(1)形容詞(adj. ):舒適的;充裕的,富裕的;自信而無憂慮的;相當(dāng)大的;易取勝的;令人感到安慰的。
Neither chair is comfortable. 兩把椅子坐起來都不舒服。
We don't live in the lap of luxury, but we're comfortable. 我們的生活雖然并非錦衣玉食,也算是衣食無憂。
In warm weather, you should wear clothing that is cool and comfortable. 在熱天里,應(yīng)該穿涼快舒適的衣服。
副詞(adv. ):舒服地;安樂地;充裕地。
He settled himself more comfortably in his chair. 他使自己在椅子上坐得更舒服些。
He can comfortably afford the extra expense. 他支付這些額外的費用毫無問題。
They are comfortably ahead in the opinion polls. 他們在民意測驗中遙遙領(lǐng)先。