高考英語復習(一)高二英語Unit 4-unit 6語言點(人教版高二英語上冊教案教學設計)

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Unit 4

1 intention n. 計劃;目的 意圖 [C][U][(+of)][+to-v]

I began reading with the intention of finishing the book, but I never did.


He has no intention of marrying yet. 他還沒有要結婚的打算。

What is your intention? 你的意圖究竟是什么?


by intention 故意

have no intention of doing ... 無意做...

with the intention of 抱有...目的, 打算

with the best of intentions 好心好意, 出于一片好心

without intention 無意中, 不是故意地

2 call up 召集;動員 ;使人想起 (= call upon)

call for 需要;要求;值得: to call for bid 招標

The occasion calls for a cool head. 這種場合需要冷靜的頭腦。

call back召回; 收回; 取消; 撤銷; 回想, 回憶; 回電話

call in收集; 收回(貨幣)不再流通; 邀請

call off 取消; 叫走; 使轉移

call on拜訪; 要求, 請求, 招致; 指名

call out大聲喊叫; 召集; 命令(工人)罷工; 使躍出; 向...挑戰; 要求和...

3 stand out 突出; 出色; 顯著 ; 堅持;支撐

to stand out a crisis 挨過危機

stand as 作(侯選人)競選

stand by 袖手旁觀 ;站在一起, 幫助 ;維持, 遵守

stand for代表, 象征, 意味著 ;支持, 主張, 贊成 ;參加...的競選 ;[口]容忍

stand to 守(約, 條件等); 繼續做下去; 準備行動; 堅決主張; 堅持; 進入陣地

stand up against 抵抗, 反對, 同...對抗

stand up for 擁護, 辯護

4 absence n.不在,缺席[U][C][(+from)]

She never speaks ill of anyone in his or her absence.她從不乘人不在時說別人的壞話。


The absence of color in that drawing makes it dull.那幅畫因沒有著色而顯得晦暗。

in the absence of 缺乏...時; 當...不在時

leave of absence 請假, 準假

absence of mind 精神不集中; 心不在焉

5 come into being:形成, 產生

相關歸納:(1)come into power 上臺、掌權、執政

Eg. This government came to/into power in 1998.本政府于1998 年執掌政權。

(2)come into effect 實行;實施;生效

Eg. The law came into effect on October 15.那項法律于10月15日生效。

(3)come into use 開始被使用

Eg. The telephone first came into use in the 1870s.電話在19世紀70年代開始使用。

(4)come into sight/view 可以望見;出現在眼前

Eg. As we rounded the bend the lake came into view.我們轉過彎,那個湖泊就展現在我們眼前了。

come into fashion 開始流行

come to涉及;談及

When it comes to politics I know nothing. 談到政治,我一無所知。

獲致;到達;結束 They came to the conclusion that they had made an unforgivable mistake. 他們得到的結論是他們犯了一個不可饒恕的錯誤。

The water came to my waist. 水已達我的腰部。

總共;共計 The bill came to $5.50. 賬款共計5美元50美分。

突然想起 Suddenly the words of the song came to me. 我猛然想起了這首歌的歌詞。

come to oneself (昏迷后)蘇醒過來; 恢復理性, 停止胡鬧

to come 未來的, 將要到來的

come across偶然碰見; 無意中找到 ;出現于, 想到

come about發生; (風等)改變方向; 轉帆, 轉航向

How come? [口]為什么? 怎么會? 怎么搞的?

How comes it that? (=How is it that...?) [口]為什么? 怎么回事?

6 apart adv. 分離, 分成零件, 分別地, 分離著

adj. 分開的

apart from除…外;此外 ; 離開

All the children like music apart from Bobby. 除了博比外所有的孩子都喜歡音樂。

The writer lives apart from his family. 作家不與家人同住。

Apart from being too large, the trousers don't suit me.


Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all.


tell ... apart 區分; 分辨(兩種事物)

far apart 離得很遠

7 send for召喚, 派人去拿

Send someone for a doctor.派人去請醫生來。

I send him for some sugar.我派他去買一些糖。

相關歸納(1)send off 送別;發出

go to a station to send a person off 到車站給某人送行

We have sent off all the invitations.我們已經把全部的請帖發出去。

(2)send out 發出,放出;長出

She sent out three hundred invitations.她發出300張請帖。

In spring the trees begin to send out new leaves.春天樹木開始長出新葉。

A fire sends out light and warmth.火發出光和熱。

(3)send in 叫……進來;提交,遞

Send her in.叫她進來。

send in one’s card遞名片

He has sent three paintings in for the exhibition.他已送出三幅畫參加展覽。

8 recommend vt.


Can you recommend me some new books on this subject?


Can you recommend a good dictionary? 你能介紹一本好詞典嗎?


recommend to try a new medicine 建議試服一種新藥

I recommend you to comply with safety regulations.我勸你遵守安全規則。


His proposal has much to recommend it.他的建議有不少可取之處。

Your plan has very little to recommend it. 你的計劃幾乎毫無可取之處。


I recommended my child to her care.我把孩子托付給她照顧。

Unit 5

1 off prep. 在離…海的附近 an island off the coast of southeast 東南沿海的一個島嶼

離開 Keep off the grass. 勿踐踏草坪。

脫離 Take the curtains off their hooks. 把窗簾從掛鉤上取下來。

Two men took the parcel off the plane and carried it into the Customs House.


從…去掉;從…減少 cut a piece off the loaf 從整個面包上切下一塊


The ship was blown off course. 船被吹離了航道。

We are going off the subject. 我們離題了。

adv. 離開, 在遠方, 離去, 分離, 中斷, 完成

far off 遠 a mile off 有一英里遠

only three months off 只要再過三個月(只在三個月前)

fly off 飛去 go off 走掉 get off 脫衣; 下馬

fall off (從馬上)掉下來

take off 脫(衣、帽、鞋等) ;斷掉, 休止

turn off the radio 關掉收音機

take a day off 休假一天

drink off 喝完

leave off work 停止工作

pay off 付清

called off. 取消了。

wear off (精力)衰退; (衣服)漸漸破損

ten per cent off 九折

2 make up 和解;和好 Let's make up讓我們言歸于好吧。

化妝;化裝 She made up her face to look prettier. 她把臉化了妝以便看上去漂亮些。

捏造,虛構(故事、詩等) The boy made up a story; it was not true. 男孩編了個故事,這故事不是真的。

補足;湊足 I tried to make up for my loss我力圖補償我的損失。

整理;收拾 make up a bed 整理床鋪

make up for 補償

How can we make up to you for what you have suffered? 我們如何補償你所遭受的損害?

make for 移向;走向 ;攻擊 (= make at) 造成

If the ship encountered wind force eight, it should make for port. 如果船遇到8級大風,就應當返回港口。

make of理解,推斷

I can't make of what he wants. 我不了解他要什么。

make out 勉強了解 ;開出,寫(支票、賬目等);聲稱;偽裝;把…說成

He immediately sat down and made out a check. 他立刻坐下來開了一張支票。

He makes out he's younger than me. 他聲稱比我年輕。

I could just make out a figure in the darkness我隱約看見黑暗中有個人影

What a strange person she is! I can't make her out at all.她這個人真怪! 我根本無法了解她.

make over 更改;修改 ;〈法〉轉讓財產

Can you make over this old shirt? 你能修改這件舊襯衫嗎?

His wealth was made over to his children. 他的財產已移交他的孩子們了。

make it 及時到達;成功

3 at one point: 一度,在某一時刻

At one point I thought she was going to refuse, but in the end she agreed.


At the point he got up and left the room. 此時他站起來,離開了屋子。

to point: 中肯,扼要,到一點

on the point of: 即將(正要,接近)

off the point: n. 離題

4 make the most of:盡量利用;充分利用

Eg. We should make the most of our opportunities.我們應該盡量利用我們的機會。

相關歸納:(1)make use of 使用,利用

Any citizen can make use of the public library.任何一位公民都可以使用這家公共圖書館。

(2)take advantage of 利用;欺騙

Eg. He took advantage of my kindness. 他利用我的仁慈。

He took full advantage of the school library.他充分利用學校的圖書館。

注意:在take advantage of 結構中,advantage前無冠詞,且其也不用復數。

5 consist vi. (與of 連用) 組成,構成,包括,由…組成

The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.


His job consists of helping old people who live alone.


(與in連用)在于 The beauty of the plan consists in its simplicity.



Theory should consist with practice. 理論應與實踐相一致。

6 consider vt., vi. 考慮;思考

I am considering going abroad. 我正在考慮出國。

The court would not even consider his claim for the old man's legacy.


認為;以為 [后接that 引導的從句] 或(as..., of..., to be...)

I consider it a great honor. 我認為這是極大的榮幸。

We consider that the driver is not to blame. 我們認為這不是司機的過錯。

considerate adj. 對...關心愛護的, 體貼的; 會照顧的(of) 考慮周到的

You might be a thought more considerate of other people. 你該多想著點兒別人.

considerable adj. 值得考慮的, 不可忽視的, 重要的 ;相當(大, 多)的, 可觀的

The TV play received considerable acclaim. 這部電視劇獲得很高評價。

7 country, nation, state:這三個詞都有“國家”的意思,但用法各異。


nation著重指人民,可譯作“民族,國民(總稱)”。例如:the Chinese nation(中華民族)。


Exercises:(1)The king spoke on TV to the ______.

(2)They set up a ______ of their own where they would be free to keep Negroes as slaves.

(3)How many ______ are there in the world?

答案:(1)nation (2)state (3)countries

8 as many \much as 和...一樣多


as if 好像,好似 (= as though)

She spoke to me as if she knew me. 她和我說話的神情,好像她早就認識我似的。

as long as 只要 (= so long as)

You may borrow this book as long as you promise to give it back.


as of 自從;自…起 (= as from)

as of today 從今天起

as to 關于;至于 I don't know anything as to the others. 至于其他,我一無所知。

9 namely adv. (=that is to say)即, 就是, 換句話說

The railroad connects two cities, namely, New York and Chicago.

這鐵路聯接兩個城市, 即紐約和芝加哥。

Only one student passed the exam, namely Peter. 只有一個學生通過了考試,就是彼得。

10 spread vt., vi. spread, spreading


The bird spread its wings. 這只鳥展開翅膀。

Father spread the world map out flat on the floor and tried to find out the town where his son was fighting. "父親把世界地圖平攤在地板上,努力尋找他兒子正在戰斗的小鎮。"

覆蓋;涂敷 spread butter on bread (=spread bread with butter)

She spread the bread with butter. 她把黃油涂在面包上。

分布;分配,分攤 to spread the cost over 3 years 將費用分攤三年



The fire spread from the factory to the houses near by. 火從工廠蔓延到附近的房舍。

The illness spread through the village. 這種病在村里蔓延開了。

The news of victory spread apace. 勝利的消息迅速傳開。

spread to 傳到, 波及, 蔓延到

spread with 在...上面涂抹[鋪蓋, 復蓋]

11 manner n. 方法; 方式; 樣子 ;態度, 舉止; [pl. ]禮貌, 規矩

[pl. ]風俗, 習慣; 生活方式

(藝術、文學的)風格, 手法; 文體

good manners 有禮貌 bad manners 沒禮貌

The manner of presentation is highly important. 介紹的方式很重要。

He had an absent-minded manner. 他表現出心不在焉的樣子。

Mind your manners. 注意禮貌。

She has written a book on the manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians.


It is bad manners to interrupt.打斷別人說話是不禮貌的。

I don't like to talk with him; he has a very rude manner.我不喜歡和他說話,他態度粗野。

His success is in a manner of speaking our success, too.他的成功也可以說是我們的成功.

by any manner of means (=by any means) 以任何可能的方法; 無論如何

by no manner of means 決不, 一點也不

in manner of 以...方式

in a manner (=in a way, in some degree) 在某種意義上; 多少, 有點

in the manner of 照...的式樣; 做出...的樣子

in this manner 如此, 照這樣

12 ruin n. 毀滅, 覆滅; 崩潰; 沒落, 破產;

[pl. ]廢墟, 遺跡; 損失

[只用單]毀滅[敗壞]的原因, 禍根

the ruin of his hopes 他的希望的破滅

fall into ruin 破敗不堪

The building is in ruins. 那建筑物已成斷壁殘垣。

Gambling was his ruin[the ruin of him]. 賭博是他墮落的原因。


be the ruin of 成為...毀滅[墮落]的原因

bring sb. to ruin 使某人失敗; 使傾家蕩產

bring ruin upon oneself 自取滅亡

come to ruin 毀滅, 滅亡; 崩潰; 破壞掉

fall to ruin 毀滅, 滅亡; 崩潰; 破壞掉

in ruins 成為廢墟

ruin oneself 毀掉自己

vt. 毀壞;毀滅;使破產

She poured water all over my painting, and ruined it.


I was ruined by that law case. 我被那場官司搞得傾家蕩產。

Unit 6

1 predict vt.,vi. 預言[報, 示]; 常與that連用)

predict rain for tomorrow 預告明天有雨

She predicted that he would marry a doctor. 她預言他將娶一位醫生

prediction n. 預言[告] 【氣】預測[報]

weather prediction 天氣預報

2 trend n.[C] (海岸、河流等的)走向

The mountains have a western trend.群山向西延伸。

趨勢,傾向;時尚The current trend is towards informal clothing.


the trend of modern living 現代生活的趨勢


The road trends to the north.這條路是向北的。

趨向,傾向Share prices have been trending down.股票價格一直趨向下降。

【習慣用語】 set the trend (在風尚、式樣上)開個頭, 帶個頭

3 indicate vt.


The light above the elevator indicated that the elevator was then at the fifteenth floor.



His hesitation indicates unwillingness.他的猶豫表明不愿意。

I indicated that his help was not welcome. 我表示他的幫助不受歡迎。

Indication n. 指出, 指示, 跡象, 暗示

give an indication of 表示, 象征, 用來襯托(...的大小比例)

The indication is that ... (有)跡象表明

There are various indications that ... 種種跡象表明

4 keep in touch with:與...保持聯絡

相關歸納:(1)get in touch with 和……聯絡,和……接觸

Eg. I got in touch with her. 我跟她聯絡上了。

(2)lose touch with(與……)失去聯系;沒有……的消息,不明……的真相

Eg. He has lost touch with reality. 他與現實脫節。

If we don’t write often, we will lose touch.如果我們不經常通信,我們就會失去聯系。

(3)be in/out of touch with(與……)聯系/失去聯絡,與……脫節

Eg. I’m still in touch with his old friends.我仍然和他的老朋友保持聯系。

I can’t give you advice, because I am out of touch with economic conditions now.


注意:在keep in touch with 和get in touch with結構中,要用介詞in,而在lose touch with結構中不用介詞in。

5 purchase vt.買,購買

He purchased this stamp at an auction.他在拍賣會中購得這枚郵票。


We treasure this dearly purchased victory.我們珍惜這次以慘重的代價換來的勝利。

purchase freedom with blood 以血的代價贏得自由


He worked all summer to save money for the purchase of a piano.



He filled the car with his purchases.他把買的東西裝滿車子。

6 remain vi.[W]

剩下,余留A few pears remain on the trees.樹上尚留有幾顆梨子。

繼續存在Little of the original architecture remains.


(人)留下;逗留She remained in her office all afternoon.她整個下午沒有離開辦公室。


This room remains cool all summer.這個房間整個夏天保持涼爽。

The death of the innkeeper still remains a mystery. 客棧老板之死仍然是個謎。


Several problems remain to be solved.有好幾個問題尚待解決。


The decision remains with the general manager.還得由總經理作決定。


it remains to be seen 尚待分曉

remain in 呆在家里

remain out 呆在外面, 留在戶外

remain up 過了就寢時間還不去睡

remain with 在...的權限內, 屬

【參考詞匯】 remain stay


remain 常可與stay 互換, 但它強調“繼續停留于一處或保持原狀態、情況性質而不改變”, 如: This place remains cool all summer. 這個地方整個夏天都涼爽。

stay強調“某人[物]繼續留在原地而不離開”, 如:

He stayed to see the end of the game. 他一直呆到比賽結束。

7 deal n. 交易, (政治上的)密約, 待遇, 份量, <口> 買賣

vt., vi. dealt, dealing (與with連用)對付;應付

How would you deal with an armed burglar? 遇到持有武器的盜賊,你將如何對付?


I've dealt with this shop for 20 years. 我同這家商店做生意已經有20年了。


a book dealing with West Africa 關于西非的一本書

(常與by, with連用)對待(某人)

dealt honorably by them 受到他的真誠對待

(與in連用)買賣;經銷 [(+in/with)]

a shop that deals in goods of all kinds 經營各種貨物的商店

(常與out, round連用)分配;分發 [(+to/out)]

The Red Cross dealt out food to hungry villagers.紅十字會把食品分發給饑餓的村民。

Who dealt the cards? 誰發牌?

擊 deal sb. a blow 打擊某人

He dealt Jim a blow on the ear.他打了吉姆一記耳光。


make a deal with 與...做成一筆交易; 與...達成協議

do a deal with 與...做成一筆交易; 與...達成協議

That's a deal. 就這么辦, 一言為定。

It's a deal. 就這么辦, 一言為定。

deal in 從事于 ;經營, 做...買賣 ;分給(某人)一份

deal out 分配 ;給予; 執行

deal well with sb. 待某人好

deal with 與...交往(有生意往來) ;應付, 對付; 處理 ;論及, 涉及, 研究

a great deal許多


go on the air 開始廣播 on the air 正在廣播; 開始播送 ;(電子計算機)在運轉中

get off the air [停止]廣播

in the air 在空中 ;(消息等)在傳播, 在到處流行 ;(計劃等)懸而未決 ;(事情)可能發生的

out of thin air 無中生有

up in the air 懸而未決 ;慌亂 ;非常激動; 發怒 非常高興

9 certain adj. [只作表語]確鑿的, 無疑的 ;可靠的

[只作表語, (+of/about)][+(that)][+wh-][+to-v]一定的, 必然的, 有把握的, 確信的; 一定會來到或發生的

[只作定語]某, 某一(些); 相當的, 一定程度的; 一些, 有點兒, 某種

for a certain reason 為了某種理由

a certain Smith 某個叫 史密斯的人

It is certain that two and two makes four. 二加二等于四是確定無疑的。

He is certain to come. 他一定會來的。

There was a certain coldness in her attitude towards me. 她對我的態度有點冷淡。

I'm quite certain of that.對那事我完全可以肯定。

I was certain that he had seen me.我肯定他已看見了我。

A certain person called on you yesterday.昨天有個人來拜訪過你。


be certain of 確信, 深信

be certain to 必然; 一定

be not certain whether... 不能確定是否...

for certain 肯定地, 確鑿地

make certain (of, that) 把...弄清楚, 把...弄確實, 保證

10 cure:可用作動詞(vi.&vt.)和名詞。主要義項有:治療,治愈;矯正,革除;治療法,治療藥;解決方法。

注意:cure不能直接跟雙賓語,而應用cure sb. of sth.。

Eg. The doctor cured him of cancer.醫生治愈了他的癌癥。

What can’t be cured must be endured.[諺]無能為力之事只得忍耐。

a cure for unemployment 解決失業的辦法

11 store vt. 貯存[(+up)]

Water is stored against the dry season.蓄水以備旱季使用。


The cabbages were stored in the basement.包心菜儲藏在地下室里。


容納;蓄有The barn will store five tons of grain.這個谷倉能放五噸糧食。


The grain here is for store.此處的糧食供儲備用。


Another auto store was opened in town yesterday.昨天鎮上又開了一家汽車商行。

貯存品,備用品[P] They deal in household stores.他們經營家庭用品。

豐富,大量[(+of)]He has a great store of confidence.他信心十足。


in store 貯藏著; 備用; 等候著; 必將發生

in store for 就要落到..., 必將發生的, 注定的; 替某人準備著

Who knows what the future has in store for us? 誰知道我們將來會怎么樣?

keep a store 開一個店

lay in stores for 貯備...; 為...準備著

out of store 耗盡, 售完

set great [little, no, not much] store by 重視[忽視, 不重視, 不太重視]

12 combine v. (使)聯合, (使)結合

combine theory with practice 使理論與實踐相結合

combine hydrogen with oxygen 使氫氧化合

Some films combine education with recreation.有些電影把教育與娛樂結合起來。


be combined in 化合成

be combined with 與...結合著

combine with... 把...與...結合起來

13 company n. 公司, 陪伴, (一)群, (一)隊, (一)伙, 連, 連隊


bear sb. company 陪伴某人

keep sb. company 陪伴某人

fall into company with 偶然和...結識

for company 陪著

give one's company 陪某人

have company 有客, 招待客人

in company (with)和...在一起

keep company with 和...常來往

know sb. by his company 觀其友知其人

part company with 與...告別[有分歧; 絕交]

in the company of 在...陪同下

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