Unit 3 Why do you like koalas 自主性閱讀教案(新目標版七年級英語下冊教案教學設計)

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Unit3 Why do you like koalas?

教 學 共 案 公共教案

I. Programmes for the Unit

1.Teachng Goals

(1)Learn to describe animals.

(2)Learn to express preferences and give reasons.

2.Target Language

(1)Why do you like koalas?

Because they’re cute.

(2)They’re pretty interesting.

(3)They’re kind of shy.

(4)They’re very big.

II. Teaching Time

Seven periods.

The First Period

Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge and Ability Objects

(1)Key Vocabulary:

Tiger, elephant, koala, dolphin, panda, lion, penguin, giraffe, zoo, map ,cute smart.

(2)Target Language:

Let’s see the lions.

Why do you want to see the lions?

Because they’re cute.

(3)To train students’ listening and speaking skills.

2. Method Objects in Teaching

(1)Scene teaching method.

(2)Listening method.


3. Moral Object

Animals are good friends to human beings. We must protect them from being hunted or killed.

Teaching key Points

1. Key vocabulary.

2. Target language.

Teaching Difficulties

1. Train students’ listening skill.

2. Train students’ communicative competence.

3. Train student’s ability to express preferences using the target language.

Teaching Aids

1. Pictures of tiger, elephant, koala, dolphin, panda, lion, penguin, giraffe.

2. A multimedia.

3. A tape recorder.

Teaching Procedures

Step I. greetings and revision

Greet the whole class as usual.

Check the answers to go to the exercises of the workbook by asking different students to say their answers to the class. Correct errors if there are any.

Briefly review how to give directions on the street.

T: Suppose I’m a stranger to this city. I want to go to the People’s Hotel(or some other known location to the students). Who can tell me the way to the People’s Hotel?

S: Just go straight and turn right. It’s next to a cinema.

Have one or two students give the teacher the directions.

Step II. 1a

Show the pictures of a tiger, an elephant, a koala, a dolphin, a panda, a lion, a penguin and a giraffe with names beneath on the screen by a multimedia.

Call student’s attention to the map of the zoo showing pictures of animals in 1a. Ask students to name as many animals as they can.

T: Do you like animals?

Ss: Yes.

T: Where do we see them?

T: You are quite right. Now let’s visit a zoo together. Please open your books at Page 13. What animals can you see in the zoo?

Ss: Tiger, elephant, dolphin…

Point out the numbered list of words. Get one student to read them out.

Tell students to match the words with the animals in the picture.

Write the letter of the animal on the blank line after its name.

Point out the sample answers.

Get students to work on their own. As they are working, walk around the room offering help if they need.

Check the answers.


1. b 2. h 3. d 4.a 5.e 6.f 7.g 8.c

(This activity introduces the key vocabulary.)

Step III . 1b

Allow students some time to name the animals in the picture in la again.

T: I’ll play the recordings of three conversations. Look at the list of animals in 1a. Listen to the tape carefully and then check the names of the animals you hear.

Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.

Play the recording again. This time ask students to listen and check.

Check the answers.

Step IV . 1 c

Point to the four description words cute, interesting, fun and smart in the box. Read and explain them one by one to the students.

Focus attention to the conversation on the right. Invite two students to read it to the class.

Write the conversation on the blackboard.

T: Now work with a partner. Start by reading the sample conversation with your partner. Then look at the animals in the picture in 1a and make conversations about them using the words in the box.

As students talk, move around the room checking their work. Offer language support as needed.

Ask several pairs of students to share their conversations with the whole class.

(This activity provides oral practice using the target language.)

Optional activity

First ask each student to think of a country or a region. Then make a list of at least five special animals in the country or the region.

Step V. Summary

T: This class introduces the names of some animals. Do you remember them? Let’s say them aloud together, OK?

Ss: Tiger, elephant, koala, dolphin, panda, lion, penguin and giraffe.

T: In this class we also learn four description words. What are they?

Ss: Cute, interesting, fun and smart.

Write these words on the blackboard while students are saying them.

T: In this class, we’ve also practiced. Expressing preferences using the target language. Please look at the blackboard. Let’s read these sentences together.

Point to the sentences on the blackboard:

Let’s see the lions.

Why do you want to see the lions?

Because they’re cute.

Step VI. Homework

Ask students to memorize the spelling of the key vocabulary learned in this class.


The Second Period

Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge and Ability Objects

(1)Key Vocabulary:

Kind of , animal box

(2)Target Language:

Why do you like pandas?

Because they’re very cute.

Why does he like koalas?

Because they’re king of interesting.

(3)Train students’ listening skill.

(4)Train students’ communicative competence.

2.Method Objects in Teaching

(1)Listening method.

(2)Practicing method.

3.Moral Objects

Dolphins are clever animals. Scientists say that they are very much like humans. So it might be possible to teach them to talk. Do you want to be a person to teach them to talk? Work hard. You will be a successful trainer some day.

Teaching key Points

1. Key vocabulary.

2. Target language.


1. The difference between the words kind of and very.

2. Train students’ listening skill and the communicative competence.

3. Teach students to express preference and give reasons.

Teaching Aids

1. A multimedia.

2. Pictures.

Teaching Procedures

Step I. Greetings and Revision

Greet the whole class as usual.

Ask different students to imitate the typical action or the sound of animals. The rest of the class guess what the animal is.

Step II. 2a

Point to the box on the right. Call student’s attention to the two numbered blank lines under the headline Animals.

T: I’ll play the recording of a conversation. Listen carefully and write the animals you hear on the lines.

Play the recording the first . Students only listen.

Play the recording a second time. This time students listen and write the animals.

Check the answers.


1. koalas 2. dolphins

Step III. 2b

Point to the words in the box. Read them to the class or have a student read them instead. Draw students’ attention to the conversation with blank lines.

T: I’ll play the same recording once again. You are to listen and complete the conversation with the words in the box . Some words may be used more than once. Point out the sample answers. Play the recording for students to finish the conversation. Use the pause button if necessary.

Go over the answers.


(1)koalas (2)koalas (3)very (4)dolphins (5)dolphins (6)kind of

Call students’ attention to the pictures with elephants in them. Let students read the sentences in the speech bubbles. At the same time write them on the blackboard.

Underline the words kind of and very.

Tell students to look at the elephants carefully. Try to find out the difference between kind of and very themselves. Use the following scale to help explain their meaning:

Kind of very

50% 50%

(This activity gives students listening and writing practice using the target language.)

Step IV. 2c

Point to the box . Allow students some time to read the words on their own or with a partner. Move around the room to make sure all the students know the meaning of each word.

Call attention to the conversation in the speech bubble. Invite two students to read it to the class.

Write the conversation on the blackboard.

T: Please make conversations using the words in the box . Please work in pairs.

As students work in pairs, teacher walks around the classroom offering language support.

Ask several pairs of students to act out their conversations.

(This activity provides oral practice using the target language.)

Step V. Grammar Focus

Invite two pairs of students to read the questions and answers to the class.

Write them on the blackboard. Remind students the difference of kind of and very. Get students to make sentences to get a further understanding.

Step VI. Summary

In this class we’ve mainly learned the words kind of and very. And we’ve done much listening and oral practice using the target language: Why do you like pandas? Because they’re kind of /very cute.

Step VII. Homework

Recite the conversation in 2b.

Make a sentence using kind of and very respectively.

Step VIII. Blackboard Design


The Third Period

Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge and Ability Objects

(1)Key Vocabulary

Africa, bingo

(2)Target Language:

---Where are lions from?

---Lions are from Africa.

(3)Improve students’ reading writing and listening skills.

(4)Train students’ reading, writing and listening skills.

2. Method Objects in Teaching

(1)Practising method.

(2)A game.

3. Moral Object

Let’s love and protect all the animals.

Teaching Key Points

1. Key vocabulary.

2. Target language.

3. Where questions.

Teaching Difficulties

1. Where questions.

2. Improve students’ spoken English.

Teaching Aids

1. A multimedia.

2. Maps of China, Australia and South Africa.

Teaching Procedures

Step I. Greetings and Revision

Greet the whole class au usual.

Check homework first. Ask several students to share their sentences made with kind of and very with the whole class. Then let students hand in their papers to write a comment before returning them.

Ask different students questions to practice expressing preferences and give reasons.

T: What kind of animals do you like , Xiao Ming?

S1: I like pandas.

T: Why?

S1: Because they are very interesting.

T: Do you like lions, Ling Ling?

S2: No, I don’t like them.

T: Why?

S: Because they are not very smart.

Step II. 3a

Show the maps of China, Australia and south Africa on the screen by a multimedia.

Encourage students to name the three countries according to the shapes of the maps.

Point to each map, and say: China , Australia and South Africa. Have students repeat several times. At the same time write the country names on the blackboard.

Call students’ attention to the pictures in 3a .

T: Look at the pictures. Match the animals and the countries they’re from.

Get students to do the activity on their own.

G over the answers.




South Africa------lion

(This activity gives students reading practice using the target language.)

Step III. 3b

Point to the conversation in the speech bubbles. Get a pair of students to read it to the class. Write the conversation on the blackboard.

T: Please work with a partner. Make conversations similar to the sample one using the animals and countries in 3a.

As students are working in pairs, move around the classroom checking their progress.

Ask some students to say their conversations to the class.

(This activity gives students an opportunity to improve their spoken English.)

Step IV. 4

Point to the word box . Go over the names of countries and animals.

Call students attention to the blank Bingo box.

T: Now I’ll ask every student to choose nine words from the word box and write them on the Bingo board. In this way , everyone has a different Bingo box. Now I’ll play a recording of three conversations . Listen carefully and cross out the words you hear. When you get a row of words vertically, horizontally or from corner to corner, say BINGO. The first to get a row of words in any direction wins the game.

Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.

Play the recording again. This time ask students to cross out words on the tape.

Continue the game until three students win the game.

Check the answers by replaying the tape.


Answers will vary.

Step V. Summary

T: In this class we’ve learned three country names. They’re China, Australia and South Africa.

Then we’ve practiced using the target language: Where are lions from? Lions are from Africa.

Step VI. Homework

Each student asks several classmates this question: Where are you from? Students being asked answer: I’m from the city of Wuhan, Hubei Province, etc.


The Fourth Period

Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge and Ability Objects

(1)Key Vocabulary:

Ugly, friendly, shy, dog , clever, beautiful, other

(2)Target Language:

---What animals do you like?

---I like elephants. They’re cute.

---What other animals do you like?

---I like dogs, too.


---Because they’re friendly and clever.

(3)Train students’ listening skill.

(4)Train students’ communicative competence.

2. Method Objects in Teaching

(1) Listening method.

(2) Practicing method.

(3) Pairwork.

3. Moral Object

Some animals are used to do work for mankind, for example, elephants. Others are used to entertain people, for example, dolphins. Animals are friends of us mankind. We have to treasure them.

Teaching Key Points

1. Key vocabulary.

2. Target language.

Teaching difficulties

1. Listen and circle the description words in conversations.

2. What questions.

Teaching Aids

1. A tape recorder.

2. Pictures of different kinds of animals.

3. A bag.

Teaching Procedures

Step I. Revision

Briefly review the target language learned in the previous class. Ask different students the question: Where are you from? Encourage them to answer the question truly. Check the answers to the exercises of the workbook.

Step II. 1

Call students’ attention to the numbered description words in the box. Teach students to practice them one by one and explain some of them. Then ask them to look at the animals beneath the words and say the name of each one.

T: Now please match the description words and the animals individually.

Give students some time to do the activity on their own. Check the answers on the blackboard.


1. b 2. h 3. g 4. e 5. d 6. f 7. c 8. a

Other correct answers are possible.

(This activity introduces more key words.)

Spend a moment reviewing the description words in 1a.

T: Now I’ll play the recording of a conversation between Tony and Maria. You’re to listen and circle the description words on the list for 1a.

Play the recording. Tell students to circle the adjectives they hear on the tape. Play the recording a second time if necessary. Go over the answers.

Step IV. 2b

Point to the chart with the headlines Animal, Maria’s Words and Tony’s Words.

T: I’ll play the same recording again. You’re to listen and fill in the chart with the animals Maria and Tony talk about and the adjectives they use to describe the animals.

Play the recording the first time. Students only listen to get a general idea on how to fill in the chart .

Play the recording a second time. Students listen and write the animals and the description words in the chart. Use the pause button when necessary.

Check the answers.


Animal Maria’s Words Tony’s Words

elephants interesting ugly


Pandas beautiful cute


(This activity provides listening and writing practice using the target language.)

Step V. 3

Call students’ attention to the conversation in the box. Invite a pair of students to read it to the class.

Write the conversation on the blackboard.

T: Please make similar conversations using the animals and the description words in Activity 1. Get two students to give a demonstration to the class before the oral pairwork starts. Get students to work in pairs to talk about the animals they know. As they work, move around the room checking on progress.

Ask several pairs of students to present their conversations to the class.

(This activity provides oral practice using the target language.)

Step VI. Summary

T: In this class we’ve learned some adjectives to describe animals, such as ugly, friendly, intelligent. Then we’ve practiced talking about animals using these adjectives.

Step VII . Homework

Get students to write out a similar conversation to the one in Activity 3 as consolidation.

Step VIII. Blackboard Design


The Fifth Period

Teaching Aims Ability Objects

1. Knowledge and Ability Objects

(1)Key Vocabulary:

grass, sleep, during, leaf, meat, relax, lazy

(2)Read and write a description of an animal.

(3)Train students’ writing skill.

(4)Train students’ writing skill.

2. Method Objects in Teaching

(1)Teaching by demonstration.

(2)Reading and writing method.


3. Moral Object

Many people have pets at home. And they often have nicknames. In a sense, it shows that people like animals very much. Please love not only pets, but also all kinds of animals, including pandas, tigers, lions and so forth.

Teaching Key Points

1. Key vocabulary.

2. Read and write a description of an animal.

Teaching Difficulty

Train students’ reading and writing skills.

Teaching Aid

A multimedia.

Teaching Procedures

Step I. Greetings and Revision

Greet the whole class as usual.

Briefly review the description words and the target language learned in the previous class.

Ask different students What animals do/don’t you like? Why? Or Why not?

Encourage students to give responses truly.

Step II . 3a

Read the words one by one and have students repeat several times until they can pronounce them fluently and accurately.

Point to the four lettered pictures. Ask a student to name the animals respectively. Call students’ attention to the three descriptions.

T: Look at the descriptions, please. They are designed to describe three of the four animals in the pictures. That’s to say, one of them is not described. Now you’re to read the descriptions carefully. And write the letters of the animals in the blank lines above the descriptions.

Get students to do the activity individually. Move around the classroom answering questions they may have.

Correct the answers.


1. elephant 2. panda 3. koala

(This activity gives students and opportunity to practice reading using the target language.)

Step III. 3b

Point to words in the box. Let a student read them to the class.

Call attention to the description on the right.

Read the paragraph aloud, saying blank at each blank line.

T: You will fill in the blank lines, using from the box. Point out the sample answers.

Get students to compete the paragraph on their own.

As they work, move around the room offering help and answering questions as needed.

Check the answers by asking one or two students to read their completed paragraph to the class.


(1)This (2)Africa (3)years (4)eats (5)lazy (6)sleeps

(This activity provides students with reading and writing practice using the target language.)

Step IV. 3c

T: In this activity, you’re asked to write a description of any animal you like. Please look at the sample version on the blackboard.

Teacher reads the passage to the students and then asks them to guess what kind of animal it is .

T: What’s it ?

Ss: It’s a dolphin.

T: Now please write your own descriptions. You may use the one on the blackboard or the one in 3b as a model.

Have students write their passages individually. Move around the room checking progress and giving language support if necessary.

Ask several students to read their passages to the class.

(This activity provides writing practice using the target language.)

Step V. 4

Ask students to have a careful look at the picture and read the sentences in the speech bubbles.

Divide the class into groups of four.

T: You’ll exchange your descriptions from 3c with other students in your group. Each student will have to guess what animal the other students in your group wrote about, Get students to work in groups. As the groups work , Move around the classroom to make sure all the groups are working smoothly.

(This activity provides oral and listening practice using the target language.)

Optional activity

Instead of playing the game groups, divide the class into teams to have a competition. A student from Team a reads his or her description to the class. Team B guesses what animal he or she wrote about. A correct guess wins. Then change roles. Continue the game until no more animal can be described.

The team with the most points wins.

Step VI. Summary and Homework

T: In this class we’ve mainly learned to read and write descriptions of animals. After class, rewrite the passage written in 3c to make it better.


The Sixth Period

Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge and Ability Objects

(1)Revise all the key vocabulary presented in this unit.

(2)Draw animals and write descriptions about them.

(3)Train students’ writing skill.

2. Method Object in Teaching

Writing method.

3. Moral Object

In Activity 3, we see a beautiful newspaper elephant. It is interesting. Use your head, then you will make something interesting.

Teaching Key Points

1. Revise the key vocabulary presented in this unit.

2. Write descriptions about animals.

Teaching Difficulty

Write descriptions about animals.

Teaching Aids

1. A multimedia.

2. Two small boards.

Teaching Procedures

Step I. Greetings and Revision

Greet the whole class as usual.

Ask several students to take turns describing an animal they like. The rest of the class guess what animals they described.

Step II. 1

Ask students to check all the words they know.

Get students to find out the meanings of the words they don’t know by reviewing the lesson, asking the teacher, asking classmates or looking them up in a dictionary.

Divide the class into three teams---A, B and C. Write A, B and C on the black board. The teacher shows the word cards or pictures one at a time. Whoever puts up his or her hand first has an opportunity to say the word on the card and its Chinese meaning or say the word in the picture and spell it . The student who says or spells the word accurately gets ten points.

The first 100-point team wins the game.

(This activity provides a comprehensive review of all key words presented in this unit.)

Step III. 2

Ask students to write five new words in their Vocab-builder on Page 112. Then ask them to exchange their books with a partner to share the words with each other.

Tell students to read their words aloud to try to memorize them.

(This activity helps students build vocabulary.)

Step Iv. 3

Call attention to the picture and the description of the elephant. Invite a student to read it to the class.

Point to the picture of the koala and the blackboard.

T: Now you’ll write a passage to describe the koala. You may use the one on the left as a model or look back at the passages you’ve learned in the previous class to get extra help.

Get students to write the passage on their own.

Answers to this activity will vary. Put a sample version on the blackboard.

A sample version:

This is Donie. He is a koala. He is three years old. He is from Australia. He is very smart.

(This activity provides writing practice using the target language.)

Step V. 4

Call students’ attention to the pairs of the frames and the boards. Teacher walks to one student with two boards in his/her hands and asks him/her to draw a picture on one of the boards.

T: Can you draw pictures?

S1: Yes.

T: Please draw a monkey on the board, OK?

S1: All right.

Teacher walks to another students holding the other board in his/her hand.

T: Do you like drawing pictures?

S2: Yes.

T: Can you draw a giraffe?

S2: Of course I can .

Teacher asks the student to draw a giraffe on the other board. Then teacher shows the two pictures on the blackboard using multimedia.

T: Please look at the two animals on the screen. What are they?

Ss: A monkey and a giraffe.

T: Quite right. Now you’ll write two passages to describe them. You may do the activity as you did in Activity 3 . Is that clear?

Ss: Yes.

Let students do the work individually.

Move around the room giving them a hand as needed.

Smaple versions:

1. This is Dige. He is a monkey. He is just two years old. He is from Emei Mountain. He is clever.

2. This is Morni. She is a giraffe. She is from Africa. She is four years old. She is very heavy. She is very beautiful. She likes to eat leaves high up on top of the trees. She is very quiet.

(This activity gives students one more opportunity to practice writing using the target language.)

Step VI. Just for Fun!

Ask all the students to look at the cartoon pictures and read the conversation. Then teacher asks students two questions.

T: Do you think the baby chimp cute?

Ss: Yes.

T: Why else might people be look at the chimp?

Ss: Because he is very clever/kind of sky…

Step VII. Summary

T: In this class we’ve reviewed all the key words presented in this unit first. Then we’ve written some descriptions as consolidation.

Step VIII. Homework

T: Memorize all the key words in this unit. Review all the language points and the target language in this unit. Finish off the exercises of the workbook.


Activity and Probe

Goal: This activity is designed for the students to review how to express preferences and given reasons.

Materials: Printed charts


Give out printed charts to class first. They look like this:

Names Animals he/she likes Reasons Animals he/she dislikes Reasons

Divide the students into groups of four. Then students take turns asking their groupmates, What kind of animals do/don’t you like? Why do/don’t you like them? Fill in the charts at the same time. In the end , find out which is the most popular among your group.


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Unit3 Why do you like koalas?

教 學 共 案 公共教案

I. Programmes for the Unit

1.Teachng Goals

(1)Learn to describe animals.

(2)Learn to express preferences and give reasons.

2.Target Language

(1)Why do you like koalas?

Because they’re cute.

(2)They’re pretty interesting.

(3)They’re kind of shy.

(4)They’re very big.

II. Teaching Time

Seven periods.

The First Period

Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge and Ability Objects

(1)Key Vocabulary:

Tiger, elephant, koala, dolphin, panda, lion, penguin, giraffe, zoo, map ,cute smart.

(2)Target Language:

Let’s see the lions.

Why do you want to see the lions?

Because they’re cute.

(3)To train students’ listening and speaking skills.

2. Method Objects in Teaching

(1)Scene teaching method.

(2)Listening method.


3. Moral Object

Animals are good friends to human beings. We must protect them from being hunted or killed.

Teaching key Points

1. Key vocabulary.

2. Target language.

Teaching Difficulties

1. Train students’ listening skill.

2. Train students’ communicative competence.

3. Train student’s ability to express preferences using the target language.

Teaching Aids

1. Pictures of tiger, elephant, koala, dolphin, panda, lion, penguin, giraffe.

2. A multimedia.

3. A tape recorder.

Teaching Procedures

Step I. greetings and revision

Greet the whole class as usual.

Check the answers to go to the exercises of the workbook by asking different students to say their answers to the class. Correct errors if there are any.

Briefly review how to give directions on the street.

T: Suppose I’m a stranger to this city. I want to go to the People’s Hotel(or some other known location to the students). Who can tell me the way to the People’s Hotel?

S: Just go straight and turn right. It’s next to a cinema.

Have one or two students give the teacher the directions.

Step II. 1a

Show the pictures of a tiger, an elephant, a koala, a dolphin, a panda, a lion, a penguin and a giraffe with names beneath on the screen by a multimedia.

Call student’s attention to the map of the zoo showing pictures of animals in 1a. Ask students to name as many animals as they can.

T: Do you like animals?

Ss: Yes.

T: Where do we see them?

T: You are quite right. Now let’s visit a zoo together. Please open your books at Page 13. What animals can you see in the zoo?

Ss: Tiger, elephant, dolphin…

Point out the numbered list of words. Get one student to read them out.

Tell students to match the words with the animals in the picture.

Write the letter of the animal on the blank line after its name.

Point out the sample answers.

Get students to work on their own. As they are working, walk around the room offering help if they need.

Check the answers.


1. b 2. h 3. d 4.a 5.e 6.f 7.g 8.c

(This activity introduces the key vocabulary.)

Step III . 1b

Allow students some time to name the animals in the picture in la again.

T: I’ll play the recordings of three conversations. Look at the list of animals in 1a. Listen to the tape carefully and then check the names of the animals you hear.

Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.

Play the recording again. This time ask students to listen and check.

Check the answers.

Step IV . 1 c

Point to the four description words cute, interesting, fun and smart in the box. Read and explain them one by one to the students.

Focus attention to the conversation on the right. Invite two students to read it to the class.

Write the conversation on the blackboard.

T: Now work with a partner. Start by reading the sample conversation with your partner. Then look at the animals in the picture in 1a and make conversations about them using the words in the box.

As students talk, move around the room checking their work. Offer language support as needed.

Ask several pairs of students to share their conversations with the whole class.

(This activity provides oral practice using the target language.)

Optional activity

First ask each student to think of a country or a region. Then make a list of at least five special animals in the country or the region.

Step V. Summary

T: This class introduces the names of some animals. Do you remember them? Let’s say them aloud together, OK?

Ss: Tiger, elephant, koala, dolphin, panda, lion, penguin and giraffe.

T: In this class we also learn four description words. What are they?

Ss: Cute, interesting, fun and smart.

Write these words on the blackboard while students are saying them.

T: In this class, we’ve also practiced. Expressing preferences using the target language. Please look at the blackboard. Let’s read these sentences together.

Point to the sentences on the blackboard:

Let’s see the lions.

Why do you want to see the lions?

Because they’re cute.

Step VI. Homework

Ask students to memorize the spelling of the key vocabulary learned in this class.


The Second Period

Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge and Ability Objects

(1)Key Vocabulary:

Kind of , animal box

(2)Target Language:

Why do you like pandas?

Because they’re very cute.

Why does he like koalas?

Because they’re king of interesting.

(3)Train students’ listening skill.

(4)Train students’ communicative competence.

2.Method Objects in Teaching

(1)Listening method.

(2)Practicing method.

3.Moral Objects

Dolphins are clever animals. Scientists say that they are very much like humans. So it might be possible to teach them to talk. Do you want to be a person to teach them to talk? Work hard. You will be a successful trainer some day.

Teaching key Points

1. Key vocabulary.

2. Target language.


1. The difference between the words kind of and very.

2. Train students’ listening skill and the communicative competence.

3. Teach students to express preference and give reasons.

Teaching Aids

1. A multimedia.

2. Pictures.

Teaching Procedures

Step I. Greetings and Revision

Greet the whole class as usual.

Ask different students to imitate the typical action or the sound of animals. The rest of the class guess what the animal is.

Step II. 2a

Point to the box on the right. Call student’s attention to the two numbered blank lines under the headline Animals.

T: I’ll play the recording of a conversation. Listen carefully and write the animals you hear on the lines.

Play the recording the first . Students only listen.

Play the recording a second time. This time students listen and write the animals.

Check the answers.


1. koalas 2. dolphins

Step III. 2b

Point to the words in the box. Read them to the class or have a student read them instead. Draw students’ attention to the conversation with blank lines.

T: I’ll play the same recording once again. You are to listen and complete the conversation with the words in the box . Some words may be used more than once. Point out the sample answers. Play the recording for students to finish the conversation. Use the pause button if necessary.

Go over the answers.


(1)koalas (2)koalas (3)very (4)dolphins (5)dolphins (6)kind of

Call students’ attention to the pictures with elephants in them. Let students read the sentences in the speech bubbles. At the same time write them on the blackboard.

Underline the words kind of and very.

Tell students to look at the elephants carefully. Try to find out the difference between kind of and very themselves. Use the following scale to help explain their meaning:

Kind of very

50% 50%

(This activity gives students listening and writing practice using the target language.)

Step IV. 2c

Point to the box . Allow students some time to read the words on their own or with a partner. Move around the room to make sure all the students know the meaning of each word.

Call attention to the conversation in the speech bubble. Invite two students to read it to the class.

Write the conversation on the blackboard.

T: Please make conversations using the words in the box . Please work in pairs.

As students work in pairs, teacher walks around the classroom offering language support.

Ask several pairs of students to act out their conversations.

(This activity provides oral practice using the target language.)

Step V. Grammar Focus

Invite two pairs of students to read the questions and answers to the class.

Write them on the blackboard. Remind students the difference of kind of and very. Get students to make sentences to get a further understanding.

Step VI. Summary

In this class we’ve mainly learned the words kind of and very. And we’ve done much listening and oral practice using the target language: Why do you like pandas? Because they’re kind of /very cute.

Step VII. Homework

Recite the conversation in 2b.

Make a sentence using kind of and very respectively.

Step VIII. Blackboard Design


The Third Period

Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge and Ability Objects

(1)Key Vocabulary

Africa, bingo

(2)Target Language:

---Where are lions from?

---Lions are from Africa.

(3)Improve students’ reading writing and listening skills.

(4)Train students’ reading, writing and listening skills.

2. Method Objects in Teaching

(1)Practising method.

(2)A game.

3. Moral Object

Let’s love and protect all the animals.

Teaching Key Points

1. Key vocabulary.

2. Target language.

3. Where questions.

Teaching Difficulties

1. Where questions.

2. Improve students’ spoken English.

Teaching Aids

1. A multimedia.

2. Maps of China, Australia and South Africa.

Teaching Procedures

Step I. Greetings and Revision

Greet the whole class au usual.

Check homework first. Ask several students to share their sentences made with kind of and very with the whole class. Then let students hand in their papers to write a comment before returning them.

Ask different students questions to practice expressing preferences and give reasons.

T: What kind of animals do you like , Xiao Ming?

S1: I like pandas.

T: Why?

S1: Because they are very interesting.

T: Do you like lions, Ling Ling?

S2: No, I don’t like them.

T: Why?

S: Because they are not very smart.

Step II. 3a

Show the maps of China, Australia and south Africa on the screen by a multimedia.

Encourage students to name the three countries according to the shapes of the maps.

Point to each map, and say: China , Australia and South Africa. Have students repeat several times. At the same time write the country names on the blackboard.

Call students’ attention to the pictures in 3a .

T: Look at the pictures. Match the animals and the countries they’re from.

Get students to do the activity on their own.

G over the answers.




South Africa------lion

(This activity gives students reading practice using the target language.)

Step III. 3b

Point to the conversation in the speech bubbles. Get a pair of students to read it to the class. Write the conversation on the blackboard.

T: Please work with a partner. Make conversations similar to the sample one using the animals and countries in 3a.

As students are working in pairs, move around the classroom checking their progress.

Ask some students to say their conversations to the class.

(This activity gives students an opportunity to improve their spoken English.)

Step IV. 4

Point to the word box . Go over the names of countries and animals.

Call students attention to the blank Bingo box.

T: Now I’ll ask every student to choose nine words from the word box and write them on the Bingo board. In this way , everyone has a different Bingo box. Now I’ll play a recording of three conversations . Listen carefully and cross out the words you hear. When you get a row of words vertically, horizontally or from corner to corner, say BINGO. The first to get a row of words in any direction wins the game.

Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.

Play the recording again. This time ask students to cross out words on the tape.

Continue the game until three students win the game.

Check the answers by replaying the tape.


Answers will vary.

Step V. Summary

T: In this class we’ve learned three country names. They’re China, Australia and South Africa.

Then we’ve practiced using the target language: Where are lions from? Lions are from Africa.

Step VI. Homework

Each student asks several classmates this question: Where are you from? Students being asked answer: I’m from the city of Wuhan, Hubei Province, etc.


The Fourth Period

Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge and Ability Objects

(1)Key Vocabulary:

Ugly, friendly, shy, dog , clever, beautiful, other

(2)Target Language:

---What animals do you like?

---I like elephants. They’re cute.

---What other animals do you like?

---I like dogs, too.


---Because they’re friendly and clever.

(3)Train students’ listening skill.

(4)Train students’ communicative competence.

2. Method Objects in Teaching

(1) Listening method.

(2) Practicing method.

(3) Pairwork.

3. Moral Object

Some animals are used to do work for mankind, for example, elephants. Others are used to entertain people, for example, dolphins. Animals are friends of us mankind. We have to treasure them.

Teaching Key Points

1. Key vocabulary.

2. Target language.

Teaching difficulties

1. Listen and circle the description words in conversations.

2. What questions.

Teaching Aids

1. A tape recorder.

2. Pictures of different kinds of animals.

3. A bag.

Teaching Procedures

Step I. Revision

Briefly review the target language learned in the previous class. Ask different students the question: Where are you from? Encourage them to answer the question truly. Check the answers to the exercises of the workbook.

Step II. 1

Call students’ attention to the numbered description words in the box. Teach students to practice them one by one and explain some of them. Then ask them to look at the animals beneath the words and say the name of each one.

T: Now please match the description words and the animals individually.

Give students some time to do the activity on their own. Check the answers on the blackboard.


1. b 2. h 3. g 4. e 5. d 6. f 7. c 8. a

Other correct answers are possible.

(This activity introduces more key words.)

Spend a moment reviewing the description words in 1a.

T: Now I’ll play the recording of a conversation between Tony and Maria. You’re to listen and circle the description words on the list for 1a.

Play the recording. Tell students to circle the adjectives they hear on the tape. Play the recording a second time if necessary. Go over the answers.

Step IV. 2b

Point to the chart with the headlines Animal, Maria’s Words and Tony’s Words.

T: I’ll play the same recording again. You’re to listen and fill in the chart with the animals Maria and Tony talk about and the adjectives they use to describe the animals.

Play the recording the first time. Students only listen to get a general idea on how to fill in the chart .

Play the recording a second time. Students listen and write the animals and the description words in the chart. Use the pause button when necessary.

Check the answers.


Animal Maria’s Words Tony’s Words

elephants interesting ugly


Pandas beautiful cute


(This activity provides listening and writing practice using the target language.)

Step V. 3

Call students’ attention to the conversation in the box. Invite a pair of students to read it to the class.

Write the conversation on the blackboard.

T: Please make similar conversations using the animals and the description words in Activity 1. Get two students to give a demonstration to the class before the oral pairwork starts. Get students to work in pairs to talk about the animals they know. As they work, move around the room checking on progress.

Ask several pairs of students to present their conversations to the class.

(This activity provides oral practice using the target language.)

Step VI. Summary

T: In this class we’ve learned some adjectives to describe animals, such as ugly, friendly, intelligent. Then we’ve practiced talking about animals using these adjectives.

Step VII . Homework

Get students to write out a similar conversation to the one in Activity 3 as consolidation.

Step VIII. Blackboard Design


The Fifth Period

Teaching Aims Ability Objects

1. Knowledge and Ability Objects

(1)Key Vocabulary:

grass, sleep, during, leaf, meat, relax, lazy

(2)Read and write a description of an animal.

(3)Train students’ writing skill.

(4)Train students’ writing skill.

2. Method Objects in Teaching

(1)Teaching by demonstration.

(2)Reading and writing method.


3. Moral Object

Many people have pets at home. And they often have nicknames. In a sense, it shows that people like animals very much. Please love not only pets, but also all kinds of animals, including pandas, tigers, lions and so forth.

Teaching Key Points

1. Key vocabulary.

2. Read and write a description of an animal.

Teaching Difficulty

Train students’ reading and writing skills.

Teaching Aid

A multimedia.

Teaching Procedures

Step I. Greetings and Revision

Greet the whole class as usual.

Briefly review the description words and the target language learned in the previous class.

Ask different students What animals do/don’t you like? Why? Or Why not?

Encourage students to give responses truly.

Step II . 3a

Read the words one by one and have students repeat several times until they can pronounce them fluently and accurately.

Point to the four lettered pictures. Ask a student to name the animals respectively. Call students’ attention to the three descriptions.

T: Look at the descriptions, please. They are designed to describe three of the four animals in the pictures. That’s to say, one of them is not described. Now you’re to read the descriptions carefully. And write the letters of the animals in the blank lines above the descriptions.

Get students to do the activity individually. Move around the classroom answering questions they may have.

Correct the answers.


1. elephant 2. panda 3. koala

(This activity gives students and opportunity to practice reading using the target language.)

Step III. 3b

Point to words in the box. Let a student read them to the class.

Call attention to the description on the right.

Read the paragraph aloud, saying blank at each blank line.

T: You will fill in the blank lines, using from the box. Point out the sample answers.

Get students to compete the paragraph on their own.

As they work, move around the room offering help and answering questions as needed.

Check the answers by asking one or two students to read their completed paragraph to the class.


(1)This (2)Africa (3)years (4)eats (5)lazy (6)sleeps

(This activity provides students with reading and writing practice using the target language.)

Step IV. 3c

T: In this activity, you’re asked to write a description of any animal you like. Please look at the sample version on the blackboard.

Teacher reads the passage to the students and then asks them to guess what kind of animal it is .

T: What’s it ?

Ss: It’s a dolphin.

T: Now please write your own descriptions. You may use the one on the blackboard or the one in 3b as a model.

Have students write their passages individually. Move around the room checking progress and giving language support if necessary.

Ask several students to read their passages to the class.

(This activity provides writing practice using the target language.)

Step V. 4

Ask students to have a careful look at the picture and read the sentences in the speech bubbles.

Divide the class into groups of four.

T: You’ll exchange your descriptions from 3c with other students in your group. Each student will have to guess what animal the other students in your group wrote about, Get students to work in groups. As the groups work , Move around the classroom to make sure all the groups are working smoothly.

(This activity provides oral and listening practice using the target language.)

Optional activity

Instead of playing the game groups, divide the class into teams to have a competition. A student from Team a reads his or her description to the class. Team B guesses what animal he or she wrote about. A correct guess wins. Then change roles. Continue the game until no more animal can be described.

The team with the most points wins.

Step VI. Summary and Homework

T: In this class we’ve mainly learned to read and write descriptions of animals. After class, rewrite the passage written in 3c to make it better.


The Sixth Period

Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge and Ability Objects

(1)Revise all the key vocabulary presented in this unit.

(2)Draw animals and write descriptions about them.

(3)Train students’ writing skill.

2. Method Object in Teaching

Writing method.

3. Moral Object

In Activity 3, we see a beautiful newspaper elephant. It is interesting. Use your head, then you will make something interesting.

Teaching Key Points

1. Revise the key vocabulary presented in this unit.

2. Write descriptions about animals.

Teaching Difficulty

Write descriptions about animals.

Teaching Aids

1. A multimedia.

2. Two small boards.

Teaching Procedures

Step I. Greetings and Revision

Greet the whole class as usual.

Ask several students to take turns describing an animal they like. The rest of the class guess what animals they described.

Step II. 1

Ask students to check all the words they know.

Get students to find out the meanings of the words they don’t know by reviewing the lesson, asking the teacher, asking classmates or looking them up in a dictionary.

Divide the class into three teams---A, B and C. Write A, B and C on the black board. The teacher shows the word cards or pictures one at a time. Whoever puts up his or her hand first has an opportunity to say the word on the card and its Chinese meaning or say the word in the picture and spell it . The student who says or spells the word accurately gets ten points.

The first 100-point team wins the game.

(This activity provides a comprehensive review of all key words presented in this unit.)

Step III. 2

Ask students to write five new words in their Vocab-builder on Page 112. Then ask them to exchange their books with a partner to share the words with each other.

Tell students to read their words aloud to try to memorize them.

(This activity helps students build vocabulary.)

Step Iv. 3

Call attention to the picture and the description of the elephant. Invite a student to read it to the class.

Point to the picture of the koala and the blackboard.

T: Now you’ll write a passage to describe the koala. You may use the one on the left as a model or look back at the passages you’ve learned in the previous class to get extra help.

Get students to write the passage on their own.

Answers to this activity will vary. Put a sample version on the blackboard.

A sample version:

This is Donie. He is a koala. He is three years old. He is from Australia. He is very smart.

(This activity provides writing practice using the target language.)

Step V. 4

Call students’ attention to the pairs of the frames and the boards. Teacher walks to one student with two boards in his/her hands and asks him/her to draw a picture on one of the boards.

T: Can you draw pictures?

S1: Yes.

T: Please draw a monkey on the board, OK?

S1: All right.

Teacher walks to another students holding the other board in his/her hand.

T: Do you like drawing pictures?

S2: Yes.

T: Can you draw a giraffe?

S2: Of course I can .

Teacher asks the student to draw a giraffe on the other board. Then teacher shows the two pictures on the blackboard using multimedia.

T: Please look at the two animals on the screen. What are they?

Ss: A monkey and a giraffe.

T: Quite right. Now you’ll write two passages to describe them. You may do the activity as you did in Activity 3 . Is that clear?

Ss: Yes.

Let students do the work individually.

Move around the room giving them a hand as needed.

Smaple versions:

1. This is Dige. He is a monkey. He is just two years old. He is from Emei Mountain. He is clever.

2. This is Morni. She is a giraffe. She is from Africa. She is four years old. She is very heavy. She is very beautiful. She likes to eat leaves high up on top of the trees. She is very quiet.

(This activity gives students one more opportunity to practice writing using the target language.)

Step VI. Just for Fun!

Ask all the students to look at the cartoon pictures and read the conversation. Then teacher asks students two questions.

T: Do you think the baby chimp cute?

Ss: Yes.

T: Why else might people be look at the chimp?

Ss: Because he is very clever/kind of sky…

Step VII. Summary

T: In this class we’ve reviewed all the key words presented in this unit first. Then we’ve written some descriptions as consolidation.

Step VIII. Homework

T: Memorize all the key words in this unit. Review all the language points and the target language in this unit. Finish off the exercises of the workbook.


Activity and Probe

Goal: This activity is designed for the students to review how to express preferences and given reasons.

Materials: Printed charts


Give out printed charts to class first. They look like this:

Names Animals he/she likes Reasons Animals he/she dislikes Reasons

Divide the students into groups of four. Then students take turns asking their groupmates, What kind of animals do/don’t you like? Why do/don’t you like them? Fill in the charts at the same time. In the end , find out which is the most popular among your group.
