人教版高中英語必修一Unit 4 Earthquakes教學案例(人教版高一必修一教學案例)

發布時間:2016-5-20 編輯:互聯網 手機版


Teaching goals (教學目標)

1.skill goals (技能目標)

Know basic knowledge about earthquakes(了解地震的基本知識)

Know how to protect oneself and help others in disasters(了解如何自救與他救)

2. sensibility goals(情感目標)

get the students to be aware of the terrible disasters ,meanwhile get them to face it ,treat it in a proper way, and never get discouraged.(使學生對災難有正確的認識,要用積極的態度來對待它。)

3.Ability goals(能力目標)

a.let the students collect the information from the internet by themselves.(獨立搜集信息的能力)

b.Let the students pack up the information by themselves.(獨立整理信息的能力)

c.Let the students design it for the purpose of showing in class.(設計制作課件的能力)

d.feed them back to students in class ,using what they have done.(課堂反饋與學生互動的能力)

Teaching important points(教學重點)

Let the students know what a correct attitude towards a disaster is and what we should do in a disaster for ourselves and for the other people(樹立對于災難的正確認識及面對災難該如何應對)

Teaching difficult point(教學難點)

How to deal with the interaction between the students speakers and their classmates.(如何處理學生演講者和同學之間的互動)

Teaching procedures:

Step 1: natural disaster

Show the students some top disasters in the world, by Deng Yuge Team and Zhuang Jinmao Team.

Step 2: famous earthquakes

Show them some famous earthquakes in this century in the world, by Lin Chuyin Team and Deng Yuge Team.

Step 3: Tangshan earthquake

a.show them some pictures about Tangshan earthquake by Zhuang JinMao Team.

b.Watch a video about Tangshan earthquake.

Step 4: Signs before earthquakes

1.Given by Wu mengni Team in the form of pictures and words.

2.Given by Lin Chuyin Team in the form of filling blanks.

Step 5: How to escape from the earthquake

a.given by Zeng Jiaxin Team in the form of pictures and words.

b.ven by Zhuang Jinmao Team in the form of T or F.

c.ven by Lin Gaoxiang Team in the form of T or F.

Step 6: Imaginary work

Suppose there is an earthquake now, and you can take nothing but one thing, what will you take? Is it money, water, fruits, mobile phones, or a torch light?

Step 7: Proverbs

Get the students to collect some proverbs from the internet, which are something related to how to deal with disasters, what right attitude we should take and so on., then ask them to write them on the blackboard, and explain them to the students one by one.

Step 8: Homework

a.pose an earthquake happens in the school hall, what should you do?

b.ppose an earthquake happens in the classroom , what should you do?

c.ppose an earthquake happens in the bedroom, what should you do?




上課前,我原來準備了reading,既The Night The Earth Didn’t Sleep 這一課的教學設計,但在制作課件過程中,發現我不知不覺已導入很多課外內容,如:地球上的災難,本世紀的大地震,地震的前兆等等,而這些內容與本課息息相關,密不可分。如果加進去,容量過大,有舍本逐末之嫌,如果舍去,則少了許多必要的鋪墊和導入,對于一篇記敘文來講,過多挖掘課文內容已顯多余。于是我想,何不把它分成兩節課來處理?這一節我定它為課外知識拓展,有了這樣的想法之后,思路豁然開朗,我可以以“地震”為母板,重新設定教學內容。于是,一會的工夫,本課模型已躍然紙上:







比如:課件的制作,利用powerpoint 課件來制作英語課件,應該說是無庸置疑的,也是最好的,我的這節課因為都是學生唱主角,大多數時間是學生在臺上穿梭往來,所以我設置了很多的超級鏈接,目的是節省時間,便于操作,但稍不小心,便會失去鏈接,只好從頭再來,原因是有七大主題,而每個主題又有不同的學生,所以需多次重復操作,課前演練時覺得還問題不大,可是上課時還是有一次失去了鏈接,只好從來。還有,同學們都是以組為單位來制作自己的內容,組與組之間出現了某種主題的演示形式過于單一雷同的現象。如:地震中的逃生這一環節,有三組同學都用了正誤判斷的題型,且這種題型不利于同學的現場發揮,有個別同學在展示期間,明明知道同學們的答案是不一致的,需要解釋原因了,可是,語言能力有限,卡在那里,成了“茶壺煮餃子,有貨倒不出。”其實,假如我在課前指導時及時糾正,換成圖文并茂的幻燈片,既利于臺上同學表達,又利于臺下同學理解,效果會更好。




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