go for it 7A Unit 6 Do you like bananas?

發布時間:2016-3-3 編輯:互聯網 手機版

Part 1:Teaching design(第一部分:教學設計)


Present tense to like, Yes/No questions and short answers, Affirmative and negative statements

Target language:

Do you like hamburgers? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. I like French fries. I don’t like tomatoes.

Vocabulary: hamburgers, tomatoes, broccoli, French fries, oranges, ice cream, salad, bananas, eggs, strawberries, carrots, apples, pears, chicken, breakfast, lunch, dinner, fruit, vegetable

Learning strategies: Classifying, Personalizing



● To learn to use present tense to like, Yes/No questions and short answers, affirmative and negative statements

● To learn to talk about what they like and don’t like

● To learn names of some food


Warming up by learning to use present tense to like, Yes/No questions and short answers, affirmative and negative statements

1.Yes/No Interrogative

An interrogative sentence or clause that can be answered by 'yes' or 'no'.

For example, Do you like reading books? Yes, I do. Would you like a drink? No, I wouldn’t.

2. The present tense to like

I like acting. I like action movies. I like apples. I like my backpack.

Warming up by discussing the pictures

1. French fries 2. hamburger 3. my daughter 4. McDonald

Hello, everyone!

I’m happy to meet you again. Today we shall take up the sixth unit, Unit 6 “Do you like bananas?”

Look at these pictures please. You must know the sign in the picture 4. It’s McDonald. Many young people like to go there. And my daughter, the little girl in picture3, also likes McDonald. But at McDonald she just likes tomato sauce and toys; she doesn’t like French fries and hamburgers! Look at these two kinds of food in the picyures1and 2. They are delicious. Do you like them? Now look at the sentences on the board and read after me.

Do you like hamburgers? Yes, I do. / No, I don’.

I like French fries. I don’t like bananas.

She likes tomatoes. She doesn’t like hamburgers.

1a Matching words

Look at the picture on page 31 in your book. What can you see in the picture? Yes, there’re many kinds of food in the picture, hamburgers, salad, ice cream and so on. Now look at the word list. Read the words out and match them with the pictures.

Check the answers:

1. hamburgers d 6. ice cream f

2. tomatoes g 7. salad c

3. broccoli a 8. bananas b

4. French fries h 9. strawberries i

5. orange e

2b Listening and Numbering

Look at these three conversations and read them out. Listen to the recording and number them in the right order.

Check the answers: 2, 1,3


Conversation 1

Boy: do you like bananas? Girl: Yes, I do.

Conversation 2

Girl: Do you like salad? Girl: No, I don’t.

Conversation 3

Girl: Do you like oranges? Boy: Yes, I do.

Read the tapescript to underline the “like ﹢ n.”.

1c Doing pairwork

broccoli strawberries ice cream

Now practice the conversation. And then make your own conversations about food with your partner, following the examples in 1b. When you practice, please pay attention to your pronunciation. At last I’ll ask some students to act out their conversations.


1. A: Do you like broccoli? B: No, I don’t.

2. A: Do you like ice cream? B: Yes, I do.

3. A: Do you like strawberries? B: Yes, I do.

4. A: Do you like tennis? B: No, I don’t.

5. A: Do you like your cousin? B: No, I don’t.

2a Listening and circling

Now look at the words in 2a and read after me one by one. Listen to the recording and circle the words you hear.


Conversation 1

Girl: I like hamburgers. Do you like hamburgers? Boy: Yes, I do.

Conversation 2

Girl: Do you like broccoli? Boy: No, I don’t like broccoli.


Girl: Let’s have ice cream Boy: Oh, no.

Girl: No? Boy: I don’t like ice cream.

Read the tapescript to underline the “like ﹢ n.”.

2b Listening and filling

Look at the pictures in 2b. Please pay attention to the example in box 1 of the illustration. Listen to the recording again and fill in the missing words. All the words you are to write are listed in 2a.

Check the answers:

1. hamburgers 4. broccoli

2. hamburgers 5. ice cream

3. broccoli 6. ice cream

2c Doing pairwork

Now read the conversations in 2b and practice in pairs substituting words that are true for you. When you practice, please pay attention to “do, does, don’t, and doesn’t”. These words are stressed when saying the short answers and you can put much stress on these words to create an angry tone.

Sample conversations:

1. S1: I like salad and broccoli. Do you like salad and broccoli?

S2: Yes, I do.

2. S3: Do you like French fries?

S4: No, I don’t. I like salad.

3. S5: let’s have salad.

S6: Oh, no!

S5: No?

S6: I don’t like salad.

Let’s ask some pairs to say their conversations and discuss them. You must pay attention to the third person singular forms.

For example:

T: Does S1 like salad?

Ss: Yes, he does.

T: Does S2 like salad?

Ss: Yes, he does.

T: Do they like broccoli?

Ss: Yes, they do.

T: Does S4 like French fries?

Ss: No, she doesn’t.

3 Doing pairwork

Look at the chart in part3. Do you know these four kinds of food in the chart? Good! And do you know the meanings of the happy face and the sad face? Right, the happy face means likes and the sad face means doesn’t like. Now please work in pairs. One person looks at the chart on page33 and the other looks at the one on page 83. Each of you has only half of the information. Your job is to get the rest of the information from your partner. I’ll help you if you have any questions.

Check the answers:



Closing up by doing a food survey

Now let’s make a survey. Look at the chart below. There is some food listed in the chart. Who likes or doesn’t like these kinds of food? Please interview your classmates using the questions “Do you like?” and fill in the chart.

Food likes it Doesn’t like it

tomatoes Wu Jie Li Feng



French fries



ice cream

Now let’s check to see which students have the same answers. I’ll ask one person to ask a question and another one to answer the question. For example, the volunteer asks, Does Wu Jie like tomatoes? Tthen I say, Who knows? Raise your hands please. The volunteer then calls one of these pupils to answer the question. He will say, Yes, he does. When you ask and answer, please pay attention to the third person singular form.



● To learn some new words about food

● To practice the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing


Warming up by talking

In section A, we learned the names of some food. This class we’ll go on learning some new words. And let’s see what healthy food is.

1a Looking and writing

Look at each numbered word and repeat it after me. Then please write the number of each food in the box next to the picture of that food. If you don’t know any of them, leave them blank for now.

Check the answers: (from left to right)

3 eggs, 4 apples, 7 bananas, 9 carrots, 6 hamburgers, 8 orange, 10 chicken, 2 salad, 5 ice cream, 1 broccoli

1b Doing pairwork

Please look at the chart. Can you give me examples of fruit and vegetable? Good. Now please work in pairs to list as many fruits and vegetables as you can in three minutes. Then I’ll ask some students to write your lists on the board and discuss them together.

Sample list:

Fruits: apples, pears, bananas, strawberries, pineapples, grapes, watermelons, lemon, peach, orange, cherry, kiwifruit, mango, coconut

Vegetables: broccoli, carrots, egg plants, tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, onion, cucumber

2a Listening and circling

Look at the words in 1a again and read them out. When you read each word, please point to its picture to make sure you have known its meaning. Then we’ll hear a conversation between Sandra and Tom. Listen carefully and circle the words you hear from 1a.

Check the answers:

Broccoli, ice cream, banana, carrots, salad, apple, orange


Sandra: Do you like carrots?

Tom: Yes, I do. I like all vegetables.

Sandra: How about broccoli? Do you like broccoli?

Tom: Yes, I do. It’s great! Do you like vegetables?

Sandra: No, I don’t like vegetables. Well, only salad.

But I like fruit. I like bananas, oranges…

Tom: How about apples? I don’t like apples!

Sandra: Yes, I like apples. And you know what I really like?

Tom: What?

Sandra: Ice cream!

Read the tapescript to darken the questions and underline the “like ﹢ n.” phrases.

2b Listening and filling

Here is a chart about food that Sandra and Tom like or doesn’t like. The boxes in column1 are for food the person likes. The boxes in column2 are for food the person doesn’t like. Listen to the recording again and write the food names in the chart.

Check the answers:

likes Doesn’t like

Sandra apples, bananas, oranges, salad,

ice cream vegetables

Tom carrots, broccoli apples

2c Doing Pairwork

Look at the speech bubbles and read them out. Ask and answer more questions with your partner using information from the chart in 2b.

Sample conversation:

S1: Does Sandra like broccoli?

S2: No, she doesn’t. She doesn’t like vegetables.

Now look at the pictures in 1a again. These three meals are for breakfast, lunch and supper separately. Now decide whom each meal belongs to according the chart in 2b. S stands for Sandra, T stands for Tom.

Check the answers:

breakfast S lunch T dinner T

3a Reading, underlining and circling

According to 2a and 2b, we know Sandra likes fruit very much. What does she have for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Listen to the article and find the answer. Listen to it again. This time please underline the fruits, darken the vegetables and copy the expressions.

Check the answer:

Runner eats well!

Running star Sandra Clark/ eats lots of healthy food. For breakfast, she likes eggs, bananas, and apples. For lunch, she likes hamburgers, salad, and pears. And for dinner, she has chicken, tomatoes, French fries and, for dessert, ice cream.

OK, now please read the article as the recorder goes. When you read, you should pay more attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Try to imitate the native reader.

3b Looking and writing

Look at the pictures in 3b. Tom is eating. Do you know which one is lunch and which one is dinner? Yes, the left one is lunch. What does he have for lunch and for dinner?

Look at the pictures carefully and fill in the lunch and dinner food you see in the pictures.

Check the answers:

For breakfast, Tom likes eggs, oranges, and bananas. For lunch, he likes hamburgers, carrots, and oranges. And for dinner, he likes chicken, broccoli, and salad.

3c Do personalized writing

According to 3a and 3b, we know what Sandra and Tom have for each meal in a day. What about you? Do you have healthy food everyday? Now write something about your meals. For each meal, please try to include at least three kinds of food. Then read your partner’s passage to get to know what he or she likes. Then let’s ask some students to read their passage aloud.

The sample:

Everyday I try to eats a lot of healthy food. For breakfast, I like milk, bread, eggs and apples. For lunch, I have rice, carrots and chicken. And for dinner, I like porridge, noodles, broccoli and oranges.

Closing down by groupwork

From this unit we’ve learned some more food names and you know what food your partner likes. Now suppose you are going on a picnic with your friends and you want to buy some food for picnic. Make a list of food that you and your friends all like. Then read your list of food to the class.

Sample list:


Bananas Tomatoes Chickens Milk

Apples Carrots Eggs Orange juice

Oranges Cucumber Hamburgers

Pears Bread




● To revise the key words of this unit

● To practice writing


1 Checking

Please open your book at page 36 and look at part 1. Check all the words you know. If you have any words you don’t know, circle them and please find out the meanings of them.

2 Writing

Write five new words in your notebook and share your list with your partners in your group.

3 Drawing

Please draw five pictures of the food you like to eat for lunch and write under them their names. Let’s see who draws best.

Just for fun!

Look at the cartoons and read the dialogue. The girl doesn’t like broccoli or carrots. She likes ice cream. But the ice cream is made from broccoli! It’s so bad for her. Now let’s invite some pairs to present this dialogue to us, OK?

Part 2: Teaching resources (第二部分:教學資源)

I. Background readings

1.What is Food?

Food is what people or animals eat.

People eat different kinds of food in different parts of the world. Some kinds of foods come from plants, such as fruit, vegetables, leaves, or grain. Some kinds of food come from animals, such as meat, eggs, or milk.

People get most of their food from farms and gardens. In the modern world, a lot of food is grown on large farms by companies, processed in factories, and transported far from the place where it came from.

Most people don't grow their own food, so they have to buy food that was grown by someone else. People buy most of their food in stores, shops, or markets. But some people still grow most or all of their own food.

People may buy food and take it home to cook it, or buy food that is ready to eat from a street vendor, or in a restaurant or fast food place.

Many religions say that people should not eat certain foods, such as certain animals, or food that is prepared in a wrong way.

Food is still a big problem in the world today. Many people don't have enough money to buy the food that they need. Also bad weather or other problems sometimes destroys the growing food in one part of the world. When people don't have enough food, we say that they are hungry. If they don't eat enough food for a long time, they will become sick and die from starvation. In areas where many people don't have enough food, we say that there is famine there.

Food contains the nutrition that people need to be healthy. People need to eat protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals to be healthy.

If people don't eat the right foods, they can become sick. If people don't eat enough protein, they get the disease called kwashiorkor. If they don't eat enough vitamin B1 (thiamine), they get the disease called beriberi. If people eat too much food, they can become fat (also called overweight or obese). This is also bad for people's health.

Food is material, usually of animal or plant origin, consumed by living things to provide energy and nutrition. Liquids used for this purpose are often called drink.

Food for humans is mostly produced through farming or gardening, and includes animal and vegetable sources. Some people refuse to eat food from animal origin (see vegetarianism and veganism).

2. Basic foods consumed by humans are

From animal sources:

Meat; Fish; Poultry; Seafood; Eggs

From plant sources:

Fruit; Seeds; Legumes (Beans, peas, lentils, etc.) ;Vegetables; Cereal grains; Herbs; Spices

Food produced by farmers or gardeners can be transformed by industrial process (food industry). Processed food usually contains several natural ingredients, and food additives (such as preservative, antioxydants, emulsifiers, flavour enhancers...).

Food can make people sick if it is contaminated by micro-organisms, heavy metals, chemicals.

Meals, in English, are called :

Breakfast; Brunch; Lunch; High tea; Dinner; Supper

At home, food is prepared in the kitchen, by the cook. The cook sometimes use a cookbook. Cooking utensils are for example, casserole, pressure cooker, pot, pan.

The food can also be prepared and served in restaurant (often workers, or in the evening for entertainment) or refectory (in particular for kids in school).

The utensils used may be plate, knife, fork, chopsticks, spoon, bowl.

3.Top 40 Chinese food

(1)Basic Fried Rice (2)Chicken Chow Mein (3)Chicken Fried Rice (4)Orange Chicken (Quick and Easy) (5)Beef With Broccoli (6)Moo Goo Gai Pan (7)Sweet and Sour Sauce (8)Egg Rolls (9)Sesame Chicken (10)Vegetable Chow Mein (11)Crab Rangoon (12)Shrimp Fried Rice (13)Lettuce Wraps (14)Honey Walnut Prawns (15)Sweet and Sour Pork (16)Pork Chop Suey (17)Kung Pao Stir-fry (18)Egg Drop Soup (19)General Tso's Chicken (20)Shanghai Stir-fried Noodles (21)Vegetable Chop Suey (22)Kung Pao Chicken (23)Sweet and Sour Chicken With Black Rice Vinegar (24)Sweet and Sour Chicken With Lemon (25)Vegetable Spring Rolls (26)Mooncakes (27)Garlic Chicken (28)Imperial Rolls - Vietnamese Spring Rolls (29)Mango Pudding (30)Lemony Chicken Stir-fry (31)Char Siu Bao (32)Steamed Buns (33)Peking Duck (34)Egg Custard (35)Moo Shu Chicken Wraps (36)Vietnamese Style Salad Rolls (37)Wonton Soup (38)Szechuan Chicken (39)Beef With Broccoli (40)Ginger Sauce






II. Word studies

1. like

v. 1.喜歡;喜愛 feel that someone or something is good, lovely, interesting, etc; enjoy something: Do you like fish? 你喜歡(吃)魚嗎?I don't like it very much. 我不大喜歡它。You like singing, is that right? 你喜歡唱歌,是嗎?I like my tea very hot. 我喜歡喝很熱的茶。I like to read in bed. 我喜歡躺在床上看書。I don't like your talking to me like that. 我不喜歡你和我這樣講話。2. 想要;愿意 wish (should like or would like) : I should like a word with you. 我想和你說句話。You may go to the films if you like. 如果你想看電影你就去吧。 I don't like to ask too many questions. 我不想問太多的問題。

Would you like to go for a walk? 你愿意去散步嗎? I'd like to stay at home. 我愿意留在家里。

prep. 1.像;如;和…一樣 such as; the same as: I can not do it like you. 我不能像你那樣做。 He is more like his mother than his father. 他更像他的母親而不象他的父親。2. 象…一樣 in the same way as: Their caps have red stars on them, like soldier’s. 像戰士的帽子一樣,他們的帽子上也有紅星。She sings like a bird. 她唱起歌來像小鳥一樣。 I'm going to be a school teacher, like my father and mother. 我要像我爸爸和媽媽一樣,當一名學校老師。It looks like rain. 看來像是要下雨。

adj. 相象的,相同的 having the same or similar qualities:The two brothers are much like each other. 那兩個兄弟非常相象。

Like father like son. 有其父必有其子。

n. 同樣,同類的人或事物 a person or thing similar to another; an equal or match:I have never seen the like of it. 我從來沒見過你這樣的人。Did you ever hear the like? 你聽過你那樣的事嗎?

and the like 等等;同樣的東西: Our teacher told us to eat plenty of apples, oranges and the like. 老師告訴我們要吃大量的蘋果、桔子之類的東西。

conj. 好像,如同 as if: It looks like he means to go. 他看來好像是有意要去。She dances like she had years of experience. 她跳舞好像有多年經驗似的。

2. healthy

(詞根: heal 完整的,未受傷害的,健康的 whole, uninjured; 形容詞比較級: healthier最高級: healthiest )

adj. 1.健壯的;健康的 well; not ill: He is a very healthy boy. 他是一個很健康的孩子。He looks very healthy. 他看來很健康。Children must eat well to be healthy. 兒童必須吃得好才會健康。Sports help to keep people healthy. 運動有助于人們保持健康。 2.有益于健康的 that will make or keep you well: The seaside has a healthy climate. 海邊的氣候對健康有益。Early to bed and early to rise is a healthy way of living. 早睡早起是一種有益于健康的生活方式。

IV. Grammar studies


名詞可以分為專有名詞(Proper Nouns)和普通名詞 (Common Nouns),專有名詞是某個(些)人,地方,機構等專有的名稱,如Beijing,China等。普通名詞是一類人或東西或是一個抽象概念的名詞,如:book,sadness等。普通名詞又可分為下面四類:

1. 個體名詞(Individual Nouns):表示某類人或東西中的個體,如:gun。

2. 集體名詞(Collective Nouns):表示若干個個體組成的集合體,如:family。

3.物質名詞(Material Nouns):表示無法分為個體的實物,如:air。

4.抽象名詞(Abstract Nouns):表示動作、狀態、品質、感情等抽象概念,如:work。

個體名詞和集體名詞可以用數目來計算,稱為可數名詞(Countable Nouns),物質名詞和抽象名詞一般無法用數目計算,稱為不可數名詞(Uncountable Nouns)。

1) 物質名詞

a. 當物質名詞轉化為個體名詞時。比較:

Cake is a kind of food.蛋糕是一種食物。 (不可數)

These cakes are sweet.這些蛋糕很好吃。 (可數)

b. 當物質名詞表示該物質的種類時,名詞可數。

This factory produces steel.(不可數)

We need various steels.(可數)

c. 當物質名詞表示份數時,可數。

Our country is famous for tea. 我國因茶葉而聞名。

Two teas, please.請來兩杯茶。


four freedoms 四大自由

the four modernizations四個現代化


a glass of water 一杯水, a piece of advice一條建議



1. 用復數作定語。 如:

sports meeting 運動會,students reading-room 學生閱覽室, talks table 談判桌,the foreign languages department 外語系

2. man, woman, gentleman等作定語時,其單復數形式以所修飾的名詞的單復數而定。 如:men workers,women teachers,gentlemen officials

3. 有些原有s結尾的名詞,作定語時,s保留。 如:

goods train (貨車),arms produce武器生產, customs papers 海關文件, clothes brush衣刷

4. 數詞+名詞作定語時,這個名詞一般保留單數形式。 如:

two-dozen eggs 兩打(二十四個雞蛋), a ten-mile walk 十里路, two-hundred trees 兩百棵樹, a five-year plan.一個五年計劃

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