2007初中英語觀摩研討課(浙江)Around Our School 教案和說課稿(人教版七年級英語說課)

發布時間:2016-6-17 編輯:互聯網 手機版

Lesson Plan for Around Our School

杭州外國語學校 謝慧萍

Teaching Material P 26, Reading, Unit 3 Around Our School,

Cambridge English for Schools Students’ Book One (See Attachment I)

Teaching Object Class 7(A) Junior Two, Hangzhou Foreign Languages School

Teaching Aims Criteria Notes

1. The main task (Outcome)

The students will be able to write a letter to Anne and post it on the blog, where Anne will be able to read. 這是本節課主要任務,其它活動都是為此做準備的。

2. Language Focus

(1) The students will be able to use the following words and pattern properly in given situations or their daily life:

flat; café; in the north/ south/ east / west of …

(2) The students will be able to describe the different locations of the buildings in their school, which is a boarding school, and activities concerned. 本單元主題是Around our school,所以學校的方位和附近環境描述是學習重點。語言要點就是根據這個定位,并結合學生實際解讀、提取的。

3. Language Skills

The students will be able to find the places (in the jigsaw puzzle) according to the letter. 這個很生活化的活動可訓練搜尋有效信息的閱讀技能。

4. Learning Strategies

(1) The students will be able to guess and reason the presumption by the information collected from the reading of the letter. (認知策略)

(2) The students will be encouraged in groups to write back a letter about their school scaffolded with patterns from the text. (情感策略) 學習策略是在學習活動中得到體驗的。因此根據學生學習能力的特點,把推測能力(認知策略)和合作能力(情感策略)的培養分別結合到閱讀和寫作活動之中。

5. Affection

The students will be able to focus their attention on the classroom instruction and performance. 初二階段應該培養學生的學習意志,從單純的興趣過渡到有意識學習。

6. Culture

The students will be able to aware the precautions they might need to take while writing to a pen pal at the very beginning. 方位和環境描述、書信寫作是語言層面內容,背后是文化知識和意識。所以在課堂活動中,要引導學生關注此類內容和活動。

Difficulties The students might find it short of time to construct a letter with a good logic order and in well-organized language. 初二寫作訓練剛剛起步,是難點。解決辦法有三個:教師適當提供支架、組織小組合作學習和足夠時間。

Teaching Aids Blackboard, Chalk, Computer, Overhead Projector,

Visualizer, Jigsaw Puzzles, letter paper, a treasure chest

Setting The students sit in four-member groups around desks. 這樣的設計有利于學生的合作學習

Procedures & Activities

Teaching Procedures & Activities Learning Procedures & Activities Notes

I. Pre-task phase: to talk about the blog

The teacher is going to play the song Big Big World and open the website BBW to introduce them the blog and the theme “Big Big World”.

- Shall we sing a song together?

- Do we live in a big big world? How big is this world? But I say it is a small world after all. Why? Internet, emails, msn make the world small. Here is a blog. It’s our blog. We can see each other on holiday over this blog. ⑴The students are going to listen to and sing along with the English song Big Big World.

⑵They are going to have an interaction with the teacher, answering some questions.

⑶They are going to be encou- raged to talk about any blog they know.

⑷They read the blog together to warm themselves up for the following activities. 教師建立一個博客BB World,為課后教學構建平臺,并以博客主題歌給學生熱身,培養學習情感。活動形式以師生活動為主。

II. Task–introduction & Task–acknowledgement

The teacher is going to inform the students what they are going to do in this lesson and what their final outcome will be.

- A girl named Anne visited the blog and she left a letter. Are you interested in writing her back?

- In today’s class we are going to read her letter and write her a letter back. The students are going to be informed what they are going to do in this lesson and what their final outcome will be. At the same time they are going to be encouraged to size up the tasks, as well as themselves. 告知學生本節課的主要任務體現了師生民主平等,也有利于學生自主規劃、主動參與活動。活動以教師講解為主。

III. Pre-reading task: to predict the possible content of Anne’s letter

The teacher is going to help the students form the schemata by a discussion of the following question betweet partners.

- Before we open the letter, can you predict what she might write in her letter?

The teacher wirtes the following two patterns on the Bb if necessary to set up a scaffold before the pair work:

She will tell us …

She wants to know …

and takes down the possible guesses and also the questions on the blackboard after the pair work. 1. The students are going to predict the possible content of Anne’s letter.

2. The students are going to work in pairs. Each pair will either give a sentence to predict what she might write in her letter or will think of a question Anne may ask.

3. Some pairs of students are going to tell what they predict. 讀前活動重點在于構建學生閱讀圖式,為下步閱讀活動做好鋪墊。在這個過程中,訓練學生預測能力。在語言方面,如果學生有困難,教師提供一個“支架”。活動以自主和pair互動為主。

IV. While-reading task: to read for information needed

1. The teacher designs some questions to help the students pick out the things Anne talked about and questions she raised already, and to encourage them to reason some presumption.

- What did Anne write in her letter?

- What did she ask in her letter?

- What are the things she doesn’t talk about? Why not?

- Is this a first letter or not?

- What are the questions you think is polite to ask in your reply letter?

2. The teacher will go around the class to observe, help and monitor while the students work in pairs or in groups.

For reference:

Tips & Warnings for a first letter:

Remember not to share too much too soon. Wait until someone knows you before you air your family problems and secrets.

Use careful judgment when deciding how much information to share with a stranger. Always be cautious when it comes to revealing personal information.


The students are going to read the letter for information needed.

1. Through the text reading and their prediction comparing, in- divivually, the students are going, to read Anne’s letter and to pick out the things that she talked about in her letter and questions she raised already. Then they are going to have a class interaction to collect what thye pick.

2. They are going to have a discussion in pairs or in groups about what Anne didn’t refer to her letter and then to have a class interaction to collect their ideas.

3. They are going to have a further discussion in pairs or in groups about whether Anne’s letter is the first letter or not according to what they find she didn’t write.

4. They are going to work in groups to aware the precautions they might need to take while writing to a pen pal at the very beginning.

閱讀本身是個信息輸入的過程,應該是學生自主活動。教師的主要任務是搭建支架(如設計問題)提高學生閱讀的效率,提供足夠時間讓學生自主閱讀,設計話題誘發小組合作學習,同時教師提供必要的資源。因此這階段活動主要以學生自主、合作為主,教師的責任以調控、評價、幫助等為主。學生的閱讀活動從自己的預測(圖式)與文本的互動開始,獲取主要信息(Anne告知的和詢問的),并通過學生間互動(小組合作),深入解讀信息背后的文化知識(tips & warnings for a first letter)。

V. Post-reading tasks

Task one: a jigsaw puzzle 讀后活動的主要目的是操練語言、拓展話題。為此,這里設計了三個任務,貫穿兩條主線:語言和話題。

任務一主要通過完成jigsaw puzzle,讓學生體驗方位的表達。這一活動建立在文本理解的基礎上,既要訓練學生的scanning能力,又要引導他們關注有關語言的表達。活動以學生合作互動為主。

The teacher is going to help the students complete the jigsaw puzzle.

1. The teacher is going to give them the jigsaw puzzle and to organize the group work.

2. The teacher will go around the class to observe their group work, and help them if necessary.

3. The teacher will make some comment about their work.

The possible answers to the puzzle:

⑴ is the Teacher’s House

⑵ is the school

⑶ is the park

⑷ is the swimming pool The students are going to complete the jigsaw puzzle according to the information from the reading text.

1. They are going to to scan for the information needed and to work in groups to complete the jigsaw puzzle. They are going to give the reason why they put each piece in the particular place.

2. Some groups will be chosen to present how they work out the puzzle and why they put the piece in the place before the whole class, with the help of the overhead projector and the computer.

Task two: a treasure hunting game 任務二是一個尋寶游戲。在游戲前,教師要搭建一個“支架”,提供一些圖片、地圖和相關情景,并通過師生互動,幫助學生正確理解、操練、使用有關詞語,為游戲活動的有效開展打好基礎。在尋寶游戲活動中,學生一方面要思考、猜測,另一方面要積極使用語言表達自己的思考和猜測。這個任務主題已經脫離了文本,但訓練的還是文本中語言,因此是屬于半控制型活動。這樣的拓展有利于學生運用相同語言,表達更廣的類似主題。活動以學生小組合作為主,教師適當參與一些互動。

The teacher is going to organize a treasure hunting game.

1. The teacher is going to present some pictures and maps as a scaffold to help the students learn the new language points, like “flat”, “cafe” and “in the … of …”. The teacher will help the students with the pronunciation if necessary.

2. The teacher is going to organize a tresure hunting game,

⑴ telling them how to work:

- Work in a treasure hunting group! Discuss in groups where the treasure is? Who might find it? Why?

(2) giving an example as a scaffold for their language if necessary:

- I think the treasure is in the south of the town. It might be in the swimming pool. I will find it, because I go swimming there every day.

(3) presenting a finished jigsaw puzzle on PPT:

- Jigsaw puzzle is helpful in treasure hunting. Anne has hidden some treasure somewhere on this map.

(4) preparing a box of chocolate with a large piece of paper “Write and tell me about your town and school.”, as well as four candies for the winners.

For reference:

The big treasure is hidden in the café.

The places are “café, flat, swimming pool, museum, factories, library”

The other places will have an encour- aging sentence and four candies for the group. The students are going to hunt for treasure.

1. Before the game, they are going to learn some language points and to practise dscribing some maps with them.

2. They are going to work in groups to hunt for treasure in the jigsaw puzzle they have finished. And they will be encouraged to use the language points they have practised.

3. Some groups will be chosen to present before the whole class with the help of the overhead projector and the computer. If possible, team work is encouraged, that is, one student reports while another points out the place where they think the treasure is hidden.

Task three (main task): introduction of our school 任務三要求通過寫信形式介紹學生自己學校的設施布局。這是一個“follow-in”活動,其主題內容進一步拓展,讓學生有更多的自主、合作的空間。但是書信寫作對于剛剛進入初二學習的學生來說有有一定難度,尤其是整個語篇的構建。為此,教師要搭建“支架”,提供給學生一個不完整的書信,幫助學生把注意點定位在方位的描述(這是本節課的重點),同時為課后的書寫回信提供一個樣本,降低難度。另外,教師要有意識規范小組活動,明確小組分工,提高合作活動的效率。這樣除了能夠培養學生合作學習的能力,也能降低任務的難度。第三個降低難度的措施是提供足夠的活動時間。活動以合作學習為主。

The teacher is going to guide the students in letter writing.

1. The teacher is going to present a map of Hangzhou Foreign Languages School.

2. The teacher is going to tell the students how to group and what to do in the group work.

3. The teacher is going to provide an imcomplete letter to set up a scaffold to make the writing easier, if necessary.

The scaffolding pattern:

Dear Anne,

We live in Hangzhou! It is a … city in the … of …! …

… is in the … of the school. We like … there. Near the … is …. We …

… is in the … of the school. We often …there. There are …. Near the … is … We …

Write and tell us more about your _________.

Love _________

4. The teacher will leave students time to write a letter, go around the class to monitor their work, and offer any necesaary help.

5. The teacher will make some comment on Ss’ letters. The students are going to write a letter back to Anne about their own school.

1. The students are going to group themselves and to have different roles in each group activity.

Student A: a map designer

Student B: a secretary

Student C: a presenter

Student D: a commentator

2. They are going to read the map of their school and the map designer is going to mark the names of some places in English.

3. They are going to describe the locations of different buildings on campous and what they do there and decide what to write in the letter. The secretary is going to take some notes and to complete the letter together with partners in the group.

4. The presenter of the group chosen is going to read their letter to the whole class.

5. Some commentators are going to make some assessment on the letter.

VI. Homework

A letter writing task: The students will write a letter to Anne individually about their own town.

1. Draw an English map;

2. Write a letter and try to use the patterns and words learned in this class;

3. Polish the letter and put it into the computer;

4. Send the letter to our blog sayyourgrace.tianyablog.com, which Anne is going to read them. 課題作業是一個“further-up”任務,比讀后活動中的任務開放。經過課堂的一系列任務活動,學生應該有能力完成這個任務。作業設計中的詳細步驟目的在于降低任務的難度,培養學生良好的寫作習慣。博客的建立不但建立了一個互動平臺,而且也增加了時代的生活氣息,拓展了學生的學習資源。

Blackboard Design

What Anne might write What Anne might ask

… … 板書設計力求重點突出,簡潔明了,以吸引學生的注意力。


-- 第七屆全國中學(初中)英語教學觀摩課說課

杭州外國語學校 謝慧萍

《劍橋中學英語》采用全新任務型教學與生動的交互式學習模式;注重多學科的融通與多元文化的融合;注重學生聽、說、讀、寫能力全面提高。這些特色都很好地體現了國家《英語課程標準》所倡導的諸多最新理念。第一冊第三單元的教材設計充分體現了這些特點。它以“Around Our School”為話題,通過書信這個形式,幫助學生學習、掌握用英語表達方位的能力。




這階段的學生基本具備用簡單的英語詞匯與句型描述周邊環境的能力。但是,對于某些具體方位的正確描述,仍存在一定困難。 因此,本節課的語言目標定位在兩個方面: 一是學生學會在具體的語言環境下使用“in the north/south/east/west of…、flat、cafe”等詞語;二是綜合使用此類功能語言,準確描述自己學校校園的環境。這個目標是完成中心任務的語言保證。


本堂課的語言技能定位在閱讀技能的培養。初二上的學生已經能夠讀懂一些簡單語篇的主要信息。在此基礎上,本課進一步強化學生read for information的能力。這種能力將會直接影響到本課中心任務的完成質量。因為寫回信首先要讀懂來信。



4. 情感目標





任務一:to set up the blog

在課的開始,師生同唱Big Big World,目的在于引出博客話題。在談論過程中,教師在學生心理與虛擬網絡中搭建了兩個“博客”。前者幫助學生熱身,培養學習情感;后者為課后教學構建平臺,拓展學生學習互動的渠道。

任務二:to predict the content of Anne’s letter

這是閱讀前的常規任務,主要目的在于構建學生的閱讀圖式,為下步閱讀活動做好鋪墊。 在這個過程中,教師設計兩大話題:she may tell about …;she may ask about …,誘發學生猜測,訓練學生這方面的認知策略。同時教師搭建“支架”幫助學生解決語言方面的困難。

任務三:to read Anne’s letter

閱讀是信息輸入的過程,靠學生自主活動完成。教師的主要任務是搭建支架(如設計問題)提高學生閱讀的效率,提供足夠時間讓學生自主閱讀,設計話題誘發小組合作學習的動機,同時教師提供必要的資源。因此這階段活動主要以學生自主、合作為主,教師的責任以調控、評價、幫助等為主。學生的閱讀活動從自己的預測(圖式)與文本的互動開始,獲取主要信息(Anne告知的和詢問的),并通過學生間互動(小組合作),深入解讀信息背后的文化知識(tips & warnings for a first letter),為本課主要任務的完成做好準備。

任務四:a jigsaw puzzle

拼圖游戲(jigsaw puzzles)是國外常見的兒童游戲。 這節課利用這種游戲,要求學生在文本理解的基礎上體驗方位的表達。這一任務,既訓練學生的scanning能力,又引導他們關注有關語言。

任務五 a treasure hunting game

尋寶活動(treasure hunting games)是一個富有懸念的活動。在游戲前,教師搭建一個“支架”,提供一些圖片、地圖和相關情景,并通過師生互動,幫助學生正確理解、操練、使用有關詞語,為游戲活動的有效開展打好基礎。在尋寶游戲活動中,學生一方面要思考、猜測,另一方面要積極使用語言表達自己的思考和猜測。這個任務主題已經脫離了文本,但訓練的還是文本中的語言,因此是屬于半控制型活動。這樣的拓展有利于學生運用相同語言,表達更廣的類似主題。

任務六 introduction of our school


任務七 a letter back to Anne



這是一個較為典型的任務型教學設計。 在課堂操作中,教師通過安排學生進行自主學習、對子交流、小組合作、班級互動等活動,突出學生的主體地位,讓學生在各種活動中體驗語言、實踐語言、使用語言,完成各項任務,達到預設的教學目標。在這個過程中,教師扮演了多種角色,主要表現在調控、評價、幫助等方面。例如在學生各種活動中,教師注意觀察、傾聽,并根據所獲得的信息做出必要的評估、調控、彌補、幫助等。同時,根據實際需要,也不排除講解。例如在Task introduction階段,教師通過簡單的陳述,向學生介紹本課的任務。





課堂是一個有限的互動空間。單靠四十五分鐘的課堂活動,難以滿足學生真實互動的需要。博客能夠拓展互動平臺,使之從課堂延伸到日常生活學習之中,大大提高了師生與生生互動的密度。使用博客平臺需要注意的是:1. 學生認可該種溝通方式。2.學生可以獲得途徑上網。3.學生熟悉網絡基本操作。4.教師參與維護博客運作。


一堂課的成功與否教師是關鍵。 教師角色定位往往決定了課堂教學的模式是以教師為中心還是以學生為中心。任務型教學以課堂活動為主,需要足夠的空間與時間。教師須改變傳統的 “傳授者”這一單一角色,要有多重身份的意識,并根據需要進行轉換。這種身份的變化并非意味著教師的作用減弱,相反,任務型教學對于教師的要求更高。教師需要具備敏銳的觀察能力、靈活的調控能力、有效的評價能力等。


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