
時間:2024-05-11 09:40:31 煒玲 英語句子 我要投稿
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  1、小貓一身又長又軟的毛,像是用金黃色的綢子織成的。The kitten a long soft hair, like is woven with golden silk.

  2、我家有一只特別懶得小貓,不喜歡走路,總是喜歡趴在沙發(fā)上,還愛吃肉。I have a particularly lazy cat, do not like to walk, always like to lie on the sofa, but also love to eat meat.

  3、小貓腳下有厚厚的肉墊子,走路靜悄悄的,老鼠見了都怕它。At the foot of the cat there are thick meat mat, walk quietly, the mouse is afraid of it.

  4、小黑貓長長的尾巴像小鞭子似的,左右搖擺。The small black cats long tail is like a small whip.

  5、我家的小貓,身子又長又圓,毛是咖啡色的,肚子圓鼓鼓的真漂亮。My kitten, the body is long and round, the hair is brown, the belly bulging is really beautiful.

  6、小貓炯炯有神的大眼睛警惕的瞅來瞅去。The cat bright eyes looked at to alert.

  7、小貓調(diào)皮極了,跳舞似的在狗背上翻筋斗。Cat is very naughty, dancing like a somersault on the back of a dog.

  8、我家有只小貓,它全身的毛潔白無瑕,像一朵白云似的。There is a cat in my house, it is a white, white, white, white, white, like a white cloud.

  9、小貓那圓溜溜、亮晶晶的眼睛,可真漂亮啊!The cat that round, bright eyes, really beautiful ah!

  10、它的嗅覺靈敏,哪怕有一丁點兒腥味它都聞得出來。Its a sensitive sense of smell, even the slightest smell can smell it.

  11、小貓有一雙透亮的眼睛。The cat has a pair of bright eyes.

  12、我家的小貓,頭圓圓的像一個皮球一樣,眼睛亮晶晶的漂亮極了。My cat, the head round like a ball, the eyes of the beautiful bright.

  13、小貓閉息凝視,一連就是幾個鐘頭,非把老鼠等出來不可!Kitten eyes closed, for a few hours, not to get out of the mouse can not!

  14、剛滿月的貓離不開奶,走路也不穩(wěn)。可是已經(jīng)學(xué)會淘氣,就像我們這些淘氣包。Just the full moon of the cat can not be separated from milk, walking is not stable. But we have learned to be naughty, just like we are naughty.

  15、我心愛的小白貓,渾身上下沒有一絲雜色,一眼望去,活像一捧雪。I love the small white, covered without a mottled, one looked like a handful of snow.

  16、小貓經(jīng)常半夜亂發(fā)威,瞪大夜明珠似的碧眼,爪子懸空抓來抓去,激動的時候還吼兩聲。The cat at night often chaos angry stare big Pearl like jade, hanging claws scratching, excited when yelled twice.

  17、我家養(yǎng)了一只可愛的小貓咪,它身穿一件黑白相間的毛衣。I have a cute little cat in my house. It is in a black and white sweater.

  18、小貓爪子很鋒利,腳印程梅花形。Kitten claws are very sharp, the footsteps of the shape of the plum.

  19、小貓的爪真有趣,四只爪就像蒜頭一樣,還有趾呢,爪上帶著鋒利的鉤狀的爪甲。The cats claw is really interesting, four claw like garlic, and toe claws, with sharp hooked claws.

  20、貓的四只腳底下還各有五個小肉墊,走起路來相當(dāng)輕。The cats four feet are also each have five small meat pad, walk up the road to quite light.

  21、小貓咪披著一件黑白相間的大衣,它有一雙靈敏的耳朵,還有一對水汪汪的大眼睛。A small cat dressed in a black and white coat, it has a pair of ears, and a pair of watery eyes.

  22、小花貓的腦袋圓圓的,頂著一對尖尖的小耳朵,那大大的綠眼睛瞪得像兩盞小綠燈。The cats head round, the top of a small pointed ears, the big green eyes like two small lights.

  23、我姑母家有只大花貓,足足有七八斤重。它的頭是灰色的,其他部位全是白色的,漂亮極了。My aunt had a big cat, for seven or eight pounds. Its head is gray, the other parts are all white, beautiful.

  24、小貓的眼睛瞪得圓溜溜的像個小皮球,還發(fā)著綠光,看上去真像一只狼。The cats eyes widened like a small ball, also with green hair, looks like a wolf.

  25、那只可愛的小貓,長著一身黃色的絨毛,四只腳是白色的。The lovely cat, with a long yellow hair, four feet is white.

  26、忽然,小貓的耳朵抖動了一下,閃閃發(fā)亮的眼睛瞄向墻角的那只老鼠。All of a sudden, the cats ears shake, and the shining eyes look to the corner of the mouse.

  27、小貓的腳長著肉團,走起路來,不會發(fā)出聲音,抓老鼠時,老鼠根本不知道貓的到來。The cat feet long with meatballs, walking, not sound, catch the mouse, the mouse does not know the arrival of the cat.

  28、小貓的四只爪子像小刀一樣快,要是抓在你的手上,會留下幾道白印子。Four paws kitten like a knife as fast as if in your hand, will leave a few people.

  29、野貓。它有一身白棕色相間的外套。它有一個小小的橢圓的腦袋。Wildcat. It has a white brown coat. It has a small oval head.

  30、小貓那根毛茸茸的尾巴,總是翹在那里,好像這條尾巴是它最喜歡的東西。The cats hairy tail, always tilted up there, as if the tail is its favorite thing.

  31、小貓它一身的羽毛潔白如雪,中間夾著數(shù)塊墨色的細毛,黑白相間美麗極了。It is a cat feathers as white as snow, sandwiched between several piece of black hair, black and white are very beautiful!

  32、小貓圓圓的眼睛顯得炯炯有神。The kitten is bright round eyes.

  33、小花貓身上的毛油光發(fā)亮,雪白的毛里夾著黑色的條紋。The cat fur shiny, white hair with black stripes.

  34、小貓眼睛小,眼圈發(fā)紅,眸子發(fā)灰。有種上了年紀(jì)的人褪盡光澤而黯淡的眼神。The cat has small eyes, eye redness, gray eyes. There is an old mans faded eyes and dark eyes.

  35、小貓還是一個貪吃佬。爺爺吃肉的時候會和小貓分半,爺爺吃瘦的小貓吃肥的。Kitten is a greedy guy. Grandpa eat meat and a half of the kitten, the grandfather of a thin kitten to eat fat.

  36、剛出生的小貓,眼睛閉著,叫聲細弱,渾身光禿禿的,好似一個會蠕動的肉團團。Newborn kitten, eyes closed, a thin, all bare, like the flesh of a squirming corralled.

  37、那只小貓一身金黃色的毛,閃閃發(fā)亮,像剛剛擦過油似的。The little cat, with its golden hair, shone, as if it had just been rubbed off.

  38、我外婆家養(yǎng)了一只可愛的小貓咪,它,一身潔白的毛,點綴著黃色和黑色的斑點。My grandmother raised a lovely little cat, it, a white hair, dotted with yellow and black spots.

  39、貓長著一條又長又粗的尾巴,背上的花紋有深黃也有淺黃,搭配在一起十分美麗。The cat has a long and thick tail, back on the pattern with deep yellow was pale yellow, very beautiful collocation together.

  40、小貓全身雪白,沒有一點雜毛。The little cat is white, without a little wool.

  41、小貓的眼睛大大的,鼻子呈肉色,摸上去濕漉漉的。The cats eyes, nose is flesh, feels wet.

  42、這只小貓長著一身又白又長的毛,在它圓圓的小腦袋上,長著一對小尖塔似的耳朵。The kitten was a long and long white hair, in its small round head, long a pair of pinnacles like ear.

  43、小貓黑黑的眼睛突然好像放出了一道可怕的綠光,把我嚇得一個勁兒地往奶奶身后躲。The cat black eyes seemed suddenly released a terrible green, scared me a lot to my grandmother behind.

  44、我抱起小花貓,撫摩著它那光滑的毛。I picked up the little cat, stroked its sleek hair.

  45、小貓那炯炯有神的眼睛好像兩顆黑色的小燈泡,閃呀閃。The cat eyes like two black light bulbs, flash flash.

  46、這只花貓的全身是白底黑斑,遠看上去,像一團雪白的棉花點上了幾滴墨汁。The cat body is white spots, far looks like a white cotton point a few drops of ink.

  47、貓的腳上有一塊軟而厚的肉墊兒,因而走路時沒有聲響,可以悄悄地、出其不意地逮住老鼠。The cats foot with a soft, thick meat pad, so walk no sound can be quietly, unexpectedly catch mice.

  48、小貓長得并不特別,和其他的貓差不多,但我很喜歡它。它長著一身灰白相間的毛,亮油油的。The cat is not special, but is similar to other cats, but I like it very much. It has a gray and white hair.

  49、小貓的毛色黑白相間,周身全是花色,只有腳是白色的,像是穿著一雙潔白的襪子,漂亮極了。Kittens fur color is black and white, the whole body is full of color, only the feet is white, like wearing a pair of white socks, very beautiful.

  50、That cat has the softest fur Ive ever felt.

  51、The cats eyes shine in the dark, like two little stars.

  52、The cat curls up into a ball when it sleeps.

  53、My cat loves to play with my hair ties.

  54、The cats tail is its way of expressing emotions.

  55、The cat purrs when its happy and content.

  56、That cat has the most unique markings Ive ever seen.

  57、My cat likes to sit on my lap when Im watching TV.

  58、The cat jumps so gracefully, like a dancer in the air.

  59、I love the way my cat rubs its face against mine.

  60、The cats whiskers help it navigate in tight spaces.

  61、My cat is a great hunter, always bringing me presents.

  62、The cats ears twitch whenever it hears a strange noise.

  63、My cat has the most beautiful green eyes.

  64、The cat plays with its toy mouse for hours.

  65、I always feed my cat fresh food every day.

  66、The cats paw pads are so soft and quiet.

  67、My cat loves to look out the window at the birds.

  68、The cats tongue has tiny barbs that help it groom itself.

  69、I often take my cat for walks on a leash.

  70、That cat is so agile, it can jump really high.

  71、My cat loves to play fetch with its favorite toy.

  72、The cats coat is so shiny and healthy.

  73、I talk to my cat like its a person.

  74、The cat always knows when Im coming home.

  75、My cat loves to sit in the sun and soak up the warmth.

  76、The cats purr is so relaxing, it helps me fall asleep.

  77、I brush my cats teeth every week to keep them healthy.

  78、The cats claws are sharp and retractable.

  79、My cat has a special way of communicating with me.

  80、That cat is so affectionate, it loves to cuddle.

  81、My cat loves to play hide-and-seek in the house.

  82、The cats nose is always sniffing for interesting smells.

  83、I give my cat a treat every time it does something good.

  84、The cats whiskers are sensitive to airflow.

  85、My cat sleeps in weird positions that always make me laugh.

  86、The cats tail swishes when its angry or upset.

  87、I take my cat to the vet for regular check-ups.

  88、The cats eyes are dilated when its excited or scared.

  89、My cat loves to lick its paws clean after eating.

  90、That cat has a unique personality that I love.

  91、My cat is always curious about whats going on around it.

  92、The cats paws are so tiny and cute.

  93、I like to give my cat a bath once a month.

  94、The cats ears twitch when it hears its name being called.

  95、My cat loves to play in the water, even though its a cat.

  96、The cats fur is so soft, I cant stop touching it.

  97、I always make sure my cat has plenty of toys to play with.

  98、The cats tongue is so rough, it helps it clean its fur.

  99、My cat loves to jump up on my bed and curl up next to me.

  100、That cat is so playful, it never gets tired.











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