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精心策劃 雙語例句
1. 一個成年人宣稱自己有精神病,與此同時卻又能精心策劃在多地之間往返運輸**,甚至連最終的殺人環節都想好了。
How is it a grown man, or woman can claim to be mentally ill, YET have the presence of mind to set up ellaborate drug running rings with multiple players, plan out murders down to the last detail, etc...
2. 來自警視廳飛行隊得偵緝總督察 Pam Mace說:這是一起精心策劃的搶劫案,安排了數輛汽車幫助劫匪逃跑。
Detective Chief Inspector Pam Mace, of the Metropolitan police flying squad, said: This was a well planned robbery with a number of vehicles used to help the robbers escape.
3. 目的:探討黏液樣腎上腺皮質腫瘤的臨床病理特點其診精心策劃和鑒別診斷要點。
Objective To study the clinicopathologic characteristics and the differential diagnosis of myxoid adrenocortical neoplasm.
4. 精心的策劃和完美的設計是省錢的第一途徑。
Careful planning and perfect the design is one way to save money.
5. 這是一個事先準備好的精心策劃的過程,雖然它是現場直播!
It is an orchestrated process well prepared in advance, but it is LIVE!
6. 我第一次休假,在中國的,我以為,精心策劃和深思熟慮的。
My first vacation in China was, I thought, well planned and well thought out.
7. 就算這只是個噱頭,它也是經過精心策劃的。
But if it is a stunt, it is a well conceived one.
8. 然而,相對于大眾所覺悟到的,這次精心策劃的欺詐里有著更多的東西。
However, there is more to this elaborate deceit than is generally realized.
9. 然后以精心策劃的方式選擇自己的行為,按照自己的標準做到最好。
And choose your actions in a calculated way to do the best according to your own criteria.
10. 針對這種網絡騙子,很明顯這就是經過精心策劃的一次行動,現在大部分憤怒的受騙網民一致呼吁:報警!
Be aimed at cheater of this kind of network, apparently act that this passes elaborate plan namely, be decieved angrily for the most part now the netizen appeals consistently: Call the police!
11. 因為所有的細節都經過他本人精心策劃,整部電影就在王牌演員與王牌導演的完美組合下,成為最值得收藏的世紀經典名片。
North by Northwest is a tale of mistaken identity, with an innocent man pursued across America by agents of a mysterious organization who want to stop his interference in their plans to smuggle out some microfilm.
12. 精心策劃可以使您美化日本花園項目你想要的一切,它可以。
Careful planning can make your Japanese garden landscaping project everything that you want it to be.
13. 我認為合理投放加上精心的策劃與科學的管理也可以打造出本地強勢品牌。
But I think it is enough to build up a strong brand with reasonable investment, careful arrangement and scientific management.
14. 全聚德后海店和立海萱酒業精心策劃的這場品酒會,給味覺來了一次全新體驗,開辟出一種新的美味風格。
Houhai Quan Ju De and Li Hai Wines work together to plan this special wine dinner, and bring a whole new gourmet experience for everyone.
15. 精明的民主黨參議員們樂于精心策劃這樣一場和解,以確保是布什總統,而不是美國,對伊拉克的混亂局勢承擔責任。
But the Democrats, smartly, are willing to choreograph a reconcilation in order to make sure that Mr Bush is left responsible for the mess in Iraq, not them.
16. 現在中國正在精心策劃發射更多的衛星,甚至建造航天站。
Now great plants are carefully designed to send up more satellites and ever build a space station.
17. 他說,認為希臘以欺騙手段加入歐元區的想法是歐洲人腦海中根深蒂固的觀念之一,而且由于這是一種精心策劃的宣傳,這一觀念極難改變。
The notion that Greece'cheated'to get into the euro zone is one of those notions that has stuck in people's minds in Europe and, being the well-crafted piece of propaganda that it is, is extremely difficult to reverse, 'he said.
18. 不出幾天,我們就了解到整個事件都是精心策劃的結果。
Within a few days we learned that the whole event had been staged as a photo op.
19. 隨著企業發展階段的不同,遵循國際慣例的團隊管理應該是未來海爾最理想的模式。這種團隊共治的規劃從張瑞敏精心策劃的海爾股權激勵規劃中也能看出一二。
As the developing of Hair, to adopt the team management system which is on the basis of following the international conventions will be the best optional one and this kind of management system, operated by the combination of each team, can be also found in the Equities Incentive Plan made out by Ruimin Zhang.
20. 大廈的每一樓層、每一配置,均精心設計策劃,體現人性化,智能化的需求,為租戶提供更為寬暢、舒適及明亮的辦公環境。
Each level has been carefully designed to a single floor plan, maximizing available working space and light.