人教版高二unit 14 Satellites

發布時間:2016-4-11 編輯:互聯網 手機版

Unit 14

I. Teaching aims and demands

1. Words and expressions

Broad, circle, in space, pull, carry out, question (vt.), personally, exhibition, camera, fold, unfold, connect, object, direction, position, organization, dozen, dust, dusty, height, pilot, balloon, mention, model, length, attempt, globe, signal, orbit, rocket, panel.

2. Daily English

What do you feel like doing?

I feel like …+

Personally, I’d rather not do

I’m ready to…

What would you like to do…?

I’d like…

I’m planning to do…

What do you plan to do?

I want/intend/wish/plan to…

Have you decided…to…?

I haven’t decided what/ where to….

2. Grammar Revise Attributive Clauses

II. Main and difficult points:

1. Language points

2. Science fiction

III. Allocation of time: 6 periods.

Lesson 53 of Unit 14

I. Aims: Intentions & wishes (Unit 2 Asking for permission and responses)

II. Procedures:

Step 1. Revision

1. Check the written work.

愛因斯坦1879.3.14出生于德國。他小時侯總是提出很多問題,到十四歲的時候,他就已經自學了數學。他膽小害羞很難和別的孩子相處。他從十七歲開始,就在瑞士學習。1905年在大學獲得博士學位。 后來他在物理學方面的全新發現使他聞名于世。1921年他被授予諾貝爾物理學獎。并被邀請到許多國家講學,被公認為 二十世紀杰出的科學家。希特勒統治德國的時候,因為他是一個猶太人而和他的家人離開歐洲去美國。于1940年取得美國國籍。他對致富從來就不感興趣,他一直喜歡音樂。據說,他在音樂中找到了在一個充滿戰爭與殺戮的世界上所失去的和平。

2. Discuss something about satellite.

What’s the Chinese word for satellite?

What are satellites used for?

Have you ever seen a satellite in the sky at night?

How do you put a satellite into space?

Step 2. Presentation

Describe the picture on P7. and learn the new word exhibition.

Step 3. Reading:

Read the dialogue silently and find out the answers to the following questions:

Where do Jane and Zhou Lan decide to go today? (to the Science Museum)

Why do they want to go there? (there is a special exhibition about space and satellites)

(Unit 2 Do you mind if I smoke?

Would you mind if I smoked in the office next door?

I wonder if I could use your phone.)

Step 4. Dialogue

Go through the model dialogue with the whole class and get the students to make up similar dialogues and ask some pairs to act out their dialogues in front of the class.


1. feel like

Do you feel like tea or coffee?

I feel like going for a walk. Will you go with me?

She doesn’t feel like eating. She must be ill.

2. so/as far as I know

As far as I know, she’ll be in Beijing for two weeks.

He will come here next Monday, so far as I know.

Let’s go to the History Museum tomorrow.

As far as I know, it’s closed on Monday.

3. not any more

Do you still work in the Science Museum?

No, not any more.

Is the Children’s Park free?

No, not any more. It used to be free but now you have to pay.

4. personally

Personally I agree to your plan.

She said she didn’t like it, but personally I thought it was very good.

Personally I think he is a very good man, but you may not agree.

5. have got … on

Have you got anything on this evening?

No, I have nothing on this evening.

I haven’t got anything on this evening.

I’m sorry I can’t attend your party, I have got a meeting on for that night.

Step 5.Practice

Here are some other phrases which the students can use as alternative items to the ones printed in bold in the dialogue.

Art museum / exhibition

Hot / cold

National Art Museum / exhibition of clothing open

Was open last week / it’s closed

Engineering Museum

Boats / the sea


Step 6. Workbook

Read and act out the dialogue in pairs. Call out several pairs to give out their performance in front of the class.

Encourage the students to give different answers.

Get two students to read aloud the model dialogue. We may use different expressions to make another dialogue with a student about the same picture.

Step 7. Consolidation

Practice the dialogue once more.


1. Remember the key phrases in the dialogue and make a new one while taking with each other in class break.

2. Have a good preview about L54

Blackboard design:

1. feel like

Do you feel like tea or coffee?

I feel like going for a walk. Will you go with me?

She doesn’t feel like eating. She must be ill.

2. so/as far as I know

As far as I know, she’ll be in Beijing for two weeks.

He will come here next Monday, so far as I know.

Let’s go to the History Museum tomorrow.

As far as I know, it’s closed on Monday.

3. not any more

Do you still work in the Science Museum?

No, not any more.

Is the Children’s Park free?

No, not any more. It used to be free but now you have to pay.

4. personally

Personally I agree to your plan.

She said she didn’t like it, but personally I thought it was very good.

Personally I think he is a very good man, but you may not agree.

5. have got … on

Have you got anything on this evening?

No, I have nothing on this evening.

I haven’t got anything on this evening.

I’m sorry I can’t attend your party, I have got a meeting on for that night.

Post-class Notes:


Lesson 54 of Unit 14

I.Teaching Aims and Demands:

1.Reading comprehension.

2.Make the students grasp the general idea of the text.


Step 1. Revision

1. Check the homework exercises.

2. Revise the dialogue.

3. Do some translation.

(1) 他們在想今天做什么。

(2) 我想去自然歷史博物館。

(3) 據我所知,它過去是免費的,但現在得花錢進去

(4) 我個人看來,更愿去科學館。

(5) 他們這個月舉辦了一個特別的展覽會。

(6) 下學期我要特別研究一下衛星,或許能搞到一些有用信息。

Step 2. Presentation for reading

Talk about the picture and describe what they can see.

Because it has to be light, it has expensive equipment, it contains very expensive cameras.

Radio and TV programs, signals, information and photos of weather conditions.

Step 3. Reading

Read the passage carefully and note the answers. Discuss the answers with the whole class and deal with any useful expressions arise.

1. a natural satellite

2. travel in an orbit

3. carry up man-made satellites into space by rockets

4. escape the pull of the earth

5. reach a speed of 28,440 km/h

6. fall back to the earth

7. the most expensive

8. scientific equipment

9. be sent up into space by a rocket

10. make electricity from sunshine

11. use very broad sun panels

12. be folded up inside the satellite

13. the panels are unfolded to catch the sunshine

14. a rocket motor

15. change the direction of the satellite

16. send radio and TV programmes

17. change the position

18. connect broadcasting stations

19. signals travel at the speed of light

20. in less than a second

21. at present

22. the path of the hurricane

23. in the satellite pictures

24. keep out of

Step 4. Reading aloud

Play the tape of the passage fro the students to listen and follow.

Pay attention to stress and intonation.

Step 5. Note making

Read the whole passage carefully before doing the exercises individually.

Types of satellite What satellites can do

Broadcasting satellites




Take photos

Make electricity

Change direction

Receive and send signals

Collect and send information

Carry out experiments

Step 6. Practice

Choose a proper one from

Step 7. Discussion

Read the text again and finish Part 5 on P9.

Step 8. Workbook

Do exercises 2-4.

Step 8. Consolidation

Revise the contents of the passage. And ask the students what they have learned about satellites so far during this unit.


1. Finish all the exercises after class.

2. Have a good preview about L55.

Blackboard design:

Take photos

Make electricity

Change direction

Receive and send signals

Collect and send information

Carry out experiments

Post-class Notes:


I.Teaching aims and demands:

1.Language points.


II.Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Revision

1. Words spelling

2. Text reading

Step 2 Language points

1. the lighter the better

The sooner, the better.

The more, the better.

The higher it flies, the smaller it appears.

2. make A from B

She made a dress from this material.

The dress was made from this material.

We made the jam from apples.

The jam was made from apples.

Mother made my trousers from an old pair of my father’s.

My trousers were made from an old pair of my father’s.

3. ing from used as Adverbial

Westerners eat their food, using forks and knives.

Please make a sentence, using the phrase “either…or”.

4. once

You will love the beautiful place once you get there.

Once you get into the habit of smoking, you won’t be able to give it up easily.

Once you understand the rule, you will have no further difficulty.

A decision shouldn’t be changed once it is made.

They came to see me once every two months.

I used to get a letter from my father once a week.

5. fold and unfold

He opened the envelope and unfolded the letter.

He folded the letter and put it in an envelope.

Words like this: cover, lock, pack, tie able, certain, clean, equal,

fair, happy, lucky, real, usual.

6. be likely to do sth.

A storm is likely to come tonight.

It is likely to be fine tomorrow.

That is not likely to happen.

It’s possible but not probable / likely that she’ll come here next month.

7. keep out of --- stay away from something bad

I warned Bill to keep out of trouble while I’m away.

You should keep out of these things.

Children have been warned to keep out of fields while the crops are growing.

Step 3 Practice

Ask the students to use the phrases to make some sentences.


1. Have a good preview about next lesson

2. Make sentences with the key phrases.

IV.Blackboard design:


Lesson 55 of Unit 14

I.Teaching Aims and Demands:

1. Reading comprehension

2. Grammar Noun Clauses


Step 1. Revision

1. Check the homework exercises.

2. Translate some sentences

(1) 衛星須用火箭送入太空。

(2) 我們用蘋果做成這種醬。

(3) 你一旦養成吸煙的習慣,就不可能輕易戒掉了。

(4) 他把信疊好,裝入信封。

(5) 她有可能下月來這里,但不肯定。

(6) 我警告他在我外出時不要惹麻煩。

Step 2. Presentation for reading

Describe what they can see in the picture. And answer:

What two things are satellites used for?

Telephones; space research

Step 3. Reading

1. Read the passage carefully to find the answer to the question:

When was the organization for telephone satellites set up?

How many nations are there in this group today?

In what other fields of work do satellites play a part?

Why is it difficult to study space from a research station on the earth?

2. Useful expressions:

set up an organization

send telephone signals by satellite

on the other side of the world

with the help of

take photos

produce maps

between … and…

outer space

look into space

collect information

carry out experiment

Step 4. Discussion

Divide the class into groups of four to discuss the some early satellites.

Step 5. Language study

Revise the by/in which Attributive Clause

There is a rocket motor. The direction of the satellite can be changed.

There is a rocket motor by which the direction of the satellite can be changed.

There are many research stations on the earth. Outer space is studied.

There are many research stations on the earth in which outer space is studied.

Step 6. Practice

Drive to the space station

The height from/at which the photos were taken was 30,000 meters.

Step 7. Workbook

Finish the exercises 1-3 in class.


1. Read the text fluently.

2. Do Ex.2 as written work.

Blackboard design:

set up an organization

send telephone signals by satellite

on the other side of the world

with the help of

take photos

produce maps

between … and…

outer space

look into space

collect information

carry out experiment

Post-class Notes:


II. Teaching aims and demands:

1. Language points.

2. Practice

III. Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Revision

1. Words spelling

2. Text reading

Step 2 Language points

1. disease

She is diseased in body and mind.

These branches are diseased, we must cut them away from the tree.

2. tell the difference between A and B = tell A from B

Can you tell the difference between these two colours?

Few people can tell the difference between Jim and jack, as they are twin brothers.

Some people can’t tell red from green, as there is a fault in their eyes.

The two brothers are so much alike that it is almost impossible to tell one from the other.

3. with

With many of the poor, hunger is a constant problem.

The chief difficulty with these men was that they were old.

4. look into

I looked into the room, but no one was there.

She looked into my eyes for a long time without finding anything wrong.

Let’s look into this matter together.

The government will look into the living conditions of the workers.

5. make it difficult to get a clear picture of space

The snow storm made it hard to continue the trip.

Children should make it a rule to wash hands before meals.

I found it helpful to do exercises every morning.

Marx thought it important to study the situation in Russia.

6. Sputnik --- man-made satellite launched by Russia on October 4, 1957. It pioneered the series of satellites of spaceflight times.

Step 3 Practice

Ask the students to use the phrases to make some sentences.

IV. Homework

1. Have a good preview about next lesson

2. Make sentences with the key phrases.

Blackboard design:

1. disease

She is diseased in body and mind.

2. tell the difference between A and B = tell A from B

Can you tell the difference between these two colours?

The two brothers are so much alike that it is almost impossible to tell one from the other.

3. with

With many of the poor, hunger is a constant problem.

4. look into

I looked into the room, but no one was there.

The government will look into the living conditions of the workers.

5. make it difficult to get a clear picture of space

The snow storm made it hard to continue the trip.

Children should make it a rule to wash hands before meals.



Lesson 56 of Unit 14

I.Aims: Listening practice

II.Aids: a recorder


Step 1. Revision

1. Check the homework exercises.

2. Error correction.

In 1864 a group of 85 countries set up an organization for sending telephone messages by satellite. Their first satellite was called Early Boy. Today there are more than 700 nations in this group and millions of satellites have been put into boxes. You can telephone somebody on the other side of the street with the help of telephone. Satellites are used less and less to take photos of people and to produce maps. Special cameras can show where different meals can be found. They can tell the difference between healthy people and people that are diseased. This is useful for doctors who work in deserts and in fields.

Step 2. Test

Write down the first paragraph on P10 without looking at the books.

Step 3. Preparation for listening

Go through the example and make sure the student know what to do.

Step 4. Listening

Play the tape for exercises. Then play once more to check.

Step 7. Word study

Go through the words in the box and get them to do this exercise individually.

Step 8. Checkpoint

1. Revise Attributive Clauses

2. Ask the students to make sentences with the useful expressions.

Step 9. Writing

Write about one of the early satellites.

Step 10. Workbook

Finish doing the exercise 1-4 in class.

Blackboard design

As far as

In space

Dozens of

Carry out


1. Write about one of the early satellites.

2. Get ready for a test.

Post-class Notes:


Test for Unit 14

I.Aims: Check the whole unit


1. Listen to the whole unit without looking the book and at the same time I’ll check the homework.

2. Multiple choice

Questions asked about this part, then ask them to consult the dictionary if there’s something puzzled.

3. Close test

Show the way of doing this kind of exercises:

a. Read the whole passage first jumping over the gaps.

b. Read carefully about the first sentence of the whole passage.

c. Emphasize the first paragraph and the first sentence of each paragraph.

d. Choose the choice.

e. Read again and check.

4. Reading comprehension

Ask some students to tell the general ideas about the passages.

5. Error correction

1. tense

2. personal pronoun

3. –ed & -ing

4. preposition

5. voices

6. Composition

Blackboard design:

1. tense

2. personal pronoun

3. –ed & -ing

4. preposition

5. voices


1. have a good preview about Unit 15

2. Keep diary in English every day.

Post-class notes:

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