Message from Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, on the Occasion of Mandela International Day教科文組織總干事伊琳娜·博科娃在“納爾遜·曼德拉國際日”的致辭
18 July 20132013年7月18日
On Nelson Mandela International Day, I join women and men across the world in honouring a man whose strength, vision and magnanimity changed South Africa and the course of the 20th century.值此“納爾遜-曼德拉國際日”,我和全世界各地的人們一起向這位以自己的力量、理想和博大胸懷改變了南非和二十世紀進程的'偉人致以崇高的敬意。
A UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador since 2005, Nelson Mandela once said that “education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”自2005年以來一直擔任教科文組織親善大使的曼德拉先生曾經說過:“教育是可以用來改變世界的最強有力的武器。”
The life of Nelson Mandela is an education to us all – an example of perseverance in overcoming adversity, of courage in braving the steepest challenges, of moral clarity in promoting reconciliation and peace.納爾遜-曼德拉的一生對我們所有人都具有教育意義——他是一位不屈不饒戰勝逆境的楷模,勇敢地面對最嚴峻的挑戰,并立場鮮明地推動和解與和平。
Nelson Mandela has taught the world that the dignity of women and men is the only foundation on which to build just societies. He has shown us that peace is not an ideal, or something abstract, but a way of living, a way of interacting with others and with the world.納爾遜-曼德拉告誡世人,維護每個人的尊嚴是建設公正社會的唯一基礎。他還告訴世人,和平不僅僅是理想,也不是抽象的概念,和平是一種生活方式,一種與他人和世界交流與互動的方式。
On this day, let us pay tribute to Nelson Mandela by upholding and sharing the values that inspire him. In a world where all societies are transforming and every woman and man faces rising pressures, let us all stay true to the moral compass set by Nelson Mandela. Respect, mutual understanding and reconciliation are the strongest foundations for peace and freedom. In this spirit, we must help others, we must reach across all dividing lines, and we must cherish the world we live in. This is UNESCO’s message today.今天,當我們向納爾遜曼德拉致敬的時候,我們要共同堅持曾激勵過他的價值觀。當今世界所有社會都在改革,所有人都面臨著不斷加重的壓力,讓我們所有人堅定地遵循納爾遜曼德拉確立的道德方向。尊重、相互理解與和解是和平與自由的最堅實基礎。本著這一精神,我們需要幫助他人,我們必須跨越一切隔閡,珍愛我們共同生活的世界。這就是教科文組織今天要傳遞的訊息。