上海牛津英語第三冊(上)Unit 3語言點(滬教牛津版高三英語必修三教案教學設計)

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bride[braid]n.新娘 bridegroom n.新郎 gown n.長袍, 法衣, 禮服, 睡袍 banquet n.宴會 florist n.種花人 consultation n.請教, 咨詢, 磋商, [醫]會診 bouquet [bu(:)kei,]n.花束bunch n.串, 束v.捆成一束 limousine[limu(:)zi:n] n.豪華轎車 reception[risepFEn]n.接待, 招待會, 接收 registry .注冊, 登記, 注冊處, 登記處, 船舶的國籍 stationary 固定的 stationery n.文具, 信紙 album n.集郵本, 照相簿, 簽名紀念冊 kettle n.壺, 罐, 釜, 鼓 towel n.手巾, 毛巾 toaster n.舉杯祝賀者 pillow n.枕頭, 枕墊 tablespoon n.大湯匙 champagne n.香檳酒, 香檳色 attendant n.隨從,隨員 eclipse n.食, 日蝕, 月蝕, 蒙蔽, 衰落

Reading (Planning for the perfect wedding)

1 purpose n.目的;意圖(p40)

He went to town with the purpose of buying a new television.


What is his purpose in coming back this time?他這次回來的意圖是什么?

vt. -posed, -posing意欲;企圖;打算

We purpose making another trial / to make another trial.我們打算再試一下。

The government purposed that the project would be carried out before long.


I do not purpose that he will have his own way.我不準備讓他一意孤行。

常用短語:on purpose故意地;為了;特地

I came here on purpose to see you.我特地來這里看你。

for (the) purpose of為的是; 為了....起見; 為了...的目的

to the purpose得要領的, 中肯的; 合適的

to no purpose完全徒勞無益, 毫無結果地, 毫無成效地

2 aim vt., vi.(常與at連用)瞄準;對準

He aimed the gun at the enemy officer.他用槍瞄準了敵軍官。


I aim to be a lawyer.我要當個律師。

He aimed to swim a mile.他的目標是游一英里。

The factory must aim at developing new models of machines.該工廠必須致力于研制新型機械。

3 connection n.連接, 關系, 接線, 線路, 親戚

Do you believe that there's a connection between smoking and heart disease?


We have connections with various international corporations in Europe.


常用短語:in connection with與...有關系, 和(車、船等)聯絡著

in this connection關于這一點, 就此而論

connect vt., vi.(常to, with與連用)連接;結合;連結

Will you connect this wire to the television.你把這根電線和電視機連上好嗎?

"If it is built, it will connect Britain to Europe for the first time in history."


(與with連用)接駁(火車、汽車、飛機 等聯運),換車;銜接

This flight connects with New York one.這班飛機在紐約可接上另一班機。


Connect me with Beijing University.給我接北京大學。


That solitary old man was suspected to be connected with the crime.


常用短語:connect up連起來, 接上

connect with和...有聯系, 和...有關

4 require vt 需要

The floor requires washing.地板該洗了。

Most plants require sunlight.大部分植物需要陽光

I require two children to help me.我需要兩個孩子來幫我的忙。


All passengers are required to show their tickets.所有乘客都必須出示車票。

常用短語:It requires that ...有...的必要

require sth. of sb.對某人有...的要求

require sb. to do sth.要求某人做某事

5 choose vt., vi.chose, chosen, choosing


Who did you choose as the new member of the construction committee?


She chose to study chemistry.她選擇了學化學。

choose three from [among, out of] these books從這些書中選三本書

C-me a good hoe.替我選一把好鋤頭。

決定;拿定主意;愿意, 寧愿 [后跟不定式]

He chose not to go home.他決定不回家了。

His uncle chose to settle in the countryside.他叔父決意在鄉下定居。

chose to fly rather than drive.決定乘飛機去而不是開車去

常用短語:as you choose隨你喜歡; 聽你的便

cannot choose but不得不,只好

choose select pick都含“挑選”、“ 選擇”的意思。

choose 系常用詞, 指“一般的選擇”, 側重“憑個人意志或判斷進行選擇”, 如:

Leave it to you to choose between the two methods.任你在這兩種方法中作出抉擇。

select 強調“在廣泛的范圍內精選、淘汰”, 側重“以客觀為標準進行選擇”, 如:

They're selecting maize seeds.他們在選玉米種。

pick 強調“從個人角度在眾多中進行挑選”, 有時含有“任意選擇”的意思, 如:

pick one's words選詞。

6 costly adj.-lier, -liest


The ring was very costly.這枚戒指價錢很貴。


the costliest war in history歷史上代價最高的戰爭

costly expensive dear valuable invaluable都含“貴的”, “昂貴的”意思。

costly通常指“由于物品華麗、稀少而價格高的”, 如:costly jewels 貴重的寶石。expensive系常用詞, 指“價格超過貨物本身的價值或一般人的購買力”, 如:an expensive book 一本價錢貴的書。dear 指“價格比通常情況或其實際價值高”, 如:Meat is dear these days. 近日肉類很貴。valuable 指“由于有價值很值錢而價格高的”, 如:valuable collections 貴重的收藏品。 invaluable指“價值高得不能以錢來評估的”, 即“無價的”, 如:invaluable aid 寶貴的援助

7 supply vt.-plied, -plying(常與with連用)供給;提供

That company supplies paper to the printers.那家公司向印刷商提供紙張。

Supply n.


Our supplies for this month are in the cupboard.我們這個月的生活用品在櫥子里。

a large supply of food大量的食物


The supply is inadequate to meet the demand.供不應求。

[pl. ]供應品; 生活用品; 補給品 medical -lies醫療用品

常用短語:have a good [large] supply of備有許多

in short supply供應不足


supply ...with向...供應

8 match n.

火柴, 比賽, 競賽, 匹配, (足球, 捧球, 藍球)比賽

v.相配, 相稱, 比賽, 相比, 匹配

vt., vi.相等;發現(找到)相等物

They are equally matched in their knowledge of Chinese.他們在中文的造詣上相等。

This hotel can't be matched for friendliness.這家旅館良好的服務態度是無與倫比的。


These shoes do not match;one is large and the other is small.這雙鞋不相配,一只大,一只小。

It's difficult to match the color of old paint.很難找到和舊畫顏色相配的色彩

常用短語:be no match for比不上, 不是...的對手

match against [with]使與...相競爭

match to使和...相等

suit; fit; suitable



This coat doesn't suit you.這件外套不適合你。(比較:This coat doesn't fit you.這件外套不合你的身。)

fit直接可用作形容詞,常構成be fit for意為“適于;稱職”;suit的形容詞為suitable,be suitable for相當于be fit for。另外:suit常用作名詞,意為“一套/副(衣服等)”:a man's suit包括外套 jacket,背心waist coat和褲子trousers,a woman's suit包括上衣coat和裙子skirt; fit還可作“安裝”解。

9(1) keep away使離開,使站開

(2)keep back阻止,阻擋

The police tried to keep the crowd back from the injured man.



He can keep nothing back from his friends.他向朋友什么也瞞不住。


The boss keeps back $50 a month towards my uniform.老板每月扣我50美元服裝費。

(3)keep down


They are taking steps to keep down the rabbit population.他們采取步驟控制兔子的繁殖增長。


Keep down - they're shooting at us!趴下,他們向我們開槍呢。


I feel ill, doctor, and I can't keep any food down.大夫,我病了,咽不下任何東西。

(4)keep off避開;不接近

Keep off the grass!請勿踐踏草地!

My doctor has warned me to keep off sugar.我的醫生勸我別吃糖。

Keep your dog off me.把你的狗從我這兒拿開!

(5)keep on繼續;保持

He just kept on writing.他正在繼續寫。

(6)keep out


to keep the smoke out不讓煙進來

This coat keeps out the wind.這大衣擋風。

(7)keep out of躲開;置身于…之外

Do you try to keep out of trouble!你得躲開這麻煩。

Keep out of the sun.避免日照。

(8)keep to


He always keeps to his promises.他總是說話算數的。

(9)keep up繼續;堅持

If this rain keeps up the garden will be ruined.如果這雨繼續下,花園就完蛋了。


The high cost of materials keeps up prices.材料的昂貴費用使價格居高不下。

keep up with跟上;不落后;趕上

Don't run - I can't keep up with you.別跑了,我趕不上你了。

10 reserve vt.保留;留下備用;預訂;預約

I have reserved a room for you at the hotel.我已在旅館為你預訂了一個房間。


reserve of food食物儲備

a nature reserve自然保護區

常用短語:in reserve備用的

without reserve無保留地;無條件地

I believe your story without reserve.我毫無保留地相信你說的。

adj.預備的; 后備的; 限制的

a reserve price最低價格

11 be in contact with和...接觸, 有聯系

be out of contact with[脫離接觸, 失去聯系]

bring into contact with使接觸, 使與...聯系

come into (in) contact with接觸, 碰上

have contact with接觸到, 和...有聯系

lose contact with和...失去聯系, 離開

make contact with和...接觸[聯系]

12 resist vt., vi.


the power to resist disease抗拒疾病的能力


She could hardly resist laughing。她真忍不住要笑。

I can't resist baked apples.我頂不住烤蘋果的誘惑。

resist temptation不受引誘

13 ask advice of向...征求意見, 請教

by sb.'s advice依某人勸告

on sb.'s advice依某人勸告

follow sb.'s advice接受某人意見

give advice勸告, 忠告

14 break down

使崩潰;毀壞:break down a partition; broke down our resolve.




broke down and bought a new car; prejudices that break down slowly.



The elevator broke down.電梯出毛病了


Opposition to the king's rule gradually broke down his authority.


To divide into or consider in parts; analyze.


常用短語: (1)break away突然離開; 逃走;脫離; 放棄; 革除拆除, 拆毀

(2)break in闖入; 破門而入;打斷; 插嘴

(3)break into闖入; 潛入; 破門而入;插入; 打斷;開始(某種活動);突然...起來

(4)break off突然停止; 暫停; 休息一下;折斷; 絕交;因頂頭風而改變航向

(5)break off with與...斷絕交往

(6)break out發生; 爆發;然說出[發出, 做出]

(7)break through突破;(在科學研究上)有重大發現;服; 打破

(8)break up成小塊; 拆開; 分解;散;哄堂大笑;(天氣)突然變化; (學校期末)放假

15 keen adj.鋒利的, 敏銳的, 敏捷的, 熱心的, 渴望的 p47


They are rather keen to purchase Chinese goods.他們渴望購買中國貨。

She's keen on sailing.她喜愛駕船。

They are rather keen on your new-type woolens.他們對你的新型毛織品頗感興趣。

Integratated skills

1 compete vi.

競爭(with, in)


對抗(against, with)

compete with other countries for world market與其它國家競爭國際市場

compete in a race參加賽跑

compete with [against] sb. for sth.與某人競爭而獲得某物

The young tennis player has often compete d against famous players, but so far he has always been beaten.那位年輕的網球運動員常與著名球員對抗比賽, 可是到目前為止, 他總是輸的。to compete with others for a prize為得獎與人競爭

2 critical adj.批判的, 批評性的, 評論性的;挑剔的, 對...表示不滿意的

a critical eye挑剔的目光

be critical of sth.對某事表示譴責

3 advantage n.優勢, 有利條件, 利益

常用短語:be of advantage to對...有利

gain\get\have\win an advantage over\of勝過, 優于

give sb. an advantage over使某人處于更有利的地位

take advantage of乘機利用;利用別人的弱點占便宜; 欺騙;

to sb.'s advantage(=to the advantage sb.)對...有利

turn out to sb.'s advantage變得對某人有利

turn sth. to advantage使轉化為有利, 利用某事物

Is there any advantage in getting there early?早到那里是否值得?

It is to your advantage to invest wisely.明智地投資對你很有利

A better education gave us the advantage.良好的教育使我們處于有利地位

take advantage of all educational opportunities.利用一切教育機會

4 point n.點, 尖端, 分數, 要點, 分數; 要點;含義; 用處;用途

We won by 5 points.我們贏了5分。

I don't see the point of waiting for her, she is probably not coming.


What is the point of discussing this issue further?這件事再討論下去有什么意義呢?

There's no point in wasting time.耗時間沒用。

常用短語:in point of 就…而言;關于…:

In point of fact, I never lived at the address stated on the form.


to the point切題的,或與正在討論的事件有關的:

remarks that were to the point; rambled and would not speak to the point.


make a point of特別注意

made a point of visiting their niece on the way home.總是在回家的路上順便看望他們的侄女

on the point of… when…


5 put aside節省(錢、時間);儲蓄;儲存…備用

The young lovers have been trying to put some money aside for their marriage ceremony.


He has a little money put aside for a rainy day.他積蓄了一點錢以備不時之需。


The manager had to put his work aside for a time for an urgent accident.


put away

put off延期;推遲

Don't put off until tomorrow what can be done today.今日可做的事不要拖到明天。

put on假裝;偽裝;增加;添上表演,演出,上演(戲劇);穿上;戴上

"She was a shy girl, but she put on a bold front and went to the party."


So many people wanted to go to the match that another train had to be put on.


put on speed增加速度

He put his coat on.他穿上外衣。

put out熄滅;關熄;撲滅生產;出產;出版

Please put out the light before you go to bed.上床之前請把燈關掉.

put up舉起;抬起;張開(傘)

to put up a tent架起帳篷

Put your hands up!; Put 'em up!舉起手來!

張貼;公布to put up a notice張貼布告

put up with忍受;忍耐;受苦

I can't put up with your hypocricy any more.我再也不能容忍你的虛偽態度了。

"That woman, as a housewife, has a lot to put up with."那個女人是個家庭主婦不得不忍受許多煩惱。

put forward提出提議以供考慮:

put forward a new plan.提出一個新計劃

6 annoy vt.annoyed, annoying使煩惱;使生氣

annoy with生…的氣

annoy at討厭某事

The sound of footsteps on the bare floor annoyed the downstairs neighbors.


常用短語:be annoyed with sb. for sth.對(某人)為(某事)而生氣

be annoyed with sb. at sth.對(某人)為(某事)而生氣

7 deter vt.-rr-


Failure did not deter us from trying it again.失敗并沒有能阻擋我們再次進行試驗。

8 delight vt., vi.給予樂趣;使人高興

I was delighted to be invited to her party.我很高興被邀請參加她的晚會。


She delights in cooking lovely meals.她以烹飪美食為樂。


to laugh with delight高興地大笑

Movies give delight to millions of people.電影使億萬人獲得樂趣。

Singing is her chief delight.唱歌是她的主要愛好。

常用短語:take delight in喜愛, 以...為樂

to sb.'s delight令人高興的是..

. delight in喜愛, 以...為樂

9 as well as conj.既…又:

courageous as well as strong.既健康又勇敢

as well as prep.都:

The editors as well as the proofreaders are working overtime.編輯和校對者都在加班工作

The money will help the scientists conduct research into the cause of cancer as well as helping those who are suffering from cancer.

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