book6 unit5 the power of nature全單元教案(新課標版高二英語選修六教案教學設計)

發布時間:2016-12-6 編輯:互聯網 手機版

I.單元教學目標 (技能目標)

talk about volcanoes and the work of volcanologists

practise expressing fear and anxiety

learn the –ing form used as adverbial in a sentence

write about an experience in a nature disaster


1. 功能句式: expressing fear and anxiety.

I was so excited about what I had done and where I was, I forgot my fear.

I was very worried that…

I was very relieved when…

I was trembling almost as much as the ground under my feet.

I was still terrified.

I was so nervous that my whole body was damp with sweat.

I was so anxious that I couldn’t move for a long time.

I had to force myself not to panic.

Then I got up the courage to …


四會詞匯:volcano erupt eruption ash hurricane adventure bore excite evaluate unfortunate unfortunately fountain absolute absolutely fantastic crater potential impress precious novelist cancel effort relieve tremble sweat anxiety anxious panic courage typhoon heaven diverse diversity unique bathe swallow guarantee

詞組:compare …with burn to the ground make an effort make one’s way

glance through vary from … to

3. 語法:the –ing form used as adverbial in a sentence

looking carefully at the ground , I made my way to the edge of the crater.

Having experienced quite a few earthquakes in Hawaii already, I didn’t take much notice.


本單元以the power of nature 為話題,旨在通過本單元教學使學生了解火山爆發,地震,臺風,洪水,海嘯等自然現象,認識到自然的偉大力量,并會用所學詞匯描述在經歷自然災害時的感受,思考人類應對自然災害的態度和方法,提高自我保護意識。

Warming up 通過對火山爆發示意圖的探討激活學生了解與本單元話題相關的背景知識,而后通過討論人類應對自然災害的措施引發學生對本單元話題的思考,激發學生的求知欲,為隨后進行的聽說讀寫打下基礎。

Pre-reading 通過回答問題測試自己是否適合作火山學家,讓學生了解這一陌生職業,為閱讀做好準備。

Reading 部分一味火山學家以第一人稱的形式講述了自己的工作及第一次目睹火山爆發時的情景和心情,描寫了人與自然的斗爭與和諧相處的樂趣,使學生認識到火山是美麗的,


Comprehending 設計了兩種題型:第一題要求學生在閱讀后發表對火山學家這一職業的看法;第二題檢測學生對文章細節的理解。

Learning about language 分為詞匯和語法兩部分。詞匯部分著重從詞的意義用法和表達方


Using language 以語言實踐為目的,包括四個部分的內容。Listening 三位火山學家


Speaking 是listening 的延續。要求學生講述自己類似的經歷,同時在運用中鞏固單詞。

Reading 介紹了旅游勝地the lake of heaven, 培養學生快速獲取信息的能力。Reading

與writing 屬于同一話題,要求根據所給信息寫一篇介紹hot springs 的作文。

Sunning up部分要求學生就火山,火山學家,天池,本單元詞語,-ing形式和表達情感的日常交際用語等方面進行自我評價,判定呢感學習情況。

learning tip 部分介紹單詞記憶方法:利用構詞法或話題分類記憶單詞;利用圖表,圖片等記憶單詞;隨身攜帶生詞本;多



The first period Warming up and pre-reading

1. Warming up

In order to talk about what volcanoes are and how they are formed, students need to learn

Some new words: lava erupt/eruption crater active/dormant/extinct volcanoes

1) Show some pictures of disasters

Ask student to name disasters as much as they know.

Sample answer: cyclone typhoon Hurricane tornado snowstorm landslide

Volcano tsunami earthquake flood hailstorm sandstorm

2) ask them What they feel when they see the power of nature showing in the pictures:

Have you ever experienced one ?

Share you experience and feelings ? (were you frightened and how frightened were you?)

Some expressions tips: scared to death frightened worried

unforgettable unbelievable

3) Have you ever seen a volcano ?

Ask Ss to complete exercise 1 in groups. Then check their answers orally as a whole class.

Ask students to help you make a list of words connected with volcanoes

Discuss with students where in the world active and extinct volcanoes occur.

2. pre-reading

1) Can you tell me who will climb into a live volcano in order to take the temperature

of the boiling rock inside ?

volcanologists--do they take up a crazy job?

2) get the students to answer the six questions in pre-reading to find out whether they will

enjoy working as a volcanologist.

Students could do this activity as a survey by asking others in their class these questions

Or they could do it individually.

3) after they have completed the task, survey the class to find out how many might enjoy

the work of a volcanologist.

their guesses were.

The second period Reading and comprehending

1.First reading

Skinning & skimming

1)Ask students to read through the passage quickly to get a main idea of

the whole passage. Give them a limited time to read the whole passage

in order to encourage them to practice reading for general ideas and to

discourage them from reading word by word

main idea: This passage is a first-person account of a volcanologist’s experiences. The volcanologist described his exciting job and wrote down his first sight of an eruption.

What does a volcanologist do ?( answer in the text )

Then let students do the multiple-choices (見課件)

2)Set Exercise 1 in “comprehending” either as a group or whole-class activity. Explain to students that the purpose of questions like these is to help them develop skills of evaluating a text.

2.Second reading (intensive reading)

Before reading, glance through Exercise 2 on Page35.

Choose some to ask them and check their answers:

1). Why is a volcanologist’s job important ?

Volcanologists study volcanoes so that they can warn people when the volcano

is going to erupt and so save many lives.

2). Why is the lava that flows on Mount Kilauea more dangerous than the actual

eruption ?

The lava flows down the mountain and can cover up or burn villages in its path. the rocks that erupt from the volcano usually don’t damage anything because no one lives the crater.

3). Why was it difficult for the writer to walk towards the edge of the crater ?

The author was wearing special protective clothing that made it difficult

to walk

4). What does the writer find impressive about volcanoes even after studying them for 20 years ?

The author is impressed by the beauty of the eruption and also by its potential to cause great destruction.

3.Third reading (Read again to find more details)

1).what made the author realize that an eruption occurred ?

answer: my bed began shaking

a strange sound

my bedroom became as bright as day

an abosolutely fantastic sight

red hot lava was fountaining hundreds of metres into the air

2).what did the scientists do after the eruption ?

answer: put on white protective suits, helmets, big boots

dropped as closed as possible to the crater

slowly make our way to the edge of the crater

looked down into the red boiling center


Spend some time researching one disaster. You can use books, magazines, newspapers

or the Internet. Collect pictures and diagram and look for information about:

what causes this kind of disaster

actrual events that happened in the past in china and/or the rest of the world

how people helped the victims

what is being done to prevent the disarster happening again or to lessen the damage

The third period Language Points

Explain language points in the reading passage.

1. have you ever considered how weak humans are compared with a volcano,

hurricane or earthquake ?

你是否想過, 和火山,颶風或地震相比人類是何等脆弱。

consider 思考, 主要用于:

consider +名詞/-ing形式:

He is considering studying abroad.他正在考慮出國留學。

Consider + wh-:

We considered how we should help them.我們仔細考慮應該如何幫助他們。

Consider + 副詞:

Consider carefully before you decide.要慎重考慮后再作決定。

2. Do you enjoy taking risks ?

risk n. 風險,危險:

he was taking a risk by overtaking on a bend. 他在轉彎處超車是在冒險。

The house is a fire risk. 這房子有起火的危險


at risk 在危險中:

You are at risk if you don’t wear a seat belt. 不系安全帶真的會有危險。

at the risk of 冒……危險:

At the risk of seeming rude, I must refused your request, I’m afraid.


3.Many houses have been covered with lava or burnt to the ground.


burn to the ground 指樓等被燒毀。例如:

He has no place to live in because his house has been burnt to the ground. 他無處棲身因為他的房子被燒掉了。


burn away 燒掉:

The wood had burnt away to nothing. 木頭已燒成灰燼。

burn down (建筑物) 燒毀:

The cinema burnt down last year.電影院去年被燒毀了。

The school was burnt down by vandals.學校被人縱火燒毀了。

Burn off 燒掉:

He was badly injured in the accident, and his hair was burnt off.


Burn out 燒壞:

The engine had burnt out. 引擎給燒壞了。

Burn up 燒毀,燃得更亮/旺:

The rocket burnt up when it reentered the earth’s atmosphere.


He put more wood in the fire to make it burn up.

他往火上加木材想讓他燒的更 旺。

4. We slowly made our way to the edge of the crater. 我們慢慢向走


make one’s way (向某地)走(去):

She hesitated, but made her way forward. 她猶豫了一下,但向前走去。

She hastily left the room, and made her way to her bed.



make one’s way 還表示“有出息” :

If you want to make your way in the world, you must learn to work hard

while you are still young. 你若想要有出息,趁年輕的時候要學會發奮。

make way (for) 讓路,讓位:

All the traffic has to make way for a fire engine. 所有的車輛都得給救火車讓道。

I shall make way for a younger man .我將把職位讓給更年輕的人。

5. Today , I am just as enthusiastic about my job as the day I first started. 如今, 我和開始從事這項工作時一樣滿懷熱情。

enthusiastic (about) 感興趣的,熱心的:

She seemed enthusiastic about the idea. 她好像對這個主意很感興趣。

We got an enthusiastic response from our customers.


6. She made an effort to be nice to her boss.她努力對老板好些。

effort 可用做不可數名詞,表“力氣”:

It took a lot effort to lift the boxes. 抬起那些箱子要花很大的力氣。

effort 可用做可數名詞,表“費勁的事” “嘗試”:

It was an effort to get up this morning.今天早晨起床很費勁。

Despite all our efforts, we failed. 盡管我們盡了力,我們還是失敗了。

make an effort to do sth 努力做某事:

He made an effort to arrive on time. 他盡量準時到達。

Homework: finish exercises in “learning about language”

The forth period Grammar

Review the usage of –ing form:

1.Write the following pairs of sentences(or other similar ones)on the board.

I was feeling tired. I went to bed early→

feeling tired I went to bed early

I worked hard all day. I went to bed early→

Having worked hard all day, I went to bed early.

2. Ask student to consider when the action in each pair of sentences happened and

Lead them to understand that in the first pair of sentences, the feeling and the

action are happening at the same time; whereas in the second pair, the working all

day happened before he/she was tired

3.Examine the sentences below and discuss in what way the structures similar to each other and in what way they are different

Looking carefully at the ground, I made my way to the edge of the crater.

Having experienced quite a few earthquakes in Hawaii already, I didn’t take much notice.

Having + past participle (the perfect –ing form) to refer to an action that took place before the time expressed by main verb.

4. Read and discuss Exercise 1 in the SB

5. Set Exercise 2. check answers and discuss structures.

6. Set Exercise 3,4 and 5. check answers after each exercise and discuss reasons for

the structures used.

7. 小結-ing 形式的用法

1) –ing 形式作狀語

用法 例句

時間 Walking along the street, I met Mary. (= While I was walking along the street….)在街上走的時候,我遇到了瑪麗。

條件 Turning to the left, you will find the school. (= If you turn to the left, ….)向左走,你就會找到那個學校

讓步 Knowing where I live, he never come to see me .(= Though he knows where I

live, ….)盡管他知道我的住處,但從不來看我。

伴隨 I stood there, waiting for her. (= …, and waited for her.)我站在那兒等她

原因 Being tired , I stopped to take a rest. (= Because I was tired, ….)因為疲倦,我停下來休息。

結果 It rained heavily, causing severe flooding in the area.(= It rained heavily so that it caused severe flooding in the area.)在這個地方雨下的如此大,以至引發了洪災。

2) –ing形式的完成式

2) . 使用-ing形式需注意的幾個問題:



My wife had a long talk with Sally, explaining why she didn’t want the

children to play together我妻子與莎莉談了很長時間,解釋她為什么不想讓

孩子們在一起玩。(現在分詞explaining是句子主語my wife做的動作,它

們之間是主動關系,即explaining的邏輯主語,就是句子的主語my wife 。)

The train having gone, we had to wait another day.(the train邏輯主語 +

having gone 既為獨立主格結構)

②分詞短語做狀語時,前面可以加上連詞或 介詞,但是分詞短語和句子之間不能用并列連詞(如but,and),因為并列連詞接的是兩個并列成分,而分詞短語只是全句的一個狀語部分。分詞和主句之間可用逗號。


誤: Having been told many times,but he still couldn’t understand it.

正: He was told many times, but he still couldn’t understand it.或

Having been told many times, he still couldn’t understand it.



Opening the drawer,he took out his wallet. (=He opened the drawer and took

out his wallet.)他打開抽屜,拿出錢包。

Coming into the room,he put down his bag. (=he came into the room and put

down his bag.)他走進房間,放下提包。

Having brushed his teeth,Mr. Brown came downstairs for breakfast.

布朗先生刷過牙,就下樓來吃早飯。 (此句如寫成:Brushing his teeth,

Mr. Brown came downstairs for breakfast.可能指“邊刷牙,邊下樓’。

④分詞的否定形式是在分詞短語前面加上 not, never等否定詞構成。


Not fearing the fire, the child touched and got a finger burnt.


Not knowing how to find the subway, I asked a policeman for help. 我不知道怎


The fifth period Listening

Listen to three volcanologists talking about frightening experience in their work life. The texts model ways to express feelings of anxiety and fear.

1. First listening

1) Set Exercise 1. Remind students that they are required only to listen to names

of the three scientists and to try to understand the gist of each recount.

2) check answers. Ask students to recall what happened to each speaker, in

general terms only, they are not expected to remember details at this stage.

2.Second listening

1) This time students will be listening for details. Stop the tape after each speaker

and give students time to write their answers. Check answers before moving to

the next speaker.

2) At this point, you could ask students work in groups of three, each taking the role of one of the volcanologists and recounting the story to others in the group. Before

they start, ask them for some useful expressions to talk about fear and anxiety. Write these

on the board and suggest students use these in their recounts.

Eg: I was very worried that…

I was trembling …

I was still terrified.

I was so nervous that …

I was so anxious that…

3.Third listening

This time the students are listening for a different kind of detail. They must listen

for the expressions listed in Exercise 3 in order to identify who said what. These

sentences model ways of expressing fear and anxiety.

1) Having individual students read the sentences aloud to the class. Ask them to try to recall who said each one. Ask them to write their guesses in their books in

the left-hand margin beside the expressions.

2) Play the tape for students to identify the expressions and record the name of the

speaker in the SB. It may be necessary to play the tape more than once. Check

answers by playing the tape and stopping when one of the expression is heard.

3. Ask students to check how many of their guesses were correct. The aim of this is to build students confidence by showing them how much they had understood even before they consciously listened for these expressions.

4. Ex: speaking

Think of a powerful natural force (such as an earthquake, flood, typhoon, storm) that you have experienced. You can use your imagination if you have not experienced any of these things. Tell your partner about your experience and how you felt. Use expressions from Exercise 3 in listening as well as other words and expressions you and your partner have thought of..

The sixth period Using language

This reading passage is written as though it is from a tour guide. It describes some of

the tourist attractions in Changbaishan in Jilin provinc.

1. Ask students to read the title of the passage and then ask whether they have heard of this lake. Spend a few minutes eliciting students’ prior knowledge about


2. Read the questions before reading passage and ask students to read through the passage as quickly as possible.

Changbaishan is the second largest nature reserve in China. (F)

The peak of Changbaishan can reach as high as 2,000 meters. (T)

You can see a lot of black bears, leopards or cranes in Changbaishan. (F)

Tianchi is a lake in the crater of an extinct volcano. (T)

The ancestors of the Manchu people were believed to be good at language and persuasion. (F)

3. Read the questions that appear before the reading passage. As going through each

question discuss which key words are and have students underline them. Point out

that they do not need to understand every word in the passage in order to find the

answers. Instead, they should scan the text quickly looking for underlined keywords in the questions. Once they find a sentence containing a key word, they can read more slowly to see if that sentence contains the answer.

4. Check answers.

5. some explanations:

The height of the land varies from 700 metres above sea level to over 2,000 metres

and is home to a great diversity of plants and animals.

這里的地面高度從海拔700米到2,000多米不等, 是各種各樣的動植物的生長地。

vary v. 呈現不同 ;改變,變化:

My husband varies the vegetables he plants each year.我的丈夫每年都種不同的蔬菜。

vary from…to… 由…到…不等; 從…變為… :

These fish vary in price from 3 to 5.


Her mood varied from optimism to extreme depression.




You need a lot of variety in your diet.



different varieties of bananas


6. Assign writing task: on page40 in the SB

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