

情感語錄 時間:2017-07-09 我要投稿
【m.miyingbi.com - 情感語錄】

  1. Nah, I'm not gonna answer your question, 我不準備回答你的問題

  2. 'cause you guys have already made up your minds. 因為你們已經打定主意

  3. I'm an expert in rejection, 我是拒絕方面的專家

  4. and I can see it on your faces. 我能看清你們的面目

  5. And it's too bad that you judge us by the way we look 太遺憾你們的裁決和我們預料的一樣

  6. and not by who we are. 你們沒有理解我們

  7. Just because you want us to be more like them 這是因為你們想我們和他們一樣

  8. when the truth is we're not like them. 但事實上我們不喜歡這樣

  9. And I am damn proud of that fact. 我為我們所做的事情而自豪

  10. Rock on! 太棒了!

  11. and something just occurred to me. 有些事情發生了

  12. I don't give a shit! 我不在乎!

  13. Who cares about your approval? 誰在乎你們的批準?

  14. We don't need your approval to tell us that what we did was real.

  15. 我們不需要你的批準來告訴我們什么才是真的 'Cause there are so few truths in this world,

  16. 因為真相總是掌握在少數人手里 that when you see one, you know it.

  17. 當你發現了你就明白 And I know that it is a truth 我明白這是一個真相

  18. that real learning took place at South Harmon. 真正的學習發生在南哈蒙

  19. Whether you like it or not, it did. 無論你是否喜歡 它是事實

  20. 'Cause you don't need teachers or classrooms 不需要老師,教室

  21. or... or fancy highbrow traditions or money to really learn. 以及虛浮的傳統或者金錢來學習

  22. You just need people with a desire to better themselves, 只需要大家有著提高自己的愿望

  23. and we got that by the shitload at South Harmon. 這在南哈蒙已經擁有

  24. So you can go ahead, sign your forms, 所以你們繼續 標榜你們的規則

  25. reject us and shoot us down, and do whatever you gotta do. 拒絕我們,打擊我們 做你們想做的

  26. It doesn't really matter at this point. 這一點都沒有關系

  27. Because we'll never stop learning, 因為我們不會停止學習

  28. and we'll never stop growing, 也不會停止成長

  29. and we'll never forget the ideals that were instilled in us at our place 我們不會忘記在我們的土地上灌輸的理想

  30. 'Cause we are S.H.I.T. Heads now, 因為我們是南哈蒙的主人

  31. and we'll be S.H.I.T. Heads forever 我們也一直都會是南哈蒙的主人

  32. and nothing you can say or do or stamp 無論你說的,做的,蓋的

  33. can take that away from us! So go! 可以讓我們改變 去他媽的!隨你們!

  34. I mean, 我的意思是

  35. Harmon College and their... and their 100 years of tradition. 哈蒙學院有它一百多年的歷史傳統

  36. But tradition of what? 但傳統是什么?

  37. Of hazing kids 欺壓同學

  38. and humiliating anyone who's a little bit different? 羞辱看不慣的人

  39. Of putting so much pressure on kids 給孩子們很大壓力

  40. they turn into these... these stress freaks and caffeine addicts. 導致壓力過大而失常染上毒癮

  41. Why? Why can't we both exist? Huh? 為什么?為什么不能共存

  42. you can have your grades, and your rules 你們有你們的規則 and your structure, and your ivory towers, 你們的構成你們的

  43. 象牙塔 and then we'll do things our way. 而我們做我們自己的

  44. Why do we have to conform to what you want? 為什么要遵守你們的規則?

  45. Well, what about you parents? 你的父母呢?

  46. Did... Did the system really work out for you? 系統是為你設計的?

  47. Did it teach you to follow your heart, 它教你順從你們的心

  48. or to just play it safe, roll over? 做個順民?都很聽話?

  49. What about you guys? 你們呢?

  50. Did you always want to be school administrators? 你們一直想做學校行政員?

  51. Dr. Alexander, was that your dream? 亞歷山大博士你有什么夢想?

  52. Or maybe no, maybe you wanted to be a poet. 也許沒有也許想做詩人

  53. Maybe you wanted to be a magician or an artist. 或者魔術師,藝術家

  54. Maybe you just wanted to travel the world. 或者只想周游世界

  55. Look, l... l... l... I lied to you. 看,我...撒謊了

  56. I lied to all of you, and I'm sorry. 我對所有人撒謊非常抱歉

  57. Dad, especially to you. 爸,尤其是你

  58. But out of that desperation, something happened that was so amazing. 但絕望之余有些事情很激動

  59. Life was full of possibilities. 一生有很多可能

  60. A-A-And isn't that what you ultimately want for us? 難道這不是你們最后的要求?

  61. As parents, I mean, is... is that, is possibilities. 作為父母,我的意思是便是“可能”

  62. Well, we came here today to ask for your approval, 今天我們來這請求你們的批準

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