- 相關推薦
1、July Italy breeze cool,into the sleeping bag,do not feel cold. Looking up at the sky,the bright Milky way,is the most warm quilt.
2、Life is a meeting and a meeting,are fate,no good and bad,there is no right and wrong. Fate came,treat each other as well,the fate of the best,since it will be separated.
3、Pack go Quartet,not day wide,not broad,only to see the wind and see the low grass and sheep.
4、Healthy is beautiful,the right is the best,often new is charming,ordinary is great,tough is long,real is eternal.
5、If one day I am missing,there are only two possibilities: the body is on a trip,or the soul is traveling.
6、在這春暖花開的日子來一場說走就走的旅行!我帶上你,你帶上錢。In the spring of this day to say go on a walk! I bring you,you take the money.
7、一個人的旅行,在路上遇見最真實的自己。A persons travel,in the way to meet the most true self.
8、人生重要的不是目的地,重要的是沿途的風景。結果不重要,重要的是過程。Life is not the destination,the important thing is the scenery along the way. The result is not important,important is the process.
9、流水很清楚,惜花這個責任。真的身份不過送運,這趟旅行若算開心,亦是無負一生。The water is very clear,took the responsibility. True identity but sent,this trip if you are happy,is also a life without a negative.
9、旅行的好處在于可以暫時遠離日常生活,還不必承擔平日里瑣碎的責任。The advantage of travel is that it can be far away from the daily life,but also do not have to bear the responsibilities of daily trivial.
10、一輩子是場修行,短的是旅行,長的是人生。Life is a field of practice,a short trip,long life.
11、這里的風景美不勝收,真讓人流連忘返。The scenery here is really beautiful,unforgettable.The reason for travel does not need to elaborate too much,one word can generalize all: go.
12、背上行囊去遠方,那個夢寐以求的目的地。On the back of the pack to the distance,the dream destination.
13、如果心在遠方,只需勇敢前行,夢想自會引路,有多遠,走多遠,把足跡連成生命線。If the heart in the distance,only need to bravely dream will lead the way,how far,how far the footprint as a lifeline.
14、說走就走的旅行,要么緣由幸福穩定和寬裕,要么禍起無力無奈和逃避。Go to travel,or the source of happiness is stable and comfortable,or to have no escape and.
15、一場奮不顧身的愛情,一段說走就走的旅行。夢在遠方。A section of love regardless of personal danger,go to travel. Dream in the distance.
16、每個人心中,都會有一個古鎮情懷,流水江南,煙籠人家。Everyone in the heart,there will be a feeling of the ancient town,running water Jiangnan,smoke cage home.
17、一生之中至少要有兩次沖動,一次為奮不顧身的愛情,一次為說走就走的旅行。Life at least two impulses,a time for a love regardless of personal danger,go to travel.
18、旅行是消除仇恨和無知的最好方法。Travel is the best way to eliminate hatred and ignorance.
19、出外旅行的人,極其所能,也只有把自己的安危委諸天命,因為除此之外,別無他法。People who travel,extremely can,only for his own safety commission of the destiny,because in addition to.
20、有的事情現在不做,就一輩子也不會做了。Some things do not do now,will not do for a lifetime.
21、好心情才會有好風景,好眼光才會有好發現,好思考才會有好主意。Good mood will have good scenery,good vision will have a good find,good thinking will have a good idea.
22、那個夢想中的自己,那個曾經丟失的自己,那個豁然開朗的自己。然后在世界的某個地方相聚,開懷。The dream of their own,who had lost their own,the click into place. And then somewhere in the world to meet and laugh.
23、關于旅行,關于生活,如此而已。about travel,about life,Thats all.
24、旅行的意義不在其他,而在自己身體和心靈,必須有一個在旅行的路上。Travel is not the meaning of the other,and in their own body and mind,there must be a way to travel.
25、拿著相機,拍下沿途上的風景,記錄沿途的心情。那樣的生活才是我想要的。Holding the camera,take the scenery along the way,record the mood along the way. That life is what I want.
26、旅游不在乎終點,而是在意途中的人和事還有那些美好的記憶和景色。Travel does not care about the destination,but the people and things on the way there are those beautiful memories and scenery.
27、安樂給人予舒適,卻又給人予早逝;勞作給人予磨礪,卻能給人予長久。Easy to give comfort,but also gives the young; to work to sharpen,but can give for a long time.
28、嘿,陪我來一場說走就走的旅行吧!Hey,come on with me. Lets go on a journey!
29、說走就走,是人生最華美的奢侈,也是最燦爛的自由。Said to go,is the most gorgeous luxury,but also the most brilliant freedom.
30、當遺忘變成另一種開始,我踏出了旅途的第一步!When forgetting turns to another,I take the first step of the journey!
31、要么讀書、要么旅行,靈魂和身體,必須有一個在路上。Either reading or traveling,the soul and the body must be on the way.
32、用一場說走就走的旅行尋找自由!Find the freedom to walk on a journey!
33、離開你的那一天開始,左心房漸漸停止跳動。From the day you left,the left atrium gradually stopped beating.
34、一場奮不顧身的愛情,一段說走就走的旅行。夢在遠方。A section of love regardless of personal danger,go to travel. Dream in the distance.
35、與其說散就散的友情,倒不如來一場說走就走的旅行。Rather than just scattered friendship,it would be a field trip.
36、有人說,旋轉木馬是最殘忍的游戲,彼此追逐卻有永恒的距離。Some people say that the merry go round is the most brutal game,chasing each other but have eternal distance.
37、一路涉足、一路留戀、一路回望。依舊前行!A road,a road in nostalgia,the way back. Still ahead!
38、每一次的旅行,我都可以自己走,自己照顧自己。Every time I travel,I can go by myself and take care of myself.
39、旅游僅僅是用雙腳與眼晴,而旅行還要帶上靈魂和夢想。Travel is only with the feet and eyes,and travel to bring the soul and dream.
40、記住,你和我,有一場說走就走的旅行。Remember,you and me,theres a journey to go.
41、有的事情現在不做,就一輩子也不會做了。Some things do not do now,will not do for a lifetime.
42、背上行囊去遠方,那個夢寐以求的目的地。On the back of the pack to the distance,the dream destination.
43、躲在墻角、掩藏那孤獨而又不奢憐憫的傷。Hiding in the corner,hiding lonely without much mercy wound.
44、如果不出去走走,你或許以為這就是世界。If you dont go for a walk,you might think this is the world.
45、一個人的旅行,在路上遇見最真實的自己。A persons travel,in the way to meet the most true self.
46、世界是一本書,而不旅行的人們只讀了其中的一頁。The world is a book,and the people who do not travel read only one page.
47、放手后的微笑,只是用來掩蓋疼痛的傷疤。To let go of the smile,just to cover up the pain of the scars.
48、一輩子是場修行,短的是旅行,長的是人生。Life is a field of practice,a short trip,long life.
49、如果你不出去走走,你就會以為這就是世界。If you dont go for a walk,you will think this is the world.
50、那場說走就走的旅行,也許,將被終身監禁。The trip,perhaps,will be in prison for life.
51、旅行,總讓人有一種恍如隔世,行走在天堂的感覺。Travel,always let people have a walk in heaven feeling as if a generation had passed.
52、我總是在追趕,而你卻不曾回頭看我,不曾停下腳步等我。I always pursued,and you did not look back at me,never stop and wait for me.
53、好旅伴可以縮短旅途時間。Good companions can shorten the journey time.
54、一個人,一條狗,一場說走就走的旅行。A man,a dog,a journey to walk on.
55、這里的風景美不勝收,真讓人流連忘返。The scenery here is really beautiful,unforgettable.
56、我們守著距離拉成的相思。溫柔著彼此的言辭。We keep the distance pull into the acacia. Gentle with each others words.
57、一個人到國外去以前,應該更進一步了解祖國。A person to go abroad before,should be more understanding of the motherland.
58、當遺忘變成另一種開始,淡了回憶,痛最真實。When forget to become another beginning,faded memories,the pain is the most real.
59、夢想,并不奢侈,只要勇敢地邁出第一步。Dream is not luxury,just take the first step bravely.
60、人出門旅行并不是為了到達某地,而是為了旅游。People go out and travel not to reach a place,but to travel.
61、我和西藏之間,只隔著一張火車票!Between me and Tibet,just across a train ticket!
62、人生,需要一場說走就走的旅行。Life,you need to go on a journey.
63、一旦環境開始陌生,人在旅途的感覺就更強烈了。once the environment began to strange,people feel more strongly on the road.
64、每次旅行,旅行之樂,千年一瞬,一眼萬年。Every time travel,travel of the music,the Millennium moment,a million years.
65、怪天怪地,我都不會怪你,你有選擇幸福的權利。Strange strange,I will not blame you,you have the right to choose happiness.
66、每個人都可以從長長的旅途中悟出自己生命的意義。Everyone can realize the meaning of his life from the long journey.
67、時代依舊負重前行,而你我已凌波微步。Time still before loading the line,and you and I have Ling Bo.
68、只要踏出勇敢的第一步,我們就可以重新過上迷人的新生活。As long as we take the first step,we will be able to live a new life.
69、After the trip,and returned to the familiar city;asked the familiar smell,to see the familiar people think about the journey,calm smile,remember the music of travel.
70、Some things do not do now,will not do for a y time you think of this,carrying the bag on the left.
71、Every time travel,travel of the music,the Millennium moment,a million years.
72、The best travel life,you are in a strange place,found a long time moving.
73、Wandering is a time to be alone with both romantic and hard,but it can make me find myself.
74、Travel is to leave,travel is a breakout of the daily life.
75、We can lose it,because it can make us less melancholy;we might as well be less satisfied,because it can make us more conscious.
76、The world is a book,and the people who do not travel read only one page.
77、Travel,always let people have a walk in heaven feeling as if a generation had passed.
78、most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman’s heart.
79、a person to go wandering,travel,that is people hand in hand with the world,to travel,then the family and family members go Quartet,to travel,you are long as you have a dream,you will rise up the clouds of happiness.
80、travel is a kind of learning,it gives you with a pair of babys eyes to see the world,to see different societies,let you become more tolerant,let you understand different values,so that you better understand love and el allows you to start a new life in another capacity,to make new attempts,to rediscover yourself.
81、have a clear mind than a clever mind is more important;there is a good habit than a skill more practical;there is a youthful vitality than with a sound more powerful arms;have a courage and insight than an intellectual stronger.
82、there is a kind of travel,called a bike not a luxury preparation,its just the courage to break the back seat and the heart that you want to a permanent bicycle can make your dreams go ng alone and introspective,riding a group of people is spectacular and powerful.I hope one day,like myself,they are stepping on a bike,going through a kind of body,going to hell,eyes into heaven,and souls in their hometown.
83、travel is from a place where you are tired of,to another place where people are tired of,feel strange environment,strange self.
84、travel the best habit:find a comfortable shop,pick an elegant postcard,sent to the Italian TA,written on the back:some year,month,day,afternoon,sometime,the weather is fine,Im somewhere,miss you.
85、travel reasons do not need to elaborate too much,a word can be summed up all:go.
86、take the soul to travel,look at everything in a calm state of mind,text,picture,sound,and seemingly for is the inner world of be felt by the heart,in order to precipitate,enough;ear listen to good news,the eye is very beautiful,is the gospel;with a spoon of flowers,pick a song of flowers,let the heart relieved,has been gratified.
87、in this spring day,a trip to say go! Ill take you,and you take the money.
88、the ancient people who like to visit the motherland great scenery of the poet,who left the eternal how much is the famous let posterity lead a person to endless aftertastes,appreciation,reading and puts us on the spers in our unconsciously gradually fall,people say that when the bloom of the most precious,flowers thank people ism like flowers,some life to an incomparable tourist attractions in the fortunate,but secretly sigh,to blame the he got home,he knew he should treasure it.
89、Ill have my luggage ready for departure,thank you for caring for my family and friends,and pray for trip will be accompanied by your story,so I wont be worry。
90、looking forward to a wayward journey,it is best in the youth flying season,it is best to have a distant and beautiful destination,it is best to accompany the sun forward,the best have you.
91、I want to travel with you one to the place where you have never baggage,no backpacks,no computer,no cell phones,a place to park,a place to best thing in my heart is to be with you on the road,catch the last meteor,sit on the top of the mountain,listen to music,talk about movies,eat,whatever you day,out of the mountains,I am not old,you still.
92、a person travel,ignore the complicated details,free to experience a city,a story,leaving a laugh.
93、if a string is stretched too tight,one day will be broken,a heart if imprisoned for too long,one day will lose balance,we need to release the soul,let the heart free flying in the sky.
94、go to travel,or the source of happiness is stable and comfortable,or to have no escape and.
95、the fear of the unknown and the attachment to comfort will prevent us from becoming a travelers when you make a choice like that,youll never regret it.
96、happiness is y day with their love of people together,on the phone,travel,repeated a promise and dreams,listen to him twenty-eighth times against childhood events,each year on the same day and celebrate his birthday,the annual Valentines day,Christmas,new years Eve,and he also quarrel is repeated,for some trivial quarrel,and then cold war,crazy miss each other,and finally make up.
97、life is like a running river,never advantage of the young,to say "go,go" trip.
98、You’ll never realize how strong you are until you have no other choice but to be strong. 你永遠都不會知道自己到底有多堅強,直到有一天你除了堅強別無選擇。
99、Be yourself,dont change for anyone. If they dont like you at your worst,then they dont deserve you at your best. -勇敢的做自己,不要為任何人而改變。如果他們不能接受最差的你,也不配擁有最好的你。
100、Fireworks may be beautiful,but who can understand Nama hide the sadness. 煙花也許很美,但誰能看懂那抹隱藏其中的悲傷。
101、Memories,beautiful very hurt,mem ories,memories of the past but can not go back. 回憶,很美、卻很傷;回憶、只是回不到過去的記憶。
102、Do you understand the feeling of missing someone? It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears. 你知道思念一個人的滋味嗎,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很長很長的時間流成熱淚。
103、When you are afraid of losing something ,it means that you have no choice but to abandon it or give up yourself. --- 當你害怕失去一樣東西時,這意味著,你只能要么放棄這樣東西,要么放棄你自己。
104、Id rather hold you for a minute than live the rest of life knowing I never could. 我寧愿牽著你的手,過最后一分鐘,也不愿在沒有你的世界虛度此生。
105、No matter how long the rain lasts,there will be a rainbow in the end. No matter how sad you may be,believe,that happiness is waiting. 不管雨下了多久,雨后都將會有彩虹,不管你有多悲傷,要堅信,幸福在等你!
106、The reason so many people find it so hard to be happy is that they will always see the past better than it was,the present worse than it is,and the future less resolved than it will be. 很多人不快樂,是因為總覺得過去太美好,而現在太糟糕,將來又太飄渺。
107、Im still here waiting for you but you already forgot you’ve been here before. 我還在原地等你,你卻忘了你曾經來過這里。
108、Go inside the Information Center.到服務中心去。
109、And tell them you want to go on the tour that goes down into the canyon.跟他們說你要參加到峽谷里去的旅游團。
110、You pay there. I have the next group to go down. Ill see you soon then.你在那兒付錢。我帶的下一個團就是要下去的。回見!
111、Would you mind telling me what the climate is like in California?您能告訴我加利福尼亞的氣候怎么樣?
112、Have you ever been there?你去過那兒嗎?
113、Is it true that its full of wonders there?那里充滿了奇異的景觀,是真的嗎?
114、When was it built?它是什么時候建造的?
115、Could you give me some information on your European tours?你可以給我一些你們經辦的有關歐洲旅行的資料嗎?
116、Our pleasure.好的。
117、We have several package tours you may choose,from ten days to three weeks in Europe.我們有幾套歐洲旅游計劃選擇,時間從10天到3個星期。
118、I would be interested in a ten-day trip around Christmas time.我有興趣在圣誕節前后去玩10天。
119、I have one ten-day tour that is still available. It will depart from New York on Dec. 24.我們一個10天的旅行團還有空位,12月24號離開紐約。
120、What is the cost?費用是多少?
121、The price for one person for a ten-day tour is only 1088,which includes round-trip airfare.十日游每人只要1088美元。這個費用包括來回機票。
122、That sounds reasonable. Let me think it over. And Ill call you back to make reservations.聽起來價錢還算公道。讓我考慮一下,我會再打電話預定。
123、OK. But dont delay too long. Or that trip will be all booked.好,但不要拖太久,否則會訂滿的。
124、May I have a bus map,please?請給我一份公共汽車路線圖好嗎?
125、If I were you,Id try one of the newspaper stands.如果我是你,我會到一個書報亭去看看。
126、I would like to know about your honeymoon travel packages.我想要知道你們辦的有關蜜月旅行計劃。
127、Where are we now?我們現在是在什么地方呢?
128、I dont know. Were completely lost.我不知道,我們完全迷路了。
129、Oh,here comes a police officer. Lets ask him.哦,一位警察過來了,我們去問問他。
130、OK. Excuse me. May I ask where we are now?好啊。對不起,請問我們現在是在什么地方?
131、Yes,youve right in the middle of the Fifth Avenue vegetable market.你們就在第五街的蔬菜市場里。
132、Where would you like to go?你們要去哪里呢?
133、Excuse me,officer,which way shall I take? I want to go back to Beijing Hotel.對不起,警官。我想回北京賓館,我該走哪條路。
134、Take the right one and go ahead and it will take you five minutes. You cant miss it.走右邊這條路,一直朝前走,只要五分鐘的時間你就到了。
135、Thank you.謝謝您。
136、Im afraid I have lost my way. Where can I take a bus if I want to go back to the downtown?我迷路了,如果我想回市中心,我在哪兒可以坐公交車?
137、I want to go to the railway station. Could you show me the way?我想去火車站,您能帶我去嗎?
138、Wheres this place in the map?這里在地圖的哪個位置?
139、Is this the right way to the station?往車站走這條路對嗎?
140、How can I get to Sheraton Hotel?往喜來登賓館怎么走?
141、Welcome to China. May I have a look at your customs declaration?歡迎來中國。我可以看一下您的入境申請報表嗎?
142、Yes. Here you are.好的,都在這兒。
143、You go ahead with the formalities. Ill see to the heavy luggage.您先去辦手續,我來幫您照看大件行李。
144、Thats great. Ill come back right after the formalities.那太好了。手續辦完后我就回來。
145、What type of visa have you got?您持的是哪種簽證?
146、I have a tourist visa.旅游簽證。
147、Would you mind opening your suitcase?請把您的箱子打開,好嗎?
148、Not at all. Check it,please.好的,請檢查。
149、Would you please make a record of all your foreign currencies?請把你所帶的外幣登記一下,好嗎?
150、OK. Ill do as you say.好的,照辦。
151、Have you filled in the baggage declaration?行李申請單填好了嗎?
152、No. I really dont know how to go about it.沒有。我真不知道如何填。
153、Do you have anything to declare for customs?有什么要申報呀?
154、No. I have nothing to declare.沒有。我沒有什么要申報的。
155、How long are you going to stay here?您在這里呆多久?
156、About one month. Im just sightseeing.大約一個月。我只售光旅游。
157、Have you anything dutiable?您有應繳稅的東西嗎?
158、No,these are only personal effects.沒有,這只是些私人用品。
159、Is that all for customs formalities?海關檢查就這些了嗎?
160、Yes,you are through with it. I hope you will enjoy your stay in China.是的,檢查完畢。希望您在中國過得愉快。
161、Are you carrying any items that need to be declared?你沒有攜帶需要申報的東西嗎?
162、Do you have anything that must be claimed?難道你沒需要申報的東西嗎?
163、Would you please hand me your customs declaration form?請出示您的申報表給我?
164、Please have your customs declaration form ready.請把您的申報表準備好。
165、All my bags are checked in. I guess Im all set to go.我的行李都檢查完了,看來我可以走了。
166、I know you must be excited to go home after such a long business trip.出差這么久,終于要回家了,我想你一定很高興。
167、I am sure. So,well be expecting the first shipment in less than a month.那當然。我們都希望第一批貨在一個月之內可以裝船。
168、Yes,thats right. Theyll be there in no time.沒錯,貨很快就會運到。
169、Good. Tell Mr. Gao at the factory to keep up the good work.很好,請告訴工廠的高先生繼續努力。
170、I think all the products are going to sell very well.我相信這批貨一定會賣得很好。
171、We hope so! Its always good to work with you,Tom.希望如此!湯姆,和你們合作總是很愉快。
172、I want to thank you for placing such a big order with us. You wont be disappointed.謝謝你下了這么大的訂單,你一定不會失望的。
173、Im sure I wont. I really appreciate all of your hospitality.這點我相信。我真的很感激你的招待。
174、It was my please.榮幸之至。
175、And Id like to give you a little something to take home. Let me unroll it.對了,我有樣小東西想送你,讓我把它打開。
176、This is beautiful! Chinese calligraphy. What do these characters mean?好漂亮!是中國書法!這上面寫的是什么意思?
177、They mean long life. I remember you liked the calligraphy at the Palace Museum.長命百歲。我記得上次去故宮,你特別喜歡書法。
178、So I thought you might like it.所以,我想你可能會喜歡這個。
179、Thats very nice of you. Where did you get it? Its not a print.真細心!你從哪兒弄來的?這還不是復制的呢!
180、No,its an original. My fathers friend is a calligrapher,and I had him make it for you.沒錯,這可是真跡。我父親的朋友是書法家,專門幫你寫的。
181、And his name and the date are on the bottom.他的名字和日期都在下面。
182、Ill hang it in my office. But I feel bad I didnt get you anything.我要把它掛在辦公室。不過,真不好意思,我什么也沒送你。
183、Dont worry about it. Its a taken of my appreciation for your business,and friendship.沒關系的。這是向你表示我們在生意及友誼上的一點心意。
184、If you have time around Christmas,please come to visit my family.如果你圣誕節前后有空,歡迎到我家來玩。
185、And Ill be able to show you around our city.我可以帶你在我們那兒四處看看。
186、Thanks for the invitation. And please give my regards to your wife.謝謝你的邀請。請代我問候貴夫人。
187、You do the same. Well,Id better go. Thanks again for everything.你也代我問候一聲。好,我得走了,再次謝謝你們的招待。
188、Take care,and have a nice flight.請保重!祝你一路順風!
189、Thank you for taking care of me here.多謝您的周到招待。
190、I really appreciate all of your hospitality.十分感謝您的款待。
191、Heres something for you.這有東西送你。
192、Please accept these gifts with my thanks.請接受這些禮物以表達我的謝意。
193、Have a safe trip back.祝您平安返家。
194、Have a nice flight.祝您一路順風。
195、Take care on your way back.回程保重了。
196、Happy langings!一路順風!
197、She was injured badly in the accident她在這次意外中受到重傷。
198、The secret was spread among the crowd秘密在人群當中傳播開來。
199、The two brothers look very much alike這兄弟倆看上去很相像。
200、Their interest is listening to others他們的興趣是聽別人說話。
201、There was a notice in the supermarket超市里有一個布告。
202、This one cannot compare with that one這個與那個無法比較。
203、To know everything is to know nothing樣樣通,樣樣松。
204、To tell the truth,I dont like disco說實話,我不喜歡迪斯科。
205、True and False have opposite meanings真與假含義完全相反。
206、Whats the point of going to college?上大學有何用?
207、Where can we make the insurance claim?我們可以在哪里提出保險賠償?這個無法與那個比較。
208、Why dont I pick you up at your house?為什么不讓我去接你呢?
209、Why dont you attend an aerobic class?你為什么不去參加一個有氧健身班呢?
210、You can kill two birds with one stone一舉兩得。
211、You cant go in no matter who you are不管你是誰,都不能進去。
212、You should learn these words by heart你應該把這些詞背熟。
213、Could I have those two tickets,please?這兩張票給我行不行?
214、He has to take care of his sick mother他得照顧他生病的母親。
215、He hired a workman to repair the fence他雇用了一個工人修理圍墻。
216、I cant make this machine run properly我無法使這部機器正常運轉。
217、I dont know if Ill have the patience我不知道我有沒有耐心。
218、I dont like what you are saying我不喜歡你說的話。
219、I fell in love with her at first sight我第一眼見到她就愛上了她。
220、I have just heard from my sister,Mary我剛收到我妹妹瑪麗的一封信。
221、If you would only try,you could do it只要你肯嘗試,你一定能做這件事。
222、It is no use learning without thinking學而不思則惘。
223、It was a lazy,breezy autumn afternoon這是一個懶散的,起風的秋日下午。
224、Jack is the strongest boy in the class杰克是全班最強壯的男孩。
225、Please fetch a chair from another room請到別的房間取一把椅子。
226、The doctor began to operate on the boy醫生開始給那個男孩動手術。
227、The doctor is taking my blood pressure醫生正給我量血壓。
228、The machines will not operate properly那些機器不能正常運轉。
229、The students declared against cheating學生們表示反對作弊。
230、There is hope so long as he is with us只要他在就有希望。
231、He talks as if he were the head of the office他說話的口氣像辦公室主任似的。
232、It sounds great!聽起來很不錯。
233、Its a fine day今天是個好天。
234、So far,So good目前還不錯。
235、What time is it?幾點了?
236、You can make it!你能做到!
237、Control yourself!克制一下!
238、Do me a favor?幫個忙,好嗎?
239、He is ill in bed他臥病在床。
240、He lacks courage他缺乏勇氣。
241、Hows everything?一切還好吧?
242、I have no choice我別無選擇。
243、I like ice-cream我喜歡吃冰淇淋。
244、I love this game我鐘愛這項運動。
245、Ill try my best我盡力而為。
246、Im On your side我全力支持你。
247、Find the freedom to walk on a journey!
248、Between me and Tibet,just across a train ticket!
249、A backpack,a few books,all the favorite songs,a single ticket,a smart heart.
250、Sometimes,in travel,you will encounter a lifetime of good friends,there is no relationship between the two people,it is so simple to come together.
251、The best travel life,you are in a strange place,found a long time moving.
252、Every time I travel,I can go by myself and take care of myself.
253、Travel is to leave,travel is a breakout of the daily life.
254、What forever,what will never change until death. Are only the icing on the cake excuse.
255、Either reading or traveling,the soul and the body must be on the way.
256、A trip to the gray,Ptend to be cool,come back.
257、Travel is,even if it is the same world,you find the world is not the same.
258、A person traveling,do not care about the complex trivial,free,to experience a city,a story,leaving a laugh.
259、For me,it makes me believe. A belief in life,regardless of success,at least not confused.
260、Time still before loading the line,and you and I have Ling Bo.
261、Life is like a running river,never return. Take advantage of the young,a trip to say go.
262、Two impulse when young,one is regardless of personal danger love,the other is a go to travel.
263、The trip,perhaps,will be in prison for life.
264、Some things do not do now,will not do for a lifetime. Every time you think of this,carrying the bag on the left.
265、I have thought about going to have a walk on the trip,but unfortunately,the reality has been tortured by the shape of the.
266、Also said that the horse to a horse to go on the trip,after work,even a say go off work will not work.
267、The essence of travel,not a sport,but bring your soul to find the life of spring.
268、Life is like a journey,or we may have something on our way,but we cant take it away!
269、Only a person in the travel,to hear his voice,it will tell you,this world is wider than the imagination.
270、The flow of time,have become a beautiful embellishment,mingtu see days,watching the snow,quietly,the scenery is utter not a single word.