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  本課是九年級全一冊第七單元Unit7 Where would you like to visit? section A(1a—2c)第一課時----聽說課。


  2.本單元的主要任務是學習描述假期的形容詞和有關國家、地點的詞匯以及掌握并使用“Where would you like to visit?I would like to visit _____”.的句型聯系實際情況去進行對話。













  Step1 Revision


  T: What’s the weather like today?

  T: What kind of weather do you like?

  T: I like weather that is sunny, too.

  S1: It’s sunny today.

  S1: I like sunny weather.


  Step2 New lessons


  There are two vacation posters in the picture.What can you see?

  S1: I can see a man.The man is sleeping.

  S2: I can see a man.The man takes a knife.He seems like dangerous.






  Step 3. Summary


  Step4. Homework

  Write down some places where you would like to visit.


  Unit7 Where would you like to visit?

  section A(1a—2c)

  Where would you like to go on vacation?

  I’d like to trek through the jungle.

  I hope to visit Hawaii someday.


  通過本節課的學習,學生基本上又掌握了一些新單詞和用法,特別是熟悉了“Where would you like to go on vacation? I’d like to trek through the jungle.I hope to visit Hawaii someday.”的句型,對學生練習對話起到很大的作用。但是學生沒有平時開口說英語的習慣,以致叫學生練習對話時顯得不夠積極,從而導致生生活動范圍狹小,在以后的課堂上需要加強學生的對話練習。





  英語教學是一門科學,也是一門藝術。英語課堂教學是英語教學的根基所在。 “問渠哪得清如許,為有源頭活水來”英語課堂教學的源泉來自于英語課堂教學設計。 英語教學設計就是英語教師根據正確的教學思想和英語教育原理, 按照一定的教學目的和要求,針對具體的教學對象和教材,對英語教學的整個程序及其具體環節、 總體結構及其有關層面所作出的預期的行之有效的策劃。 一個好的教學設計,它能精心安排教學步驟,巧妙設計教學內容,適當使用教學手段,靈活運用教學方法,合理分配教學時間,使教師如嘗甘露。使學生如沐春風,教師的教和學生的學相得益彰,和諧融洽。通過多年的教學實踐, 筆者認為,教師在備課過程中,用系統的方法對這些要素進行合理的安排和計劃,叫作課堂教學設計。通過這樣的設計,使諸要素之間聯結起來,促進教學的系統化,有利于提高教師處理各種教學信息的能力,有利于教師全面、客觀地認識教學,并不斷改進和完善課堂教學。可以說,實施課堂教學設計是改善課堂教學的一種更高層次教學的探索,是提高課堂教學質量和效率的一項必要工作。



  ⑴教學目標。教學目標是期望學生在完成學習任務后達到的程度,是預期的教學成果,是組織、設計、實施和評價教學的基本出發點。教學目標 teaching aims可分為長期目標和近期目標。長期目標被稱為教育目標 educational objectives,如英語教學中“培養良好的語感”,“加深對目的語文化的了解”,“培養邏輯思維能力”,“培養愛國主義精神”等等,這些無法在具體教學中一次性實現,而是長期努力的方向。近期目標被稱為教學目標instructionalobjectives,這一目標,主要確定一節課教什么內容,通過那些活動方式來學習。教學目標通常用可以觀察得到的學生行為變化的語言來表述。正如加涅( gagne, r. m. )所著《教學設計原理》一書中所指出的那樣: 設計者開始任何教學,設計以前必須能回答的問題是“經過教學之后學習者將能做哪些他們以前不會做的事?” 或者 “教學之后學習者將會有何變化?”


  ⑶教學評價。所謂教學評價就是教師在教學過程中及結束時,利用多種方法,按照教學目標,對教學活動所引起的學生的變化進行價值判斷,對所實施的教學活動進行評定。它在課堂英語教學中的作用主要表現在:1.對課堂教學進行反思與改善。通過教學評價,獲得反饋信息,找出進一步提高和改善教學的途徑。2.激發學生學習的動機、興趣。 學習必須有動機,動機促進興趣,興趣激勵努力學習,努力學習才能有進步。通過評價,學生明確了自己的成功和不足,成功的喜悅進一步增強學習動機,對不足之處的分析亦能使他們不斷改進學習方法。





  “有趣味、有吸引力的東西使識記的可能性幾乎增加一倍半。”( 前蘇聯教育家科羅廖夫語) 興趣是教學的潛力所在,興趣的培養與教師的積極引導和教學藝術是分不開的。教師應根據英語學科的特點和學生年齡的特征,采用靈活多樣的教學手段和教學方法,創設豐富多彩的教學情景,這有利于引起學生學習的動機,激發他們的學習興趣,從而調動全體學生英語學習的積極性。 這樣,學生就能從被動接受轉化為主動參與, 由“要我學”轉變到“我要學”。


  英語教學的實質是交際。課堂教學并非是“我教你學”,而是師生之間,學生之間的交流;課堂教學活動是通過交際使學生認識英語,掌握英語,形成運用英語的能力;課堂教學中師生雙方的認知活動是相互依存,相互作用的,教學雙方都為對方提供信息,教學就是為了促進交流,以上三個層面英語稱為 teaching is of communication, by communication and for communication. 鑒于此 ,教師在課堂教學設計時,要注意設置有意義的語言情景,安排各類課堂教學活動,pair work, group work, task-based activities, role play等等,引導學生運用所學的語言和知識進行交際,為了使英語課堂教學活動盡量體現真實的交際,教師在設計時要創造“信息溝”( information gap ),使學生感到進行交際活動的必要性。



  (一)設疑提問法。設疑與提問是英語教學課堂調控的常規武器。它是促進師生之間信息交流反饋,推動教學流程迅速向前拓展的重要契機。對于學生來說,它還具有多種教育心理功能:既能激發學生興趣,集中學習注意力,又能誘發積極思考,培養思維能力和習慣,啟迪聰明智慧,還能充分訓練口頭表達能力。作為教師,可以通過提問來檢查和了解學生的理解程度, 鼓勵和引導學生深入思考問題,復習鞏固運用所學到的語言知識。可以說,英語課堂調控的起承轉合, 在很大程度上取決于設疑提問的精心運籌;

  (二)對話法。語言交際的主要方式是對話,對話也是英語課堂教學的重要授課方法。 在課內模擬真實、 半真實對話能夠克服課內書本學習與實際交際存在的巨大差距。 如今教科書上的許多課文都采取對話形式,以便鼓勵學生踴躍參加活動,能比較自然的使用英語。對話方式可分為兩人小組對話、男女生對話、 小組間對話、 師生對話、 自由對話等;

  (三)游戲法。在英語課堂中恰當的運用游戲,能有效的調節課堂氣氛, 吸引學生主動參與課堂教學活動,使英語教學變得更生動、豐富,使課堂變得有趣、活潑。游戲設計可以有:①快速反應;②競賽評獎;③角色扮演;④聽說訓練。授新課時,穿插一些游戲,如比賽、表演等,以分散難點,降低難度, 使學生們能在愉快的游戲中不知不覺學到知識;

  (四)競賽法。利用學生好勝心強的特點,在課堂游戲中引入競爭機制。如:在進行模仿性游戲操作時, 讓學生比一比誰是最佳模仿者和最佳模仿搭檔;在練習禮貌用語時,設計搶答題和必答題;在鞏固新授內容時,設計各種擂臺賽;在單元復習時,設計各種活動,評出最佳表現獎。比賽性游戲既鼓勵了學生的學習積極性, 又極大地提高了學習效率;

  (五)角色表演法。把表演帶進課堂或經常在課堂上把句型、對話、課文編成短劇,讓學生表演,把講臺變成舞臺,學生是演員,教師是導演,或師生共同表演。盡量讓學生把所學內容,按設定的情景結構演出來,做到聲情結合,使學生得到大量的聽說機會。總而言之,教師的角色不要總是當“裁判” ,而是交際活動的組織者、合作者和調控者。在英語課堂教學活動的設計過程中,





  傳統的英語課堂教學采用的是以教師為中心的教學模式。課堂上, 教師傳授知識, 學生被動地學習。教師力求講得詳盡和透徹, 學生沒有積極思考和質疑的過程, 更沒有運用所學語言知識進行交際的活動。這種枯燥的教學模式, 使學生逐漸失去了學習英語的興趣。現代的教學理論所倡導的是以人為本的教學理念, 強調課堂教學應以學生為主體, 教師應該采用新的教學組織形式, 轉變角色, 當好課堂教學的組織者、引導者和評價者。使課堂成為師生交往、積極互動的課堂。任務型教學模式以嶄新的教學理念挑戰傳統的英語課堂, 是培養學生綜合語言運用的一種有效的課堂教學組織形式。

  任務型教學(Task-based Language Teaching)是指教師通過引導語言學習者在課堂上完成任務來進行的教學。這是20世紀80年代興起的一種強調“在做中學”(Learning by doing)的語言教學方法,是交際教學法的發展,在世界語言教育界引起了人們的廣泛注意。近年來,這種“用語言做事”(Doing things with the language)的教學理論逐漸引入我國的基礎英語課堂教學,是我國外語課程教學改革的一個走向。掌握語言大多是在活動中使用語言的結果,而不是單純訓練語言技能和學習語言知識的結果。在教學活動中,教師應當圍繞特定的交際和語言項目,設計出具體的、可操作的任務,由此學生通過表達、溝通、交涉、解釋、詢問等各種語言活動形式來完成任務,以達到學習和掌握語言的目的。


  1. 任務呈現(Task-presenting):側重向學生介紹任務的要點、理解任務要求以及預期的高質量成果與語言的產出;

  2. 任務準備(Task-preparing):讓學生們分組去獲取、處理或表達所需的信息與內容,同時學習表達這些內容所需的語言知識、技能或能力;

  3. 任務完成(Task-completing):主要體現出任務型學習的"成果,成果可以是書面報告,可以是PPT文件、展板、宣傳小冊子等;

  4. 任務反饋(Task-reflecting):任務反饋的呈現方式也可以是形式多樣的,如展板評比、個人或小組陳述、演講比賽或辯論比賽等。















  任務反思是一個提供老師和同學重新審視任務過程的重要環節,它是一個可以讓老師和同學獲得更多知識與經驗的部分。作為老師就可以反思在這次活動中成功之處與有待于改進的地方。 通過這次英國文化節的成功舉辦,我們體會非常深刻,英語教學可以通過具體的任務融合一定的課外活動來進行,而且效果要比單一的課堂教學好。任務型英語教學優勢明顯,深受學生喜歡。




  4)更加體現新課標精神——學生的自主性和創造性。這是一種“open-end task”,所以沒有一個統一的版本,這樣可以更好地發揮學生的創造性思維和提高學生的參與度和組織活動的獨立性和自主能力。







  總之,任務型教學有利于學生學習語言知識、發展語言技能,從而提高實際語言運用能力。任務型教學符合新課標的改革精神,通過任務型語言教學,教師可以提高自身的教學素養,學生可以提高學習興趣,增加運用語言的機會。正如某一著名語言學家所說的:“Deep, significant learning can only take place through the learners’ active participation in the construction of knowledge, in formulating their own personal understanding of the various information and sensory experiences that they are presented with.”





  1.知識目標:1)學習give, letter, sorry, like, tall, will, young, man, woman, snowman.


  give…to…, look like


  what does he/she look like?

  she is tall like you.












  step 1 warm up:

  enjoy a song

  review the words about colors.

  t: we enjoyed a song just now. we have learned some words about color in section a. now please answer my questions.

  1) what color is it?

  2) how do you spell it?

  step 2 presentation

  1.lead in 3.talk about the colors of some national flags. finish 3.

  t: what color is the national flag?

  where is he/she from?

  what color is his/her hair?

  what color are his/her eyes?

  t: do pair works. then ask some pairs to act it out.

  2. lead in 2.teach “what does he/she look like?”

  (show another two pictures of women)

  (teach new words and phrases: look like, tall, man, woman, young.)

  t: what does the woman look like?

  ss: she is young. she has short blond hair and a small nose.

  t: what does the man look like?

  ss: he is old. he doesn?t have gray hair. his hair is black.

  (show the four pictures in part 2.)

  t: turn to page 35, look part 2. match the descriptions with the pictures.

  (ss match them)

  t: let?s check the answers.

  t: do pair works, ask and answer according to the four pictures.

  3. pair work: talk about the pictures, finish 2.

  step 3 look, listen and say


  t: now here is a book. it?s not mine. it?s tom?s.



  (teach “give…to…”)

  2. t: look at the picture. what?s this?

  ss: it?s a

  t: it?s maria?s letter. i want to . but i don?t know her. what does she look like?

  3. listen and answer the questions.

  t: listen to the tape and answer these two questions:

  1) what class is maria in?

  2) what does maria look like?

  (ss listen to the tape and answer the questions)

  t: let?s check the answers.

  ss: 1) she is in class four grade seven.

  2) she is tall like the girl, but she doesn?t have long hair. it?s short and brown.

  4. teacher explain the language points.

  5. listen to the video and repeat.

  6. do pair works. then get some pairs to act it out. finish1a.

  step 4 listening

  1. guess the answers.

  1) does the snowman have black eyes?

  2) what color is his nose?

  3) does he have short arms?

  4) does he have hair?

  2. listen again and check the answers.

  3. listen and color the picture. finish 4.

  step 5 class activity

  1.t: what does the snowman look like? he has a long red nose. but he doesn?t have hair. his armsare long. they aren?t short. what about kangkang and michael?

  2. group works: find out the rules of the negative forms of ?have/has? and ?be?.

  3. play a game:唱反調。pide students into two groups. the students from group a say the

  positive/negative sentences, the students from group b say the negative/positive sentences according to group b. finish 5

  step 6 sum up

  1.學習生詞:give, letter, sorry, like, tall, will, young, man, woman, snowman.

  2.學習短語:look like, give…to….

  3.學習句型:what does he/she look like?

  she is tall like you.

  i?ll give it to her.


  step 7 practice

  do some exercises.


  (1) she has big hands. (變為否定句)

  she ________ ________ big hands.

  (2) does jane have small eyes?(做肯定、否定回答)

  _____, ______ ______.

  _____, ______ ______. her eyes _____ big.

  (3) i have long hair. (變一般疑問句和否定句)

  ________ you ________ long hair?

  i ________ ________ long hair.

  (4) jane doesn?t have a round face. (變為肯定句)

  jane ________ a round face.

  (5) they are in the same class. (變為否定句)

  they _________ in the same class.

  (6) he is tall and strong.(對劃線部分提問)

  step 8 homework

  1. recite 1a and finish the exercises.

  2.write a passage, describe a person you like.





  創設濃厚的學習氣氛,通過合唱“the color”這首歌來提高學生的學習熱情。第二步:單詞競賽














  本課是小學英語PEP第一冊第四單元第二課時,主要內容是:Lets learn, lets do.

  根據本課的教學內容,我制定了以下目標:學習單詞monkey、duck、panda、cat、rabbit和dog,以及掌握句子Act like a monkey...。為了達到這些目標,我將采用聽、說、學和做的四個步驟進行教學。




  Teaching aims and demands:

  1.Knowledge:Students can learn the words about animals as followings:

  dog duck cat monkey panda rabbit.

  2.Ability:Students can understand and do the actions:Act like a cat / duck / panda / monkey / rabbit / dog .

  3. Feeling:can love the animals and protect the animals.

  Main Points:

  Students can learn the six words:dog duck cat monkey panda rabbit .

  Difficult Points:

  1.Students can point and say out the six animals .

  2.Students can pronounce “ panda rabbit act like“ correctly .

  Teaching aids:

  Tape ,taperecorder, six animal pictures, cards, six toy animals, six kinds of exercise papers.cards .

  Teaching Methods:The Principle of the situation; Total Physical Response.

  Teaching Periods:One

  V:Teaching steps:


  1. Warmup;(熱身)Organize teaching;組織教學Sing a song.

  T:Nice to meet you.

  Ss:Nice to meet you ,too.

  T:Today well study the new lesson. At first, well sing a song together, ok?


  T:Lets sing.


  2、Into new lesson導入新課:The teacher says:This is Zoom. Today is Zoom s birthday. Some animals are going to take part in his party. Listen and look, please.


  3、Presentation新課展現:show a forest on the cream. Listen who is coming? Learn the words

  設計意圖:通過課件,為學生創設一個森林中動物去赴宴的.前景,一個個小動物出現,把學生帶入一個生動的畫面中,激發學生的學習興趣,為lets learn中單詞的學習和動畫的出現做了鋪墊。

  4、Lets learn.學

  1) Show out the animals:用圖片出示小動物

  Ask the students to look at the picture and tell the teacher:what can you see on the picturer? The students should know the meaning of the animal.


  2) Learn to say new words by computer and tape .通過電腦和錄音機來學說單詞。

  Have the students look at the word on the computer. Look and listen carefully, and learn to say. Play the tape once and let the students listen carefully. Play it a second time, pause it after each utterance and get the students to say out.


  3) Act like some animals.表演各種動物

  Have the students look at the computer, repeat the sentences and act out the animals.

  設計意圖:通過演示文稿,展現移動的小動物,激發學生的求知欲,產生主動學習的自主性。讓學生在觀看中學習模仿動物名稱的英語單詞,跟著學、說、做,特別是對Act like duck等句子的表演及跟讀,充分掌握單詞、句子并加深了對單詞、句子的理解。

  4) Check:connect with word and picture.識字檢測

  設計意圖:融合在游戲listern, pat, and stick中,把直觀的圖片與抽象的單詞結合起來,也達到了識字檢測的目的。

  5) Play a game.做小游戲活動

  Have a rest, play a game. Show out the foursix pictures of the animals, have the students watch carefully, and then close the eyes. At this time, the teacher take one away, and make the students open the eyes, then guess:whats missing?


  6) Lets do.做的當中,Understand the meaning of Act like a monkey by computer通過電腦理解句意

  Act out the animals, so as act like monkey…Its so easy to understand the meaning of the sentence for the students. Also, its makes difficult sentence become easily. Of cause , the class will be full of the lovely.

  設計意圖:讓學生跟著課件做出動物的特性表演,像act like monkey等,不用教師解釋句子的意思,學生就可以在表演中理解句意,邊表演邊說,難的句子也就成了有趣的話語,做到了化難為易的效用。

  8) Listen and do by computer.在課件的輔助下學習表演Have the students listen to the tape twice , and then ,ask students to do.


  Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake?

  Speaker: Ma Bingjun

  I. Brief analysis of the teaching material:

  1.1 This unit is taken from Go for it, Grade 8, Student’s Book A,Unit 7 with topic of “How do you make a banana milk shake?’’.

  shake, milk shake, blender ,turn on, cut up, peel, pour into

  This conversation focuses on the theme of how to make a banana milk shake, which mainly tells us the process of making something.

  The purpose of this unit is to learn how do you make a banana milk shake. It contains 7 focal points (key points and special difficulties) and grammatical structure: Imperative Sentences. This conversation embodies the task-based teaching method.

  This unit plays a very important role in this book and testing because the imperative structure is very useful in everyday life.

  Generally speaking, this unit follows the principles of variety, learnability and linkage, which is suitable for the students of this age range. The text reflects upon the spirit of quality education and the Communicative Language Teaching(CLT).

  1.2 The basic beliefs of this lesson planning:

  Go for it, Grade 8, Student’s Book A continues to follow:

  a. Learner-based educational belief:

  Based on the learners’ age range and their learnability, this unit which we teachers aim at, fosters students’ comprehensive capability of using English in an integrated way and using quality-education while teaching.

  b. Skills practice is focused on and Ss’ learning strategies are specially emphasized. c. To meet different needs of the students with variety of materials and activities;

  d. To concern with students’ feelings and motivations and improve their qualities; e. To improve ways of learning and self-learning emphasized;

  f. To perfect the evaluation system and push Ss ahead from time to time;

  2. Three Dimensional Goals

  II. Teaching objectives

  2.1 Knowledge Goals

  a. To be able to learn the following new words and expressions by heart:

  shake, milk shake, blender ,turn on, cut up, peel, pour into

  b. To be able to master the following the imperative sentence structures c. To understand how to express ―making something‖.

  2.2 Ability Goals

  To be able to cultivate Ss’ 4 basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing, mainly listening and speaking.

  2.3 Motivation Goals

  a. To motivate Ss in English language learning and stimulate their interests b. To build up Ss’ confidence and to foster their habit of independent

  learning, cooperative learning and exploring learning

  2.4 Key Points

  a. Knowing how to use the new words and expressions accurately

  b. Knowing how to use the imperative sentence structures to describe the process freely

  2.5 Special difficulties

  a. Difficult to understand: new words and expressions:(cut up ; milk shake)

  b. Difficult to use: words, expressions or structures: (verb phrases)

  c. Easy to make mistakes or errors: (confused about the process)

  III. Teaching Methods

  a. Task-based Method/Activity Method

  b. Audio-visual Method/Audio-lingual Method

  c. Total Physical Response Method(TPR)

  d. Situational Method

  e. The Direct Method

  f. Communicative Language Teaching(CLT)

  The new curriculum reform calls for us to cultivate students’ interest, confidence and autonomy in learning language, to encourage them to experience the language and use the language to communicate.

  In this unit (or section), mainly, the following methods and approaches will be used such as ―Task-based Method‖, ―Audio-visual Method‖ , ―Situational Method‖ and ―Communicative Language Learning‖ to build up a harmonious language atmosphere, which is learner-based. Namely, I will create different language situations, provide Ss some tasks and arrange them with variety of activities: pair work, group work, discussion, competition and so on. This way done, on the one hand, I can realize the three dimensional teaching goals. On the other hand, I will be able to achieve the aims of making students learn by doing. IV. Teaching Aids

  a. Wall pictures

  b. Multi-media pictures

  c. Realia

  d. Tape recorder

  VI. Teaching Procedures:

  Step I Greetings and Revision

  Step II Lead in

  1. How many of you like to eat ice creams? Raise your hands, please.

  2. Who can make ice creams?

  3. How many of you like to have orange juice?

  4. Who can make orange juice?

  5. How many of you like to have the banana milk shake?

  What is a banana milk shake?

  Who can make such a milk shake?

  Ok, today let’s try to make a banana milk shake.

  Look at the pictures. What can you see?

  Step III Listen to the tape to learn how to make the banana milk shake.

  1. First , peel the bananas.

  2. Second, cut up the bananas.

  3. Third, put the bananas and ice creams into the blender.

  4. Fourth, pour the milk into the blender.

  5. Fifth, turn on the blender.

  6. Now, you may drink the banana milk shake.

  Step IV Explanation

  1. Words and expressions

  2. Grammatical structures

  3. Cultural differences

  4. ……..

  The Key Points of Unit Seven














  1.過去分詞的用法. 2. 過去分詞的運用



  2. 過去分詞在真實的生活語境中的使用。







  九、 教學過程:

  Step 1 Greeting Step 2 Leading-in

  1. Get students to enjoy a story read by a student. While listening to the story, they should keep the underlined sentences in mind and then teacher will check up how many sentences the students remember.

  It was snowing and very cold outside. A little girl was walking in the street, selling matches. She didn’t wear any shoes because she . She but nobody bought a single one. She was so cold that she sat in a corner . She lit a match and saw a Christmas tree The and she . She lit another one and saw her grandmother. , her grandmother went away with her .The next day, people 2. Brainstorming

  What is the Past Participle? In your opinion, what role does the Past Participle play in the sentences?


  1. 教師首先展示安徒生的《賣火柴的小女孩》圖片和文本,然后請一位學生有感情的朗讀,教師通過多媒體呈現圖片和學生的朗讀,目的是對學生的視覺和聽覺作一個沖撞,吸引學生的注意力,并激發起好奇心。


  Step 3 Discovering the useful structures

  1.Find out the Past Participle, and tell what role the Past Participle play in the sentences.

  (1) 動詞-ed形式作______

  *…there were lots of matches

  *…saw a Christmas tree *The candles were burning brightly…

  (2) 動詞-ed形式作______

  * She looked very

  *…and she seemed

  (3) 動詞-ed形式作

  *…she had her shoes

  *…she wished all her matches …

  *…she sat in a corner with her legs …

  *…people saw the girl …

  (4) 過去分詞在句中作

  *, her grandmother went away with her .



  2. Brainstorming

  Work in pairs to discuss the following questions.

  (1) Do you have any puzzles in using The Past Participle?

  (2) Do you know the differences between The Past Participle and The Present Participle?

  3. Work in pairs to tell what the differences between The Past Participle and The Present Participle.

  Read and compare

  (1)The gentleman called Chen Kaichi is our intern teacher(實習老師).

  (2)The people sitting behind the classroom are all English teachers.

  過去分詞與現在分詞作定語的區別:過去分詞強調動作___________, 現在分詞強調動作___________。

  (3) I saw her taken out of the classroom.

  (4) I saw her coming into the classroom.

  過去分詞與現在分詞作賓補的區別: 二者與賓語邏輯上都是主謂關系, 但過

  去分詞強調他們之間的___________, 現在分詞強調他們之間的_____________

  (6) Seen from the top of the hill, the city looks more beautiful to us.

  (7) Seeing from the top of the hill, we find the city very beautiful.

  過去分詞與現在分詞作狀語的區別:過去分詞主句的主語之間是。 而現在分詞與主語的主語之間是。




  Step 4 Practising

  How much do you know about “The Past Participle”? Can you use it correctly? Let’s have a try.

  (Divide students into four groups and have a competition: each group has two chances to choose the exercise to do .If the answers are correct ,the group will get the points. If the group fail , other groups will have the chance .)

  一. 完成句子

  2. of show about family is more popular.


  1. As is known to us all, traveling is____, but we often feel_____ when we are back from travels.

  A. interesting; tiredB. interested; tiring C. interesting; tiring D. interested; tired

  2. He found a magazine _____ with the owner’s name_____ on the desk with the back cover _____ off.

  A. marking, lying, torn B. marked, lying, torn

  C. marked, laid, tearing D. marking, laying, tearing

  3.______ the room, the man found the phone______ .

  A. Entering; stealingB. Entering; stolen

  C. To have entered; being stolenD. Having entered; to be stolen


  1. Having not seen the film, I can’t tell you what I think of it.

  2. The men worked for extra hours got an extra pay.

  3. Knowing little English, he had trouble making himself understanding.

  4. Do you notice the girl dressing a red coat?

  5. Giving more time, we could do it much better.


  1.發現學生下午昏昏欲睡的樣子,老師竭盡所能來激發(arouse)他們的興趣。 arouse their interest.


  the teacher did everything he could to arouse their interest.

  2.這本用簡易英語寫成的書很容易讀懂 用分詞結構

  The book


  a group of students , the teacher, the office, followed, by , entered

  Moyan , stood there, surrounding , many , reporters


  country. Now he lives in the countryside. with his wife , he is taking a walk on the path(小路) happy.


  I am Robinson Crusoe. I have been alone on the island for two weeks. I don’t know by, but I couldn’t make . The other day, I was see a small house in the . There was nobody there. I am still alone!

  1. A. cuted B. cutC. cutting D. to cut

  2. A. pastB. passedC. passing D. to pass

  3. A. hearing B. understood C. heard D. understanding

  4. A. delighted B. disappointed C. interested D. confused

  5. A. breakingB. to break C. broken D. break





  Lesson 83 多媒體教學設計方案







  2.(導入)教師由介紹貝多芬有才華但貧窮導入Part 1的教學,讓學生先了解Mr. More和Mr. Little的情況。

  3.(錄像演示)讓學生帶著下面的問題觀看Read and learn的.情景演示,了解教材的大意。

  Does Mr. More enjoy himself? Why?

  Does Mr. Little enjoy himself? Why?


  w1. Could Mr. More buy himself lots of nice things?

  w2. Did he have many friend?

  w3. Did he enjoy himself?

  w4. Why didn’t he enjoy himself?

  w5. Could Mr. Little buy himself lots of nice things.

  w6. Did he have many friends?

  w7. Did he enjoy himself?

  w8. Who was happier, Mr. More or Mr. Little? Why?



  將下列句子用but 或and 連接.

  1.The boy is very clever. He didn’t work hard.

  2. Mary is always kind to us. We all like her.

  3. My brother is very careless. He never forgets his homework.

  4. Jane is a worker. He loves his work very much.


  wA: Can you swim now?

  wB: Yes. I can.

  wA: Could you swim two years ago?

  wB: No, I couldn’t. I learned it last year?


  讓學生討論:If you have lots of money, what will you do?

  1) Who do you want to be, Mr. More or Mr. Little?

  2) Can money bring us everything?

  3) Which do you prefer, money or friendship?

  5.(錄像演示)Read and say,讓學生觀看對話,學習新詞匯:come along, return,然后回答問題:

  1)What are Sarah’s friends going to do tomorrow?

  2)Can Sarah go with them? Why or why not?






  1. He taught ________French.

  2. Did Ann and her friends enjoy _______at the party last night?

  3. “Who did you go there with?” “Nobody. We went all by ______.”

  4. Could Mr. More buy _______lots of nice things?

  5. He said to _______, “I don’t know why!”

  6. He said, “Boys and girls, help _______.”

  7. “You must look after _______at home,” Jim’s mother said to him.

  8. I can’t leave her by________.

  Keys: 1.himself 2.themselves 3.ourselves 4.himself 5.himself 6.yourselves 7.yourself 8.herself

  用連詞and, but, so, or填空。

  1. He helps her _________she helps him.

  2. I got up late this morning, ________I wasn’t late for school.

  3. You may go to Hangzhou ________go to Guilin.

  4. He is ill, ________he can’t come to school.

  Keys: 1.and 2.but 3.or 4.so


  1. Copy the words and the phrases.

  2. Do the exercises on page 99.

  3. Writing: Can Money Bring us Everything(150 words) .










  A Let's talk.





  B Let's act and say.







  (1)記憶游戲:教師在黑板上用吹塑紙擺出公園的圖景,然后打亂讓學生恢復。教師應讓學生邊做邊說:There is a tree.There is abridge.There is a red flower...


















  A: What can you see in the picture?

  B: I can see ducks and boats.

  NEW WORDS: bee, butterfly


  A: What do you see?

  B: I see a tree.



  A boy and a girl,

  On the bridges, on the bridges.

  Ducks and boats,

  On the lake, on the lake.

  Bees and butterflies,

  On the flowers, on the flowers.

  Grass and flowers,

  Trees and hills,

  In the park, in the park.









  —能夠用“There is ...”描述的學生有多少人?






  Properties: Overhead projector, some objects

  Teaching aims:

  1。 Knowledge aims

  Students should grasp: ①the Past Continuous Tense; ②the Superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs; ③the subjects they learn。

  2。 Ability aim

  Students should make some sentences with the past continuous tense。

  Language focus:

  1。 The Past Continuous Tense

  2。 The Superlative forms: the most popular, the best

  3。 as … as; not so/as…as

  4。 The subjects they learn。

  Chinese, English, maths, physics, politics, art, PE, music, history, geography, biology, chemistry

  5。 New words

  rob, hard-working

  Teaching procedures:

  a)。 Organizing the class

  greetings and a duty report。

  b)。 Revision

  Dictate some words: while, repair, alone, steering wheel, breathe, diver, jump, another, ring, be worried about

  c)。 Ask and answer

  Students answer the question, “What were doing between 12:30 and 3:30 last night?” according to the picture, then give their own answers。 Try to find out the “robber”。

  Explain the word rob。 rob means “to steal money or property from a person or bank” etc。 robber is a person who steals money or property。

  d)。 Practise

  Students ask and answer questions in pairs, then share their answers with the whole class。

  Hard-wording means “working with a lot of effort”。

  e)。 Explaining and Practice

  Students compare the subjects after the model “not so/as…as”。

  Here are some other things to compare。

  1。 rice, noodles, dumplings, mooncake, porridge, etc …。(not) as delicious as …

  2。 basketball, football, volleyball, tennis, baseball, etc … (not) as interesting as…

  3。 elephants, monkeys dogs horses, tigers, lions, etc …。(not) as big/lovely/strong, etc。as…

  f)。 Homework

  1。 Review the grammar for today。

  2。 Prepare sth。 About “Titanic” (film or the accident)。

  3。 Do exercises on page 127。

  g) Summary

  Fill in the blanks with proper forms of “rob” and “steal”。

  —Have you ever been ?

  —Well, yes, I had my watch once, but I wasn’t really ,because I left it in my club。 All the same, someone it。

  —Yes, though it’s not the same as being of everything you are carrying。 Somehow, if something is form the place where you leave it, it’s not so bad as when you are

  personally and cannot prevent it。

  Keys: robbed, stole, robbed, stole, robbed, stolen, robbed




  其次,是自己專業發展方面的問題,從學校畢業6年了,工作的這6年,在教學技能上有很大提高,但是說起專業知識,很令人慚愧,也許是覺得找到工作了就可以擺脫枯燥的書本理論了,或者說覺得技能才是更實用的,所以放棄了理論學習,原有的一點點理論知識早已模糊不清了,現在看來,理論的學習還是所有技能的根基,只有接受一些科學的教育思想,才能站在更高的高度來看待教學,看待學生的發展。盧臻老師最后在報告中提到一堂課要思考三個問題“我要把學生帶到哪里去”,“我怎樣把學生帶到那里”,“我是否把學生帶到那里了”來總結本次報告的主要內容,也就是“教、學、評價”的根本,對我的日常教學很有指導作用,把握好這幾點,才是一個有效的課堂,不僅要關注知識的掌握,更應意識到方式方法,學生的身心發展。 再次,報告中的一些案例對我們也很有啟發,為了準備一節別開生面的公開課,曾經想盡辦法把它搞得花里胡哨,其實沒有真正思考,這種做法是否有效,看似熱鬧實際是舍本求末了,我覺得基于標準的教學根本就是提高課堂效率,而不是效果,也許它樸實無華,但是它一定是精心設計,而且有很細的量化標準的一節課,怎樣把一節課做得如此細致,是我應該思考和改進的。




  1、能聽說讀寫How are you ? Fine,thanks.說出并且聽懂Nice to meet you.




  How are you? Fine, thanks.書寫時應注意的問題以及How are you的其它回答方式。2、You can call me...的用法。



  (一)Warming up

  1、 Free talk .復習:What’s your name? Nice to meet you! How are you? How old are you? How many ? How much? How do you feel?等問句及回答.

  2、Sing a song“How are you?”為學生學句型作鋪墊

  (二)New concepts

  1、先教單詞fine.教師先把nine寫在黑板上讓學生拼讀,然后出示fine讓學生試讀,反復帶讀fine一詞并檢查學生的發音。比較fine, nine, five, bike等讀音,引導學生發現讀音規律。

  2、教師指著自己對學生說:I’m fine,today.用表情來表示出自己今天很好(指身體).并把fine一詞寫在黑板上,可向學生用漢語解釋fine一詞意思是身體好。強調書寫時注意開頭字母要大寫,逗號句號位置及I’m的'縮寫形式。

  3、教師和一個學生打招呼:Hello,…How are you ?然后指著黑板上fine一詞,啟發學生回答:Fine, thanks或I’m fine, thanks.同時教Very well. Thank you.的回答方式。

  4、教師把very well.寫在黑板上.解釋very well意思是身體非常好.

  5、教師帶讀very well ,并檢查學生發音.


  T: Morning ,boys and girls.

  Ss: Morning, Miss…. How are you?

  T: Fine, thanks . How are you?

  Ss : Very well, thank you.



  9、出示Mr. wood的圖片,向學生自我介紹“Hello! I’m your new teacher! You can call me Mr. Wood. Nice to meet you. ”告訴學生向別人介紹自己時也可以說You can call me…,先生用Mr.女士用Miss。或Ms.讓學生用這個句型自我介紹。You can call me…





  課下以小組為單位編一個對話,用上“How are you ? Fine, thanks./Very well,thank you. Nice to meet you!”


  Lesson One: How are you?、nine fine five bike、How are you?、I'm fine, thanks.、Very well, thank you.


  一、 課程類型:


  二、 教學目標:

  一) 認知目標






  在運用語言的過程中培養學生的觀察力、分析力、想象力和自學能力,幫 助學生加強記憶力,提高思維能力和運用英語的綜合能力,激發創造能力。

  三、 教材分析:


  四、 教學重點:

  1. 學會審題和謀篇

  2. 掌握多樣化的表達方式

  3. 熟練各段中的固定寫作套路

  五、 教學難點:

  1. 如何幫助學生運用寫作策略,促進學生自主寫作。

  2. 使學生了解謀篇的重要性,培養謀篇的能力和習慣。

  六、 教學方法:



  七、 教學設計:

  Step 1. Warming up

  Come up with some proverbs for the students to put them into Chinese.

  Recitation is of the first importance in any language learning!

  Practice makes perfect! …

  What do you learn from the above proverbs?

  Step 2. Presentation

  Make it clear to the students the importance of writing in English subject of the college entrance exams and then the goals of this lesson.

  Step 3. Exhibition

  Show on the whiteboard a writing.






  Step 4. Analysis

  Analyze the key points and ask the students questions about them.





  Step 5. Group discussion

  Show on the whiteboard an excellent writing and sort out the useful fixed patterns after group discussion.

  Step 6. Further practice










  教學活動的延伸不僅限于課堂教學,而更要包含課堂之外的學習和生活。所以每章拓展活動(Development Activities)就提供這方面的實踐。如果我們能充分利用這部分內容,使學生在課堂內外都有活動可參與,將使得學生的學習變得生動有趣,而不是枯糙乏味,完全符合語言教學的規律。語言學習需要大量的練習,而不是僅僅做題,在我有限的教學生涯中,我會經常借鑒這本書,從中汲取更好的方法,搞好教學。



  加強對學生學習策略的.指導,讓他們在學習和適用的過程中逐步學會如何學習,這也是很重要的。引發學生的創造性思維。 “學源于思,思源于疑”,學生探索知識的思維過程總是從問問題開始,又在解決問題中得到發展。活動過程中學生在教師創設的情境下,自己動腦思考,動口表達,在解決問題的過程中,如果學生的情感、動機能夠得到充分調動,他們的聰明才智就能充分發揮。只有讓學生親自參與了提出問題和解決問題的過程,他們才能真正成為學習的主人。




  1. What should you do if a person has drunk poison by mistake? 假如有人誤喝了毒藥,你怎么辦?

  by mistake是固定詞組,意為“錯誤地”,“無心地(做錯了事)”。例如:

  She put salt in her cup of coffee by mistake.她錯將鹽放入咖啡里了。

  2. do with,deal with


  但是用于特殊疑問句的時候do with與what連用;deal with則與how連用。例如:


  另外,do with還可表達別的意思。例如:

  What did you do with my umbrella? (=Where did you put my umbrella?)


  What are we to do with this naughty boy? (=How are we to deal with this naughty boy?) 我們該怎樣處置這個頑皮的男孩?

  3. knock at, knock down & knock into的區別

  knock at 指“敲打門窗”

  I heard someone knocking at the door.我聽見有人敲門。

  Tom tried knocking at the window.湯姆試著敲了敲窗戶。

  knock down 指“……撞倒”

  He nearly knocked me down at the corner.在拐角處,他幾乎把我撞倒。

  He was knocked down by a car. 他被汽車撞倒了。

  knock into 指“碰倒,撞上某人”,也可指“偶然碰見”。

  The child knocked into the teacher.那孩子撞到了老師身上。

  He knocked into the chair in the dark.黑暗中他撞在了椅子上。

  He didnt expect to knock into some of his friends here.他沒有想到在這兒遇見一些朋友。

  4. ask, demand, inquire, question & require


  Did you ask the price of that ten-speed bicycle?你打聽過那輛十速自行車的價錢了嗎?


  I demand that you leave this place at once.我要求你立即離開此地。

  3)inquire 多用于較正式的語體,通常只表示打聽消息,尋求答案。

  He inquired of the girl the way to the railway station.他問那女孩到火車站怎么走。

  4)question 常表示一連串問題,有時則有盤問,審問之意。

  ①The questioning of the prisoner went on for hours.對那個囚犯的審訊延續了好幾個小時。


  Since he was involved in the case, the court required his appearance.由于他與此案有關,法庭令他出庭。

  5.breathe & breath

  1)breathe 是動詞,是“呼吸”的意思。

  He was breathing hard/heavily after racing for the train.他跑著趕上了火車,吃力地喘著氣。

  It is good to breathe fresh country air instead of city smoke.呼吸鄉間新聞空氣而不吸入城市煙塵是有益的。


  1)I cant concentrate with you breathing down my neck.你這樣緊緊叮著我,使我精神無法集中。

  2)Promise me you wont breathe a word of this to anyone.答應我別將此事泄漏給任何人。

  3)The new manager has breathed fresh life into the company.新經理給公司帶來了朝氣。


  1)You can see peoples breath on a cold day.冷天能看到人們呼出的空氣。

  2)His breath smelt of garlic.他呼出氣中有蒜味。


  ①Her smile is a breath of fresh air in this gloomy office.她的微笑給沉悶的辦公室帶來生氣。

  ②Religion is the breath of life for her.宗教對她來說是不可缺少的.精神支柱。

  ③It took us a few minutes to get our breath back after the race.賽跑后我們用了好幾分鐘才恢復了正常呼吸。

  ④The audience held their breath as the acrobat walked along the tightrope.雜技演員走鋼絲時,觀眾們都屏住了呼吸。

  ⑤His heart condition makes him short(out) of breath.他心臟狀況不佳使他呼吸急。

  ⑥He lost his breath in running.由于奔跑他幾乎喘不上氣。

  語法:情態動詞(Modal Verbs)

  1) must


  We must obey the rules.我們必須遵守規則。

  You mustn’t talk like that.你可不能那樣說話。


  She said that we must wait a little while.她說我們必須要等一會兒。


  must have則表示對過去情況的推測。例如:

  This must be Tom’s room. 這準是Tom的房間。

  Jack must have gone there, hasn’t he? / didn’t he?杰克準是去過那兒了,對不對?

  C.比較:have to也表示“必須”,但have to更強調客觀需要,must著重說明主觀看法。如:

  We had to be there at 10 o’clock.我們得在10點到那兒。(客觀需要)

  We must be back before 10 o’clock.我們必須10點前回來。(主觀認為)


  We must / have to leave now.我們得走了。

  must和have to的否定式即mustn’t和don’t have to意思完全不同。Mustn’t表示“不作某事”,有禁止的含義;don’t have to表示“不必要(作某事)”,含有“客觀上無此必要”的意思。例如:

  You mustn’t move someone if the person is badly hurt.如果這人受了重傷,你一定不要動他.

  The person isn’t hurt at all. You don’t have to give him first aid.這個人根本就沒有受傷,你不必給他進行急救。

  2)need need作及物動詞,和不定式連用:

  need to do sth. 需要干某事


  needn’t + v.不必干某事 例如:

  You need to tell him the reason.你需要告訴他原因。

  You needn’t tell him the reason. 你不必告訴他原因。


  ——Need I come? ——Yes,you must./No,you needn’t.

  教學設計方案Lesson 29

  Teaching Aims 1. Practise the dialogue. 2. Study the uses of same of the modal verbs. 3. Study the language points in the lesson. 4. Do the discussion practice in Part 2.Step Ⅰ Revision and Warm Up 1) Revise ailments and parts of the body. the following; toothache, earache, headache, and stomachache. Say to the class: I’ve got…and get them to complete the sentence. Point to parts of your body and say I’ve hurt my ( arm/foot/leg/back/hand). 2)You can ask the Ss for advice for all these ailments: ask what should I do? and encourage the class to make suggestions.Step ⅡPresentation Tell the Ss a story by saying that this morning when I was on my way to school, I saw an accident in the street. A man was knocked down by a bike. He was injured on his knees. (Teach the new words injure and knee here. ) Some people went to help and he was sent to the hospital soon. I think he will be all right soon.Say to the Ss Today we’re going to read a dialogue and learn about another accident in the street.Step Ⅲ Listening 1.T: Say to the Ss that Chen Wei and Susan are walking down the street when they see an accident. Let’s listen to the dialogue. After listening, you are going to answer two questions. 1). What was the accident? 2). What did the girl injure? Get two Ss to answer the questions. Check the answers. 1). A child ran into the street and knocked a girl off her bicycle.2). Her knee hurts, her knees and her head hurt too. 2.Play the tape again. This time the Ss can open their books while listening.Step Ⅳ Reading 1.Give the Ss a few more minutes to read the dialogue carefully. Then give them a few questions 1).Why does Susan not agree to carry the girl to the side of the road? 2) Who do you think will come in a moment? Why? 3) What was the girl going to do?Answers:1)Probably Susan has learned something about first aid. People mustn’t move someone if they are badly hurt. They should leave the person where he or she is. 2) Some doctors and nurses will come. Because Chen Wei has just called the First Aida Centre. 3) The girl was going go cook supper for her grandmother. 2. Do Ex. 1 in the Workbook, answering the questions to the dialogue.Step Ⅴ Practice 1. Put the following sentences on the Bb. Get them to pay more attention when they are practising the dialogue. We must carry her to the side of the road. You shouldn’t move someone if they are badly hurt. You should/ shouldn’t… I ought to go home. I have to cook supper for my grandmother. 2. Get the Ss to practise the first half of the dialogue, encourage some pairs to do it in class. Then get them to do group work, practising the second half of the dialogue, ask some groups to do it in front of the class.Step Ⅵ Discussion 1. Part 2. Read the instructions aloud and check that the Ss know what they have to do. To make the discussion easy going, get the Ss to make notes in two columns as follows: DOS DONTS leave the person where he/she is carry the person telephone for help move the person stay with the person let the person get up tell the person not to worry tell the person to stay stillDemonstrate a short dialogue with a good student. You can also ask questions: Should I move the person? Should I give the person anything to drink? (No.) Put the Ss in pairs and get them to have similar dialogues. If you wish, you can get one or two pairs to act out their conversations in front of the class. 2. Do Ex. 2, Picture 2 in the Workbook. Look at the picture very carefully and ask the Ss to discuss in pairs or groups. Then gel one student in each group to report their ideas to the whole class. Discuss with the whole class and see if they are right and if they can add something new.Answers: You must send the woman to the hospital immediately. Don’t argue with the driver. If she loses one third of her blood, she may die.Step Ⅶ Summary 1. After learning the dialogue, we know something about the first aid and how to deal with some accidents when we meet them. In this unit and in the next period we will learn more about first aid. 2. Go through the language points in the dialogue. 1) Chen Wei and Susan are walking down the street when they see an accident. 2) That girl has fallen off her bicycle. A child ran into the street and knocked her off her bicycle. 3) I think she must be injured. 4) Leave her where she is. 5) You mustn’t move someone if they are badly hurt. 6) Take it easy. 7) I ought to go home.Step Ⅷ Homework 1. Do Ex. 2, Picture in the Workbook as written work. 2. Do Ex. 4.

  教學設計方案Lesson 30

  Teaching aims

  1. Learn about some more about first aid.

  2. Finish reading two passages in Lesson 30.

  3. Study the language points of Lesson 30.

  4. Practise using the patterns: You must…/ You mustn’t …/ You should always…/ You should never…

  5. Finish off the exercises in Workbook Lesson 30.

  Teaching procedures

  Step 1 Revision

  1. Check the homework exercises. Ask the Ss to describe the pictures in Wb Lesson 29, Ex. 2.

  2. Revise the dialogue in Lesson 29.

  3. Check Ss’ understanding of the four words in SB Page 44, Part 1.

  Step 2 Presentation

  1.Show the Ss pictures at the head of the text and discuss the pictures. Say the man’s head was badly injured and is bleeding. The woman is trying to help him to stop the bleeding.

  1)What can you do when you meet with such accidents?

  2)Can you do some of the first aid to people?

  2.Then tell the Ss Today we are going to read about first aid. What is first aid? It is the medical help which you give to somebody immediately after an accident. You do not have to be a doctor to give somebody first aid. But you have to know what to do.

  Teaching procedures

  Step 3 Reading

  1. Give the Ss a few minutes to do the fast reading of the text. Ask one student to repeat the definition of first aid.

  2. Give them a few more minutes to do further reading. Then do Ex. 1 in Wb Lesson 30. Answer the questions one by one and make sure that the SB can answer them correctly.

  3. Put up two tables on the Bb, showing the notes of the three important things to do and the three pieces of advice on dealing with common injuries.


  Three Important Things To Do


  Check that the person can breathe.


  Try to start the breathing.


  Try to stop the bleeding at once.




  Animal bites

  Wash the wound under cold running water.

  See a doctor as soon as possible.


  Cool the area of skin at once. Put dry clean cloth over the area of the burn. See a doctor.


  Wash the area of the cut, dry it and cover it with dry clean cloth.

  Step 4.Language points

  1)…you don’t have to be an doctor.

  2) Check that the person can breathe. Open the mouth and make sure that there is no food at the back of the mouth.

  3)Lay the person on his/her back.

  4) Here is some advice for dealing with common injuries.

  5) Cool the area of skin at once.

  6) However, after a few hours of study you will manage to know enough to save other people’s lives.

  7) If everyone in the country knew first aid, many lives would be saved.

  Step 5 Oral practice

  Part 4. Practise the {erases given with the whole class. Then demonstrate the pairwork with a good student, covering the text but looking at the pictures. Make sure that the SB are using the phrases correctly and listening for any common mistakes.

  6 Homework

  1. Do Ex. 2 as oral work.

  2. Finish Ex. 3.


  Play a role 教師給學生話題進行表演,如:If you happen to see someone who has an accident, do you think you can make a right decision?1)If the person is not breathing, 2) If the person is bleeding badly, 3)If someone is bitten by an animal,教師把學生分成幾組討論后,可到獎教室前面進行表演。











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