模塊6 Unit 2 單詞導學(譯林牛津版高二英語選修六導學案)

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M6 Unit 2 單詞導學


一、Analysis and explanation

1. injure (vt.) ①使受傷,弄傷,損傷,損害 ②傷害(名譽、自尊等)

The boy injured his leg while playing basketball.

This could seriously injure the company’s reputation.

injured: (adj.) 受傷的,被傷害的,感情受傷的

eg. injured looks ______________ in an injured voice ______________

the dead and the ___________ 死者及傷者

injury: (n.) ①傷害,損害

eg. It’s a severe injury to his reputation. ____________________________

do sb. an injury 傷害某人


eg. The nurse is dressing his injuries. ____________________________

辨析:injure, wound, hurt

① injure 一般指由于意外或事故中受傷,指一時難愈之傷。

② wound 指外傷,如刀傷、槍傷、劍傷,尤指在戰斗,戰爭中受傷

③ hurt “受傷”的一般用法,既可指肉體上的傷害,亦可指感情上的傷害,作vi. 時; 意為“疼,疼痛”

2. struggle vi. & n. 努力,奮斗,掙扎,搏斗,抗爭

①vi. for sth. 為(爭取)……而奮斗,抗爭

struggle against/ with sth. 與/和……做斗爭/抗爭

to one’s feet 掙扎著站起來

eg. The thief struggled in the policeman’s arms.


struggle ____________ difficulties 與困難搏斗

struggle ____________ power 爭奪權力

②n. the struggle for freedom/existence 為自由奮斗,生存競爭

not surrender without a ________________未經奮戰不投降

With a____________, he controlled his feelings.

We should keep confident __________________ life. (在與……的抗爭中)

3. disability n. 殘疾,無能,無力

disable vt. 使無能,使殘疾

disabled adj. 殘疾的

able (adj.) 有能力的→enable(vt.)使能夠→ability(n.)能力

4. in hospital 住院

eg. He is in hospital.

in hospital 住院 in church__________ in office ____________


in the hospital _________ in the church________ in the office__________

5. apart adj.& adv. ①分開的,分離的

eg. The 2 houses are 500 metres ____________. 這兩棟房子相距500m.


eg. I can’t tell these two things apart. _______________________________

③apart from (1)遠離,和……不在一起;(2)除……之外(尚有);⑶除……之外(無)同except,同besides, as well as, in addition to


①Apart from the cost, the Color of the hat doesn’t suit me. ( )

②I have finished apart from the last question. ( )

③Lucy has been accepted by Oxford University, so she had to live apart from her parents.

( )

6. simply adv. 僅僅,只不過;簡單地;確定


①The book explains grammar simply & clearly. ( )

②Simply add hot water & stir(攪動). ( )

③That is simply not true. ( )

simple adj. ①簡單的,簡易的 ②簡樸的,單純的

simplify vt. 簡化 simplified Chinese characters ______________

7. dedicated adj. 投入的,專注的,獻身的

搭配:be dedicated to sth./doing sth.

eg. She is dedicated to ___________(write) her novel.

dedicate (vt.) oneself / sth. to sth./doing sth. 獻身某人自己/某物在,某事上/做某事上

8. devote vt. 投入,獻身

devote (oneself/time/money/energy) to (sb./sth./doing sth.)投身于……,獻身于……

eg. He devoted herself to his career.

Every year the millionaire devotes much money to__________ (protect) the environment.

9. rush ①vt. 緊急送往;使沖向;倉促行事

rush sb. to s.p. 緊急送某人到某地 rush s.p. 沖向某地

rush (sb.) into doing sth. 使(某人)倉促做某事

More soldiers were rushed to the front. ____________________________________

Fans rushed the stage after the concert. ____________________________________

②n. a rush on/ for sth. 急需……

There is a rush for medicine in the flooded area.

in a rush 急忙,匆忙 rush hour (上下班的)交通高峰期

eg. I can’t stop. I’m in a rush.

10. severe adj. 嚴重的,嚴厲的,嚴格的

be severe with sb. 對某人要求嚴格

be severe on/ upon sb./ sth. 對……很嚴厲的

severe loss/ looks 嚴重的損失/嚴肅的神色

11. cheer ①vt.& vi. (使)高興,使振奮

eg. The good news cheered everybody.

cheer(sb./sth.)up (使)高興起來,(使)振作起來

eg. I cheered up at the news.

②n. [c] 歡呼,喝彩; [u]愉快,高興,振奮

You can hear the _______ of the crowd miles away from the football ground.(cheer, cheers)

He is full of __________ in summer.(cheer, cheers)

cheers n. (用于祝酒)干杯,告辭,再見

cheerful adj. 快樂的,高興的

12. spirits 通常用復數形式,意思是“精神狀態,情緒,心境”

in good spirits 情緒好,精神狀態飽滿 in high spirits 情緒高昂

in low/ poor spirits 情緒低落 raise sb’s spirits 鼓舞某人的情緒

比較:spirit n. 精神;勇氣,意志,心態

13. accomplish vt. 完成,實現

eg. 計劃的第一部分已順利完成。

The first part of the plan _________ ________ safely ________.

accomplishment n. 完成,成就,成績,才藝

14. adapt vt.& vi. ①使適應,使適合

adapt oneself to (sth./doing sth.) 使某人自己適應于某事

adapt to sth. 適應某事

eg. 他花了一個月才適應新環境。

It ________ him a month to _________ himself ________ his new surroundings.


Our eyes slowly __________ __________ the dark.

②改寫,改編 adapt sth. for sth. 改編……成為……

eg. This novel has been adapted for television. 這部小說已經被改編成電視節目。

adaptable adj. 能適應的,適應性強的;可改編的

adaptation n. 適應,適應性;改編本

15. optimistic adj. 樂觀的,有信心的

be optimistic about sth. 對……樂觀的

eg. 她對考試結果不樂觀。_____________________________________________

optimism n. 樂觀主義 optimist n. 樂觀的人,樂觀主義者

optimistically adv. 樂觀地

16. inspire vt. ①鼓舞,激勵

inspire sb. to do sth. 鼓舞某人做某事

inspire sb. with sth.


inspire sth. in sb.

eg. The actors inspired the kids with their enthusiasm. 演員們以熱情鼓舞著孩子們。



inspire sb. (to sth.)

eg. His paintings were clearly inspired by Monet’s work.


inspired adj. 受靈感啟示的;得自靈感的;有創作力的

inspiring adj. 鼓舞人心的;使人感興趣的;吸引人的

inspiration n. 靈感; 鼓舞或激勵人的人/物 (inspiration to/ for sb.)

eg. (諺)Genius is 10% inspiration & 90% perspiration.


17. courage n. 勇氣,膽量

encourage ______________ 鼓勵某人做某事

discourage _________________ 阻止某人做某事

courageous adj. 勇敢的,無畏的

18. sympathy n. 同情;贊同,支持

feel/ have/ express (no/ little/ some) sympathy for/ towards sb. 對某人表示(不/一點兒/一些)同情

in sympathy with sb./ sth. 對某人/ 事表示支持/贊同,相應發生,因……而出現

in/ with sympathy 同情地

out of sympathy with sb. / sth. 不贊成,不支持某人/事

eg. I feel no sympathy for Jane, it’s all her own fault.



I’m sure she will be ____________________ your proposal.

sympathetic adj. 表示同情的,出于同情的

19. arrange vi. & vt. 安排,整理,布置,排列,籌劃


sth. for sb./ sth. 為某人/事安排某事

arrange for sth. 為某事做安排

for sb. to do sth. 安排某人做某事

with sb. to do /for sth. 與某人商促做某事/為某事與某人商促

that 主+(should )do 安排,商定

arrangement n.

20. allocate vt. 分配

sb. sth. 分配某物給某人/某單位

allocate sth. to sb./ sth.

sth. for sth. 分配某物作為……

eg. allocate funds for repair work 撥出經費作維修用

He allocated each of us our tasks. (同義句改寫)



21. be tired of sth. 對……感到厭倦,對……失去興趣=be bored with


tire sb. out 使某人精疲力竭 be tired out (某人) 精疲力竭

tired adj. 困倦的;疲倦的 tiring adj. 令人困倦的(修飾物)

tiresome adj. 討厭的,煩人的;令人厭倦的(可修飾人或物)

22. believe in sb./ God 相信某人,信任,信仰上帝

believe sb. 相信某人所說的話 believe it or not 信不信由你

23. communicate vi. & vt. 交流,溝通,傳達、傳播、傳遞

communicate sth. to sb./ sth. 使某事被某人知曉,傳達事物給某人

communicate with sb. 和某人交流情況/ 交換消息

communicate a disease __________________

eg. 他急于把他的想法傳達給他的小組。

He was eager to ______________ his idea _____________ his group.

They communicated in sign language. ________________________


The novel is about a family who can’t _________ __________each other.

communication n. be in communication with sb. 和某人交流

24. quit vt. & vi. 停止,放棄(pt. pp: quitted/ quit)

quit sth./ doing sth. be quit of sb. / sth. 擺脫某人/某事,脫離某人/事

eg. If I don’t get a pay rise, I’ll quit. _______________________________

我很想擺脫這個責任。 _______________________________

25. ahead of ①(時間、空間)在……的前面;②領先于……;③提前于……



eg. ①His ideas were ahead of his time. ( )

②He went home ahead of time because of bad cold. ( )

③London is about 5 hours ahead of Now York. ( )

④Ahead of us is a supermarket. ( )

⑤Lucy was always well ahead of the rest of the class. ( )

26. at that point 在那時,在那個階段

eg. At that point, they were discussing an important task.

27. golden adj. 金色的;金的,黃金般的,極好的

a golden ring ______________ a golden opportunity ________________

golden days/age____________ golden wedding ________________

28. assist vt. 幫助,協助、援助

sb. in/ with sth. 比較: sb. in/with sth. sb.with sth.

assist sb. in doing sth. 幫助某人做某事 aid sb. in doing help sb.(to) do

sb. to do sb. to do

assistance n. 幫助,幫忙,援助 assistant n. 助手,助理

29. instant adj. ①即時的,方便的 ②立即的,立刻的(作定語)


instant coffee ______________ an instant success _________________

n. 當時,立刻,瞬間

I recognized her the instant (that) I saw her. 我一眼就認出是她。

in an instant 馬上

instantly ①adv. 立刻,馬上,瞬即=at once/ immediately

②conj. 一……就……=as soon as

30. guarantee vt. 保證,擔保 n. (交易的)保證,保證書,保修單


sb. sth. 擔保某人某事

sth. to sb.

guarantee to do sth. 保證做某事

sb./sth. (to be)… 保證……是……

(sb./ sth.) against/ from… 保證……不……

that 從句

under guarantee 在保修期內


①The company ___________________________ for a year. 公司對這個鐘保修1年。

②I_________________________________ all my debts. 我保證償還他所有的債務。

③Tom ________________________ here tomorrow. 湯姆保證明天在這兒。

④I _____________________________ loss. 我保證你不受損失。

⑤I_________________that ____________________.我保證他會去的。

⑥Having much money doesn’t ________________________.擁有很有錢并不能保證你快樂。

guarantor 擔保人,保證人

guaranty n. (法律上)保證,保證書


1. At least 203 miners were killed, 22________& 13__________ in a coal mine gas explosion Monday afternoon in Fuxin.

A. injuring; trapping B. injured; trapped

C. injured; trapping D. injuring; trapped

2. _________ the secret of nature, the young scientist has little time for entertainment.

A. Dedicated himself to bringing out B. Dedicated himself to bring out

C. Dedicated to bringing out D. Dedicating to bringing out

3. ________ a few faults, she was a trust-worthy teacher.

A. Apart B. Apart from C. Beside D. Besides

4. I can’t stop. I’m ________rush.

A. on B. on a C. in D. in a

5. I think you are too severe _________ the boy.

A. to B. on C. of D. toward

6. Give Mary a call; she needs _________ because she failed in the test.

A. to cheer up B. have cheered up C. cheer up D. cheered up

7. I wonder why Tom has been in low _________ recently; he is always a man of ________.

A. spirits; spirits B. spirit; spirit C. spirits; spirit D. spirit; spirits

8. Most of the time has gone by, but we only _________ one-third of our task.

A. accomplished B. are accomplishing

C. have accomplished D. accomplish

9. He failed to __________ himself to the new environment.

A. adopt B. adapt C. attach D. arrange

10. __________ by the hero’s deeds, the students study harder than before.

A. Inspire B. Inspired C. Inspiring D. To inspire

11. The disabled person was begging by the roadside & everyone who went there expressed sympathy __________ him.

A. for B. to C. at D. on

12. In the old days of China, children’s marriage were __________ by their parents.

A. arranged B. tied C. fixed D. made

13. We all felt __________ of the _________child.

A. tired; tiresome B. tired; tiring C. tireless, tired D. tiresome; tiring

14. ________ in sign language, they both can understand very well.

A. Communicate B. Communicated

C. To communicate D. Communicating

15. The police will _________ her address.

A. assist you into finding B. assist you at finding

C. assist you in finding D. assist you to finding

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