half an hour in the gym every day.


A: What is she doing? (幫助學生回答)

B: She is doing high jump.


A: What is he doing? (幫助學生回答)

B: He is doing long jump.

2. 頭腦風暴法: What sports do you know? 讓學生舉手說出自己所知道的體育運動的名稱,同時把這些詞板書到黑板上。


3. 聽1b的錄音,回答問題:

Does Ann like sports?

What is she planning to do?


What does Ann often do on Sundays?

How often does she go bicycling?

How long does she spend at least in the gym every day?

How often does she play baseball?

Will her classmates cheer her on?


4. 放錄音1b, 學生先聽,后跟讀并模仿,核對語音語調。

5. 讓學生和錄音機齊讀。人機對話,即學生和錄音機對話。

6. 老師示范,學生獨立完成1a, 根據 Ann 的活動時間表描述Ann一星期的運動情況。如:

Ann goes to the gym from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. everyday. She goes bicycling from 5 o’clock to 6 o’clock on Wednesday afternoon and Friday afternoon...




1. 挑選一些同學到前面根據Ann的活動時間表描述出Ann一星期的運動情況。

2. 小組活動,同學們可以使用課本上的圖畫,或者畫出自己所喜歡的運動項目,描述自己所喜歡的體育活動及原因。


1. 學生小組活動,列出運動項目,完成下面表格。例如:

Team games basketball, soccer, volleyball, baseball, etc.

Other ball games tennis, table tennis, golf, etc.

Track and Field running, swimming, horse racing, high jump, long jump, etc.

International sports events Olympic Games, World Cup Football League, etc.

2. 學生獨立活動,完成下面表格并形成短文介紹自己的運動計劃。可以作為作業。如:

Time Sports

6∶ 20a.m. ~ 6∶ 40a.m. every day running

5∶ 30p.m. ~ 6∶ 00p.m. every day basketball

4∶ 00p.m. ~ 6∶ 00p.m. Saturday afternoon soccer

I run from 6∶ 20 to 6∶ 40 in the morning every day...

Section C

The main activities are 1a,1b and 2a.

Teaching aims and demands:

1. Go on with the Simple Future Tense.

2. Review the Simple Present Tense.

3. Go on talking about the favorite sports and reasons.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Review

1. The students ask and answer in pairs to talk about their favorite sports with pictures.

2. Choose several students to retell their favorite athletes.

Step 2 Presentation

1. The teacher shows the pictures to the students. Learn the new words and phrases: baseball, gym, spend, at least, hour, high jump, long jump.Write them down on the blackboard.

Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4

The teacher shows Picture 1. There is a student who is playing baseball. The teacher and the students ask and answer like this:

A: What is she doing? (Help the students to answer)

B: She is playing baseball.

The teacher shows Picture 2. Ann is doing sports in the gym. The teacher and the students ask and answer like this:

A: What’s Ann doing in the gym? (Help the students to answer)

B: She is doing sports.

A: She spends at least half an hour in the gym every day.

The teacher shows Picture 3. There is a student who is doing high jump. The teacher and the students ask and answer like this:

A: What is she doing? (Help the students to answer)

B: She is doing high jump.

The teacher shows Picture 4. There is a student who is doing long jump. The teacher and the students ask and answer like this:

A: What is he doing? (Help the students to answer)

B: He is doing long jump.

2. Brain stormings: What sports do you know? Let the students say the sports words and write down these words on the blackboard.

Work in pairs to finish 1a, and then check the answers.

3. Listen to 1b and answer the following questions:

Does Ann like sports?

What is she planning to do?

And then, ask the students to open their books and answer the following questions by themselves:

What does Ann often do on Sundays?

How often does she go bicycling?

How long does she spend at least in the gym every day?

How often does she play baseball?

Will her classmates cheer her on?

Check the answers.

4.Ask the students to listen to section C 1b,and then read after the tape.Ask them to mark the intonations.

5.Ask the students to read with the tape together.

6.The teacher makes a model and students finish 1a. According to Ann’s sports timetable, talk about Ann’s exercise in a week. For example:

Ann goes to the gym from 8∶ 30 a.m. to 9∶ 30 a.m. every day. She goes bicycling from 5 o’clock to 6 o’clock on Wednesday afternoon and Friday afternoon...

Step 3 Consolidation

Pair work, finish 2a.

Step 4 Practice

1. Choose some students to talk about Ann’s exercise in a week according to Ann’s sports timetable.

2. According to the pictures in the book or drawing pictures by themselves, the students talk about their favorite sports in groups.

Step 5 Project

1. Work in groups to set out the sports names and finish the chart. For example:

Team games basketball, soccer, volleyball, baseball, etc.

Other ball games tennis, table tennis, golf, etc.

Track and Field running, swimming, horse racing, high jump , long jump, etc.

International sports events Olympic Games, World Cup Football League, etc.

2.The students work alone to finish the chart and write a short passage to introduce themselves’exercise plan.

Time Sports

6∶ 20a.m. ~ 6∶ 40a.m. every day running

5∶ 30p.m. ~ 6∶ 00p.m. every day basketball

4∶ 00p.m. ~ 6∶ 00p.m. Saturday afternoon soccer

I will run from 6∶ 20 to 6∶ 40 in the morning every day...

Section D



1. 復習總結一般將來時。

2. 繼續談論自己所喜歡的體育運動。

3. 復習特殊疑問詞。



分組活動, 復習運動項目,小組之間展開競爭, 看哪個小組說出的單詞又多又準確, 說得最多的小組是獲勝組, 大家一起為他們鼓掌。



A: Which sport do you prefer,... or...?

B: I prefer... . I will play it with my brother.

A: What time will you play?

B: At about 4 o’clock p.m.

A: How long will you play?

B: Two hours.

A: How often do you play?

B: Oh, twice a week.


雙人活動, 根據個人愛好重編對話, 鼓勵同學們到前面使用圖片表演。

2. 雙人活動, 完成1。







Section D

The main activities are 1 and 3.

Teaching aims and demands:

1. Review and summarize the Simple Future Tense.

2. Go on talking about the favorite sports.

3. Review the special questions.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Review

Review the sports names in groups, and have a competition among them.

Step 2 Presentation

1. The teacher uses the pictures we have used and make a model dialog:

A: Which sport do you prefer,...or...?

B: I prefer... I will play it with my brother.

A: What time will you play?

B: At about 4 o’clock p.m.

A: How long will you play?

B: We will play two hours.

A: How often do you play?

B: Oh, twice a week.

Write down the questions in the dialog on the blackboard.

Work in pairs, and make their own dialogs. Encourage the students to act them out in front with the pictures.

2. Work in pairs, and finish 1a.

Step 3 Consolidation

Students work alone, and finish 3. Check answers and finish 2a, 2b.

Step 4 Practice

Work in groups. Talk about their favorite sports and favorite players. Introduce their daily exercise,and finish 4.

Step 5 Project

Write down a short passage about exercise plan.

Topic 2 Would you mind saying sorry to Michael?

Section A



1. 繼續學習一般將來時。

2. 提出請求和建議。



1. 讓學生談論自己喜歡的體育運動和運動員。

2. 讓學生談論自己每天的體育鍛煉情況。

3. 讓學生談論自己的體育鍛煉計劃。

告訴學生:We will have a soccer game this Saturday. But one of our teammates fell ill.

讓學生推測teammates 和 fell ill 的漢語意思。引出下一步。


1. 老師使用第1幅圖,學習fall ill。 師生問答:


A:What’s wrong with him? (幫助學生回答)

B:He falls ill.


A:What’s this? (幫助學生回答)

B:This is the Capital Stadium.

學生之間對話,呈現be glad to ,far from, would you mind...等。

A:Do you want to go to the Capital Stadium?

B:Yes,very much.Is it far from here?

A:Yes.You’d better take a bus.

B:Would you mind going there with me?

A:Not at all.Let’s meet at the school gate.


A:What’s he doing? (幫助學生回答)

B:He is smoking.

2. 聽1a錄音,回答下列問題:

Can you guess“do me a favor”?

What will they do this Saturday?

What’s wrong with one of Kangkang’s teammates?


第三步: 鞏固

1. 放錄音1a, 學生先聽,后跟讀并模仿,核對語音語調。

2. 讓學生和錄音機齊讀。人機對話,即學生和錄音機對話。

3. 學生兩人一組表演1a。

4. 雙人活動,根據1a重新編一個類似的對話,完成1b。

5. 自主學習,聽錄音,補全對話,完成1c。

第四步: 練習

1. 雙人活動,調整對話順序,然后和同伴進行練習。完成2。

2. 自主學習,聽錄音,對話和圖片一一對號入座。完成3。

3. 雙人活動,根據3對話,進行練習。

第五步: 活動產品


1. 問路。需要用上:do me a favor, far from.

2. 請求別人做某事。需要用上:Would you mind...? / Would you mind not...?

Section A

The main activities are 1a and 2.

Teaching aims and demands:

1. Go on learning the Simple Future Tense.

2. Requests and suggestions.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Review

1. Let the students talk about their favorite sports and favorite players.

2. Let the students talk about their daily exercise.

3. Let the students talk about their exercise plan.

Step 2 Presentation

1. The teacher shows Picture 1 to learn “fall ill”. The teacher and the students ask and answer like this:

The teacher shows Picture 1 to learn “fall ill”. The teacher and the students ask like this:

(Write down the dialog on the blackboard.)

A:What’s wrong with him? (Help the students to answer)

B:He falls ill.

Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3

The teacher shows Picture 2 to learn the Capital Stadium. The teacher and the students ask and answer like this:

A:What’s this?(Help the students to answer)

B:The teacher helps the students to make a dialog, presenting: be glad to, far from, would you mind...?

A:Do you want to go to the Capital Stadium?

B:Yes.Very much.Is it far from here?

A:Yes.You’d better take a bus.

B:Would you mind going there with we?

A:Not at all.Let’s meet at the school gate.

The teacher shows Picture 3 to learn “smoke”. The teacher and the students ask and answer like this:

A:What’s he doing? (Help the students to answer)

B:He is smoking.

2.Listen to 1a and answer the following questions:

Can you guess: “ do me a favor”?

What will they do this Saturday?

What’s wrong with one of Kangkang’s teammates?

Read the dialog and finish 1a.

Step 3 Consolidation

1.Ask the students to listen to Section A 1a and follow the tape. Ask them to mark the intonations.

2.Ask them to read with the tape together.

3.Act out 1a in pairs.

4.In pairs, the students make a similar dialog according to 1a, and finish 1b.

5.Work alone, listen to the tape , fill in the blanks, and finish 1c.

Step 4 Practice

1.In pairs, number the sentences to make a conversation, then practice with their partners and finish 2.

2.Work alone, listen to the tape and match the conversation with the pictures, and finish 3.

3.In pairs, practice with their partners according to 3.

Step 5 Project

In pairs, make two conversations.

1.Ask the way with the words: do me a favor, far from

2.Ask others to do something with the drills: Would you mind...? / Would you mind not...?

Section B



1. 繼續練習一般將來時和一般過去時。

2. 表示責備他人的用語。

3. 表示道歉和應答的用語。



1. 雙人活動,同伴進行練習并表演關于問路的對話。

2. 雙人活動,同伴進行練習并表演關于請求別人做某事的對話。


1. 老師向同學展示圖片:

圖1 圖2 圖3 圖4

使用圖片教學單詞和詞組:careless, goal, fight, angry, 并把生詞板書到黑板上。


A:Look at Li Ming’s homework. How is Li Ming? (幫助學生回答)

B:He is careless.


A:What did he do? (幫助學生回答)

B:He got a goal.

A:If he didn’t get a goal, he missed a good chance.


A:What are they doing? (幫助學生回答)

B:They are fighting.


A:What’s wrong with Li Ming? (幫助學生回答)

B:He is angry.



Li Ming’s careless. What will Li Ming do? (幫助學生回答)

He will do his best.


If he misses the goal, he misses a good chance. How will his teammates feel? (幫助學生回答)

They will feel angry with him and someone may say“shame on you”.

2. 聽1a的錄音,回答下列問題:

Did Michael miss a good chance?

Will Michael do better next time?



1. 放錄音1a。 學生先聽,后跟讀并模仿,核對語音語調。

2. 讓學生和錄音機齊讀。人機對話,即學生和錄音機對話。

3. 學生兩人一組表演1a, 完成1a。


第四步: 練習


A:Your room is too dirty.Would you mind cleaning your room?

B:Sorry, I’ll do it in a minute.



3. 雙人活動,就3內容進行問答練習并表演。



Section B

The main activities are 1a and 2.

Teaching aims and demands:

1. Go on learning the Simple Future Tense and the Simple Past Tense.

2. Blame others.

3. Apologies and responses.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Review

1. In pairs, practice and act out the conversations about asking the way.

2. In pairs, practice and act out the conversations about asking others to do something.

Step 2 Presentation

1. The teacher shows the pictures to the students. Learn the new words and phrases: careless, goal, fight, angry. And write down the new words on the blackboard.

Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4

The teacher shows Picture 1. The teacher and the students ask and answer like this:

A:Look at Li Ming’s homework. How is Li Ming? (Help the students to answer)

B:He is careless.

The teacher shows Picture 2. The teacher and the students ask and answer like this:

A:What did he do? (Help the students to answer)

B:He got a goal.

A:If he didn’t get a goal, he missed a good chance.

The teacher shows Picture 3. The teacher and the students ask and answer like this:

A:What are they doing? (Help the students to answer)

B:They are fighting.

The teacher shows Picture 4. The teacher and the students ask and answer like this:

A:What’s wrong with Li Ming? (Help the students to answer)

B:He is angry.

The students ask and answer in pairs to practice the new words. They can also make other exercises. For example:

The teacher shows Picture 1. The teacher and the students ask and answer like this:

A:Li Ming’s careless. How will Li Ming do? (Help the students to answer)

B:He will try his best.

The teacher shows Picture 2. The teacher and the students ask and answer like this:

A:If he misses the goal, he misses a good chance. How will his teammates feel? (Help the students to answer)

B:They will feel angry with him and someone may say“shame on you”.

2.Listen to 1a and answer the following questions:

Did Michael miss a good chance?

Will Michael do better next time?

Read the dialog and finish 1a.

Step 3 Consolidation

1.Ask the students to listen to Section A 1a and follow the tape. Ask them to mark the intonations.

2.Ask them to read with the tape together.

3.Act out 1a in pairs.

4.Work alone. Read 1a and fill in the blanks with the words in the box. Check the answers and finish 1b.

Step 4 Practice

1. Work in pairs. Finish the dialogs with the given words. Ask some students to act them out in front. Finish 2.

2. Work alone. Match the complaints and the apologies. Finish 3.

3. Work in pairs. Practice in pairs and act out according to 3.

Step 5 Project

Work in pairs or in groups. Make a short play about problems, complaints, apologies and answers. For example: one student made the other students wait for a long time, or broke others’ books, and so on.

Section C

Section C部分用2個課時



1. 繼續練習一般將來時和一般過去時。

2. 了解籃球方面的知識。





1. 老師向同學展示圖片教學單詞:France, Korea, Russia, Canada /Canadian


A:What country is it? (幫助學生回答)

B:It’s France.


A:What country is it? (幫助學生回答)

B:It’s Korea.


A:What country is it? (幫助學生回答)

B:It’s Russia.


A:What country is it? (幫助學生回答)

B:It’s Canada.

A:Jim Greenlaw is from Canada. He is a Canadian.

2. 聽1a的錄音,回答下列問題:

Where will Ming be in March/June/August?

When did Ming start playing basketball?


3. 根據1a學生雙人活動,完成1b。


1. 放錄音1a。 學生先聽,后跟讀并模仿,核對語音語調。

2. 讓學生和錄音機齊讀。人機對話,即學生和錄音機對話。

3. 學生兩人一組表演1a, 完成1a。

4. 根據1a學生雙人活動,完成1b。


1. 學生獨立活動,閱讀2文章,回答下面問題:

Who invented basketball?

Where was he from?

What did he do?

When did he invent basketball?

Why did he invent basketball?

Can you say something about NBA?

2. 分組活動,討論關于籃球的知識, 完成2。

3. 集體活動, 拍手齊唱, 完成3。


1. 分組活動,討論組內最喜歡的籃球明星,并制作他的個人檔案。







Favorite color

Favorite food


2. 根據最喜歡的籃球明星的個人檔案,寫一篇介紹他的短文。

Section C

The main activities are 1a and 2.

Teaching aims and demands:

1.Go on learning the Simple Future Tense and the Simple Past Tense.

2.Learn something about basketball.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Review

In groups or in pairs, act out the conversations about apologies and responses.

Step 2 Presentation

1.The teacher shows the pictures to the students to learn the new words and phrases: France, Korea, Russia, Canada /Canadian.

Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4

The teacher shows Picture 1. The teacher and the students ask and answer like this:

A:What country is it? (Help the students to answer)

B:It’s France.

The teacher shows Picture 2. The teacher and the students ask and answer like this:

A:What country is it? (Help the students to answer)

B:It’s Korea.

The teacher shows Picture 3. The teacher and the students ask and answer like this:

A:What courntry is it? (Help the students to answer)

B:It’s Russia.

The teacher shows Picture 4. The teacher and the students ask and answer like this:

A:What courntry is it? (Help the students to answer)

B:It’s Canada.Jim Greenlaw is from Canada.He is a Canadian.

2.Listen to 1a and answer the following questions:

Where will Ming be in March/June/August?

When did Ming start playing basketball?

Read the dialog and finish 1b.

Step 3 Consolidation

1. Ask the students to listen to Section A 1a and follow the tape. Ask them to mark the intonations.

2. Ask them to read with the tape together.

3. Act out 1a in pairs.

4. In pairs, role瞤lay the conversation and finish 1b.

Step 4 Practice

1. Work alone, read 2 “ Basketball”, and answer the following questions:

Who invented basketball?

Where was he from?

What did he do?

When did he invent basketball?

Why did he invent basketball?

Can you say something about NBA?

2. Work in groups. Discuss the knowledge about basketball and finish 2.

3. Class activities. Let’s chant together, and finish 3.

Step 5 Project

1. Work in groups. Discuss the favorite basketball player in the group, and make a name card.







Favorite color

Favorite food


2. Write a short passage about the favorite basketball player according to the name card.

Section D



1. 復習和總結前三個Section 。





1. 找幾個同學到前面介紹自己最喜歡的籃球明星。

2. 找幾個同學到前面介紹自己平時的體育鍛煉情況。


1. 老師向同學展示圖片, 教學生單詞和詞組:coach,muscle,to do one’s homework


A:What is he?/What does he do? (幫助學生回答)

B:He is a coach.


A:What’s this? (幫助學生回答)

B:This is muscle.


A:What is he doing? (幫助學生回答)

B:He is doing his homework.


Why did the boy begin his running?

What kind of food does he eat now?

How does he feel when he does running?

老師檢查答案, 完成1a, 1b。

第三步: 鞏固


第四步: 練習

1. 雙人活動,創造一個有抱怨、道歉和應答的對話,并到前面表演。

Would you mind...?/Would you mind not...?

I’m very sorry...

2. 集體活動,拍手合唱 The Olympic chant, 完成4。



Section D

The main activity is 1a.

Teaching aims and demands:

1. Review and summarize the three sections ahead.

2. Review the Simple Present Tense and the Simple Past Tense.

3. Teach the students how to study, exercise and keep healthy.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Review

1. Ask several students to talk about their favorite basketball players in front.

2. Ask several students to introduce how they exercise usually.

Step 2 Presentation

1. The teacher shows the pictures and the students learn the new words and phrases: coach, muscle, to do one’s homework.

Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3

The teacher shows Picture 1. The teacher and the students ask and answer like this:

A:What is he?/What does he do? (Help the students to answer)

B:He is a coach.

The teacher shows Picture 2. The teacher and the students ask and answer like this:

A:What’s this? (Help the students to answer)

B:This is muscle.

The teacher shows Picture 3. The teacher and the students ask and answer like this:

A:What is he doing? (Help the students to answer)

B:He is doing his homework.

2. Work alone, the students read the passage in 1a, and answer the questions in 1b:

Why did the boy begin his running?


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