Module 8 Unit two全單元語言點(新課標版高二英語選修八教案教學設計)

發布時間:2016-4-1 編輯:互聯網 手機版

Unit 2


1 witness n.目擊者;見證人[C][(+of/to)]

I was a witness to the argument.我是那場爭論的見證人。

證詞[U] She was punished for giving false witness.她因作偽證受到懲處。


vt.目擊I witnessed the traffic accident.我目睹了那次交通事故。


The two servants witnessed Mr. Smith's will.兩個仆人在史密斯先生的遺囑上簽名作證。


The year 1849 witnessed a great war in Hungary.一八四九年匈牙利發生了一場大戰。

vi.作證,證明Several people witnessed against the accused.幾個人作了不利于被告的證明。

2 star n.[C] (電影、體育等的)明星,杰出人物

His wish to become a football star has come true.他想當足球明星的愿望實現了。

vt. 使成明星,由...主演

Yesterday we saw a film starring Charlie Chaplin.昨天我們看了一部查理卓別林主演的電影。

vi.當明星,主演She has starred in some thirty films.她主演過大約三十部影片。

表現出色He didn't star at that job.那份工作他干得并不出色。

3 cast vt.投,擲,拋,扔,撒

He cast a stone into the river.他向河中投了一塊石子。


I just cast a glance at the headlines.我只是看了看標題。


Ann was cast as the wife. 安妮被選派扮演妻子的角色。

4 take on呈現

The insect can take on the color of its surroundings.這種昆蟲能隨環境而變色。

承擔(任務、職責),He is unwilling to take on heavy responsibilities.他不愿承擔重任。

開始雇傭; [口]流行, 風行; 受歡迎

take off 脫下;移去

He took off his raincoat and took out the key.他脫下雨衣,拿出鑰匙。

起飛The plane will take off soon.飛機馬上就要起飛了。

休假He took two weeks off in August.他在八月份休假了兩個星期。

take up 開始從事;著手處理

When did he take up football?他是什么時候開始踢足球的?

占用;化去The work took up all his time.那工作花費了他所有的時間。

對...發生興趣; 繼續

take down 拿下, 取下;記[錄]下來;拆掉

take ... for ...以為(某人或某物)是

take in 裝入, 收容, 接待;縮短; 改小; 收(帆);領會, 理解; [口]欺騙

take over接收[管, 任]

take to愛, 喜歡;嗜好, 沉迷于, 養成...的習慣

5 desperate a.情急拼命的,鋌而走險的

A desperate man will stop at nothing to get what he wants.



He was desperate when he lost all his money.當他丟了所有的錢時,他絕望了。

極度渴望的 [(+for)][+to-v]

He was desperate for work to provide for a large family.


6 torture n.拷打,酷刑;拷問[U]

Many of the POWs died under torture.許多戰俘被折磨致死。


suffer torture from因...受痛苦

She suffered tortures from a toothache.她受牙痛的折磨。

The sight of his sick brother was torture to him.


vt.拷打;拷問[OThe police tortured him to confess his crime.警察拷打他,逼他招供。

折磨;使為難 [(+with/by)]

He was tortured with anxiety.他為焦慮所苦。

7 stage vt. 把...搬上舞臺,上演

The city was staging Hamlet.該城市正在上演《哈姆雷特》。

籌劃;舉行,發動They decided to stage a general strike.他們決定舉行總罷工。

vi.(劇本)適于上演The script staged pretty well.這劇本舞臺演出效果甚好。

8 There could not be a better setting!的意思是“不可能有比這更好的場景了。”否定詞never/ no/ not /nothing等與比較級連用,往往表達最高級含義。


Nothing in the world is more valuable than those books.

=Those books are the most valuable in the world.

He said he had never watched a more exciting game before.

=He said the game was the most exciting one he had ever watched.

9 decorate … with … 用(裝飾物)裝飾/修飾…… be decorated with

furnish … with… 為(房間或房屋)配備(家具) be furnished with

equip … with … 用(儀器、設備等)裝備(工廠、車間、實驗室等)be equipped with

Her living-room is furnished with a comfortable new sofa.

The workshop is equipped with many modern machines. (It is a well / fully equipped workshop.)

They always decorate their classroom with balloons and flowers when Christmas comes.

對應名詞分別為decoration(裝飾,裝飾品); furniture(家具); equipment(裝備,設備,器材)

10 shortly ad.立刻,馬上,不久

She's going to New York shortly.她不久將去紐約。


"You ought to be in bed," Mother said shortly.媽不耐煩地說道:"你該上床去了"。

Afterward ad.之后,以后,后來

You left before eleven. What did you do afterward?你十一點之前離開后做什么去了?

Afterward they had lunch in the garden.然后他們在園子里吃午飯。

11 leave vt.離開(某處)[(+for)]

Mr. Smith left the room at two o'clock.史密斯先生兩點離開房間。

離開(某人)的身邊;遺棄,離棄Her husband has left her.她的丈夫把她遺棄了。


Mary left school last year and she is working in a shop now.


遺忘;丟下I left my keys behind.我忘了帶鑰匙了。

聽任,使處于某種狀態He left the windows open.他讓窗子開著。

留給He left me a few books.他留給我幾本書。


You can leave your case with me.你可以把箱子交給我。

剩下I felt I had little energy left.我感到我一點勁也沒有了。

vi.離去;動身[(+for)]We will leave for London next week.我們下周動身去倫敦。

12 be drunk with 醉心于、、、,對、、、癡迷,陶醉于、、、

He is drunk with success

Ex: translate:不要沉迷于網絡。___________T

13 exercise control over 對、、、實施控制,控制

We should think of a way to exercise control over our expenses.

Ex: 1)The pilot _______ _______ ________ (失去控制)the plane.

2)She managed to ________ _______ _______(控制住)her car on the ice.

3)She may be old ,but she is still _____ _____ (掌管)

Ex:翻譯1)He exercise his right as a citizen._____________

2)Teachers exercise authority.___________

14 terrify vt.恐嚇,使感到恐怖

The thunderstorm terrified the child.大雷雨把這孩子嚇壞了。

terrified adj.害怕的,嚇壞了的

The animals were terrified by the storm.動物被風暴嚇壞了

They were terrified by his sudden appearance.他的突然出現,把他們嚇了一跳。

The children were terrified of being scolded.那孩子害怕挨罵。

15 condemn vt.判刑,處刑;聲討;譴責

Most people are willing to condemn violence of any sort as evil.


Ex: The judge _______ him for fraud.

A. denounced B. condemned C. charged D. accused

Grammar and task

1 privilege n.特權;優特[C][U]

He enjoys diplomatic privileges.他享有外交特權。


It is a great privilege to know you.認識你真是莫大的榮幸。


This pass will privilege you to attend the closed hearings.


2 desire vt.渴望;要求[+to-v][+that][O]

He desired us to leave soon.他希望我們盡快離開。

She desired to marry a rich man.她很想嫁個富翁。

People desire peace.人們渴望和平。


I have no desire to discuss the question.我不想討論這個問題。

3 put up建造

They put up a tent by the fire.他們在火堆旁搭起了一個帳篷。


We can put all of you up for the night.我們可以安排你們所有人過夜。

舉起(推薦,提高); 張貼;公布

We want to put you up for club treasurer我們想請你擔任俱樂部的司庫

My landlord's threatening to put the rent up by 10 a week我的房東要挾說要把每周租金提高10英鎊

I don't know how she puts up with him/his cruelty to her. 我不明白她怎麼能 [忍受他的虐待].

put up a tent架起帳篷

to put up a notice

4 apply vt.涂,敷;將...鋪在表面[(+to)]

The nurse applied the ointment to the wound.護士把藥膏敷到傷口上。


We should apply both theories in the language classroom.


使適用 [(+to)]

This rule can not be applied to every case.這條規則并不是在每種情況下都能適用的。


He applied himself to learning French.他致力于學習法語。


He has applied for a post in England.他已申請在英國供職。


5 participate vi.參加,參與[(+in)]

No professionals participated in the contest.沒有職業選手參加這一比賽。

Everyone can participate in this game.每個人都能參加這游戲。


His poems participate of the nature of satire.他的詩帶有諷刺性

6 voyage n. 航海旅行


1) voyage指不論路程長短的水上或空中的旅行

2) journey一般指時間和距離都較長的陸路旅行,不含有回到原出發地的意思

3) trip指短距離的旅行,常回到原出發地

4) tour指周游或巡回旅行,常常是訪問一系列地方后又回到原出發地

5) travel泛指旅行這一行為過程。指具體的旅行時常用復數,用單數一般表示旅行的抽象概念


用voyage, journey, trip, tour或travel填空。

1) His parents are on a____ by ship now.

2) He made a __ around the Greek Island.

3) ____ in the mountains can be slow and dangerous.

4) Did you go to Pairs during your____?


1 evolve vt.使逐步形成;發展,展開

How did you evolve this very personal and original style?



We had to evolve the truth from a mass of confused evidence.



Scientists think that birds probably evolved from reptiles.


The simple plan evolved into a complicated scheme.這個簡單的計劃發展成了一項復雜的規劃。

2 anchor vt.拋錨使(船)停泊;使固定,系住

We anchored the tent with pegs.我們用樁子固定帳篷。


She anchors a 45-minute news show at noon.


be anchored in… 扎根于…之中

be at anchor 在停泊中

come to (an) anchor拋錨, 停泊; 停下來


The large ship ___ ____ ____(停泊在) Huangpu River.

3 improvise vt.即興創作(詩歌、樂曲等);即興表演(或朗誦等)

If an actor forgets his words, he has to improvise.



He improvised a bookcase out of crates.他用板條箱臨時做成書架。

4 essential a.必要的,不可缺的[(+to/for)]

Hard work is essential to success.成功必須努力工作。


There is no essential difference between the two drafts.兩份草稿沒有本質上的不同。


Our course deals with the essentials of management.我們的課程講述管理的基本要點

5 decline vi.下降,下跌;減少;衰退,衰落

As one grows older one's memory declines.人的記憶力隨著年齡增長而衰退。

Unemployment declined to 4 percent last month.上個月失業率降至百分之四。



She declined their invitation.她婉拒了他們的邀請。

She declined to have lunch with her friend, saying that she wasn't feeling well.


n.下降;減少There is a decline in real wages.實際工資有所減少。


decline sth. 謝絕…..

decline to do sth. 謝絕做…

on the decline 衰退中,走下坡的


There has been___ ____ ____(逐漸減少) in the population of the town.

He___ ____ ____(拒絕回答) my question.

6 intend vt.想要;打算[+to-v][+v-ing][+(that)][O2]

He intends his son to manage the company.他打算讓他兒子經營該公司。

I intend studying abroad.我打算出國留學。

Let's ask her what she intends us to do.讓我們問她要我們做什么。


That trap is intended for you.那個圈套是為你而設的。

意指,意思是I intend that you shall take over the business我有意讓你接管公司.


intend to do sth.

intend sb. to do sth.

intend + that 從句(從句用虛擬語氣)

intend for打算供...使用; 打算送給;打算使...成為; 想讓...從事某事

2) intended to have done 本來打算做

7 fame n.[U]聲譽,名望

He cares very little for fame and gain.他對名利很淡薄。

come to fame成名

vt.使聞名,使有名望 [(+for)]

The king was famed for his cruelty.那個國王以殘暴出名。

8 draft n.草稿,草圖[C]

He had painfully written out a first draft.他辛苦寫出了首稿。

vt.起草;設計I had to draft a cable home.我得寫一份發往家里的電報稿。



Her brother was drafted into military service.她哥哥應征入伍。

a rough draft草稿

the first draft初稿

Draft out起草,草擬

9 appeal vi.呼吁,懇求[(+to/for)][+to-v]

He appealed to me for help.他向我求援。

He appealed to his friends for support.他請求朋友支持。


We will appeal to a great variety of sources of information.我們將求助于多種資料來源。

有吸引力,迎合愛好 [(+to)]

The idea appealed to Mary.這主意正合瑪麗的心意。


He appealed against the five-year sentence he had been given.他對被判五年徒刑提出上訴。


He made one last appeal to his father to forgive him.他最后一次懇求父親寬恕他。


These subjects have lost their appeal for most students.對多數學生來說,這些學科已經失去了吸引力


1) appeal to sb. to do sth. 懇求某人做某事

appeal to sb. for為...向某人呼吁[請求]

appeal to 訴諸…


1)The idea appealed___ Mary.

2)These subjects have lost their appeal___ most students.

3)He made one last appeal___ his father to forgive him.

10 break up v. 分解,拆散


break out (戰爭,火災)爆發

break in 闖入,插入

break off 使終止,打斷

break into 闖入,打斷(帶賓語)

break through 出現;突破

break down 分散,拆散;壞了;身體垮下來


1)You will___ sonner or later if you keep working like that.

A break off B. break down C. break into D. break out

2) Can he___ away from old habits?

A. do B. put C. take D. break

11 cut away切除, 剪掉

cut back(on)減少; 剪短; 倒敘; 縮減;

cut down on減少..., 縮減...

cut in插進來說, 插嘴

cut off 切斷, 停掉;隔絕, 擋住;使電話中斷;切[剪]下來

cut out刪掉;停止

cut through穿過, 穿透;

cut up 切[破]碎;

cut short縮短He had to cut his trip short.他只得縮短自己的旅程。

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